(Vol. 4) Chapter 32: Friends Close, Enemies Closer
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(It has been a while since your last activity, dear author.)
A/N: I know, i know. I'm late.
My excuse is me about taking a long ass break. Also to rewatch Vol. 4 of RWBY.
(I understand. I hope your vacation helps you keeping your motivation on writing these stories.)
A/N: Hell yeah! My motivation never left me! I'm actually making a new story, which i need to rewatch the whole bloody series.
(And what kind of story would that be, if may i ask?)
A/N: Villain Male Reader story! That's all i can say!
Now i have to make this chapter-- Wait!
Small disclaimer: This chapter will be a a mix of Ep. 3 and 4 of this story.
As i stated, Yang and Blake's feeling toward Y/N is literally "Friends".
So, instead of making Yang and Blake's journey, Torchwick and Neo will be taking their places!
On the next volume, Yang will be take her spotlight like the cannon.
Blake, again, won't be seen until future chapters.
With that aside, let's jump into the story!
Because right now...
The Fallen Knight still has his connections outside Vale...
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the camera turns on, the screen shows Y/N and the Malachite Twins walking down a path for the next village...
Unfortunately for them, they lost their sight on Team RNJR/JNRR, but Y/N knows his way for the next village, which he can call a hunch on his girlfriend and her friends being there as well...
The Fallen Knight was seen using Melanie's scroll to talk with Ironwood, which he told him about succeeding to give the letter to Weiss.)
Ironwood: You have no idea how much it hurts me to lie about your death...But i also completely understand what you are doing.
Y/N: I know...Same thing with Rubes and her friends...I'll show up when i get to Mistral by myself.
Ironwood: Is that so? I swear i would've thought you were with Qrow.
Y/N: He got a headstart because i told him to. I'll meet him to the next village.
Ironwood: Heh...As expected from The Fallen Knight.
Y/N: *rolls his eyes* Keep rubbing off on me. Back to the other favor, have you completed the robotic arm for Yang?
Ironwood: To my surprise, yes. The results are officially definite. Would you like me to send it at Patch anonymously?
Y/N: Affirm.
Ironwood: Consider it done. Is there anything else you need?
Y/N: A new scroll. Had to break it.
Ironwood: *concerned* Have you been tracked down?
Y/N: Negative. No one knows i'm still alive.
Ironwood: Good. And as for your request, once you arrive at Mistral, one of your contacts will give a new scroll.
(The Fallen Knight was confused about what the general said earlier...
The twins saw his confused expression, they look at him and ask him if everything was alright)
Malachite Twins: Are you ok, Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah...Just thinking about who my contacts are...
(After a few seconds of thinking, a lightbulb was magically appearing at the top of his head...
He finally remembers who his contacts are back at Mistral, he then focused back at his conversation with Ironwood and agrees about the delivery.)
Y/N: I know who they are. Let them know that i'll be there soon.
Ironwood: Understood. Be cautious out there, you're on your own, for now.
Y/N: Don't worry, i'll be fine. This time, i mean it.
Ironwood: *chuckles slightly* Very well. Until we meet again, Y/N.
Y/N: Give my parents my regards.
(He then pulls the scroll away and ends the call before dialing another number...
Melanie thought he was done, she looks at him confusingly and asks him what he was doing)
Melanie: Who are you calling now?
Y/N: Torchwick. Had to give him a heads-up about my scroll.
Miltia: Why not using mine?
Y/N: Don't bother, i already made a fake account on this scroll. *looks at Melanie* Thanks again, by the way.
Melanie: *smiles* You're welcome, my knight~
(Y/N chuckles slightly before he went back dialing Torchwick's number...
Before anyone know the trio, Y/N used to be one of the favorite costumers back at Junior's bar...
The twins were getting sexually harassed by a group of drunken men, before any of them could make them uncomfortable, Y/N happened to walk through the bar...
The group didn't knew who he was, so they tried to scare him...
So much unlucky for them, it didn't work as they thought it would...
Y/N kicked them off the bar and asked for a drink, Junior offered one, claiming it was on the house as a sign of gratitude to save his girls...
And that's where things were getting interesting for the three of them.
They weren't in a relationship or whatsoever, but they do keep in touch from time to time...
