(Vol. 3) Chapter 25: From Spartan to Guardian
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(I must admit...the adrenaline to see what you have in store for the "Battle of Beacon" chapters...)
A/N: Trust me, i'm also thrilled to make those chapters!
But for now, i have to focus on this one before i fuck up the whole steps
(Do not worry, the readers and i can completely understand for you to take your time for making chapters...
But i must confess this to you...So far, you have managed to make this story known as the slowest harem development comparing with the most of this story at fast pace)
A/N: I don't like rushing things around, hell, this series has 9 volumes! Do you know how much time i have to make Y/N's harem?! All those volumes!
(I understand what you're trying to say, and i couldn't agreed more...
As for now...
The Forgotten Knight is going to help a Spartan Girl to become a Guardian...)
-Ozpin's Office-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the screen turns on, the camera shows Ozpin sitting on his desk with Phyrra, who was sitting infront of him...
Surprisingly for her, Y/N was also there with his arms crossed, little thing she knows, Y/N copied Blake and Sun's semblance to make himself "visualized" from her eyes...
Qrow was also there, but he was leaning against the pillar behind her with his arms crossed like Y/N but with more laid-back than the knight)
Ozpin: Well, it comes as no surprise that they've chosen you to move onto the final round of the tournament.
("Y/N" nods at his statement, meaning what he said was true)
Ozpin: Your performance has been exemplary.
Phyrra: *smiles* Thank you, Professor Ozpin, but i would never have made it this far with my teammates.
Qrow: Personally, i think it's the other way around.
(Phyrra turns around and sees him, she then frowns because she wasn't aware of his presence...
She then stood up, turned around and faced towards Qrow)
Phyrra: I'm sorry, but i don't believe we've been introduced...
"Y/N": That's Qrow Branwen, ex mentor of mine before i reached Vale.
Qrow: Correction, the coolest mentor *smiles smugly*
"Y/N": *rolls his eyes, smiles under his mask* Right
Phyrra: Oh! I didn't know you had a mentor!
"Y/N": We know each other for a while, he taught me how to use a sword, especially The Musketeer.
Phyrra: *smiles* That would explain your extraordinary swordsmanship!
("Y/N" chuckles at her obvious reasons, but he nods his head nonetheless)
Ozpin: As you can see, Qrow is a trusted colleague of mine.
Phyrra: In that case, pardon me for asking me this, but why have you called me here?
Ozpin: *gestures at the chair* Please, take a seat
(Phyrra did what he said, she sat back down and look at him)
Ozpin: What is your favorite fairy tale?
(Phyrra was confused by his question...
"Y/N", on the other hand, was shrugging at her, not knowing why he asked that)
Phyrra: I'm...sorry?
Ozpin: Fairy tales. Stories from your childhood, surely you must remember of them.
Phyrra: *thinks* Hmm... *looks at Ozpin* Well, there's the Tale of the Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in The Tower-
Ozpin: *leans forward, laying his arms on his desk* What about the story of the season?
Phyrra: Oh, of course!
"Y/N": Isn't the same one you told me when you were training me, Qrow?
Qrow: Yup, the story of four sisters visiting an old man
Phyrra: I remember that story too!
(Before she could tell the story, the scenario changes as four respective colored figures were appearing infront of an old house)
Phyrra: A callous old man who refuses to leave his house is visited by four travelling sisters...
(A white figure appears near a tree while the other three figures disappear from the scene)
Phyrra: The first one understands his reclusive nature and urges him to use his time in solitude to reflect and meditate...
(After that, a green figure appeared at the screen with a basket of fruits and flowers)
Phyrra: The second brings him fruits an flowers, tending to his crops and revitalizing his garden...
(Soon after, an orange figure was seen calling out the old man by waving her arm)
Phyrra: The third warms the man's heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace world around him...
(And then, a red pinkish figure was seen near her orange colored sister)
Phyrra: And the fourth and final sister begs him to look at all that he has and be thankful...
(The scenario changes as the man of the story was seen with his arms holding up as if he was showing the four sisters something)
Phyrra: In return for their kindness, the man grants the maidens incredible powers, so that they may continue to help the others all over the world...
