(Vol. 6) Chapter 54: Acknowledge the Grimm Reaper
[3rd P.O.V.]
[Years Ago]
[Day Time]
(Wind is heard howling. In a mountainous region, a lone, cloaked feminine figure with a skull mask concealing her face crosses a rickety bridge...
Halfway across the bridge, she hears the screech of a Nevermore. She turns to her left to see the Nevermore appear from the fog, and she draws her weapons - a pair of sickles...
The young Maria Calavera backflips off the bridge just as the Nevermore rams through it, splitting the bridge in half...
She throws one of her sickles at one of the Nevermore's wing and uses the gravity Dust imbued in it to pull herself back up, while also dragging the Nevermore down...
She grabs her other sickle on her way back up, getting above the Nevermore, and uses the recoil of her weapon to spin and grapple onto the Nevermore...
She then throws one of her sickles to a mountain, pulling the Nevermore with it. The Nevermore crashes into the mountainside, losing its balance, before crash landing to the ground. Maria's other sickle is called back and lands on the ground in front of it...
Maria takes out the sickle from the Nevermore's wing, catching her breath. She looks over to the Nevermore's head, whose eyes stare back at her, causing her to gasp. The Nevermore tries to snap its beak at Maria, forcing her off...
It swipes at her, knocking Maria back and forcing her to drop her sickle. The Nevermore charges forward, but Maria's eyes glow brightly, engulfing the area around her...
She stands back up and notices the Nevermore petrified in midair, before dropping down and crumbling...
Maria walks over to her sickle to pick it up, using the gravity Dust to call her other sickle back to her...
Suddenly, Maria deflects a bullet aimed at her. She notices three men - one with a giant hammer, one carrying a rifle, and one with a machete - come out of hiding. Another woman, a crocodile Faunus named Tock, then walks up behind her.)
Tock: Well, that's a fancy trick now, innit? 'Fraid it comes with a price though, love. *crushes a small piece of the petrified Nevermore in her hand*
(Maria turns around to face Tock, while the three men ready their weapons.)
Maria: I don't think you realize who I am.
Tock: Course I do. *takes out an alarm clock, setting the timer and placing it on her belt* You're the Grimm Reaper, and these... are the last sixty seconds of your life.
(Tock hits the button on her clock, starting the timer's countdown. She then draws a pair of saber swords and activates her Aura. The ticking clock can be heard in the background as the battle begins...
Tock rushes forward and clashes blades with Maria. Maria attacks back, but Tock's Aura knocks her sickle out of her hand. Tock kicks Maria back, with the latter summoning her other sickle back to her hand...
She then proceeds to fight the three men, deflecting their bullets. She cuts down the rifle-wielding man, knocks out the machete-wielder, and dodges out of the way of the hammer user before cutting him down...
She then blocks another attack from Tock, who manages to push Maria back, causing her Aura to flicker...
(Maria's sickles then circle around her due to the Gravity Dust, before combining together to form a double-edged scythe. Tock and the machete-wielder rush forward to attack, but Maria blocks them...
The Grimm Reaper then takes down the machete-wielder before proceeding to clash with Tock again. The two lock weapons with each other, before Tock uses her razor-sharp metal teeth to chomp through Maria's weapon...
The crocodile Faunus headbutts the Grimm Reaper, shattering her skull mask in the process. Maria briefly opens up her silver eyes for a bit, when suddenly, Tock slashes at her eyes, permanently blinding Maria...
Silence for a moment, before Maria screams out in pain, her eyes bleeding. She continues to cry out as Tock's alarm clock rings. Tock presses the button on her clock as her Aura deactivates.)
Tock: It was a close call, I'll give you that.
(Tock walks over menacingly to Maria, who continues to cry out in pain as she holds her blinded eyes. Maria manages to grab one of her sickles and tries to fire at Tock, who nonchalantly dodges out of the way. A clicking sound can then be heard from Maria's sickle, indicating her weapon is out of ammo.)
Tock: You know, the only reason my master wants you dead, is 'cause of your eyes. *laughs* But seein' as you ain't got 'em no more, you might be able to convince me to spare your life.
(In response, Maria tries to throw her sickle at Tock, but she dodges that too.)
Tock: *chuckles* Well, I respect that, a fighter to the end.
(Tock readies her saber to kill Maria, but Maria manages to find her other sickle. She clicks the switch on it, calling the other blade back over...
