(Vol. 4) Chapter 31: Discovering the Tribe

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(A New Volume, New Adventure, but the enemies are the same. I wonder how that would end up.)

A/N: Same here, i'm re-watching the series and try to put Y/N's journey as a small change from Yang and Blake's journeys

(May i ask why you would change the cannon? My memory tells me that you were keeping it as cannon as possible.)

A/N: Yang and Blake's feelings won't "achieved" on this volume, they still see him as friends, Weiss is the next girl to be added on the slow-progress harem.

(So are you saying that she will date Y/N as she shares him with Ruby?)

A/N: Yup! I like keeping the plot on its own pace, it's way more interesting to see how this goes!

(What would you do if someone requests to have Sienna in the harem?)

A/N: As much as i would like to do that, it won't happen.

On the cannon, Sienna gets killed by Adam.

However, on this AU, she'll live and be under the radar until further volumes.

Same with Leonardo and Raven, but the latter will be more like "Friends with Benefits" kind of way at first.

(Hmm...An interesting way to interact with the characters. If i may, you have forgotten to input a picture of The Fallen Knight's normal mask form)

A/N: Fuck!!! No wonder why someone asked what the mask looks like normally!

For those who are wondering what the mask looks like normally, it's basically the face of Soundwave G1 version, except for the red visor.

(Now that is out of the question, we shall jump into the story...

After all...

A Thorned Rose has left her garden;

The Princess has lost her crown;

A Stray Cat ran away out of doubts;

And The Sun Dragon has her flamed died down...)

-Schnee Mansion-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, the camera shows Weiss walking out of her room with her hands holding to each other, looking down as she was heading towards her Father's office...

Her house was a mansion, so she had to walk through many places;

Such as hallway, living room, front stairway, the piano room and then another hallway that was taking to Jacques Schnee's office...

On her way towards the door, she was interrupted by a male voice, who happened to be Whitley Schnee, the youngest siblings of Schnee Family)

Whitley: Good afternoon, sister.

Whitley: A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change.

Weiss: Hello, Whitley. *walks around him* You're in a cheery mood today.

Whitley: *smiles* Klein made crêpes for breakfast.

Weiss: ... *looks away* What do you want?

Whitley: I heard Father shouting with someone in his study earlier.

Weiss: *looks back at him* Mother?

Whitley: No, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man.

(She stares at him as she might can tell who he's referring to, surprisingly for her, she remembered Y/N guessing the same way back at Beacon)

Whitley: I just wanted to warn you. I heard he had asked to speak with you.

Weiss: *rubs her arm, looking away* I'll be fine...

Whitley: *reassuringly* I know you will. You're strong, like Winter!

Weiss: *confused* You never liked Winter.

Whitley: True. *points his finger up* But you can't deny her resolve.

Weiss: *narrows her eyebrows* You... *crosses her arms* ...seem different.

Whitley: And you've been gone. I'll have you know i didn't stop growing while you were away at Beacon. Especially when i've heard the news about Y/N being de-

Weiss: *venom* Do NOT. Talk about his death like that.

(Whitley immediately shuts as his eyes widen up when he heard his older sister threatening him like that...

Weiss, realizing her feelings being exposed, she quickly looks away and does her best to not cry.)

Weiss: ...H-He saved everyone...Including me...

Whitley: ...i see... *turns around* Anyway, good luck with Father, and also...sorry for mentioning him.

(He then begins to walk away, he may be arrogant, but he knew from their mother and father how trustworthy and reliable L/N's parents are...

Weiss gently said "Thank you" before she walks inside her father's study room, the camera then shows a picture of Schnee Family;

The two adults behind three kids are Willow and Jacques Schnee.

The said kids are Winter, Weiss and Whitley.)

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen shows where team RNJR/JNRR are, Ruby was seen waking up from her sleep with a small headache as she recalls some memories back at Beacon...

She then remembers her time with her team and her boyfriend until she remembers how he "died"...

The little red riding hood sighed sadly when she recalls his "death", she then pulls out her scroll and looks at the picture she took with Y/N back at the docks when they were looking for blake.)

Ruby: *smiles sadly* ...N/N...

(Somewhere far away from the group, Y/N and the Malachite Twins were seen killing two Ursas to prevent them to get closer to the team...

The twins were distracting the grimm while dodging their attacks as Y/N takes the opportunity to speed dashing towards the grimm, cutting their head clean off their body...

