(Vol. 3) Chapter 27: Triple Threat Match

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(I believe this chapter is what it's called "The Calm before The Storm", correct?...)

A/N: Yup! An old-fashioned Triple Threat Match to decide the finalist against Yang!

(It does sound way more entertaining than the usual 1-on-1 Fight, tell me, dear author...What would happen to Y/N during the Battle of Beacon?)

A/N: Hah! Secret! I'm not spoiling it!

(Tell me this, what would happen since Emerald and Mercury got arrested and Cinder is on her own?)

A/N: You're about to find out! Let's jump into the chapter because i'm too excited!

(Huh...Who would've thought that our author is getting excited for the end of Vol. 3...

As time flies by...

There will be a fight between The Forgotten Knight, The Spartan Girl and The Android Girl...)

-Beacon Academy-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, the camera shows Team RWBY, JNPR and (Y)MMN celebrating Yang's victory in Y/N's Team dorm...

Everyone were sitting with their respective drinks on their hands alongside with some snacks...

The celebration was a lightweight party, they knew if they went for anything heavy like ramen, Phyrra and Y/N wouldn't be able to fight...

The group were talking and laughing as their friendship bond just got closer than before...

The camera shows Y/N leaning against a wall next to the door with his arms crossed since he already drank his own flask as he looks at his friends and his lover, Ruby...

He couldn't help but smile behind his mask while Jaune was approaching next to his fellow knight)

Jaune: Hey Y/N, you doing alright?

(The knight eye sides at Jaune who was smiling with his cup of drink...

Jaune tried to copy Y/N's posture but ends up not managing to look cool, however, he was still leaning against the wall next to him)

Y/N: *chuckles dryly* ...I'm doing fine, still awkward with this kind of party?

Jaune: That and also You, Ren and i are the only guys in this room

(Y/N's eyes went back forward as he notices Ren getting his ponytail done by Nora)

Y/N: ...They sure are close, aren't they?

Jaune: Heh, they're from the same village. What about you?

Y/N: Atlas.

Jaune: Wait, really?!

(Jaune's teammates heard their team leader, they look over and notice him talking with Y/N)

Phyrra: Jaune? What's wrong?

Jaune: *looks at Phyrra* Does any of you know he was from Atlas like Weiss?!

Nora: *gasps* What?!?!

Ren: To be honest, i would've thought he was from Mistral.

Malachite Twins: We knew that.

Ruby: And so do we, right girls?

_WBY: Yeah.

Phyrra: I also knew he was from Atlas.

Y/N: *raises his eyebrow* How?

Phyrra: The way you speak gave me the idea, you're well-mannered when it comes with talking, even if you speak in riddle.

Y/N: 'Ah fuck...She's right' *sighs* ...You got me there

Nora: Wait, how come aren't you like Weiss?

Weiss: Hey!

Y/N: Just because i'm from Atlas, that doesn't mean i have to be a snobby lazy novelist.

Yang: He's not wrong, right Blake?

(The cat faunus nods her head to confirm what she said)

Y/N: And besides, i'd rather staying here than going back at Atlas. No offense to Weiss's name, but i can't stand her father.

Weiss: None taken. I also don't like him... *looks away* ...He's always focused on the company than his own family...

Ruby: Aww Weiss... *hugs her* ...We're here for you, we're all friends! Right?!

Yang: Definitely!

Blake: *nods Mhm

(The rest of the group also agree at Ruby's statement...

Weiss smiles at them as she hugs Ruby back)

Weiss: I told you to not touch me, dolt

Ruby: Hehehe

(Y/N's scroll goes off as he was getting a call from Ozpin...

The knight looks at his scroll and notices who was calling)

Y/N: Enjoy the party. Ozpin wants to see me.

Yang: What did you do this time?

Y/N: Says who's the real troublemaker

(Yang giggles slightly as Y/N excuses himself while walking out of the room...

Once he got far away from his dorm, he turned around the corner and uses Emerald's semblance to make himself invisible from public eye)

Y/N: *answers the call* Professor.

Ozpin: Good afternoon, Mister Y/N. I hope i did not interrupt your break with your friends.

Y/N: Don't worry about it, they didn't mind it since i told them you called me.

Ozpin: I see, well...since you're already out, i presume you know why i called you on this private call, do you?

