(Vol. 4) Chapter 30: Mission; Haven Academy

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(Welcome, dear readers, to the Volume 4 of "The Forgotten Knight"...

Allow me to make a small recap of the previous volume;

The Vytal Festival was on Vale, people were enjoying their days as they were hanging out with their friends, partners, lovers and colleagues...

Above the sky, there was a floating platform named: Amity Colosseum, where it was hold a tournament between academies...

Students from all around Remnant were competing for the final rounds, which it was Solo Rounds...

Team RWBY, JNPR, (Y)MMN, CVFY and many more teams were been selected for the tournament...

Using the tournament as a cover-up mission, the inner circle between Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood and Qrow were looking for the next host to hold the Fall Maiden's power...

The Headmaster of Beacon has found their next Fall Maiden and her guardian, and it was none other than Phyrra Nikos and Y/N L/N, The Forgotten Knight of Vale...

Everything was going like a normal day, complete safe and security from huntsmen and huntresses...

But one day...Everything went upsidedown...


These feelings were brought the Grimm to invade Vale, alongside with The White Fang...

Adam Taurus was leading his men to bring fear towards humans while Grimms were causing destruction all over the place...

When The Forgotten Knight has seen enough..

He sacrificed himself to protect everyone by any means necessary...

Killing spree on the Grimms, eliminating White Fang grunts, evacuating the civilians to get to safety; The Forgotten Knight did everything he could to protect Vale with the help of his former mentor, his girlfriend and his friends...

As an old motto always says;

There is always a price to pay...

The Forgotten Knight has succeeded to protect Vale and the next Fall Maiden, however; His life was the price to pay the protection...

Ruby Rose, The Knight's little Rose, was devastated from the sight of her lover dying infront of her eyes, making her unleashed the power of the silver eyes...

When everyone heard the news about The Forgotten Knight has Fallen with his Kingdom, at first they felt sadness and regret for not saving their inspiration...

Little thing they know, The Forgotten Knight has returned after 3 months from The Battle of Beacon...

After waking up from being unconscious, Y/N has sworn to find his lover and friends by going to Haven Academy...

His parents were paying a visit to their son, after knowing he would've gone for an adventure, they gave him a map and a new weapon named; Judgement Day.

The Malachite Twins saw their team leader being still alive, they volunteered to join in his adventure, sadly for them, Neo and Torchwick were assigned to be bodyguards for Phyrra due to her being in coma after a mental breakdown...

Cursing at himself, The Forgotten Knight told that the same knight they knew was gone for good...

As from that day stands on...

The Fallen Knight has rosen up from his grave to seek vengeance to thus who took everything from him...

And with that said...

Y/N's Adventure has begun...May the Judgement Day chose his Fate...)

-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, a black puddle was seen on the ground, what it seems to be a realm called "Grimm's World" as they may call it...

The puddle was starting "bubbling" on its own, and then...an arm was seen coming out of the puddle...

After a few second, a Beowolf Grimm was seen summoning from the ground, and then another grimm was summoned after another and so on...

As the camera moves up, the screen shows a castle on the distance while the grimms were seen walking towards it...

Once the camera fading changing the scenario, Emerald and Mercury were seen staring out of the window as they look at the grimm summoning from the ground...

Soon after, the screen shows Cinder sitting on a table alongside with 3 more individuals...)

(As the trio were sitting on their seats, Doctor Watts was the first one to speak since he noticed Cinder's goons standing besides her)

Watts: Yes, yes. Keep your...posse...in check.

(Mercury growled and leans forward, but he was stopped by Emerald as she puts her arm infront of him)

Watts: You hear that?

(Cinder looks at the "Doctor" to hear what he has to say)

Watts: Silence. I've half the mind to thank the little girl that bested you.

(Cinder gritted her teeth as she recalls the event where Ruby unleashed her silver eyes power on her, causing her to lose an eye and an arm)

Tyrian: If i were you, I'd hunt her down... *snickers* ...find her, and... *shrugs* Well... She took YOUR eye, didn't she?

(After saying what he wanted to say, Tyrian begins to build his laugh, at first was just normal chuckles as if he just made a joke...

As the laughter builds up, he begins to laugh like a psychopath, making Cinder's goons shivering in fear from the scorpion faunus...

Cinder begins to try to speak, but unfortunately she was struggling, causing her to stop herself, she then turns her head on Emerald as she leans forward to listen her boss's whispering)

Watts: Pathetic. Why did you even-

(The front giant doors were heard opening as if someone just walked in, right timing to interrupt Watts question...

The four of them begin to stand up as they see their "Queen" walking forward her throne, alongside with her, she had a Grimm Version of The Forgotten Knight...)