Once their corpses turn into dust, Y/N instinctively copies Jaune's semblance to heal the twins Auras, surprisingly for them, his Aura didn't flick or shatter)

Melanie: Look! You can copy Jaune's semblance!

Y/N: Don't get too happy. The easiest semblance i can copy, the less my aura gets drained.

Miltia: At least you can still copy it without getting your aura shattered!

Y/N: Hmm...True.

(He looks up at the sky and notices what time it is, he then sheathes his Judgement Day on his hip)

Y/N: Let's go, Rubes and the others might be heading to the next village.

Malachite Twins: Ok.

(The trio begin to get their stuffs, they then get their distance as they follow Ruby, Jaune, Ren and Nora to head to the next village...

The screen now shows Ruby reading the map with JN_R behind her, unfortunately for Ruby, she couldn't read the map that well.)

Ruby: So, the next town is...Uh-huh! Uh-huh... *looks away from the map* We're lost.

Jaune: We're not lost! The next town is Shion. My family used to visit it all the time.

Ruby: Oh yeah! Don't you have, like, four sisters?

Jaune: *nervous* Uh, seven...

(Ruby giggles at him, on the background, Y/N and the twins were mentally asking how the hell did his parents gave so much children)

Nora: Y'know, that actually explains a lot.

Jaune: ...Wait, what do you mean--

Ruby: *cuts him off* SO, what did you guys do there?

Jaune: OH! All sorts of stuff!

(He then speed walks towards Ruby as he stands beside her to point at the map, guiding her which places he went)

Jaune: *points at the zone* Over here is a great hiking trail. *points at another zone* And over here is where we went camping all the time! I got my own tent because was special.

(Luckily for Y/N's semblance, he mimics Emerald's semblance to make himself and the twins invisible, so the twins were giggling quietly while Y/N was shaking his head as he was smiling under his mask)

Jaune: Also, so my sisters would stop braiding my hair.

Ruby: Didn't like the look?

Jaune: Yeah, they just kept doing pigtails, but personally i think i'm more of a 'Warrior's Wolf Tail' kind of guy.

Ruby/Y/N: That's just a ponytail./"That's just a ponytail." as he mentally thought...

Jaune: I stand by what i said.

Y/N: "If Phyrra was still with you, she wouldn't mind having you as her malewife." as he thought...

(He then immediately stop walking, making the twins confused by his sudden halt...

They follow his stare and notices Shion's village being destroyed as black smoke was seen coming out of many houses...

Back at the group, Nora gasps as she puts her hands on her mouth while Ren's eyes were wide open when they saw the status of the town.)

Nora: Uh, guys...

Jaune: What?
Ruby: Huh?

(They both look up away from the map, horrified to see Shion's town condition...

Team RNJR/JNRR, Jaune and Ruby drop the map as the four of them were running through the town, looking for any survivors...

As for Y/N's team, Y/N quietly unsheathes his Judgement Day as the trio immediately get inside the village without getting spotted.)

Ruby: There could be survivors!

Ren: *finds a huntsman* Over here!

(Ren runs towards the injured huntsman as the trio follow by, Y/N and the twins stealthily get on the roof to hide from their sights if they look around...

The said injured man started coughing, he then open his left eye and notices the kids coming towards him)

Ruby: A huntsman!

Jaune: What happened? Who killed all of these people?

Huntsman: *coughs* B-Bandits...The whole t-tribe...then, with all t-the panic-- *coughs again*

Ren: ...Grimm.

(The huntsman weakly nods his head to confirm what Ren said, the said former Beacon student stood up and walks away from the huntsman...

Ruby, Jaune and Nora turn their back and begin to discuss on how they can save the huntsman...)

Ruby: Alright, we can get him to the next village and try to find a doctor there.

Jaune: Yeah, Ren and i can take turn carrying him.

Nora: I don't know if he'll make it...

Jaune: *looks at Nora* He will. He has to.

Ruby: If we get going now, his chance will be better. I can run ahead and look for help!

Ren: Guys...

(The trio look back at Ren, who slowly looks back at now dead huntsman...

Nora puts her hand infront of her mouth while Jaune and Ruby were staring at the body in shock...

(Meanwhile, the Malachite Twins were looking at Y/N, who was already glaring at the soon-to-be dead huntsman as he could guess which tribe destroyed Shion Village.)

Melanie: Y/N? Do you know who could've done this?

Y/N: Branwen Tribe...That's the only tribe who lives in the forest.

Miltia: ...If Ruby's plan was solid, do you think it could've work?