Y/N: ...Talk.

Ozpin: I would like you to bring Phyrra Nikos at The Vault after the match against you and Penny Polendina.

(The Forgotten Knight was surprised to hear his part of the deal was personalized by his Headmaster...

He somehow knew something was wrong, so he decided to ask him about the change of the fight)

Y/N: Why did you add Penny on the match?

Ozpin: The numbers of the finalists were uneven, so we came to the conclusion of making a First-Time-Ever Triple Threat Match. The winner takes the place to face against Miss Xiao Long.

Y/N: That's...actually not a bad idea...But Penny is-

Ozpin: I'm aware of Penny's real identity. Which is why i added her in the match, it's to prevent anyone from the ringside to hijack her through the crowd.

Y/N: Good call. What about the rest?

Ozpin: Mister Torchwick is still inside the airship, Qrow is already outside Amity Colosseum for any kind of situation might've going to happen.

Y/N: ...Emerald and Mercury?

(The headmaster started chuckling amusingly when he mentioned the duo...

He then heard Ozpin standing up from his chair and also heard his footsteps towards something)

Ozpin: Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black aren't actually arrested. General Ironwood fell into the girl's semblance.

Y/N: ...Let them. Cinder is already making her move. Make sure to be ready if Cinder brings Fear for feeding Grimm.

Ozpin: We'll be cautious of that event. Please be safe alongside with your friends.

Y/N: Will do. Bye Professor.

(He ends the call and puts his scroll away after saying bye to his headmaster...

He then looks around before deactivating his semblance to make sure no one was spying or eavesdropping his conversation...

However, when he began to walk back to his dorm, he notices Neo standing with her hands in her hips, having a sassy posture as she was smirking at Y/N)

Y/N: Neo? I thought you were back with the others, something happened?

(Neo snaps her fingers as her appearance was changed into Qrow, making the knight a bit confused about her action)

Y/N: You mean Qrow was here?

(She nods her head as "Yes", the ice cream themed girl turns herself back to normal before she pulls her scroll to show Y/N a picture...

Y/N walks closer to take a better look and sees Qrow was standing with a woman wearing a Grimm mask and a large katana on her hip)

Y/N: ...Where?

(Neo just swipes right to show where the picture was taken)

Y/N: Drop zone. Got it, tell the others i'll be back if i get selected.

(She nods once again before The Forgotten Knight left the dormitory...

Unknowingly for them, Ruby was seen peeking through the door as she was wondering why Y/N and Neo are always so secretive to the group)

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen shows the outside of Beacon Academy, Y/N was seen walking down the street with Courtesy Call on his back...

After walking out of Beacon Academy, he saw Qrow with his flask on his hand, making the knight sigh out of his drunkenness...

Before he could go over, he notices Velvet taking some pictures on Sun, who was walking away with his "Ruyi Bang" and "Jingu Bang"...

Out of his curiosity, he walks behind her and takes a look of her camera, but the bunny faunus felt his presence and turns around to see him)

Velvet: Oh, hi Y/N! How you doing?

Y/N: I'm doing alright, i noticed you taking pictures on Sun.

Velvet: This? *shows him her camera* Oh, you know...Just doing my photography homework.

Y/N: May i take a look?

Velvet: Sure! Here!

(He stands beside her so he could see the picture of Sun's gun-chucks...

Y/N was a bit confused until he felt his semblance copying hers)

Y/N: *smirks under his mask* ...I've never thought there was another Doppelganger user~

(Velvet begins to blush as she hides her camera behind her back with her bunny ears flops down out of embarrassment)

A/N: Imagine her hiding her camera behind her back

Velvet: I-I-It's n-not what i-it l-looks like!!!

(Her stuttering makes The Forgotten Knight chuckle for her cuteness...

And if that doesn't help her at all, her blush begins to hardening even more out of embarrassment)

Velvet: Y-Y/N!!

Y/N: *chuckling* Alright, Alright...I didn't mean to tease you like that, sorry Velvet

Velvet: Hmmmm...*pouts*...i forgive you

(Y/N smiles behind his mask, he then looks behind her and notices Qrow already left...