(The scenario changes one more time, this time it shows the old man waving at the sisters who were walking away from his house)
Phyrra: They graciously accept, and promise to share their gifts with the people of Remnants until the end of days.
(The scenario ends up as the screen shows back inside Ozpin's office where Phyrra was still talking with Ozpin as Qrow and "Y/N" were listening)
Phyrra: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. The four maidens. *smiles* My mother loves that story.
Ozpin: Would you believe me if i told you that one's been around since i was a boy?
Phyrra: *skeptical* You're not that old, Professor
"Y/N": Never judge a book by its cover, Phyrra. Qrow may look a cool huntsman, but after knowing him, he's a drunken lad who like to tell stories
Qrow: *chuckles slightly* True...but also remember my niece liked the one i've been on the mission recently
"Y/N": ...I pray to Oum, if you told her a story about a waitress--
Qrow: That's the one, sorry kid
"Y/N": *sighs* ...Of course.
Phyrra: *gasps* That is unacceptable!
Ozpin: *chuckles amusingly* I'm sure my colleague did not mean to do such act whenever he was drinking or not
Qrow: He's right, she was flirting with me.
"Y/N": If there's a day that i would believe that, it'll be the day where my hair turns white alongside with my eyes
(His statement makes Qrow and Phyrra chuckle and giggle while Ozpin was just smiling at them)
Ozpin: I'm glad we all share a moment where we smile and laugh... *looks at Phyrra* Back to the main topic, would you believe me I told you it was true?
Phyrra: *smiles skeptically* I beg you pardon?
Ozpin: What if i were to tell you that there were four maidens existing in this world that could wield such tremendous power, without Dust?
Phyrra: Is it perhaps powers like Y/N's semblance?
"Y/N": In a way. Think of it as a person can use any kind of powers, but that person can mastered it without relying on Dusts.
Phyrra: If that is the case, i would say that i wouldn't believe such things, except for Y/N.
Ozpin: But instead of semblance, that person can do such things with magic, like actual magic.
Phyrra: *surprised* Oh my--
Qrow: Yeah, first time hearing it's pretty crazy.
"Y/N": Ozpin literally has someone who can copy anybody's semblance as if i was using magic.
Phyrra: *still surprised, looks at Ozpin* You're serious?
Ozpin: *staring at Phyrra* ...Do i look like i'm joking?
(Phyrra was in disbelief on what she was just being told, she didn't expect her headmaster to confess about magic being real)
Phyrra: Why-why are you telling me this?
(Ozpin looks at Qrow, who gave him a serious nod to tell her why she's here...
He then looks at "Y/N" to confirm her answer, the knight faintly nods, letting him know to tell her the truth...
Ozpin closes his eyes for a second, then reopens them to stare directly at Phyrra)
Ozpin: We're telling you, Phyrra Nikos, because we believe that you are next in line to receive the Fall Maiden's Powers.
(Phyrra became shocked to hear such news, but she took a minute to realize what Ozpin said)
Phyrra: 'We'?
(Right on the cue, the elevator's doors begin to open as it reveals Glynda and Ironwood...
Phyrra turns around and sees them as Ironwood was fixing his tie while Glynda gently pushes her glasses up)
Ironwood: Sorry, we're late.
"Y/N": Don't worry, we just told her the news.
Glynda: Are you also aware of this action?
"Y/N": If it means to protect everyone i care, then i'll do anything to protect them.
Phyrra: Wait...What is this? *looks at Ozpin* Who are you?
Glynda: You know who we are...
(She then begins to walk towards Ozpin with Ironwood as Qrow soon joins with them)
Glynda: We're still the same teachers and headmasters you met when you arrived at Beacon.
Qrow: 'Cept we've got a little part-time job.
"Y/N": As The Forgotten Knight of Vale, it is my duty to protect the innocence from any evil deeds around this world. Even for me it was hard to keep up.
Ironwood: We are the protectors of this world.
Ozpin: And we need your help.
