(Vol. 6) Chapter 55: Down goes the Clan

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Land of Darkness-
-Unknown Time-

(In the Land of Darkness at Salem's keep, Emerald is sitting on the floor while Mercury is training around the room with punches and kicks.)

Emerald: I hate being kept in the dark like this...

Mercury: Yeah, Cinder was a pain, but at least she kept us filled in. *continues training*

Emerald: Can I ask you something?

Mercury: You're gonna.

Emerald: Why did you come with us, the night Cinder and I found you?

Mercury: Why are you asking--

Emerald: Just answer the question.

Mercury: *shrugs* Just made sense.

Emerald: It made sense?

Mercury: All my life, my father trained me to be a killer, an assassin like him. And then moments after I killed him, you two showed up looking for someone with my exact skills. Just felt like it was meant to be.

Emerald: *incredulous* That's it?

Mercury: Hey, what's your problem?

Emerald: I mean, there has to be "something" you want from this, right?

Mercury: Salem's promised us everything. We win this thing for her, we'll be top dogs in her new world. What more do you want?

Emerald: I just... *sighs* Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--

Mercury: Wake up, already...

(Emerald looks at him in shock upon hearing this.)

Mercury: Cinder doesn't care about you! She doesn't care about either of us!

Emerald: You don't know what you're talking about!

Mercury: You're in denial. And if you're gonna start having a crisis of identity or some crap... keep me out of it.

(At this, Emerald angrily jumps forward and starts to attack Mercury with punches and kicks, but he dodges them and catches her wrist.)

Mercury: I'm sorry you didn't have a mommy that loved you, but I had a father who hated me!

Mercury shoves Emerald back a bit. She takes a defensive stance as he slowly approaches her.

Mercury: He never went easy on me! Every day of training was a beating. And when I unlocked my Semblance, he stole it with his!

(He then throws a punch and a kick at Emerald, who dodges them, while he quotes his father's words.)

Mercury: "This is a crutch!" "This makes you weak!" He told me I could have it back when I was strong. So I got strong, but I never got it back! I've had to work harder than anyone to get where I am. You may not like it here without Cinder, but I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be!

Hazel: *off-screen* Enough.

(The two suddenly stops when they hear Hazel to stop the fight, which they complied and look at him.)

Mercury: What are you doing here?

Hazel: Salem's orders.

Emerald: *crosses her arms* More than one? What are those orders?

Hazel: You are needed to Atlas with Doctor Watts.

(They both look shocked upon this mission.)

Mercury: Hold up. *points at Emerald* Her?

Hazel: Yes.

Emerald: *nervous* W-Why me?

Hazel: She trusts your semblance for the good of this alliance.

Mercury: What about me then?

Hazel: You're helping Adam Taurus.

Mercury: *scoffs* Isn't he just an one-armed faunus now?

Hazel: Salem got a message from Adam about Ruby and the Relic. They're at Argus.

Emerald: Then let me go there instead! Cinder must be there too!

Hazel: Orders are already been made. Salem wants you and Watts to go to Atlas.

Watts: Emerald!

(Watts can be seen at the end of the hallway leading into the room.)

Watts: It's time.

(Emerald and Mercury briefly share a concerned look to one another before they part ways as Emerald was seen following Watts. Mercury and Hazel were still in the room as they watch the duo going on their way to Atlas.)

-Scene Change-
-Night Time-

(Meanwhile, in Argus...)

Ruby: N/N! Oscar!

(Team RWBY, JNPR and Saphron are walking down a sidewalk at night.)

Nora: *calling out* Oscar!

Ren: This city's enormous, they could've gone anywhere.

Yang: How did they even disappear out of nowhere?!

Weiss: This is Y/N we're talking about...He can do almost anything.

Phyrra: But this has never happened...

Saphron: I still don't really understand what happened. Was it about the mission?

Nora: It's... kind of hard to talk about.

Saphron: I know, I know, "top secret". If it's that secretive, maybe they just took a step ahead and look for a gap to go in?

Ruby: That's most likely for Y/N, but not with Oscar...

Nora: *realizes something* Oh wait! We can contact Neo and the twins! Maybe they know where they are!

Phyrra: That's a good idea!

Saphron: *to Jaune* Is the mission Y/N talked about that easy to do?

Jaune: It's more...complicated than that.

Saphron: Well...You all could stay in Mistral, get the licenses in Haven, and then come back to Argus. There's a lot of good you can do here, you know?

