(Vol. 5) Chapter 48: Wargames

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(Team RWBY are getting close to reunite as one once again...

Team JNPR are all ready to protect Haven Academy with their friends...

Raven is officially back with her brother and daughter...

Leonardo is redeeming his sins for been living in the shadows...

And Sienna is now facing the one she thought she could trust within White Fang...

As for the bad side:

Cinder, Emerald and Mercury are standing tall with The Grimm Knight made by Salem...

Hazel is still stoic as usual, but expectantly waiting for the others to attack first...

Adam and his new clan, the Red Flag Clan, are on high defense against their former leader...

With that said...

Let us commence...)

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Haven Academy-

(As the screen turns on, multiple metal clashing sounds can be heard before the camera shows the fight between Team RWBY and JNPR against Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Hazel and Grimm Knight...

Qrow and Raven were fighting Cinder off, let alone keeping up with the Branwen siblings...

Ruby and Weiss were colliding their weapons against Emerald, but the thief also manages to keep up with them, even if she was struggling...

Yang and Mercury, on the other hand, they were having their own rematch for getting the grey haired boy arrested.)

Mercury: *angry* You know, your little knight still owes me an apology?

Yang: *cocky* For what? By showing the truth about your true colors?

Mercury: ...tsk...forget it.

A/N: Yellow: Yang, Brown Red: Mercury.
Clone Skills is Emerald's semblance.

(During the fight between the duo, everyone were fighting in the background...

Leonardo was facing against Hazel to protect Oscar from him...

(Hazel picks up Lionheart by his collar, lifting him off the floor.)

Hazel: You have guts, i'll give you that...

Leonardo: *readies his glyph up* That's why i'm making things right...Even if it means i have to fight for a fallen comrade...

Hazel: I respect that. However...

(He stares at Oscar, which he flinches from his stare.)

Hazel: ...You must be important if Leo is protecting you.

Ozpin: *mentally* Oscar..I suggest you to leave the fight and let the others take care of them.

Oscar: *mentally* But, i won't become strong like everyone else!

Ozpin: *mentally* Unfortunately, this battle has to be a fatal retreat...Do as i say and you will not get hurt by them.

(The Grimm Knight was now seen standing next to Hazel with his mace on his hand...

Leonardo's tail flops down in fear when he realized he was outnumbered...

Oscar then shocks him by seeing him readying up his cane, The Long Memory.)

Hazel: Kid. You should leave while you still have a chance.

Oscar: N-No! I am not leaving someone dying just to protect me!

Leonardo: *looks to Hazel* He's not just a boy. It's Ozpin. *Hazel's eyes widen when he says this* He's already reincarnated.

Hazel: Ozpin?

(Suddenly, the usual calm demeanor of Hazel slowly turns infuriated. That was enough to make Oscar step back in fear.)

Oscar: *scared* O-Oh boy...

Hazel: OZPIN!!!

Ozpin: *mentally* Oh no...

Hazel: You thought you could hide from ME?!!

(Hazel harshly tosses Leonardo toward the Grimm Knight before he rips his coat off, and then grabs a pair of lightning Dust crystals from a couple of pouches on his legs.)

Hazel: You'll pay for what you did! You'll die over and over again!!

(He stabs the lightning Dust into his arms, with his blood vessels turning yellow and popping out from his skin as well as having some lightning coat them. His eyes glow yellow, and he lets out an intimidating roar. Oscar slowly backs away, holding his cane up cautiously.)

Oscar: Do-- Do we fight?

Ozpin: *afraid* No, run!

(Hazel leaps forward to charge into Oscar, but Qrow Branwen gets him out of the way in time. Qrow transforms Harbinger into its scythe form while Cinder watches.)

Cinder: *angry* Ozpin is here?!

Raven: *smirks* Is that a problem?

Cinder: *darkly* You'll pay for double-crossing us!

(Cinder pushes Raven away with her sword before she uses her grimm arm to extend itself toward Leonardo, stealing the pocket watch from his pocket...

She places it in a small niche on the statue. The hands on the watch gradually spin faster and the statue lowers. Yang Xiao Long watches the situation in front of her...

Before she could go after her, Raven and Vernal beats her to it and went after Cinder as the three of them were going down with the statue.)

