(Vol. 3) Chapter 23: A Step Ahead of The Queen

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(I must say, you did an excellent job to redeem yourself for keeping the readers wait for this long)

A/N: I know, i even changed the way i write this story to make less work since this series is getting more hate than love, which i get it and understand it but never give attention about it

(Be aware of what you are saying...We cannot risk to have you struck down because of that...)

A/N: Don't worry about it, i'm aware of these people, for now let's focus on this story

(Absolutely, i think we should not waste any more time than we've already wasted...

And besides...

The Forgotten Knight has a reunion with a certain former criminal...)

-Amity Colosseum-
-Doubles Round-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, the camera shows Emerald, Mercury, Coco and Yatsuhashi facing each other...

The latter was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, meditating in the middle of the arena next to his team leader)

Port: On this Doubles Rounds we have, Emerald and Mercury from Haven, Versus, Coco and Yatsuhashi from Beacon!

Velvet: Good luck you two!

(As the sun was shining up at the sky, the entire audience were applauding at their first duos facing each other as the Doubles Rounds is officially started...

Team RWBY, JNPR, alongside with Fox and Velvet, they started cheering for the fashionista and her giant partner...

The Malachite Twins were seen sharing a bucket of popcorn as they were also cheering for Coco and Yatsuhashi...

Y/N and Neo were just looking at the "students", Emerald and Mercury, the former starts calling out Coco)

Y/N: Hey Coco!

Coco: *looks over* Y/N, remember that you own me for re-opening my favorite clothes store!

Y/N: Which is why i'm repaying the debt!

Yatsuhashi: *still has his eyes closed* You are too kind to repay your debt to our team leader, L/N

Y/N: All i can say is this, play smarter, not harder!

Coco: We'll keep that in mind

Mercury: That's not fair!

Y/N: All is fairness when it comes to a fight! Tournament or not, do what it comes natural to protect everyone!

Oobleck: *Voice Only* The Forgotten Knight sure knows how to phrase a quote like that!

Port: As our honorable student, he makes no mistakes! His skills and tactics are unremarkable!

Y/N: "So much for not rubbing off on me, huh..." as he thought...

(The Forgotten Knight spots the general of Atlas Military keeping his eyes on Emerald and Mercury...

He then noticed Y/N eyeing on him, giving the knight a nod as a signal about his visit to Torchwick is approved...

Y/N nods back at him as he signals Neo to follow him)

Y/N: Melanie, Miltia, you two enjoy the fight

Malachite Twins: What about you and Neo?

Y/N: We'll go practice for our match *looks at Neo* Let's go.

(The short girl nods her head and gives her scroll to Melanie so she could record the match for her...

Before he guided Neo out, he lifted his mask up to uncover his mouth so he could kiss Ruby on her cheek, making her squeaks out of surprise...

He then lifted his mask back down while walking out of the arena with Neo happily skipping next to him)

Y/N: Let's wait for the general

(Neo nodded her head and playfully twirls her umbrella around her hand as Y/N was checking The Musketeer on his hips...

He also had his Courtesy Call on his back, however, The Forgotten Knight started to realize both of his weapons are running out of dusts...

He also notices The Musketeer was getting close to get destroyed since it had been his first handmade weapon for all of his years inside and outside Atlas Military...

As the duo were waiting, Ironwood was seen approaching towards them with two of his atlesian soldiers)

Ironwood: Y/N, Neo Politan, i hope i haven't kept you wait

Y/N: All good sir. I was just thinking about ditching The Musketeer

Ironwood: *surprised* Is there a reason why you would ditch your first ever weapon?

Y/N: Last fight i was way too open with it, my backup sword was also destroyed thanks to Winchester...But now that i have my Courtesy Call that can be used multiple ways, i'm all good

Ironwood: *chuckles* I believe so...Your friends sure did help you for the best

Y/N: *smiles under his mask* ...I own them one

Ironwood: *nods, gets serious* And i guess you two want to visit Torchwick

Y/N: Yes sir.

Ironwood: In that case, follow me

(He then takes them to his airship where he imprisoned Torchwick...)

-Scene Change-
-Ironwood's Airship-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-

Y/N: Been a long time since i've been here

Ironwood: It sure does, i still recall some days when you and Penny were standing besides me whenever Winter is out of mission

(Heh, i also remember those days like it was yesterday...

