(Vol. 4) Chapter 37: Street Fight

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(This is intriguing...i've never seen you being this active before, i wonder how the other stories will go.)

A/N: Yeah, i know...i have lots of unfinished chapters on each stories, the Gate one is the most struggling one because i know half of military knowledge.

(Fear not, Dear Author...i'm positive you would get those stories done, before or after you're done with this chapter.)

A/N: I'm just having these scenarios on how each episodes should've been ended. So yeah, i'm returning to make my own way to make stories...

(With the exception of keeping the cannon as stable as possible?)

A/N: I ain't gettin' my arse killed by Spider-Man 2099! Miguel will literally dropkicking my ass into a coma like a fucking Cloaker!

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-

(After the screen turns on, the camera shows Torchwick staying inside a bar, drinking one of the recommended cocktail at the place...

People were having fun, others were enjoying their drinks while many others were just hanging out and eating their food like there's a feast going on...

An old bartender was seen behind the counter, cleaning one of the glasses while interacting with the said former criminal.)

Bartender: Honestly, i wouldn't expected you to turn from bad guy to a good guy.

Torchwick: I'm a man of many talents, when the forgotten knight showed me the light...he made me realize there are many ways to have fun than just stealing stuffs.

Bartender: *smiles* Of course, that wouldn't be a surprise...

Torchwick: *shrugs, smiles smugly* Just saying...i can pickpocket whenever i want, but i'll just give it back once i'm bored with it.

(The elder man started laughing at Torchwick's comment about not giving up on pickpocketing people while he continues cleaning the glass...

After a sheer of laughter, Doctor Watts was seen walking towards the duo, taking a sit next to Torchwick, putting some Lien on the counter as if he already know what kind of drink he wants.)

Watts: A Martini...Shaken. Not Stirred.

Bartender: Comin' right up.

(With a single name of the beverage, the bartender went to make the drink...

Unbeknownst to him, Torchwick and the cloaked woman were having a face-off, causing the former criminal to smile out of smugness while the man was staring at him with pure disrespect.)

Watts: *scoffs* ...Roman...

Torchwick: *smirks* Well, well...Nice to see you again, Doctor Watzy.

Watts: Hmph...really amateur, even worse than Cinder.

Torchwick: *drinks his cocktail, looks back at him* Please...Cinder is more stubborn when it comes with power.

Watts: While i have to agree with that statement, i don't recall to talk with a traitor.

Torchwick: Says the nerd who tried to hack into tin head's robot soldier systems...

Watts: *glares at him* ...So it was "you" who killed our insider...

Torchwick: *waves his finger side by side* Uh-uh-uh, "i" didn't kill him. He got eaten by a Nevermore.

Watts: *scoffs* So that's why i couldn't reached him...what a pathetic hacker...

Torchwick: Now, now...Tell me why the hell are you here? What's your femdom's plan?

Watts: *glares at him* As if i'll spill the beans to a two-faced criminal.

Torchwick: Correction, ex-criminal.

(After long waiting, the bartender came back with the Bloody Mary, handing it over to Watts before walking away, probably serving other customers.)

Torchwick: And besides, i'm willing to share a little secret of mine, if you tell me the reason why you're here.

(With his statement, Watts was actually intrigued what kind of secret he was about to listen.)

Watts: A secret, you say... *drinks his Bloody Mary, looks back at Roman* I presume there's no catch behind this, isn't it?

Torchwick: Pfft, as if. *smirks* Would you like to hear it?

Watts: ... *gets closer, leans his ear towards Roman* I'm all ears, traitor.

(Torchwick was smirking, like it was all calculated according to his own plan...

He then grabs his cane, raises his arm up and slams it straight down to his head, catching the brain of Salem's inner circle off guard...

With a loud thud, the whole bar went quiet when Watts stumbles backwards as Torchwick was standing up from his seat, staring at the said stumbled doctor.)

Watts: *groans in pain, holds his head* I should've expected it...

Torchwick: *smirks* Always trying to be a showoff when Cinder doesn't get her job done...Typical of you, Watzy.

Watts: *growls lowly* ...Peasant...

(He then snaps his finger, calling a few of his men from their seats with their fists ready to brawl...

Torchwick, on the other hand, he wasn't intimated by it...he was actually looking for this very moment to fight like a good person.)