Yang: Mom! Wait!

(The Grimm Knight suddenly appears infront of her and punches Yang hard enough to send her flying towards Jaune and Ren, causing the trio fall onto each other...

Ruby, Weiss and Nora immediately rush infront of them as they all ready their weapons against the Grimm Knight, which it begins to growl after it tosses the mace away.)

Mercury: *blocking Phyrra's spear attacks with his leg* Heh. You guys are doomed.

Emerald: *to the Grimm Knight* Take care of those pests!

(The knight nodded its head in slow place, its eyes were glowing red like Yang's and immediately launches toward Ruby, Weiss and Nora...

The ginger haired girl blocks its attack with her sledgehammer, holding the grimm Knight in place as she was struggling to contrast its power.)

Nora: Out of the way!

(Ruby and Weiss quickly split apart and attacks the knight from both sides, letting it screeches in pain before Nora slams her sledgehammer across its head...

Then it goes flying away from the group but it was saved by Hazel by catching it in midair and placing it back on the ground...

Emerald and Mercury regroup with Hazel and the Grimm Knight, let all four of them getting ready to fight again...

Nora, Phyrra, Qrow and Leonard were standing tall while Jaune and Ren tend on Weiss and Yang as Oscar was struggling to pick Ruby up...

Ruby was seen struggling to get up as she recalls some memories from Beacon when it fell...

After remembering the last moment when she saw Y/N dying on Phyrra's arms, Ruby passes out and falls back on the ground unconscious as her Crescent Rose also drops on the floor besides her.)

Weiss: *afraid* R-Ruby!- *coughs in pain*

Ren: Jaune!

(Jaune quickly goes over to Ruby and tries to wake her up, making Oscar switch places and tends on Weiss's injury.)

Jaune: Ruby! R-Ruby! Wake up!

Mercury: *smirks, readies his fists up* Now we don't have to worry about her silver eyes power.

Hazel: Hmm...True...

(Emerald and the Grimm Knight were readying themselves on their fighting stance...

Shortly after, the knight sprints toward Qrow and readies its fist up to collide onto Harbinger, causing the screen to shine bright white.)

-Scene Change-

(Outside the academy, Sienna pushes Adam with her punch's force onto his katana, leaving the twins an opening to team tagging on him...

Melanie and Miltia gratefully take turns to throw punches and kicks to leave no time for Adam to recover...

Neo and Y/N, on the other hand, they were backing the trio up as the duo were fighting against Adam's troopers.)

Sienna: Surrender now, Adam!

Adam: *growls* I will not give up infront of puny humans! If you really wish to be with them, so be it!

(He then sprints through the twins to go head to head against Sienna, letting the twins regroup with Neo and Y/N as now the four of them are taking Red Flag Troopers one by one.)

Melanie: Adam sure did bring almost everyone from his new clan!

Miltia: *punching one of the Red Flag Trooper* They all are blinded by anger and greed to gain respect!

(Neo simply shrugs her shoulders and kept on fighting.)

Y/N: Less talk. More action.

(The girls hear how serious and monotone their leader's voice was just now, immediately gets "locked in" and keep up the pace to take down any Red Flag members...

As for Sienna and Adam, they were neck to neck, battling until one of them stands tall.)

Sienna: Why would you go this low just for earning the respect we thought we've shared?!

Adam: Humans are nothing but pure evil! What i'm doing is the proof that us faunus are not as weak as they think we are!

Sienna: *her ears flop down* You've killed innocent lives! Causing casualties both on them and our own kind!

Adam: *angry* My men are all loyal fighters ready to die if they were ordered in name of retribution!

Sienna: You've killed children! Have you no shame, Adam?! *tears up in anger* You exterminated poor innocent lives of many families!!!

Adam: *gripping his Wult tightly* ...And i have no hesitation to do it again.

(Sienna's eyes widen in shock and horror by Adam's cold answer...

Adam then takes the advantage to kill Sienna with his katana, but he fails...

Y/N was one step ahead and used his semblance to summon a Beowulf to take the hit...

However, his Aura begins to flicker due to his semblance's drawback, so he quickly runs toward Sienna and takes her away from the fight.)

