(Vol. 3) Chapter 28: The Battle of Beacon

-Narrator's P.O.V-

(Would you look at that, we've arrived at the chapter where everyone was waiting for...)

A/N: Hell yeah!!! It's happening!!! Time to make this chapter the longest one!!!

(Oh my, i did not expect such excitement coming from you, dear author...)

A/N: You know me, narrator. I'm really hyped to make this chapter!

(And so am i and the readers who read this story so far...

For the first time in my whole career, i didn't thought we could've make it this far, and yet here we are, near at the end of Volume 3 of "The Forgotten Knight"...)

A/N: You can say that again! Right now, let's not wait them any longer! Time to jump into action!!!

(You've read my mind, dear author...

Because, right now...

Chaos shall fall upon them all from the sky...)

-Amity Colosseum-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen slowly turns on, a sword flies infront of the camera as if a fight was happening right now...

After the transition of changing scene, the camera shows Penny was controlling her swords towards other two contestants...

Phyrra and Y/N were parrying her swords while the two of them were going head-to-head, clash after clash, block after block, counter-attack after another...

On the spectating view, students from all around Remnant were impressed by the trio's instincts when they fight against each other at the same time...

Team RWBY was cheering for both Phyrra and Y/N, mainly Ruby was rooting for Y/N...

Team JN_P were cheering for their spartan teammate as Nora was also rooting for Y/N because of his combo attacks...

Team _MMN were cheering for Y/N instead of Phyrra since they knew how Phyrra can go head-to-head against The Forgotten Knight...

As for Cinder, she was seen inside a security room with cameras and defense systems as Emerald was covering her...

Mercury was late seen leaving his seat, he thought he could've gone unnoticed, but Neo immediately caught him and left her scroll to Melanie...

The latter tried to call her out but she was already gone, Melanie then looks down and sees what was written on Neo's scroll:

"Step 3 has already started. Stay until you see Y/N's signal."...

Melanie got concerned since she knew what Neo meant from her message...

She then hands the scroll to her twin sister as she went back spectating the fight, Miltia takes a quick look and puts the scroll away,  since she could tell from her sister's posture, she also got patience to see the signal...

Back at the Arena, Y/N was seen blocking Phyrra's attacks while he copies Sun's semblance to use his Aura clones to get hit by Penny's swords...

Once he saw an opening from Phyrra's charging attack, he slams his shield down hard enough to trigger his gravity dust...

That causes Phyrra to get pushed back while Y/N throws his main sword towards Penny, making his throw count as the ginger-haired android girl dodges it...

The Forgotten Knight then splits his shield into a dual-wielded swords and does this when he triggers fire dust through the blades...

And so it begins...

An actual fight between The Undefeated Spartan and The Forgotten Knight...)

A/N: Puss-Phyrra, Death-Y/N, and also stop the vid when Phyrra kicks Y/N's sword back at him

Port: *Voice Only* What a magnificent performance from Miss Nikos and Mister Y/N!!!

Oobleck: Y/N just gave Phyrra one of the most intense fight we've ever seen! Just look at their Aura!

(The screen shows the contestants Auras and it says...)

[Penny Polendina: 100%]
[Phyrra Nikos: 74%]
[Y/N L/N: 70%]

Port: The Forgotten Knight did his best to take Miss Nikos out of the game, but sadly his plan didn't go as intended!

(The camera shows Y/N throwing his swords away, once they went through the wall of fire, the flames around them disappears from the impact...

Phyrra quickly readies her marksman up while Penny took the opportunity to attack the red-haired spartan...

Y/N's eyes became red, his mask forms into a Beowolf mask and the trails from the werewolf grimm begins to appear on him...

The Forgotten Knight begins to dash towards the duo and starts engaging in the fight as well)

Oobleck: It appears Y/N is going to gamble his win with his semblance; Doppelganger!

Port: Y/N's semblance must be one of the most powerful semblance we've ever seen. The way he uses it. The way he controls it. It really shows him how a real huntsman should rely on it!

Oobleck: Couldn't agreed more, Professor Port! Miss Polendina is giving the other contestants a hell of a fight, but she has to take care, at least one of them so she could get the upper hand!

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the fight keeps on going, the camera shows Neo having a stand-off with Mercury...

The robotic legged assassin glares at the short girl since she turned her back on him and the others)

Mercury: You shouldn't betrayed us in the first place...We had everything under control until you turned against us!

(Neo rolls her eyes out of sassy while she was holding her umbrella over her shoulders like a baseball bat)

Mercury: ...It doesn't matter anyway... *smirks* Cinder is already hijacking the defense system from the inside. That means you'll miss the chance to save Y/N from an incoming Nevermore.

(The ice cream themed girl got angry at his statement, so she begins to engage and attack Mercury with her umbrella as their fight begins in the hallway...

Emerald and Cinder, who was still busy with the monitor, heard gunshot coming from the hallway, the dark-skinned girl immediately thought Mercury was fighting against someone outside)

Emerald: Mercury is preventing someone to get here, who do you think it is?

