(Vol. 5) Chapter 41: Emergency Call

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(Welcome once again, Dear Readers/Viewers...

It is the time of the month where our Dear Author will be busy on writing chapters one after another...

Fear not, one of his stories will come back active, meaning you will get another notification...

In the meantime, "The Forgotten Knight" story has peaked almost 65k+ views, which it is still unbelievable how this story is much loved and appreciated...

And also, my deepest apologies for the slow updates, our Dear Author has been busy IRL, making his inspiration died down due to stress...

Moreover, he will inform you lot of his future stories...

But now, let's jump back into this journey in Mistral.)

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Haven Academy-
-Dorm Room-

(Once the screen turns on, Y/N was seen being inside his room by himself, he was also still on the call with General Ironwood, Winter and his parents...

Torchwick had to leave the call so he could text with Neo about their Rescue Mission.)

Ironwood: "I hope it wouldn't be a bother to pick Weiss up when she reaches at Mistral."

Y/N: I don't mind it...but this is way too sudden...

Winter: "Our father didn't like the idea of Weiss being 'rebellious' towards him..."

F/N: "He stripped her title and gave it to Whitley as the new Heir of S.D.C."

Y/N: 💢 ...Always worrying about his position instead of his own family...

M/N: "We know, sweetie...but Weiss was determined to leave again, this time she wanted to reunite with her childhood friend."

Y/N: *confused* Wait...Childhood friend?

F/N: "Son...Doesn't the nickname 'Snowflake' sound familiar to you?"

(As if that word was a magic spell, Y/N's eyes widen up out of shock when he started to remember who was the girl he had to say goodbye...

And that girl was none other than Weiss Schnee...)

-Scene Change-
-Living Room-

(With Team JNPR, Ruby and Malachite Twins, the group were talking with each other, telling their insane journey from Vale to Mistral.)

Ruby: *shocked* Wait, your club got destroyed?

Melanie: Yeah, our boss fought till the end to protect Vale as much as he can...

Miltia: His last will was for us to keep living for him...

Phyrra: *frowns slightly* My deepest condolences about your loss...

Jaune: Yeah, girls...It must've been tough for you two to lose a guardian figure...

Melanie: Thanks guys...

Miltia: But he wasn't just a guardian...

Malachite Twins: He was like a father to us...

(Team JNPR+Ruby couldn't do anything but for mourning Junior's death for the twins...

After a few seconds of silence, they hear Y/N's door room opening as it was followed with footsteps...

They all turned their heads and see Y/N walking towards them.)

Ruby: *smiles* N/N!

Y/N: Hey Rubes, what are you guys doing?

Jaune: Nothing much, we were just talking about how crazy our journey has become, y'know

(Nora suddenly dashes towards Y/N with her eyes sparkling with excitement, making the Fallen Knight stare at her ginger-headed friend.)

Nora: And also we were talking how awesome you are when you could shift into a Nevermore!

Ruby: Oh yeah! How did you do that?!

Y/N: It's a hidden ability...Never used it until back in the forest...

Phyrra: *confused* Did i miss something?

Ren: You did, but you'll see it soon...

Jaune: Also, Y/N. Who were you talking with earlier?

Y/N: I was with General Ironwood... *looks at Phyrra* Thanks again for the scroll.

Phyrra: *smiles* You're welcome~🎶

Malachite Twins: Did he give you a mission?

Y/N: Yeah. He said i have to pick someone from the drop zone.

Ruby: *confused* Wait what?

Y/N: It means i have to go to the airdrop for a bullhead to land. He didn't say who do i have to pick up though...

Jaune: Sounds like something Atlas Military would do.

Y/N: You're not wrong...I'll be going now, if i don't come back by tonight, that means i'm hitting an inn on the lower floor.

Melanie: Got it.

Miltia: We'll stay here.

(Y/N then gives a quick hug and a small peck on Ruby's cheek before leaving the dorm room, making their friends smile at their relationship...

Unbeknownst to them, Y/N had to lie about who he has to pick up since he still has this habit of doing things by himself...

After saying his bye to the group, he walks outside and heads out of the academy...

Before he could even make to the elevator, a red portal suddenly appears infront of him as he just walked straight through it before the portal disappears after he went through.)

