(Vol. 3) Chapter 29: Aftermatch
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Remnant...A World where two races, Humans and Faunus, are living and surviving on their own ways...
Vacuo, Mistral, Vale and Atlas...
Four each kingdoms have their own "king" to idolize and respect for their actions...
Many wished to be Huntsman/Huntress, others wished to live happily with their partners...
Some others wished to steal for fun, some wishes to do what's right, even if they have to steal the rich to give the poor what they deserve...
Everyone was living in peace and harmony...
Until one day, everything went down...)
(Due to the ambush/sabotage...
Beacon Academy has fallen...
All by the hands of Cinder "Fall" and her goons, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai...
As it signs as one of the most horrendous event ever happened, many lives were lost during the battle...
A lot of huntsmen and huntresses were injured...
But the most devastating news for Vale..
The Forgotten Knight has fallen alongside with his kingdom...
...Or so they thought...
Let's see "The Aftermatch" of the Battle...)
-3 months later-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the screen turns on, the camera shows where Y/N was held under care...
Once the screen shows The "Forgotten" Knight laying on a medical bed, unconscious, with a respirator mask on his face, the door begins to open by itself...
A doctor alongside with his nurse were seen walking inside the room, as soon as they were inside, the nurse closes the door behind her and her colleague...
The doctor starts to approach towards Y/N, beginning to check up on his vitals)
Nurse: How's the patient, sir?
Doctor: Oum has heard our prayers...He's still managed to survive from that arrow shot, however, he hasn't woken up yet...
Nurse: ...It has been 3 months already, sir. We've been treating him since that day, i'm starting to think we should-
Doctor: *cuts her off* Nurse. I understand what you're saying, but i cannot just stay put and watch one of my patients dying when i'm so close to save them.
(The nurse nodded her head before she looks down, knowing she didn't mean to be against her colleague...
The doctor sighed and writes all of his notes on his board...
After a few seconds of silence, the nurse notices Y/N's left hand faintly twitching)
Nurse: D-Doctor, the patient!
Doctor: *looks up* What happened?
(His colleague just pointed at the unconscious patient next to him...
The doctor looks where she pointed and also notices Y/N's left hand was slowly closing and opening...
After that, The "Forgotten" Knight is slowly regaining his consciousness as his were seen opening up a bit, groaning out of pain)
Doctor: He's waking up! Go get his parents!
Nurse: Yessir!
(She started running out of the room to call Y/N's parents, who were waiting at the main lobby...
The doctor turns back at Y/N and caressingly checks his sense of hearing)
Doctor: Mister L/N, can you hear me?
(Y/N steadily turns his head and notices his doctor looking down at him with a gentle smile on his face...
His vision begins to be more clearer and realizes he was inside a hospital, he also remembers he got shot through his chest, and all of the sudden)
Y/N: *coughs* ...ugh...
Doctor: *chuckles quietly* Can you hear me now?
Y/N: *weakly* ...i do...
Doctor: *nods* That's good to hear...You were unconscious for 3 months. I've done several check-ups, surgeries and nutritions to your body for a quick recover.
(Y/N nods his head and carefully sits up, wincing in pain from the arrow through his chest...
Once he managed to sit up, he started to look around and sees other huntsmen and huntresses being treated)
Y/N: ...Beacon...Vale...
Doctor: You all did your best to protect the kingdom. There was a few casualties, but they were just injuries and cuts and bruises. Vale owns a huge debt to you huntsmen, huntresses and The Forgotten Knight.
(The doctor said all of that with a grateful smile on his face, showing his gratitude...
Y/N, on the other hand, he looks down as he remembered he saw a kid getting killed by a white fang grunt...
He tightens his fist and gritted his teeth out of anger for not saving a poor life in time)
Doctor: *frowns* ...I also saw the body of one of the casualties...
Y/N: *weakly* ...where are they...
Doctor: ...They're actually wanted to see you alongside with your parents.
Y/N: ...
(The Forgotten Knight didn't say anything about what his doctor said...