Cinder: ...Neo must've seen him walking away from the fight.

Emerald: Tsk...I told him to be more cautious! I barely made us escape from Ironwood!

Cinder: Don't you worry about it. We already succeeded our part... *smirks evilly* ...Now it's Adam's turn to spread fear among the humans~

(Emerald nods her head as she watches the door so she could knock anyone who gets through the room...

Cinder was simply spectating the Triple Threat Match, as soon as she lays her eyes on Y/N, she begins to smirks seductively at him...

Since their last encounter with The Unknown Shadow of Remnant, the trio has become really paranoid about his return if they triggered the chaos on Vale...

Little thing they know...

The Unknown Shadow of Remnant was The Forgotten Knight of Vale for this whole time...)

-Scene Change-
-Amity Colosseum-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(Once the screen switches back to the arena, the contestants were seen exhausted while Penny was actually still standing with a smile on her face)

Port: *Voice Only* It seems Miss Polendina has managed to overcome the odds against two of our best students!

Oobleck: It is a sadden sight, but let's have a look at their Aura!

(And again, the screen shows up at the crowd about the contestants Aura and it says...)

[Penny Polendina: 80%]
[Phyrra Nikos: 40%]
[Y/N L/N: 35%]

Port: It doesn't look good for The Forgotten Knight, I'm afraid to say that he's about to get eliminated from the fight if he keeps going!

Oobleck: In situations like this, Mister Y/N can find a way to restore his energy for a short amount of time so he can think of a way to win the fight!

(As the trio were having a stare-off, a loud screech can be heard from above the Colosseum...

Y/N immediately knew what kind of Grimm it was, so he quickly grabs his Courtesy Call and stands in-between Penny and Phyrra...

As much as it hurts for Y/N, he activates and copies Emerald's semblance to make the girls think he was about to attack them widely...

Phyrra was the first one to act and immediately spar her spear towards Y/N...

As soon as the tip of her spear touches Y/N's chestplate)


(A person screams out of horror when they saw Y/N getting impaled by Phyrra's spear as it was seen the blade coming out of his back...

Phyrra's eyes widen up out of horror as she drops her shield on the ground...

Penny also gasped out of horror when she saw her first friend getting killed infront of her...

Team RWBY, JN_R, CVFY, The Malachite Twins and Ironwood were also in disbelief of what they witnessed...

Ruby, on the other hand, wasn't taking that well...none of her friends can't blame her since her lover just died by the hands of the spartan...

As if time begins to unfreeze, Y/N's "dead body" falls on the ground sideways, making a loud thud sound when his body drops on the ground...

The crowd and everyone who were watching the broadcast were horrified, maybe even terrified to see a live action kill...

As everyone were still in shock, Cinder used this opportunity to hijack into the broadcast and send a speech of her own)

A/N: Ignore the video, just listen to Cinder's speech

(After her speech, a kid from the crowd looks up in the sky and sees a Nevermore)

Kid: *scared* M-Mom? W-What is that?

(His mother notices her kid was looking at the sky, she then follows his view and sees the grimm...

The Nevermore emits an ear-piercing screech before it flies straight down into the arena...

As soon as its beak touches the force shield, the entire security system falls down, shattering the shield into pieces...

Unknowingly for them, The White Fang was heading their way towards Beacon Academy as Adam Taurus was leading his men...

And so it begins...

The Legendary Battle of Beacon has begun...)

Random: GRIMM!!!!!


(Chaos, Fear and Despair were already spreading among the crowds as the teachers from every academies begin to evacuate the civilians...

Ruby was the first one to act as she saw the nevermore heading towards Penny and Phyrra)


(Penny heard her friend and immediately kills the Nevermore before it could kill Phyrra and herself...

The said spartan was on her knees, tears were falling down her face and her stare was locked on Y/N's dead body...

On the stairwell, Neo was seen running out of the hallway and notices Y/N faking his death since she can see the real knight getting ready to switch himself with his illusional corpse...

Ruby uses her semblance to dash over and quickly checks on Y/N, she wouldn't believe her lover is actually dead, so she begins to check for his pulse)

Phyrra: *mortified* R-Ruby...I-I'm s-so--

Ruby: *tearing up* D-Don't say it!!! H-He's still a-alive!!!

(The red little riding hood begins to do CPR before she quickly pulls Phyrra's gun-spear off of her lover's body...

Their friends snapped out of their shocking status and also begins to head towards to the arena)

Ruby: Y-Yang! H-Help me!

Yang: G-Got it! Hold still!

(Her sisterly instinct kicks off as she rushes over and pressures Y/N's right chest...

Ruby keeps doing CPR as she repeatedly pushes Y/N's chest, begging him to wake up with tears in her eyes...

Jaune quickly comforts Phyrra as he gently hugs her while she holds onto him as she cries quietly, repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again)

Blake: *tears up* G-Girls...

Ruby: H-He's just u-unconscious! H-He has to be!

Ren: W-We should go before another--


(The group of students look up at the sky as they see another Nevermore coming straight down at them...

