(Vol. 5) Chapter 46: Upside Down

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(You sure happen to be on your streak right now...

I would never expecting another chapter coming out within this week.)

A/N: All thanks to the transcripts, now i can make things more clear and even better transitions between Blake and Ruby's journey.

(It appears so...Well then, is there any words before we jump into the story, Dear Author?)

A/N: If this story reaches 100k views, i'll make a book where DxD, RWBY, Gate and R6S will react to their own versions of Y/N's.

(Are you challenging the readers to do the impossible?)

A/N: Yes.

(...Understandable, Dear Author. Have a nice day then.)

-3rd P.O.V.-

(it is early morning in Mistral. Ruby Rose is seen lying on the ground on the patio outside of the training room. She watches a group of four birds flying together, before one of them flies away from the group. As she watches it fly, Ruby sees Yang peek over her head.)

Yang: You're up early.

Ruby: *smiles* Hey sis.

Yang: Boop.

(Yang lets her hair down and uses it to tickle her little sister's nose. Ruby giggles affectionately at her older sister's action. Ruby then sits up as Yang sits down next to her.)

Ruby: *sighs* What are you doing up?

Yang: Can't fall back to sleep.

Ruby: Ah, me neither.

Weiss: Well, fortunately, coffee exists.

Y/N: Yours is full of cream and sugar, Rubes.

(Weiss carries a tray with three cups of coffee with Y/N besides her and they both walks over to join their friends. She lowers the tray down so Yang can grab a cup.)

Ruby: Yay! Thanks Weiss! Thanks N/N!

Yang: *smiles* Guess the Ice Queen does have a soft side for us.

Weiss: *rolls her eyes, smiling nonetheless* Oh shush, you dolt.

(Weiss sits down next her teammates and grabs her cup of coffee after placing the tray down next to her.)

Yang: Can't believe we're actually in Mistral.

Ruby: That's what you can't believe?

Yang: Well, yeah! And all the other magic and stuff. But... Okay, you know what I mean!

Weiss: I honestly wasn't sure if I'd ever see you two again.

Yang: Well, here's to defying expectations.

(Yang and Weiss clink cups together, while Ruby gulps her cup down in one go, opening one eye to glance at the others' cups...

Y/N simply smiled at the trio before sipping on his own coffee, then he hears Ruby speaking.)

Ruby: I just wish Blake could be here with us.

Yang: Yeah, well, she made her choice.

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

Yang: *showing bitterness* I mean she could've been here if she just stuck around. It's no big deal though. We'll be fine.

(Ruby and Weiss have concerned expressions on their faces...

As for Y/N, he understood how Yang feels, especially after his call with Blake and her current team at Menagerie.)

Ruby: Don't you want her here?

Yang: Why would I want her here?

Ruby: Are you still mad at her for leaving?

Yang: *scoffs* Oh, whatever gave you that idea, Ruby? No, I'm totally fine. I'm great.

Weiss: Okay, calm down.

Yang: *her eyes turn red* Don't tell me to calm down!

(Ruby and Weiss gain startled expressions.)

Ruby: Whoa, Yang.

(Yang realizes what she did, and her eyes turn back to normal. Her hand shakes while holding her cup.)

Y/N: ...Yang.

Yang: I-I'm sorry...i was just-

Y/N: I get it. Say less.

(Ruby and Weiss look up at Y/N with confused expressions.)

Y/N: Don't blame her for leaving us...Blame the White Fang to make her run away from us.

Yang: ...It's not that easy to forgive and forget what she did.

Ruby: *frowns sadly* Sis...

Y/N: ...She can be forgiven, but her actions cannot be forgotten. Remember that.

(Y/N walks back inside the dorm with his cup in his hands...

Ruby, Weiss and Yang watch him go before exchanging looks with each other.)

-Scene Change-

(Back inside the dorm, Melanie and Miltia were seen making the table for today's breakfast with Ren cooking in the kitchen...

