(Vol. 5) Chapter 40: The Spring Maiden

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(First chapter of the year 2024, last year was worst due to global negativity events...)

A/N: Lots of stuff had happened, and all of my prayers goes to Japan for their terrible beginning of the Year...

I can't even imagine starting 2024 with such earthquake caused by a tsunami or whatsoever...

(It saddens us all to hear such news...all we wish is for their safety, especially to their families and loved ones...)

A/N: Well...Let's hope i can lighten up the mood with a new chapter of "The Forgotten Knight."

(Speaking of that...We've read some comments, and i found something really interesting...one of you called Y/N as...The "Rizz"-gotten Knight?)

A/N: Who gave you the password to access my story?

(In any case...We once again wish you a Happy New Year, dear readers.)

A/N: And let's go straight to the story!!!

But you still need to answer my question, Narrator.

(Oh, look...my apologies, Dear Author. I have to leave my shift now, my dog stepped on a bee.)




-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-

(Once the screen turns back to normal, Team RNJR/JNRR, Team (Y)MM_ and Qrow were seen walking towards a platform after they left the hospital due to recovery from their fight against the Nuckelavee...

Y/N's semblance was almost back to normal. Keyword, almost. Due to his switching abilities, Y/N retrieved his Grimm Traits ability back from Grimm Version of himself...

In exchange, he gambled their next encounter to Mistral, which he intensionally gave his mimicking semblance ability to the said Grimm Knight...

That was a secret from all of his friends, mentor and girlfriend...but it is something he had to do it for protecting them...

After they all get on the platform, it begins to bring the group upwards to Haven Academy, like an elevator.)

Ruby: So, this is Mistral, right Uncle Qrow?

Qrow: Yup. But don't get nice after our treatment back at the hospital. We're lucky enough to be in the mid-floors.

Jaune: *confused* What's that supposed to mean?

Qrow: Mistral itself is full of traditional culture, even if they have scrolls and technology, they still adapt to the old fashioned way. And also, never go down on the lower floors...

Malachite Twins: Is it bad?

Y/N: The lower the floors, the more you'll end up fighting thugs, thieves or even ending up dying.

Qrow: However...The higher we go, the nicer the people are, not to mention the stuffs up there are also expensive but affordable.

Nora: Oh! Oh! Is Mistral like Atlas?

Y/N: Nah, that place is hell. Up there, they're all snobs, riches, egomaniac little c-

(Before he could even finish the sentence, Ruby was slowly rising her swearing jar with some Lien inside it, which it was only half filling the jar...

Out of instinct, he pulls a cookie out of nowhere, which Ruby quickly snatches off of his hand and shoves it in her mouth like a squirrel.)

Jaune: *confused* Where did you get that cookie? And where did Ruby keep that jar?

Y/N: Don't ask questions that can't be answered, Jaune.

Ren: It kind of reminds me about Nora doing some crazy stuff.

Nora: Excuse you?! I don't do crazy stuff!

Ren: *deadpan* Back at Beacon, you rode an Ursa to get to the ruins for the relic.

Nora: But it was fun! Didn't you see how cool i was?!

Ruby: I mean, i always wonder how it feels to ride on a-

(Y/N instinctively shoves another cookie inside his girlfriend's mouth, making her completely forget her thoughts before munching happily on the cookie...

Nora, Melanie and Miltia were grinning mischievously as they figured Y/N's intensions.)

Nora: She wasn't meaning that kind of-

Y/N: You dare to finish that sentence and i'll grab your Magnhild and shove it up in your-

Qrow: *cuts him off* We're here.

(Right on cue, the platform stops at the floor below the academy, they then stepped out of the elevator and head towards the hall, leading towards a stairway to the academy above them.)

-Scene Change-
-Haven Academy-

(The group was now walking down the hall of Haven Academy, Qrow took lead and led the group to Leonardo's office.)

Jaune: Is this where you used to go, Y/N?

Y/N: Not as a student, but yes...i was held by Lionheart for education.

Melanie: Aww, how lucky...

Miltia: This place looks really cozy.

Nora: Do they serve pancakes?

Ren: That's what you're wondering about?

Ruby: We are kinda hungry after that fight...Maybe after talking with Headmaster Lionheart, we can eat!

Jaune: *looks at Qrow* ...Does he also know about...that thing?