Unfortunately for it, General Ironwood shoots at the grimm with one of his handgun as the bullet pierces through the nevermore's head, making it an instant kill)

Ironwood: Phyrra Nikos! Head back to Beacon and warn Professor Ozpin about the Grimm!

Phyrra: *wipes her tears* Y-Yessir!

Jaune: W-What about Y/N?!

Ironwood: Let's get him inside the lobby so you can use your semblance to transfer your Aura into him!

Yang: I-I need help to get him up!

Nora: I'll help you!

Ruby: Thank you! Guys! Cover them!

(Thanks to the chaos from earlier, Y/N has managed to sneakily switches his place with his illusional corpse as he taught himself how to fake his own death...

Nora picks him up by his legs while Yang gets him from his arms...

The duo begins to carry their "dead" friend inside the lobby as the others were following by alongside with Ironwood, who was leading them to the main lobby)

Ironwood: Lay him on the ground!

(The girls did what he said, The Forgotten Knight kept playing his act as a dead body...

Once he was on the ground, Jaune immediately rushes over and kneels down next to him so he could his semblance on him...

Yang looks down at her hands as she saw Y/N's blood on her hands, luckily she shakes her head off before heading towards Ruby to comfort her...

Phyrra, on the other hand, was being comforted by Ren and Velvet while the rest of the group were trying to believe that their knight friend was only unconscious...

The spartan girl was shaking out of horror for killing an actual person, but unknowingly for her, the more she expresses negative emotions, the more she attracts Grimm, Beowolf, Ursa and other kind of Grimms)

Ironwood: Penny, i want you to go out and get back at Atlas. There are too many Grimm both here, down at Vale and back at Beacon Academy!

Penny: But General Ironwood! If we bring  Y/N with us, we can take care of his wounds!

Ironwood: We can't risk one of our ships get under attacked by a Nevermore...

Jaune: Hey! I'm getting something here!

(Ruby was the first one to run over and immediately checks on Y/N's pulse...

At first, she didn't feel any pulses...before she could yell at Jaune, she suddenly felt a faint pulse coming from him wrist)

Ruby: *tears up* J-Jaune's right! Y/N i-is still with us!

(The General of Atlas Military was watching the situation on his scroll and sees a lot of Grimm destroying many buildings...

Huntsmen and Huntresses from around Remnant were slowly joining in the field to protect the people from getting killed by Grimm...

He also saw The White Fang approaching towards the Amity Colosseum, alongside with Adam Taurus)

Ironwood: *narrows his eyebrows* ...This is getting out of hands.

Coco: We can't just stay and wait! We have to do something about it!

Sun: There are too many Grimm outside! Even if we try to help them, they'll just keep coming back!

Neptune: If we retreat, it's only a matter of time we'll end up being their food!


(As if it was all planned, Y/N begins to cough roughly as blood comes out through the mouth of his mask...

Ruby quickly helps him sitting up as Jaune kept using his semblance to transfer his Aura on his fellow knight)

Y/N: *groans in pain* ...T-The fuck...

Ruby: N/N!!!

(The Knight's little rose hugs him with her tears immediately falling down her face)

Y/N: R-Rubes...m-my stab wound...

Ruby: *quickly loosens up* S-Sorry!

(Y/N holds his hand up to signal Jaune to stop before overworking his semblance...

The knight understood his gesture and lets go of him so he could stand up, even if it still hurts)

Yang: Strikes! You should lay back down!

Y/N: Not happening...Grimm are invading Vale...

Sun: Dude, look. I get you are strong and all, but you can't just expect us to see you dealing with this mess!

Ironwood: ...Then choose what you believe it's best to be a huntsmen and huntresses.

(The group of students look over at the general of atlas military...

Y/N and his team already knew what they should do, so they just begin to gear up...

Unfortunately for The Forgotten Knight, he realized his Courtesy Call was left back at the arena, mentally cursing at himself, he decided to rely on his semblance...

His eyes begin to turn red as his mask was forming into a Taijitu mask...

His whole right side of his armor becomes to turn pitch black as the red outlines stays as it is...

Even his mask was two themed color, left side of the mask was white while his right side was pitch black)

Ironwood: There are some bullheads that will lead you to safety...don't feel ashamed if you leave the battlefield, i know how it feels to be in a situation like this one...

(The group was still trying to figure out what they should do...

Before anyone could do anything, Fox smells something was melting as if someone just used acid to melt onto something...

He looks over and notices Y/N was the culprit of melting one of the windows, The Forgotten Knight looks up at Ironwood's airship and nods his head to himself as he figured out of a plan)

Y/N: ...Neo, Melanie, Miltia.

Malachite Twins: We're ready.

(Neo just smirks while twirling her umbrella around her hand...

Ruby instantly knew what he was doing, instead of stopping him, he calls him out so she could help him)

Ruby: N/N! We can take care of the Grimm at the arena first! I'll cover you so you can get your weapon back!

Y/N: No time. You guys do what's best to protect Vale.