Oscar and Jaune notice Y/N walking back with his cup on his hand.)

Oscar: M-Morning Y/N!

Y/N: Oscar.

Jaune: *smiles* Hey, bro. How was your sleep?

Y/N: It was fine...Ruby and i shared the bed only for yesterday.

Nora: *grins smugly* Ooo, i see where this is going~

(The twins giggle at Nora's teasing.)

Y/N: *blushing* ...Shut it. Need to remind you she's still under age.

Jaune: *chuckles* You know how Nora goes, Y/N

Y/N: *sighs* ...Point taken.

(All of the sudden, he receives a call from Blake.)

Melanie: Who's calling you?

Miltia: Is it Ironwood again?

Y/N: Not him...it's probably one of the resistance members.

Ren: Seems like you're as busy as Qrow and Headmaster Lionheart.

Y/N: Don't remind me that...

(Y/N takes a sip from his coffee before he lays his cup onto the table...

He then up to the second floor to answer the call.)

Y/N: "Blake. What is it?"

Blake: "Ilia manages to convince she was coming back, but she sent me a message..."

Y/N: "...What does it say?"

Blake: "Things are going too far for the White Fang...She has Corsac and Fennec confessing their next move."

Y/N: "...Go on."

Blake: "They're following Adam's order. They are planning to destroy Menagerie by getting rid of my parents..."

(Y/N was shocked from the White Fang's next move...

Without any second thoughts, he warns Blake to be careful.)

Y/N: "Do everything to stop them...Gather as many recruits as you can and stop those brothers from harming any innocent lives."

Blake: "I-I will...This time, i-i'll make things right..."

Y/N: "...Stay safe."

(Y/N ends the call and sits down on the couch sighing out of tiredness...

He then hears footsteps coming from his left, he looks over and notices Ozpin due to his iconic idle stand with his cane.)

Y/N: Ozpin.

Ozpin: *smiles* You make it sound like you just saw me, Forgotten Knight.

Y/N: I know... *sighs So, Amber is gone...

Ozpin: *frowns slightly* ...It was quite of a loss for us all...

Y/N: And yet...Phyrra's our maiden now...

Oscar: *mentally* She's the current Fall Maiden?

Ozpin: *mentally* Yes, Oscar. Thanks to Y/N's help with his friends, we're actually getting closer by any moment to stop the evil.

Y/N: Ozpin...There's something you should know.

(Ozpin raises his eyebrow out of confusion)

Ozpin: And what would that be?

Y/N: ...the Red Flag Clan are making their move.

Ozpin: *stern* Miss Belladonna.

Y/N: She's with Sun and Ilia, an old friend of hers.

Qrow: Having lots of connection huh, kid.

(Ozpin and Y/N look at Qrow walking in with his flask on his hand.)

Y/N: Hey Qrow.

Ozpin: Are Leo's men ready to protect Haven Academy?

Qrow: Yup. They're all waiting for the Red Flag Clan to riot that place down.

Ozpin: *smiles* ...It seems Lady luck has turned on us.

Oscar: *mentally* U-Uhm, Ozpin? Why do i feel like something is about to happen?

(Right when he predicted, Y/N received another call, this time it was Raven who was calling.)

Qrow: What's up, kid?

Y/N: ...Raven.

Ozpin: *nods understandingly* We'll be quiet. You may answer.

(Y/N nodded his head and gets in the call with Raven.)

Y/N: "Raven."

Raven: "Change of plan, Y/N. Sienna is coming straight into your arms."

Y/N: "...Why?"

Raven: "Salem found me. Four of her pawns are approaching to my camp."

Y/N: ...tsk...

Raven: "Don't get worked up, i already thought of a plan."

Y/N: "...Make sure to be on our side. Not theirs."

Raven: "I thought we already established that deal. And destroy your scroll, i can sense Watts will be here."

