(Vol. 3) Chapter 26: 3 Years Ago
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(How intriguing...This chapter will be focused on the encounter between Amber and Y/N?)
A/N: Yup! This is also a 2nd fragment of Y/N's Past! Therefore, he wasn't the forgotten knight when he was established in Vale.
(I see the logic of this chapter...You sure know how to keep everyone entertained, despise this is nothing but a mere fanfic story...)
A/N: What can i say? I just like keeping myself busy whenever i'm bored, so today is the day!
(The calm before storm...
The past life of the Forgotten knight...
Before he becomes like he always wanted since he was a child...
The Forgotten Knight's previous title was;
The Unknown Shadow of Remnant...)
[2-3 Years Ago]
(As the screen turns on, the camera catches the sound of a person gasping out loud, presumedly getting caught by someone...
The screen then shows an younger version of Cinder, meaning this is where she got her allies and how she got Amber's power...)
Cinder: *staring at Emerald* How did you do that?
(Emerald didn't say anything, all she did was staring back at Cinder, trying to figuring out a way out of the mess...
She was gritting her teeth since she was cornered, having an idea on how she can get out, her hands reached over the handles of her weapon, but immediately stopped when she heard Cinder talking again)
Cinder: Don't.
Emerald: *staring at Cinder* ...
Cinder: *smirks* Unless, of course, you want them to hear you
Jeweler: *background, faintly* Where did she go?!
(Emerald flinches when she heard the voice of the jewelry, she immediately let go of her weapon as she stood still so she won't make any sounds)
Emerald: *glaring at Cinder* What do you want?!
Cinder: I've already told you. *gets a bit closer* And I don't like repeating myself.
Emerald: I didn't do anything, just leave me alone!
(Cinder did not budge on what she just said, instead, she was smirking for this whole time)
Cinder: I know my fair share of liars as thieves. Stealing is an art of patience, coordination, and in a pinch, sleight of hand. But if you didn't steal that ring in your pocket.
(Emerald was shocked when she knew she stole the ring from the jewelry inside her pocket...
Before she could do anything, Cinder kept talking, making the thief listening to her)
Cinder: You took it right before Jeweler's eyes. *crosses her arms* And he smiled.
Emerald: ... *narrows her eyebrows* Who are you?
(The camera shows Cinder's smirking expression, she didn't give the thief an answer, but instead, the screen slowly fades into pitch black, leaving the question unanswered...)
[Scene Change]
(The black screen was emitting Cinder and Emerald's voices, however, their voices were faintly heard...
After a few seconds, the screen turns back on, this time it shows a beaten up Mercury, panting heavily as if he just finished a fight against someone...
The camera shows both of his thighs were bandaged up with some blood on it...
Mercury was glaring at Cinder and Emerald, he then begins to speak first)
Mercury: What are you looking at?!
(Emerald stood in fighting position while Cinder was standing tall, staring at Mercury)
Cinder: I'm looking for Marcus Black.
Mercury: *spits on the ground, motions at the dead body besides him* There you go.
(The duo look down at the body, Emerald's eyes went wide as Cinder was just staring it with a smirk on her face)
Emerald: That's the assassin?
Cinder: *looks back up at Mercury* And you're his son.
(Mercury wipes his nose, still recovering from his fight against his father before he killed him)
Cinder: We saw your fight from the treeline. He taught you well.
Mercury: ...Guess so.
Cinder: *softens her smirk* What's your name?
Mercury: ... *narrows his eyebrows* Mercury.
Cinder: Mercury. *her smirk comes back up* Tell me. Are you anything like your father?
(No answer was coming from Mercury, another question was left unanswered as the screen slowly fades into pitch black once again...)
[Scene Change]
(The black screen was emitting faint voices, this time Mercury's voice was also be heard from the screen...
His last words before the screen turns back on was:
"If you need to know a city, ask the rats")
Adam: So. Let me get this straight.
(The screen turns back on again, the camera now shows Cinder standing while Emerald and Mercury were kneeling behind her...
Infront of them, the screen shows the Second in command of the White Fang, Adam Taurus, spacing back and forth as he was trying to understand Cinder's plan.)