(His mask begins to change its form into a Nevermore mask...

His armor was turning back to normal, but a pair of black feathered wings were seen coming out of his back...

The red riding little hood nods her head at him as she somehow figures out a plan of her own)

Ruby: *looks at her team* Yang! Blake! Can you take care of the courtyard?!

Yang: *smirks* We sure can, sis!

Jaune: ...My team and i are going to escort Phyrra to Beacon Academy!

Sun: ...Damn it! *readies his gun-chucks up* Neptune and i will try getting your weapon, but you own us one, Y/N!

(Team CVFY already took actions as they got a free bullhead to take them back at Vale to provide evacuation...

Ironwood smiles at the group as they slowly begin recompose themselves, he then notices a Beowolf heading towards a bullhead full of civilians...

With his pure instincts, he draws his handgun and shoots the Beowolf in the head, instantly killing him)

Ironwood: Penny and i will provide protection here. You all go fight for your academy.

Y/N: Melanie, Miltia. Stay with Team RWBY.

Malachite Twins: What about you and Neo?

(Y/N looks at the general and gives him a nod, signaling him to let Torchwick do his part of the job...

Ironwood trusted his plan and presses a button on his scroll as if he just sent a message to one of soldiers to let the criminal know about the plan)

Ironwood: ...Try not to die next time.

Y/N: ...Give my parents my regards.

(Before he could jump, he felt someone hugging him from behind...

Yang and Blake were surprised to see what they just saw...

Not only Ruby was hugging her boyfriend, but Weiss was also hugging him with her team leader...

Y/N didn't say anything and let them have their moment before they all do their own parts to protect everyone)

Ruby: *kisses his cheek* ...Stay safe, N/N.

Weiss: *lets go of him* And try to be more cautious, you dolt.

Y/N: ... *chuckles quietly* ...Will do. See you when this is over.

(The girls let go of their knight friend so he could jump off the window...

As soon as he gained distance from Amity Colosseum, he spreads his wings and begins to fly around to take care some Nevermore Grimm...

May the battle commence.)

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(Chaos, Fear, Despair...

Everyone was running for their lives from Grimms...

Huntsmen and Huntresses are fighting the Grimm alongside Ironwood's android soldiers to protect the civilians...

Cardin Winchester was seen surrounded by a couple of Beowolves as they were starring at the bully like a pack of wolves hunting down their prey...

Luckily for him, Qrow and Glynda arrived to save him before the grimm could hurt him)

Glynda: Are you alright, Mister Winchester?

Cardin: *nods scaredy* Y-Yes ma'am--

Qrow: Evacuate now, kid. We'll buy some time for those who need to make a run-

(Before he could finish his sentence, he heard metallic sound getting ripped off brutally...

He and Glynda look over and saw an Alpha Beowolf glaring at the trio as if it was ready to attack them...

As soon as Cardin grabs the handle of his mace, a black feather was seen flying through the Alpha's chest, killing him in the progress as its body falls backwards...

Qrow was the first one to look up and notices Y/N changing the trails into Beowolf trails before he lands on the ground...

Once he looks up in the sky, he emitted one of the loudest howl he's ever done it, making the trio cover their ears)

(After letting the pack of beowolves who the alpha is, Y/N raises his right arm towards the group of Ursa Grimms)

Y/N: Kill.

(With a single word, the pack started growling as they charge towards some of their own kind since they weren't affected by Y/N's knowledge...

Glynda was surprised to see her student using the grimm to attack against their own...

Qrow was smirking proudly at his former student knowing how his semblance works)

Qrow: Hey kid! We need some help from you and your friends back at Beacon!

Glynda: Our hands are tied over here, we would like you to assist us huntsmen and huntresses to deal with Grimm and The White Fang!

(Y/N nods of understanding about their request, he then whistles at some of his beowolves pets to head towards Beacon Academy...

Once they obeyed his order, Y/N copies Ruby's semblance to dash towards the academy as he leaves a tray of white and red rose petals on the ground...

Cardin was utterly shocked how calm and determined Y/N was when it comes to fight against any kind of threats, he then tightens his grip on his mace, pulls it out and emits a battle cry as he charges towards an Ursa ready to kill it...

Both professors were following him as they start swiftly killing grimms while a group of android soldiers cover them with their firearms)

-Scene Change-
-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the camera switches place, the screen shows Jaune, Ren, Nora and Team CVFY dealing with beowolves, Ursas and even two Boarbatusk Grimms...

When Y/N arrives at the scene, he notices The White Fang also spreading terror on the people, making them screaming to attract more Grimms)

Adam: Onwards! Show these human the wraith of The White Fang!

(His men let out a battle cry as they started destroying vending stalls, shooting at huntsmen and huntresses as well as they actually begin to kill people...

Y/N's eyes went wide open when he witnessed a murder as he was a White Fang grunt just killed a father of a 6-year-old child, who was crying while hugging his dad...

As much as it hurts to see such thing, The Forgotten Knight had enough of these rules of the engagement...

It was time to let everyone feel his wrath.)