(Phyrra looks at Y/N as if she was asking him what was going on...
Y/N walks over, kneels down infront of her and supportively lays his hand on her thigh)
"Y/N": I know it's a lot to take in...But what they said is all true...even i was shocked when they told me this...
Phyrra: ...W-Why did you accept their help?
"Y/N": ...I've lost everything i had ever since i was 6...Years passed by and Oum gave me a miracle to regain what i've lost...a person who taught me important stuffs...friends that i swore to protect them...and a lover i swore with my whole life...
(Phyrra's eyes widened up when he really meant about him owning her and the others one...
The adults were smiling at him, knowing they've managed to save him from "The Queen")
"Y/N": ...Feel free to decline...We are not forcing you...Let Destiny decide your fate.
(The spartan girl was shocked to hear the forgotten knight relies on Destiny instead of her instincts...
She took a whole minute to think what she would do, after having the answer set up, she looks up back at Ozpin with a serious face)
Phyrra: I will help you.
Ozpin: *smiles gratefully* Thank you, Miss Nikos. Shall we?
(Both students nod their head and begin to stand up so they all can get in the elevator...)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(The camera now shows the adults, Phyrra and Y/N going down inside the elevator...
The spartan girl was holding her arm out of nervousness while the knight was standing still)
Phyrra: ...Where are we going?
Ozpin: *looks at Phyrra* The vault, under the school.
(It took a while to reach down to the vault, once it reaches the floor, the doors automatically open up as Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood and Qrow were the first ones to walk out...
Phyrra was shocked to see the vault as Y/N's dull eyes were wide open since he didn't expect this was the place where Ozpin was holding the Fall Maiden...
They then begins to follow the adults as the elevator's doors closes automatically...
Y/N was walking beside Phyrra, who was still nervous about this, he then notices Glynda was waiting for them)
Glynda: I'm sure you must have questions.
Phyrra: Maybe one or two...
"Y/N": Don't hesitate to ask, i'm here if you ever need anything.
(Phyrra nods her head as she feels a little better since he was with him...
The three of them begins to walk again as they were following Ozpin, Ironwood and Qrow)
Phyrra: I still don't understand...you said when i was next in line to receive the Maiden's power. What do you mean by that?
Glynda: The Maidens have existed for thousands of years. But, much like the nature, the seasons change. No two summers are alike.
"Y/N": By that, you mean Maidens choose which girl gets their rights to obtain such power?
Glynda: Precisely. When a Maiden dies, her power leaves her body and seeks out a new host, ensuring that the seasons are never lost and that no individual can hold onto the power forever...
"Y/N": I see...
Phyrra: S-so, how does the power choose?
Qrow: *looks behind him* Through a series of stupid and convoluted rules.
Glynda: Qrow!
Qrow: Hey! Don't get mad cause i'm right!
"Y/N": "Biggest fucking lie of the centuries, that's what it is..." as he thought...
Glynda: *sighs* ...At first, the only thing that was certain was that the powers were specifically passed onto young women.
"Y/N": But...
Glynda: But as time went on, it was discovered that the selection progress was much more...intimate.
Phyrra/"Y/N": "Intimate?"
Qrow: Not that kind of intimacy, kids
(Phyrra's face went beet red when she was thinking that way...
Y/N's face wasn't seen since he was wearing his iconic mask)
"Y/N": ...Can you not?
Qrow: *chuckles* Always like teasing kids like you
"Y/N": *sighs* ...You were saying, Professor Goodwitch?
Glynda: As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies, the one who was in her final thoughts is the firs candidate to inherit her power.
Qrow: Unless it's a dude or some old hag.
"Y/N": Does it have to be a woman for wielding such power?
Qrow: We've never heard a Maiden being a dude, if it was possible to do such things, we would've chosen you without second thoughts.
Ironwood: It may sound unbelievable, but Qrow is right...We have never met a male containing a Maiden's power, i wouldn't say that it's impossible.
"Y/N": It's more like that would be harder than before if a Maiden's power is within a dude's hands.
Qrow: Bullseye, you got it right, kid.