For some reason, i was questioning about Neo's ability of cling onto me like a Koala on its tree

...Meh, if she's happy, that's all that matters)

Y/N: Where's Torchwick?

Ironwood: Inside his jail cell, this way

(Neo and i started following the general while i greeted some old members when i used to be with Ironwood as his right hand man

Ozpin mentioned him being paranoid, maybe because both of them can't die? I'm not too sure...

I'll ask if there's a relic where we can talk with a genie

Back to the topic, the three of us reached the jail cells area, which it's well cleaned)

Y/N: Are those cells soundproof?

Ironwood: From the inside, yes, but not from the outside

Y/N: Good call, because i need to talk with him.

Ironwood: ...I should guess you've thought of a plan, didn't you?

Y/N: Cinder is trying to take me alive to "her"...

Neo: *tries to type something on her scroll*

Y/N: Don't even bother, i'm not planning to let them take me alive...

(I then turn my head and see Torchwick inside a sort of capsule kind of jail cell

Were they always that small or was it just me?)

Y/N: Open it and leave us a minute

Guard: Sir, with all due respect, we can't just let him free like-

Ironwood: Open the cell.

(The guard was surprised to hear his general agreeing with me, i mean he's not wrong

We then saw him walking towards the cell and type a code, 0-6-2-7...Noted.

After memorizing the code, the door automatically opens it as Roman was walking out while stretching his arms up)

Roman: *sarcastic* So much for not giving me a room service...

Y/N: At least you're free, for now

Roman: *sees them* Why hello there gentlemen! And Neo! How ya doin'?

Neo: *smiles as hugs Y/N's arm*

Roman: I take she has been behaving with you around

Y/N: She sure did...We need to talk.

Roman: Oh i know that sound of your voice...you mean business, right?

Y/N: *staring at Roman* ...General.

Ironwood: Take your time, Y/N

(And with that, Neo, Roman and i are now been left in the area by ourselves

Two can play the same game, Salem~)

-Amity Colosseum-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(After the meeting between Neo, Y/N and Torchwick, The Forgotten Knight called Ironwood to erase his criminal records to complete the deal with Torchwick...

The said former criminal was shocked to witness his "client" deleting his criminal records as valuable item for their deal, he then was released and let hidden in the shadows...

Right now, the duo reunited with their friends, Melanie handed over Neo's scroll back to her owner so she and Y/N could rewatch the match)

A/N: Play at 0:30

Y/N: Coco mustn't took it well...

Nora: I'll avenge them by breaking their legs!

Y/N: Except they got qualified, same with Jaune and Phyrra

Nora: *slumped* Awww.....

Ruby: What was that though? We all saw Yatsuhashi next to Coco and then poof! He disappeared!

Y/N: Emerald's semblance tricked Coco to believe Yatsuhashi was still in the game...

Weiss: You're way too smarter than i thought you would be

Yang: What's this?~ Is the Ice Queen trying to seduce my little sister's knight?~

Ruby: *blushes hard* Y-Yang!!!

Y/N: *sighs, gently moves Neo's arm down* Sadly, we can't do anything for them but consoling them for their attempt

Jaune: Next fight is about to start guys!

Port: *Voice Only* Welcome back to the Doubles Rounds of The Vytal Tournament!

Oobleck: On the last match, Emerald and Mercury from Haven has beaten Coco and Yatsuhashi from Beacon! It is sad for us teacher to see our students losing such fight

Port: But i'm sure they'll get consoled by their friends and teammates for their attempt to qualify! Right now, we have new fighters!

Oobleck: Well said Professor Port, on the Doubles Rounds, we're going to see
Nebula and Dew from Shade facing Y/N and Neo from Beacon!

Jaune: Let's go Y/N! We'll be rooting for you two!

Y/N: Thanks Jaune *looks at Neo* Showtime.

(Neo smirks and snaps her fingers to make themselves shatter into pieces, surprising their friends...

Looking back at the arena, Nebula and Dew were seen waiting for Y/N and Neo to show up, which they waited only for a few seconds...

Neo gratefully bows at the girls while Y/N drew The Musketeer on its sword mode alongside with his Courtesy Call)

Nebula: Well, we're flattered to face against the Forgotten Knight of Vale

Y/N: Once in a lifetime opportunity...Let's fight fair and square

Dew: Same here, good luck to you too, shorty!