Instead, he gave him a nod of approval, letting him know to let them in)
Doctor: Alright. One of the nurse are bringing them here as we speak, they should be here-
(Before he could finish his sentence, the door slams open as it shows F/N and M/N with a panicked expression...
Behind them, there was another family who also wanted to see The Forgotten Knight, a middle-aged married couple to be precise)
M/N: *tearing up* Doc! P-Please tell us h-he's actually awake!
F/N: Our son is-
Y/N: *cuts him off* ...here.
(The couple look over as both of them were tearing up...
M/N immediately launches towards her son, hugging him as she was crying out of joy...
F/N walks over to them and gently holds his son's right hand, smiling with tears falling down his face)
M/N: *crying* Y-You're actually alive! W-We thought we've lost our p-precious child!
F/N: *sniffs* ...We're glad you're still with us...
(Y/N nodded faintly at his parents, he looks behind them and notices another family looking at him...
He also notices the woman's hair and the man's eyes are the same as the kid he saw back at Beacon)
Man: H-Hi there, are you The Forgotten Knight?
Y/N: ...Yessir.
Woman: *smiles sadly* Our son was a big fan of yours...He always admired you for protecting us from any threats...
Man: *wraps his arm around his wife* We know you tried to save him for us...Even if you didn't make it, we wanted to say thank you for trying...
(Y/N didn't say a word after that...even if he was trying to progress what they just said, he looks down in shame instead...
M/N quickly comforts her son while his father was gently rubbing his son's back)
Y/N: ...I-I failed...
F/N: You didn't fail, son...you did your absolute best to protect Vale.
Man: ...Before the chaos...Our son wanted us to give you this if we got a chance to meet you.
(He then lets go of his wife so she could walk over to Y/N...
His wife pulls out a letter out of her pocket and hands it over to him...
Y/N uses his left arm to reach and grab the letter, before he could flinch it, M/N stops him to getting himself hurt, she grabs it off his hand and opens the letter for him)
M/N: H-here sweetie...
(Y/N just grabbed the letter and started reading...
The letter says:
"Dear, Forgotten Knight of Vale.
I'm your big fan of your job! Everytime the CCTV tells the news about you, i always get hyped up to see the footage of your fights!
No matter how many times i watch it on my scroll, i always wanted to be like you when i grow up!
My dream was to become your successor so i could protect Vale like you always do!
If there's a day where i get a chance to meet you, i want to an autograph on one of your posters!
Thank you for protecting me and my family from bad people!
And as you always say to your enemies-")
Y/N: *still reading* -...may the judgement day decide our fate...
(After reading the letter of his fan, a tear landed on the paper...
The adults were surprised to see Y/N tearing up, especially the kid's parents, they didn't expect The Forgotten Knight felt such guilty for not saving one life...
He was a crying mess, out of his instinct, he hugs his own mother as he begins to cry on her shoulder...
M/N hugs him back as F/N joins in while they were comforting their son...)
-3rd P.O.V.-
(After that event, Y/N's parents and the kid's parents were seen talking to each other...
Y/N's doctor was also with them and gave them the news about Y/N being held for a week so he could regain his strength...
Before he got the approval from Y/N's parents, the door behind F/N was seen open...
The adults turn their heads and notices Y/N wearing a new armor alongside with a ripped black cape
A/N: You're wearing the right one. The left one will be your "cleaned" version of the right gear when you reach Haven Academy with Team RNJR/JNRR.
And also you're still wear the morphing mask.
M/N: *realizes his gear* ...Y-Y/N?
(The said knight didn't say a word, he just looked over at the kid's parents and handed over the letter to them...
The man grabs it and begins to open it, his eyes widen up when he saw a picture of Y/N wearing his old white rusted armor alongside with his autograph on the bottom left...
The mother of her dead son also notices it, she gasps out of shock as her tears begin to fall down her cheek)
Woman: *crying* Y-You didn't have to-
Y/N: ...He will be The Next Forgotten Knight in another life. My condolences and apologies for your son.
