(Vol. 4) Chapter 34: Close Calls
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(It seems our author is giving me back my old script...
Let's see here...
In the last chapter of "The Forgotten Knight", Qrow and his fellow travellers were catching up with Team RNJR/JNRR as they discovered someone was going after Y/N's girlfriend...
Back at Atlas, Weiss was having some thoughts about everything that is going on inside and outside her house, including the afterparty with Y/N's parents...
As for Blake and Yang, they were fighting their own demons if they should go out and reunite with their teammates or stay where they are until their demons eat their feeling of guilt...
Besides everybody being busy with their own journeys...
Let's take a peek of Torchwick's plan to safe Sienna Khan from Adam's betrayal...)
-Somewhere in Remnant-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the camera turns on, the screen shows Torchwick, Neo and one group of the resistance sitting around the table with a blueprint of White Fang's throne room where they plan to save Sienna Khan...
A deer, a wolf, a snake and two dogs faunus were already wearing their old gear when they used to be in the White Fang...
The deer faunus, named Reed, was a middle-aged faunus who thought the White Fang was the good people, but instead, he was wrong all along...
The wolf faunus, named Nexus, has a scar across his right eye due to his fight against a huntsman years ago, he was one of the "oldest" member of the resistance...
About the two dogs, they are named Alpha and Beta, two females faunus that are twins, the difference between them is Alpha has dog ears while Beta has a dog tail...
Lastly, the snake faunus, her name was Kobra, a middle-aged woman who lost her love back at Vale due to the invasion, since that day, she wanted vengeance on Adam for attacking innocent people, including her love.)
Roman: Alrighty fellas, seems like we're right on time to recap on our little operation.
Kobra: *crosses her arms* Aye. We're ready to save Sienna.
Nexus: *growls* Fucking Adam... Once i put my hands on him--
Reed: Easy, Nexus... We all want to make that bull pay, but now it's not the time...yet.
Twins: Is it alright for us to join too?
Roman: But of course! The more the merrier! *motions at Neo* She will also help you five with saving out kitty in distress.
Kobra: *raises her eyebrow* That so, huh? How can she get in?
Roman: *smirks* Neo. *snaps his fingers* If you would.
(The mute former assassin nods her head and uses her semblance to change her appearance into a cat faunus...
Her hair are now dark brown with a pair of cat ears on top of her head, she also has a cat tail that has the same color as her hair...
Her clothes also changed into one of the White Fang gear, making the group impressed by her semblance.)
Twins: *amazed* Woahhhh! So cool!
Nexus: Heh. Like the disguise, shorty.
Roman: *chuckles* That's my little girl for you all. *claps his hands* So! Let's go back to the plan, shall we?
Kobra: Aye. *looks at the group* Alright mates! Get closer!
(The group gathers around the table as Roman places his hands on it...
Everyone begins to listen to the plan on how they can save Sienna from Adam.)
Roman: Ok everyone. A birdie of ours told us about Adam taking Sienna's place by killing and falsifying her death.
Kobra: Our job is to go to the meeting, replace Adam's men with us and make sure to get Sienna out of there.
Nexus: *rubs his head* Sounds like an one-way trip mission on this...We either live or die by saving her.
Reed: It is a sacrifice we're willing to make. Sienna Khan herself was tired of Adam's nonsense fight for us faunus...
Alpha: Which means we fail horribly--
Beta: Or we succeed dying for her!
Kobra: *nods* Atta girls. *looks at Torchwick* Y'know how we can get there?
Roman: *smirks* I sure do know how. A certain knight taught me lots of stuffs.
Reed: *smiles sadly* The Forgotten Knight...
Nexus: *his ears flop down* ...Still hurt to hear his death and sacrifice on Vale...
Twins: *whimpers* We wanted to meet him...
Kobra: *sighs sadly* ...Least we can do, it's to redeem ourselves for him, yeah?
Group: Yeah...
Roman: Lighten up! I'm positive he would be happy to see you all redeeming yourselves! *looks at Neo* Right, Neo?
(She nods her head happily, managing to get the group in the good mood...
After mourning Y/N's "death", they all went back to look at the blueprint for searching possible exit before the fight will happen.)
Roman: "Alright...Step 2 is about to start. Hope you managed to get to Mistral, Y/N. After we leave, Phyrra will be defenseless..." as he thought...
(Neo, on the other hand, was sad about leaving before she could even say hi to Y/N...