(However, the knight doesn't seem to be the capacity to speak, instead, he was emitting growl noises like a Beowolf, and surprisingly enough, the first humanoid grimm was unfinished due to lack of grimm's ability at the moment...

What the Grimm Knight can do, it's to morph his whole head into any kind of grimms, which can be really scary for those who haven't taught about being a huntsmen/huntresses and whatsoever...

Once the camera points beside the grimm knight, The Queen of Grimm herself, Salem, was seen staring out of the window)

Salem: Watts...

(The said doctor was looking at his "Queen", patiently waiting for her to speak again...

Salem then turns around and stares down at the brain of her inner circle)

Salem: Do you find such malignance necessary?

Watts: ...I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure.

(He then sits down on his seat while the rest were already sitting down...

Salem also sits down on her seat as she looks at her crew)

Salem: Then i see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. *looks at Cinder* Although, she may lost her task to become our Fall Maiden, she has succeeded to destroy Beacon Academy and spread fear around Vale.

Tyrian: *moans in pleasure* Oh yeah!~ Such news was a thrill for me!~ Hahahahahaha!~

Salem: But the most important news...is that she killed dear Ozpin.

(She was smiling at the satisfaction when she heard Ozpin was dead...

She then looks back at Watts while raises one of her eyebrows)

Salem: So i'm curious. To what "Failure" are you referring?

Watts: ... *holds his hand up* Well... The girl with the silver eyes.

Hazel: Yes...We've dealt with her kind before...How is it a novice was able to best one of us?

Watts: My thoughts exactly. Even without her new power it should have been effortless.

Salem: It is BECAUSE of the Maiden's power.

Tyrian: Oh, oh! Do tell, is The Forgotten Knight still with us?

Mercury: ...May i?

Salem: Of course, child.

Mercury: *nods* ...Y/N has been killed by Cinder...He sacrificed himself to save Phyrra Nikos.

(Watts was surprised by the news about a L/N being killed...

Hazel remain unfazed with his eyes closed and arms crossed, hanging his head down as he was mentally mourning of his death...

Tyrian, on the other hand, begins to laugh hysterically like a hyena)

Salem: ...Does your child speak the truth, Cinder?

(Cinder couldn't speak properly, so instead, she nodded her head while looking down, expecting to get yelled...

But it was quite the opposite, Salem closes her eyes and takes a deep breath)

Salem: ...How long it has been confirmed his death?

Mercury: ...uh...4 months by now, ma'am.

Salem: ...A L/N cannot die in such easy way, which is why i can still sense his grimm's ability within his semblance.

Emerald: *shocked* Y/N is alive?!

Mercury: ...Fuck...He must've faked his death and make the others made it official so he could go after Ruby!

Salem: Restrain your emotions, children. *gestures at her grimm knight* My faithful knight will take care of L/N and take his ability as his.

(The grimm knight's head begins to emitting black smoke as he was growling...

The entire group were shocked to see his head was morphing into an actual beowolf head, howling loud enough to make the beowolves outside howling alongside with him...

The queen looks at her inner circle, ready to give them an order to obey)

Salem: Make no mistake, Cinder. You hold the key of our victory. But your newfound strength bring with it a crippling weakness...

(Cinder and Emerald looks at Salem as she keeps talking to them)

Salem: ...Which is why you will remain by my side as we continue your treatment.

(The fallen woman gritted her teeth for not getting a chance to go out and make Ruby pay...

But she knew she couldn't do anything with Fall Maiden's power, all she has is her semblance)

Salem: Doctor Watts... You are to take Cinder's place and meet with our informant in Mistral.

Watts: *faintly nods his head* Very good.

Salem: Tyrian. I want you to continue your hunt for the Spring Maiden.

Tyrian: *laughs* Gladly~.

Salem: And Hazel... I'm sending you to the leader of the White Fang. Adam Taurus has arranged the meeting. The boy continues to prove loyal... Ensure than Sienna Khan feels the same.

Hazel: *closes his eyes* As you wish.

(Cinder was seen holding her hand up, Emerald notices it as she says a quick "Oh!" and leans forward to hear her question...

Nothing but blabbering was coming from Cinder, causing Watts to raise his eyebrow out of confusion...

Once the dark-skinned thief heard everything, she then stands straight up and looks at Salem)

Salem: Speak, Child.

Emerald: ...She wants to know...What about the girl?

Watts: *scoffs* What about her? Seems to me like this is Cinder's problem, not ours.

(Cinder got pissed by him as she slams her fist on the table, gritting her teeth as she was glaring at the doctor angrily...

However, Watts was enjoying this kind of teasing, so he returns the gesture by smirking smugly at the fallen woman)

Salem: *holds her hand up* That's enough. *looks at Tyrian* Tyrian.

