(Vol. 3) Chapter 24: The Final Countdown
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Why hello there, dear author, how was your break since you posted 3 chapters earlier?)
A/N: All good, now my mind is all clear and ready to write my stories!
(That's good to hear...And it seems we're getting closer to end Vol. 3 of The Forgotten Knight)
A/N: Yup! And i have a major plot twist for the Battle of Beacon! But now, i have to focus on this chapter
(Really interesting...I shall looking forward for the Battle of Beacon chapter.
Should i be aware of what would happen on this one?)
A/N: Nah, as for Team SLVR, i just thought of them for the tournament, not joining them in the story since i don't know where the hell i can put them
(I see...Very well then, i entrust you for this decision, my dear author...
After all...
It's the final peaceful days before the chaos gets brought upon them all...)
-Amity Colosseum-
-Doubles Rounds-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the screen turns on, the camera shows the current fight between Russell and Sky against Penny and Ciel...
Y/N was surprised at first when he saw both girls fighting for the tournament, but then he immediately thought Ironwood letting her competing as long as she has someone to keep her eyes on...
Neo, as usual, was recording the fight, even if it was a short one due to lack of teamwork and confidence from Team CRDL, Y/N thought of recording out of embarrassment for them, which Neo agreed without hesitation)
Penny: *bows, stands straight back up* Thank you for your wonderful time
Malachite Twins: How pathetic...
Y/N: *sighs* That's team CRDL for you girls...
Yang: How did Ozpin let them in anyway? For all this year, they were nothing but troublemakers, and that comes out of my own mouth!
Weiss: For once, i agree with her, how come they got in the most prestigious academy in Vale?
Y/N: Beats me...Everyone alongside them are here mainly because of money, fame and reputation...
Ruby: What about you? What's your goal?
Y/N: ...Protecting the innocence from the evil matters by any means necessary, even if it costs to be forgotten to this world.
Phyrra: That's a such admirable coming from you
Y/N: Learned from the best... *looks at Penny* ...Even to the ones i've been forgotten
(Penny was happily waving at everyone, but she then got called by Ciel who was tapping at her watch...
The duo were seen walking out of the arena, Ruby immediately rushes out to meet with Penny, Y/N stood up and walk at his own pace to meet the others)
Ruby: *runs while waving her arm* Penny!
Penny: *turns around and sees her* Ruby!
(Penny quickly runs over and tackles Ruby on the ground, making her groan from the impact)
Ruby: *strained* Whyyyyyy....
Y/N: I would like you to not crush my girlfriend, Penny
Penny: *stands straight up* Y/N!
(She did the same thing, but he didn't bulge, he just stood there and gently pats her head...
He then looks up at Penny's teammate to take a closer look at Ciel)
Penny: Ruby, Y/N, This is my teammate
Ciel: Ciel Soleil *bows slightly*
Ruby: Hi! I'm Ru-
Ciel: Ruby Rose, 15, hails from Patch, Leader of Team RWBY. Status: Questionable
Y/N: ...Sounds like a typical Atlesian student for me
Ciel: Y/N L/N, 17, born in Atlas, Leader of Team (Y)MMN. Status: Laid-back.
Y/N: ...Yup, typical Atlesian student
Ruby: So... *looks at Penny* Penny, you two were incredible out there! How do you keep control of all of those swords?! It's so cool--
Ciel: Penny. I believe it is best if we move on to our next location.
(The trio look at each other before Penny looks back at her teammate)
Penny: Could we just have a minute to talk?
(Ciel looks at them and then down at her watch, she takes a big step backwards as she nods at the trio before counting their talk)
Y/N: ...Lovely teammate
Ruby: So...Is she...your friend or...?
Penny: Well, in a way. She's like Blake, but if Blake was ordered to spend time with you.
Ruby: Oh! So Weiss
Y/N: Yeah, sounds like Weiss from the way you describe
Penny: Precisely!
Ruby: Does she know about... you know... *does robot gestures* "Beep boop bop, does not compute?"
Penny: Oh, no! General Ironwood doesn't really want anyone to know.
Y/N: Figured. He tends to be cautious when he lets you go out whenever you want to
Ruby: Wait, N/N?! You knew?!
Penny: He knew since the first day we've met back at Atlas!
Y/N: Former Ironwood's men.
Ruby: Oh r-right, s-sorry N/N
Y/N: No worries Rubes
Penny: *blinks a few times* 'N/N'?
Y/N: Oh right, Rubes and i are dating
Penny: *takes a second to process, smiles widely* What a wonderful news! Congratulations for the both of you!
Y/N: *smiles under his mask* Thanks Penny
Penny: *giggles* Back to the topic, there was an incident with a magnet, but i was able to play it off
Y/N: With a hat?
Penny: *gasps* How did you know?!
Y/N: ...Lucky guess
(Ruby laughs at them, soon after Penny and Y/N also laugh, mostly Penny since Y/N was just shaking his head with a smile on his face under his mask)
Penny: Ruby, Y/N, there's something i've been wanting to talk to you about.
Y/N: Which is?
(She looks at Ciel, who was still looking at her watch...