(Both adults thanked him before the woman hugs her husband crying out loud for Y/N's kind gesture...
Y/N's parents were smiling sadly at them with the doctor who was wiping his eyes with a tissue...
The Former Forgotten Knight was seen walking out of the hospital and sees the mass destruction around Vale...
The more he looks at it, the more he gets angry at himself, even if he knew he couldn't do everything, he still blamed himself for not preventing the ambush/sabotage to happen...
After taking the view, his parents were seen running out of the hospital)
F/N: Y/N! Where are you going?!
Y/N: ...Find Ruby...
M/N: S-She went back at Patch with Yang and Qrow...
Y/N: ...yang... *remembers it* Yang! What happened to her?!
F/N: *looks down* ...Adam Taurus cut her arm off...
(Y/N's eyes were seen widening up out of shock, he takes his mask off and tosses it on the ground...
M/N was sick worried when she keeps looking at his white eyes and hair)
Y/N: Did she die or not?!
F/N: She isn't dead! She was unconscious...T-Taiyang called us earlier and said Yang is awake and she's recovering from what happened.
Y/N: ...Phyrra?
M/N: After they thought you were dead for 3 months...Phyrra went on a mental breakdown, causing her to collapse and went in coma...
Y/N: ...FUCK!
(He then grabs a rock and tosses it hard towards a beowolf grimm, he threw it hard enough to make it a clean kill when it hits on the head)
Y/N: ...Tell me what happened when i was out!
F/N: C-Calm down Y/N...W-Weiss got brought back at Atlas, her father took her...
Y/N: ...
M/N: T-the girl in black, Blake...she left us...
Y/N: ...What do you mean by that?
F/N: She just ran away...All she said was "Tell Y/N that i'm going to Menagerie"...
Y/N: The island where only faunus are living there...Fuck...
M/N: T-There's more...
F/N: Ruby and the others decided to go to Mistral...I think you can take a guess on why they're going there...
Y/N: ...Leo...
M/N: *nods* ...What are you going to do?
Y/N: ...Reassemble my team.
F/N ...In that case, you'll need this.
(He tosses a folded map at his son, who catches it with one hand)
F/N: We've been at Mistral sometimes, so i signed the fastest path to get there...
Y/N: ...thanks...
M/N: About your weapon...your Courtesy Call has broken during the battle, but i've got you a new one!
(She pulls out a new sword from her back...
Y/N takes a good look and studies on how it works)
Y/N: ...A modern version of Excalibur?
F/N: Dust-calibur, it's a sword/rifle weapon with dust as rounds.
Y/N: ...I'm not calling that.
M/N: I mean, i thought it was a good name...
F/N: Then, what should you name it?
(Y/N looks down at his new weapon and analysis it...
After staring at himself through the reflection, he found a name of his new weapon)
Y/N: ...Judgement Day.
M/N: "Judgement Day..."
F/N: *smiles* It suits you well. So, what are you going to to?
Y/N: ...Mistral.
???: In that case, i can take you there.
(F/N and M/N look behind their son and sees Qrow transforming into his human form...
Y/N didn't dare to turn around, he kept his back facing forward his former mentor)
Qrow: Glad to see you after 3 months, you doing ok?
Y/N: ...Weren't you supposed to be with Ruby?
Qrow: Heh...Pipsqueak made her choice by going to Haven Academy. Thought i could pass by and see if i can take you there.
Y/N: ...The Forgotten Knight is no longer exists...He sacrifices himself to protect Vale.
(He then sheathes his Judgement Day over his back and then looks up at the sky as a Nevermore was flying past his sight)
Y/N: ...The Fallen Knight has now rose up from his grave to seek his true purpose.
F/N: The Fallen Knight, huh...
Qrow: *chuckles* Sounds familiar, F/N?
F/N: Hahahaha...It does, back at our days.
Qrow: Well then, shall we?
Y/N: Time we lef-
???: Y/N!!!
(Before he could turn around, he was met by a white and red blur flying into The Fallen Knight...