Realizing his reason, he looks back at Velvet and asks her a question)

Y/N: Velvet. Back at the Doubles Rounds, did Coco actually see Yatsuhashi coming next to her?

Velvet: *nods* That's what Coco said to us, she said she saw him walking over but all of us saw Yatsu didn't even made it out of geyser field...

Y/N: *crosses his arms* ...Stress-Inducted Hallucination.

Velvet: Do you also believe her?

Y/N: Check this video and tell me what's wrong.

(He pulls out his scroll and tosses it over to her...

Velvet manages to catch it before she hangs her camera on her rear, she then notices the video and plays it...

The video was Solo Round between Yang and Mercury, the forgotten knight could tell his bunny faunus friend was still impressed by Yang's performance...

The said faunus saw the aftermatch, she notices Yang quickly turning around with her fist up ready to punch, but Neo was standing infront of her before shattering as if someone just kicked her head off...

Velvet's eyes went wide open when she saw the aftermatch as multiple Atlesian soldiers were seen arresting the duo)

Velvet: What was that all about?

Y/N: Go back where Neo shows up and look behind Mercury.

(The bunny faunus did what Y/N said and immediately stops the video where Neo was standing infront of Yang as she was walking away...

Once she lays her eyes on Mercury, she notices Emerald with her hand on her head while her other arm was pointing towards him...

After connecting the dots of what happened to the video, Velvet was in disbelief to realize Emerald and Mercury rigged the match against her teammates)

Velvet: Did she-

Y/N: *cuts her off* Emerald's semblance causes Hallucinations, meaning she can make us see what we saw instead of the real deal.

Velvet: How could they do that?!

Y/N: *shrugs* Money, Fame, Reputation, and so on.

(Velvet couldn't believe what she just discovered, she then took a deep breath and gives Y/N's scroll back to its owner)

Velvet: I can't believe this...

Y/N: Tell me about it... *puts his scroll away* ...Make sure to tell Coco this without making her getting mad.

Velvet: *nods* I will... *smiles* Thanks for figuring out our problem, Y/N.

Y/N: That's what friends are for.

(The bunny faunus giggles before hugging him and begins to walk away from him...

Y/N just waved at her before she was out of his sights, once she left the area, The Forgotten Knight lowered his arm as he was still looking forward where Velvet left)

Y/N: ...Qrow.

Qrow: Heh, you sound like you remembered your previous title.

(Y/N turns his head around to look at Qrow over his shoulder...

The said Huntsman was drinking his flask before putting it away as he places his hands inside his pockets pants)

Qrow: So, here to tell me about our promise?

Y/N: ...We'll drink after my match, which you know since Ozpin's part changed.

Qrow: Yup, three-way fight, two from Beacon against one from Atlas.

Y/N: Also the criminals got away from the arresting.

Qrow: The one who tried to sabotage Yang?

Y/N: Ironwood fell into her semblance...They're planning to hijack the shield during the fight.

Qrow: *narrows his eyebrow* If they do that--

Y/N: *cuts him off* Grimm will be attracted, not only by the noise, but also from Phyrra's negative emotions.

Qrow: *sighs* Still feeling bad for insulting you?

Y/N: We... *looks away* ...are still in good terms, that's all i can say.

Qrow: ...Kid.

(The Forgotten Knight looks back up at him and sees he was holding an old picture with his old team...

The more he looks at it, the more realizes the two women on the picture look like Ruby and Yang)

Y/N: ...Is this--

Qrow: Team STRQ...The blonde guy is Tai, a good brother-in-law of mine. The woman in her samurai attire is Raven, my twin sister.

Y/N: ...Why is she look like Yang? And why that woman with white cape is literally Ruby?

Qrow: *chuckles sadly* She looks like Ruby because that's her mother, Summer Rose...Ruby and Yang's deceased mother.

(Y/N's eyes went wide open when he heard Ruby's mother died...

He didn't knew she would've lost her mother such young age)

Y/N: ...Rubes...

Qrow: *puts the picture away* ...To be honest, i've never seen pipsqueak being so happy with you. But i'm glad she did find someone she loves even if she acts like a kid.

Y/N: ...She's the first one who helped me go through the pain of being left...She's my little hope for my destiny.

Qrow: Destiny, huh...Tell me kid, what is your destiny?

(Y/N was taken back by his question related with his destiny...