(The Knight's scream was loud enough to make all the Grimms looking at him...

His eyes were showing killer instinct, his mask immediately switches form into a Boarbatusk mask...

He then kneels down and charges his spin dash attack, only for this time, his attack was way too fast and hits way too hard...

Needless to say, he was fast enough to rip the Grimm heads off of their bodies...

After killing some beowolves by tearing their head off with his spin dash attack, an Atlesian Paladin jumps into the scene as he shoots a missile at Y/N...

The Forgotten Knight got hit and sent flying from the explosion, but Yatsuhashi manages to catch him before he could fly further)

Y/N: *coughs* Thanks...

Coco: Shouldn't you be resting?!

Y/N: And letting you all having fun?

Nora: Less talk! More attack!

(Y/N was ready charge his spin dash attack, but Coco stops him by holding her arm up to prevent him to go)

Coco: Leave that giant robot to Bun-Bun.

Velvet: *gasps* Does that mean?!

Coco: *smirks* Go for it, girl

(Velvet nods her head and starts rushing towards the Paladin...

It was fair to say, Y/N did not expect Velvet to copy their friends' fighting styles)

Y/N: Jaune! Where's Phyrra?!

Jaune: She's at Beacon Academy with Ozpin! I was about to head there and see if they're safe!

(Y/N mentally curses himself and decides to risk it and go with him at Ozpin's office)

Y/N: There's a shortcut where we can get there faster!

Jaune: Got it!

Yatsuhashi: Before you go, the twins told us to give you what's yours

(The Forgotten Knight looks over and catches his Courtesy Call on its sword and shield form...

He then nods at him as a "thank you" sign and begins to run through the horde of Grimm with Jaune quickly following his fellow knight...

Time was running out, every students, huntsmen and huntresses are getting weaker and tired due to the sudden invasion...

A second earlier, it was a normal peaceful day. But then, fear has already spread all over the place...

In every fight, there is a price to pay for the students of Beacon Academy...

Even if it means they have to lose something precious, one way or another...)

-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-

(Jaune and i were going through the courtyard as we were killing grimm left and right like there's no tomorrow...

I hate myself for making such scene back at Amity Colosseum, but i had to do that because i needed Cinder to "trigger the monster inside me"...

As we were halfway through, we saw Phyrra getting stuck as she was fighting a big Ursa)

Y/N: Phyrra! Get down!

(I use my shield to throw it like a frisbee hard enough to cut the Ursa grimm's head clean off its head.

I then copied her semblance to retract it back onto my forearm)

Jaune: Phyrra! What are you doing out here?!

Phyrra: I was trying to reach Ozpin but some grimm got in my way!

Y/N: Jaune! Hold this position until i call you that she made it to Ozpin's office!

Jaune: I-I got this!

(Come on, Arc. Time to make our training worth waiting for this moment.

Phyrra quickly head towards the academy while i followed her behind as both of us could hear Jaune buying us time to get to the office...

Ruby is with Sun and the rest of the gang...

Neo is on the airship with Torchwick, dealing a mole inside it...

Weiss is backing up Velvet and her team, which i can trust her skills with that...

Yang and Blake are somewhere only Oum knows where...

Damn it! My parents are better helping all of us instead of leaving us like they did to me!)

Y/N: Phyrra! Go!

Phyrra: What about you?!

Y/N: I'll go find the others to regroup at the front entrance!

(Looks like she bought it...

I saw her nodding her head and started running towards the school, as for me...

Well, i went back where Jaune was and helped him holding grimm and- Wait.

The White Fang are here?!

No, hold on...their attire are different...

The resistance team from Neo!)

Y/N: Jaune! Don't engage them! They're with me!

Jaune: Are they?!

Faunus: We are! The Forgotten Knight opened our eyes and we chose to go against The White Fang!

Y/N: Secure the perimeter! Jaune and i are heading back to the others!

Faunus: Yessir! *looks at his team* You heard him! Kill those grimms!

(The group let out a battle cry as they all fight together to kill the grimm, making a clear path for us to run through

Neo, it's your turn now! My hands are tied down here!)

Y/N: Keep running! We need to help the others to kill those grimms!

Jaune: On it! Let's keep up the pace!

(Oum, if you're hearing my prayers...

Please do NOT let one of my friends getting killed!)

-Scene Change-
-Front Courtyard-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the camera switches places, Ruby, Sun, Neptune and The Malachite Twins were seen panting out of exhaustion from dealing both Grimm and The White Fang...

And as Oum just gave them a miracle, Sun was the first one to notice Y/N killing grimm left and right with Jaune surprisingly keeping up with him)

Sun: Y/N! Jaune! Over here, guys!!!

(Y/N immediately throws his sword through an Ursa straight into its head...

He then splits his shield into a dual-wielding swords and copies Ruby's semblance to zigzagging as he kills the grimm in-between with the speed of lightning...

Once he cleared a path for Jaune, The Forgotten Knight fell onto his knees as he started coughing while his Aura was seen flickering)

Ruby: N/N! Y-Your Aura!