The trio of adults were just smiling since they noticed it was Malachite Twins who just tackled their team leader on the ground...
Y/N just smiled faintly and hugs the twins, caressingly rubs their heads as they were crying on his shoulders)
Melanie: *crying* Y-you're a-alive!
Miltia: *crying* W-when we s-saw you back at B-Beacon...
Malachite Twins: W-We thought we've l-lost you too!!!
(Y/N was confused by what they said, he then looks at Qrow and his parents if they knew something about it...
F/N shook his head as if he was saying he doesn't know what they mean, and so doesn't M/N know about it too...
Qrow, on the other hand, he just grabbed his flask and opens it)
Qrow: ...Junior's last wish was to keep an eye on the twins. And he wanted you to use his mace/rocket launcher weapon.
(Y/N nodded his head in confirmation as he now knowledged Junior's death...
The twins managed to calm down after seeing their leader still alive, they stood up and helped Y/N to stand back up)
Y/N: Thanks...And sorry for your loss...
Malachite Twins: It's fine... *smiles* ...At least we still have you.
Y/N: *nods* ...Right. *looks around* Neo?
Melanie: She left with Torchwick after they killed the mole...
Miltia: ...They're with Phyrra as bodyguards at her hometown.
Y/N: *nods* ...Got it. *looks at Qrow* Keep an eye on Ruby for me...We'll take a bullhead as a shortcut for a village.
Qrow: I hear ya, kid. See you at Mistral.
(The Fallen Knight nods his head as he got a chance to see his former mentor transforming into a crow as he flies up in the sky...
Y/N trusted Ozpin's words when he confessed about magic being real, so he wasn't that shocked to see this kind of magic....
He then picks his mask from the ground, wipes it off and puts it back on before pulling his hood up)
Y/N: ...Good luck with rebuilding Vale.
M/N: *smiles* Thank you sweetie, stay safe out there.
F/N: We'll see you at Atlas if you managed to reach Mistral.
(Y/N nods his head and signals the twins to hold onto him as his mask changes form into a Nevermore mask...
A pair of black wings were seen coming out of his back, Melanie and Miltia wrap their arms on his arms and Y/N then flies up in the sky with the twins hanging on both of his arms...
M/N waves her arm at her son with a sad smile on her face, F/N was seen wrapping his arm around his wife's shoulders as she lays her head on his shoulder...
Between transition from the remaining group of ex-students:
Ruby, Jaune, Ren and Nora were seen walking away from the little red riding hood's house..
Yang was watching her friends and sister going on their adventures to get at Haven Academy...
Blake was spotted getting in a cruise for Menagerie, planning to head back at her hometown...
Weiss was seen in her room back at Atlas, her father somehow knew where she was and immediately brought her back at their mansion...
Y/N and the Malachite Twins were seen flying up in the sky, this time the twins were sitting on their team leader's back so he could look at the map on where the shortcuts are...
The group were took apart from each others;
They have different thoughts going on their minds...
Only a few decided to quit fighting for a while...
One was forced to head back to their hometown because of their family...
But everyone shared the same thoughts on their new journey...
And that was to make Salem pay for what she did to their academy...
Once Y/N's journey has started, the screen slowly fades into pitch black as the silence was filling the darkness of the black screen)
A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen. This is it for the Vol. 3 of "The Forgotten Knight"!
This chapter was more of an Epilogue from the battle and a Prologue for the Vol. 4!
I want to say sorry in advanced if this chapter was short, rushed or wasn't as impactful as you thought it would be as a mix of Epilogue/Prologue...
When i start the Vol. 4 of this story, i'll make sure all the chapters will last longer!
And once again, your new weapon is now a sword/rifle named Judgement Day.
Courtesy Call was more of a sub weapon, The Musketeer will be remembered for its sacrifice on the Vytal Tournament. o7
And as always, i hope you liked this Vol. 3 of "The Forgotten Knight" and i will see you readers in the next volume!
Bye for now and have a good day/night!!!
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