Tock, in its path, gets the blade of the other sickle embedded into her back, causing her to fall forward. Maria then uses the sickle in her hand to slash at Tock as she falls forward...)
[End of Flashback]
[Present Day]
(Back in the present day...)
Maria: But I wasn't... I went into hiding soon after.
(The now elderly Maria is seen finishing her story to Team RWBY, Qrow, Neo and Oscar, who all have wide-eyed expressions.)
Qrow: *astounded* I can't believe it. You... You're the Grimm Reaper, you were a legend! And then you disappeared...
Oscar: How exactly does a legend just disappear?
Qrow: You never used your name, never showed your face. Lots of us thought you were just layin' low. Eventually, we just came to accept that you were probably dead. But the stories about you, I based my weapon off of yours. I wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper.
Maria: Well, I'm nothing but a disappointment, so you're well on your way.
Blake: How can you say that?
Maria: Child, a Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end. But after I lost my eyes, I only ever looked after myself. Even after my surgery, I was too afraid to fight. Afraid someone would find me again, finish what the others started. You shouldn't aspire to be like me, especially when some of you are clearly stronger already.
(Upon hearing this, Yang looks down sadly.)
Maria: It's... comforting, seeing that your generation seems up to the task of inheriting this world. I'm just sorry I didn't do more to leave it in better shape.
Ruby: Well, maybe you can do something now. Teach me to use my powers the way you did.
(As Maria looks back at Ruby, a Scroll's ringtone can be heard. Ruby pulls her Scroll out and gasps in excitement.)
Ruby: It's Jaune!
(Yang stops her bike, looking back in surprise. Everyone says "Huh?" as they wonder how Jaune contacted them.)
Weiss: How?
Ruby: *answering her Scroll* Uh, hello?
Jaune: *voiceover from the Scroll* "Ruby! Oh, thank you! I've been checking my Scroll for your signal since we made it to the city!"
Ruby: The city? Wait...
(Ruby looks to her Scroll, her contact name for Jaune being "Vomit Boy". She looks at the little signal symbol under Jaune's portrait, watching it get better as she points her Scroll toward the road ahead...
The group sees a hill where the snow ends. Yang proceeds forward to drive them up the hill. At the top of the hill, the group sees a walled city in the distance along the ocean.)
Yang: *smiling* Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Argus.
-Scene Change-
(At the entrance to the city of Argus, Yang inputs a code, "4-5-8", to lock Bumblebee and the trailer in a garage...
Team RWBY, Oscar, and Maria take the time to admire their surroundings while Qrow and Neo were carrying the unconscious knight on their arms...
Through the crowd, a certain bubbly ginger-haired girl in pink zooms in.)
Nora: Cute! Boy! OZ!!! *points her finger to the group*
(Oscar looks over in confusion, only to get tackle hugged by Nora.)
Nora: Oh, come here!
(Jaune, Ren and the Malachite Twins also arrive.)
Ren: Are you all okay? *hugs Yang*
Jaune: We were so worried! *hugs Blake*
Yang: It's been kind of a crazy trip.
Weiss: That's an understatement.
Nora: *noticing Maria* Wait, who's the old lady?
Blake: I'm so glad you all are safe.
Twins: *gasps in horror* Y/N!!!
(The two run toward Qrow and Neo, which the latter smiles at the twins with nervousness and apologetic.)
Melanie: *covers her mouth* Oh my Oum...
Miltia: I-Is he?!
Qrow: Calm down, girls...He's just overworked his part...
Jaune: I know a place where we can let him rest!
Ren: *worried* Is that blood?
Maria: You guys need to hear a lot of stuffs that happened to us.
Nora: Then, what are we waiting for?! Come on! You guys are gonna love here this place! Check this one out!
(As everyone else engages in their own conversations, Ruby and Jaune walk up to each other and give each other a big hug. After parting from the hug, Jaune looks down and frowns.)
Ruby: Hey. I promised, didn't I?
Jaune: *smiling while tears well up in his eyes* Yeah, you did. *wipes his eyes* It's good to see you guys.
(The two share a smile together.
Later on, the group is seen traveling through the city on a trolley.)
Yang: It's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be.
Ren: It's actually one of the largest non-capital cities in all of Remnant.
Ruby: *gasps* No way! But wait, wouldn't it be harder to settle something this big away from the main Kingdom?