Neo: (ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ)╬

(As the screen shows the arena, four platforms were rolling to determine which biomes the duos are going to take as their advantage...

The first biome was an abandoned building)

Y/N: Watch your six...Nebula can take advantage with her crossbow

(Neo nods her head while she holds her umbrella over her shoulder, smirking smugly at the duo...

The second biome was a beach with a sunken ship)

Dew: Alright! Now we're talking!

Nebula: You two have problems with water?

Y/N: Getting cheeky, are we?

Neo: *shakes her head, giggles mutely*

(Neptune was a little annoyed for getting called out since he was afraid of water...

The third biome was a piece of desert like the one from Vacuo)

Nebula: Lady luck sure is loving us

Y/N: "Ice dust can do the job...Can't overuse my semblance" as he thought...

(The fourth and final biome was a forest, making official of the four biomes)

Y/N: Desert, Urban, Beach and Forest...

Nebula: Let's show up what we got

Dew: Got it!

Neo: *readies her umbrella up*

Port: *Voice Only* May the best duo wins!

Oobleck: Three! Two! One! Begin!!!

(Y/N immediately uses The Musketeer to slash fire swings towards the duo, making them dodging it out of surprise...

Neo quickly rushes over and drives Dew into the forest as they were engaging their close combat quarters with their respective weapons...

Nebula shoots some arrows at Y/N while she makes a run towards the desert platform...

The knight ricochets her arrows with his Courtesy Call as he was going after her, which she immediately went for the offense and starts fighting against Y/N)

Port: *Voice Only* The match has just started and yet, Y/N and Neo are already their best against Nebula and Dew!

Oobleck: Neo has a rough past from what we've heard, but she managed go find a way to be a huntress in training and now she's facing Dew inside the forest!

Port: Like Nebula said earlier, Lady luck sure give the girls an upper hand for this match, i would admitting that our students are going to lose as well

Oobleck: That's where you're wrong, Professor Port, Y/N is well known for overcoming the odds that are against him, let's see if he can find a way to win!

(Back at the arena, Dew and Neo were exchanging swings, punches and kicks while using the tree at their advantages for protection...

The neopolitan themed girl uses her semblance to get herself shattered from the collision with Dew's trident, making the said girl surprised and alerted for possible ambush...

Gunshots can be heard on the background, a bullet flies by the camera as the transition of switching scene was now shown Nebula dodging Y/N's shots)

Y/N: Saw your team fight against SSSN, you girls know how to entertain the public

Nebula: Thanks Y/N, you're not bad yourself, especially evening the odds against SLVR

Y/N: *readies his swords up* I take my chances.

Nebula: *points her crossbow at him* And so do i

(As she shoots her arrow, the screen switches where Dew and Neo were seen still fighting...

The audience were cheering loudly since Team NDGO was getting more male fans than females, which they didn't complain about it...

Dew was struggling with Neo and her semblance, so she thought of an idea to lure her into the beach platform)

Blake: What is Dew doing?

Yang: I think she's luring our shorty out of the forest

Jaune: We saw have she's capable of if she reaches the beach platform!

(Y/N looks over and sees Neo fighting Dew as the latter was taking to the beach...

He then cocks his sword and throws it towards the girls, as soon as the blade was into the water, he uses Phyrra's semblance to pull the trigger, making the whole water into ice)

Dew: *shocked* What?!

Y/N: Not on my watch. Neo, Switch!

(Neo smirks mockingly at Dew before she shatters into pieces by Y/N's Courtesy Call sword...

He takes his shield out of his back and turns it into a dual knife)

Ruby: *gasps* A shield that can turn into dual knives?!?!

Nebula: You came prepared

Y/N: What can i say... *copies Emerald's semblance to make Neo appearing in his place* ...I never forget my weapons

(Nebula was shocked to see Y/N using his semblance infront of her...

Dew quickly dodges Y/N's slash since he was trying to sneak behind her, Neo detaches her umbrella as she reveals a hidden sword from it and begins to attack Nebula)

Port: What a turn of the tables! Y/N uses Emerald's semblance to switches places with his partner!

Oobleck: However, he must to play smart! He's a glass cannon, he might be strong but his defense is too thin due to draining his Aura from his semblance

Dew: Is that true?