There was one moment where the twins were willing to give The Forgotten Knight "one of his best night of his life"...
But as for his shocking respond, he politely declined and told him that he would've given his first time to someone who loves the knight for who he is, not for what he is...
The Malachite Twins were shocked by his answer, but so much for his surprise, they actually made a deal about being their friends instead, which he accepted it as he gave them his number...
Ever since that day, the three of them were acting like the knight was having a triangle relationship between the twins, but in reality, they all were just friends...
Back at the main story, Y/N was seen still trying to contact Torchwick but no avail, the twins begin to giggle quietly at his cute angry expression...
The Fallen Knight decided to dial the number one last time, only this time it worked as he heard someone picking up the call)
Torchwick: Y'know what? Call me one more time and i will send you some of my men to track you down!
Y/N: You do that and i will send to Oum himself.
Torchwick: *surprised* Oh-hoh-ho! The Fallen Knight has rose up from his grave!
Y/N: Keep it as a secret. I can guess that i'm pretty much a target of you-know-who.
Torchwick: *chuckles* Relax, my friend. I won't tell a soul. But i have to say, Neo was bawling her tears out when she heard of your "death".
Y/N: The news already covered that story up?
Torchwick: Uh, duh? This is you we are talking about. Everybody loves The Forgotten Knight of Vale!
Y/N: *sighs* "Right...My reputation..." as he thought...
Malachite Twins: Hi Roman! Is Neo with you?
Torchwick: Why hello girls, and yes, Neo is indeed with us, she heard your voice and oh boy...
Y/N: She's happy, isn't she?
Torchwick: Hahaha, you have no idea. So! What you call me for?
Y/N: I'll be at Mistral after a couple of months of walk.
Torchwick: Tsk tsk tsk, that's no good, my friend. You can't just walk all the way to Mistral like that.
Y/N: In that case, if you and Neo happen to be there with unconsciously Phyrra, keep an eye on Rubes and her friends for me.
Torchwick: Well, if isn't it a coincidence!
Y/N: Why's that?
Torchwick: A birdie told me that there will be a meeting at the White Fang base, and surprise, surprise; Adam Taurus is plotting to betray his leader to take her place.
(Y/N's eyes turn red as he feels anger boiling up like he was ready to kill the bull faunus foe cutting Yang's arm off...
After realizing negative emotions attracts Grimm, he calms down and menacingly speaks with Torchwick.)
Y/N: Send the resistance team as cover agents for the meeting. Sienna Khan will live so that I can make a deal with her.
Torchwick: ...Got it, boss. I'll send Neo to spread your message.
(He then ends the call and gives the scroll back to Melanie, which she was a bit scared when she and her sister heard his voice being so threatening...
Y/N notices their fear, he rubs his head sheepishly and looks away slightly)
Y/N: S-Sorry girls...
Miltia: It's alright, Y/N. We understand your hatred towards Adam.
Melanie: What is he planning now?
Y/N: Taking the place as the next leader by killing Sienna.
Malachite Twins: *shocked* Huh?!
Y/N: Quiet.
(The twins notice him suddenly stopping his tracks as his right hand was already on the handle of his Judgement Day...
They immediately stood beside him, ready to fight what grimm they just encountered...
And to much their surprise, they encountered a Geist Grimm possessing a golem made out of rocks like Team RNJR/JNRR fought against back there)
Melanie: Geist...
Miltia: Y/N. Your word.
(He looks around to find anything that could give an upper hand for them...
However, he came with a sudden idea on using Geist's trails, he holds his sword up and copies Weiss's semblance to summon his own unawakened golem.)
A/N: Grey: Black, Black: White, no windows 😂
(Once his Aura shatters from summoning his golem, Y/N copies Geist's trails as his mask was forming into a Geist mask...
As he turns into a poltergeist humanoid, The Fallen Knight gets inside his golem and begins to control it...
The Malachite Twins were seen attacking the Geist Grimm by jumping and slashing their blades on its body, the said grimm was trying to kill them with a hard slam, but it ended up meeting a punch on its arm, shattering into pieces...
Melanie and Miltia immediately jumps away from the Geist as Y/N points his arm at the grimm and then shoots a laser beam straight to its face, killing it in the progress...