He took a minute before unmasking himself as he hangs his mask on his hip)

Y/N: ...My Destiny is about protecting people that i care and love the most, no matter what kind of situations we are in. I already said this to Ruby: "No matter where we are. No matter how far we are. The only thing that keeps us alive, it's to remember every single memory we've created."

(For the first time in a while, The Forgotten Knight has managed to make a speech without coughing due to forcing himself to talk for longer time...

Qrow was utterly impressed by his answer about his destiny, after hearing the reason, he swore he could've seen Summer standing besides Y/N with a smile on her face, as if she approved The Knight to date her daughter...

The huntsman closes his eyes and chuckles at his unbelievable answer before turning around)

Qrow: ...Tai will be glad to have you in our family, make sure you stay alive for our pipsqueak.

Y/N: *looks up at Beacon Academy* My duty will be served. Both as The Forgotten Knight and as her boyfriend.

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(After confirming his theory, Qrow smiled at him before he walks away from Y/N as he leaves the knight by himself...

Once he was out of sight, Y/N started heading back inside Beacon Academy...

On his way back, he saw Team JNPR with Ren carrying a big pink teddy bear, a cup of soda and a bucket of popcorn as Nora was happily skipping while the other two were just laughing nervously)

Y/N: Jaune?

Jaune: *looks around and sees Y/N* Oh hey Y/N!

Phyrra: Hello Y/N!~

Y/N: Is the party already over?

Jaune: Not really, we just left because Nora couldn't wait.

Nora: Strikey, look! *gestures at the teddy bear* Ren got this for me!

Y/N: And you just left him carrying all of that stuff?

Ren: Don't worry, i can carry these stuffs without any problems.

Y/N: Suit yourself... Can i have some popcorn?

Nora: Sure! Ren?

(Ren walks over as he hands out the bucket to his friend...

Y/N then grabs some popcorn and eats them)

Jaune: You know Y/N, i still find hard to get used to see you without the mask.

Y/N: Weird, isn't it?

Phyrra: *giggles* But not in a bad way, we are happy to see you opening up with us.

Nora: I'll say red eyes suits you well with that black hairstyle of yours!

Y/N: *rolls his eyes* Wouldn't be the first time.

Ren: Do you want to walk with us? We were just heading back with the girls since we told them that we'll be back for the selection.

Y/N: I was about head over there, need help with that?

Ren: I mean, if it isn't a bother--

Y/N: *cuts him off* Don't worry, i can handle that

(Ren smiles at his kind gesture and hands over the bucket and the cup so he could carry Nora's teddy bear...

The five of them begin to head back inside the dormitory to reunite with team RWBY and _MMN...

For their surprise, the door was open when they arrived at the room, Y/N was the first one to look inside and notices Ruby's embarrassed expression, Yang's smug expression and Weiss's angry expression)

Y/N: Uhhh...Girls?

Malachite Twins: Y/N, Yang is bullying them again.

Y/N: Aye?

Yang: Hey! I didn't bully them!

Blake: She's right, she didn't bullying them...

Yang: Thank--

Blake: She was actually teasing them.

Yang: HEY!!!

Y/N: *sighs, looks at Ruby* What did she do?

Ruby: U-Uhm...S-She uh...

Weiss: That bimbo just ruined my talk with Ruby!

(Y/N took a minute to understand what Weiss says...

He then looks at Yang as his eyes were already red, just with his own eyes, he managed to make Yang a bit scared)

Yang: Uhm...Strikes?

Y/N: Thou shall begone for such sin, Sun Dragon.

(He then puts his mask on so she could see it forming into a deathstalker mask...

Then, a pair of claws and tail from Deathstalker's trail were popping out of him, making Yang step backwards until she walked into a wall)

Yang: S-Strikes! W-We can talk about t-this!

Y/N: Sure thing. We can "talk" about it.

(Jaune was hiding behind Phyrra while Blake and Nora are trying to stop Y/N from hurting Yang...

Weiss and Ruby look at each other and nod their heads as the rose approves about sharing Y/N with the heiress...

After their little interaction, they heard a loud slap sound, they look over and noticed Yang was sitting on the bed, looking down with a comical band-aid on her head while Y/N was standing infront of her as his semblance was deactivated)

Y/N: Next time, don't stick your nose in somebody else's business.