Adam: You could've gone to anyone for help. You could have made a deal with a gang leader, paid off some Huntsman that had strayed from their...righteous path.
(Adam stopped walking and glares at Cinder, who was standing still infront of him with no sign of fear)
Adam: But instead...You chose to seek an audience with me.
Cinder: You're the one we need. Your skills. Your ability to lead those beneath you. *smirks at him* You're an exceptionally valuable man, Adam. And we've put a lot of thoughts into--
Adam: *cuts her off* Then you're clearly not thinking straight! If you truly understood me, then you'd know coming here was a mistake.
(Emerald and Mercury look at each other before they look back at their leader and the faunus)
Adam: The White Fang is not an organization for hire. *holds his fist up* We're a force of revolution!
Emerald/Mercury: ...
Cinder: I believe our plan will be beneficial for all parties involved.
(Adam stares at Cinder for a few seconds before going back spacing back and forth)
Cinder: I have...an associate in Vale. He and i are working on a revolution of our own, but we can't do it without your forces. We need--
Adam: *cuts her off* What you need is to leave.
(Without any more words, Adam readies up his "Wilt and Blush" to show the trio he was ready to kill them all if they don't oblige his request)
Adam: You're asking my men to die for your cause. A human cause. *puts his hand on Wilt's handle* That is not an idea i am willing to entertain.
(Cinder frowns for not managing to get Adam on her side, but she knew if she kept insisting, she'll end up getting killed by him with the duo with her)
Cinder: ...Very well. *bows*
(The camera shows the trio walking away from the camp...
Adam watches them leave as he was thinking about the deal Cinder proposed...
Before he could think of an answer, Blake calls him out)
Blake: What was that all about?
Adam: ...Nothing. We need to finish preparing. *begins to walk away* The train will be at dawn.
(Blake follows him to get ready for attacking the train with him, and once again, as soon as the cat faunus follows Adam, the screen fades into pitch black...)
[Scene Change]
(The black screen emitted the trio's voices, their voices are more clearer than before...
Cinder, Emerald and Mercury went for a plan to extract Amber's power from her, so they agreed to follow her plan...
The screen turns back on as it shows the sky being grey as well as the clouds...
Later on, a white horse was seen at the distance, once the camera zooms closer, the screen shows a dark-skinned woman with her hood on, which is presumedly called Amber, was riding the white horse...
Before she continue walking down the path, the hooded woman saw a crying child with her bicycle flipped on its side...
The woman hooped down of her horse and grabbed something from the bag before heading towards the crying child...
The child heard footsteps getting closer, she looks up with tears on her cheeks and sees Amber kneeling down infront of her...
The Fall Maiden noticed her feeling uneasy, so she decided to pull out an apple that was inside the bag from her horse...
Unknowingly for her, Emerald was seen a couple feet away from her as she was holding her arm up, meaning she just made the fall maiden fall into her illusion...
As soon as she was getting ready to attack, Amber notices a small dust emitting from the ground, she then gets alerted for being spotted...
And so, the fight between her and the trio begins...)
A/N: Stop the vid when Qrow and Amber were above Cinder's emblem.
(Once the huntsman thought it was over for him and Amber, he suddenly noticed he was already out of the range...
Qrow immediately looks up and and sees the smoke from the explosion, hoping his student didn't get caught)
Qrow: Kid!
(Cinder was smirking as if she thought she managed to kill one of his helpers while Emerald and Mercury were getting in their fighting stance...
The smoke was slowly fading away, the trio's eyes widen up when the notice a black figure standing still with no damage)
(The black figured person was Y/N L/N, The Unknown Shadow of Remnant before he was entitled as "The Forgotten Knight")
Qrow: *sighs in relief* Glad you're still standing, cover me while i take her away from here!
(Y/N faintly nods his head, letting him know he heard his command...
Once Qrow made his run with Amber on his arms, The Unknown Shadow holds his arm up as he copied Cinder's semblance to summon a sword on his hand)
Cinder: Who are you?
Y/N: ...
Emerald: Hey! Answer the question!