Tyrian: Yes, my lady?~

Salem: Spring can wait. Find the girl that did this to Cinder.

(Tyrian was happy to hear his new order as he was clapping his hands and laughing as if he just received a present from his queen...)

Salem: ...And bring her to me.

(After hearing her full request, the scorpion faunus frowns for not getting his chance to kill her, but having a second thought, he just shrugged and smirked crazily)

Salem: Because of your efforts, Beacon has fallen...and Haven will be next.

(Watts and Hazel were seen standing up from their seats...

Cinder was about to stand up as well, but then she was stopped when she looked at Tyrian who was pointing at his own left eye)

Tyrian: Eye for an eye...

(And with that, he begins to build his laugh once again, making Cinder looking away out of discomfort as she was gritting her teeth out of frustration...

Sooner than later...Once Salem decides to mess up with The Fallen Knight...

It will be the day when her Grimm Knight will fall on his knees towards L/N...)

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(Inside a forest, the camera shows Jaune hiding behind a tree log while Nora and Ren were arguing about the name of their team...

The names that they are arguing are "Team RNJR" and "Team JNRR")

Nora: I'm just saying, there's more member of JNPR in the team than RWBY. It just makes sense to go with THAT one!

Ren: But "Junior" isn't a color... *scratches his head*

Nora: *leans backwards* Ugh! How can i be more CLEAR?

(When she holds her arm up, the word "JNRR" was seen appearing above her as she starts counting)

Nora: One...Two...Three! That's MORE than one.

Ren: But we're helping Ruby with her objective...

(As he holds his hand up, the word "RNJR" was seen appearing above him)

Ren: ...Wouldn't that make HER the leader?

Jaune: Guys...We need to focus...

(His teammates look over at him before both words "JNRR" and "RNJR" disappear from the screen)

Jaune: ...Also "JNRR" is way cooler. *smirks*


(Ren couldn't say anything else, he just shrugs as he says a simple "Uh..." before sighing...

And then, the ground started rumbling, making Ren and Nora stumble by the shock system)

Jaune: ...It's here.

(And as if they were waiting...

Jaune, Ren, Nora and Ruby were facing a Geist Grimm)

(After the intense fight against a Geist Grimm, the team decided to head back to the village to make their report about it...

Unknowingly for them, three figures were observing them from the hills, those figures were none other than The Malachite Twins and The Fallen Knight, Y/N L/N)

Melanie: I must say, they did a good job taking care of that Geist.

Miltia: You can say that again, sister.

Y/N: *smiles under his mask* ...That's my rose for you...

(The twins heard him as they were smiling smugly at their team leader)

Y/N: ...What?

Malachite Twins: You sounded like a proud boyfriend~

Y/N: *blushes under his mask* C-Can it!

(They begins to laugh from teasing their leader, soon after, Y/N also laughs but he was more like emitting chuckling than laughing...

The trio begin to walk away from the hill as Y/N uses his semblance to copy the Nevermore's trails as his mask forms into a Nevermore mask)

Melanie: I'll call dibs for his shoulders.

Miltia: I was actually thinking about sitting on his back.

Y/N: Anima's village is good and all...But Shion Village hasn't been on after the tower fell.

Malachite Twins: We thought CCTV was still available?

Y/N: It still has, but the connection is rather bad since we're out the city... Something must've happened over there.

Malachite Twins: Then let's go! Team JNRR is heading there anyway!

Y/N: RNJR is better than JNRR.

Malachite Twins: Hmph, whatever

(The Fallen Knight rolls his eyes before he flies up in the sky with the twins riding him on his back...

For some reason, everytime he copies any grimm trails, an elderly woman voice was heard inside his head...

And that woman was none other than Salem, The Queen of Grimm herself)

Salem: "The Fallen Knight...Y/N L/N. Such an honor to feel your presence."

Y/N: "Leave me be. Thanks to Cinder, my semblance has been messed up."

Salem: "Please, enlighten me."

Y/N: "4 Months since i was gone...A whole fucking month, i can only copy Grimm Trails like nothing...But whenever i use my friend's semblances, my Aura gets to zero in no time."

Salem: *giggles flirtatiously* "You sure know how to entertain a woman~"

Y/N: "My heart, loyalty, trust and respect belongs to my Rose... Fuck. Off."

Salem: "Such a rare loyal knight to his rose. Answer me this question. Where is the relic?"

Y/N: "...away n' bile of yer heid..."

(He then stays quiet as he kept flying in the sky, ignoring Salem's voice inside his mind...

After his small conversation, the twins noticed two Nevermore getting closer to them, before she could warn their team leader, they saw those grimms flying side by side with Y/N in the middle...

Y/N holds his arm up, pointing forward as he was ready to give them an order)

Y/N: Kill.

