(Vol. 4) Chapter 39: Destination; Mistral

-Narrator's P.O.V-

(And here's the final chapter for Volume 4 of "The Forgotten Knight"...

For those who just discovered this story and only read the last chapter, allow me, The Narrator, to give you a little recap of the whole Vol. 4...

Ever since Beacon had falled due to Cinder's inside job, Vale had lost numbers of casualties, including innocence lives and skilled huntsmen/huntresses...

Team RWBY was divided from their own problems:

Yang Xiao Long; the brawler blonde of the team, had lost her arm due to her fight against the Second-in Command of the White Fang, Adam Taurus...

Blake Belladonna; A cat faunus and former member of the White Fang, ran away from everyone to head back to her homeland, Menagerie...

Weiss Schnee; now an ex-heiress of the Schnee Family, was brought back home by her father and owner of the S.D.C., Jacques Schnee...

And finally, Ruby Rose; once an innocent young girl with the dream of becoming a huntress, was now facing many enemies on her way to Haven Academy, Mistral...

But she wasn't alone...

The little red riding hood had her other friends, which they are Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren...

The three of them, alongside with Pyrrha Nikos, were Team JNPR, but the spartan girl wasn't with them because of her unconsciousness for discovering Y/N's "death"...

However, two former criminals and foes, are now their new allies, they were none other than Roman Torchwick and Neo Politan, the mute ice cream themed girl...

With the temporary team formed as Team RNJR or JNRR, they were spotted and cornered by a scorpio faunus named Tyrian...

Because he could take Ruby away from them, four figures appeared in the fight and saved the little red riding hood...

One of them was her uncle, Qrow Branwen, former member of the Branwen Tribe and current Licensed Huntsman, came to the rescue...

Two pair of people also joined, Melanie and Miltia Malachite, also known as the Malachite Twins, they used to work at the Junior's Bar, but they've redeemed themselves from being bad people...

And finally, the one everyone thought he was dead...

Y/N L/N, The Unknown Shadow of Remnant, The Forgotten Knight of Vale...

Now he was The Fallen Knight, the one who failed to protect innocence lives and sacrificed himself for the people he loved...

After the four of them defeated the scorpio faunus, Qrow and Y/N told the group the truth behind the whole situation in Remnant, giving them more questions instead of answers...

At first, there was a small conflict between each other, especially between Jaune and Y/N since they shared almost the same argument back at tournament the fallen knight had once with Pyrrha...

But then, they all put aside their personal problems and focused on the main objective, which it was to get at Haven Academy and warn the headmaster about the Relic...

On their way to Mistral, they were stopped at Ren and Nora's old village, Kuroyuri Village...

An once happy and colorful village had turned into a ghost town, haunted by a Nuckelavee Grimm...

The fight was incredibly difficult, but thankfully for their teamwork, the group managed to kill the Grimm, mainly Ren managed to kill it for avenging his family and village...

And as Oum gave them a reward for their success, a bullhead came to the rescue and picked the group up to take them to Mistral.)

-3rd P.O.V.-
-1 hour after the flight-

(After a long flight, the group thanked the pilot for letting him take them to their destination...

Once they landed, the Malachite Twins immediately act and brought Qrow to the nearest hospital to treat him alongside with Y/N...

The said Fallen Knight was also being brought inside by his girlfriend and his friends, which they were just walking with him as they all watch both Y/N and Qrow being treated.)

-Scene Change-

(Back where Ruby's adventure started, the screen shows Yang with her new attire and her new robotic prosthetic arm and her motorcycle from Vol. 2, Bumblebee...)

(She was leaning against her motorcycle with her arms crossed under her chest, visibly waiting for her father, Taiyang Xiao Long, to show up before she departs...

After a few second later, Zwei was seen running towards Yang, which she smiled and crouched down to pat his head, making the corgi bark in happiness.)

???: Guess you're leaving now, huh...

(Yang then looks up to see her dad smiling sadly at her, she then stood up and looked properly at him.)

Yang: Yeah, dad...I have to find Ruby, y'know she can't stay by herself for that long...and also i have to be with her, she's still young, after all.

Taiyang: *chuckles softly* Yeah, she is...i just want to make sure you're good to go, especially you got hooked up on your arm quite quickly.

(They both look at the prosthetic arm as they still wonder who would've sent such thing, but then realizing it was from Atlas, so they both thought it was from Ironwood...

Well, yes...but in reality, it was delivered by Y/N's name, which the Fallen Knight decided to send it anonymously due to cover his fake death.)

Yang: I still wonder who and how did they know about our address...

Taiyang: Knowing the logo, it was from Atlas, so Ironwood is the one who sent it.

Yang: I mean, true...but how?

Taiyang: *shrugs* He IS the general of Atlas Military, so he may have some info about other Remnants.

Yang: ...Fair point.

(With that thought out of their mind, Yang put her sunglasses on and hops on her motorcycle, turning the engine on...

Taiyang was just staring at his daughter before smiling at her and calling her out.)

Taiyang: Make sure to say hi to Ruby for me.