Torchwick: Judging by these many people, i bet you're going to retreat, aren't you?

Watts: Hmph...You got lucky because i wasn't going to kill you by my hands. *looks at one of the hooligans* Make sure he won't get out alive.

Hooligan: *smirks* We've got this. He won't be able to walk anyway.

(With his overconfident statement, Watts fixed his hair and dusts his shoulder off before heading out of the bar, walking away from Mistral to retreat from getting Leonardo on Salem's side...

As the tension got thicker in the bar, everyone that were watching or bystanders, they decided to make barricades to protect themselves from Roman and the hooligans.)

Hooligan-1: *chuckles, smirks at Roman* You better give up, old man. There are 5 of us and there's only one of you~

Hooligan-2: *cracks his knuckles* If you beg for mercy, we might consider to let you live...

Hooligan-3: In exchange for your little girl, obviously~

(The other two hooligans were laughing in amusement from their friend's statement...

However, Roman wasn't having any of it...

Instead, he turned around and finished his cocktail before slamming the glass on the counter, making a loud thud sound....

He then looked over at Watts' Bloody Mary glass, already thinking on how to teach the hooligans to not touch his precious "daughter".)

Torchwick: No one. Dare to touch my daughter.

(With his final statement, he began to show them what he was made of.)

A/N: Yes. I've decided to let Roman having Kingsman's umbrella as his secondary weapon. Thoughts? Comment here.

(After knocking all five of them, one was still stunned from the wrist, especially still conscious as he was staring at Roman in pure fear...

The said ginger-headed man walked over to the hooligan, looked down at him dead in the eyes, glaring at him with killer instinct from his right green eye.)

Torchwick: Remember this day, youngster... *bends slightly down, staring into his eyes* No one dares to lay a finger on my adoptive daughter...capiche?

(The scared hooligan nodded his head rather rapidly, letting him know he won't say any inappropriate comments about Neo...

With a grin of satisfaction, he straighten himself back up and walked over the counter, finishing his cocktail before leaving a stack of Lien next to the empty glass.)

Torchwick: Make sure what happened here was just a bar/pub fight, got it?

Bartender: *nods in understanding* Of course...And thank you for teaching those men a lesson, they were a burden...

Torchwick: Not a problem. I'd say your drinks deserve to be 5 star.

(With that, he turned around and headed out of the bar, leaving the scene as everyone around the mess were impressed and thankful for stopping those hooligans...

As the camera follows him, the screen shows Roman walking away from the area, especially heading towards where the Bullheads are to take so he could get on one to head at Atlas.)

-Scene Change-
-Atlas Academy-

(In the snowiest and whitest remnant, the camera shows the beauty of Atlas Academy, which Ironwood was the headmaster of the most prestigious Academy in Atlas...

With him, he was alongside with F/N, M/N and Winter, which the elder Schnee was being told everything about what's going on since Y/N couldn't keep his words to explain back at Beacon.)

Winter: *shocked* Is this all real...The threat is really that big and you two left your son behind?!

F/N: Yes, Winter...and i understand you're mad at us, even James was disappointed when Y/N told the truth...

Winter: This is...unbelievable!

Ironwood: It sure is, but after hearing them out...i still can't accept they would do such thing...

M/N: *sighs sadly* It's already painful to remember that day where we left him...can't we just move over it?

F/N: She's right...We're sorry for doing that, but we couldn't let Salem get after our child.

Ironwood: That may be understandable, but it is still unacceptable to leave him such at young age.

M/N: Which is why we're back to be part of Ozpin's inner circle.

F/N: We want to redeem from that. Can you knock it off already? We still need to find a way to stop her, even if she's...you know what.

Ironwood: *sighs* I agree...sorry again for bringing that up.

Winter: Sir...if what you said is true... why don't you warn the Ace Ops?

Ironwood: We're still unsure if Salem has the Fall Maiden's power...Ever since Beacon fell, and Ozpin is no longer answering my calls, this means we're either having a disadvantage or a huge target printed on our back.

(After a few seconds of silence, a call was seen popping out of his computer screen, he then proceeded to tap the screen and answering the call.)

Ironwood: This is General Ironwood-

Torchwick: "Tin head, not now. I'm heading at Atlas right now."

Ironwood: *surprised* Torchwick?