Y/N: ...Even if they try figure things out, even if they managed to get help for him, he wouldn't make that far...

Malachite Twins: Because we can't tell how long that did happen...

(Y/N nods his head and signals the twins to head down off the roof, they follow him after as the fallen knight pulls out his scroll and sends a message to Qrow.)

[Y/N's Scroll]

Are you there?

Yeah kid.
Heard what happened
at Shion Village.

Branwen Tribe.
Your sister HAS
done it.

And you're also
following them, i can
see you.

Doesn't matter.
Where are we meeting?

Next village.
Meet me at the tavern.
I still own you a drink.

After that, take the twins
with you.

You're not joining
back with my niece?

Not yet...
I'm not ready to
come out of nowhere...

Don't worry.
I'm sure she'll
be happy to see you.

I'll see you
to the next town.

Got it.
See ya there kid.

[End of Conversation]

(Y/N then breaks his scroll and tosses it away, making the twins shocked by his action)

Malachite Twins: Why did you do that?

Y/N: Someone from Salem's inner circle can hack into any kind of devices. In any group, they always have the brain of the operation.

Melanie: Is that why you broke your scroll?

Y/N: *nods* Whoever they are, they can use such semblance to expose someone behind their back. Make sure to use a private channel whenever you call someone.

(The twins were surprised how talkative he became, but they then realized how he knew all of this through his experience outside Vale...

They then check their scrolls before putting them away so they won't get hijacked, the trio begin to head out of the town after team RNJR/JNRR left the poor dead huntsman behind since they couldn't be able to save him.)

-Scene Change-
-Schnee Mansion-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the camera switch places, the screen shows Weiss eavesdropping an argument between Ironwood and Jacques)

Jacques: I'm not talking about the good of my company, i'm talking about the good of ATLAS! Our entire kingdom!!!

(Weiss quietly opens the door as the argument keeps going)

Ironwood: That is a lot of garbage and you know it.

Jacques: I beg you pardon?!

Ironwood: *sighs* Jacques, will you please just hear me out?

(Jacques slams his glass of iced drink on the table, he then quickly composes himself and begins to talk with Ironwood with some manners)

Jacques: You are a trusted friend and ally to the family, James. But what you're suggesting is absurd.

Ironwood: You are blowing it out of proportion.

Jacques: *stands up, glaring at James* The council will never agree to it!

Ironwood: You forget. *stands up, staring at Jacques* I hold two seats on the council.

Jacques: Your Dust Embargo has already cost me millions. I can promise you, i have not forgotten!

Ironwood: So, this IS about you?! And you would be incorrect, Jacques. The last Dust Embargo has successfully arrived at the destination, with the help of a certain Knight.

Jacques: *scoffs* Oh yeah...The 'Forgotten Knight', what exactly happened to that poor kid?

Ironwood: That 'poor kid' WAS the son of L/N, F/N and M/N L/N.

(Jacques's eyes widen up in realization when he just insulted L/N's family, he then looks down in shame and tries to progress what he said)

Jacques: A-A L/N being dead? Y-You must be joking!

Ironwood: ...Report said he died with a arrow through his chest, even doctors confirm about his body being burned due to that arrow.

Jacques: ...Oh Oum...

(Weiss was utterly shocked when she saw her own father ACTUALLY regretting something he just said about Y/N...

She then jumps out of scare when the door automatically closes behind her, making the adults notice her)

Ironwood: Miss Schnee. My apologies. *bows* I should have been gone by now.

Weiss: It-It's okay...

Ironwood: *looks at Jacques* We'll continue this at another time.

Jacques: Indeed. Klein can show you out.

Ironwood: Hmph, don't worry. I know the way.

(He then walks towards the door, Weiss immediately steps aside so Ironwood could go out of the room...

Before he opens the door, he looks at Jacques one more time and said;)

Ironwood: Until next time, Jacques.

(Weiss's father nods subtly at him, Ironwood looks at Weiss as he softened his gaze)

Ironwood: Please know, you'll always have a home at Atlas Academy, Miss Schnee. We'll be back in session before you know it.

(He then opens the door, however, he remembers something important)

Ironwood: Oh right. Before i leave, here Miss Schnee.

(The general pulls out a letter with Y/N's emblem on it, making Weiss's eyes go wide out of shock)

Weiss: I-Is that--

Ironwood: The Forgotten Knight has left you this letter for you. His last will was to giving it to you. *smiles sadly* I hope that letter gets your mood better.

(With that said, he begins to walk out of the room to head back to his base as the door automatically closes behind him...