Jaune: Well, it was, until Mantle showed up. Early settlement attempts by Mistral didn't go well. But colonists from Mantle were able to help them brave the cold climate and return for goods that Solitas couldn't provide.
Ren: The two nations worked together to create a hybrid city. While it falls under Mistral domain, Atlas keeps a military presence here to help keep the people safe and keep trade between the two nations steady.
Nora: Well, until recently...
(The trolley makes a stop and everyone hops off.)
Blake: We should probably start looking for a ship.
Oscar: *to Jaune* So, where have you guys been staying?
Jaune: Uh... *chuckles nervously*
Saphron: There you are!
(As the trolley leaves, a blonde woman, Saphron Cotta-Arc, with her baby son, Adrian, in her arm is seen on the other side of the street waving to Jaune.)
Yang: Is that...?
Jaune: Hey, Saph. *smiles and waves back*
(Ruby then zooms in, all starry-eyed. She looks back and forth between Jaune and Saphron, and gasps upon realizing who the woman is. The group later reconvenes in a living room at a home while Phyrra was in the kitchen washing dishes for this whole time.)
Ruby: I can't believe I'm meeting your sister! I have so many questions.
Nora: Oh, I can give you the rundown later!
Jaune: Will you guys knock it off?
Saphron: What? I love telling stories about my baby brother. *squeezes Jaune's cheek*
Jaune: *groaning while also flailing his arms at his elder sister* I am not a baby! That is a baby. *points at Adrian, who huffs back at him*
(Yang and Weiss get all wide-eyed as they fuss over Adrian. Both of them make baby talk at him.)
Yang: Aww, you're so cute! Yes you are! Oh, look at your little face!
Weiss: Aww, coochie-coochie! Aw, baby! Oh my!
(Shortly after, Neo and the twins walk downstairs to regroup with everyone.)
Melanie: *smiles at Saphron* Thank you for letting our team leader to rest in one of the guest rooms.
Saphron: *giggles* It's not a problem...Jaune really got worried when he brought him here.
Jaune: *smiles slightly* ...He is the one who helped me back at Beacon besides Phyrra.
Phyrra: *off-screen, singing* You're welcome!~
(Jaune blushes but smiles at her personality.)
Blake: So Saphron, you're the only Arc living here?
(A picture on the bookshelf of the Arc siblings all together can be seen, with the young Jaune at the center with pigtails and a deadpan expression while holding a sign that says "HELP" on it while his sisters do various crazy things around him.)
Saphron: Yep! Moved the second I could. Jaune and I are the only two living away from home. *in a teasing voice* I guess he just wanted to be like his big sis.
Jaune: I, uh... *groans*
Saphron: *teasing* Aw, you didn't deny it!
(The two siblings play fight with each other by pulling each other's cheeks. Then, a door is heard opening. A dark-haired woman with glasses is seen walking in with bags of groceries.)
Saphron: Everyone, this is my wife, Terra Cotta.
(Everyone greets Terra.)
Ruby: Hello!
Nora: Hey there!
Blake: Nice to meet you.
Twins: Hi there!
(Neo simply smiles and waves at her cutely)
Terra: *chuckles* Why, hello there! Wow, quite a party, you weren't kidding. Hun, can I get some help please?
(Saphron quickly runs over to help Terra in the kitchen. Later on, Jaune, Ren, Phyrra and Nora are seen preparing sandwiches for everyone.)
Weiss: And you're sure it's alright if we stay with you?
Saphron: Of course, we're happy to house Huntsmen and Huntresses.
Terra: You all risk so much to keep people like us safe. It's the least we can do. *turning to Qrow* Especially for such an elite Huntsman like yourself. Although, I will say I was surprised to learn you had students helping you. Is that even... legal?
(Qrow, not paying attention, gets his arm bumped by his niece.)
Qrow: Uh, of course. Think of it as an extended training mission. Trust me, I was a professor. Even went to the same academy as them. Let me tell ya, these kids are way better than we were at their age.
(Jaune, Ren, Phyrra and Nora walk back into the room with plates full of sandwiches. Ruby gasps happily upon seeing them.)
Qrow: *continuing* Well, not better than me specifically, but a lot of students--
Ruby: Shut up, there's food!
Y/N: *off-screen* Save some for me...
(Everyone turn their heads to see Y/N holding on the wooden trails to walk down the stairs as his Aura was fully visible for his recover.)
Ruby: N/N!
Jaune: *surprised* You're up already?!
