(Vol. 4) Chapter 36: Regain What You've Lost

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(The name of this chapter sure is interesting...May i ask what gives such title?)

A/N: I'll do a little switch, trying to re-balance Y/N's Semblance while adjusting his Grimm Version.

(I thought you've already done that before, haven't you?)

A/N: True, but making this weak? Makes me realized i've nerfed him too hard, so i want to balance that out.

(Really understandable, dear author...I presume this isn't the fight against the Nuckelavee.)

A/N: Not yet. I'll leave the readers with cliffhangers because i'm evil (no hate pls)

(In that case, i do hope for them to enjoy this story as much as we do. But it's also good to see you back.)

A/N: Thanks, Narrator. And be advised, slow update because i have a job to work on. Sorry in advanced.

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Kuroyuri Village-

(Kuroyuri Village, once a whole peaceful and colorful village, was now turned into a ghost town...

Buildings were destroyed, streets were scattered with holes, everything around them was nothing but pure destruction...

All because of the Grimm...But it wasn't a horde of Grimm...

It was a Nuckelavee Grimm.

A horse grimm with an upper humanoid body with horns on its head, as if it was portrayed of what a greek mythical creatures look like...

Back where we were left, Ruby, Jaune, Qrow and Y/N were seen walking down the broken streets, observing with nervousness written all over their body...

The more they're staying there, the more it gives the creeps to the group.)

Jaune: *gulps* ...I-I kinda see why Ren d-didn't want to go here...

Qrow: No kidding...this whole place is a wasteland...

Ruby: *clings onto Y/N's arm* N-N/N...

Y/N: It's alright, Rubes...I'll protect you...

(As they kept walking down the streets, a distorted noise was heard faintly from the distance...

Qrow and Y/N immediately put their guards up and drew their respective weapons, looking around for possible threat.)

Jaune: W-What was that?...

Qrow: No idea...Anything with you, kid?

Y/N: Clear...No sights.

Qrow: ...This isn't good, kids...Come on, let's keep going.

(With his statement, he took the lead while the rest followed him to try walking through the village without a fight...

However, the Nuckelavee was already having them on its sights...

The said grimm walks behind a building before vanishing from the screen, giving the vibe more intimidating for the group...)

-Scene Change-

(Meanwhile with Ren, Nora and the Malachite Twins, they were carefully walking on the edge of the cliff without slipping down off of it...

Once the path gets larger, a Nevermore spotted them from the distance, once it screeches to engage them, Nora quickly draws her Magnhild on its hammer form and slams it across the bird Grimm's head, snapping its neck from the impact.)

Malachite Twins: Nice reflex, Nora!

Nora: *smiles* Thank you-

(She then yelps out of shock when she misstepped off the path, but Ren quickly catches and pulls her upwards, pulling her inside a temporary cave...

The twins quickly went inside and check on her.)

Melanie: Nora!

Miltia: Are you ok?!

Nora: *giggles nervously* Y-Yeah, just a bit shook from the near fall... *looks up at Ren* Thank you, Ren.

(Ren stayed quiet, he then walked over the view and stares at the horizon, possibly staring where his village was...

The twins immediately took notice of his attitude, so Miltia walked over to Ren while Melanie stayed with Nora to calm her down.)

Miltia: *concerned* Ren, why are you acting like that?

Ren: ...You won't understand.

Melanie: *shocked* Woah, Ren...What's with your attitude?

Nora: I-It's fine, Melanie...I can u-understand him why he's like this...

Miltia: *turns around, looks at Nora* What do you mean?

Ren: Kuroyuri Village was our home...before a Grimm destroyed it infront of our eyes.

Malachite Twins: Just "a" Grimm? Only one?

Nora: *nods her head* Yeah...I-I don't know much of it because i was too scared to realize what Grimm it was...

Ren: But i do. And it was a Nuckelavee Grimm.

(The twins were surprised to their discover about their village and the Grimm's revelation from Ren...

Once he told them what kind of grimm it was, the camera was moving further from the group as the screen was still pointed at them, gathering around so the twins could listen Ren and Nora's backstory...)

-Past Time-
-Kuroyuri Village-

A/N: Sadly no audio, so i'll make a dialogue up, sorry. Also, watch the Ren and Nora's childhood part.

Ren: *voice only* Years ago, Nora and i were born in Kuroyuri...the most peaceful village i've ever been...

Nora: *voice only* Back there, i was actually poor...i didn't have even Lien to buy bread, so i had to stole one...but i was immediately being picked on by a group of kids...

Ren: *voice only* As for me, i was looking for a gift for my father from returning back to the village while my mother was doing her errands.

(The twins Ooo'd out of interesting on how this story goes.)