Y/N: ...You broken?

(The tigress faunus doesn't respond, she was shaking instead, possibly feared and unbelievable by Adam's change of character.)

Sienna: He said...He would've done it again...

Y/N: ...

Sienna: *looks to Y/N* ...He isn't the same Adam Taurus i once knew...

Y/N: What do you want me to do?

Sienna: ... *lowers her head down* ...E-End him...Once you have a chance...

(Y/N remains quiet for a while before he flinches when his Beowulf was killed by Adam...

He then nods at Sienna and quickly sprints toward Adam to parry his katana with his sword, Judgement Day.)

Adam: At last, we're finally fighting one against the other...

Y/N: ...Your judgement is death.

(Both blade wielders push away one from another before they run toward each other to make their own weapons collide.)

-Scene Change-
-Haven Academy-

(Back inside the school, things aren't going well for Yang and the group...

Qrow, on the other hand, is still fighting against the Grimm Knight. Surprisingly for him, he could read the Knight's movements due to its similarity to the real one...

Ren and Oscar manage to recover Weiss and Yang, letting the girls immediately helping Nora to fight against the Grimm Knight, Emerald and Mercury.)

Ozpin: *mentally* Oscar-

Oscar: No! *to Jaune* Jaune! Take care of Ruby!

Jaune: *surprised* O-On it!

(They then switch place as Jaune was now trying to wake Ruby up with Ren protecting him while Oscar draws The Long Memory and surprisingly helps Lionheart fighting against Hazel.)

Ozpin: Oscar.

(Oscar ignores his call and then shown dodging out of the way as Hazel slams his fist into the ground.)

Ozpin: Oscar.

Oscar: No!

(Oscar dodges another attack from Hazel.)

Ozpin: Oscar!

Oscar: I told you, no!

(Oscar gets punched back by Hazel several feet into a column.)

Ozpin: Please, let me take over! I can handle him!

Oscar: You told me I needed to fight for myself! *standing back up* So I will.

Ozpin: This is not your fight!

Oscar: What does that mean? Why is he so upset with us?

Hazel: He didn't tell you my tale, did he, boy? *he approaches Oscar menacingly* I thought you looked familiar, to think that evil was inside you when our paths first crossed. *he holds his fists in the air* Your blood won't be on my hands, it'll be on his.

(Qrow jumps in the way to block Hazel's attack, but he slams his fist into the ground, the shockwave knocking both him and Oscar back. They both get back up as Qrow engages Hazel. Qrow dodges a punch then slashes at Hazel, who blocks the sword with one arm.)

Oscar: What was he talking about?

Hazel: Tell him, Ozpin! Tell him how you KILLED HER!!

Oscar: Her?

Ozpin: Gretchen Rainart was Hazel's sister. Despite her brother's wishes, she enrolled at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress and tragically lost her life on a training mission. Hazel... holds me responsible. Please, let me fight. I know Hazel. He's wounded in a way that cannot be healed.

Hazel: *off screen* You know now!

(Oscar looks at him.)

Hazel: *tossing Qrow aside* You can forgive me for what I'm about to do. *begins approaching Oscar*

Oscar: Did she know?

(Hazel stops in place at his inquiry.)

Oscar: Did she know the risk of being a Huntress?

Hazel: She was only a child! She wasn't ready!!

Oscar: She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! *holding his cane up defensively* So do I.

(Hazel just glares at him.)

Hazel: Then you've chosen death.

(Leonardo quickly joins in the fight, slightly injured but still able to fight back.)

Leonardo: Young man. Listen to whatever Ozpin is saying to you, let him fight Hazel instead.

Oscar: B-But!

Leonardo: If you don't listen...Any injuries you get will be permanent on you.

(Oscar reluctantly lowers his cane down and nods his head.)

Oscar: ...A-Alright.

Ozpin: *mentally* Thank you, Leonardo, Oscar. I will promise to not get involved in the next your battle.

(Oscar's eyes glow and his body falls to the ground as Ozpin takes over him. Ozpin looks up, and Hazel looks back at him, enraged.)

Hazel: OzzzzPIIIIIIIIN!!!!

(Meanwhile, Jaune continues trying to wake Ruby up.)