M/N: *also surprised* Roman, why do we hear bullhead engines going off?

Torchwick: "I'm getting on one of them to head over there. Pyrrha is with Lionheart as you requested."

Winter: *amazed* ...I've never seen him being this polite.

F/N: *serious* What's the deal, carrot-top? Why are you so serious about it?

Torchwick: "I've had another encounter with Watts, this time he tried to get our kitty-man to Salem's side."

(The sudden confession made the four adults shock from hearing such discover.)

M/N: Did you stop him?!

Torchwick: "He was smart enough to not fight and run away to possibly warning his queen about what i've done."

F/N: What about Neo?

Torchwick: "Heading her way to the White Fang's base. She's with the resistance to save Sienna."

Winter: Does she know that you're not staying at Mistral anymore?

Torchwick: "I left a message on her scroll."

F/N: I see...so you anticipated their move and prevent to get caught as always...

Winter: To think he would do such thing...

Torchwick: "Hello? I can hear you, Schnee."

(Winter blushes out of embarrassment when she thought he couldn't hear her.)

Ironwood: In any case...you said you're heading at Atlas right now, right?

Torchwick: "Yup. Just waiting for the bullhead to fly up."

F/N: I guess we have to wait until Y/N shows up in Mistral...

M/N: Dear...

F/N: *smiles softly* Don't worry, hun...he'll make it, he's a L/N after all.

Ironwood: *smiles* He does have both of your determinations... *to Roman* When you arrive, go to a nearest police station and stay there, i let the chief know to let my men pick you up.

Torchwick: "Still wondering if i would steal stuff again?"

Ironwood: I'm not taking any chances.

Torchwick: "Fair point. See you all there."

F/N: Try not to get caught, carrot-top.

Torchwick: "Will do, red eyes. Bye!"

(After saying his bye, he hangs up the call, disconnecting completely...

Soon after, the four of them looked at each other, with the exception of Winter who was confused about the man named Watts.)

F/N: Roman was smart for doing that...

M/N: I guess he really changed since he made a deal with Y/N...

Winter: Wait. He made a deal?

Ironwood: It was a fair trade...his alliance in exchange for his criminal record.

M/N: Now that he stopped Watts to get Lionheart, we can get him on our side!

F/N: I doubt that. Remember how much of a scaredy cat he is?

M/N: *scoffs* Dear! How rude!

F/N: What? I'm just saying!

Ironwood: You both made your point, but it's better than having him against us.

Winter: If we get him on our side, he will tell us some information about White Fang.

F/N: Good point...who's gonna make the call then?

Ironwood: I will. *looks at Winter* Regroup with the Ace Ops, tell them they have a new mission.

Winter: *salutes at him* Yessir.

Ironwood: *looks at F/N and M/N* Can you two handle one of my problems at Mantle?

F/N: What kind of problem?

M/N: Escort? Delivery?

Ironwood: Just keeping an eye for any kind of crime.

F/N: We can do that.

Ironwood: Thank you...You three are dismissed.

(After telling them they're good to go, the three of them left the office and let Ironwood make the call with Leonardo...

Winter, F/N and M/N were walking down the stairs before splitting apart to go to their respective locations.)

-Scene Change-
-Kuroyuri Village-

(Back where we left our main group, the background was making lots of gunshot, slash and engine sounds...

When the screen showed what was going on, Jaune and Y/N were blocking the Nuckelavee attacks with their shields as they were the bait...

Qrow and Ruby were dashing back and forth with their scythes, trying to make damage to the said grimm.)

Jaune: *struggling* My Oum, that's so horrifying!

Y/N: Focus, Jaune! *deflects the Grimm's punch with his shield*

Ruby: I got it!

(She uses her semblance to speed towards the Grimm's arm, slashing her scythe's blade on it...

Unfortunately, she couldn't cut it through because the grimm managed to pull its arm away but not far enough since it got cut.)

Qrow: This Grimm is smart and fast than the other grimm...

Y/N: Watch it!

(He switches his sword into its rifle form, an ice pure crystal dust was loaded and he shot it at the Grimm's hoofs, blocking it to kick his former mentor away...

Qrow took the opportunity to regroup with Y/N, Jaune and Ruby before all four of them were standing infront of the Nuckelavee...

All four of them were panting slightly out of energy for fighting the grimm for too long, causing Jaune to use his semblance to restore everyone's semblance with Y/N's help.)

