(Vol. 6) Chapter 56: Last Stand

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Argus Military Base-
-Day Time-

(Daytime in Argus. At the Atlesian Military Base, various soldiers and guards work on their jobs. Weiss is seen walking with Cordovin and Saphron Cotta-Arc, who is holding her son Adrian in her arm. They are also escorted by the two Nubuck Guards. Weiss drags a large luggage case behind her.)

Cordovin: Ah, I was relieved to hear that you came to your senses, Miss Schnee. Many of us were devastated when we heard you would be attending... *with disdain* Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart.

Weiss: *pretending* It was... time to get my act together and go back to my roots.

Cordovin: Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps.

Weiss: *with an unenthusiastic smile* Absolutely...

Cordovin: I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you. Make sure General Ironwood hears that part. *winks and walks away*

Nubuck Guard 1: Allow me to assist you with your bag. *hups over to pick up Weiss' luggage* My, what a heavy bag!

Weiss: *gives a fake smile* I may overload my luggage with dusts.

Nubuck Guard 2: Allow me to assist!

(Both guards effortlessly carries the luggage toward one of the airships and leaves it inside.)

Weiss: *whispers to Saphron* Your turn.

Saphron: *whispering to Adrian* Just like we practiced.

(Adrian nods at his mother. The baby then lets out a loud wail that can be heard throughout the base. Adrian "cries" as he fusses in his mother's arms.)

Saphron: *pretending* Oh no! Look at that, he's just going to miss you so much! You should hurry on out of here!

Nubuck Guard 1: A crying child?

Nubuck Guard 2: We must console it!

(The two guards hup over to Adrian as they perform weird poses to amuse him. Cordovin continues walking with an unamused look on her face. While they are distracted, Weiss quickly gets onto the airship with the luggage behind her.)

Weiss: that was close.

Ruby: *over earpiece* "Is everything okay?"

Maria: *from inside Weiss' luggage* Call me heavy... It's all muscle! I'll show them a thing or two about heavy!

Weiss: We're on board.

(Elsewhere, Team JNPR, Ruby, Neo, Melanie, Miltia, Oscar, and Qrow Branwen wait along the cliffside between the forest and the ocean.)

Ruby: Alright, we'll all watch our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the comm tower, that'll mean she's out of range of the radar too.

Yang: *over radio* "And that's when Blake and Y/N step in. We're almost at the drop off."


In another area, Yang is driving Bumblebee with Blake sitting behind her as Y/N is seen following them by flying in the sky with Nevermore's traits. Blake has her Scroll out receiving instructions from Terra Cotta-Arc.)

Terra: "Okay, remember: one, the radar box is seperate from the rest of the communications equipment. So if you disconnect it properly, it won't take out comms for the rest of the city. Two, this conversation never happened."

Y/N: Copy.

Blake: Don't worry, this isn't the first time I've disabled Atlas security.

(Terra stares back with an unamused look.)

Terra: "Never. Happened."

(Yang arrives at the drop off point. Blake steps off the bike and proceeds forward. Y/N lands on his feet as he deactivates his semblance.)

Yang: You guys sure I shouldn't come with?

Blake: More intruders means we're more likely to be seen. Besides, stealth isn't exactly your, um...

Y/N: *points out* Not good but you're essential gem for things getting ugly.

(Yang blushes slightly at his words, she then crosses her arms and looks away.)

Yang: True...

Blake: But you're also great for us! And we'll hurry back.

Yang: *smiles* Fine. You two go, catch ya later.

(Blake smiles back at her before heading off with Y/N)

Blake: *over comms* Heading in on foot. Won't be long.

Y/N: Let's do this.

(Back at the cliffside...)

Jaune: Yes! It's all going to plan!

(Jaune then looks to Phyrra, Ren and Nora, who just stare at him with neutral looks.)

Jaune: *clears throat* I mean, uh... roger.

(Phyrra, Ren and Nora exchange a brief glance while rolling their eyes at their leader. Oscar notices Ruby looking over to Qrow, who is leaning against a tree talking with the twins.)

Ruby: Uncle Qrow!

Qrow: *looks over* Yeah, pipsqueak?

Ruby: Are you ok?

Qrow: *chuckles* Just hoping this plan will work.