(She then ends up the call, allowing Y/N to turn his scroll off and destroying it by stomping hardly on the floor.)

Qrow: *startled* Woah, kid. What happened?

Y/N: Salem.

Ozpin: *narrows his eyebrows* She found her.

Qrow: Fuck...The Spring Maiden-

Y/N: She found Raven, not the Spring Maiden.

Qrow: *looks to Y/N* What do you mean?

Y/N: I was at the camp. The Spring Maiden wasn't there...

Ozpin: *immediately realizes it* ...So Raven is-

Y/N: She's gonna use Vernal as a diverse to lure them think she's the current maiden.

Qrow: *scowls* ...Hmph.

Ozpin: She's making her moves...And so will we.

Y/N: *confused* We're moving now?

Qrow: Not immediately, kid. We're going to see Leo and inform him about this whole situation.

Ozpin: In case there will be some fight scenes, i'll let Oscar to possess his own body to avoid any damages.

Y/N: *crossing his arms* Should i call the others?

Qrow: Yeah...We don't know if their hacker already know your existence or not.

(Before any of them could call the others, they heard the door open and revealed Ruby standing shyly behind the door.)

Ruby: Um, excuse me?

Ozpin: Ah, Miss Rose, join us. We were just about to gather everyone to discuss our next steps.

Ruby: Oh, uh, great.

Qrow: Something on your mind kiddo?

Ruby: Uh... uh, it's... if it's okay to ask.

Qrow: Of course.

Ruby: Well, uh... we've been talking about the Relic at Haven... and the Spring Maiden, but... what about the Fall Maiden?

Y/N: Cinder?

Ruby: Does that mean... Salem has the Beacon Relic?

(Ozpin, Qrow and Y/N share a brief look with each other.)

Ozpin: Very astute, Miss Rose, I was wondering who would be the first to ask. No, thankfully she does not. It's true that the Relic at Haven is very much at risk, and for now, that should remain our primary focus. Let's just say I made finding the Relic at Beacon a... bit more challenging than at the other schools.

Ruby: Oh. *sighs in relief* That's good to hear.

Y/N: *smiles* Good one, Rubes.

Ruby: *blushes* Hehe... *remembers something* Oh right! Y/N, Yang feels better now! Weiss managed to talk through.

Y/N: *nods at her* Good to hear...

Qrow: Something happened to her?

Ruby: *fidgeting her fingers* She was just angry about Blake leaving us...

Y/N: ...She'll be back, for now we have to move.

Ruby: *confused* Oh, already?

Ozpin: Yes, Miss Rose. Let's not forget the challenges still lie before us, at the moment.

(Ruby nods)

Ozpin: Now is there anything else we can help you with?

Ruby: Oh, uh... well, I did have one more question.

Ozpin: No, my cane is not a Relic.

Ruby: I have no more questions.

(They all giggle.)

Ozpin: Yes, while this cane is indeed very precious to me, it is also just that - precious to me. While I admit it still has a few more tricks up its sleeve, I can firmly say that being a Relic isn't one of them. Now why don't you run and get the other students?

Ruby: *nods eagerly* Got it!

(Ruby runs out of the room while Qrow takes a drink from his flask.)

Ozpin: ...Y/N.

(Y/N looks at him)

Ozpin: ...Do not show up at the front hall unless we confirm Raven's trust toward us.

Qrow: *surprised* What are you planning, Oz?

Ozpin: *looks down at his cane* ...Something that i should've done it before i broke Raven's trust.

Y/N: ...I'll get Sienna and Neo to stop the Red Flag Clan.

Qrow: Good one, kid...See you after the battle.

(Y/N nods and walks out of the room, leaving Qrow and Ozpin by themselves to think of a plan.)

-Scene Change-

(Outside the dorm, Ruby called Weiss, Yang, Team JNPR and the twins to meet up with her...

Shortly after, Y/N was also walking outside and manage to get noticed by the group.)