Yang: *chuckles* I will...Bye now, dad.

(With their final goodbyes, Yang started riding off to get to a boat where it'll ship to Mistral...

Her father was waving at her while he watches his daughter riding off to the horizon to reunite with her half-sister, after a few seconds of silence, he whistled at Zwei and they both headed back inside the house...

Back with Yang, the screen was following the blonde brawler to the streets as she was heading to the docks for getting shipped in.)

-Scene Change-

(On the northern side of Remnant, Weiss Schnee was seen secretly getting boarded inside an airship with the pilot checking the engine...

With them, Klein and M/N were also with Weiss for one last time before they could peak the flight up...

Outside the airship, F/N was guarding the entrance in case anyone would try to spot them.)

Weiss: I honestly don't know what to say...but thanks for helping me.

Klein: *smiles* You're certainly welcome, Miss Schnee...I sure am going to miss you.

M/N: Be careful out there, got it, sweetie?

Weiss: *crosses her arms, smiles teasingly* And who are you telling me to be careful?

M/N: *gives her the same smile* A good looking aunt figure, that's who i am.

F/N: *on the background* She's not wrong!

(Klein, M/N and Weiss were laughing at their last funny moments before they hear the airship turning on.)

Pilot: Alright, all good here.

Klein: Stay safe during your journey, Miss Schnee.

M/N: Send us a message when you get to Mistral, alright?

Weiss: I will...bye you two.

(She then hugs Klein and M/N one last time, which they returned the hug before hopping of the ramp...

F/N then quickly guide his wife and his old friend out of the area as the airship was taking its flight, flying upwards in the sky.)

Pilot: It's gonna be a long flight, if i were you, i would take a nap for the time being.

Weiss: Ok, try not to swing too much.

Pilot: Will do, Schnee.

(With that, she went to take a seat and elegantly takes a nap while sitting on her seat...

The pilot focuses to take the flight and maneuvers the airship to calibrating the flight before taking off in the air...

Back down on the ground, the trio was watching the airship flying away right after its radar went back online, making the base think it was just a malfunction due to the altitude.)

-Scene Change-

(At the island full of faunus, a certain cat faunus was putting her white coat on before taking a deep breath as she walks out of her room...)

???: Are you ready to leave, sweetheart?

???2: I do hope your change of mind is definitive.

(Blake looks over and sees her parents, Kali and Ghira Belladonna, a lovely married couple smiling softly at their grown-up daughter.)

Blake: *nods her head, gives them a small smile* Yeah...I have to go to Mistral...

Ghira: We understand your decision, Blake...but i have a question, if you don't mind.

Blake: *confused* Uh, sure, dad...What is it?

Ghira: Why are you going there exactly?

Kali: *puts her hand in her own cheek* Your dad's right...why would you go to Mistral?

Blake: ...Because i have to stop Adam for destroying Haven Academy like he spread chaos back in Beacon Academy...

(She then grabbed her weapon and looks herself at the dark reflection of the blade...

A small reminder connected in her mind, realizing Y/N was the one who helped her going through her problem of hiding her cat traits and still accepting her for who she was, not for what she was.)

Blake: ...And also i want to reunite with the girls, especially saying sorry to Yang for leaving...

Kali: *smiles* Sweetheart...

Ghira: ...In that case, we won't stop you.

Blake: *looks up at them* I'll try to come back...after all of this is over.

Kali: *giggles slightly* You don't have to rush everything...take your time and stay safe out there.

Ghira: *grins confidently* And besides, you're a Belladonna, you have my genetic when it comes with determination.

Kali: *smiles teasingly* Except you're going to be a crybaby when she leaves.

Ghira: *looks away, crosses his arms* That's not true.

(The girls laughs lightly at his denial, which he also joined in the laughter before hugging each other for one last time.)

Kali: We're going to miss you, Blake...

Ghira: Make sure to stop Adam and his White Fang, got it?

Blake: *nods in determination* I will...

(With their final goodbyes, Blake begins to walk out of the house, walking down the street to head towards the docks...

Little thing she knows, a certain blonde monkey faunus was waiting for her at the cruise ship.)

Sun: Yo, blake!

Blake: *notices him at the dock* Sun? Are you following me again?

Sun: I mean, we have to stop the White Fang, aren't we?

Blake: That's right...but first, we're heading to Mistral.

Sun: I can take you there.

???: Count me in too.

(The two of them turn their heads, shocking from the unexpected appearance of their chameleon faunus fellow.)

Blake: I-Ilia?

Sun: *alerted* Are you trying to stop us?

Ilia: *holds her hands up* N-No, i'm not...i a-actually left White Fang and decided to join with Blake instead.

(This sudden news shocked the duo even more, clearly not expecting from her to quit and redeemed herself like that.)

Sun: Woah, uh...that's really unexpected...Right, Blake?

Blake: Yeah... *to Ilia* ...Why makes you quit the White Fang?

Ilia: *frowns slightly* ...W-When i've heard from Adam about The Forgotten Knight's death...I was struggled to choose between guilty or redemption...

