(Vol. 5) Chapter 44: Cat's Redemption
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Well, well...it seems you're back once again, dear author.)
A/N: Dafuq are you, Striker from Helluva Boss?
(Unfortunately no, i am not him...but i do tend to speak like this since you created me.)
A/N: Aye, fair point mate. Now that i'm back, i keep forgetting to make some updates about my situations
(I'm sure you want to keep it private so no one would get worried about your nonsense life.)
A/N: Gee, thanks narrator. With that said, we can just jump into the story.
(The Forgotten Knight still has his adventure ahead of him, let us see how his journey in Mistral goes.)
A/N: Let's go!!!
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Branwen Tribe Camp-
-Late noon-
(Once the screen turns on, the camera shows Y/N patiently waiting outside Raven's tent when she were telling Yang and Weiss the whole situation, including the magic of her turning into an actual raven...
Meanwhile, The Forgotten Knight, he was quietly speaking with Sierra, Ironwood and Torchwick throughout an ear pod mounted inside his mask to hide from the public's eye.)
Ironwood: "So you've managed to get Raven on your side?"
Y/N: "Yeah..."
Sienna: "I've never thought i'd say this, but thank you for doing such things...i will be forever in your debt, Forgotten Knight."
Torchwick: "Easy there, Tigress. He ain't the same Forgotten Knight, he's now The Fallen Knight."
Y/N: "Not too loud..."
Ironwood: "Does she know we're eavesdropping?"
Y/N: "Bet your arse..."
Torchwick: "Well, say less! We're just mind our own business...quite literally, i mean."
Ironwood: "One of my cargo ship got hit by Grimm. Do you know anything about it?"
Y/N: "Tribe found the crash site...Stole Dusts."
Sienna: "She's following by the books of survival...To be strong, you have to get rid of the weak."
Y/N: "Biggest fucking lie of the century, that's what it is..."
Torchwick: "That's how the world works, my friend. No one can escape from that."
Ironwood: "I have to agree with them, even if we try to be more direct with justice, we're still under circumstances with the rules of the engagement."
Y/N: "...I know you would shoot one of your men to maintain peace, tranquility and power..."
Ironwood: "...By any means necessary? I suppose so."
Y/N: "Sienna...Is Blake still at Menagerie?"
Sienna: "She is...but i have no clue if she's still there or not...Ilia used to be report me everything..."
Torchwick: "That's not a good news, gentlemen. If we have no words from her little spy."
Y/N: "They either left or confront the White Fang..."
Ironwood: "Who are they going after? Taurus isn't even in Menagerie."
Sienna: "...I know who they are after."
Torchwick: "Do tell, Tigress"
Sienna: "They're after Corsac and Fennec Albain..."
Y/N: "...Brothers..."
(Out of nowhere, Y/N received an unknown call, making him and the others confused by it.)
Torchwick: "Nuh-uh. This isn't me or Neo, swear."
Sienna: "Should we wait for you, L/N?"
Y/N: "I'll make it quick."
(He then left the call and secured another line to protect the unknown call from possible eavesdropper...
After picking it up, he was surprised to hear two of his faunus friends reaching him out.)
Sun: "Yo! Is this Y/N? The same bro we've met at the docks?"
Blake: "Y-Y/N...Please be you..."
Y/N: "...Hey Blake...Hi Sun..."
Sun: *laughs happily* "It IS you! My Oum, it is good to hear you man!"
Ilia: "H-Hi there, Forgotten Knight..."
Y/N: "...How?"
Blake: "We're a-at the White Fang's place here in Menagerie...W-We haven't left the island yet..."
Sun: "Those psychos were here as well! Blakey and i dealt with them and gained a new addition!"
Y/N: "Smart move..."
Ilia: "I...want to say sorry..."
Blake: "Ilia...We already said it was alright..."
Y/N: "...Friend of yours?"
Blake: "She's my friend when i used to be in the White Fang...She still feels guilty for siding by Adam's methods of equations between humans and faunus..."
Y/N: "...That doesn't change how you get my number..."
Sun: "We found some members of the resistance...one of them gave us this number before they passed away..."
Y/N: "..."
Ilia: "Y/N...Is Sienna still alive?"
Y/N: "...Under the radar. Don't worry."
Blake: *surprised* "She's still alive?"