But she shook off her sadness as she was now smirking, getting ready to get the mission started so they could save their VIP from the certain bull faunus.)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(At Atlas, the camera shows a mansion owned by Schnee Family, mostly Jacques Schnee due to being the owner of S.D.C....
After couple days since the argument, her title of being the "Heiress" was stripped away and gave it to the youngest sibling, Whitley, making him the "Heir" of S.D.C....
Inside Weiss's room, the former heiress, alongside with Y/N's parents, were currently talking to each other.
Why are they there? Simple. Jacques has no power against L/N Family...)
F/N: So, let's get this clear. Your own dad stripped the title and gave it to Whitley?
Weiss: *crosses her arms, looks away* Yeah... Father did that...
M/N: *sighs* ...Jacques...I swear to Oum, he can be really that senseless when it comes with family issues.
F/N: I know, hun. Willow isn't in the good condition as well. Fucking hell, she smells like alcohol! *looks at Weiss* No offense to your mom.
Weiss: None taken...I do think the same way...
M/N: *smiles softly, puts her hand on Weiss's shoulder* Don't be sad, sweetie. I'm sure you can make things up with your mom.
F/N: She's right. Willow always told us how much she loves you, Winter and Whitley. For her husband? I kept insisting to divorce that fuckhead.
M/N: Dear. Watch your language on this young lady.
F/N: *rolls his eyes, smiles* Don't scold me because i was right.
(Weiss giggles lightly at their childish attitude despise being adults and licensed huntsman/huntress...
For some reason, everytime she looks at them, she always see Y/N in between the married couple, realizing his face looks like his father while his hair and eyes are from his mother...
The more she keeps thinking of Y/N, the more she feels sad to remember his lifeless body back at Beacon...
Her change of mood makes the married couple notice her frowned face, realizing her feelings are still strong to their son.)
F/N: *smiles sadly* ...Missing our little knight?
Weiss: *wipes her eye* ...F-For all these years...H-He was my childhood friend back t-there...
M/N: *gently hugs her* Don't cry, sweetheart... Y/N also couldn't recognize you since it has been literally years...
F/N: *gently puts his hand on Weiss's head* We both still regret that day when we left him for dead...After years of searching, all wasted when he sacrificed himself for Phyrra...
Weiss: *sniffs* ...I-I was a coward...
M/N: *frowns* ...Sweetie--
Weiss: *wipes her eyes, narrows her eyebrows* But now. I have a valid reason to leave Atlas, again.
(She lets go of M/N as she quickly grabs her Myrtenaster from under her bed...
Y/N's parents instinctively moves out of the way since they could tell she was about to try summoning her own pioneer...
And thus, she has successfully summoned her own knight from the practice room before leaving Atlas for Beacon Academy.)
Klein: *shocked* D-Dear Oum...
M/N: *amazed* An Arma Gigas Knight...
F/N: *smirks* With our son's original knight gear, nonetheless.
(Weiss looks at her Arma Gigas, soon blushes when she realizes F/N's point about his gear...
She then shrugs it off before looking at her personal butler.)
Weiss: Klein. I know what i want to do.
Klein: *knows what she's thinking* I see. Well then, i presume they will also help you out?
F/N: *nods* We will.
M/N: Leave for now. We'll help her with her room.
Klein: *bows* At once, Madame L/N.
(He then steps out of the room and closes the door, leaving the trio cleaning up the mess...
Little thing Jacques knows, his own daughter was about to leave for the greater good...)
-Scene Change-
-Oniyuri Village-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Once the screen switches place again, Qrow and Y/N were seen fighting against Tyrian, preventing him to take Ruby away from them...
The twins were taking Team RNJR/JNRR away from the fight so they won't get caught by their slashes, gunshots and Y/N's dusts.)
Jaune: W-Why are you taking us away from them?!
Malachite Twins: Tyrian is someone dangerous, Y/N knows him somehow!
Nora: Are they rivals?! He looks too old to be on the same age as Y/N's!
Melanie: We don't know...
Miltia: ...But we think Y/N has to do something he'd done it once back at Vale.
(The group were confused by her statement, they wonder what does she mean by that part...
Their thoughts were interrupted by a gunshot nearly misses the twins as a gun hole can be seen in between them.)
Tyrian: *frowns* Boo...No fear?
Y/N: Your opponents are us! Not them!
(He tactically copies Jaune's semblance to heal his own Aura before his mask changes form into a Deathstalker one...
A pair of claws and a Deathstalker's tail were coming out of him as he begins to use the Grimm's trail to copy Tyrian's movement...