Y/N: *holds his hand up* I-I'll be fine...D-Don't worry...

Jaune: What happened here?!

Sun: The White Fang were bringing some Grimm all over Vale! Team CVFY said you reduced the invasion back there!

Y/N: Save it for later. *looks at Ruby* Where's Yang and Blake?

Ruby: Blake was nowhere to be found, so Yang volunteered to go find her! I tried to stop her but she just went for it!

(The Forgotten Knight remembered what he saw back at the first invasion on Vale...

He quickly got up with his dual-wielding swords, he tries to walk but he was stopped by Ruby)

Ruby: Where are you going?!

Y/N: Yang and Blake are both in trouble! The second in command of the White Fang is here!

Ruby: You're too vulnerable! I can't risk to lose you too!

Y/N: And i can see you're too exhausted to keep up! Let me deal with bringing the girls back!

???: We'll go with him!

(The couple look over and they notice Y/N's parents were walking towards the group with their weapons on their hands...

Sun was shocked to see Y/N's mother and her beauty, as soon as he was eyeing on her, he felt a murderous aura coming from The Forgotten Knight)

Y/N: No Dirty Thoughts, you monkey faunus.

Sun: *holds his hands up* S-Sorry bro!

F/N: ...Y-Y/N

Y/N: Make it quick! I need to get Yang and Blake before it's too late!

M/N: That's why we volunteered to come with you!

(Y/N gritted his teeth as he didn't expect his decision was between bringing Ruby or his parents...

After a while, an explosion was heard going off at Ozpin's office, the group look up as their eyes were widening up)

Jaune: That's where Phyrra is!!!

Ruby: We have to get there!

???: Ruby! Y/N!

(The duo look around and saw Weiss running over with Ren and Nora behind them...

They already saw some Grimm approaching, so they immediately went straight to the action as Weiss reunites with the others)

Weiss: Where are Yang and Blake?!

Ruby: Dealing with White Fang! But Phyrra got caught to the explosion!

Weiss: What?! Is she alright?!

Y/N: ...Damn it! *looks at his parents* You two better bring Yang and Blake back safe and sound OR I SWEAR TO OUM I WILL KILL YOU!

F/N: Don't worry, kid! We know how precious your friends are to you, we'll save them!

M/N: You have to trust us!

Y/N: I'll believe when i see you two bringing them with you! *looks at Ruby and Weiss* Let's go!

Jaune: What about me?! Phyrra is my teammate AND close friend of mine!

Y/N: Ruby and i can get there fast! Stay here with the twins to back them up with Ren and Nora!

(Before the plan was already settled up, a loud roar was heard from the sky...

The group of huntsmen, huntresses and students look up and what they saw was something they were afraid of...

(After staring at the Wyvern, Y/N immediately fall onto his knees, holding his head as he was screaming in agony...

Ruby instinctively kneels next to him as she puts her hands on his shoulders while Weiss and Jaune quickly cover the couple with their weapons)

Ruby: N-N/N! What's wrong?!

???: "What an interesting individual...A descendant of L/N with the gift of copying my grimm's trails..."

Y/N: "W-Who the fuck are you?!"

???: "You don't have to worry who i am...we will meet again soon enough, i have eyes and ears around you...Farewell for now, Y/N L/N"

Y/N: *his eyes turns red* GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!

(His sudden voice makes his girlfriend startled alongside with the others...

He then realizes he heard the voice inside his head, he quickly calms down so his eyes are gradually turning back to normal)

Y/N: S-Sorry guys...We need to find the girls and bring them back to safety.

Weiss: *concerned* Are you sure you can still fight after that sudden outburst?

Y/N: I'll be fine...Let's just go before it's too late...

F/N: You three go get Phyrra, we will find Yang and Blake.

M/N: Stay safe guys...Make sure to protect Y/N...

(Y/N didn't say anything, he just stood up with the help of his girlfriend...

Alongside with Weiss, the trio were starting running back towards the school, leaving Jaune with his teammates, the twins and Sun so he could help them to deal with Grimm...

Y/N's parents quickly headed at the destroyed cafeteria to check where Yang and Blake are...

Once they arrived, they noticed Blake's scared expression as she was carrying an unconscious Yang with a missing arm...

The adults were mortified to see a young girl losing an arm...

What they fear the most, it's when they'll tell their son what happened to her...)

-Scene Change-
-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(Y/N, Ruby and Weiss were seen running towards the tower while some resistance team were backing them up...

The girls were surprised to see some ex-white fang members were aiding them as they kept saying "Our redemption starts here!"...

Thanks for them, they've managed to reach at the tower, as they look up they saw some sparks as the clashing sound was heard from the top of the building)

Ruby: Phyrra must be up there!

Y/N: Weiss! Call your glyphs!

(Weiss draws her Myrtenaster and summons some black glyphs so Ruby and Y/N could climb up without problems)

Weiss: Go! I'll help the resistance team!

Ruby: Thanks bestie!

Y/N: I own you one, Weiss! Let's go Rubes!