Sun: "That explains the bodies...Yikes..."
(There was a moment of silence on both lines, possibly mourning the deaths of the resistance members...
Y/N knew who they were, thanks to Roman's hidden reports, but now he can confirmed their deaths thanks to Blake and the others, he decided to break the silence and confront the cat faunus for the time being.)
Y/N: "Sun. Ilia. Give us a moment."
-Scene Change-
-White Fang Base, Menagerie-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(After the scene switched places, we see Sun and Ilia being confused by his request...
Blake was also confused by that, but she didn't ask since she was guessing about back at Beacon.)
Sun: Uh...Sure bud, we'll give you guys a minute.
Ilia: I-If you excuse us...
(With that, they left the room and guarded the exit from the outside after closing the door, leaving Blake by herself in the room.)
Blake: Y-Y/N, what is it?
Y/N: "...Is it true you left us back at Beacon?"
(His question causes her to widen her eyes in shock before her cat ears flopped down in shame and guilty.)
Blake: ...
Y/N: "Blake."
Blake: ...Y-Yes...
Y/N: "...You left Yang unconscious..."
Blake: *begins to tremble* I-I was scared...I d-didn't mean to leave you!
Y/N: "Yang was feeling bad when i saw her."
Blake: And so were we! *her tears begin to fall from her eyes* When w-we saw you after protecting Vale, i was so devasted that i've thought it wasn't worth to stay!
Y/N: "You're making nonsense here..."
Blake: Like you're the one to talk! You faked your death from us!
Y/N: "I had my reasons, and they were valuable."
Blake: *gets frustrated and sad* But you left us girls broken and in tears! Ruby included!
(Her shout was enough to make the Forgotten Knight quiet as he realized she made a point...
However, he knew the risk of getting caught, but he had to keep playing the dead man walking before the big confrontation with Salem and her pawns.)
Y/N: "Blake. I get you're mad...but listen to me-"
Blake: No, Y/N! Do you have any ideas how denial and devastated i was?! *she starts sobbing and choking on her own words* I-I didn't want to believe you w-were dead...n-not after everything you've done to me...
Y/N: "..."
Blake: I-I never wanted to believe that... *sob* ...y-you and the others were the first ones who a-accepted me for who i am... *she then started wiping her eyes but the tears kept falling down* ...i just c-couldn't stop believing when i saw your body...
Y/N: "...Blake..."
Blake: ...p-please...don't you EVER scare me like that!
(Outside the room, Sun and Ilia were surprised how emotional and sensitive Blake was towards Y/N...
Sun knew from the start the situation between her and Y/N, so he had to swallow his pride and accept Blake deciding Y/N over him, which he didn't take well at first...
Ilia, on the other hand, thought Blake wasn't into men or whatsoever since she had feelings for her, however after her betrayal against Adam, those feelings were gone and replaced with anger for her abandoning the White Fang...
But now, she realized how Blake and Sun were right about the White Fang and decided to switch side and join with her ex-crush and Sun, also she understood Blake's feelings and interaction even if it was her first time seeing that.)
Y/N: "...Blake."
Blake: ...W-What?
Y/N: "...After you dealt with Corsac and Fennec, come to Mistral."
Blake: *her cat ears perked up in surprise* H-Huh?
Y/N: "You heard me clearly. But first, let me ask you another question."
Blake: *she then wipes the last bit of her tears away from the corner of her left eye* W-What is it?
Y/N: "Do you know where their next attack will be?"
Blake: ...
[30 minutes after the fight]
(The screen shows multiple Red Flag dead bodies all over the floor with blood splattered all over the place...
Adam successfully retreated from the throne room, leaving himself injured from the fight as he was nowhere to be found later on...
As for the group of resistance, they were in bad shape:
The twins, Alpha and Beta, were found dead next to a pillar, both of them were killed by a stab through their stomach...
Reed, the deer faunus, was also found dead but he was laying on the floor facing upwards at the ceiling, having a cut on his neck that caused him losing blood from it...
Kobra, the snake faunus, was struggling to be alive with her guts cut open from the fight caused by one of the Red Flag members...
And the last one, Nexus, was in the worst shape than the others because:
His uniform was all ripped up from the fight.
His right arm was cut out from its socket.
And his left eye was busted open from Adam's confrontation...