Sun: *crosses his arms* And you chose to quit?

Ilia: I-I know i hurt you two and tainted the White Fang's name, but i always believed what it was right for us! *sighs sadly* ...The fact that everything we did was just lies and full blind desire from Adam, i w-wanted to leave and make him pay to lie about the White Fang's actual intentions...

(Sun was still a bit skeptical since it was new to him for dealing the White Fang during his stay in Menagerie...

Blake, on the other hand, she knew Ilia would never lie since her skin literally changes color based on her emotions...

After hearing her, Blake walked over and hugged her childhood friend, making Ilia's skin turned orange, out of surprise and happiness.)

Ilia: B-Blake?

Blake: ...If Y/N was here, he would've just hugged you and accepted you. *pulls away, looks at Ilia* And if there's something i've learned from him, it's having you tested out by joining me and Sun.

Sun: *surprised* Are you sure?

Blake: Out of three of us, Ilia knows more information about the White Fang's plans than i do. If what she said back at my house was true, then we have to go to Mistral.

Sun: ... *nods in understanding* Fair point.

(Suddenly, a horn was heard singing out loud, letting the passengers know the ship was about to flee.)

Captain: All aboard!

Sun: That's our cue, ready girls?

(Ilia and Blake nodded their heads and followed Sun towards the cruise ship, sailing off the ocean to head to their destination...

The screen suddenly shows other two heroine on their respective vehicles to head towards the same direction as Blake's...

Meaning Team RWBY will reunite once again in Mistral.)

-Scene Change-

(Back at the hospital in Mistral, Qrow and Y/N were seen walking out of their room with their doctor behind the duo...

Ruby quickly rushes over and checks both on her uncle and her boyfriend.)

Ruby: Are you two alright?

Qrow: *smiles slightly* Yeah, pipsqueak. Just a bit of consciousness for me...

Y/N: My back was hurting like hell, but now it doesn't sting as much.

Doctor: No severe injuries from both of them, let them rest from fighting for probably two or three days and they're good to go.

Ruby: *nods, smiles* Understood, thanks Doc.

(He just nodded his head with a smile of his own before discharging the duo and leaving them to see another patients of his...

The rest of the group were outside the hospital waiting for Ruby, Qrow and Y/N, which they didn't have to wait that long because they see the trio walking out of the hospital, regrouping with the rest.)

Nora: Strikey! How was the treatment?

Y/N: Two or three days, as the doctor quoted.

Qrow: But we're still good to walk, meaning we can go straight to Haven Academy.

Jaune: *nods* The sooner, the better...right?

Y/N: Yeah. Come on, let's go meet the headmaster of Haven Academy.

(They all nodded their heads and began to head to Haven Academy...

And this is where the screen was pointing at the group, watching them walking down to the horizon as if they're going towards the sun...

Two divided teams will soon reunite as one once again...

Y/N's gamble of his semblance was made, waiting for the opportunity to defeat the Grimm version of himself...

Yang, Weiss and Blake decided to leave their respective place and going to Mistral, sharing the same objective...

Pyrrha was patiently waiting for her friends to arrive, feeling anxious and excited to reunite with them once again...

Salem's inner circle had one pawn down, leaving themselves slightly weakened from the loss of Tyrian, which almost no one cared about him, not even the Queen herself...

Somewhere near by Mistral, a little farm boy was seen walking down the path with his backpack on his shoulders, looking forward as he was heading somewhere.)

???: ...A-Are you really sure this is the way?

"Ozpin": "Without a doubt, i've been in Remnant more than you ever expected. I know my way to Haven Academy."

???: I see...W-Who exactly do i have to meet?

"Ozpin": "All i can say...It's to look for a rusty old crow, he knows about my...reincarnation."

???: G-Got it...

"Ozpin": "...Do not fret, Oscar. I know this whole story is too much for you...but please understand the purpose behind all of this. I promise me and my students will protect you and even teach you how to defend yourself."

(The farm boy, now revealed as Oscar, sighed deeply, possibly out of exhaustion from all the walk, but also reluctantly realizing what he's been told was true.)

Oscar: Fine...b-but it better be worth it to make me leave my aunt and the farm!

"Ozpin": *chuckles slightly* "Trust me...The reward behind this is definitely worth the travel."

(With that, the screen slowly fades into pitch black, only the footsteps sound was heard in the darkness before the ending screen shows up.)

A/N: And there you go! The final chapter of Vol. 4 to "The Forgotten Knight" is finally here!

I hope this chapter was good enough for your liking!

And yes, Y/N's Grimm Mimic ability is back.

Drawback of that? Now the Grimm Knight has Y/N's ability to mimic anyone's semblances, basically switching their abilities.

I know, "really creative" and blah blah blah (Let me cook)

But aside from that, i'll upload the first chapter of Vol. 5 when 2024 hits up, which means i'll take another break.

Once again, thanks for reading this chapter and hope to keep liking this story.

And as always, i'll see you readers in the next chapter!

Have a good day/afternoon/night to y'all!

P.S.: Merry Christmas for those who celebrates Christmas!!!

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