Mercury: It's no use. That guy is here for fight, not for talk.
(Y/N points his sword towards Cinder, who was smirking at him as she tries to attack him with her new power...
Before she could do that, Y/N disappears out of their sights, making the trio surprised by his sudden disappearance)
Emerald: What the- Where did he go?!
Mercury: Did he just teleported away from us?!
Cinder: ...Let's leave him for now. *her eye stops glowing* We already did our part, let's make another plan on how we can get the rest of her power.
(The duo didn't argue since they both were exhausted from the fight, so they all begin to walk away...
Unknowingly for them, Y/N copied Emerald's semblance to make them believe Qrow, Amber and himself went away...
Once the coast was clear, Y/N deactivates his semblance and turns his sword into dusts)
Qrow: That was a close call... *looks at Y/N* You broken, kid?
(Y/N shakes his head as "no", his answer makes his mentor sigh in relief, The unknown shadow takes a look at Amber, his eyes were lifeless but his body language could tell anyone he was shocked)
Qrow: She ain't dead...Just unconscious from getting part of her power extracted by force.
(Y/N grabs a stick and makes a draw of the symbol of Cinder's emblem alongside with a parasite grimm)
Qrow: So, you're trying to say that woman used a parasite Grimm to absorb Amber's power through that?
(Y/N nods his head of confirmation for what he said...
Qrow sighs deeply and stands up with Amber on his arms)
Qrow: I know you said you'll be on your own after you helped me doing this task...How about this, next time we meet again, i own you a drink. That's fair, right?
(Y/N took a minute to think about his deal, he then nods and turns around as his back was facing towards the huntsman)
Qrow: ...Y/N. *Y/N looks at him over his own shoulder* I've taught you everything you needed to know. Make sure to use your training for the greater good. Become what you know you think you are.
(Y/N was touched by his last advice before he bid farewell, he nods his head slightly and then disappears out his sight...
Qrow looks back down at Amber, who was unconscious with the mark on her face since she got half of her power stolen...
[Scene Change]
[Y/N's P.O.V.]
(It's been a while since Qrow and i parted ways after saving that woman...that scar sure was nasty...
Right now, i was in the middle of the woods, i was enjoying my walk with the breeze of the wind hitting against me...
Out of the sudden, i smelled smoke through my mask...it wasn't an explosion made out of gunpowder, it was...burnt grass and...blood.
I look up and notice the black smoke, it was close to my position, so i decided to make a run and use my semblance to copy the ability to turn myself invisible...
After reaching the place, i noticed it was a camp...The White Fang was there, and they were getting attacked by the same trio who ambushed the woman!)
Adam: *yells* What is this?!?!
(Luckily i have my semblance, Doppelganger, or i've been spotted and killed otherwise...
I took a closer look and saw Adam with his man carrying a chainsaw-sword weapon? Is that even possible to make?
That thought was interrupted when i heard the black haired woman's voice)
Cinder: We could've gone to anyone for help, but we chose you, Adam Taurus.
(There's no way she could've known his name, unless someone gave her the intel...
I then saw her dropping her swords, probably trying to show off "her new power")
Cinder: Our plan will be beneficial for both of us...
(I saw her drawing a line of fire infront of the duo faunus, making them take a step backward from her attack)
Cinder: ...Or one of us.
(That woman is no joke...She's forcing them to work with her, i even notice the duo opening two black briefcase
Judging how heavy one of them sounded like when they got opened up, i take one briefcase has dusts with some mags for a weapon while the other one is filled with Lien...)
Cinder: So...Which will it be?
(If my memory serves me right, back at Atlas, the dead huntsman was killed by Cinder...So, that means that woman is Cinder...
Manipulate everyone and anyone to get what you want...Huh, the biggest fucking lie of the century, that's what it is...
Be careful what you wish for, Cinder... Because once you get what you want...
Karma will be the one who comes back to haunt you.)
[Present Day]
[Amity Colosseum]
[3rd P.O.V.]
(The screen immediately switches place where Emerald and Mercury were seen being taken away by Ironwood's men...