Malachite Twins: the same one that Jaune and Y/N shared.

Y/N: *over comms* Stay sharp. *calls out* Neo.

(Neo turns her head at Ruby's scroll.)

Y/N: Keep an eye on Rubes for me.

(Neo smiles and nods her head. On the airship, Weiss sits in a passenger seat. She looks down at her scroll and notices her friends' signals slowly going out of range. Upon seeing this, Weiss makes her move. She gets up and heads toward the cockpit.)

Nubuck Guard 1: Miss Schnee! For your own safety, we must request--

Nubuck Guard 2: What?!

(Weiss can be heard activating a glyph.)

Nubuck Guard 1: Traitor!

(Grunts from the guards are heard. The airship is seen flying by as the two guards are tied together by a black Schnee glyph as a parachute slows their descent.)

Nubuck Guard 2: This parachute won't excuse you of your treachery!

(The glyph deactivates, causing one of the gaurds to hang onto the other guard for dear life...

Back on the airship, Weiss walks over to the controls with Maria taking the pilot's seat.)

Weiss: And you're sure you can fly this?

Maria: Missy, I was the Grimm Reaper! What part of "best Huntress of her generation" don't you understand?

Weiss: Right, but your eyes.

(Maria chuckles as she notices a small device plugged in the controls. She takes out the device and plugs it into her goggles. Text on one of the screens read "TRANSMITTING SENSOR ARRAY DATA" as Maria's prosthetic eyes grow more wide.)

Maria: You were saying?

Weiss: That you said your eyes were in desperate need of repair!

Maria: *holding a finger out at Weiss* Bup bup bup.

Weiss: But--

Maria: Bup!

Weiss ultimately relents. She puts on her seatbelt as Maria starts to fly around.

Back on the ground, Ruby watches her scroll as Weiss' signal disappears.

Ruby: Alright guys, this is it. *placing her fingers on her ear* Blake, you're up.

(No response.)

Ruby: Blake?

Ruby looks back to her friends in worry.

(Yang sits on the ground next to Bumblebee.)

Ruby: *over comms* Yang, what's going on?

(Yang gets up and looks over to the relay tower.)

Yang: I don't know...

(Yang looks to her scroll and sees Weiss' signal coming back on...

Back at the base, Cordovin watches her men working the terminals. A beep is heard.)

Terminal Soldier: Ma'am, we've got something on radar.

Cordovin: And who would be foolish enough to enter our airspace unannounced?

Terminal Soldier: Apparently... us, ma'am.

(Back on the airship with Weiss and Maria...)

Terminal Soldier: "Manta 5-1, this is Argus Base. We see you circled back. What's your status, over."

Weiss: Why can they see us?

Maria: Somebody dropped the ball. Don't worry, I've worked with Atlas forces before. I know their jargon.

(Maria picks up the radio.)

Maria: *clears throat* Argus Base, this is Manta 5-1. Feel free to gaff off. Thought we were going to scrub due to FOD, but we're back up and green across the board, over.


Terminal Soldier: "Manta 5-1, return to base immediately, or you will be treated as hostile, over."

Weiss: I thought you said you knew their jargon!

Terminal Soldier: "Jargon was fine, but our pilots aren't elderly women."

Maria: Huh, well they got me there! Ooh, my mind really is going! Why would you kids let me fly this thing?

Cordovin: *over radio* "Calavera! You and those insolent children are up to something, aren't you?!"

(Back at the base.)

Cordovin: You thought you could undermine my authority? If you don't return my ship this INSTANT, I will make an example out of you. I will show you the true might of Atlas!

(Over the radio, a crunching sound is heard.)

Maria: "You hear that, Cordo?"

(Cordovin's expression slowly turns enraged.

Back on the airship, Maria munches on cashews with her mouth open.)

Maria: That's the sound of me not caring! *manic laughter*

Weiss: *putting her fingers to her ear* Ruby, we're in trouble. Cordo's onto us, and Maria isn't helping!

(Back on the ground...)

Weiss: Why is the radar still up?!

Ruby: We don't know, Blake isn't responding.

Oscar: What do we do?!

Yang: *over comms* "Keep the ship in one piece."

(Yang is seen revving her motorcycle. She quickly zooms over to the radar tower.)