Weiss looks down at the letter for a moment before she shakes her head and looks back up at her father.)

Jacques: ...Did you forget your manners while you were away?

Weiss: ... *sighs, turns around* ...No, Father. I'm sorry.

Jacques: Can you believe that there are still people in the world that blame Atlas for what happened to Beacon? To Vale?

Weiss: ...Well, they weren't there.

Jacques: It's a wonder Ironwood wasn't stripped of his rank!

(He then sits down on his chair while Weiss was walking towards his desk)

Jacques: I suppose the council trusts him. For better or worse.

Weiss: *looks sideways* I trust him.

Jacques: ... *sighs, turns around to face her* Thanks to him, Atlas is forbidden from exporting Dust to othe kingdoms! *mocking voice* 'A precautionary measure' *normal voice* as he puts it-

(Weiss was listening to her father's complaining as she was recalling some moments with Y/N at the same time...

She also remembers the dance back at the prom, she was genuinely happy when she got the chance to dance with him...

Her thoughts was interrupted when she heard her father's voice again)

Jacques: -Until we're certain no one is going to declare war. How anyone could possibly find that to be sound logic is beyond me.

Weiss: ... "Y/N..." as she thought...

Jacques: Which is why the Schnee Dust Company will be holding a charity concert in the coming weeks.

(Weiss was shocked to hear her father will holding a charity for other kingdoms)

Jacques: We need to show the people of Remnant that we are on their side. That we are all the victim of the Fall of Beacon.

Weiss: That's...wonderful news!

Jacques: *proudly* I know. And i think it would make a lot of people happy if you performed at the event.

Weiss: *raises her eyebrow* Excuse me?

Jacques: Many forget you were there. My own daughter, a Schnee, on the ground defending another kingdom! We need to remind them. And we need to show them that the Schnee Family is just as strong as ever.

Weiss: ...Are you asking if i'd like to sing, or telling me?

Jacques: *leans forward* I think it would make a lot of people happy.

???: They would. Only because you care about the company instead of your own family.

(The duo look over at the door and both of them were shocked to see Y/N's mother, M/N L/N standing infront of the door as it closes it...

Jacques was more shocked to see her because he has heard what L/N family can do, he tries to shake his fear off as he also tries to compose himself)

Jacques: W-Well, i-if isn't it a s-surprise visit--

M/N: *cuts him off* Quiet, Jacques. F/N and i know what's going on in this family.

(The owner of Schnee Dust Company flinches when she mentioned about their family issues...

Weiss was still staring at M/N as she was mesmerized by her looks since she reminds her of Y/N...

M/N notices her and gives a gentle smile on her face)

M/N: Miss Schnee, would you mind if i have my time to speak with your father?

Weiss: *snaps out of her thoughts* O-Oh, sure! O-Of course.

(She then bows and walks out of the room, leaving M/N and Jacques alone as the former was grinning sadistically at Weiss's father who was scared shitless...

Once the camera shows outside the room, Weiss was welcomed by Klein as he was holding a tray with a cup of coffee)

Klein: Hot coffee, Miss Schnee? I always find he keeps his study dreadfully cold.

Weiss: *grabs the cup, smiles at him* Thank you, Klein.

(She was staring down at her coffee, frowning as she still remembers the day where she saw Y/N dead infront of her...

Klein, knowing her feelings alongside with her loss, he has an idea to lighten her mood up)

Klein: You know what i think?

(He then holds the tray up to cover his face...

Weiss looks back up at him as he pulls the tray down with his eyes being red)

Klein: *red eyes* I think it's to balance out all his hot air! *laughs evilly*

Weiss: Klein!

(She looks at the door and then back at him, giggling quietly as Klein was laughing with her)

Klein: *sneezes, his eyes turns blue* Hah...heh, my apologies, Madame. *sneezes again*

(Weiss keeps giggling, this time she was giggling at Klein's multiple personalities disorder...

After she calms down, she looks at him with a genuine smile on her face)

Klein: *his eyes turns orange, notices her smile* Ah, there's my little happy snowflake!

Weiss: Thank you, Klein.

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the camera switch places again, the screen shows Nora and Ren waking up from their sleep, the ginger-haired girl notices it was still nighttime as the black-haired boy notices Ruby and Jaune weren't on their sleeping bags...

Before they could ask, they heard noises from the bushes, the duo decided to check it out and they see their former team leader of JNPR practicing with his swordsmanship...