After the short fight, the golem turns into dusts as Y/N falls on the ground after turning back to normal, the twins quickly rushes over and help him sit up on the ground.)
Malachite Twins: Are you alright?!
Y/N: *coughs* Y-Yeah...Just o-overdone my semblance...
Melanie: *worried* Ever since you woke up...You've became a glass cannon...
Miltia: *worried* Everytime you use your semblance, just for a plan like this, your Aura gets shattered...
Y/N: ... *sighs* ...I know...I-I'll try figuring something out...
(They nod their heads and let him go since they knew he was good enough to walk after overusing his semblance...
Y/N then looks up at the sky and notices it was getting dark, he told the twins to set up a camp around here as he was seen walking through the forest to collect some branches for the campfire.)
-Scene Change-
-Unknown Location-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Somewhere in Remnant, a former duo of criminals were seen walking inside their own hideout as some faunus were chatting to each other, minding their own businesses...
Once the lights turn on, they group look over and see Torchwick and Neo were the one who turned the lights on.)
Deer: Roman! Neo! What brings you here?
Torchwick: A new job for you all! A birdie told us that Sienna Khan will die soon.
Snake: *angry* What?! Who the fuck is that bastard who wants her dead?!
Torchwick: Neo, if you would.
(The ice cream themed girl happily nods her head and tosses her scroll on the table with a picture of Adam as if she was saying he is the one who's planning the killing...
The resistance team were shocked, disgusted, but mostly angry by their so-called "second in command", the snake faunus spits his venom on the ground before he glares up at Torchwick.)
Snake: Where can we find that sonuvabitch?!?!
Torchwick: *holds his hands up* Now now, take it easy serpent. We can't just burst in and get ourselves killed, can we?
Deer: But still! We can't let him kill Sienna! She already knew what was going on, so she agreed to be in the meeting because she wanted truce deal!
Torchwick: Well, i'll be damned. I guess i can see why Y/N told me to get you guys there.
Wolf: Wait, Y/N? As the Forgotten Knight?
Torchwick: Story for another time, but to put it simple, he's alive and he wants you to disguise yourselves in that meeting.
Snake: How the hell can we get in?
Torchwick: Neo will help you to get in there without getting spotted!
(The group of faunus look at each other, they all wanted to redeem their mistakes to show Y/N's gratitude to give them a second chance...
After a few seconds, the snake faunus stood up and holds her hand out towards Torchwick, who was smirking alongside with Neo)
Snake: We'll do anything to save Sienna and keep our words to redeem ourselves for Y/N.
Deer: Tell us where and when the meeting is.
Wolf: *punches his palm* Adam will pay for make the White Fang dirty!
(The rest of the group nod their heads to both agree what he said and to accept the mission they were given...
Torchwick, on the other hand, was smirking as he knew Y/N's plan is solid for the rescue mission.)
Torchwick: "Wherever you are, i'll be sure to not go back to the villain side again... You better come back, Y/N." as he thought...
-Night Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the camera switches back to the forest, the screen shows the trio sleeping in their sleeping bags...
Melanie and Miltia were sleeping next to each other, Y/N was still alive as he was seen sitting on the ground, laying his back against a tree while he was unmasked...
His white silverish hair and eyes were shining up like the stars in the sky as he was looking at the shattered moon.)
Y/N: "To be honest, i forgot why i used to hate travelling on the ground...because of this." as he thought...
(He sighs out of realization on why he never wanted to travel on foot, he then shrugs it off since there was no way back...
After a few minutes of silence, the fallen knight was getting sleepy, so he called the day and immediately sleeps with his head hanging down as his eyes were close...)
[Y/N's P.O.V.]
(After falling asleep, i instinctively open my eyes and notice i was in the middle of a dark room...
Weird...Whenever i have dreams, it wasn't always like this...i wonder what's this all about...
Before i could even walk, i felt enormous presence coming from behind me...
I slowly turn my head sideways and my eyes went wide open when i saw her...
The Queen of Grimm, Salem.)
Salem: Hello there, Y/N L/N.
(Of course she would've known my name...)
Y/N: ...Salem.
Salem: It seems my magic spell was a success. *looks at Y/N* Oh my, Cinder wasn't lying about your appearance.
Y/N: ...What do you want?
Salem: My desire is to take your power for my own beloved knight.