Nora: Maybe we should fly over to help Yang, Blake and Strikey first?

Qrow: Damn it! Cordo's gonna scramble her fighters. We've got maybe ninety seconds before they're in the air, and all over Weiss and Maria. This is all my fault...

Jaune: What are you talking about? Your Semblance?

Qrow: Every choice I've ever made has led me here, and I've dragged you along with me. Oz, myself, the others... We're responsible for the mess the world's in now. I shouldn't have come, shouldn't have let any of you come... What was I thinking?!


Ruby: We're all in this together, and we're all going to do the best we can. That's all anyone can do. And I know it's what you've always aimed for. We would've come whether or not you'd let us, so stop talking like we're your responsibility! We're not! But we could still use Qrow Branwen on our side.

(Qrow ponders his niece's words.)

Qrow: Hm... How did you grow up so fast?

Ruby: I had good role models.

(The two share a smile.)

Weiss: *over comms* "Guys? She's not sending fighters..."

(The group looks over to the Argus base. Suddenly, the mountain at the base retracts, revealing a colossal mech that overlooks the city of Argus.)

Cordovin: Clearly the people have forgotten that they live in peace thanks to the awesome might of Atlas!

Weiss: Is Cordovin... piloting that?

Cordovin: Consider this a reminder!

(Cordovin charges up the mech's arm cannon, which lets out an electric burst that fires at the ship Weiss and Maria are piloting. The controls go critical as Maria's eyes spin.)

Weiss: Are you okay?

Maria: I am, but she's clearly lost her mind!

Cordovin: And that was merely a warning shot! All Atlas personnel standby, and watch how your leader maintains order!

(Ruby and her group look over to see Weiss and Maria fly in, with Cordovin in her mech following close behind.)

Cordovin: It's time you asked yourselves, children... Do you truly wish to defy me?

Ruby: Hurry back, Weiss. I need you on the ground if we're gonna take this thing down.

(Meanwhile, at the comms tower, Blake's scroll is seen on the ground.)

Weiss: "Why is the radar *static* up?"

Ruby: "We don't *static* know! Blake's isn't *static* responding!"

(Someone steps on the scroll as they run. Blake is seen running behind cover. She looks next to her, only to discover a motionless body of an Atlas guard.

Blake reels back in horror a d is forced to take cover again when a gunshot is heard. She looks to the floor below her, with Adam Taurus sheathing Wilt into Blush. He has discarded his Grimm mask and now wears a black blindfold to cover his eyes as he was fighting against Y/N.)

Adam: *with full hatred* It is now time to deal with you, Forgotten...

(Y/N's expression stays stoic and dull as he dodges Adam's katana. He takes note of him being one armed.)

Y/N: ...An arm for an arm.

Adam: *growling* You will pay for crossing against me!!!

(Adam quickly slash at Y/N with his semblance, causing Y/N to parry it with his sword. However, the impact from Adam's semblance causes him to push Y/N a few feet away from Adam. two proceed to clash blades, until Adam kicks him back a distance.)

Adam: *anger* My clan...My people...They're all dead because of you!!!

Y/N: Wrong. You killed the remaining members.

Adam: Shut up!!!

(Blake was watching at the scene with horror on her face, trembling in fear while she clenches tightly on her Gambol Shroud...)

Adam: It was all your fault that White Fang are now slaves!

Y/N: They turned from bad to good.

Adam: What is in good for them to workship those humans?!

Y/N: Earning the trust and equality between two races...

(Adam proceeds forward and clashes swords with Y/N again. Y/N leaps up and copies Blake's semblance to land on the platform above. He looks over the rail and points his rifle down. Suddenly he looks behind and gets hit with hilt of Wilt...

Y/N swings around and clashes with Adam again. Y/N lands on the rail and dodges out of the way of Adam's Semblance, landing on the platform above...

Suddenly, Adam reappears and grabs Y/N by the throat. He pushes him to the edge of the railing, but Y/M stomps on his foot and both of them fall over the rail. The two crash through multiple tree branches, breaking their fall back to the ground. The two slowly get back up.)

Adam: Everything i've had...it's all lost! Gone! And it was all because of your stupid interference!!!

Y/N: You brought it to yourself, and this is your punishment for staying in the past.

Blake: *off-screen* Y/N!!!