Qrow: You mean the Maiden? Yeah, he knows the story too...and i'm worried that he'll do something bad.

Y/N: He won't.

Qrow: *looks at Y/N* How would you know?

Y/N: "To be betrayed, you have to be trusted"...sounds familiar?

(Qrow recalls that statement back at Beacon when he was with Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Winter and his ex-student's parents...

He then nodded his head, knowing he could trust Y/N's faith and kept on walking down the hall with the group following him behind.)

Ruby: *sees the double doors* Is that his office?

Y/N: Yes.

Nora: Finally!

Qrow: However...this is quite odd...

Jaune: Why is it odd?

Qrow: Usually Leo should've known of our appearance...especially from inside the academy.

Ruby: Now that you mentioned it...I haven't seen anyone when we stepped in...

(Y/N didn't ask any questions, he just draw his Judgement Day and marches towards the double doors with Qrow following behind...

After reaching to the doors, Y/N raises his knee up, ready to breach inside the office with a kick...however, Leonardo opened the door in full anticipation and gets startled to see Qrow, Y/N and the rest.)

Leonardo: *screams* AHH!!!

Team RNJR/JNRR: *screams* AHH!!!

(Y/N stumbles backwards, but remained on his feet as Leonardo falls on his butt to the floor, looking up at everyone before.)

Leonardo: My Oum, Qrow! You almost gave me a heart attack!

Qrow: I didn't do anything.

Y/N: Headmaster.

(Leonardo quickly recognizes Y/N from his voice and his eyes, he then stood up and stared at his former student, being utterly shocked to see the Forgotten Knight still alive.)

Leonardo: *shocked* ...Y/N?

Y/N: ...Yes.

Qrow: Leo. We need to talk, your reunion with Y/N can wait.

Leonardo: *quickly snaps out* Oh right. Forgive me, Qrow. Please everyone, come in

(He then stepped aside and let the group to walk inside his office.)

-Scene Change-
-Leonardo's Office-

(After calming down from their sudden jumpscare to each other, Ruby, Y/N and Qrow were seen standing up alongside with Leonardo, talking about what happened to Beacon, the loss of Ozpin and the death of the previous Fall Maiden...

Jaune, Ren, Nora and the twins were seen sitting on the couches in the background, talking to each other.)

Leonardo: In my whole life, i've never experienced to be this happy to see you still alive...

Y/N: I know, Headmaster...And i presume Ozpin told you about everything going on in Remnant, right?

Leonardo: *a bit surprised* I do...Do you also know that?

Y/N: Not just me, Headmaster.

Qrow: *stands beside Y/N* I told the kids the story as well.

Leonardo: ...I see... *looks at Ruby* ...And i should guess you and your friends travelled all the way here about the Fall Maiden, correct?

Ruby: *surprised, nods* Yeah, that's right! But how do you know that?

Leonardo: *smiles reassuringly* ...How about i bring her here instead?

Qrow: "Her"?

(The group hears the double doors softly opening behind them, making some of them looking over to the doors...

Everyone were shocked to see their old friend, Phyrra, standing infront of their eyes...

The said spartan was also shocked, making an audible soft gasp when she laid her eyes on Y/N, who was smiles under his iconic mask.)

Jaune: P-Phyrra?

Malachite Twins: You're awake!

Nora: Oh yeah!!! Team JNPR is back in track!

(Qrow then looked at his former student, smirking in knowledge when he knew it was his doing...

Phyrra immediately gets welcomed by Jaune, who just hugged her while smiling in relief to see her awake.)

Jaune: ...i missed you, Phyrra...

Phyrra: *smiles softly, hugs him back* I missed you too, Jaune.

(The rest of the group smile at their small moment while Nora was squealing quietly as her second ship is almost happening.)

Leonardo: A nice quite little reunion, isn't it?

Qrow: Heh...the kids needed it, i'd say they deserve it.

(Y/N, on the other hand, was still staring at Phyrra, which she notices his gaze at her...

She then let go of Jaune and walked over to the Forgotten Knight, as if she was thinking to herself that it was still a dream, she proceeded to place her hand gently on his shoulder...

Only then she realizes it was all real, Y/N L/N was still alive, and he was standing right infront of her.)

Phyrra: *tears up* ...Y-Y/N...