Jaune: I-I don't know what else can wake her up!

Ren: Try with the obvious idea!

(Jaune was confused for a moment before he thinks of the hurtful but obvious way to wake her up.)

Jaune: Sorry!

(He then slaps Ruby really hard right across her cheek, causing the red riding hood to actually wake up as she yelps in pain)

Ruby: Ow! *glares at Jaune* Jaune!

Jaune: S-Sorry, Ruby! We just need you right now!

(Ruby looks at the scene and sees Hazel and Ozpin fight each other intensely, Ozpin dodges several blows as one punch hits a column. Lionheart tries to intervene by launching another attack from Stalwart, but is stopped by a gunshot from Qrow. The two of them begin to fight each other, with Qrow swinging Harbinger at him...

Then following up with a kick before blocking several of Lionheart's projectiles. With the two busy Ozpin and Hazel engage each other again. Hazel tries to smash him with his fists, but Ozpin is too fast for him. Nimbly jumping around while striking the man several times. Using Hazel like a springboard to launch himself away, their fight moves back over to the terrace. Ozpin kicks off a wall dodging fists and electric blasts, striking Hazel's face then jabs him several times in the chest...

Eventually, Ozpin manages to roll under him and knock Hazel down on all fours with a hit to the legs. Ozpin then twirls his cane and prepares to deliver the finishing blow, but Hazel roars and smashes his fists into the ground, creating another lightning shockwave.)

Ruby: Uncle Qrow!

Ren: Go, Ruby! Jaune and i will help Nora and Phyrra!

(Ruby nods her head and quickly grabs Crescent Rose and helps Weiss and Yang to fight against Emerald and Mercury...

Jaune and Ren group up with Nora and Phyrra to face against the Grimm Knight...

Ruby then hears her sister struggling, she looks over her shoulder to see Yang getting knocked back by Mercury. Yang charges forward, but Mercury's form disappears as a result of another one of Emerald's Semblance hallucinations. Emerald then creates an image of Raven, which Yang is hesitant to attack...

Yang then blocks another attack from Mercury, but his next series of hits manage to knock her down again. Ruby then looks over to Oscar fighting Hazel, with the latter's attack becoming too wild and unpredictable for the young boy...

Hazel is about to punch at Oscar again, but Qrow pushes Oscar out of the way and takes the blow in his back, launching him upwards.)

Leonardo: I got it, Miss Rose!

(Leonardo stands next to Ruby and Hazel is then hit by one of Lionheart's projectiles and holds his shoulder in pain.)

Ruby: *smiling* Thank you! Let's do this!

(Ruby stands back up, transforming Crescent Rose into its scythe form and flips over. She lands to her sister's side, knocking Emerald back. Emerald's Semblance copies of Mercury then disappear, reforming back into the main Mercury.)

Yang: Thanks, sis. *standing back up* You okay?

Ruby: No, I'm angry.

(Ruby proceeds forward with Yang and Weiss following by...

As for Raven and Cinder...)

-Scene Change-

(They were fighting to decide which Maiden stands tall upon the other...

Vernal was seen on the floor, dead infront of the door's chamber with a hole on her stomach...)

Cinder: Enough playing games, Raven! Tell me where the power is?!

Raven: You won't find it, because Vernal isn't the Spring Maiden! *she takes her mask off and drops it* I am!!

(Raven opens her eyes, the telltale flames of a Maiden glowing around them, before the greatest battle commence...

Raven growls and shoots Omen out of her hilt, and the two Maidens begin their battle against each other. They strike at each other with a flurry of vicious sword strikes. The two eventually clash, the strike breaking her weapon and the shrapnel hurting her Grimm arm. She holds her arm in pain.)

Raven: Aura can't protect your arm, it's Grimm.

(Cinder pulls the shrapnel out of her arm and faces Raven again.)

Raven: You turned yourself into a monster just for power.

Cinder: *conjuring another weapon while glaring* Look who's talking...

Raven: Wrong. I'm not a monster like you... *glares at her* ...I am redeeming for abandoning my family.