Y/N: Enough to walk...
Ren: *concerned* I take it your vocal cords are damaged.
Y/N: Affirm...
Malachite Twins: *stern* This time. Don't you dare worry us again!
Y/N: ...Got it.
Nora: But hey! At least you're right on time for some sandwiches!
(Y/N looks over and notices Saphron, Terra and Adrian, which the baby was looking at the knight with curiosity.)
Y/N: ..Greetings.
Saphron: *smiles* And it's our pleasure to meet the legendary Forgotten Knight of Vale.
Terra: *chuckles* Her brother talked a lot about you throughout your days back at Beacon. On her behalf, thank you for keeping an eye on him for her.
Y/N: That's what...friends are for.
(Jaune was surprised by the touching respond, he then smiles and gently pats Y/N's shoulder, whose just nodded at him...
Everyone then heartily eats the sandwiches. Saphron and Terra share a look with each other, before the latter's Scroll is heard buzzing.)
Terra: *sighs* Excuse me, I'll be right back. *answers her Scroll and walks out of the room* Hello?
Blake: Is everything okay?
Saphron: Oh, yeah, it will be. Terra's a technician for the town's relay tower. Unfortunately, the military's radar system is also housed there. *making baby talk at Adrian* Guess what's been on the fritz lately and who's getting falsely blamed.
Terra: *peeking back into the room* Me.
Y/N: Malfunction?
Terra: *sighs* Most likely. It is a pain on my back to get falsely blamed while all i do is my job.
Y/N: *sighs deeply* ...gotta report Ironwood about this...
Saphron: *confused* Do you know the General?
Y/N: Acquaintance.
Qrow: *smirks* Hogwash, kid.
Y/N: *glares at Qrow* Away n' bile of yer heid, blud.
(Ruby, Yang, Nora and Qrow starts laughing at Y/N's unique way to tell someone off.)
Saphron: So, what's your plan for tomorrow?
Ruby: *mouth stuffed* Well... *takes a gulp* We're trying to make our way to Atlas. We'll probably start with the military base.
(Nora and Ren share concerned looks.)
Jaune: *nervously* So, we kind of already tried that, and... it didn't go... super great.
Yang: Come on, it couldn't be that bad...
-Scene Change-
-Argus Military Base-
-The Next Day-
(Team RWBY, Y/N, Qrow, Oscar and Maria walk up to the Atlesian Military base on the island off the coast of Argus, only for the gates to abruptly close on them before they could even enter.)
Y/N: ...you were saying?
Yang: *blushing* Shut up!
(Yang puts her hands on the bars of the gate to speak to the guards.)
Yang: Come on! You didn't even hear us out!
Nubuck Guard 1: Our orders are clear: The Mistral-Atlas border is closed!
Nubuck Guard 2: Please!
Nubuck Guard 1: Have a good day!
Yang: But--
Both Nubuck Guards: A good day!!
Qrow: Hey, if you don't wanna believe that I'm friends with Ironwood--
Both Nubuck Guards: General Ironwood!
Qrow: Yeah, General Ironwood, then fine. But look, we have Weiss Schnee with us andwe're trying to get her home safely.
(Weiss looks down with reluctance upon hearing Qrow say that. The two guards look to each other before turning their attention back to the group.)
Both Nubuck Guards: Approach!
(Weiss shares a look with Blake Belladonna, who just shrugs. Weiss then walks up to the gate and the two guards step up and bend down to inspect her. After a moment, both guards stand straight back up.)
Both Nubuck Guards: Very well!
Guard Nubuck 2: You may speak with our commanding officer!
Guard Nubuck 1: We will fetch her at once!
(The two guards turn around in sync, and chant "Hup hup hup" and "Atlas Atlas Atlas" as they run to get their superior.)
Blake: They were... kind of--
Ruby: Super weird? Uh, yeah.
Y/N: *whispering to himself* fuck...please don't be her...
Maria: Hmm...
Oscar: What's wrong?
Maria: Well, I... may know this commanding officer...
Ruby: That's good, isn't it? If she's your friend, then maybe she'd be more willing to help us.
Maria: I wouldn't exactly call us... "friends".
Weiss: Acquaintances?
Maria: Not quite.
Blake: Colleagues?
Maria: Warmer.
Yang: Enemies?
Maria: That's the one!
Oscar: Wait, what?
(Y/N slowly turn his head to Maria.)