(The two look up and see Blake leaping off the rail, using her semblance to land next to Y/N...

Adam takes a reality check about his former partner, he then growls and sheathes Wilt out and points it at the two.)

Adam: *enraged* You also took her under your wings?!?!

Y/N: Her choice.

Adam: Enough of this crap! If this is where we die, then die in my hand!!!

(Blake can be seen still trembling in horror from her past with Adam during her days when she was with the White Fang...

Y/N stands infront of her and takes his defensive stance, which Adam did the same as he was holding Wilt up in his hand...)

-Scene Change-

(Back with Maria and Weiss, Cordovin controls the giant Atlesian mech, which trudges through the ocean, and goes after the airship Maria and Weiss took before.)

Weiss: You're joking, right? You want to fight this thing?!

Ruby: We've fought giant monsters before. This is just a tiny old lady... with one very big robot.

Cordovin: You little spider-roaches thought you could creep your way to Atlas?! Well, let's see how your resolve holds out against the might of the Atlesian Military!

(Cordovin prepares to take down the airship with a missile that pops out from a slot on the arm cannon. The missile fires and tracks the airship, but suddenly, it explodes harmlessly just right behind it. Cordovin turns to see Ruby with her Crescent Rose. Ruby lowers her weapon and glares at Cordovin while the others get ready to fight.)

Cordovin: (growls) SO BE IT!!

(Cordovin prepares to shoot the missile at Ruby and the others. Weiss and Maria sees Cordovin doing so in shock.)

Weiss: Dive!

(Weiss unbuckles her seatbelt and gets off from her seat while Maria dives for the landing. As Maria heads to the others, Weiss approaches the airship door with Myrtenaster in her hand. She jumps off and raises her weapon creating a rock wall and protecting the group from Cordovin's ice Dust attack.)

Oscar: That was close.

Ruby: We need to figure out how to stop Cordovin and protect the airhsip until we do.

Jaune: Let's give her more targets to focus on.

Nora: You mean us, don't you?

Jaune: Look at that thing. It's not designed for small enemies. It's probably meant for giant Grimm that come in from deeper waters. We can turn our size into an advantage. We just have to be smart.

Melanie: Good shout!

Miltia: Me and Melanie are up for that.

Ruby: Maria, can you keep the ship out of harm's way?

Maria: They can take my driver's license, but I won't let them take this ship!

Ren: *deadpan* Very reassuring...

Oscar: I'll be more useful if I go with her. From up high, I can try to spot a weakness.

Qrow: Well, he's not the only one who can grab a bird's eye view. *smiles*

(Neo twirls her umbrella around her fingers before she stands next to Melanie.)

Phyrra: I think Neo is trying to say she would help the twins.

Oscar: An extra help is always appreciated.

Weiss: *to Ruby* You said you needed me on the ground?

Ruby: Not exactly. *nervously smiles*

(As the team strategizes, Cordovin keeps an eye on their location keenly. Suddenly, her eyes widen as the group splits into three: Jaune, Nora, Phyrra a d Ren run down the left path along the cliff, Maria flies the airship to the right, and Ruby and Qrow fly straight up into the air using her Semblance and his corvid form, respectively...

Ruby reforms from her Semblance and fires Crescent Rose, cracking the mech's windshield and causing Cordovin to growl. She fires a volley of missiles to Ruby's location...

Ruby lands on a tree branch and uses her Semblance to dodge the missiles. She eventually reforms and runs and jump along the missiles before freefalling down to the ocean. An incoming wave is frozen by Weiss as Ruby slides along it.)

Ruby: Let's go!

(Weiss also slides off the frozen wave before using Myrtenaster to freeze small patches of ice for her and Ruby to leap on toward the mech...

As Cordovin keeps her attention on them, her mech is suddenly struck by a volley of pink grenades.)

Jaune: Hey! Over here!

Cordovin: What?!

(Cordovin looks over to Jaune's group as they keep running.)

Nora: *to Ren* And you said it wasn't beach season!

Phyrra: Now it isn't the time, Nora!

(The four then take cover behind a boulder for each of them. Nora fires off more grenades from Magnhild, but suddenly, a hexagonal shield pattern appears protecting Cordovin's mech, doing no damage to her.)