(The fuck does that mean? Did she actually make a humanoid grimm?
Before i could ask her, i saw a black pool appearing besides her...
And then i saw the knight she was talking about...That knight is 2x bigger than me, fucking hell.)
Y/N: What the bloody hell is this about?
Salem: *grins evilly* A way to extract half of your ability. I do hope you can survive from it, even if it means we are in your dream.
(Then out of nowhere, i noticed the knight standing infront of me-)
(He then just stabbed his hand into my chest as i felt my Aura getting shattered as well for my semblance.
It hurts like hell, no matter how loud my scream was, the void of my dream can only echoed the whole area.)
Salem: Sleep well, The Fallen Knight~
[3rd P.O.V.]
(Y/N immediately wakes up from his "dream" and begins to pant heavily as he was putting his hand where the grimm knight stabbed him...
After calming down once he realized it was just a nightmare, he sighed deeply as he lays back against the tree...
He then takes a look at the twins, who were still sleeping peacefully as they were hugging each other, that scene makes the Fallen Knight smile for their cuteness.)
Y/N: "...Damn...I've been overworking myself that i feel so weak..." as he thought...
(He closes his eyes and tries to copy Weiss's semblance to summon a beowolf...
...But nothing was coming out from his hand.)
Y/N: "What the...That knight didn't ACTUALLY stole part of my semblance...right?" as he thought...
(To confirm the theory about half of his semblance was been stolen, he stood up and tries to copy Ruby's semblance...
But all he did was just running...)
Y/N: "...They actually done it...What if..." Nevermore...
(His eyes turns red as his mask was forming into a Nevermore mask while his wings were coming out of his back)
Y/N: "I can't copy my friends semblances, but i can still mimic Grimm trails..." as he thought...
(Making a mental note to himself, he deactivates his semblance and went back to sleep to forget what they did to him earlier...)
-A Few Days Later-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(It's been a while since Y/N's discovering about half of his ability was stolen by Salem for her Grimm Knight...
He confessed the twins about getting nerfed by the Queen of Grimm, they then became to be more cautious on their surroundings, especially when Y/N can't heal their Aura...
As they were following a path of dead grimm, the camera then moves where Team RNJR/JNRR.)
Ruby: Come on, guys! If we keep up the pace, we can hit the next village before the sunset!
Jaune: Assuming it's still there.
Ruby: Of course it'll be there! *looks at the map* The next village is...Hee...gan...bay...na?
Ren: Higanbana. It's a well-protected village with a popular inn.
Nora: *gasps in excitement* Which means...No more camping!
Ruby: See, everything is going to be fine!
Jaune: Not to mention that we haven't encountered any Grimm on our way here.
Nora: Well, it looks like luck is on our side after all. *raises her fist up* To Higanbana!
Jaune/Ren: To Higanbana!
Ruby: To Higa...bana?
(As the camera shows Team RNJR/JNRR were following the map to head to Higanbana, the screen has spotted a beowolf falling on the ground before getting stabbed through its back...
Then, the screen zooms out as it shows it was Qrow who just killed the grimm before hanging his scythe over his shoulder before he looks down at his niece and her team.)
Qrow: *scoffs* ...Hmph...Luck...
(He looks behind him as some several beowolves were laying on the ground, assuming they were all dead...
After that, he noticed some bushes ruffling as if something was about to come out of there, before he could get in position to fight, Y/N and the twins were seen popping their heads of the bushes and noticing Qrow staring at the trio.)
Y/N: Qrow?
Qrow: *smiles* You managed to catch up with me, kids. How did you get here?
Malachite Twins: *giggles embarrassingly* W-We may picked the wrong path...
Y/N: *sighs* ...This is why i told you to let me read the map. *looks at Qrow* Next stop is Higanbana, right?
Qrow: *nods* There's a tavern where we can go and drink there.
Melanie: Can we come with you?
Miltia: Y/N has something important to say, especially when it's about his Doppelganger.
(Qrow nods his head and lets the trio join with him to head at Higanbana...
The scene changes when the group were seen talking with the innkeeper, the camera zooms out as it's now shown where Qrow, Y/N and the twins are...
The group were sitting around a table, Melanie and Miltia were listening to the conversation between Qrow and Y/N...