Nora: *voice only* I still remember that day where Ren stood up for me and made the kids go away from me...

Ren: *voice only* If my memory serves me right, you're first interaction with me was booping my nose.

Nora: *giggles, voice only* I sure did! And it was worth it because you were cute...but i see you as a friend!

-Scene Change-
-Present Day-
-Kuroyuri Village-

(Back in the present day, Qrow, Jaune, Y/N and Ruby were in the middle of a roundabout as a dead tree with no leaves were standing tall...

Thinking of taking a small break, Qrow sat down against the tree and fell asleep because of drinking too much alcohol from his flask...

As for the trio, Jaune and Ruby were looking at the buildings, noticing how broken and destroyed they were...

For Y/N, his expression didn't change a bit, the only thing he could do was mourning about the villagers' deaths from such horrible fate.)

Ruby: I-I can't believe this place used to be Ren and Nora's village...

Jaune: ...To know what a single grimm can do, i started to know why Ren doesn't like talking about it...

Y/N: *looks over his shoulder, facing at Jaune* What do you mean?

Jaune: ...Ren told me a bit about this village...about how he lost both of his parents...

Ruby: *gasps softly, shocked* ...Do you mean-

Y/N: *cuts her off* The Grimm killed them?

Jaune: *nods in confirmation* ...Yeah...

Ruby: *covers her mouth* ...Poor Ren...

Y/N: ...

Jaune: Please understand his reasons, guys...i know it sounds selfish, but i don't want him to leave us, you know...

Y/N: We get it, Jaune...but that's still inexcusable for leaving us in here.

Jaune: I know, i know...it's just, they've been through a lot, just like how you were alone, Y/N.

Y/N: ...Yeah, on that i can agree.

Ruby: But what about Nora? Doesn't she have anyone back there?

Jaune: *shakes his head* She has Ren, and that's that.

Y/N: ...Orphan.

Jaune: Yeah, you guessed it right...

Ruby: *frowns, sad* Nora...

Jaune: *smiles sadly* ...That was my first impression too, as well as Phyrra's.

(Their small chatting time was cut off by a loud noises coming from far away...

That sound causes Jaune and Ruby to recoil out of surprise, Qrow suddenly woke up by that, Y/N instead draws his Judgement Day and turns around, looking wherever the noise came from.)

Ruby: W-What was that?

Jaune: *draws his sword and shield* No idea...but we better stay alert.

Y/N: Qrow.

Qrow: *stands up, draws his Harbinger* I heard it, kid. Eyes peeled, everyone.

(Ruby was the last one to draw her weapon, Crescent Rose, and she stood behind the guys to cover their backs...

Somewhere behind the buildings, the Nuckelavee was seen for a split second before leaving its claw mark on a concrete wall...)

-Past Time-
-Kuroyuri Village-

(Back with Ren and Nora's backstory, the twins kept listening about their past until they hear the saddest moment from the duo...)

Ren: *voice only* One night, i was sleeping in my room...but all of the sudden i've heard screaming from outside...

Nora: *voice only* When i was wandering outside since i was poor, i saw flames from some houses and people running away in fear...as if they were running away from something...

Melanie: *voice only, worried* Oh Oum...

Miltia: *voice only, worried* Were you two okay back there?

Ren: *voice only* We were fine...my father helped me running away from our house...

Nora: *voice only* And i managed to run away, but again, i was lost and didn't know where to go...

Ren: *sadden, voice only* ...M-My mother was nowhere to be found, so my father went back to find her or even fight back against that grimm.

(The suspense was on the twins' necks, hoping the story wasn't going as sad as they think it goes...)

Malachite Twins: *voice only* W-What happened next?

Ren: ...

Nora: ...

(The silence was loud enough to hear the background music going on when their flashbacks was still rolling, showing what happened to the duo...

After a while, with some struggles, Ren and Nora managed to keep telling their story until the very end, making the twins frowning in sadness for Ren's losses and his lost of the village with Nora.)

-Scene Change-
-Present Day-

(After the storytell from the duo, another pair of people were seen in Mistral, heading towards Haven Academy...

The said duo were Torchwick and Phyrra, which the named spartan girl had to change her outfit as well as her hairstyle.)

Torchwick: Looking good, Spartan...What gives with your hairstyle?

Pyrrha: *blushes in embarrassment* I-I just thought of changing a little bit...is it too much?

Torchwick: *shrugs* You do you, sweetheart...i judge no one.

(Once they reach to the elevator kind of transportation, they were rising from the bottom of Mistral to the top where Haven Academy was located...