Neo was mockingly waving at them as those Atlesian soldiers get the duo inside the dropship for heading towards Ironwood's Airship...
After making sure they were fully under custody, Neo skips away to reunite with Y/N and the crew, which they were all congratulating Yang for her victory)
Yang: *giggles* I know, right!? I'm so hyped to find out who my opponent wil be!
Jaune: I think Phyrra can be your opponent, she was known for being The Undefeated Spartan
Ren: You're not wrong, but on the other hand, there's this girl named Penny, who is really strong from what we've seen on her matches.
Nora: Hah! No way! I believe Strikey will be her opponent! A rematch for the bet!
Blake: If i have to be honest...I kinda wanna see Yang and Y/N fighting again.
Weiss: But their score has already been settled after the bet they've made, i also vote for Phyrra being the next possible opponent.
Malachite Twins: You're saying that because you want to see Yang lose.
Weiss: *surprised* Wha- That's not true!
Yang: Sheesh, thanks ice queen
Weiss: *blushes out of embarrassment* H-Hush, you dolt!
(Everyone were laughing at Weiss's reaction when the twins gaslighted her for cheering against her teammate...
Once they were all smiling at each other, Ruby was the first one to notice Y/N and Phyrra acting differently...
Phyrra was looking away from Y/N with a sorrow guilty expression...
Y/N, on the other hand, was just staring at Weiss as he was wondering her attitude whenever she sees Ruby and Y/N being lovey-dovey to each other)
Ruby: N/N?
Y/N: *snaps out of his thoughts* ...Yeah, Rubes?
Ruby: Are you ok? You were quiet for a while.
Jaune: Actually, Phyrra was also quiet, is there something wrong?
(The spartan girl looks at everyone as she was giving a non-believable smile on her face)
Phyrra: I-I'm sorry, i was just lost on my thoughts...
Yang: About what?
Y/N: ...Bet it was something about someone being pathetic...
(Phyrra slightly flinches when he mention the word "pathetic"...
Everyone were concerned about their attitude, especially on Y/N since he was aggressive on Phyrra)
Yang: Yo Strikes, too much?
Y/N: What?
Jaune: Yeah! Phyrra would never think anyone or even any of us being pathetic!
Y/N: *scoffs* ...Suuuure...
Phyrra: ...Y-Y/N, i-i already-
Y/N: Do NOT even think to say sorry. Because what you said back at Ozpin's office, it was like you said. I was 'Destined' to be pathetic when it comes with my title.
Phyrra: *tears up, looks at Y/N* I-I didn't mean t-to insult you!
Y/N: *glares at Phyrra* Then maybe you should've kept your mouth shut!
(Phyrra flinches as she looks back down when Y/N raises his voice on her...
Their friends were utterly shocked about what they just saw...
Before Phyrra could say sorry again, Y/N immediately walks past her as he pushes his shoulder against hers, making her moving out of the way as he leaves everyone...
Phyrra started sobbing quietly since it was her first time fighting against one of her good friends, Jaune quickly hugs her as she lays her head on his shoulder)
Yang: ...Wow...i've never seen you two like this before...
Weiss: I-I agree...t-the two of you were supposed to be close. What happened?
Phyrra: *sobbing* I-i was s-stressed out about s-something...a-and i accidentally c-called him out f-for being p-pathetic...
Nora: *gasps* How could you?!
Ren: Nora! *looks at Phyrra* I'm sure you didn't actually mean that...
Ruby: 'N/N...' as she thoughts...
(Yang notices her sister with a saddened expression as she kept looking where Y/N left...
Before she could talk, Weiss walks past everyone as she was heading where Y/N left them)
Jaune: Uhm, Weiss? Where are yo-
Weiss: *sternly* I have to talk with The Forgotten Knight.
(Jaune immediately shuts his mouth since he could already tell Weiss was angry at Y/N...
Neo and the Malachite Twins nod at each other as Neo quickly follows Weiss while the twins are lightening up the mood)
Melanie: I'm sure Y/N is also stressed out since he is The Forgotten Knight of Vale.
Miltia: So, how about we go get something to eat? It's on us as an apology for Y/N's attitude.