For the first time in his life, the scorpio faunus was actually shocked to see the young knight being on the same level as his...
He tries to shoot at him with his gauntlet machine gun, but he gets immediately kicked away from the group by Y/N.)
Y/N: Rubes! Sniper support! Do NOT get close!
Ruby: G-Got it!
Qrow: *angry, parries Tyrian's claws* You're getting my niece involved?!
Y/N: *slashes him away from Qrow* Eyes on the target!
Tyrian: *growls* How can a pathetic child like you keep up with me?!
Y/N: Fuck you! That's how!
(He dashes towards him, managing to cut his left cheek with his claws...
Taking the opportunity, Qrow draws his sword and immediately fights Tyrian on his own, letting Y/N know to save his energy for the "final kill".)
A/N: Stop at 3:30, right before Qrow gets hit by Tyrian's attack.
(Before Tyrian's tail reaches Qrow's abdomen, Y/N was seen dashing in-between them...
As if Oum gave Y/N a blessing, the Fallen Knight instantly copies Tyrian's semblance and stabs his right claw through the ground, getting the faunus' tail stuck in place...
His Deathstalker's tail immediately stabs Tyrian through his midsection, causing the latter to scream in pain both from his tail and the feeling of poison coming inside his body...
Y/N then does a 270 sideway flip to quickly cuts Tyrian's tail, making him scream in agony as he now lost his tail...
Getting weaken by Y/N's OPness, he gets surrounded by Ren, Nora and Jaune.
Ruby and Qrow stand side by side with Y/N as the latter was standing in the middle, having his right arm pointing at Tyrian.)
Tyrian: *growls in pain* ...y-you...YOU BITCH!!!
Y/N: Return to your queen, pleasant. The venom within you only lasts for short amount of time. Think wisely before you act.
Tyrian: *mumbles to himself* ...s-she'll forg-give me...i-i know she w-will...
(After managing to convince himself to make the bad choice, Tyrian retreats by jumping far away from the group, knowing he will die no matter what...
The screen was following Tyrian jumping through trees while bleeding from his cut opened tail, only to stumble on one of the tree benches causing him to fall on the ground...
As Oum predicted Y/N's movement, a pack of Beowolves were seen approaching to the dying scorpio faunus, mumbling his prayers to his "Queen"...
However, to the Grimm World, Salem was disappointed at Tyrian for failing his task...
Knowing that he would be nuisance, she lightly moves her hand up, making the pack of beowolves dismantling Tyrian, who was repeatedly begging for Salem to have a second chance...
His prayers were worthless...Darkness has already consumed him as Death comes to collect his soul...
Back at Oniyuri Village, Y/N coughs blood hard enough to make his mask detach itself from his face...
Ruby immediately kneels down next to him, holding her boyfriend's shoulders up as the group gets closer to him.)
Malachite Twins: Y/N!
Qrow: Did he get you?!
Y/N: *shakes his head weakly* ...M-My semblance...J-Jaune...
Jaune: H-Hold still!
(He then crouches down besides him as he uses his semblance to restore Y/N's Aura...
Ruby begins to cry quietly as she hugs Y/N tightly, as if he would be gone again if she lets go of him...
Y/N smiles softly and hugs her back, comforting his girlfriend as his sense of guilty for faking his death was immediately unleashed.)
Ruby: *sobs* N-N/N... *sniffs* ...n-n/n...
Y/N: *speaks softly* ...i'm here now, Rubes... it's all right...
(The group smile at their reunion as Jaune keeps restoring Y/N's Aura to the max...
Ren was the first one to check his Scroll as he sees Y/N's Aura was fully restored.)
Ren: Jaune. His Aura is 100% now.
Jaune: Got it. *puts his hands away from Y/N*
Y/N: *looks at Jaune* ...Thanks.
Jaune: *smiles* No problem. *holds his hand out* Welcome back, Y/N.
(The Fallen Knight shakes his hand before the two of them give each other a bro hug...
The trio stands up as Ruby was still hugging Y/N like she always used to back at Beacon, making her friends chuckle/giggle at her adorableness...
Nora quickly rushes over and manages to hug Y/N to the side, also hugging Ruby in the progress.)
Nora: You're back, Strikey! We thought you were dead!
Y/N: *smiles apologetically* ...I had to fake it...sorry everyone.
Ren: Don't be sorry. We're just happy to see you're not dead yet.
Jaune: B-But we saw your body back at Beacon...T-There was a hole in your chest.
Y/N: Some miracle happen...How i'm alive is still a mystery...