(The two proceed forward to clash again. During their bout, Raven quickly switches between the various colored blades in her hilt to counter Cinder's various weapons that she conjures. As their battle intensifies, Cinder conjures a giant flaming sword while Raven uses her Maiden powers to create a massive ice sword. Their clash creates a massive shockwave that shakes the cavern, with the combatants above ground also feeling the tremors...

Due to their battle, the giant stalactites hanging from above start to drop. Both Maidens jump back to dodge out of the way. As Raven prepares for her next strike, Cinder's Grimm arm elongates through the dust and grabs Raven's neck. As the Grimm arm slowly drains her powers, Raven notices something and smirks. She sends out a frost-like attack from her palm and freezes Cinder's feet in place as more boulders from the cave in crash down on her...

Raven, now free from her grip, does a massive leap into the air and lands on top of one of the falling stalactites. She looks down and notices Cinder survived the cave in, using her fire powers to fly up to her. The two fight their way around the falling stalactites. Eventually, the stalactites land back on the ground, and both Maidens are on their knees, panting in exhaustion while their Auras shimmer as they are about to break.)

Raven: *standing back up* Had enough yet?

Cinder: Shut up!

Raven: If you were stronger or more clever, then maybe... you'd remember to watch your back!

Cinder glares at her, wondering what the Spring Maiden is talking about, but then gasps as she looks behind her. She notices the dying Vernal aiming one of her weapons at her and fires. Cinder blocks the attack, but Raven quickly dashes up behind her and lands a devastating lightning attack on her face, shattering her mask and revealing the heavily scarred left side. The sheer force of the attack sends Cinder over the edge of the vault's walkway and above the abyss...

She stares back up at Raven, who uses her powers to freeze the Fall Maiden into an ice statue. Cinder's frozen body falls down into the dark depths of the abyss, fading from view. Raven looks down as she watches her enemy continue plunging, before deactivating her Maiden powers and sighing.)

Raven: *smirks* Thank you, Vernal...

(Raven sadly looks over to Vernal, whose self-injecting an adrenaline shot to stay awake and tend her own wound. Raven then proceeds to the Relic chamber's doorway. She activates her Maiden powers again and begins the process to unlock the chamber. Eventually, the door opens up, and on the other side, a massive desert is shown with a path leading to the Relic of Knowledge, which rests on a stone pedestal.)

-Scene Change-
-Haven Academy-

(Back upward the front hall, Ruby and Yang are shown facing off against Emerald and Mercury. The sisters switch positions and leap forward to take on their opponents. Yang knocks into Emerald while Ruby takes on Mercury. He uses Talaria to kick Crescent Rose out of her hands.)

Mercury: *sarcastically* Uh oh, what're you gonna do now?

(Mercury tries to throw a left cross, but Ruby ducks and headbutts him upwards, in a similar manner to what Ozpin taught her what to do. Mercury steps a few feet backwards and holds his nose in pain, before growling at Ruby.)

Ruby: *picking up Crescent Rose* Whatever it takes to shut you up.

(Meanwhile, Nora is seen holding Magnhild up defensively protecting Jaune, who is currently healing Weiss's injury...

As for Qrow and Leonardo, they were holding the Grimm Knight off with all they've got.)

Nora: You guys doing okay?

Weiss: I'm fine... *winces in pain* ...Emerald got my arm.

Jaune: I got you, Weiss. Stay still.

Nora: *smirks* How's your semblance going so far, Jaune?

Jaune: *smiles* It's so easy to use...i really have to say thanks to Phyrra and Y/N's training.

Weiss: *chuckles* ...Y/N sure likes helping people.

Nora: *giggling* That's our Strikey for you, Weiss!

(Nora smiles before standing guard again. Meanwhile, Lie Ren is seen taking on Hazel Rainart, who punches the former back into the wall. Hazel then launches an electrical charge from his lightning-Dust enhanced arm, electrocuting Ren, causing him to scream in pain before falling to the ground.)

Nora: REN!

Jaune: Go! I've got her!

(Nora nods at him before proceeding forward.)

Weiss: Jaune...Keep going. *grips tightly on Myrtenaster* I have an idea.

(Jaune nods in understanding and keeps on transferring his Aura to her...

Meanwhile, Qrow is seen getting knocked back into the wall and then falls to the ground next to the downed Ren, who struggles to get back up as well. Oscar uses The Long Memory to block flaming rocks being fired from Stalwart. Hazel charges forward and punches Oscar several feet back.)