-Scene Change-
-Somewhere in the Forest-
-Branwen Tribe Camp-

(On the other side of the portal, Raven and her second-in-command or right hand woman, Vernal, were waiting for Y/N to show up...

Some tribe members were readying weapons if the Fallen Knight is hostile or not, others were just minding their own business, following Raven's orders.)

Vernal: Who are we waiting again, boss?

Raven: *staring at the portal, has her arms crossed over her chest* ...An acquaintance of mine.

Bandit-1: *confused* An Acquaintance? Do you know them?

Raven: "He" is a valuable asset. He has his way.

(Vernal was skeptical about Raven's acquaintance, she doesn't even know who he was...

But soon, her questions will be answered...

Later on, they hear footsteps coming out of the portal, everyone notices and watches Y/N stepping out of the portal before it closes almost immediately behind him.)

Vernal: ...Is that him?

Raven: Yes. *looks at Y/N, grins mischievously at him* ...Welcome, Y/N.

Y/N: ...

Bandit-1: Hey! Our leader is speaking to you!

(Y/N slowly glares at the bandit, revealing his glowing red eye as the left side of his mask turns pitch black, forming into a Taijitu mask...

His semblance revelation makes the entire camp step back out of shock or fear, except for Raven, who was still glancing at the Fallen Knight.)

Raven: I wouldn't provoke him if i were you...Hope that teaches you a lesson.

Bandit-1: *nods fearfully* Y-Yes, boss...

Vernal: *places her hand on her hip* So you're Y/N...Why the mask?

Y/N: ...To hide my face.

Vernal: *smirks* Not much of a talker, i see.

Raven: Vernal. Enough. *to Y/N* Y/N, we need to talk.

Y/N: The Spring Maiden...

Raven: Word travels fast.

Y/N: Only Leo, Qrow and i know where she is...

Raven: ...In my tent.

(She then turned around and went inside her big tent, Vernal follows her shortly after...

Before Y/N went with them in the tent, he turned his head over his shoulder to stare at the bandit one last time, showing his red glowing eye beneath his mask.)

A/N: Imagine wearing Taijitu Mask on

Y/N: The Forgotten never forgets...

(With his final warning, he deactivated his semblance and went inside Raven's tent, leaving the bandit behind, completely scared of what he witnessed...

Some bandits went back to their business trying to forget what just happened, others were as scared as their companion, realizing Y/N wasn't a "normal" kid...

Inside the tent, Raven was sitting on the floor in Seiza position, with a flat pillow beneath her legs...

Y/N also sat down in the same position as Raven, a small table was the only thing that separate the duo from each other, staring intensively at one another...

Vernal was standing at the entrance of Raven's tent, feeling overwhelmed by their presence, especially surprised to feel Y/N's peer pressure after what she saw back outside.)

Raven: ...Your semblance...What's the name of it?

Y/N: Doppelganger.

Raven: So you can copy any kind of semblances...

Y/N: And so can i copy yours...

Vernal: Wait, you can do that?

Raven: If he can mimic Grimm traits, then he can also copy someone else's semblance...

Vernal: That could really helpful for our tribe.

Y/N: Like how you destroyed a whole village?

(That sudden statement makes Vernal's pupils shrunken out of shock, unexpectedly getting caught by Y/N...

Raven, on the other hand, was just smirking out of grim, knowing exactly what she expected from a L/N.)

Raven: And what if we did that?

Y/N: That only proves my point about you leaving your own bloodline.

Raven: *narrows her eyebrows, glaring at him* Watch it, L/N. You're in my camp now.

Y/N: *both of his eyes starts glowing red, staring deadly at her* I'd take my chances.

(Before the tension could get even more thicker, a blonde bandit hesitantly peeks through the tent, calling Raven up for some reports.)

Shay: Hey, boss...My group and i are about to pay a visit on that guy working at the gas station.

Raven: *looks up at him* He has nothing value for us...why?

Shay: We're running low of a few supplies, i figured we could "borrow" his stuffs.

Raven: ...Don't make me regret letting you go.

Shay: *smirks* Relax, boss. My men and i got this under control.

Vernal: Should i go too?

