(Vol. 5) Chapter 43: Family Reunion
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(This is quite interesting, i would never thought you were coming back here once again, dear author.)
A/N: After this volume, i'll rework on some chapters to make it better since my math isn't my bloody forte...
(And i presumed you were also busy making the reboot version of Highschool DxD story, correct?)
A/N: Yeah, and don't forget i'm currently under working on a collab. So, I'd be mostly focused on that, but i will make drafted chapters to keep the story in check.
(Fascinating...It seems your hobby is slowly coming back, i see.)
A/N: Fuck yeah! And guess what?! The title says everything, so let's just go straight into the chapter!
(Hold on...The title?-)
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Branwen Tribe Camp-
(Once the screen turns on, the camera shows Y/N, Vernal and Raven standing outside of the main tent where we once were inside...
Raven then proceeded to use her semblance and sheathed her katana, opening a dark red portal infront of them...
Y/N remained unfazed as he was staring at the portal, still thinking about what Raven told him to do.)
[3 Hours Ago]
Y/N: You want me to do what?
Raven: You heard me, L/N...That guy, Shay, can be a bit of nuisance, he can't even pull up the smallest job for us...
Y/N: Then why not sending Vernal instead?
Vernal: He'll think Raven doesn't trust him
Y/N: ...
Raven: Just...do this favor for me and i'll tell you when Cinder makes her next move...
Y/N: ...So are you willing to let Sienna stay hidden here?
Raven: Yes. But if Salem's pawns show up here, i'll send the faunus back to you. Agreed?
Y/N: ...Deal. Where's the location?
[End Of Flashback]
[Present Day]
Raven: L/N.
(Y/N nodded his head and drew his Judgement Day, holding it in his hand and walked through the portal before it closes when he went through...
Vernal sighed quietly in relief once she felt the pressure of the Forgotten Knight's presence...)
Vernal: ...for being a kid, he sure knows how to put pressure...
Raven: Hmph...Must've taken from that general at Atlas...
Vernal: *surprised* ...How do you know that, boss?
Raven: I have my ways...now let's see if Shay can really do his job or not...
(Both girls begin to walk back inside the tent to chill for a bit, letting Y/N do his job as he was told.)
-Scene Change-
(After the camera switches places, Y/N was seen pointing his Judgement Day on its rifle form at the scene...)
A/N: Stop the vid when Yang was about to ride off
Y/N: Yang.
(The called out sun dragon immediately freezes in shock when she heard Y/N's voice, thinking she was hallucinating when she had nightmares of Adam...
But in Reality, The Fallen Knight was rose from his grave and he was alive...
To check she wasn't really hallucinating, she quickly turned around, her light purple pupils shrinking in pure shock and joy when she saw Y/N was standing infront of her own eyes...
Without a second, she begins to tear up, rush towards her knight friend and tightly hug him like her life depends on it...
Y/N gently hugged her back, caressingly rubs her back as he let her have her moment once he heard her crying quietly on his shoulder.)
Yang: ...I-I thought you w-were gone for good...
Y/N: ...i had to fake it to lay low...
(The duo begins to break apart, but Yang immediately slaps Y/N across his cheek, causing the mask to pop off of his face as it lands on the ground...
Y/N, on the other hand, kinda expected that to happen, but he wasn't expected to happen really soon.)
Yang: Do you have any ideas...how broken Ruby was when she told me you died?!
Y/N: *looks at her, holding his cheek* Yang-
Yang: *cuts him off* Dad told me she kept crying every night...even when i was still unconscious...Ruby already lost more than enough-
Y/N: *cuts her off* Yang. Rubes' fine...She's at Mistral with Jaune and the others...Phyrra is also there too.
(Yang's expression went from anger to shock when she heard the news about her half sister actually managing to be at Mistral.)
Yang: ...Really?
Y/N: Yes...The twins are also there to keep an eye on them, Qrow is also with Ruby.
Yang: *surprised* Uncle Qrow?
Y/N: Yeah...He's with Ruby and the rest.
Yang: But wait a minute...if they all made to there, why are you HERE?
Y/N: ...Let's get you to the camp...She will tell you everything.
Yang: *confused* "She"? Who is she?
Y/N: ...Your biological mother.
(Yang went quiet once she heard Y/N's statement...
Instead of talking about it, she hopped on her Bumblebee and turned the engine on.)
Yang: Hop on. I already know where the camp is.
(Y/N immediately guessed Shay told where the camp was, so he did as she said, he hopped behind her and held onto the bike before she begins to drive off...
The group of bandits, including Shay, were left laying on the ground, defeated and beaten from the fight against the Sun Dragon...)