Hazel: How many more children must die for you?!

(Suddenly, Nora grabs Hazel's wrist.)

Hazel: Huh?

(Nora, inadvertently enhanced by Hazel's electricity thanks to her Semblance, stands back up and flips him over her shoulder. He rolls back several feet away. Nora then holds Magnhild up defensively, before Ozpin gets her attention.)

Ozpin: *to Nora* His Semblance... he can block out pain. It's how he is able to handle injecting so much Dust into his body.

(Nora stares back at Hazel, who stands back up.)

Nora: *darkly* I don't need him to hurt...

(Hazel screams and charges forward again.)

Nora: I just need him to GO DOWN!!

(As Hazel nears her, Nora preps to swing Magnhild. She then swings her hammer right into Hazel's chest, her counterattack launching him through the wall and outside onto Haven Academy's quad...

Adam, the Red Flag Clan, Y/N and his team suddenly stop fighting as they look on the scene.)

Red Flag Soldier: What's going on in there?

Adam: *angered* None of your concern...

(Adam and his followers stare in amazement as they watch Hazel get back up. He then takes out a pair of red Dust crystals and stabs them into his arms. He lets out another roar as Ruby watches from inside the building. She then looks back to her friends and allies, all of them looking tired and worn out from the battle they've endured.)

Adam: Stay focused! Our friends are almost done here.

(Adam and his followers get back to work, but then they hear a voice call out to him.)

Blake: ADAM!!

(They all look up and see Blake standing proudly on top of the roof of a nearby building...

Y/N and Sienna smile at their feline faunus, whose eyes have locked on Adam.)

Adam: Blake?

Hazel: Who is that?

Blake: Stand down!

(The Red Flag soldiers aim their firearms at her.)

Adam: Wait! *putting his hands up as the Red Flag soldiers stand down, before laughing evilly* To think that I went through so much trouble to find you, only to have you deliver yourself to me.

Blake: This isn't what's right for the Faunus! Stop what you're doing and we can end this peacefully.

Adam: You're wrong, Blake, and you can't stop us.

Blake: No, I can't. Not by myself.

Sun: That's why she didn't come alone!

(Adam and his followers turn to the left in surprise, seeing Sun standing in front of a massive legion of Faunus all armed with blunt weaponry, their shields bearing the old White Fang symbol.)

Adam: What?!

Red Flag Soldier: Who's there?

(They then turn to the right, and see Ghira Belladonna leading another massive legion of Faunus.)

Ghira: Your brothers and sisters.

(One of the Red Flag Soldiers lowers his weapon, recognizing one of the Faunus in the crowd.)

Red Flag Soldier: M-- Mata?

Mata is seen in the crowd holding a club and shield.

Mata: *pleading* Please... stop this...

(Adam and his followers look all around them assessing the situation.)

Adam: Make no mistake, brothers! These are our enemies! And we will not let them ruin--

(Suddenly, Adam is interrupted when a Mistral airship shines its searchlight down on Adam and his group. The Mistral police captain is seen on the airship with Kali Belladonna.)

Mistral Police Captain: *over P.A.* Adam Taurus, this is the Mistral Police Force! Lower your weapons and surrender peacefully.

(More Mistral airships arrive. Back inside, Ruby knocks Emerald back a few feet. Emerald then hears the sounds of the Mistral airships as their searchlights shine through the windows. Everyone stops what they are doing.)

Weiss: What's going on?

Jaune: *smiles* It seems we got help after all.

Malachite Twins: Guys!!!

(Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Team JNPR look over and see Melanie and Miltia running in through the hole.)

Ruby: Twinsies! How are you two holding?

Melanie: We're fine!

Miltia: Blake arrives just in time! Look!

(Back outside, Blake lands to the ground from the roof.)

Adam: How?! How did you do this?!!

Blake: Adam, it's over.

(Adam looks around as the crowds of Menagerie Faunus get closer to him and his group. He then pulls out a detonator.)

Adam: Then it's over for all of us.

Female Red Flag Soldier: Hey wait!

(Adam's followers hold up their arms as they brace for the impending explosion. Adam presses the button, but nothing happens.)