Cordovin: *laughs* Surely you knew Atlas was the father of hard-light Dust, or do lesser kingdoms simply lack proper education?

(Cordovin charges up her mech's arm cannon again, this time firing rock Dust, forcing Jaune's team to abandon their cover.)

Jaune: Cordo just activated shields!

Oscar: I saw that. We need to find whatever's generating it.

Ruby: You know, in video games, the weak spot's usually on the back of the giant boss!

Weiss: Ruby, this isn't a game!

Ruby: I'm just trying to-- LOOK OUT!!

(Cordovin's mech is seen stomping at a part of the ocean. Unbeknownst to her, Qrow flies around in his avian form.)

Cordovin: You are ants! You are lower than ants!

(As Qrow flies through the clouds, he transforms back into his human form and takes out Harbinger's scythe form. He propels himself forward and grapples onto the giant mech.)

Cordovin: Ah! What was that?!

Qrow: Until the shield's down, we're gonna have to get up close and personal with this thing.

(Qrow starts to fire at the scratch he just made. Suddenly, he notices the mech's giant hand start to reach for him. Qrow dodges out of the way, transforming back into his avian form.)

Ren: That's easier said than done!

Ruby: Weiss and I are on it!

(Ruby and Weiss land on a patch of ice on the ocean together.)

Weiss: Hold on!

(Weiss stabs Myrtenaster into the ground, creating an ice attack that knocks Cordovin's mech off balance for a bit. Cordovin let's out a frustrated yell. As the airship flies by, Oscar realizes something.)

Oscar: Wait, that's it. When she...

(Suddenly, Cordovin aims her cannon at Ruby and Weiss.)

Oscar: *gasps* RUBY, MOVE!!

(Cordovin fires a volley of missiles at Ruby and Weiss, creating a large plume of water. From it, Weiss and Ruby emerge unharmed as they ride Weiss' Queen Lancer summon...

Ruby leaps off and uses Cresecent Rose to propel herself onto Cordovin's mech, embedding the scythe's blade into it. Maria cheers Ruby on...

The force of Ruby's strike knocks the mech back into the cliffside, the tremors being felt by the citizens in Argus. Cordovin let's out an enraged scream.)

Jaune: Go!!

(Melanie and Miltia synchronize with each other to give enough power on their throwing rocks at the mech, one of them actually hits the glass, which Cordovin screams in pure rage...

Jaune, Ren, Phyrra and Nora proceed forward. Ren leaps onto the mech's arm and runs along it, while also using the blades of StormFlower to hang on. Jaune uses the twohandler form of Crocea Mors to slash at the mech's hip joint, while Nora uses the hammer form of Magnhild to smash at the arm cannon as Phyrra uses her Milo and Akouo to inflict damage on the mech's shoulder...

Cordovin manages to stand the mech back up, causing Ruby to be lowered down into her view on the windshield. Ruby hangs on to Crescent Rose as she nervously smiles and waves at Cordovin.)

Cordovin: Get off of me!

(Cordovin tries to grab Ruby with the mech's left hand, forcing Ruby to let go as she uses her Semblance to fly downward. Luckily, Weiss flies by on her Queen Lancer summon and catches Ruby.)

Ruby: Heh.

Weiss: What if I hadn't caught you?

Ruby: I knew you would. *grins widely*

(Neo can be seen using her semblance to appear infront of Cordovin's view.)

Cordovin: Got you!

(She tries to grab Neo, only for her to shatter into pieces as Cordovin damages herself by literally facepalming the mech...

Ren lowers himself down along the mech's back. He notices a panel with a humming machine sound coming from it. Ren uses one of his blades to pry the panel off, but almost falls as the mech keeps moving around. Fortunately, Qrow appears and catches his wrist.)

Qrow: Gotcha. What'd ya find?

(Qrow tosses Ren back up as the both of them look at the panel he just opened. They see a whirring machine with the label "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY, SHIELD GENERATOR" written on top of it.)

Qrow: Well, alright then.

(Qrow and Ren draw their weapons and shoot at the machinery, disabling the mech's shields. Cordovin watches her screen as the shields are reduced to zero.)

Cordovin: No, no, no, no!!

(Cordovin then feels a tremor as Nora fires a volley of grenades at her.)

Nora: You get back here with my man!!!