Nora looks closer and notices Jaune's scroll playing a video, especially a Y/N's video message for the blonde knight)

Y/N: *video* "Arc. Remember our training. Raise your shield."

(Jaune did as the video message said, Nora and Ren were peeking on his training)

Y/N: "Tighten your grip."

(He proceeds to do as he's been told)

Y/N: "Front foot forward, back foot behind."

(He then adjusts his feet position, all of the sudden, he felt comfortable from his current position)

Jaune: ...ready, Y/N...

Y/N: "Commence, Thrust!"

(Nora and Ren saw him thrusting his sword forward like a stab attack)

Y/N: "Slice!"

(The fellow knight quickly turns around and makes a slice motion, emitting a small wind slash from his sword, surprising his teammates)

Y/N: "Last Strike, go!"

(Jaune lets out a desperate battle cry as he makes a big slash attack, this time the wind was stronger from the sword motion...

The blonde knight begins to pant heavily from his training, he then decides to heal his Aura as he felt it getting drained from overworking himself up)

Y/N: "Knowing you, i can tell you followed my instructions. Once you feel your Aura getting drained, heal yourself up. You did good."

Jaune: *pant* ...Y/N... *pant* ...I will... *pant* ...protect my friends, like you did!

(The duo were smiling at their friend's determination, the video message rewinds itself as if Jaune put it on auto loop...

Ren and Nora begin to walk away from Jaune before they get caught in the first place, however, they heard sobbing from another part of their camp...

Nora was the first one to check it out and sees Ruby was looking at the picture of her and Y/N, what shook her the most
was her fellow short friend was listening to Y/N's video message.)

"Ruby...If you're watching this, that means i'm either gone or went somewhere far away from you...

Ever since we've met, you guys welcomed me despite having such dangerous semblance...

But you, Rubes, you kept me close enough to make me realize that i can also fall in love with a cute rose...

Every single moment we had, we've smiled, cried, laughed, and even argued when The Fall of Beacon happened...

However...despise all of that, my love for you is something i will always carry until death takes me away from you..."

(Y/N then carefully takes his mask off, showing his face to Ruby, making the said rose smile sadly while Nora gasps quietly to see Y/N's face...

A small fact about JNPR; they've never seen his face fully, they only saw his eyes through his mask...

Back to the topic, Ruby quietly sobs as she keeps watching the video message, what Y/N said makes the girls tear up.)

"Remember what i said to you back at the docks?

No matter where i am.
No matter how far i am.

The only thing that kills our relationship,
It will be the day where Oum calls me to meet him.

Life is too short, Tomorrow is not a guarantee.

We don't cry because we lost someone.
We cry because we made some of the best memories with them.

My sweet little rose...

The Forgotten Knight will always remember your beauty till the end of his life..."

(As if an arrow just struck through Ruby's heart, she drops her scroll, hugs her knees and begins to cry as she keeps calling the love of her life...

Nora and Ren, who joined when he heard the part where Y/N took his mask off, they also begin to cry but quietly so they wouldn't get spotted...

Nora instinctively hugs Ren as he caressingly pats her head, making the hype ginger-haired girl cry onto his shirt...

Somewhere in the forest, the camera shows the Malachite Twins sleeping inside their sleeping bags...

Y/N was seen sitting on a hill as he was staring up at the shattered moon, he has his Judgement Day laying on the ground next to him)

Y/N: "Ruby...Weiss...I promise i'll show myself up...Just wait a little bit longer..." as he thought...

(The Fallen Knight keeps looking up at the shattered moon until he decides to hit the hay to sleep back at his camp with the twins...

Which it will happen in a while...

As Y/N keeps staring up at the sky, the screen slowly fades into pitch black as the silence was filled in the darkness)

A/N: My lazy ass forgot to finish and post this chapter 😂😂😂

Anyways, hope the waiting was worth it and i also hope i didn't make you cry on the last part.

Let's just say, i want to give a message to you all, if you all need someone to talk, even if i'm a total stranger, reach me out on DM and i'll keep you company.

Again, i'm a total stranger, but you're not alone, we all go through stuffs that no one can understand or even feel what we've been through...

So, instead of closing ourselves inside this depressed box, we should show love and support to those who needed.

Sounds really cheesy and unbelievable, but i really mean those words.

Emotional part aside, i hope y'all enjoyed this story!

As i always say, hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you readers in the next one!

Bye and have a good day/night!!!

P.S.: Team RNJR sounds way better than JNRR.

As a certain FPS game says: "Rangers, lead the way!"

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