Y/N: ...No...
Maria: Oh yes, Y/N. I come through here about once every ten years to get my eyes checked up in Atlas. You bring outside cashews on one flight, and suddenly you're placed on the additional screening list for life!
Qrow: You've gotta be kidding me...
Maria: Now, now, let's not give up hope yet. *beat* Maybe she's dead!
(Suddenly, the gates open up quickly, and the two guards return.)
Guard 1: Introducing!
Guard 2: Special operative!
Both Nubuck Guards: Caroline Cordovin!
(Footsteps can be heard approaching before the camera lowers down to reveal a short-statured elderly woman around Maria's age wearing the standard Atlesian officer uniform. Cordovin steps forward and glares at Maria.)
Cordovin: Witch.
Maria: She-devil.
Cordovin: Hm. I've seen you've chosen larger contraband to smuggle this time.
Maria: Oh, Cordo. You know they say time changes people, but I see you've still got that stick right up your--
Ruby: *interrupting* H-hello! Miss, uh, Cordovin. My name is Ruby Rose, and I was wondering if you would hear us out about--
Cordovin: I've already heard what your other little friends had to say, Miss Rose.
(She looks behind Ruby, noticing Jaune, Nora, Phyrra and Lie Ren standing a little ways away behind the group)
Cordovin: What are you doing back here?! I thought I told you to leave!
Nora: *tries to charge forward, only to be held back by Ren and Jaune* And I told you we wouldn't rest until you let us through!
Ren: *nervously smiling and waving* Nice to see you again as well!
Phyrra: *smiles apologetically* We're sorry!~
Cordovin: You civilians are clearly incapable of comprehending the importance of our mission here in Argus. So allow me to say this slowly, with smaller words: This base, that relay tower, the very safety of Argus are all gifts from the glorious Kingdom of Atlas! *a backdrop showing the Atlesian flag waves behind her* And it is my duty to uphold them, as only I have the wit and tenacity for such a task.
Guard Nubuck 1: Such wit!
Guard Nubuck 2: Such tenacity!
Maria: Or maybe Atlas just wanted to get you as far from the kingdom as possible.
Cordovin: *growls* You're just like the rest of these Argus ingrates! This city wouldn't even be here if it weren't for our Atlesian ancestors, and what do we get in return? The entire world is ready to put a knife to our throats!
Ruby: Please, we know your kingdom had nothing to do with the Fall of Beacon. We were there.
Weiss: No one's happy about the Atlas borders or embargo, but I know General Ironwood is just worried. It's why we need to talk to--
Cordovin: The General is no coward! Atlas is strong. If all the kingdoms plan to make us their enemy, then so be it! Atlas will prevail!
Both Nubuck Guards: Atlas will prevail!
Yang: *unimpressed* Do you guys seriously have to do that?
Oscar: I guess they don't...
Cordovin: *sighs* If Miss Schnee has truly come to her senses and wishes to return to her family, then, of course, the Atlas military will escort her home. But the kingdom will not be responsible for her "friends" of... questionable character.
(She glances at Blake specifically upon saying her last statement)
Weiss: *in a hostile tone* What's that supposed to mean?
Cordovin: It means we're done here.
Y/N: *angrily* Like hell we are, Caroline.
(Both nubuck guards try to raise their weapons at Y/N, only for them and the general to stare at him in pure shock...
Cordovin walks closer to take a better look at Y/N and realizes who he is.)
Cordovin: *shocked* ...L/N?
Y/N: Ironwood told you about me, huh...
Nubuck Guard 1: *trembling* I-it's General--
(Y/N simply raises his another new scroll, which the old one got left and frozen at the farm, and shows them the contact with Ironwood's picture on it as "General".)
Y/N: Cut my off and i get you three cu--
(A ship honk was heard loud enough to censor his swear word)
Y/N: --straight back to Atlas and get your ranks demoted.
Cordovin: *nervous* N-Now, now. We can talk this peacefully--
(Y/N crouches down and glares menacingly at Cordovin, whose flinches when she sees his white eyes piercing into hers.)
Y/N: Lend us an airship...and i review 5 stars...at your career and loyalty toward Ironwood.
Cordovin: *gulps* ...B-But, if we d-do that, they'll think you all are intruders!
Y/N: We'd take that chances...Do we have an agreement or not?