(As Nora continues firing at Cordovin, Weiss and Ruby fly by to Ren and Qrow.)

Weiss: Jump on!

(The two men do so. Nora continues to fire until she runs out of ammo. Suddenly, Jaune notices Cordovin lifting up the mech's arm. He runs over to Nora.)

Cordovin: I've had enough of you ingrates!

(Cordovin slams the mech's arm into both Jaune, Phyrra and Nora, knocking them back and breaking their Auras. The three struggle to get back up.)

Ren: No!

(Suddenly, Weiss gasps as Cordovin fires the mech cannon at her group at point blank range, destroying the Queen Lancer summon and knocking herself, Ren, Qrow and Ruby back over to the cliff...

Ruby uses her semblance to fly back over to the cliff, but falls short. Ruby embeds the blade of Crescent Rose into the cliffside and holds on for dear life. She notices Cordovin approaching her.)

Cordovin: This is what happens when you think you know better than those rightfully in charge!

(From the airship, Oscar notices Ruby in trouble and runs over to Maria.)

Oscar: We gotta do something! *looks over to Neo* N-Neo! Do something!

(Before she could follow Oscar's order, Cordovin slams her mech arm onto the other side of the cliff, making her and the twins fly away, breaking their aura in the progress.

Oscar: No!!!

Ozpin: *mentally* If she doesn't stop, General Cordovin will end Miss Rose's life!

(Maria flicks some switches on the controls and flies back over to the mech. Just as Cordovin is about to fire her arm cannon at Ruby, Maria flies by and fires a missile. Suddenly, the mech grabs the missile with its hand, causing Cordovin to turn the mech around to Maria's direction.)

Cordovin: Calavera...

(Everyone watches helplessly as Cordovin fires the missile toward the airship's direction. The missile explodes in front of the airship, causing it to rattle...)

-Scene Change-


Back in the forest, Blake, Y/N and Adam Taurus continue to fight each other intensely. Their blades clang loudly as they clash back and forth. As their blades lock, Blake hears a distant explosion from behind her...

Blake's distraction causes her to dodge quickly from Adam's attack. Blake uses the kusarigama form of Gambol Shroud to grapple and swing from tree to tree. Adam gives chase.)

Adam: Can you do anything besides run?!

Y/N: *off-screen* On your six.

(Before Adam could turn around, Y/N is seen flying kicking across Adam's head, causing the bull faunus to fly into one of the trees...

Blake quickly regroups with Y/N and uses this advantage to attack Adam, but he quickly dodges her attack and kicks her back a distance.)

Adam: That's it!

(Adam then jumps onto a tree trunk and leaps off of it as he continues to pursue Blake, who continues leaping from branch to branch. Adam then fires Wilt and it crashes into Blake's kusarigama just as she was about to grapple onto another tree...

Due to her loss of momentum, Adam manages to catch up and slash at her, but he merely just slashes Blake's trench coat off. Blake then kicks off Adam, knocking him back...

As Blake lands back on the ground, she fires at Adam, who blocks some of her shots but some manage to still hit him. The two then leap out of the forest and find themselves on a natural stone bridge in front of a waterfall...

All of that, Y/N runs up to Blake and helps her stand up.)

Y/N: You broken?

Blake: I-I'm alright.

Adam: *off-screen* DAMN YOU!!!

(He rushes toward Y/N and breaks his Aura with his semblance, causing Y/N to fly away from Blake as his mask crumbles before it shatters in half...

The two then clash again, with Blake evading Adam's attacks with her own Semblance. Blake manages to catch Adam's sword with her own cleaver/sheath, leaving Adam to defend himself with Blush. Eventually, Adam catches Blake's wrist and blocks her katana with Blush.)

Adam: I wouldn't have to be doing this if you just behaved!

(Suddenly, Adam grabs his sword and flings away Blake's cleaver, before knocking her in the side of her head with the hilt of Wilt. Blake gets knocked back several feet.)

Adam: But you're SELFISH!!

(Adam knocks Blake back again.)

Adam: You're a COWARD!

(Adam again knocks Blake back a few feet.)

Blake: You're delusional...!

(Adam then points his sword at Blake's abdominal scar that he gave her before. Adam then uses his Semblance, which causes Blake's katana blade to break in half...