It was needless to say, they've won the distraction...but at what cost?)
Kobra: *she coughs out blood* Bloody fuckin' hell...
Nexus: *he was panting heavily* ...at least...Sienna is safe...
(Both of them were relieved from Sierra's safety, but they also felt sad and angry for the loss of their fallen comrades.)
Kobra: ...that bull wanker went after the twins...
Nexus: He'll pay for that...for them and Reed...
(Soon after, the doors slammed open revealing Blake, Ilia and Sun with their weapons on their hands, the three of them were shocked by the massacre on the headquarters...
Blake and Ilia immediately recognized the injured duo and went after them, instantly trying to treat their wounds.)
Ilia: H-Hold still! We can still patch you both up!
Kobra: *she smiles weakly at them* Sorry love...but we're out...i can't even feel my legs...
(As for Nexus, he just smiled and collapsed onto the floor as he finally gives in to Death itself, blood dripping from his loss arm...
Blake and Ilia were tearing up as they kept pressing Kobra's injuries to stop the bleeding while Sun was in guard with his gun-chucks.)
Blake: Who did this to you...
Kobra: ...Adam-fucking-Taurus...
Ilia: *shocked* What?!
Sun: Tsk. Of course it was him!
Blake: And w-what's with the red and black uniform?
Kobra: *she begins to breathe slowly due to lack of strength* ...Adam...formed a new clan...named "Red Flag Clan"...
Sun: A new clan?!
Ilia: T-This isn't good...he's either dragging or forcing the others to attack Mistral!
Blake: *she was a bit confused by that statement* Why Mistral?
Kobra: He...made a deal...in exchange for attacking...another academy...
(Ilia was horrified when she realized who he made the deal with, she then begins to shake in fear and immediately hugs herself with her skin turning purple out of fear.)
Ilia: H-He's gone mad...N-No way...
Sun: Damn it! We have to go to Mistral!
Kobra: *she groans in pain* ...before you three go...you have to deal with the brothers...
Blake: You mean...Corsac and Fennec?
Kobra: ...aye...them...
Sun: We can do that, we know where they are...
Kobra: But first...here...
(She hands over a piece of paper with a number on it, Sun quickly grabs it and reads it before putting in his shorts.)
Sun: Whoever this number is from, we'll let them know about Sienna being safe.
Kobra: *smiles weakly* ...thanks...now... *closes her eyes* ...here i come...reed...
(With her final words, Kobra finally gives in and dies under Ilia and Blake's hands, causing the girls to tear up for not coming to save her and the others sooner...
Sun also shed a tear from her final breath before he wiped it off of his face.)
Sun: Come on, girls...let's get out of here and call this number.
Blake: Y-Yeah...let's go...
(And just like that, they three of them begin to leave the room after laying down Kobra on the floor with her eyes closed.
[End of Flashback]
[Present Day]
(At the Branwen Tribe camp, Vernal pours cups of tea for Raven Branwen, Yang Xiao Long, and Weiss Schnee. They are all inside Raven's tent with the latter three seated around a table.)
Raven: *to Vernal* You can wait outside. Thank you. *Vernal does so.*
Yang: So, what's the "truth"?
Raven: *taking a sip from her cup* You know, it's better when it's hot.
Weiss: You know, you're really obnoxious.
Raven: The truth is that "truth" is hard to come by. A story of victory for one person is a story of defeat for someone else. By now, your uncle has surely told Ruby and her friends plenty of stories.
Yang: Well, he's never given me a reason to doubt him before.
Raven: That doesn't mean those reasons don't exist. *Yang glares at her* You know, you and your teammates might as well be the poster children for the Huntsman Academies. Your motives vary, but you all enrolled to try and make the world a better place. It's adorable.
Yang: It's what Huntsmen and Huntresses do.
Raven: Not all of them. Some people are just in it for the money and the fame, but there's even more that are just looking to grow stronger. Your Uncle Qrow and I didn't attend Beacon to become Huntsmen, we did it to learn how to kill Huntsmen.
(Yang and Weiss gasp at this, exchanging a brief look with each other.)