(His girlfriend nodded her head as they both use their semblance to speed dash up to the tower...

The camera was left where Weiss runs back at the resistance team to assist them for killing grimm around the area...

At the airship, Torchwick and Neo has managed to deal with the mole as they locked him inside the jail where Torchwick was held...

At the Amity Colosseum, Ironwood has successfully secured the floating colosseum with Port, Oobleck and Penny's help...

Back at Vale, Qrow, Glynda and Cardin were saved by Ironwood's robot soldiers as they were exterminating all the grimm in sights, including the White Fang grunts...

At the nightclub, Junior and his men were seen slowly getting outran by the Grimm, knowing their chance to escape were very slim, Junior smiled sadly as he pulls a detonator out of his pocket, praying Oum that the twins are safe and sound...

And now, back at the tower, the camera shows the fight between Cinder and Phyrra as Y/N and Ruby were still climbing up the tower)

A/N: Stop the vid when Ruby and Y/N made to the tower.

(Once the duo has managed to reach at the top of the building, they saw Cinder ready to fire her arrow at Phyrra...

Y/N immediately risks his last strength of using his semblance to copy Blake's semblance to teleport infront of Phyrra...

As the time suddenly slows down, Cinder lets go of the arrow but her eyes widen up when she realizes The Forgotten Knight was infront of her target...

Ruby was seen slowly holding her arm up, screaming her boyfriend's name out as she was trying to save him...

Y/N, on the other hand, was seen turning around as his back was facing forward, his Aura begins to fade away from using his semblance for far too long...

As the point of the arrow pokes his back...)

(The arrow stabs through his back, making Y/N coughing out blood through his mask...)

Phyrra: *horrified* ...n-no...

Y/N: *weakly* ...i'm...sorry...

(With his final words, his body falls onto Phyrra as she was holding him with tears falling down her face...

Ruby, after noticing his aura went off, begins to let her tears streaming down as she thought she lost another person she cared and loved the most)

Ruby: YYYYY/NNNNN!!!!!!!!!

(As soon as she screamed her boyfriend's name out, her eyes begin to shine bright as she just unleashed the power of her silver eyes...

Cinder was shocked by that as she got caught from the light as her shadow figure was disintegrated into atoms...

Phyrra covers her face on Y/N's body to not get blinded by the light, Y/N's eyes and hair were slowly fading from black to white...

Outside the tower, everyone who witnessed the light covered their eyes as well as for the others who were close to the tower...

Back at Vale, Glynda and Cardin notice a bright light coming from the academy, Qrow recognized that light as he immediately turn into a crow and flew straight up at the academy...

Once the camera shows back up at Beacon Academy, Phyrra manages to regain her strength and takes both Ruby and Y/N out of the tower...

Weiss notices them falling down, so she raises her Myrtenaster up and summons a slide of black glyphs to help their landing softening up)

Weiss: Phyrra! Ruby! Where's Y/-

(As soon as she lays her eyes on Y/N, she immediately gasps out of horror when she saw the arrow through his upper chest...

She shakily looks back at the girls, hoping what she was seeing isn't what it looks like, Ruby rushes towards at her with her tears keeping falling down her face as well as for Phyrra...

Weiss starts to tear up as well as she hugs her team leader back, crying over her supposed-to-be boyfriend's death...

Qrow manages to arrive at the academy, luckily for him, he landed behind some bushes so he could transform back into a human, once he got out of the bush, he quickly drew his weapon)

Qrow: "My niece managed to turn that Wyvern into stone, huh..." Ruby! Where are you, pipsqueak?!?!

Ruby: *faintly* Uncle Qrow!!!

(He heard her niece's voice and runs towards the location where her voice come from...

As soon as he manages to reach over, he saw his niece rushing towards at him while crying loudly, he also saw Phyrra sitting on her knees as she was also crying and then he notices Weiss letting some tears of her own)

Qrow: ...Girls, why are you all crying?

Ruby: *sniffs* U-Uncle Q-Q-Qrow... *sobs* ...N-N/N... *hic* ...N-N/N...

(She wasn't able to say the sad news, she just cried on her uncle's shirt as he remembered the day when Summer was also announced that she died on her mission...

As he mentally cursed at himself for his semblance, he looks over at Phyrra and sees Y/N's body laying on the ground sideways with an arrow stuck through his chest...

His eyes widen up when he connected the dots of what his niece was trying to say, he then hugs her out of his instinct as his uncle and gently rubs her back)

Qrow: ...i'm sorry Ruby...

Phyrra: *sobs* W-We should g-get him away from h-here...

Qrow: *nods* Good call... *notices Ozpin isn't with them* ...Phyrra? Where's Ozpin?

(Phyrra didn't say anything as she went back to cry as she was hugging Y/N's body this time...

Qrow somehow felt Amber's power within her, almost the other part of her power reunited within Phyrra's body...

After realizing Ozpin didn't make it as well, he gently let go of Ruby and walks over to Y/N and picks him up after Phyrra let go of him)

Qrow: ...Let's go girls, the others are waiting for you...