Jaune: We know that, Saph...it's just--

Ruby: This mission in particular was actually given by Qrow!

Yang: *smiles* He may look old, rusty and alcoholic. But when it comes with his job as a professional huntsman, he makes sure we all follow his instructions.

Saphron: Oh, i see... *smiles* Well in that case, you guys are always welcome to come back here at Argus.

Jaune: *smiles back* Thanks sis.

(Saphron looks at the time and gasps softly.)

Saphron: Oh! I should go pick Adrian up from daycare. I'll let Terra know what happened, and we'll meet you later. Good luck everyone!

(Team RWBY and JNPR watch Saphron leave while Jaune simply waves at her older sister...

Shortly after, they all look at each other with troubled expressions.)

Ruby: Let's try Nora's idea. Who wants to call Neo or the twins?

Yang: I'll do it.

(The others nod their heads as they watch Yang grabbing her scroll to call Melanie...

Somewhere in Argus, the screen shows a dim light brightening a small room from an apartment close to where the group are...

Y/N, Qrow, Neo and the twins were on a video call with Ironwood and Torchwick.)

Qrow: Jimmy, can you hear us?

Ironwood: "Yes, Qrow. I can hear and see you all."

Y/N: Signal secured.

Torchwick: "Got it, same here. No one can't listen outside this transmission."

Ironwood: "Good job on guiding Torchwick, Y/N."

Y/N: No problem.

Qrow: Now we can talk about your military base here in Argus, Jimmy...That shorted-ass general of yours is a patriotic ass-kisser.

Ironwood: "I assume you've met General Cordovin..."

Y/N: We asked for a ride. She just denied.

Ironwood: "Sorry for the inconveniences, my friends. But unfortunately, i cannot re-open the border just for you all."

Torchwick: "Don't forget about Weiss! They've done the impossible to sneak her out of Atlas!"

Miltia: We've noticed, Roman...

Melanie: Yeah...

Qrow: *sighs* ...I really hate my semblance.

Y/N: It's not yours.

Ironwood: "You do know if i let you steal one of my airship, the whole army here in Atlas will ask why the cargo is out of orthodrox. Right?"

Torchwick: *waves his hand* "They'll be fine! They have Neo who can turn the whole cargo plane invisible with her semblance"

(Neo stands proudly with her hands hanging on her umbrella over her shoulders.)

Ironwood: "...I guess i can close an eye for this...What about the Relic?"

(Y/N simply points at the Lamp that can be seen floating onto the table...

Unknowingly for him, Y/N copied Emerald's semblance to make the general hallucinate to see the Relic of Knowledge on the table.)

Ironwood: "Alright. I guess we're done here. Bring the Relic to me and then we'll talk once you guys are settled up here."

Y/N: Understood.

Qrow: We're heading out now. See you in Atlas.

Torchwick: "Bye Bye, Neo! Behave, my little girl!"

(Neo just smiled at him before the video call ends, Oscar sighs deeply before he wipes his forehead with his arm.)

Oscar: Oh my god, that was so scary!

Melanie: Why didn't you tell the general about Ozpin?

Y/N: To surprise him when we all get there.

Qrow: Heh, guess we do have some good luck.

(After that, a scroll is heard ringing. Melanie grabs her scroll and notices Yang was calling her.)

Melanie: Oh, it's Yang.

Y/N: ...Oscar, let's go.

(Oscar nods his head and follows Y/N out of the apartment as they leave the scene...

Qrow, Neo, Melanie and Miltia also leave the apartment but they stay where they are before Melanie answers the call.)

Melanie: Yang?

Yang: "Hey Melanie! Look, Oscar and Strikes are missing, do you and Miltia know where they are?"

Melanie: No, we don't...Why? What happened?

Blake: "We were walking on the sidewalk to grab something to eat, but all of the sudden, they just disappear!"

Miltia: Just like that?

Yang: "Yes! Can you help us find them?"

Qrow: We're already on it.

Ruby: *gasps* "Uncle Qrow! Where were you?!"

Qrow: These girls actually took me away from any bar in the perimeter...So far, i haven't drank alcohol ever since we've got here.

Yang: "That's actually amazing! But really, we have to find Strikes and Oscar! We can't leave without them."

Qrow: Alright. Me, Neo and the twins will search the area where we're walking right now. You lot keep looking over there.