Yang: Yessir...

Y/N: Disobey and i will shave your head.

Yang: *looks up at him with her eyes turning red* You wouldn't!?

(Unfazed by that, The Forgotten Knight slammed his leg besides her as he was preventing her to stand up...

Yang's eyes went wide open and she notices what position they were on right now...

The more she looks up at Y/N, the more she felt her heart beating fast from his dominance...

After a few seconds, The Forgotten Knight sighed as he recoils his leg from Blake's bed)

Y/N: ...Sorry, i guess i went too far.

Yang: ... *snaps out of her thought* O-Oh! Don't w-worry, it was my fault after all.

(After the tension died down, the broadcast begins to start as everyone can hear Professor Port's voice)

Port: *Voice Only* Good morning ladies and gentlemen from all around Remnant! In a few minutes, we will see a match that has never happened before!

Oobleck: Well said, Professor Port. Because today, we like to make an announcement! For the first time in the history of this tournament, we will have a Triple Threat Match!!!

Port: It would seem the numbers for the solo rounds were uneven, so the remaining contestants will face each other!

Oobleck: Two of our best students, Phyrra Nikos and The Forgotten Knight Y/N, are going to participate in the Triple Threat Match alongside with Penny Polendina from Atlas!

Port: This is going to be really interesting! Let's find out who will be the finalist to face Yang Xiao Long!

Oobleck: The named contestants are allowed to reach Amity Colosseum in 24 minutes starting by now!

(Ruby and Nora squeal out of excitement while the rest were shocked to hear the announcement)

Y/N: Guess we're going all out, then.

Phyrra: I believe the sooner we head there, the better we give the audience a good performance

Ruby: Good luck you two!

(Ruby quickly hugs Y/N, who was happily returning the gesture...

She then takes his mask off and kisses him, making the group cooing at the scene)

Y/N: *smiles* ...You know i don't need luck, right?

Ruby: Hehehe, i know

Phyrra: ...Y/N.

(The Knight looks over at Phyrra and sees her holding her hand out...

He was confused by her gesture, he couldn't help but looking at the spartan)

Phyrra: *smiles* May the best fighter wins~

(Y/N smiles at her and gently shakes her hand, even if he could tell she was trying to not get noticed about her guilty feelings...

He didn't want to ruin the moment, so he kept that thought away and gently places his hand on her head, making the spartan girl jump out of surprise)

Y/N: Only destiny knows our goal.

Ruby: Come on! Let's go to Amity Colosseum already!

(She grabs Weiss and Y/N's arms and uses her semblance to drag them to the bullhead...

The rest of the group quickly catches up with the trio...

Up in the sky, there was a crow flying over the group as if he was following them from above...

Once the crow saw the group getting inside a bullhead, the airship flies up as the bird follows them up at Amity Colosseum)

-Scene Change-
-Amity Colosseum-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(Once the camera switches place, the contestants took their time to destress and focus on the fight while adjusting their gears...

Y/N was the only one who was still at the locker room, he was holding his Courtesy Call on its sword and shield mode...

As he was looking at himself through the blade, he sees his parents standing behind him, M/N and F/N couldn't help but keeping their frowning expression)

M/N: ...H-Hey Y-Y/N...

F/N: ...This is it, huh...

(The Forgotten Knight didn't say anything, he just grabbed his stuffs to sharpening his sword...

Each thrusts, his parents carefully gets closer to him as Y/N was busy sharpening his sword)

F/N: ...Y-Y/--

Y/N: *cuts him off* Don't...

M/N: *looks at Y/N* S-Sweetie...

Y/N: *sighs* ...why...

(The L/N family look at their son as he stands up staring at them)

Y/N: Why...did you left me on the alleyway? Why would you that to me?

F/N: ...

M/N: *sighs* ...W-We left you...b-because we didn't w-want you to get involved into t-this war.

Y/N: It's too late to preventing to get involved.

F/N: We know it...We just don't want to lose you...

(Y/N sighs and places his sword on the bench, after realizing that staying away can't solve anything, he decided to ask them about this "war")

Y/N: ...Give me a reason why i shouldn't be involved in this War of yours.

F/N: ...Salem can't be stopped.