Qrow: How's everyone doing?

Ruby: *panting* I'm alright...what about you two?

Y/N: Still going..Jaune?

Jaune: I'm good...can you still copy our semblance?

(The Fallen Knight shook his head in denial, making the group worried that he'll get more hurt since he's a cannon glass right now.)

Qrow: We need to fall back...

Ruby: But what if Ren and the others managed to get a bullhead?!

Jaune: She has a point!

Y/N: Guess we have to fight untile help is on their way...

Qrow: Seems like it, kid...

(Soon they heard ice shattering into pieces, causing the Nuckelavee to screech at the group before running towards them...

Qrow and Y/N immediately stood infront of Ruby and Jaune before getting send flying away from them by the Grimm's attack, sending Qrow on the ground while Y/N was seen flying through into a wall.)

Ruby: *worried* Uncle Qrow!!! N/N!!!

Jaune: Ruby, Watch out!

(Jaune quickly pulls Ruby close to him so he could raise his shield up, taking the impact of the Nuckelavee's kick, sending them flying away from the said grimm...

Ruby quickly step away and draws her Crescent Rose as Jaune was readying his sword up, both of them were ready to strike if the grimm took another step forward...

Before that could happen, a pink lightning blur was seen hitting the horse's head with a metal sound colliding across it, making the Nuckelavee screeches in pain.)

Ruby: *gasps* Was that...

Jaune: Nora?!

Nora: *smirks* Hello guys!~

(Right on cue, the Malachite Twins temporarily blinded the Nuckelavee with their blades cutting its eyes before doing a few flips to regroup with everyone...

Even Ren was seen jumping above the grimm, shooting at his Daggers/SMGs at the Nuckelavee before landing infront of the group.)

Ruby: Ren!

Jaune: Guys! I thought you four took the cliff path?!

Malachite Twins: *smiles* We manage to change their minds.

Jaune: How?

Ren: *glaring at the Nuckelavee* ...By taking what was once ours...

Nora: *also glaring at the grimm* And this time...we aren't going anywhere.

(Ruby and Jaune smiled at their change of mind when the twins were also positioning themselves besides everyone as they all were getting ready to fight the Nuckelavee...

Jaune was the first one to act and went after Qrow, dodging the Grimm's claw before picking the injured huntsman up...

Before the Nuckelavee could charge towards the duo, Ren used his lsemblance to disguise their presence, turning them grey as if they just disappear from the Grimm's sight.)

Ren: Get him to safety!

(Nora distracted the grimm by shooting her grenade launcher at it, causing the Nuckelavee to screech in pain from the impact while backing away...

Once Jaune managed to get Qrow to safety, he tried to regroup with group, only to get stopped by Qrow as he grabbed him by his wrist.)

Qrow: ...Protect Ruby... Until Y/N gets up...

(Jaune nods his head in understanding before running back to his friends, helping them to fight the said Nuckelavee.)

Jaune: Guys! Attack by circling around!

(The group nodded their heads before running in circle around the grimm, it tried to grab Nora, but she jumped over it as Ruby was firing her sniper rifle to distract the Nuckelavee...

Melanie and Miltia dashed forward to take the opportunity from Ruby's firing support to slash their blades at the grimm, causing it to winces in pain...

The Nuckelavee tried to kick them off, only to get hit by Ren's shooting as he was still circling around alongside with others, giving the twins a window to run back circling around the grimm...

After that, Jaune also followed the twins plan by slashing his sword at the back of the horse's back leg, only to get hardly kick away from it...

He was sent flying on the ground before struggling to get up as Ruby runs over and covers him with her sniper rifle, she also noticed Jaune withdrew his sword.)

Ruby: Jaune?! What are you doing?!

(Instead getting a verbal answer, Jaune turned his sword into a great sword/longsword due to the extent form from his sheathe...

He then runs back forward the Nuckelavee, this time his attack was effective as the slash was going through, causing the said grimm to screech in pain...

That causes Ruby to grin at his effective attack and returns to circling around, shooting at the grimm as Jaune's plan intended...

As if the grimm acquires some intelligence, it backs up and begins to slightly twitching before it extends its arms, spinning around in the progress...

Jaune was the first one to get caught as he was trying to run away, then Ruby got hit as well, then Nora and then finally Ren...