Ruby: Y-You girls don't have t-to do that!
Malachite Twins: We insist! Besides, we're all friends, right?
(The group could tell the twins got the humbleness from their team leader, they then smile at the twins while Nora was cheering)
Nora: Yay! Free pancakes!!!
Ruby: Can you also get some cookies for me?!
Malachite Twins: *giggles* Sure! We can get some sweets alongside with pancakes and cookies!
(Ruby and Nora were squealing out of excitement while the rest agreed to have some sweets since they've never had it for a while...
Once the group walk to the food stalls, the camera switches places where Y/N is right now...
The Forgotten Knight was seen in a locker room as he was sharpening his three swords...
After sharpening those swords, he turns his Courtesy Call into its guitar form, as he was looking at the design, he notices Weiss through the reflection of his guitar...
What makes him worried, was Weiss's anger expression with her arms crossed)
Y/N: ... Weiss-
Weiss: What. Was that?
Y/N: *turns around* What was what?
Weiss: What was that back there?! Why were you hostile on Phyrra?!
(The knight went quiet as his eyebrows were narrowing...
He places his Courtesy Call down and stares at Weiss)
Y/N: It's none of your business.
Weiss: Yes, it is! *unfolds her arms* You and Phyrra are my friends, and so are the others! So, tell me! What in the world happened!?
(Y/N's eyes widen up when he heard Weiss using the same tone of her voice when she asked Blake what was wrong before the investigation...
Knowing there was no way to get out the conversation, the forgotten knight sighed deeply and sits down on a bench as he looks down on the ground)
Y/N: ...Professor Ozpin called both of us at his office, we were getting praised and all...but my mentor decided to spark a rivalry between me and Phyrra...
Weiss: *crosses her arms* What exactly did he do?
Y/N: ...How our titles are meaningless and so on.
Weiss: What?! Does that crazy old man know who he's talking to?!
Y/N: Weiss. *looks up at her* Qrow is someone you should not mess up with. He taught me how to survive from the society where humans are no better than faunus, you should know that...
Weiss: ...I guess i do know that, but still! It wasn't right to yell at Phyrra like that!
Y/N: Then what exactly do you want me to do?! She doesn't know things that i've been through for the last 3 years!
Weiss: Then you should stop forcing yourself to get hurt more than you already are!
(Y/N was shocked to see her tearing up, what shocks him the most, was when she started talking through her sobs)
Weiss: *sobbing* Y-You may went t-through stuffs we d-don't even know...B-But you don't even k-know there are m-more people like me who l-look up to you l-like a hero!
Y/N: W-Weiss-
(He got cut off when Weiss started punching him on his chestplate...
However, he didn't take any damages, he was looking down at Weiss with his eyes showing a sad expression)
Weiss: Shut up! *punch* I don't care what you're saying! *punch* Go apologize to Phyrra! *punch* You dolt!
(Her strength slowly fades away as her punches gets weaker and weaker as she was calling Y/N out while she say something he never thought he could heard from her)
Weiss: *tearing up* ...I-I'm mad at you...n-not only b-because for making Phyrra cry...I-I'm mad at you b-because i wasn't fast enough t-to confess you...
Y/N: *shocked* ...what...
(The Forgotten Knight couldn't believe what he just heard, not only Ruby loves him, but Weiss also love him and yet, she didn't get her chance until now...
Y/N was still shocked from her sudden confession after throwing a tantrum about me making Phyrra cry...
He doesn't know how to answer that, but after a few seconds, he managed to talk again)
Y/N: ...W-Weiss...H-How long d-did you hold that confession?
Weiss: *looks down* ...A-At the night, during the prom...I-I thought my feelings were towards Neptune, but whenever we get some rare chances to talk...t-that's where my feelings belong to...
Y/N: ...Weiss-
Weiss: I-I know you and Ruby are dating...b-but i can't just h-hold it for myself and feel my heart getting s-stabbed whenever i see you t-two--
Y/N: *cuts her off* Weiss. Enough, i've heard you loud and clear.
(Weiss looks at him hoping he could confess back, even if he was dating Ruby...