(Y/N's eyes went red but his mask didn't change its form...

His parents could tell he was trying to not explode before the fight)

M/N: The reason why she can't be stopped is because she can't be killed... We've seen what she can do.

Y/N: If some things are unkillable, that means they can either be contained or sealed.

F/N: Ozpin tried lots of time and none of those times were successful!

Y/N: ...If Ozpin can't stopped Salem, then someone else can stop her...It doesn't HAVE to be him, does it?

(He notices his parents expressions were showing nothing but pure shock...

Even if they knew Ozpin can't stop her, they didn't thought of what their child just said...

Before they could talk again, Y/N calmed down and grabbed his Courtesy Call, and as he was wielding it, he walks past in-between them and left them to recover from the shock...

He then took a deep breath and walks out towards the arena as the audience were cheering for the entrance of The Forgotten Knight)

Port: *Voice Only* Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the semi-final part of Solo Rounds!

Oobleck: As you can see, and as we mentioned earlier, we'd like to announce about the very first time Triple Threat Match!

Port: On the bottom left of the arena, we have one of our most talented students from Beacon, she is also a champion of Mistral Tournament! Ladies and Gentlemen, please let us hear your cheering for Phyrra Nikos!

(The crowd did as he said, they were cheering out loud at the spartan girl...

Getting overwhelmed by it, Phyrra waves her arm at the audience in return)

Oobleck: Now for the next contestant, she was doing nothing but extraordinary job of qualifying to the Solo Rounds, a little girl who single-handed all of her opponents with some limited time! Please cheer for Penny Polendina from Atlas Academy!

(Once again, the crowd was cheering for the ginger-haired girl...

Penny happily returns the gesture by waving her arm at the crowd)

Penny: Salutations everyone! I will do my absolute best to win this match!

(Y/N softly smiles under his mask at Penny since he knew he would prevent to get her exposed as an android...

He then lower his head down as he also closes his eyes to meditate for a few seconds)

Port: And finally, our last contestant is the public's favorite, especially for the girls!

Oobleck: You could say that again, Professor Port, our last contestant is one of our best students we've ever had!

Port: A mastermind of any kind of combat style, a real strategist, and most importantly, one of the best students who can even the odds against him!

Oobleck: On his way for qualifying to the Solo Rounds, he showed his skills, techniques, fantastic combo attacks and determination for fighting until the end!

Port: Ladies and Gentlemen! Say welcome for The Forgotten Knight of Vale, Y/N L/N!!!

(And for one last time, the crowd was cheering loud for the knight, but this time it was louder than before because of a small group of fans was screaming at Y/N...

The Forgotten Knight looks back up as he raises his sword up in the sky, making the crowd cheering for him)

Oobleck: Alright everyone! It's time for the countdown! Before the fight begins, any last words from the contestants?

Penny: *salutes* I am Combat-Ready!

Phyrra: May the best one wins!

Y/N: The Judgement Day begins now.

Port: Very well! We will wish the best luck for the three of you!

Oobleck: Let's countdown everyone!

Everyone: 3!!!

(Penny summons her swords behind her back as if she was controlling them)

Everyone: 2!!!

(Phyrra readies up her shield and marksman-spear, looking at her opponents)

Everyone: 1!!!

(Y/N stabs his sword through the ground, splits his shield in two as it changes into two-wielded swords)

Port: May the fight begins!!!

(Phyrra and Y/N charges towards each other while Penny sends one of her sword towards them...

Once their blades reach the middle of the arena, the all collides to make the screen white from the impact...

After that, the screen fades into pitch black as clashing sounds can be heard in the darkness)


How evil of me! Muahahahahaha!!!

Just kidding! Don't raid my house for this.

Anyway, This. Is. IT!!!

The Calm before The Storm, we're so close to get The Battle of Beacon!!!

To be completely honest, i did NOT expect this story could reach more than 20k viewers/readers!

Like "What the fuck?!?!"

I'm so happy to know you guys are enjoying this story!!!

I hope this chapter was worth to wait and for building up the suspense!

And as always, hope you all are liking this story and i'll see you readers in the next chapter!

Bye and have a good day/night!!!

P.S.: Make your bet on this comment of who will win the fight between Penny, Phyrra or Y/N.

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