Raven: Daddy and Uncle left that part out, hm? *begins to pour more tea for herself* Aside from the Grimm, Huntsmen were the only ones capable of ruining our raids and hunting us down. Our tribe needed a counterforce. *takes another sip* And Qrow and I were the perfect age. *standing up* The entrance exams were child's play compared to what we'd already been through. We were good. So good, that we caught the attention of Beacon's very own Headmaster, Professor Ozpin. Even after we were put on a team, I could tell he was keeping his eye on us. Back then, I thought it was because he knew, but it was Team STRQ he was interested in.
Yang: What do you mean by that?
Raven: Constant attention, extra training missions, turning a blind eye whenever we happened to break the rules and get into more trouble than we should've. Sound familiar?
(Yang and Weiss share another glance at each other. Weiss gestures Yang to keep going.)
Yang: What's your point?
Raven: How much do you know about Professor Ozpin? About his past?
Weiss: He was... a prodigy. One of the youngest headmasters to be appointed to a school.
Raven: Because that's how he planned it. Because the man you know as Ozpin designed those schools and has followers inside every academy on Remnant that are loyal to him and no one else.
Yang: That doesn't make any sense! How could he have...? No. Why would someone even do that?
Raven: Because old man Oz has a great and terrible secret. One that could spread fear across the world. One that he eventually entrusted to our team, and once I knew, there was no going back. I needed to know more, but with every new discovery I made, the more horrifying the world became.
Yang: Okay, then tell us. What's the big secret? What's so crazy that the rest of us don't know?
Raven: The Creatures of Grimm... have a master named Salem. She can't be stopped, she can't be reasoned with, and she will not rest until Humanity crumbles at her feet.
(As she speaks, Weiss and Yang's eyes widen more and more. They sit in silence.)
Weiss: What?
Raven: You know, you two haven't even touched your tea.
(Raven takes another sip from her teacup, while Yang stands up.)
Yang: Why should we believe any of this?
Raven: Now you're catching on. So far you've done nothing but accept what others tell you, (puts her cup down) but you need to question everything.
(The two stare at each other face to face, before Raven turns around.)
Raven: Otherwise you'll end up just as blind as Qrow... *Yang grits her teeth, and her eyes narrow, seething* ... and your fool of a father.
(Before Yang could shoot her shot from her Ember Celica, Y/N walks inside the tent and softly hold his hand ontop of her head, stopping her from drawing her weapon at Raven.)
Y/N: Don't.
Yang: *she looks up at him with shock* But she-
Y/N: What Raven said is true, but that wasn't all.
Weiss: W-What do you mean?
Y/N: Salem may be immortal...but that doesn't mean she's undefeatable.
(Yang took a second to realize what Y/N just said could be saying the actual truth, she then lower her arm and stare back at her own mother.)
Yang: Mom...Don't you dare to talk about my family like that ever again...you don't know the first thing about my teammates. About me! You were never there! You LEFT US!! *her eyes then turn back to normal* Why... *hangs her head in sadness*
Raven: I know more than you realize. Not just about you, and not just what I've been told, but things I've seen with my own eyes. I know the Grimm have a leader, I know people who can come back from the dead, I know that magic is real, and I can prove it.
(Weiss stands up, while Raven continues addressing her daughter.)
Raven: You said Tai told you all about my Semblance.
(Vernal stays inside the tent while Raven head toward the back exit of her tent, leaving Yang, Weiss and Y/N inside with her.)
Y/N: Yang...
Weiss: Are you alright?
Yang: *she started wiping her eyes with her forearm* I'm fine...s-sorry about that.
Weiss: It's okay...if you're not okay, you know?
Y/N: For now, let's head outside and see what Ozpin did to Raven and Qrow.
(Y/N then exits the tent, leaving Yang and Weiss to exchange confused looks.)
Vernal: Go see for yourself.
(Vernal leaves. Yang and Weiss take her advice and exit the tent. They see no one there.)
Yang: Y/N? Mom?
Weiss: I wonder where did they go?
Yang: *sighs* ...I wonder too...
Weiss: Will you be alright?
Yang: ...I'll be fine once we can get her to take us to Ruby.
Weiss: Let's hope so...otherwise we'll be stuck in here.
Yang: Or we can ask Y/N to copy my mom's semblance to take us to her.
Weiss: Hmm...Not a bad idea.
(The two of them went back quiet before Yang asks Weiss to break the silence.)
Yang: You don't believe what she said to us, right?