(The trio sadly nodded their heads as they look down at the ground...

Qrow can't blame them for their current behavior, he also felt sad to see his former student dead on his arms...

The group begins to walk at normal pace as the remaining survivors of the resistance team were making way for the group as they were saluting at "The Fallen Knight"...)

-Scene Change-
-Front Courtyard-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(Back at the front entrance of Beacon Academy, the camera shows Jaune, Sun, Ren, Nora, The Malachite Twins and Y/N's parents gathering around as they were resting after fighting restlessly against Grimm...

The Twins were comforting Blake by gently hugging her, the cat faunus smiles faintly from their gesture...

Yang was seen laying on the ground, still unconscious without her right arm...

Jaune was helping his friends to recharge their Aura, he was also tired but his semblance helped him to go through that fatigue against that many grimm...

F/N and M/N were covering the group as they're still standing with their weapons on their hands, Y/N's father was the first one to notice Ruby, Weiss and Phyrra walking toward the group)

F/N: They did it...Girls! Over here!

(The trio look up and notice they have finally manage to regroup with their friends...

The twins let go of Blake so she could rush over and hug her teammates, Ruby and Weiss...

Jaune got up and runs towards Phyrra and hugs her, making the spartan girl surprised by his action but quickly hugs him back with a sad smile on her face)

Nora: Alright!!! We've managed to protect lots of people!!!

Sun: Hell yeah!!! Let's go everyone!!!

F/N: *notices Y/N isn't with the girls* Before we celebrate, where's our son?

M/N: I didn't see Y/N too *looks at Ruby, Weiss and Phyrra* Where did he go?

(After mentioning Y/N, the said girls froze up as they don't know how they should tell the news...

Before anyone says anything, footsteps can be heard in the distance...

The whole group look over and they saw Qrow carrying "someone" on his arms, at first they believed he saved a citizen who got involved in the battle...

How wrong they were...)

F/N: Qrow? What are you doing here?

Qrow: ...The mission was a success...however, we lost two excellent huntsmen...

Jaune: *realizes it* ...W-Wait...I-Is Professor O-Ozpin...

(Qrow nods his head in anticipation of the Knight's question...

Everyone were saddened to hear the Headmaster of Beacon Academy has fallen with his own academy)

Nora: What about Strikey?

Blake: I-Is Y/N a-alright?

(Qrow didn't say anything about their questions, instead, he just laid the body on the ground carefully...

As soon as he caressingly lays Y/N's head down, his mask pops off of his face as his emblem was shattered...

M/N gasps out of horror when she immediately recognizes her son was laying on the ground lifelessly, she begins slide towards him and carefully sits him up as she looks at her dead son)

F/N: Qrow! What happened to him?!

Qrow: Kid got shot in the chest...Had to take the arrow off him...

M/N: *tears up* Q-Qrow...P-Please tell us h-he isn't d-dead...

(Qrow just took his flask out of his pocket and begins to drink it...

F/N knew Qrow wasn't the type of man who would lie to his colleagues, he then kneels next to his wife and gently wraps his arm around her shoulder)

F/N: ...We're too late, hun...

(Just with that statement, M/N just broke out in tears as she hugs Y/N's body as tight as possible, crying her soul out of her body after hearing her son was gone...

Blake, Ruby and Weiss were seen hugging together as they all cried to his death...

Phyrra was crying silently on Jaune's shoulder, who was devastated to hear his fellow knight was dead for saving Phyrra...

Ren and Nora were also sharing some tears, Nora uncharacteristically begins to cry as she hugs Ren, the said boy was hugging his childhood friend as she was tearing up on his shirt...

Sun was looking down with a couple tears of his own as his tail was seen flopping down to show his sadness emotion...

The Malachite Twins were also hugging at each other while crying as soon as they knew Qrow couldn't lie about their team leader's death...

The camera slowly moves up at the shattered moon with some black smoke were seen on the screen...

The screen slowly fades into pitch black as the crying noises can be heard from the darkness...

The Battle of Beacon has ended in the most tragic way possible...

Beacon has Fallen...
Lives were Lost...
Many Survived...
Others have Died...

But the most devastating news...

The Forgotten Knight has fallen alongside with his kingdom...

...Or has he?...)



But unfortunately, this is NOT the end of Vol. 3!

The Aftermatch Chapter is the final chapter of Vol. 3, which means you have to wait for the plot twist!!!

And would you look at that! Who could it be the voice inside Y/N's head???

First of all, i want to say thank you guys for reading this story, i did NOT expect you all are liking this!

I honestly expected some negative comments about "YoUr ToO sLoW wItH tHe HaReM" or "ThIs Is So BoRiNg", but instead, you guys were showing lots of positive comments! So, thank you so much for enjoying "The Forgotten Knight" story!

Ok readers, i'm gonna wrap this up before i make it too long!

I hope you enjoyed this story as much as i do making it, and i will see you guys in the next chapter!

Bye and have a good day/night!!!

P.S.: Who's your best waifu in RWBY series?

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