Ruby: "Ok! Later, Uncle Qrow!"

Yang: "Don't you stand on us with alcohol!"

(The call ends before Qrow chuckles at his niece's message about drinking.)

Qrow: They really are worried that i would go bad.

Melanie: I mean, you're making progress!

Miltia: Let's go "find" them before they think we've lied.

Qrow: *chuckles* Yeah, let's go.

(At this, the four begin to walk and act to look for Y/N and Oscar, which they already knew where they went...

Speaking of which, the missing duo were actually seen inside a clothing shop as they both open the curtains.)

Ozpin: *mentally* I must say, the shop owner sure knows their taste of dressing.

Oscar: This is actually cool...What about you, Y/N?

A/N: Imagine his mask is hanging on his hip

Y/N: ...Is the cloak necessary?

Shop Owner: Of course, sir. With your recommendation, that cloak is a piece for this modern era.

Y/N: Hmm...Fair.

Shop Owner: Are those clothes for your liking?

Oscar: Yeah! I'd keep this!

Y/N: Agreed...

Shop Owner: *smiles* Wonderful!

Y/N: Do you accept card?

Shop Owner: Yes, we do.

(Y/N then hands his card over and waits with Oscar for the payment to be confirmed...

Once it was done, the shop owner gives Y/N his card back.)

Shop Owner: Here you go, sir. Thank you for entrusting us with your clothes request!

(With that, Oscar and Y/N say their byes to the shop owner and they can be seen walking out of the shop.)

Oscar: He seemed to be nice.

Ozpin: *mentally* I believe it's our time to return to Miss Cotta-Arc's house.

Oscar: Yeah, that's true. *to Y/N* Ozpin said we should head back.

(Y/N nods his head and starts walking down the sidewalk back to Jaune  sister's house, with Oscar following behind him...

Back at the house, Qrow can be seen sitting on the front stairs with Neo simply eating her favorite ice cream, Melanie and Miltia playing rock paper scissors...

But the twins always tie up on each round.)

Qrow: Really girls?

(The twins point at each other.)

Malachite Twins: She's doing on purpose!

Melanie: Nuh-uh!

Miltia: Yuh-uh!

(Qrow sighs while Neo simply smiles and licks her ice cream. The group hears footsteps. They turn to see RWBY and JNPR, as well as Saphron and Terra, who is holding Adrian in her arm, walking towards them.)

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Any luck?

Qrow: Nope. Haven't seen them.

Ren: Us neither. *to Ren* You?

Blake: *shakes her head* No...

Jaune: Don't worry, we aren't going to Atlas without them.

Ruby: *surprised* Really?

(Team JNPR share a smile.)

Jaune: *to Saphron* Sorry, we won't staying here.

Saphron: *smirking* No you're not.

Terra: How about we get out of the cold?

(The door to the house is heard opening. Everyone gasps in shock as a familiar voice is heard.)

Oscar: Oh. There you guys are we were wondering when you'd get back.

(Oscar was stand at the doorway, now wearing a fancy green coat.)

Everyone: OSCAR!!

(Nora screams in joy as Oscar initially has a confused look on his face, and then one of comical terror as the eight students all leap forward and tackle hug him. Now inside the house, Ruby helps Oscar up as everyone shares a laugh.)

Weiss: You had us worried sick!

Ruby: Are you okay?

Nora: *grinning* What are you wearing?

Oscar: *smiles and rubs the back of his head* Uh...

(The rest of the group steps into the house.)

Terra: Is something cooking?

Y/N: *off-screen* Homemade casserole.

(Everyone turn their head and they all gasp in shock at their view...

Ruby and Weiss were blushing crazily as they see their boyfriend wearing his new outfit, especially when he doesn't have his mask on...

Yang can be seen smirking in admiration from his handsomeness as Blake's blush was deepening by any seconds as her cat ears can be seen flopping up and down.)

Phyrra: Oh my...

Nora: *smirking* Now that's a good looking knight.

(Neo passes out with her ice cream on her hand while the twins were simply approving Y/N's new outfit.)

Melanie: We like that.

Miltia: It suits you well.

Qrow: *smirking* You got a nice cloak, kid.

Y/N: Thanks.

Oscar: We thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for us, apparently.

Y/N: You can still back out, Oscar.

Oscar: No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.

Jaune: *smiles* Good. This team isn't the same without you, Oscar.