Ruby: *smiles happily* N/N!

Nora: *puts her hands on her hips* What took you so long, Strikey?

Y/N: *rolls his eyes* Conversation with Qrow and Ozpin.

Weiss: Ruby told us about that...Are we going to talk to Leonardo?

Jaune: I guess we have to go there and see what this is all about...

Y/N: Yeah...about that...

Ren: *confused* Something wrong?

Y/N: ...Ozpin told me to not step in with you all with the meeting with Leo.

(Everyone, except for Melanie and Miltia, looks at Y/N with shocked expressions)

Yang: What? Why?

Malachite Twins: Is it about Salem?

Y/N: Yeah...

Ruby: *nervous* ...Does she know you're...

Y/N: Aye...Something tells me she figured i wasn't really dead.

Phyrra: Oh dear...This isn't good at all...

Y/N: You all can make up a plan...I trust you guys for this.

(Ruby and Weiss quickly hug their boyfriend out of comfort, infront of everyone as they gasp in shock...

Nora was immediately the first one to point bluntly at the scene.)

Nora: No! Way! *points at them* Are you three?!

(Ruby was giggling shyly while Weiss was hiding her face onto Y/N's chest to cover her red face.)

Y/N: ...Yes, Nora...It is what you think.

Melanie: *smirks smugly* Look at you, Y/N~

Miltia: *also smirks smugly* We've thought you said you weren't a playboy~

Y/N: *blushes* I'm not! Shut it!

Yang: *smirks* Guess you weren't kidding...but are you sure about this, Rubes?

Ruby: *rubs her head* I mean, we already talked about it...and i figured to give it a shot and hope it's worth it.

Y/N: We can talk about that later. Now, you guys go see Leo. I'll stay here for a moment.

Jaune: *concerned* ...You sure, bro?

Y/N: Like i said, i trust you guys. I see you guys later.

(Ruby and Weiss give a kiss on his cheek before walking out to head toward Leonardo's office...

Yang and the others are following the duo to meet up with Qrow and Ozpin...

As for the Malachite Twins, they stayed where they were and look at Y/N.)

Melanie: ...What happened?

Y/N: ...Raven is the Spring Maiden. She's plotting something.

Miltia: And that is?

Y/N: ...Setting up a trap.

(Y/N draws his Judgement Day and copies Raven's semblance to create a portal, however...

The portal was white and bright red instead of dark red like Raven's...

Two individuals were seen coming out of the portals, revealing they were Sienna Khan and Neo.)

Malachite Twins: Neo!!!

(The twins immediately hugs Neo, which she was smiling happily while hugging them back...

Sienna approaches to Y/N and holds her hand out for a handshake.)

Sienna: It is nice to meet you in person, Y/N.

Y/N: Likewise.

(He accepts the handshake and shook her hand before letting it go...

After that, Neo sprints toward Y/N and hugs him tightly like a Koala hanging on a tree branch.)

Y/N: *chuckles* ...Hey Neo.

Neo: *smiling, hugs him tight*

Sienna: How cute.

Malachite Twins: They sure are.

(Neo finally lets go and stands next to Y/N with a smug expression as she has her umbrella over her shoulders.)

Sienna: I believe we are now going to stop Adam, right?

Melanie: We are...Haven Academy is at its risk.

Miltia: And we have to stop them...

Y/N: Right now, they're on Mistral's backyard. We gotta stop him.

(The five of them begin to leave the area and head to the courtyard waiting outside for the Red Flag Clan.)

-Scene Change-

(Back at Menagerie, at the Belladonna's household, there is a raid going on through the night...

Red Flag Members were engaging Blake's parents, Ghira and Kali, but their guards were being assisted by the White Fang troopers, which they were given order by Sienna due to her survival from the assassination.)

Guard: Sir! Ma'am! We can take them from here!

W.F Trooper 1: We got this, lads! Our redemption starts now!!!