Melanie and Miltia, on the other hand, they supported each other by grabbing each other's arms, getting themselves caught by the Nuckelavee's arm before sending flying away, doing multiple flips before they let go of each other and landing far away from the Grimm.)

Melanie: Since when it became smart?!

Miltia: We thought Grimm were mindless monsters!

Jaune: I guess some different grimms are smarter than the regular ones we face!

(After slowly down, the Nuckelavee begins to twist its own body, recoiling its arms before popping some sort of spikes behind its spine...

Later on, its horns were getting bigger before leaning back and screeching its lungs out, causing everyone to cover their ears in pain, struggling to keep their hearing sense in check...

Except for Ren and Nora, the said green clothed boy was running towards a tree, climbing up before shooting at the grimm, the Nuckelavee responds with an attack of its own, catching and pinning Ren on a wall.)

Malachite Twins: *worried* Ren!

Nora: Ruby!

(The said little red riding hood nodded her head, waits for Nora to hop on her Crescent Rose, before shooting her friend towards Ren, trying to prey him off with her hammer...

But unfortunately, the Nuckelavee caught her hammer and pinned it on the same wall, slightly above to where Ren was pinned...

As she was struggling to get her grip onto her weapon, she felt Ren's glance from below, causing her to blush and cover herself with her skirt, crossing her legs as well.)

Nora: *blushing, embarrassed* Stop looking!

Ren: *looks away, grunts out of embarrassment* Sorry...

(Meanwhile, the twins heard someone coughing badly inside a building besides them, they turned their heads and noticed Y/N coming out of the said building, dusting himself off.)

Malachite Twins: Y/N!

(They quickly rush towards him and helped him getting out of the building.)

Y/N: *groaning in pain* Ghk..Girls...

Melanie: What happened?

Miltia: Was it the Grimm?

Y/N: *coughs again* Y-Yeah...that Nuckelavee got me...

(Suddenly they hear someone's aura getting shattered, they look over and see their ginger-haired hyperactive friend laying on the ground.)

Malachite Twins: Nora!

Y/N: Go...Find Qrow and stay with him...

(The twins nod their heads and left their leader to find and protect his former mentor...

However, Ren was blind from rage as he was recklessly attacking the Nuckelavee, making Jaune to try to get him snap out of it.)

Jaune: Ren! Knock it off!

(Unfortunately for him, Ren ignored his plead and kept fighting over and over, only to grab him by his leg and slam him to the ground, causing him to drop his weapon and tossing him next to her childhood friend...

Before Ren could blindly march towards the grimm, Nora catches him and drags him under a house, letting Jaune and Ruby dealing with the Nuckelavee, which Jaune was holding its front hooves/claws to hold the grimm off...

After it pushes Jaune away, Ruby was beginning to distract the said grimm with her Crescent Rose, making the Nuckelavee targeting at her while she dodges its attack while Ren was watching from under a house...

Before he could get out, Nora quickly stopped him by grabbing his wrist.)

Ren: Let go.

Nora: ...

Ren: Nora! *turns around, looks at her* They're gonna get killed if you don't-


(Ren took a second to process the slap received by Nora before he slowly turns his head, looking back at her.)

Nora: I-I can't let you get yourself killed...after everything we've lost...i can't lose you... *looks up at him, tearing up*

(Ren was utterly shocked when he first saw her childhood friend in her child form...

After blinking for a second, he finally saw Nora looking at him with tears forming on her eyes.)

Nora: ...Not like this...

(After realizing what he was doing, Ren sinks everything within him inside his mind as he was finally proceeding what he almost did...

Before they could exchange any words, they suddenly heard a loud scream coming from far away...

Ren and Nora quickly crawls out to see who was screaming...

As for Ruby and Jaune, they were utterly shocked when they see what Y/N actually did...)

A/N: Ignore the Hell Ranger. Black Flames and skin, white skulls and bones with red lines on them. Its eyes are black with white pupils

(What shocked everyone the most, it was when he could summoned almost the same Grimm as the Nuckelavee...

But their main question was...

How did he do that if he couldn't do that anymore?)

A/N: I'm so evil for this cliffhanger, but hey!-

Nothing Is Worth The Risk-

A/N: Woah...that was weird...

Anyway, hope you liked this

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