-Scene Change-
-Haven Academy-
(Back at Haven Academy, Team JNPR, Ruby, Malachite Twins and the new arrival, Oscar, were at the backyard of their dorm room training with close quarter combat, CQC...
Oscar and Ruby were sparring to each other, however, the farm boy wasn't used to any of this, so Ozpin had to give a demonstration, both to Ruby and Oscar...
When he first showed up with Qrow, they wouldn't believe Ozpin was reincarnated, they didn't even know about Ozpin's secret until he showed up when he possessed Oscar's body to prove them...
Anyways, after the sparring match, Ruby was helping Oscar standing up, which he was still exhausted and sweating.)
Oscar: How is it...so exhausting...
Ren: Your body isn't used to this kind of things...we've learned from a friend of ours about pushing ourselves to the limit and work on that limitless so we could go through...
Oscar: *amazed* Woah...really?
Ozpin: *mind* As expected from Lie Ren...If you dedicate yourself into this with the help of the group, you'll become better than you are right now.
Oscar: But...how are you all doing this so casually?
Ruby: Hehe, we went through schools after we unlocked our Aura and semblance.
Jaune: I got Phyrra unlocking my Aura and ever since that day, my semblance was already unlocked before we even know it.
Malachite Twins: Y/N showed that to you?
Phyrra: He did! It was also the reason why i was a bit dizzy after unlocking his Aura
Nora: Aww man, i should've seen that moment!
Oscar: W-What about you guys?
Nora: Ren's semblance activated from intense stress.
Ruby: And mine kicked when i was training one day.
Malachite Twins: We only have Auras, but we unlocked it when we used to be bad people.
Oscar: *surprised* Really? W-What about Nora?
Nora: *shrugs* Got struck by a lighting, crazy friday for me.
Phyrra: *shocked* Oh dear...
Jaune: How are you alive?!
(Nora shrugged at his question, not even she knows how she's still alive...
The group slightly laughs at Jaune's shock before he also joins in the laughter as their bond became close to one another...
Ozpin was seeing from Oscar's perspective and he was mentally proud from his students, part of him still wished he could tell the whole truth, but the other part told him to wait until the Forgotten Knight comes back from his mission.)
-Scene Change-
-Branwen Tribe Camp-
(Back at the camp, Y/N was guiding Yang through the camp to let her meet Raven...
Everyone in the camp were giving the blondie some dirty looks such as how big and beautiful she was...
Y/N wasn't buying any of them, so he decided to let out his Aura to stop them from their dirty thoughts.)
A/N: Play where Shin shows a portion of his magic, that's how Y/N release his Aura.
Bandit 1: *scared shitless* W-What the?
Bandit 2: *scared shitless* The f-fuck is this immense Aura?
Y/N: Thus who dare to try unholy stuff on her, thy shall feel the wrath of Judgement Day.
(With that enough said, every bandits who were giving dirty looks at Yang immediately look away in fear, not wanting to die by the Forgotten Knight's hands...
Yang was surprised by his action, not realizing how she also develop some feelings to him, but also she has some conflicted feelings toward Blake as well...
Pushing that thought aside, Raven was now seen coming out of the tent with her grimm mask on her head with Vernal standing beside her...
Y/N's Aura died down the moment Raven showed up, he also took notice of Vernal's hips as he notices Myrtenaster, Weiss's rapier.)
Raven: You've finally found me... *takes her helmet off, staring down at Yang* ...And i see you kept my word, L/N.
Y/N: ...Shay and his group got beaten up...
Raven: Figured as much, thanks for the feedback.
Yang: *slightly surprised* You...two know each other?
Raven: We're-
Y/N: *cuts her off* Acquaintance.
(As Y/N simply answered the question for Raven, Yang decided to accept that answer and begins to confront her own mother infront of everyone...
Y/N and Vernal were staring at each other, the former was still stoic while the latter was giving a smug smile while caresses Weiss's Myrtenaster.)
A/N: play the vid around 17:40 min. until stop it when the scene change.
(Meanwhile the daughter and mother were talking on the background, Y/N and Vernal were having a face-off...
The Fallen Knight was still having his iconic stoic expression while Vernal has her right hand on her hip, showing a smug expression at him.)
Vernal: Y'know...Raven would've loved to have you as one of us, you have potential, Knight.
Y/N: ...
Vernal: *raises her eyebrow* What? Cat got your tongue?
Y/N: *stern* ...Where did you get that?
Vernal: Oh, this rapier? *smiles smugly at him* Why do you want to know?~
Y/N: Schnee's Property...
(Without any warning, he begins to draw his Judgement Day from over his back, pointing it at Vernal...