Raven: Don't. It's a small fish to fry, you don't have to get involved. *to Shay* ...I want to hear no complaining afterwards.

Shay: Consider it done, boss.

(And with that, he retreated himself from the tent and went outside of the camp with his group to go to the gas station...

Y/N hasn't taken his eyes off of Raven for a single second, observing every inch of her movements as he knew something will happen.)

Y/N: Can we talk about the Spring Maiden now?

Raven: *glares at Y/N* ...How blind are you to trust Ozpin's lies?

Y/N: I don't "trust" him...I believe in his cause.

Raven: *scoffs* You're just like my brother...

Y/N: I was his student once...You knew that since you saw me, Winter and Qrow back at Beacon Academy.

Raven: ...So you knew i was observing you...

Y/N: Ever since Qrow confessed he left your tribe, i knew something was off...so i've figured you would've checked on Qrow...even on your own daughter.

Raven: ... *looks at Vernal* Leave us.

Vernal: *surprised* ...You sure, boss?

(Raven nodded her head in confirmation, letting her know how serious and personal it was between her and Y/N...

Vernal then nodded her head back at her leader and walks out of the tent, guarding the entrance in case anyone wishes to speak with her.)

Raven: ...Do you really want to know why i accept your deal back at Higanbana?

Y/N: ...

Raven: *sighs quietly* The reason was to try and reconnect with Tai and Yang...I left them because i didn't want them to get involved into this nonsense war...

Y/N: You should've thought of their-

Raven: *cuts him off* I know Taiyang was already on Ozpin's side. *looks away slightly* ...I just didn't want to see either of them disappearing...like Summer...

(Y/N was conflicted by Raven's small bsckstory and reason of accepting for working for him...

But he was confused who this Summer was, however he didn't question it, he just let her talk.)

Raven: ...And also another reason why i left was for not having enough courage to come back...not after accepting Summer's proposal.

Y/N: ...Like a marriage?

Raven: *looks back at him* No, not that...we've made an arrangement and she decided to left them as an excuse of a late mission from Ozpin.

Y/N: *raises his eyebrow* She lied to leave with you?

Raven: Guess you can say that, yeah...

Y/N: ...Why would she lie?

Raven: *grins skeptically* And why should i tell you that?

Y/N: Touché...

(Raven begins to chuckle lightly before taking a sip of her cup of tea, she then sets the cup back down and looked back at Y/N...

The Fallen Knight, on the other hand, drank his own cup by holding it on the top, making the leader of Branwen Tribe confused.)

A/N: Imagine drinking like Levi from AoT

Raven: Do you always drink like that?

Y/N: Only with teas and coffees.

Raven: *grins in playful way* You're weird.

Y/N: *rolls his eyes* You still haven't told me why you accepted my deal?

Raven: The real reason? *he nods* ...When you said you would do anything for me, i thought i could called you now and have you here for a while.

Y/N: ...Why?

Raven: *smirks teasingly* I thought our kiss was enough to say why~

Y/N: *sternly* I'm already taken. Ruby's my girlfriend.

Raven: *slightly surprised* ...Ruby? As Ruby Rose?

Y/N: ...What if it's her?

Raven: Yang is her sister, after all...

Y/N: Half-sister.

Raven: ...Smart. What are the difference?

Y/N: Ruby has Summer's looks, Yang has got your hair and red eyes when she uses her semblance.

Raven: *raises her eyebrow* And how would you know about Summer's appearance?

Y/N: I saw the picture from Qrow...Team STRQ, right?

Raven: ...Yes.

Y/N: ...Since we're done with personal stuffs, i want you to do something for me.

Raven: *crosses her arms under her chest* And what would that be?

Y/N: ...To keep the soon-to-be fallen leader of the White Fang, Sierra Khan, hidden in your camp.

(Raven was caught off guard by his sudden request, especially mentioning the leader of the White Fang herself...

Soon after, the screen slowly fades into pitch black, letting the wind and faint noises from the tribe camp filling the darkness.)

A/N: I'm slacking off, kill me pls!

I'm getting too addicted to CoD: Mobile and all i think is to remake my Highschool DxD story!

Another poll here:

Raven vs Y/N vs Cinder

Which one wins?

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