Y/N: ...Phyrra, i-

(He gets cut off by the spartan hugging him tight, sobbing softly as she was tearing up, both of relief and guilty...

She felt relieved that her friend actually survived and lived after the fall of Beacon...

But she also felt guilty for not realizing how mental it was to just watch him taking the arrow for her.)

Phyrra: *sobbing* Y-You were right...Those c-choices i've made, i didn't k-know the consequences behind them...

Y/N: Phyrra-

Phyrra: N-No! I almost got you killed! I even happened to watch Professor Ozpin's death! And all that happened because we argued and didn't think-

Y/N: Phyrra! Relax!

(He then holds both of her hands, squeezing them supportively to make her calm down from another possible breakdown...

Phyrra looks up at his friend, still tearing up out of guilt for making such event happened.)

Y/N: I know it wasn't easy to make things up...right now, what matters the most is we all are here. And our job is to stop Salem...no matter what.

Phyrra: *sniffs, gently pulls her hand and wipes her tear* ...I-I'm really sorry...

Y/N: *shakes his head* It's alright, Phyrra...We're friends, after all. I forgive you.

(The spartan girl smiles at her friend with full of relief and happiness when he said he forgave her, she then hugs him tightly again, making the Fallen Knight hug her back.)

Qrow: It seems everyone is getting along now.

Leonardo: Miss Nikos, i believe you have something for Mister Y/N.

Phyrra: *realizes it* Oh yeah! Here, Y/N.

(She pulls a scroll out of her pouch and hands it over to his friend...

Y/N then remembers his encounter with Torchwick, which it never happened since he couldn't be able to contact him.)

Y/N: ...Thanks.

Qrow: *looks at Leonardo* We still need to discuss.

Leonardo: If it's about the Fall Maiden, she's standing with Y/N as we speak.




(After the screen turns back to normal, everyone were calmed down from the shocking news from Leonardo about Phyrra being the current Fall Maiden...

Y/N and Qrow were seen talking to each other alongside with Leonardo, the rest of the group left the office to get a well deserved break from all the travelling.)

Qrow: Looks like Lady Luck is on our side.

Leonardo: Indeed. Also, Y/N. About Torchwick, he had to leave before you could come here.

Y/N: Figured as much...It's about Salem, isn't it?

Leonardo: *flinches slightly* Y-Yes...But worry not! I-I decided to not being a scaredy cat and gave all the intel to Ironwood.

Qrow: *confused* Jamie reached you out?

Leonardo: He did. Also Torchwick was there too.

Y/N: What else happened?

Leonardo: ...It's about the Spring Maiden.

Qrow: *surprised* You found her?

Leonardo: Yes...But she's within your sister's tribe.

Y/N: ...Raven...

Leonardo: *slightly shocked* Have you met her?

Qrow: *smirks teasingly* They did more than a simple meeting.

Y/N: *blushes under his mask* Can it, you drunkard bird!

(Instead of getting mad, Qrow just laughed at his former student's embarrassment...

Leonardo was just smiling, trying his best to not break out of laughter.)

Leonardo: But anyway, yes. The Spring Maiden happened to be with Qrow's sister.

Qrow: *sighs* Knowing her, she won't lend us the Spring Maiden that easily.

Y/N: ...Not to you, in any ways.

(Both adults turn their heads to the Fallen Knight, confused by his statement...

Qrow only took a second to realize what business Y/N has with Raven since he witnessed it back at the tavern.)

Qrow: *smirks* ...Think you can convince her to hand us the Spring Maiden?

Y/N: Hard task, but i'll try.

Leonardo: *concerned* Are you two sure to act right now?

Qrow: Leo. Ever since Beacon fell, Salem is already making her moves, Grimm are getting scarier and smarter, and also we don't know what that queen can do with White Fang on her side.

Leonardo: That...is actually a good point... *cups his chin* ...But it is highly difficult to convince your sister to be on our side.

Y/N: That's where i come in. *he looks at Y/N* Before we came here, Qrow and i met Raven at Higanbana, in a tavern while getting a drink.

Leonardo: *slightly surprised* ...Was she pawning you two?

Qrow: Knowing her, she was following us from the beginning...only then, she decided to show herself to me and Y/N.

Leonardo: ...Can she be approachable for a possible alliance?