(Everyone share a smile, Y/N then goes back to the kitchen and takes the casserole of the cooking, laying it on the countertop to let it cool for a bit.)

Y/N: Dinner's ready.

Saphron: We're gonna help you, chef.

(Saphron and Terra step into the kitchen to assist Y/N's preparation for the table.)

Ruby: Uhm, combat gear looks good.

(Ruby and Oscar share a smile.)

Yang: Yeah, that green coat looks nice on you.

Blake: Where did you get that?

Oscar: *chuckles* Y-Y/N took me to a clothing shop and paid for both of our gear.

Nora: No way! Is that true, Strikey?!

Y/N: *off-screen* Yeah.

Jaune: Wow...Are you also rich?

Yang: I mean, he did say the police back in Vale pay him good.

Weiss: And since when you can cook?

Oscar: I-I just wanted to try something new, other than just fighting, y'know.

(Y/N, Saphron and Terra are seen putting the food on the table...

The Forgotten Knight notices Neo getting up from the floor while she wipes her nose.)

Y/N: ...Is she ok?

Qrow: She passed out cuz she saw you with your new combat gear.

Saphron: *giggles* He does happen to look good, right sweetie?

Terra: *smiles* He sure does, hun.

(Ruby quickly runs and hugs Y/N from behind, hiding herself under his cloak, with Weiss following by...

The whole group laugh at the scene before they all begin to sit on their seats and start eating dinner all together.)

Ruby: So...Any ideas of how can we get to Atlas?

Y/N: Already thought of that.

Yang: *smirking* Is there anything you can't do?

Nora: *smirking* I mean, this is Strikey we're talking about.

Jaune: ...I think i have a plan as well.

(Everyone look at Jaune with surprised expressions.)

Melanie: Really?

Miltia: Let's hear it!

Jaune: *looks to Y/N* How about we say it together?

Y/N: ...Aye.

Ruby: On my mark! One...Two...Three!

Jaune/Y/N: We're going to steal an Atlas airship from Cordovin's base.

(Everyone gets shocked looks on their faces. Adrian giggles in Maria's arm...

As for Jaune and Y/N, they share a surprised expressions to each other.)

Y/N: ...Huh.

Jaune: We really thought of that one idea...

Weiss: That's not just breaking the law. That's... that's definitely worse.

Yang: How would we even get onto the airfield?

Y/N: Already thought of the plan.

Qrow: Let's hear it then, kid.

(All of the sudden, Y/N receives a call from his scroll.)

Saphron: Whose scroll is it?

Y/N: Mine. Be right back.

(Y/N stands up and walks away from the dining room to answer the call. Once he gets a good distance from getting eavesdropped, he looks at his scroll and sees Sienna's icon on it.)

Y/N: *answers it* ...Sienna?

Sienna: "Good evening, Y/N. I hope i didn't interrupt you."

Y/N: It's fine. What's wrong?

Sienna: "The new White Fang found my old throne room being filled with corpses...They all were Red Flag Clan."

Y/N: ...Survivors?

Sienna: "One. Right before i called you for the report."

Y/N: His last words...

Sienna: "He said: Adam has lost it...He went to Argus to kill the knight with one arm..."

Y/N: ...

Sienna: "I know what i've said back in Mistral...But if you happen to see Adam."

Y/N: ...I'll call you once i'm done with him.

Sienna: "...Thank you."

Y/N: ...Is that everything?

Sienna: "Yes. The Red Flag Clan quickly collapsed, the moment Adam killed his own men..."

Y/N: Figured...Good luck over there.

Sienna: "Thank you for helping us. Until we meet again."

(The call ends after they say their byes, Y/N puts his scroll away and goes back to the dining room to resume eating his plate of casserole.)

Nora: Who was it, Strikey?

Y/N: Leader of the new White Fang.

Blake: *surprised* Sienna called you? What did she say?

Y/N: ...Adam is heading to Argus by himself.

(Everyone look at Y/N in shock.)

Yang: Is his men also coming?

Y/N: Negative.

Qrow: *concerned* ...Kid.

Y/N: *nods* It's like what you think. He killed his own men.

(Saphron and Terra share a shocked and horror look.)

Saphron: W-What?

Terra: H-Has he gone mad?

Ruby: We have to deal with him!

Weiss: *to Y/N* Did she say when he will be here?

(Y/N shakes his head, signaling them he doesn't know what day Adam arrives.)