Adam: Huh?

(He presses the detonator button a few more times, nothing happens.)

Red Flag Soldier: What are you doing? Trying to get us all killed?!

(Suddenly, Adam grabs his collar.)

Adam: *enraged* I am making humanity pay for WHAT THEY'VE DONE!!

(Adam let's go and pushes the White Fang soldier back when Blake speaks.)

Blake: We sent someone over to confirm your explosives, and once we did, she disarmed them.

(Ilia walks out from around the tower, dropping her black camouflage as she holds the wires in her hand that disabled the bombs, all with a smirk plastered on her face. Adam seethes, realizing that the situation is no longer in his favor.)

Adam: *turning to Hazel* What do we do?!

Hazel: *cracking his knuckles* This... is your business. Not mine. Just like back at the White Fang's base, fix it.

(Adam just glares back at him before turning to Blake.)

Blake: I told you, Adam. It's over...

(Adam, not having any of it, yells out in frustration and charges forward toward Blake. He takes out Wilt from Blush to slash at her, but Blake uses her Semblance to get out of the way and she knocks him down by balling her fists together and hitting his back. Adam falls to the ground on his knees, before yelling out to his followers.)

Adam: KILL THEM!!!

Y/N: Sienna!

(Sienna nods her head and joins in the battle between both Faunus groups. The Red Flag soldiers draw their weapons and attempt to fire at the Mistral airships. Sun leaps around twirling Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form, landing on one's shoulders to shoot them...

A Faunus with a club battles one soldier, while Ilia fights two more with Lightning Lash. Sun knocks another down before shooting at a second, nearby a horned Faunus strikes her opponent and drives them back...

Hazel observes the situation in front of him but is then suddenly impaled by a white, glowing stinger. He is then pulled back inside the building and sits up to see that Weiss is back on her feet with a summoned Queen Lancer flying above her. As she prepares to fight again, she gasps as she notices someone entering the building. Yang and Ruby look back as well and gasp when they see Blake, her eyes widening as she sees all of her teammates in the same place.)

Blake: Yang?

(The Grimm Knight tries to take the opportunity to take Yang down first, but only for it to get stopped by Y/N's Beowulf...

Emerald and Mercury were shocked when they saw Y/N standing next to Blake, whose eyes were still widening as she keeps staring at her teammates.)

Mercury: *darkly* You!

Y/N: Lock in.

(Y/N copies Blake's semblance to switch position with his Beowulf, instantly impaling the Grimm Knight with his sword as the grimm roars in agony...

Y/N then grabs the grimm by its head and forcibly crashes its skull into a pillar behind it, permanently taking the grimm Knight out of commission.)

Mercury: *afraid* N-No way!!!

Emerald: *afraid* H-How?!?!

(Y/N's Aura begins to glow as he has now full access of his semblance, turning him back to his usual self...

He then recalls his Beowulf before summoning four clones of himself, two of them were wielding his old weapons, Musketeer and Courtesy Call.)

Nora: *gasps loudly* NO! WAY!

Ruby: *starry-eyed* I-IS IT HAPPENING?!

(And thus, the four of them begin to run toward Emerald, Mercury and Hazel, leaving The Forgotten Knight let some steam off due to being weak...

The first clone was fighting against Hazel, giving him the beat down he deserves from trying to get rid of Ozpin with Oscar involved in this part.)

(As for Mercury, he was getting the most brutal beat down of his life by the second clone, let alone he was still holding some grudges against Mercury for trying to get Yang disqualified back at Beacon.)

(And for Emerald, she was getting tag teamed by two other Y/N's clones.)

(Everyone were in absolutely awestruck by Y/N's sudden change of attack as he was single-handedly fighting three people at once...

Qrow and Leonardo were smirking at the fight, the former was proud of his student being 100% himself and going for actions...

Once they got their own beat down, the clones toss Emerald, Mercury and Hazel in the middle of the room...

The three of them get surrounded by Y/N's clones with their respective weapons on their hands...

After the battle, the screen fades into pitch black, letting the battle outside the quad of Haven Academy be heard in the darkness.)




(Update: Actually, this is Part 1 of the finale, hehe)

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