The broken weapon clatters a few feet away from Blake. Adam then stops to remove the blindfold from his eyes.)

Adam: People hurt me long before we met... All sorts of people in all sorts of ways...

(Blake looks away sadly upon hearing this)

Adam: ...but no one hurt me quite like you...

(Blake looks back up to Adam as she sees his own eyes: his right eye a healthy blue eye, his left eye scarred permanently with a brand labeled "SDC".)

Adam: You didn't leave scars, you just left me alone.

(As Adam continues talking, Blake hears a certain motorcycle drawing close.)

Adam: So... tell me, Blake... how does it feel to be alone?

(Blake doesn't pay attention to what Adam says as she hears the noise get closer. Suddenly, Adam raises his sword and lets out a loud yell in fury as he stabs Blake in the abdomen.

Suddenly, her form disappears, another Semblance clone. Adam then looks behind him as Blake picks up her cleaver.)

Blake: I'm not alone.

Suddenly, from above the waterfall, Yang drives off the cliff and hurls her motorcycle, which crashes into Adam, knocking him down, before falling off into the river below.

Yang lands a few feet away from Blake as she stares down Adam.)

Adam: You...

(Yang fires a shot Adam, which he blocks. Yang then activates the shotgun in her prosthetic arm.)

Blake: Yang!

(Suddenly, Blake falls to her knee as she holds her stomach in pain.)

Yang: It's okay. Catch your breath for a second. I can hold him off.

Adam: She's right. We have... Unfinished business.

(The two combatants stare each other down. Adam makes the first move, delivering a series of quick slashes and Semblance arcs that knock Yang back a short distance. Eventually, Yang starts to strike back, managing to land some hits on Adam that he wasn't able to block...

Yang knocks Adam back a good distance before firing at him. He blocks and absorbs the shots with his sword. Adam then quickly runs in circles around Yang before letting out another Semblance attack that causes Yang to slide back a short distance.)

Blake: His Semblance is like yours! He absorbs energy through his sword, stores it up and then sends it back when he's ready.

Yang: He gets to dish out damage without having to feel it? *sighs* That's just cheap...

(The two proceed to trade blows again. Yang lands a series of punches and kicks on Adam, but he manages to send her back when she punches his sword...

Yang gets knocked back next to Blake and the two share a glance with each other. Adam notices this and lets out an angered growl. He readies his Semblance once again.)

Blake: YANG!!

(With a loud yell, Adam lets out a devastating attack with his Semblance. When the smoke clears, Yang is still standing, though her prosethetic arm has some small scrathes in it and her foot barely hangs off the edge of the bridge. She lowers her arm and glares at Adam.)

Yang: Leave. Us. Alone. This is your last chance.

(Adam stares back at the two as he grips the hilt of his sword again. Yang's left arm trembles slightly.)

Adam: Heh, do you really believe that? Or are you just trying to scare me away so you won't have to die trying to protect her?

(Yang, angered, prepares to fight him again despite her hand still trembling. Suddenly, Blake takes Yang's hand with her own.)

Blake: She's not protecting me, Adam. And I'm not protecting her.

(Adam glares back at the two of them angrily.)

Blake: We're protecting each other.

(Out of nowhere, an ice projectile can be seen flying past Adam's upper arm, causing the bull to yelps in pain, he then looks over and notices Y/N with his Judgement Day on its rifle form...

Unexpectedly, Y/N tosses his weapon before he grabs an ice dust, he then copies Hazel's semblance and impales his own arm with the dust...

Yang and Blake stare at Y/N in shock as they see Y/N's new method of using dust...

After that, Y/N copies Weiss' semblance to summon a clone of himself, only for the clone to use fire instead of ice.)

Adam: *growling in rage* And you...You've ruined everything i had built!!! Prepare to die with those girls!!!

Y/N: Go ahead. Make. My. Day.

(Yang and Blake stand hand in hand in solidarity as they glare at Adam together while Y/N glare at him with his dull eyes, slowly returning to the old Forgotten Knight back when he was found by Team RWBY...

The screen slowly fades into pitch black as the rustling noises from the trees can be only heard in the darkness.)

A/N: There we go.

Another daily chapter done!

If i don't post daily, that means my WiFi has become shitty!


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