Yang, Raven and every bandits around the four of them were surprised by his sudden hostility, soon then minority of those bandits begin to draw their own weapons.)
Bandit: We've heard enough, you two are done for!
Swordsman: You two either leave or get killed right here!
Yang: *her eyes turn red, glaring at the bandits* Make us.
Y/N: Il vostro giudizio è la morte. [Your judgement is Death.]
(Knowing there was no turning back from this situation, Yang and Y/N were standing side-by-side, glaring at the bandits who dared to approach them...
One of the said bandits decided to take action and rushed towards Yang, but only for him to get launched by her powerful punch that cause him to sent flying through a tent, knocking it down...
To Yang's surprise and Y/N's corrected intuition, they spotted Weiss inside a cage without her weapon...
Weiss's eyes went wide out of shock when she spotted them, especially Y/N.)
Weiss: Yang?! *tears up slightly* Y-Y/N?!
Yang: *shocked* Weiss?!
[Y/N quickly snapped his head at Raven, glaring menacingly at the tribe leader as his eyes also went red...
But his mask turned into a Deathstroke mask, causing him to pop his own scorpion traits to reveal to everyone.)
Y/N: When did this happen?
Raven: That's none of your-
(His sudden outburst made everyone around him being shocked at his scream...
Some were taken aback from this while others were scared when they saw the menacing stare in his eyes...
Raven, however, stood there with a brief second of surprise before she became stern and ordered one of her men to set Weiss free.)
Yang: *angry* Seriously?! Now you decided to kidnap my friend?!
Raven: We weren't after her, rest assured for that.
Bandit: But ma'am! We could make-
(Y/N cut him off by putting his claws around the bandit's neck, immediately giving them his killer instinct.)
Y/N: Thou shall feel thy wrath if you decline to comply.
(With that simple, professional and yet menacing phrase, the bandit wasted no time and immediately ran to unlock the cage...
Weiss then walks out of the cage and flicks her ponytail at the bandit before running towards Yang and Y/N, even without her Myrtenaster, she still shows her determined expression knowing she will fight for her weapon.)
Raven: ...Perhaps we've started with the wrong foot.
Yang: *sarcastic* Jeez, mom...i wonder what makes you say that.
Raven: *stern* Watch it, Yang. You may be my daughter, but i won't go easy on you.
Yang: Easy on me? You literally left me and Dad in Patch by ourselves! Even Uncle Qrow said that you left us!
Raven: ...those two, i swear...
Yang: If you really care about me, why didn't you just show up then?!
Raven: It's not that easy!
Yang: And yet it was that easy to leave your own family?!
Raven: *remorseful* I've had no choice!
Yang: *angry, yet sad* But you could've just come back to us!!!
(This mother-daughter confrontation was uneasy and uncomfortable for everyone in the camp, except for Weiss and Y/N since they also have their own problems related with their own families...
After a long face-off between the two, Raven took a deep breath and decided to end this all and follow Y/N's advice.)
Raven: ...Vernal. Give Weiss her weapon back.
(The right hand woman was surprised by her leader's command, but she then grabbed the Myrtenaster and tossed it back to its owner...
Raven also picks her helmet and look at the trio.)
Raven: Yang, Weiss. When you two have time, come in my tent. There's something i want to tell you.
Yang: *crosses her arms, raises her eyebrow* And Y/N?
Raven: He already knows what is going on.
(With a straightforward answer, she turned around and went inside her tent with Vernal following behind...
Soon after, everyone in the camp went back to their own businesses knowing there was no way to fight back since they know how strong Yang is and how scary Y/N can be.)
Yang: *sighs deeply* ...Sorry about that, Weiss-
(The former heiress immediately hugs her, leaning her face into her shoulder showing how much she has missed Yang.)
Weiss: ...I missed you.
Yang: *smiles softly, hugs her back* I missed you too, ice queen.
(Weiss stifled a light giggle before pulling away from the hug...
She then takes a good look at Y/N, who was staring back at her...
She went over to check if he was the real and actual Y/N, she then raised her hand up and gently cups the side of his mask, confirming her vision wasn't hallucinating.)
Weiss: *smiles, tears out of joy* ...Y-Y/N...
Y/N: ...Hi, Weiss...
(Without a second thought, she immediately hugs him tightly, not showing any hints of letting him go...
Yang also walked over and hugged Y/N once again, but this time her hug was gentle than Weiss, which he didn't mind as he begins to hug them both, sharing their heartwarming reunion...
The camera gradually zooms out until the screen slowly fades into pitch black as the silence was filling the darkness.)
A/N: Was this chapter worth to wait?
If it's not, then sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.
I've been rewatching RWBY series, doing a literal marathon of each episodes.
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