Phyrra: W-why tell me all of this now? Why not wait until i've graduated?
Qrow: Honestly, we've run out of time. I don't know if you've noticed, but things are getting a lot scarier out in this world. *looks at Y/N* Care to point that out?
"Y/N": Tension are getting higher, Grimm are growing stronger and more prevalent...If this keeps up, our peaceful days are not going to last longer until chaos and fear fall upon us all...
Phyrra: *a bit scared* You're not talking about war?
Ironwood: Not a was between nations.
Qrow: *looks at Phyrra* We can fill you in on the details once we know you're with us. For now, all you need to know is that one of the Maidens was attacked, and for the first time in history, part of her power was stolen.
"Y/N": ...I can hence a guess who would've stolen that part of the Maiden's power.
Ozpin: ...Do tell us your guess.
"Y/N": ...Cinder Fall.
(The group were shocked to hear his answer who the attacker was...
Phyrra, on the other hand, looks at Y/N in disbelief)
Phyrra: I-If it was her, why didn't you brought her here!?
"Y/N": Cinder is known to be 'the eldest' member of team CMEN...however, one of their companion turn their back on her, and ever since, she was doing everything to try getting the rest of the power...
Phyrra: But we could defeat her if we work together!
"Y/N": We cannot bring chaos out there...Chaos brings Fear, Fear attracts Grimm, and Grimm means Death for those who get involved...
Ozpin: Y/N is right...Fear will bring Grimm. We could do what you suggested, but again...we can't risk to get some innocence lives involved.
Phyrra: I-i see...i-i didn't consider that idea...
"Y/N": ...Once you work outside through the shadow, you will understand what it really means to be a huntsman or huntress...Our number one priority is about people's lives, it's not about Fame, Money or Reputation...
(As soon as he finishes talking, he begins to cough since he talked longer than he expected...
Phyrra quickly grabs his flask out from his hip bag behind him, she hands it over so he could drink it)
"Y/N": *drinks it, sighs out of relief* ...Thanks.
Phyrra: *smiles* You're welcome, and be more careful when you speak...
"Y/N": ...Noted
(After that, the group went quiet as they manage to arrive where the Fall Maiden was kept...
Y/N and Phyrra see the Maiden being kept inside a capsule where a monitor was checking her heartbeat while another capsule was seen, but it was open...)
Phyrra: Is that...
"Y/N": The Fall Maiden?
Ozpin: *sighs* Yes...It is the current Fall Maiden, Amber.
(The knight walks closer to the capsule as he walked past Ozpin...
He notices a huge scar on the left side of her face, making the knight gently put his hand on the window)
"Y/N": ...Thousands of years...and yet she looks like younger than she should be...
Ozpin: *smiles sadly* Indeed...It is a saddening sight...
"Y/N": ...cinder...
Ironwood: I understand your frustration...Now come on, step back.
(Y/N nods his head and walks back to stand beside Phyrra...
The spartan girl supportively puts her hand on his shoulder)
Phyrra: She's...still alive, don't worry Y/N...
Ironwood: For now...We're using state of the art Atlas technology to keep her stable. But there is a lot about this situation which is...unprecedented.
Phyrra: What do you mean?
Ironwood: *sighs* Well...we don't know what will happen if- when she passes...
"Y/N": ...Should i be aware of that?
Qrow: Don't get too serious about it, you still need to do solo rounds with Phyrra.
"Y/N": Got it.
Phyrra: About her power...Won't her power just transfer to the next host?
Qrow: Look who's been listening, the forgotten knight wasn't the only one who listened the whole situation! *whispers at Ozpin* She is smart.
Ironwood: Under normal circumstances, yes
"Y/N": But i take it this situation is rather delicate than approachable as you thought it would be.
Glynda: That is correct...
Ironwood: Also, it's not uncommon for the last thoughts of the slain to be that of their attacker...
"Y/N": *notices him stop talking for a moment* ...Go on.
Ironwood: *looks at Amber* ...And to make matters worse, no one's ever seen the power split like this before. For all we know, it will seek out its other half.