(And with that, the nevermore duo flies faster and starts killing their own kind so he could fly through unharmed...

Once he got out of the Grimm's sight, he begins to remember his good days back at Beacon with RWBY and JNPR...

As he feels a sense of guilt, he sighs out of sadness to be away from his lover and friends)

Melanie: Is everything ok, Y/N?

Y/N: ...Just having some thought...

Miltia: ...Is it about Beacon?

Y/N: No. It's more like personal thought.

Malachite Twins: Is it about Weiss?

(Y/N's eyes widen up when they mentioned her, especially when he recalls her confession before the match back at Vale...

The twins could even tell his muscles were tensing up when they mentioned Weiss, soon they smirk teasingly at their team leader)

Malachite Twins: Oh my~ Is our leader a playboy?~

Y/N: L-Like hell i am! I-I'm not THAT kind of guy who just accepts their feelings that easily!

Melanie: *giggles* Puh-lease, we could already tell how Weiss acts whenever she's close to you.

Miltia: Especially after you and Phyrra made peace thanks to her talk with you.

Y/N: *sighs deeply* ...look, Weiss can be beautiful, elegant and well-mannered, but i can't just say "Sure, i'll accept your feelings". My first ever love is and always will be Ruby.

Malachite Twins: And mind if we ask what makes you say that?

Y/N: ...She was the first one who saw me as a person, not as a monster...

(The twins were frowning when he mentioned that, they remembered his background story back at Mountain Glenn...

Y/N felt his Aura getting drained for flying for so long, so he decided to descend onto the ground, letting the twins land on their feet before he can land)

Y/N: *checks his Judgement Day* Ruby completely changed me since the day we met back at the Harbor... Ozpin sent her and her team to "capture" me, ever since... *smiles under his mask* ...Things just started to hit that way.

Malachite Twins: *Impressed* Woahhhhh...We didn't know you love her that much.

Y/N: *chuckles slightly* What can i say? I just love her so much, no matter what.

Melanie: Then...How about Weiss? Did you know she had a crush on you as well?

Y/N: *rubs his head* Not until she confessed back at Amity Colosseum...I didn't even know she would've love me that way.

Miltia: *points her finger up* How about Blake and Yang?

Y/N: *shakes his head* I can already tell those two are close, more than we think.

Melanie: Oh please, like that would happen.

Miltia: Yeah, what if Yang and Blake are ending up actually dating each other?

Y/N: If that day comes, i will dress like a girl for a whole day. Remember back at Beacon, Jaune actually wore a dress if he couldn't find a date for the prom.

(The twins begin to laugh when their team leader mentioned that moment...

The Fallen Knight shivered when he saw Jaune wearing a dress, but he was impressed by his confidence for wearing that back at the prom)

Malachite Twins: *laughing* I guess some knights are men of their words.

Y/N: *mumbles to himself* ...like what happened to my hair and eyes...

Malachite Twins: What was that?

Y/N: Nothing. Just cursing at my semblance... Shion Village is still far from here, let's keep up the pace.

(They nodded their heads and follows Y/N who was already walking through the forest to reach the main path...

As the trio were walking, a raven flies by above them as if "she" was keeping an eye on The Fallen Knight...

Once the raven does a U-turn and flies away from the trio, the black bird flies past the camera as the transition of switching place shows Weiss sitting next to her window, staring at some airships flying infront of her mansion...

After a while, one of her butlers knocks at the door and opens it as he looks at the heiress of Schnee Dust Company)

Butler: Miss Schnee. Your father wishes to speak with you.

Weiss: ...Thank you. I'll be there soon.

Butler: *bows slightly* Understood, Miss Schnee.

(The butler then begins to leave her room as he walks away only Oum knows where...

Weiss looks back up at the window one more time as she thinks of her knight in his shining armor)

Weiss: "Y/N..." as she thought...

(She sighs sadly when she still remembers her crush's "Death" back at Beacon...

The heiress quickly regains her posture and begins to stand up and walks out of her room...

The screen turns into pitch black as the sound of the door closing can be heard in the darkness)

A/N: Aaand here you go! First Chapter of Vol. 4 from this story!

This volume with be more concentrated to Ruby, Weiss and Y/N's journey. Yang and Blake will not be appeared until further respective episodes where they show up.

And this is an AU, (Which you can hate me for this since i couldn't make this story as cannon as possible) Raven will join in Y/N's side instead of Cinder's.

Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and i will see you readers in the next one!

Bye and have a good day/night!!!

P.S.: What do you want me to do to Leonardo and Sienna?

Should i follow the cannon or try to safe both of them? (Take notes; Sienna will not be in this story, whenever she's saved or dead. But there will be some references in the future volumes)

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