Malachite Twins: And now he speaks in riddle ever since he woke up.
Y/N: *rolls his eyes* Knock it off, girls.
(The group laugh at the twins jokes while Ruby was still hugging her boyfriend...
Qrow walks over and gently pats Y/N's shoulder, letting him know he already has his approval of dating with his niece...
Y/N faintly nods his head as he keeps his girlfriend on his arms.)
Y/N: ...presume you watched my video message, did you?
Ruby: *nods* ...I-I always knew you were still a-alive...I-I'm glad i was right...
(Y/N smiles at her determination of believing in him being alive instead of being dead...
He then gently lifts her chin up and kisses her in the lips, causing the little red riding hood kissing back at her knight...
Qrow smirks at his ex-student's boldness to kiss his niece first while Team JN_R were smiling at the couple...
The twins, on the other hand, were recording the kiss before they secretly send it to their girls group chat.)
Qrow: Now that's out of the way, we better leave before any Grimm shows up.
Y/N: *nods* Higanbana Village is our next stop. Let's camp in the woods for tonight.
Malachite Twins: Can you turn into a wolf again?!
RNJR: Say what?
Y/N: I don't know if you all can hop on my back...
Qrow: Why not trying forming into a Nevermore? That could work, right?
Y/N: *rubs his chin* Hmm...
(After realizing his semblance has somehow involved, he closes his eyes and begins to morph into a Nevermore, making Team RNJR/JNRR shocked by it.)
RNJR: *amazed* Woahhhhh!!!
Nora/Ruby: *shiny eyes* SO COOL!!!
Qrow: You know you just made the other birds look completely obsolete, right?
Y/N: Quiet, Qrow. You can do that too.
Ruby: *confused* Huh?
Jaune: *also confused* What's that supposed to mean?
Y/N: When we manage to camp in the woods, i'll tell you four everything about what's going on. Especially the sudden target marked on Rubes's back.
Jaune: Even the new type of Grimm?
Y/N: Yes.
(The group nod their heads as they all hop on Y/N's back while Qrow transforms into a bird...
Both of them begin to peak flight on the sky as the group were holding tight on their friend's back...
The screen shows the whole group flying in the sky, having Nora squeals out of excitement when she finally manages to ride a Nevermore, even though it was just Y/N morphing into one.)
Nora: Woooo-hoooooo!!! This is so awesome!!!
Jaune: Don't do anything crazy, Nora!
Malachite Twins: *giggles* You'll get used to it.
Ruby: *pouts* How come you didn't tell us you could do that?!
Y/N: I didn't even know my semblance has evolved! This is new to me too!
Ren: I'm impressed you can still talk with us on that form.
Y/N: Maybe it's something that happened to my hair and eyes.
Ruby: *giggles nervously* H-Hehehe...
Melanie: *smirks* That was Ruby's silver eyes power.
Miltia: *also smirks* She was also the one who petrified the Dragon Grimm back at Beacon.
Y/N: *shocked* WHAT?!?!
(His sudden loud voice causes two Nevermore nearby to get their heads explode...
Their bodies turn into ashes as they were gradually falling down on the ground, making the group surprised by it.)
Y/N: Rubes! Did you actually petrified that Dragon?!
Ruby: Y-Yeah! Even uncle Qrow told me i did that when he took me back home with Yang!
Y/N: Holy shit, babe! That's actually cool!
Ruby: *blushes, giggles* T-Thanks N/N.
Malachite Twins: *smirks teasingly* Ooooo~ How cute~
Ruby: *her face turns red* G-Girls!!!
(Team JN_R laughs at their friend's embarrassment while the twins were keep teasing the poor little rose...
Qrow, on the other hand, was chuckling mentally at their positive attitude despise they lost their school...
Once they were seen flying away from the camera towards to the sunset, the screen slowly fades into pitch black as the group laughter was heard in the darkness.)
A/N: And here we go! Tyrian is dead!
It may be too soon, but hey, let me cook, alright?
The reason why i got rid of Tyrian is simple, he won't manage to convince Qrow to fight against Clover in the future.
And before you all say "SpOiLeR", it's not a spoiler. It's a statement.
And about Blake and Yang's journey, they will be added when i finished this 4th Vol.
For now, how this short chapter was worth to wait...hopefully.
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this story and i'll see you readers in the next chapter!
Bye-Bye and have a good day/night!!!
P.S.: For the future chapters;
Should i try make a lemon chapter?
Leave this story as wholesome as it is?
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