Phyrra: Her assailant...
"Y/N": ...Cinder.
(Ozpin turns around to look at Phyrra while "Y/N" was smirking under his mask as his plan is getting along)
Ozpin: And that would not bode well for any of us.
(Phyrra looks down for a moment before she heads towards Amber...
She then looks up and puts her hand at the window where Y/N's hand was)
"Y/N": Phyrra-
Phyrra: If all of this is true, why keep it secret?!
"Y/N": I already told you. If we spread the word about this, who knows if Cinder or anyone inside or outside Vale will go after that power!
Phyrra: *glares at Y/N* And how would you know?! We do have friends that could help us!
"Y/N": To make the ultimate sacrifice, you have to work in the shadow to keep everyone safe by any means necessary, even if it costs our own life!
(Glynda was about to interfere but Ozpin holds his hand up to stop his assistant...
Ironwood and Qrow were getting ready if things are getting hotter than it should)
Phyrra: Why are you standing by their side?! Don't you want to protect Amber?!
"Y/N": I do! But i can't risk to get another life in danger just because i have to protect another person!
Phyrra: What happened to your title, then?!
"Y/N": There's a limit about siding with someone or working with somebody else!
Phyrra: Then maybe Destiny wanted to show you how pathetic of a protector you are!
(Y/N's eyes widen up out of shock when he heard Phyrra saying that...
The spartan girl quickly realizes what she said and gasps out of shame)
Phyrra: W-wait! I-i'm so s-sorry! I-i didn't m-mean--
"Y/N": ...stop. I've heard enough...
Qrow: ...Kid-
"Y/N": Stay out of this, Qrow!
(The black haired huntsman steps backwards out of surprise since he didn't see him raising his voice like that before...
Y/N glares at Phyrra as he was standing infront of her)
"Y/N": Do you have ANY ideas how long i've been protecting them, destroying White Fang's warehouses and saving faunus from slavery?! DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW MANY SLEEPLESS NIGHT I'VE HAD JUST SO EVERYONE COULD SLEEP PEACEFULLY!?!?!
(He then begins to cough blood since he forced himself to yell at Phyrra...
The said spartan tried to help him, but the knight slaps her hand away as she recoils it back out of pain)
"Y/N": ...And here i thought you knew better than anyone else...But i was wrong...
Phyrra: *tears up* Y-Y/N...I-i'm-
"Y/N": Don't...Sorry won't fix this pain that you just caused...
(Phyrra looks down in shame for insulting her good friend while Y/N turned his back facing everyone as he was cleaning his mask...
Ozpin lowered his hand as Glynda walks over to the knight so she could see if he needed assistance)
Phyrra: ... *looks back up at Ozpin* I-If this girl is so important, if-if we're truly on the brink of war, why not tell everyone?
Glynda: *looks at Phyrra as she gives her handkerchief to Y/N* From what we understand, it used to be a common knowledge.
Phyrra: ...Excuse me?
Qrow: *pulls out his flask* How do you think legends and fairy tales get started? *opens it up* Even the craziest ones come somewhere. *begins to drink it*
Glynda: Our group was founded in order to protect both mankind and the Maidens. Those hungry for power hunted them with the hope of inheriting their strength.
Qrow: *finishes drinking his flask* And, as you can imagine, the ones that succeeded weren't exactly the kind of people you'd want to have unimaginable power.
(The adults, minus Y/N, were staring at Phyrra with serious expressions)
Ironwood: And so this brotherhood chose to remove the Maidens from the public eye, allowing their existence to fade away into legend.
Glynda: The things we're telling you go against hundreds of years of human history, religion.
Ironwood: No one would want to believe us. It'd cause an uproar-
Ozpin: It would cause panic. *looks at Ironwood* And we all know what that would bring clawing to our kingdom's walls. *looks away* Which is why we would like to--
Phyrra: I'll do it.
(Ozpin looks back up at Phyrra out of surprise...
Y/N, on the other head, turn his head sideways so he could look at her over his shoulder)
Phyrra: If you believe this will help humanity. *looks at the adults with a serious expression* Then I will become your Fall Maiden.