Y/N's former mentor wasn't happy to hear when his ex-student's semblance got stolen like how Amber's power got stolen by Cinder.)
Qrow: That ain't good, kid...now you're nothing but a glass cannon now.
Y/N: I was always this vulnerable whenever i use my semblance...Now that she has half of it on her own knight, fighting him will be hard.
Qrow: *rubs his chin* That could be a problem if that thing is a Grimm version of yourself.
Y/N: Tell me something i don't know...
(Both men sighed as they were waiting for their drinks, Y/N decided to take his mask off because no one could really tell who he really is because of his hair and eyes...
The twins were a bit worried of his new appearance, but for the crow was admiring his new look.)
Qrow: Y'know, kid. You look like your mother, both your looks and your hair.
Y/N: Do i?
Malachite Twins: You do...Are you sure you're not blind?
Y/N: If i was blind, i wouldn't even be able to fly you two over here.
Qrow: He got ya there.
(Shortly after, a waitress walks over with a wooden tray holding two drinks, she then serves them both to Qrow and Y/N...
The duo were confused by that since they didn't order those drinks, Melanie and Miltia were looking at each other, not knowing if they should drink too or not.)
Qrow: Uh, we didn't order these drinks.
Y/N: Did they switch the order?
Waitress: Oh no, they didn't. Actually, a woman with red and black outfit ordered those drinks for you two.
Qrow: ...Where is this woman?
Waitress: Just upstairs. *points at the top floor, looks at Y/N and smiles seductively* If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me~
Y/N: Will do.
(The waitress winks at the Fallen Knight and walks away while swaying her hips slightly left and right...
Qrow smirks at Y/N's unintentional "rizz moment" while the twins were pouting out of jealousy.)
Y/N: What?
Malachite Twins: *looks away* Nothing...
Qrow: *chuckles* Come on, let's find this mysterious woman.
(Y/N nods and tells the twins to hit the hay, which they agreed and went to the inn without getting spotted by Ruby and her friends...
Qrow and Y/N grabbed their drinks and went upstairs to see a masked woman sitting on the furthest table, she noticed them walking towards her, so she took her mask off as she flips her hair.)
Qrow: ...Raven.
Raven: Hello, Qrow. *looks at Y/N* Fallen Knight.
Y/N: ...Qrow, why does she look like Yang?
Qrow: Remember the picture i showed you back at Beacon? That's Yang's real mother.
(The Fallen Knight's eyes widen up when he realized he was standing face-to-face with Yang's actual mother...
Raven, on the other hand, narrows her eyebrows when she heard her twin about the picture...
Qrow gestures her mask on the table, his twin rolls her eyes and moves it closer to her so Qrow could sit down with Y/N sitting next to him...
The trio didn't say a word, they were staring at each other while Y/N was drinking his glass, thanks to Taijitu trail, he was immune to drink or food poison.)
Raven: ...Does she have it?
Qrow: *gently shakes his drink, making ice clinking to each other* ...Did you know that Yang lost her arm?
Y/N: ...
Raven: *grits her teeth* I asked-
Qrow: Ironical question, i know you know.
Raven: Qrow. I have no time for your games, just tell me if she has it or not, we can work together if she still haven't it.
Qrow: ...Which part of 'we' are you referring to?
Y/N: Qrow.
(The Branwen twins look at Y/N, both were shocked to see his eyes are red while his mask was on the table...
What shocks them the most, it was his mask was on Deathstalker's mask.)
Y/N: If you're talking about the relic, no. Salem does not have it.
Raven: *skeptical* How can you be so sure about that?
Y/N: Because she could've gone after it when the Fall of Beacon happened, which she didn't. She sent her pawns to go after Amber, and they failed.
Qrow: Good point...If they were after both Amber and that relic, we would've had a huge disadvantage.
Raven: ... *sighs* ...I guess so...But that doesn't change the fact that you two are walking through Ozpin's nonsense war.
Qrow: Wrong. That doesn't change because of this. That changes when you decided to leave your own family for a tribe where i used to be part of.
Raven: YOU were the one who walked away from us. Your family. Your brothers and sisters.
Y/N: You chose the tribe over to your own daughter?
Raven: *stern* You don't know anything about our business.