Y/N took his mask off and places it next to him before he looks back up at her)
Y/N: ...I should've known you would also have a crush on me...B-But i can't also accept your feelings since Ruby and i are together...
(Weiss looks down at the ground, knowing there was no way back to take back what she said...
However, The Forgotten Knight had an idea that he may going to regret if things get heated, but nonetheless he gave it a shot)
Y/N: ...It may sound crazy coming from me... *takes a deep breath, sighs* ...How about you and Ruby talk about it and find a way to deal with this?
Weiss: *looks back up at him* Talk with Ruby about this?
Y/N: *rubs his head* ...What i'm saying is you and Ruby can talk about having a...three-way relationship...like a polygamy relationship...
(The heiress was shocked to hear him suggesting to share him with Ruby...
And the most shocking news, he wasn't even that confident about the suggestions...
The girls knew there are some guys who keep dreaming about dating multiple girls, but she wouldn't expected that kind of suggestions from Y/N)
Y/N: *sighs* ...I know...It's a dumb idea...I knew i shouldn't even suggested it...
(He begins to wrap his Courtesy Call over his back before putting his mask back on...
Before he could leave the locker room, Weiss stops him as she grabs his arm, The Forgotten Knight didn't flinch to turn around, instead he stood still while his arm was held by Weiss)
Weiss: ...
Y/N: ...Weiss?
Weiss: *blushes* ...I-I will talk with R-Ruby about it...
(Y/N's eyes went wide open when he heard her saying she will talk with his girlfriend...
Knowing his idea will come back and bite him, he put that thoughts away from his mind and nods his head at her)
Y/N: ...A-Alright...L-Let me know once you a-and Ruby come with a-an agreement
Weiss: ... *smiles* I will, now go apologize to Phyrra.
(Y/N was hesitant but nods anyway, she then lets go of his arm so he could walk out of the locker room to go back to the group with Weiss following him...
The camera follows the duo as they were approaching towards their friends, once they noticed Y/N and Weiss, Ruby was the first one to greet them as she immediately hugs Y/N like a Koala hugging a tree)
Ruby: N/N, are you alright now?
Y/N: ...Yeah...Weiss managed to talk through my anger...Sorry...
Yang: Huh... *crosses her arms* ...Does the Ice Queen have a warm heart for the knight?~
Weiss: *rolls her eyes* Oh hush, you dolt.
(Y/N looks over at Phyrra, who was looking back at him with guilty...
The knight sighs and walks over to her, making her surprised by holding his hand out)
Phyrra: Y-Y/N?
Y/N: ...Think of it as a way of redemption for our argument...
Phyrra: ... *smiles apologetically* ...Of course.
(She holds his hand and gently shakes it as she smiles at him...
The knight was also smiling under his mask as their friends are happy they managed to make up to each other)
Ruby: Yay! Team RWBY, JNPR and (Y)MMN are back together!
Y/N: I do remember we still have to celebrate for Yang's victory.
Phyrra: *giggles* The Twins already volunteered to offer us some sweets, such as cookies and pancakes
Y/N: *looks at the twins* And i presume i should pay for that, right?
Malachite Twins: That's for making Phyrra cry.
Y/N: Aye aye...Let's go then, it's on me since i ruined the mood earlier
(With everything settled up, the group heads out of the arena for going to eat some sweets as promised...
Unknowingly for them, Y/N's parents were watching them from the distance alongside with a crow on F/N's shoulder...
The married couple were happy to see their son being open to his friends and lover while Qrow was nodding his head of approval about Y/N dating Ruby...
And before the announcement was made for the final rounds, the screen slowl fades into pitch black one last time as the silence was filled in the darkness)
Weiss is getting close to get in the harem! But, you horny readers need to wait until the harem is official!
As i mentioned before, this chapter holds 2nd fragment of Y/N's past "life" as The Unknown Shadow of Remnant.
With that aside, i let you having your own theory on how he got that title!
And as always, i hope you enjoyed this story and i'll see you readers in the next chapter!
Bye and have a good day/night!!!
P.S.: Who do you think which one of the girls will find her feelings for Y/N???
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