Y/N: I can try and persuade her...i don't make miracles.

Qrow: Says the one who literally survived from an arrow through your chest.

Leonardo: In that case, i entrust you to talk with Raven...In the meantime, i'll send Qrow a list of possible huntsmen and huntresses who are willing to help us.

Qrow: Smart move. I also know my ways in here, all i have to do is talk to them.

Y/N: Guess we all going to be busy, huh...

Leonardo: I hope you don't push yourself too hard on this.

Qrow: Leo's right, kid. You already did more than enough for us to have this big advantage.

Y/N: *crosses his arms* Least i could do, don't sweat it...I'll be with Ruby and the others.

(Both adults nodded their heads in understanding before they watch Y/N walking out of the office as he closes the door behind him...

As the screen follows the Forgotten Knight, he's getting received a call from Ironwood, which he answered the call and linked his scroll to his mask so he could talk without holding the scroll in hand.)

Ironwood: "Y/N, you finally made it."

Y/N: Barely, but yeah...I'm at Mistral now...

Ironwood: "I've heard from one of the pilots that he picked you and your group up after a fight...what happened?"

Y/N: Nuckelavee Grimm...That's all i can say.

Ironwood: "Understandable...There are a few people who would like to talk with you."

Y/N: ...Who?

Torchwick: "Well, me! Of course, Fallen Knight."

Y/N: Roman...I heard from Leo what you did with Watts...Good job.

Torchwick: "Heh, that ego brainiac gentleman always wanted to try surpassing Cinder. Luckily, i was there to stop him."

Y/N: And Neo will stay with me until we regroup at Atlas?

Torchwick: "Naturally! She has quite a fond with you, not to mention she's already on her way to stop Adam."

Y/N: Making progress, i see...who else is on the call?

Winter: "Y/N. Can you hear me?"

Y/N: *faintly surprised* Winter.

Winter: "So you really are alive...WHAT WERE YOU THINKING OF FAKING YOUR DEATH?!"

(Her sudden scolding makes the Fallen Knight flinches in the slightest, immediately feeling her pain from being told a lie about faking his own death...

His walk slowly decreases the pace until he stopped walking, standing in the middle of an empty hallway.)

Y/N: ...Winter, i-

Winter: "Do you have any ideas how painful it was for me and for my sister to grieve and mourn your 'death'?! Especially to Weiss?!"

Y/N: Winter, please...calm down...i honestly didn't know why or how i did even survive from that-

Winter: "Save your excuses, L/N! Wait until you come at Atlas, so that we can properly talk!"

Y/N: And since when are you acting like a mom?

???: "That's because we told her everything."

???2: "Especially when we told her about your fake death."

(Y/N's eyes widen slightly when he recognized those two voices on the other call.)

Y/N: ...Ironwood brought you two there?

F/N: "We actually came back from Mantle, patrolling duty."

M/N: "Are you alright over there?"

Y/N: ...More or less...

Ironwood: "Still holding a grudge against them?"

Torchwick: "Who wouldn't?"

Y/N: Roman. Zip it.

Ironwood: "We're getting far off the actual reason of the call...Y/N, are you alone?"

Y/N: ...Why?

Torchwick: "He has a small escort mission for you."

Y/N: Which is...?

Winter: "...My sister is coming to Mistral."

(Y/N became shocked to hear Weiss being by herself as she was going away from Atlas to come at Mistral where they all are...

As the screen switches place, the camera shows Weiss with a determined expression with her Myrtenaster on her hand, standing infront an open ramp on the back of the cargo...

Behind the air cargo, a group of Lancer Grimm were chasing the airship, approximately 3 Lancer Grimm were going after it...

After an intense stare off, Weiss takes a step forward the ramp before the screen suddenly turns pitch black, soon after blade clashing and loud screeches were heard in the darkness.)

A/N: Aaand this is where the Cliffhanger stays.

Man, i'm so evil! But i love you readers for keep loving this story so much...to be completely honest, i've never thought this "book" could make so many views/reads.

So, thank you so much for the 50k+ views!!!

And with that said...

I will see you in the next chapter!

Bye-bye and have a good day/afternoon/night!

P.S.: Dream Match, Triple Threat Match between Y/N, Qrow and Ironwood.

Who would win?

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