(All Whit Fang troopers let out a battle cry roar before charging towards Adam's men...

Somewhere far away from the household, Blake and her friends were running fast down the hill pushing and dodging Red Flag Members left and right.)

Blake: Come on, guys! My parents are in danger!

Sun: Who called the White Fang anyway?!

Ilia: I did! Sienna gave me the order to command our redemption!

Sun: *smirks at the thought* That knight is always ten step ahead of us!

Blake: *smiles* That's our Y/N for you, Sun.

Sun: *laughs* Of course he is! Now, let's kick some asses!

(Ilia nods her head confirming Sun's statement and begins to attack the Red Flag Clan with her electric whip...

Sun uses his semblance and gun-chucks to give support both Ilia and Blake...

Blake draws her Gambol Shroud and helps Sun to avoid any of Adam's men trying to get close and hurt him...

On their way to the house, Blake was the first one to hear a rumble inside the house...

Ilia kicks the door open and immediately attacks Adam's men that were already within the perimeter...

Sun also attacks the other Adam's men to let Blake have a runaway.)

Sun: Go! We'll hold them off!

Ilia: We catch you soon!

(Blake nods her head and sprints inside her house to find her parents, leaving the duo fighting with the intruders...

Corsac Albain is thrown through the wall, dropping his half of Cyclone and Inferno. Ghira Belladonna jumps into the room as he growls at Corsac. He then notices his daughter.)

Ghira: Blake!

(Suddenly, Fennec Albain stabs Ghira in the back, who cries out in pain and slumps toward the ground.)

Blake: *gasps in horror* Dad!!

(Ghira then gets Fennec off his back and tosses him away as Corsac runs to him. Ghira pulls the wand out of his back and clashes fists with Corsac. The two then struggle to push each other as their hands interlock.

Soon after, Ilia and Sun regroup with Blake and notices the fight on-going infront of them.)

Ilia: Sir!

Sun: Mr. Belladonna!

Ghira: I'm alright! Stay back!

(Fennec pulls out another wand and charges at Ghira. The chieftain manages to push off Corsac and dodges Fennec's swipes as he begins to fight both of them at once. Fennec doges a swing then leaps at Ghira as he drives Corsac back, only be caught and tossed onto the floor. As Ghira defends himself Fennec recovers and begins to charge his weapon while the pair continue exchanging blows. Fennec then charges in again, giving a loud battle cry. Ghira notices him and grabs his wrist, pointing his weapon as it fires at Corsac, who gets blown back several feet away and is knocked unconscious.)

Fennec: BROTHER!!!

(Fennec tries to attack Ghira again, but Sun Wukong jumps in and kicks him away.)

Ghira: Good one, monkey.

Sun: Name's Sun! But you're welcome!

Fennec: Not for long!

(He then grabs his wand and charges toward Ilia, causing the pillar of the balcony above them to crack and almost collapsing...

Shortly after Fennec got away, Ilia yelps looking up in terror as the balcony is about to fall on her. Suddenly, Ghira is shown lifting the broken part of the balcony with his own strength. Ilia stares in awe.)

Ghira: Go!!

(Ilia quickly gets out of the way as Ghira is forced down on one knee to keep the balcony from falling on him. Sun uses his Semblance to summon two light clones that go and help Ghira lift. Blake grabs her katana and transforms it into kusarigama form.

Unbeknownst to them, Fennec gets back up and sees his brother still unconscious. He grabs both of their wands and runs towards Ghira. Blake sees this and quickly tosses her weapon, wrapping it around her father's torso and pulls him out as Fennec lands just below the falling balcony. Fennec is then crushed by the balcony, and the Dust in the wands explode from impact, ensuring the younger Albain's death. Afterwards, Kali enters the room dragging an unconscious Yuma, who has his hands tied behind his back.)

Blake: Mom!

(Kali drops Yuma as her daughter comes up to hug her. Their embrace is cut short as a voice gets their attention.)