(The four adults look at each other while Y/N was still staring at Phyrra knowing she made the right choice...
Little thing she knows, the real Y/N was with the others as the Malachite Twins were constantly keeping an eye on him with Ruby as they both were looking at him)
Phyrra: That's what you wanted, isn't it?
Ozpin: It is...But i'm afraid it's not that simple...Given Amber's condition, you won't be able to inherit her power. *looks at Ironwood* However, General Ironwood and Y/N believe they have a solution.
Ironwood: For the past few years, Atlas has been studying aura from a more scientific standpoint. How it works; What it's made of; How it can be used. We've made significant strides, and we believe we've found a way to capture it.
Qrow: Capture it and cram it into something else.
"Y/N": ...
(Y/N alongside with the other three adults look at Qrow with their eyebrows narrowed at him)
Qrow: ...Or, in your case.
(Phyrra didn't understand what Qrow meant...
After a solid minute, she realizes it and looks at Ironwood and Y/N)
Phyrra: That's-
Ironwood: Classified.
Phyrra: Wrong!
"Y/N": Tell us something we don't know...
Glynda: *glaring at Ironwood* The feeling is mutual. *looks back at Phyrra* But desperate times call for desperate measures.
Ironwood: And these are indeed desperate times.
(He then begins to walk closer to Phyrra while Y/N stands beside Glynda...
The knight hands her handkerchief back over to its owner, making the blonde teacher nod her head as she puts it away)
Ironwood: We can't transfer Amber's power to you-
"Y/N": But we can give you what those powers are bound to.
Phyrra: ...Her Aura...
Ozpin: Her life would become intertwined with yours. The question is...
Qrow: What's that gonna do to you?
(Ozpin took a second to close his eyes, recompose himself and reopen his eyes to look at Phyrra with a softened expression)
Ozpin: You have an important decision before you, Miss Nikos. There's no guarantee this transfer will work, and there's no telling if you will be the same person if it does. I advise you to take time to think on this matter...
(Phyrra looks behind her to look at Amber before she looks back at Ozpin)
Ozpin: But understand that before the Vytal Festival is over, we will need your answer.
(Phyrra nods her head as she understood everything they've told to her...
She then turns around and puts her hand on the window of the capsule)
Ozpin: The assailant that attacked the Fall Maiden has made their first move, and there's no telling when their next move will be.
(Phyrra closes her eyes, puts her hand down, then turns around and then walks back past them to head towards the elevator...
Once she was out of everyone's sight, "Y/N" sighs as he stretches his arms up)
"Y/N": All clear?
Qrow: Yup, you can change your appearance...Neo Politan
("Y/N" steps on the ground as it reveals Neo was turning back to normal after being disguised as Y/N...
The real Y/N was at the Arena with a mini microphone on his ear)
Y/N: You do know you could've just told her that i know their next moves, right?
Ozpin: I do apologize for not telling her in advance...What exactly were they planning?
Y/N: The fight between Yang and Mercury will be rigged alongside with my fight against Phyrra. Emerald's semblance can cause illusion, meaning she could make a fake ambush on Yang.
Qrow: Congratulations, Kid. That's one of the longest phrases you've ever told.
Y/N: *sighs* ...Shut it, Qrow...Ironwood. I can do the transferring for Phyrra.
Ironwood: In that case, i will leave that to you.
Y/N: Got it...However...
Ozpin: Is there something you would like to tell us?
Y/N: ...If one of my parents are about to die...Try to save them for me...I may hate them to the guts, but that doesn't mean they deserve to die...
(The adults and Neo were shocked to hear his condition about saving his parents...
Ozpin smiles reassuringly at Neo as if he was smiling at Y/N)
Ozpin: You have my word, i will make sure they would not get themselves killed. Do enjoy the fight of your friend, and if what you said about Emerald's semblance was true--
Y/N: General Ironwood will answer my call. Make sure to get ready, i want them arrested, not killed.
Ironwood: Understood. Is the broadcast still on?