Weiss: I... of course not. Well, not all of it. It was crazy. We have Dust, Semblances... But, I mean, there's no such thing as magic. And besides, if Y/N can confirm what she said, we need to talk with Ozpin.
Yang: Yeah...i guess that's fair...
(Just then, the two hear a bird caw. They watch it fly in front of them.)
Weiss: A raven?
Yang: I've... seen that bird before.
Weiss: Maybe it belongs to your mom?
Y/N: No, Weiss. That raven is actually Raven, Yang's mother.
(The two continue to watch the raven fly in the dusk-colored sky. It descends, flying and weaving between the trees, before shapeshifting into Raven herself. Raven lands back on the ground on her feet, while Yang and Weiss have shocked expressions as she stands back up...
After that, they also see Y/N in his literal Nevermore form before his whole body brightens white and red lights before shapeshifting back into himself, making the girls even more shocked than before.)
Yang: How...did you do that?
Y/N: My semblance somehow evolved, as for Raven...
Raven: Well, I could explain it to you...
(Raven then draws Omen, slashing behind her, creating a portal with her Semblance.)
Raven: ...Or you could ask your uncle.
Yang: You're letting us go?
Raven: ...Look. I wasn't a good mother model for you...Yes, i did leave you, Tai and Qrow for this tribe, but i only did that because i've thought Ozpin's war was impossible to win against Salem... *she then looks at Y/N* ...But that completely changed when Y/N convinced me to redeem myself so i can see you again...
(Yang then looks at Y/N with a surprised expression as he nodded his head to confirm what Raven said to them...
Weiss timidly smiles at the scene before making her way toward Y/N as Raven and Yang could have their reunion one last time.)
Weiss: So that was how you got here, huh.
Y/N: Me and Raven made a deal, the rest is history.
Vernal: *smiles playfully at Y/N* I'm gonna miss you around here, knight.
(Before Y/N could retort, Weiss makes an unexpected move and hugs Y/N's arm pulling him close to her and away from Vernal.
This sudden action makes Vernal stare at the duo with a shocked expression.)
Weiss: Back off. He's already taken, you know?
Vernal: ... *smiles smugly* Oh, i see where this is going.
Y/N: Zip it. *to Yang* Yang! Let's go!
Yang: *to Y/N* Coming! *looks at Raven* ...You weren't nice either way, why the sudden change?
Raven: ...because i regretted it. Now go, Y/N and Ozpin will tell you everything.
Yang: Even Y/N knows the truth?
Raven: He was Qrow's student, remember?
Yang: Oh...well, i didn't know that actually.
Raven: Now you know...Qrow also will explain.
(Yang nodded her head before walking toward the portal with her motorcycle, Bumblebee, and Weiss sitting behind her while Y/N was held by Raven calling him out.)
Raven: Y/N.
Y/N: *stops walking* ...Yeah?
Raven: ...Keep an eye on her...Got it?
Y/N: ...Aye.
(With her final request, Y/N went through the portal before it closes behind him leaving Raven and Vernal staring where the portal used to be.)
-Scene Change-
(Back in Mistral, Qrow is seen leaning against a stone railing.)
Qrow: Heh, Leo's really redeemed himself. I got some of them under his name.
(Qrow smirks with smug and confidence after he managed to get some of the huntsmen to protect Haven Academy. Then suddenly, he hears the sound of Raven's portal behind him.)
Qrow: Raven?
(The sound of a motorcycle is heard coming from the portal.)
Qrow: *surprised* Oh. Guess she found her.
(Yang and Weiss were seen coming out of the portal before Yang parks her motorcycle infront of Qrow, turning it off before hopping down with Weiss...
Y/N was seen coming out of the portal as well before it closes behind him, making Qrow even more surprised by his appearance.)
Qrow: Damn, kid. You ran into Raven?
Y/N: For the record, she reached me out and took me to her camp.
Yang: Uncle Qrow...Where's Ruby?
Qrow: *smiles at her* Pipsqueak's with Ozpin and her friends, plus two new kids.
Weiss: *confused* Who?
Qrow: You'll see. Now come along
(He then stands up from the railing and begins to head to Ruby's dorm, which the trio follow behind him...