Once she looks back at the duo, they lean forward to not get in Ciel's hearing sights)
Penny: I want to stay at Beacon.
Ruby: *frowns* Penny, they'll never let you do that...
Penny: I know...But i have a plan.
Ciel: *steps towards the group* It's been precisely one minute, ma'am!
Penny: *smiles* I'll talk to you more soon, Ruby and Y/N.
(Ciel and Penny begin to walk away from Ruby and Y/N...
Penny quickly turns around and waves at the couple with a smile on her face, making the duo waving back at her)
Ruby: *sees them out of the sight* What does she mean by that?
Y/N: ...Maybe she just misses us, you know how Ironwood keeps his men busy
Ruby: I guess so
Port: *Voice Only* The next match will begin in 15 minutes!
Ruby: Oh my gosh, that's right! It's time for--
Y/N: Let's go before we miss the match
Ruby: Race you there!
(She quickly uses her semblance to get back to her seat, Y/N copied her semblance to do the same...
Neo was eating her favorite ice cream while recording the match, Melanie and Miltia notices Y/N sitting in-between them)
Malachite Twins: Oh hi Y/N!
Y/N: Did we make it?
Blake: Yeah, the match was about to start soon
(The camera switches place where Yang and Weiss were seen standing in the middle of the arena...
Weiss was looking around while Yang was stretching up her arms and legs to warm up)
Yang: Welp, now it's our turn!
Weiss: Just remember to keep proper form
Yang: *sighs* Alright...Ice queen, you're from Atlas...What can we expect?
Weiss: First of all, don't call me that, you dolt. Second of all, seeing as their kingdom, academy, and armed forces are all merged as one, i think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies...
(Yang and Weiss turn their heads to their opponents, only to realize what Weiss said was completely the opportunity)
Weiss: Or...whatever they are
Flynt: Hey!
(Weiss gets startled by him calling her out, she then looks at him)
Flynt: You're Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress.
Weiss: I am!
Flynt: I take it you're pretty good with Dust, then
Weiss: I do my best
Flynt: Yeah! My dad was good, too. Owned a little Dust shop of his own... *glares at Weiss* 'Till your father's company ran him outta business.
Weiss: *frowns* O-oh...i'm really sorry to hear that...
Flynt: *rolls his eyes, looks away* Sure you are.
Yang: Hey! Why don't you--?
Neon: *mocks Yang* "Hey! Why don't you--?" *points at Yang* That's what you sound like!
Y/N: *recognizes them, facepalms* ...Dear Oum...
Blake: Is something wrong?
Y/N: *takes a deep breath, sighs* ...Flynt! Neon!
(The duo look over where the voice comes from and sees Y/N staring at them)
Flynt: Yo! Y/N, is that you?!
Y/N: I take it you two represent Atlas Academy
Neon: Heck yeah! How have you been?!
Y/N: Still alive, aren't i?
Flynt: Say Y/N, does this Schnee feel real sympathy or is she acting? We all know who they are.
Y/N: She's not like her father, i've seen it firsthand...All i can say is, never judge a book by its cover.
Flynt: Aight then, i trust ya!
Neon: Wish us luck!
Y/N: Destiny will decide the winners.
Yang: *confused as hell* Uh...
Neon: Oh yeah! Almost forgot about ya, where'd you get your hair extensions?
Yang: ...This is just my normal hair
Neon: Ooh, really?
Yang: *slowly getting annoyed* Yeah, is that a prob--
Neon: You should try rollerblading sometime, it's super fun! *rollers around* It'd probably take you a while though, since you're so...
Y/N: She wouldn't--
Neon: You know...Top-heavy
Y/N: ...For fuck's sake, Neon!
Ruby: *shoves a swear jar infront of his face* Swear!
(Y/N, instead, gives her a cookie and puts it on her mouth...
The little red riding hood was happily munching on his cookie...
Back at the duos, Yang didn't like what Neon said to her...
As the biomes are about to get selected, Yang looks down at her chest and quickly glares back up at Neon)
Yang: Excuse me?!
Ruby: *finishes the cookie, notices Yang's angry expression* Oh, here we go...
A/N: Play at 1:10
Yang: *panting* ...Wait, Weiss!
(She quickly runs over to her teammate, who was covered by coal all over her body...
Yang gently sits her up and checks up on her)
Yang: Weiss, are you ok?
Weiss: *coughs* ...I may not be singing for a while..
Yang: *smiles playfully* You know, i'm not sure that was proper form
Weiss: Oh, ha ha-- *coughs again*
Neon: *high-pitched* What?!
(Both girls look over at Flynt and Neon, who was still shocked by her lost)
Neon: We lost?! We lost?! Team FNKI lost?!
Y/N: "How can she look that grayish?" as he thought...
Neon: That was... That was... *turns back to normal with sparkly rainbow eyes* Amazing!!! *looks at Yang and Weiss* Oh my gosh, you guys were super crazy awesome! We should definitely party together sometime! *looks at Flynt* Right, Flynt?