Cordovin: ... *takes a deep breath and glares at Y/N* No. The deal is unfair and not preferable for our part! To think i was actually going to volunteer to help the infamous Forgotten Knight, i guess you have changed after you hung out with her! *points at Maria*
Nubuck Guard 1: Such bravery!
Nubuck Guard 2: Such Dominance!
Cordovin: And with that said, now i can finally say that we are done.
(The gates to the base are shown closing quickly, leaving the group outside once again.)
Nora: Oh yeah? Well, your face looks... like a big dumb boot!
Jaune: *deadpan* Way to show her, Nora...
Y/N: ...tsk...egomaniac little bitch...
(As Ruby was about to pull the swear jar out of her red hood, Y/N quickly shoves three cookies in her mouth, which she gladly accepts it and munches on them. Blake and Yang look to Weiss.)
Weiss: I don't...
Yang: Weiss. We told you we wouldn't leave your side for a second. We'll find a way to Atlas. Together. *places a hand on Weiss' shoulder*
(Weiss smiles and nods back at her friend. Qrow starts to walk away.)
Ruby: So... where are we going now?
Nora: Yeah, what's the plan?
Qrow: *looks at Oscar* Oz.
Oscar: Oh! Uh, give me a second.
(Ozpin's eyes glow as he takes over Oscar's body.)
Ozpin: It seems we have a big obstacle here...
Qrow: Yeah...A shorted-ass general working under Ironwood's orders...
Ozpin: Perhaps we can think of a new plan after we told the rest of the group about what we've witnessed back at the farm.
(Upon hearing this, Team JNPR look at Ozpin with pure confusion.)
-Scene Change-
-Cotta-Arc's Residence-
(Back at Saphron's home, Jaune punches the wall, leaving a very large crack in it.)
Ruby: Jaune!
Jaune: Everything we did was for nothing!
Blake: That's not entirely true.
Nora: *angry* Really? Cuz it sure does sound like it.
Ren: If Salem can't be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?
Y/N: Going for the Relic of Creation and summon its spirit.
(Team JNPR and the twins look at him with confused expressions.)
Melanie: What?
Miltia: That's the plan?
Ruby: We actually talked about it! Y/N suggested that we keep insisting on going to Atlas so we can get the Lamp to the general!
Yang: After that, he said we should get to the Vault where the Relic of Creation is been sealed--
Blake: *continuing for Yang* That way, we can the stuff and ask the spirit to create something to make a seal!
Weiss: A sort of an artifact to seal Salem inside it and one of us can be the only guardian of that seal!
Qrow: *smirks* Even if someone dares to bring her back, they HAVE to get one of us to break seal.
(Team JNPR and the twins were utterly shocked by Y/N's backup plan...
And out of nowhere, Nora quickly launches at Y/N and tackles him, hugging him tightly with pure happiness.)
Nora: You're such a genius, Strikey!!!
Phyrra: Oh my!
Ren: That really is something we've never thought before...
Jaune: *awestruck* That's a really great idea, Y/N!!!
(Suddenly, the twins hug Y/N from both sides before kissing him both on his cheeks.)
Malachite Twins: That's an amazing backup plan!!!
Ruby: *jealous* Hey!
(Weiss is seen crossing her arms, pouting jealously at them.)
Y/N: *coughs* Girls...Hug's too tight...
(Nora, Melanie and Miltia quickly let go of him, looking apologetically at him)
Qrow: Y'know. You kids should go out and eat somewhere.
Ruby: *confused* What about you, Uncle Qrow?
Qrow: I'll try to contact Ironwood and tell him we need a ride or something.
Y/N: Good luck...
(Later on, Ruby heads outside onto the backyard porch, sighing sadly while she looks down at the ground...
A footstep can be heard nearby, Ruby looks back up and notices Maria sitting next to a small table with a plate of fruit on it.)
Ruby: Sorry. The others went to get food for tonight.
Maria: Why not go with them?
Ruby: I don't know... *sits down on the porch* I don't know anything... I just feel like i've been a burden for the group...
Maria: You know, you don't give yourself enough credit.
Ruby: Oh... *chuckles* Thanks.
Maria: That wasn't a compliment.
Ruby: Uh... what?
Maria: If I have to explain it to you, it will just defeat the purpose. But if you're tired of not knowing anything, how about we discuss those eyes of yours?
Ruby: Oh! *stands up* Yes, ma'am, I would be honored!
Maria: Sit back down, for Pete's sake.
(Ruby does so.)