Unbeknownst to Pyrrha, Torchwick did a little bit of digging around for huntsmen and huntresses, making a list for possible allies or foes in case it was necessary...or even buy them for his own reasons...

After reaching up to the academy, Pyrrha and Torchwick went inside and started heading towards the principal office, assuming that's where Leonhard is right now...

But right on time when they reached to the doors, they see the headmaster walking out of his office, revealing himself and his lion faunus trails.)

Leonardo: *surprised* My goodness...Miss Nikos?

Pyrrha: *smiles* Hello, Headmaster Lionheart~

Leonardo: *smiles in relief* My Oum, it is a relief to see you in one piece... *notices Torchwick, gets nervous* T-Torchwick.

Torchwick: Leonhard! Good to see you in person.

Leonardo: I-It's "Lionheart", thank you very much.

Torchwick: You are a lion faunus, but you're more of a cat right now.

(Pyrrha then slaps at Torchwick's back, only to cause him to look at his left side, staring at the spartan girl.)

Torchwick: What?

Pyrrha: That was rude of you!

Torchwick: I may switched side, but that doesn't mean my act is also nice, spartan. *looks back at Leonardo* Listen, Lionheart. We need to talk, privately.

Leonardo: ...Come in.

(He then opens the door and steps aside, letting the duo walking inside before him...

Once they got in, Leonardo walked inside and closed the door behind them, locking it to prevent anyone to come or hear their conversation.)

Leonardo: *concerned* What has happened to Ozpin?

Torchwick: *crosses his arms, sits against Leonardo's desk* He's dead, he literally fought and protected the Fall Maiden till his last breath...

Leonardo: *his tail flops down in sadness* ...Ozpin... *looks at Roman* ...W-What about Amber?

Torchwick: An arrow pierced through her chest...but Cinder didn't have her Maiden Power...

Leonardo: *surprised* ...Then who has the Maiden Power?

Torchwick: *smirks* Pyrrha, if you would.

(The spartan girl nodded her head and stood infront of Leonardo...

She closed her eyes for a moment to take a deep breath, controlling a fragment of her new maiden power...

After a few seconds, she opened her eyes, this time they were glowing orange, meaning she indeed has the Fall Maiden's power...

The headmaster of Haven was utterly shocked to see the current fall maiden right infront of his eyes, as if Oum himself just gave him hope of his troubled situations.)

Leonardo: *shocked* This...is...unbelievable...

Torchwick: You better believing it, kitty-man. *stands up and walks beside Pyrrha* The reason why we're here is because tin head from Atlas ordered me to bring her here.

Leonardo: A-Are you sure to leave Miss Nikos with me?

Torchwick: But of course! And besides, a rusty crow and her friends *motions at Pyrrha* are coming here as well. Make sure to welcome them warmly.

Leonardo: I-I see...well, i accept the responsibility of taking care of Miss Nikos for the time being.

Torchwick: *smirks satisfyingly* Good. Now if you excuse me, i'll take my leave.

Leonardo: Be careful out there, Torchwick...

Pyrrha: *looks at Roman* ...Will we see you again?

Torchwick: *chuckles* If you manage to come at Atlas, then yes. Tcha-Tcha, everyone.

(With his final statement, he waves at the duo before walking out of the office, heading to a possible bullhead to fly at Atlas...

Once the former criminal was out of the screen, Pyrrha and Leonardo were staring at each other, awkwardly looking at each other.)

Leonardo: ...

Pyrrha: ...

Leonardo: *clears his throat* ...A cup of coffee?

Pyrrha: *smiles apologetically* I prefer tea, thank you.

(Just like that, the duo decided to enjoy their respective beverage and possibly talking to each other about what happened both in Mistral and at Vale.)

-Scene Change-
-Kuroyuri Village-

(Back at the village, the screen was showing the scenario with sounds only coming from off-screen...

Gunshots, metal clashing and slashing sounds were heard, following by some screeches either from pain or possible attacks...

Once the screen was cleared from the grey clouds, the next scenario was the last thing we've seen before the cliffhanger...

Qrow was holding his Harbinger with his right hand, his weapon was on Scythe form and was posted behind his back...

Jaune had his sword up, his shield was held infront of him to cover his upper body, visibly shaking from fear...

Ruby and Y/N were standing next to each other, the little red riding hood was holding her Crescent Rose with both of her hands, staring out of fear and determination...

The Fallen Knight, on the other hand, was standing still, no fighting stance or anything like that...he was just standing next to his girlfriend, staring with menace and no emotion towards a Grimm...

And the Grimm in question...)

(It was none other than the Nuckelavee Grimm...

The Fight between them is only one step away from each other...

Only Oum knows which one stands and which one falls...

One way or another...

There will be only one.)

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