Back at the house Team RNJR is staying at, each of the members are helping prepare dinner: Ruby Rose and Lie Ren are cooking at the stove, Jaune Arc is setting up the table, and Nora Valkyrie is cutting carrots, occasionally eating slices.)
Ren: Alright, the first batch is just about done.
Ruby: Awesome! Now we just need Qrow and we'll be all set.
Nora: *still eating carrots* Do you really think he's gonna bring that many people? This is a lot of food. *eats another carrot slice*
Ruby: Uh, I don't know, but it sounds like we could use all the help we can get.
Qrow: *off screen* I'm back!
Ruby: Be right there!
Ren: *to Ruby* You're going to overcook that.
Ruby: No I'm not, shut up!
Qrow: *off screen* Hey, uh, Ruby?
Ruby: I'm coming!
(Some smoke comes from the pan Ruby is cooking with.)
Ruby: *to Ren* Fine! You take over.
(Ruby grabs the tea tray and heads to the living room while Ren helps cook the pan.)
Ruby: *looking at the tea tray* So, we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it.
(She looks up, and gasps as she drops the tea tray and its contents, which shatter on the floor. She stares in disbelief at the sight of not only Qrow, but of her older sister Yang, teammate Weiss and beloved knight Y/N. Yang approaches her little sister.)
Ruby: *voice cracking* Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I- I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd-- I just... *tears start pouring from her eyes* I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and--
(Suddenly, her big sister gives her a strong hug. Ruby's lips quiver, and she looks toward her sister.)
Yang: I love you. *tears stream from her eyes*
(Ruby sobs as she leans into her sister's hug.)
Ruby: I love you too
(Jaune, Phyrra, Ren and Nora enter the room, smiling at the sight of the two sisters embracing each other. Qrow smiles as well as Y/N was seen leaning against a wall behind him before Oscar Pine enters the room.)
Oscar: Uh...
(He looks up, seeing Ruby and Yang hugging, and smiles. Weiss smiles as she wipes a tear from her eye, before frowning while looking down.)
Ruby: Weiss.
(Weiss looks up, and sees the two sisters open their arms up for her. She smiles and eagerly joins them in their hug. Everyone smiles as they watch three of the four Team RWBY members embrace each other...
After their small reunion moment, Ruby notices Y/N behind Qrow, she then quickly runs over and hugs hum tightly.)
Ruby: Y-You didn't told me you were picking them up!
Y/N: *smiles softly* ...Actually, my original order was to pick Weiss up.
Nora: *surprised* You mean you two coincidentally meet up with her?
Yang: *chuckles lightly* Small world, am i right?
(The group, minus Y/N, start laughing before they all begin to head toward the table to eat...
Y/N was seen staring at Oscar, who happen to be slightly nervous when he noticed his stare.)
Qrow: *smirks at Y/N* Something wrong, kid?
Y/N: ...
Oscar: *realizes it* O-Oh! Uh...let me g-get Ozpin for you.
(He then takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, letting Ozpin to possess Oscar's body...
Y/N was slightly surprised by the Aura changing around him before he notices Oscar's eyes are now yellowish gold.)
Ozpin: *smiles slightly at Y/N* It has been a while, Forgotten Knight.
Y/N: ...Ozpin?
Qrow: Heh, that's right. *drinks his flask* Told you that Oz has resurrection magic.
Y/N: I see...
Qrow: *puts his flask away* ...Wha'cha got, kid?
Y/N: ...Raven is with us, however... *turns to Ozpin* ...She told Yang everything, including magic.
Ozpin: ...Very well. We will discuss after your little reunion party. *smiles at Y/N* Run along, Y/N.
(Y/N nods his head and heads toward the dining room to join with Team RW_Y, JNPR and the twins, who happened to be seen sitting with Weiss...
Qrow and Ozpin were smiling at the view of group of friends smiling with happiness and joy as they all have their own plates on the table, before the screen slowly fades into pitch black as cutlery sounds were heard in the darkness.)
A/N: Small Update. I'm currently making a RWBY collab story.
The story in question isn't connected with this one, to make things clear from misunderstanding.
Make sure to follow HershMaster, they're also making a new RWBY story, give it a look because they're amazing writer (unlike me)
With that said, time to lurk into the shadows once again!
P.S.: How do you want me to make Y/N accepting Weiss's confession and officially make a harem on him?
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