Maria: Let's start with what you do know. Tell me.
Ruby: Uh... Silver-Eyed people are supposed to be legendary warriors. Or something. And at the Fall of Beacon, I turned a giant Wyvern into stone.
Maria: *shaking her head* Oh, boy.
Ruby: Look, if I already knew everything I wouldn't be asking for help! *crosses her arms and huffs*
Maria: Yelling...
(Ruby looks back up with a sorrowful expression on her face.)
Maria: It's not your fault. I had my father to teach me, and even he didn't have all the answers. But what he told me makes sense, given what I've seen.
Ruby: Was he a Huntsman too?
Maria: It wasn't really an official title back in his day. I only knew him as an old soldier and an excellent teacher. I never attended one of those fancy academies of yours, but I scored higher on the license exam than any other Huntsman or Huntress that day.
Ruby: *smiles* You must've been proud.
Maria: Heh, he would've scolded me for showing off. He'd never been able to find much information about our abilities. Just legends of warriors whose eyes shone like mirrors, reflecting the light of the world onto darkness. He found so little, in fact, that it made him cautious. How could such powerful bloodlines be so rare? Unless something was actively seeking to destroy them.
Ruby: Salem...
Maria: I tried to keep my powers a secret, but as you know, it wasn't enough. I owe my life to my training, and my Semblance. At the end of the day, those are still your most powerful tools.
Ruby: What is your Semblance?
(A lemon is shown dropping from the tree, which Maria catches before it could hit the plate of fruit.)
Maria: "Preflexes"! A silly name I came up with. Hard to explain, but I can sense everything better than most and react to attacks almost before they happen. Combine that with my training and secret ability to turn Grimm to stone, or blind them, or vaporize them. *clears throat* And that's how you become the Grimm Reaper! *smiles*
Ruby: So, how do I laser beam monsters with my eyeballs?
Maria: *smacks Ruby on the head with her cane* First, you stop thinking like that! I want you to think of all the times you've triggered your powers. What did those moments have in common?
Ruby: *rubbing her head* I... was scared, and stressed. Is it emotional? Like unlocking a Semblance?
Maria: It's emotional but more focused than that. Think, what is it you wanted?
Ruby: *clenching her hands* I wanted to protect my friends.
Maria: Precisely! It is the desire to preserve life which fuels the light inside you. And to make no mistake, it is light. Preservation is an extension of creation, or, at the very least, an enemy of destruction. The Creatures of Grimm were made by the God of Darkness, but your light comes from his brother.
Ruby: How do you know that?
Maria: I always knew how to use the light, but never why it only worked on the Grimm. Then, Jinn showed us her vision. Were you paying attention?
(Ruby closes her eyes and thinks back to when the God of Light destroyed all the Grimm in the Land of Darkness. The God of Light transforms into his dragon form, revealing his own pair of Silver Eyes.)
Ruby: The God of Light... His eyes! *stands up* Okay, where do we start?
Maria: Well, not here. The light will only work in the presence of Grimm. Meaning the only practice you'll get will be a trial by fire. But, what you can do is focus on creating a state of mind that you can tap into when you need it. Don't think about your light as a means of destroying evil, but as a way to protect the people of Remnant.
Ruby: But, that can't be right.
Maria: Hm?
Ruby: You said the light only reacts to Grimm, I used it during our battle at Haven. It reacted to Cinder.
Maria: Interesting... Perhaps there was something that you just weren't seeing?
Yang: Ruby!
Jaune: Come here, quick!
(Ruby notices Yang and Jaune at the door. Ruby walks back into the house to see Weiss, Blake and Team JNPR present as well.)
Ruby: Oh, hey guys.
Maria: I thought you kids were eating outside. What's going on?
Blake: *sadly* It's Oscar and Y/N, They're missing.
(Ruby and Maria become shocked to hear Oscar and Y/N went missing as Ruby and Jaune look at each other with concerned looks on their faces...
Somewhere in Argus, Y/N, Neo, the Malachite twins, Qrow and Oscar were seen walking inside an abandoned apartment before Oscar gently closes the door behind him...
The screen turns black as soon as the lock of the door was heard echoing throughout the darkness.)
A/N: And another chapter is now done!
I think i better start writing a book reaction cuz this story is almost 100k...
100 bloody thousand readers?!?!
But for real, thank you for liking this book!!!
On that note, i'll see you readers in the next chapter!
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