Flynt: *stands up* That was a gutsy move, Schnee... *smirks* I dig it
(After that, Ruby and Blake were seen running towards their teammates while Y/N was seen walking past them as he heads towards Flynt and Neon)
Neon: Y/N!!! *hugs him tight*
Y/N: Good try on taking them down, but you give a helluva fight with those beats
Flynt: *chuckles, twirls his trumpet around his finger like a gun* You know us, Knight
Neon: We never miss a beat!
Y/N: ...Heh, ain't that the truth
(He then gives Flynt a fistpump while he pats Neon's head, who was happily purring from his headpat...
Unknowingly for them, Blake was jealous of Neon getting headpat from him, Y/N then gives his bye to the duo and heads back to team RWBY)
Weiss: I see you three go way back
Y/N: They taught me how to play a guitar, i owned Flynt one for giving me some Dusts before leaving Atlas
Ruby: That's cool!
Yang: How can Weiss walk since she sacrificed herself for nothing?
Y/N: All is worth for the win, even if you risk yourself for that
(He then gently picks Weiss up as if he was carrying a princess, making the heiress blushing hard...
Yang was smirking teasingly at them while Ruby was pouting out if jealousy)
Ruby: No fairrrr!
Y/N: You'll get one, for now, cookies will do the job
Ruby: *smiles cutely* Oki!
Yang: Wow, you sure know how to dodge a bullet, huh...
Y/N: Perks of knowing your weaknesses, like someone dare to touch your hair
Yang: *giggles* You know me so well
(The five of them begin to head out of the arena with Y/N carrying Weiss, who was blushing hard for the whole time...
Flynt and Neon were smirking at their long-time friend as he was with a group of girls, they then headed back at their locker to freshen up from the fight)
-Scene Change-
-Beacon Academy-
(After the match, Y/N excuses himself to talk with Ozpin about something related with his Musketeer, his friends and teammates told him to not worry about it...
Ruby was just happy to have an awesome boyfriend as he gave her a mini box full of cookies before he could leave...
Neo and the Malachite Twins knew what he's up to since he told him everything without giving any ideas to their friends, Neo also warned him about having Mercury going against Yang with Emerald on his sidetrack to get her disqualified...
Taking a mental note of that report, Y/N was seen heading to Ozpin's office by taking the elevator, once he arrived at the top, he notices Qrow talking with Ozpin)
Qrow: *holding a mug* You know, he's making you look like a fool.
Ozpin: His heart is in the right place.
Y/N: He's just misguided, i know him more than his own men...
(Qrow turns his back and sees Y/N holding his mask)
Qrow: Hey kid, you put a good fight against the girls of NDGO
Y/N: Tried hard to not overwork my semblance. Why are you talking about Ironwood?
Qrow: Sometimes, i'm not even sure he has a heart *drinks his mug* So, have you chosen your guardian yet?
Ozpin: Maidens choose themselves *turns around, looks at Qrow and Y/N* I simply believe i've found the right candidate.
Y/N: Phyrra Nikos, right?
Ozpin: *smiles* It seems you can read my mind
Y/N: Just a lucky guess...however...
Qrow: *puts his mug on the desk* Talk to us kid, what's wrong?
Y/N: ... *looks at his mask* ...Do you know why my so-called "parents" left me in the alleyway?
Qrow: *sighs* Personally, no, i don't...Got no clues if i have to be honest...
Ozpin: Perhaps, i do know a thing or two about that event...
Y/N: ...And you chose to NOT tell me the reason?
Ozpin: Your mother...was a special case. I volunteered to provide security and safety for her and F/N...I presume you realized why her eyes look like she's blind, which she doesn't have any problems with her sights.
Y/N: ...
Ozpin: Y/N...Your mother was carried a gift from Oum himself, the silver eyes, she was wielding such power that it can terminate all the Grimm, turning them into stone...
Qrow: Since when you were planning to keep that away from me and the others?
Ozpin: It was for your own sake, and so was it for mine...But i believe it is time for me to redeem my sins, to the both of you.
Y/N: ...
Qrow: We can talk later, right now, we're talking about the candidate, right? Phyrra Nikos?
Y/N: The Invincible Spartan Girl, which i also have a request for the Solo Rounds
Qrow: Huh?
Ozpin: What kind of request?
Y/N: It's a simple request...
...My solo round is me against Phyrra.
(Both adults were staring at Y/N, who was showing a dead serious expression when he wanted to fight the spartan girl...
Y/N had already thought of a plan to make his fight memorable, even if it means to trick the whole audience to make the match more "gruesome"...
The screen slowly fades into pitch black as the silence was filled in the darkness)
Alright readers, we're getting close!
Many voted to save Phyrra, one of you gave me a solid reason about following the canon, which is to let the spartan girl die
Before you raise your fork and start raiding my house, i just want to say, i will follow what you guys voted, Phyrra will "live"
But when Death shows up, there is a price to pay for "saving" her.
That's all i can say!
Now as always, i hope you're liking this story, let me know what you think and i'll see you all in the next chapter!
Bye and have a good day!!!
P.S.: Weiss will confess and convince Ruby to share, after that, Neo is next!
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