Jaune: Guess we have one more problem to deal with...

Y/N: Don't bother. Let's make the plan.

Saphron: *concerned* Is it bad?

Y/N: You, Terra and Adrian are needed to take Weiss to the gate.

Weiss: *surprised* What?

Y/N: It's an act. Make her fall in your acting skills and she'll think you're like your so-called father...

Weiss: That's...not a bad idea...

Qrow: What about the communication tower?

Terra: *concerned* Are you all planning to disconnect it?

Y/N: If we take the airship, the comms need to be off or they'll figure we're stealing from her.

Maria: How about--

Y/N: *cuts her off* We're not killing Cordovin.

Maria: Why not?!

Y/N: Ironwood.

Ren: *surprised* Are you planning to record the plan?

Y/N: Only for Cordo to abuse her power.

(Neo covers her mouth with her hand, mutely giggling at Y/N's idea.)

Melanie: Why don't we just let Neo get in the base?

Y/N: Her criminal records are still on.

(Neo nods her head proudly)

Ruby: That's not something you should be proud...

Yang: *shrugs* As long as she's with us, we can work this out.

Qrow: *to Terra* Hate to ask for our plan...but--

Terra: Save it. I know one of the communication tower you can disconnect without getting caught.

Nora: Why don't we just breaking it?

Y/N: The alarm will go off and they'll send someone to check the tower.

Phyrra: You have really thought of everything, huh

Y/N: Not my first time...

Blake: I'll disconnect the tower.

Yang: I can take Blake there with my Bumblebee

Ruby: Ren can get us in by masking down our presence.

Jaune: What about Neo?

(Neo simply uses her semblance to change her appearance into one of the Atlasian soldier.)

Jaune: Oh, right.

Melanie: Guess the plan is all set.

Miltia: Yup. We have everything settled.

Weiss: *to Y/N* What about you?

Y/N: Helping Blake with the comm tower.

Oscar: Oh boy...

Ozpin: *mentally* Keep in mind Ironwood would close an eye for this crime. Trust Y/N in his plan.

Oscar: *sighs* ...This isn't going to end well. Right?

Y/N: Worst case scenario: Adam shows up and hold us off before Cordo calls backup.

Maria: That's most like what will happen.

Jaune: There's no turning back on this one, isn't it?

Y/N: Do or die. It's as simple as that.

Saphron: Wait. I just realized something.

Terra: *to Saphron* What is it, hun?

Saphron: How can Ren get you guys in the airship?

Y/N: Adrian can fake his cry and keep Cordo's lackeys distracted.

Nora: *smirking* There's must be something you can't do.

(Y/N simply ignores Nora and goes back to eat his dinner, with everyone following him as they all went back to finish the dinner altogether.)

-Guest Room-
-Late Night-

(After dinner and preparation for the plan, Team RWBY, JNPR, Neo and Malachite Twins can be seen sleeping on their respective guest rooms...

Y/N, Qrow, Ozpin and Maria are still at the living room, talking about the plan they've discussed earlier.)

Qrow: This is going to be hard. And that's coming from someone with Bad Luck semblance...

Maria: You don't give yourself enough credit.

Ozpin: Even if we execute this plan, i will talk with Ironwood and make sure this thing will remain a secret.

Qrow: Guess this is where we all pray for the best...

Y/N: Aye.

Ozpin: Mister L/N, if i may...

(Y/N looks at Ozpin)

Ozpin: If Adam indeed show up again and prevent us to steal the airship, know that you've been predicted about Cordo's bringing backup.

Y/N: ...

Qrow: Are you sure about this, kid?

Y/N: ...I trust Ruby. She's been improving her way to choose which decisions are good for the group, and she's doing it fine, even without me. If she's ever in trouble, the rest have her back, and so does she have theirs.

(The trio smile at Y/N's trust on his friends about the plan.)

Ozpin: In that case, i believe it's time for us four to get some sleep.

Qrow: *yawns* Good idea...

Y/N: See you all tomorrow.

(Y/N is the first one to leave the living room and walking upstairs to go to sleep...

Shortly after, the three follow him and went to their respective bed to sleep for the night...

The screen fades into pitch black as the silence is filled in the darkness.)

A/N: This volume will be shorter due to one of the chapters being put two episodes in one.

Hope this small change doesn't bother you readers.

See you all in the next chapter!


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