Y/N: Death is nothing to me when Destiny decides my Fate.

(Knowing the beach was now ice, he begins to ice-skating and using the momentum to slash his knives towards Dew, who was taking damages from the knight's attacks...

Everytime he strikes, Y/N would use the momentum of ice-skating to grind powdered ice, leaving a few tiny spikes of the shaved ice...

Dew's Aura was 90%, Nebula's Aura was 80% instead since Neo was damaging her opponent...

Already thought of the plan, Y/N copied Ruby's semblance to spin around Dew fast enough to created smoke made out of shaved ice he grinded from the ice-skating)

Port: Would you look at that! Y/N is using the ice he shaved with his boots to blind his opponent!

Oobleck: The Forgotten Knight is always 5 steps ahead of his opponents, let's watch what his plan was!

(As the camera was broadcasting the fight, Y/N quickly dashes out of the ice as he lands on the sand floor, leaving Dew temporarily blind inside the fog made out of shaved ice...

He stabs his knives through the sand while copying Simin's Semblance as fire flames are emitting out of his hands...

Charging his attacks, Dew manages to regain her sights, but only to get greeted by Y/N's combo attack)

A/N: Switch the rope spear with Y/N copying Phyrra's semblance with his knives

(After the combo, he turns his flames off his arms and legs, taking a deep breath from copying multiple semblances at one...

The audience alongside with Ruby and Nora were roaring out of excitement for seen Y/N's combo attack in live)

Port: Woah-oh-oh! I have never seen such combination in my whole life!

Oobleck: Very true Professor Port! Not even i could manage to keep up with his momentum, he must've trained really hard!

(Dew's Aura was downed to 65% for additional mini crits from his flames, Nebula was shocked but quickly getting beaten up by Neo...

Her sudden attack alongside with her slashes from her blade causes Nebula's Aura to get downed to 65% as well...

Y/N quickly thought of a plan, he looks at Neo to warn her about his final attack)

Y/N: Neo! Out!

(Neo notices Y/N's eyes turning red, she quickly jumps away as she lands in the middle of the arena...

Y/N's mask was forming into a Boarbatusk mask as he crouches down to charge his spin dash attack...

Nebula and Dew were still recovering from getting hurt and stunned from their attackers, but unfortunately for them, Y/N finishes the fight by doing this)

A/N: 2x faster and imagine Y/N bouncing back and forth against Nebula and Dew

(To finish his attack, Y/N pops off of his rolling attack and hardly throw a punch on Nebula's stomach, sending her flying towards Dew as both of them falls into the ground with their Aura on the red zone)

Oobleck: With his final attack with Boarbatusk trails, Y/N brings the victory and qualifications for the Solo Rounds!

Port: A really extraordinary match from them! Even with the biomes on their side, Y/N and Neo overcame the odds and turned the table against them!

(Y/N deactivates his semblance as his eyes and mask turns back to normal while sighing out of relief for his win with Neo...

The said short girl was helping Nebula and Dew to get on their feet, which they accepted her help with a smile on their faces)

Nebula: Heh...We were too cocky with our turfs

Dew: No kidding, you two fought well

Neo: <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

(Y/N was seen grabbing his Courtesy Call, assembles them into its guitar form and holsters it on his back...

He then looks up and slightly waves at the audience, making them cheering for The Forgotten Knight...

Y/N looks at Neo, Nebula and Dew and walks over to the girls to check up on them)

Y/N: You girls are good? Anything broken?

Nebula: We're good, you were incredible though

Dew: How can you move that fast?

Y/N: Skill always beats luck, i've been practicing

Nebula: *giggles* Figured *holds her hand out* Good match, hope we'll get a rematch someday

Y/N: Likewise

(He then shakes her hand and holds her arm up, letting the audience giving a round of applause to the duo for their hard-working fight against Y/N and Neo...

Y/N and Neo let the girls having their moment as they head out of the arena to freshened up from the sweats...

After that, the duo were seen walking towards their friends, except for Y/N since he got tackled by Ruby as she was bombarding her boyfriend with kisses all over his mask)

Yang: *giggles* No matter how many times we see your combos, you never cease to amaze us

Jaune: For real! How did you know Dew was luring Neo out of the beach?