Y/N: Neo's scroll is online, i placed my on a free seat next to Cinder so you have a full sight on Emerald and Mercury.
Glynda: We will be watching your video call.
Qrow: Good luck when it's your turn to fight.
Y/N: I need no luck for this...After all...
-Scene Change-
-Amity Colosseum-
-3rd P.O.V.-
Y/N: Skill always beats luck...
(The camera shows the real Y/N ending the call with the group, that also gives Neo the signal to get out of there quickly...
Malachite Twins and Ruby notice his eyes was open as he was staring at the fighters)
Ruby: N/N! You're awake!
Malachite Twins: We thought you collapsed!
Y/N: Sorry...For the first time in my life, i haven't slept well last night.
Weiss: Did something happen?
Y/N: Well...I was kinda curious who my opponent will be on the solo rounds
Jaune: Don't worry about it, i'm sure you'll give them a hell of a fight!
Nora: Totally! Especially with your ultimate combo attacks!!!
Y/N: *chuckles dryly* ...Thanks Nora
(Once they heard the bell, Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck's voices were heard from the megaphone)
Port: *Voice Only* Welcome to the semi-final of the Vytal Tournament! Today we have Solo Rounds!
Oobleck: To kick off the day, today's match will be Yang Xiao Long from Beacon versus Mercury Black from Haven!
Port: And for Solo Rounds, there will be no biomes! The arena IS the battlefield!
Oobleck: That's very correct, Professor Port, now may the best fighter wins!
Port: 3! 2! 1! FIGHT!
A/N: Stop the vid after Mercury said "There won't be next time"
(From Yang's perspective, she was about to get kicked by "Mercury"...
However, from the public eye, Emerald was seen with her arm holding towards Mercury's back as she was just using her semblance...
When Yang fell into their trap, she turns around to see Mercury getting shattered in pieces, the same way when Neo used her semblance to either disappear or shatter herself into pieces...
Yang thought she was seen things after getting tired from the fight, she then shrugged and continues to walk till she gets out of the arena...
Y/N, on the other hand, smirked under his mask and presses his ear to signal Ironwood to arrest Mercury and Emerald for attempting to sabotage the score)
Y/N: ...heh...
Ruby: What's up N/N?
Y/N: Nothing, just thought Yang was disqualified for a second
Jaune: Tell me about it, i really thought she lost back there!
Ruby: My sister's semblance is so cool! She absorbs all the hits to make herself stronger!
Y/N: Really convenient when it comes on the fight, let's celebrate for her victory
Ruby: Let's go!
(She then grabs Y/N's hand and uses her semblance to dash out of the arena as she leaves rose petals on the ground...
Blake, Weiss, Jaune, Ren and Nora were laughing at her childish enthusiasm and then follow the trail of rose petals...
Back at the arena, Emerald and Mercury were astonished to see Yang didn't fall for their trap)
Emerald: H-How did that happen?!?!
Mercury: Weren't you supposed to trick her with your semblance?!
Emerald: Y-Yeah! I-It should've gone t-that way--
Atlesian Soldier: Stay where you are!!!
(Multiple Atlesian soldiers were seen walking towards the "students"...
Ironwood was also seen walking towards Mercury while he shows his scroll to make the whole audience see the footage where Emerald held her arm up as she was using her semblance)
Ironwood: Mercury Black, Emerald Sustrai, you two are under arrest for getting involved for attempted hijack into CCTV system and for cheating the score after Yang Xiao Long won fair and square!
(Before they could protest, the whole arena were booing at the duo as they were taken away from the arena...
Cinder, however, was nowhere to be found within Amity Colosseum because she left when she noticed the guards...
Once the whole booing was over, the screen slowly fades into pitch black as cheering from the audience can be heard in the darkness)
As an evil author, enjoy this cliffhanger before the fight between Phyrra and Y/N
Penny will not be appeared on the fight because the plot twist needs to be perfect!
Hope you guys are getting hyped of what would happen next!
Thanks for reading this story, hope you're enjoying it and i will see you readers in the next one!
Bye and have a good day/night to everyone!!!
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