Y/N: ...just like my parents. Leaving their own children just to hide in the shadow...
Raven: *angry* Watch your tongue with me!
Y/N: Then admit your sin for leaving Yang when she needed her mother.
(His mask quickly forms into a Taijitu mask while Y/N was growling as his venom was coming through his teeth out of anger...
Qrow quickly moves away while Raven was doing her best to not get broken down emotionally by Y/N, but she somehow knew what actually Y/N had been through...
Knowing he can give her hard time with a fight, she calms down and sits back down to her seat, Y/N stood tall while his venom was still coming out of his mouth.)
Raven: ...I did left Yang and Tai. But i have a reason why i did that.
Qrow: Then tell us. After that, we can be together like we used to and finally be able to beat her.
Raven: ...Which part of 'we' are you referring to?
Y/N: We as you, me, Roman and Neo.
Qrow: *looks at Y/N* Kid. What are you thinking?
Y/N: *ignores him* Raven. Would you like to work with me?
(Raven was surprised to hear the Fallen Knight proposing an alliance between them...
Qrow, however, didn't like where this was going, but knowing how Y/N's tactics work, he went back to his glass and drinks it.)
Raven: What kind of deal are you suggesting?
Y/N: Be my eyes and ears for any intel involve with Salem and her pawns.
Raven: *places her mask on the table, crosses her arms* And what do I get in return?
Y/N: ...I'll do anything you tell me to do.
Raven: *raises her eyebrow* 'Anything'?
(Y/N nods his head out of confirmation of what he said, his expression was also serious...
He still have this knight code of doing anything to thus who wishes to work with, no matter which sides they are, he will still follow his code until he decided to loose end with the said contractor...
Raven takes a good look to his eyes, letting her know he was actually serious about doing anything she tells him to do...
She then recalls some moments where she was "frustrated" when she was on "that kind of period", then all of the sudden, her mind was focused on what and how would've feel if she orders him to fuck her...
After some time to think about the deal, she grabs her mask and holds it under her left arm, she then holds her right hand out towards Y/N)
Raven: ...Since i consider you as an acquaintance of mine, my portal will be open whenever i call you. Got it?
Y/N: *nods* Understood.
(He then shakes her head to seal the deal, before he pulls his hand away, she pulls him towards her and kisses him on the lips...
Qrow was shocked to see his sister kissing a minor while Y/N's eyes were wide open as she kept kissing him...
After 20 solid seconds of making out, Raven lightly pushes Y/N away hard enough to make him sit on her seat before putting her mask on...
She then unsheathes her katana and uses her semblance to make a portal, after that, she begins to walk through the portal while swaying her hips to let Y/N watch her lower rear...
Once the portal closes, the waitress from earlier drops her tray with a glass of water getting shattered once it hit the ground, she then looks fearfully at Qrow, who was holding his drink up and points at it.)
Qrow: Make this drink a double, one more for me and the other for my student.
Y/N: "Y-Yang's mother just made out with me...F-For some reason, i c-can see where her boldness comes from..." as he thought...
(After the small unexpected moment, the screen slowly fades into pitch black as the noises from other customers of the tavern was filled into the darkness)
A/N: Alright, it's not the best chapter, but I'm actually satisfied for the result.
Y/N's has been nerfed, His first and last moment he has summoned a golem and his firs encounter with Raven went way too smoothly.
Again, Raven will not be in the harem officially. The twins are pretty close to be either together or friends with benefits or whatsoever.
Y/N's journey has become more interesting, about his plan to save Sienna is still under preparation.
For the three unnamed faunus, they will be my one-time OCs, which means they'll be used ones and they will not be brought back again.
Level of relationship between girls;
Ruby: Girlfriend (Alpha girlfriend after Y/N accepts Weiss's feelings)
Weiss: Close friend (Close means one step before being Y/N's girlfriend)
Yang and Blake: Friends (Alternative version of The Irregular Trio)
Malachite Twins: Teammates
Neo: Little Sister (You send the FBI, i will send you fuckers to Jesus 😂)
And that's about it.
Hope it was worth it to wait this chapter to get published.
As usual, hope this story is for your liking and i'll see you readers in the next one!
Bye and have a good day/night!!!
P.S.: Between Raven and Glynda, which one of them will "dominate" Y/N???
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