Corsac: *darkly* What have you done? *standing back up* You ruined everything... *inhales* EVERYTHIIIIIIING!!!

(The Belladonnas and Sun take defensive stances. Corsac angrily runs forward, but suddenly, Lightning Lash wraps around his body, electrocuting him and knocking him unconscious. With the battle over, Ilia quickly orders the White Fang to evacuate from the scene for any misunderstanding...

Some times later, outside of the Belladonna's home, a large crowd of Faunus gathers outside, noticing the smoke coming from the building.)

Guard: Back! Everyone, stay back! We've got people inside doing their best.

Faunus: Look!

(From the smoky doorway, Ghira walks out carrying the motionless bodies of a White Fang soldier and a Menagerie Guard on each of his shoulders. He hands the bodies to two guards as Saber Rodentia arrives)

Saber: Get in there! Search for any stragglers!

(More guards walk out keeping Corsac restrained, followed by Blake, Kali, Sun, Ilia and others.)

Saber: *to Ghira* We came as soon as we got the call. *he notices Corsac being forced to his knees* And Fennec?

(Ghira sadly shakes his head. Saber walks over to Corsac.)

Saber: *snarkily* Was it worth it?

(Corsac looks down, defeated. As the commotion continues, Blake shares brief looks with Sun and Ilia. Blake takes a deep sigh as she goes down the steps. Ghira notices his daughter walking away.)

Ghira: Blake!

(Before Ghira could go any further, his wife stops him, and both look on. Blake then stops at one of the steps as she begins to address the crowd.)

Blake: Humans didn't do this. *she points at the smoke coming from her house* We did this: Faunus. We did this to ourselves. We are just as capable of hate and violence as the humans, but I don't think any of us would jump at the chance to point that out. So why are we letting Adam do it for us?! By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place. And if we're not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is the message that Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him! You have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers to a very complicated problem. And I can't give that to you. I don't know how to make hate go away, I don't. But I know that this kind of violence is not the solution. I understand that to ask you to leave your homes and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk. But that's what's at stake. So I'm going, and I'll stand by myself if I have to.

Ilia: I'll stand with you!

Sun: *smirks* And so am i!

(Saber gives a stern look to Ghira about Ilia's current position.)

Ghira: Let her go, Saber. She has redeemed herself by saving us.

Saber: ...Yessir. *looks to Blake* What does she think she's doing?

Ghira: *smiling* She's learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older: That there is strength in forgiveness.

Mata: I'll go!!

(Mata the ram Faunus steps forward and raises his hand, followed by many more.)

Female Aquatic Faunus: I'll go too!

Various Faunus: I'll stand with you! I'll go!! Yeah!! Me too! Let's go! Yeah, let's go!!

(As more Faunus start to give Blake their support, Sun walks down the steps to join her and Ilia. The crowd is heard cheering as a majority agree to volunteer. They all smile at the crowd.)

Sun: Looks like we've got work to do.

Blake: Thank you.

Ilia: Let's stop Adam, yeah?

(Blake and Sun nod their heads as they watch more faunus are willing to join...

Ghira and Kali then walk down the steps to join their daughter and her friends.)

Ghira: We have about two weeks before Adam's attack on Haven. We're going to need shields, training, whatever we can do to protect as many people as possible.

Kali: We'll need transportation too. For everyone.

Blake: *smiling* I think I know a ship captain who owes us a favor.

(Sun grins and nods in agreement, leaving Ilia tilts her head out of confusion...

The screen fades into pitch black as the crackling sound from the flames were heard within the darkness.)

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(And this is where we leave the cliffhanger for the few final parts of Volume 5...)

A/N: I am so evil! Mwahahahahaha!

Also i had to unpublished real quick to make this small part! Haha!

Anyway, like i said on the last chapter, feel free to ask any questions!

See y'all in the next chapter!!!

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