Y/N: If you want to take down an enemy, you have to think like the enemy, sadly it costs The Musketeer to get destroyed

Melanie: Can you make another weapon?

Y/N: *shakes his head* Courtesy Call is already enough for me, it has 3 functions, guitar, sword and shield and three swords style

(Nora quickly grabs him by his chestplate and pulls him closer to her as their faces are an inch closer to each other)

Nora: We HAVE to be training partners! Can we?!

Y/N: *unfazed* Only if you don't try to kill me with your 'training' sessions

Nora: *lets him go, raises her arms up* Yes!!!

(The group was having a good time as they all laugh at Nora's childish excitement for finding a partner for her trainings...

After the laughter dies down, footsteps can be heard behind Y/N, Neo and Ruby's back, the others were staring at the married couple that were looking at Y/N...

The said knight didn't even bulge to turn around, he was just standing still with his back facing the married couple)

F/N: ...Y/N

Ruby: *whispers* Are they...your parents?

(Y/N merely nods his head as "yes" to answer his girlfriend's question...

Neo was about to draw her hidden blade from her umbrella, but she was stopped by Y/N)

Y/N: Don't. *looks over his shoulder to stare at them* What do you want.

M/N: ...W-We just wanted to say...A-Are you sure about what y-you're doing?

Y/N: ...Not now...

F/N: Son...We want to talk-

Y/N: There's nothing we can talk about.

M/N: What you're doing is dangerous!

Y/N: *turns around to face her* Everything i've done for 8 years was dangerous!

F/N: What if you end up dying?!

Y/N: At least i'll die by protecting everyone i can instead of dying to the ones i hate the most...

(His parents were shocked to hear him saying he would've chose his friends and girlfriend over his own parents...

Ruby notices Y/N getting mad, she gently holds his arm, making the knight snap out of his anger...

The married couple noticed their small interactions, which causes Y/N's mother to realize what they are)

M/N: S-sweetie? A-are you two d-dating?

Y/N: ...

Ruby: *stands infront of him* Y-Yes ma'am...The two of us a-are dating

Yang: You two got a problem with that?

Y/N: Yang. Don't even bother. *looks at Neo* Go with Roman, make sure we'll move to the next step.

(Neo nods at him and runs away to hop on a dropship to get at Ironwood's airship...

Y/N decides to take his mask off and hands it over to his girlfriend, he then stares at his own parents with his eyes turning red permanent)

Y/N: ...We already moved to the next step. Do NOT make my report involve with friendly fire.

M/N: A-Are you really-

F/N: That's not how we work!

Y/N: Planning on leaving me behind like you did last time? THEN YOU TWO CAN FUCK OFF- *coughs blood*

Ren: Do you have-

Y/N: Y-yeah...L-let's go already...

(He holds Ruby's arm and takes her away from his parents as everyone was following them...

F/N didn't like how his son has changed, he tried to stop him, but he was greeted by a deathstalker's tail as the stinger was right on his neck)

Y/N: Leave us. Alone. Now.

(With his final warning, Y/N retracts his tail back into him as he deactivates his semblance...

Resuming his walk towards a dropship with his friends, The Forgotten Knight recalls his memory of his meeting with Roman back at Ironwood's airship)

[A few minutes later]
[Ironwood's Airship]


Back at the airship, the screen shows where Roman, Y/N and Neo were left inside an interrogation room by themselves...

Roman was sitting on a chair while Neo was kicking her legs as she was sitting on the table next to her father figure)

Roman: Well, if isn't it a nice reunion

Y/N: Ironwood is just behind that one sided window *points at the mirror*

Roman: Figured as much *leans forward, lays his arms on the table* What's the plan?

Y/N: ...Your intel was solid...Cinder convinced Taurus to work as allies to bring fear at Amity Colosseum.

Roman: And i presume you have more reports than this one, right?

Y/N: Since she failed to hijacked CCTV, someone from the inside is probably looking for a way to hack those droids...

Neo: *Scroll* "How are we going to find that mole?"

Roman: Hmm...From my side of the deal, the queen has a mastermind of technology, however, news said that guy was supposed to be dead

Y/N: ...

Roman: What's up? You know that man?

Y/N: No. But the general and i can take a guess.

Roman: So! *leans back against the chair* Whatcha got, kid?

Y/N: ...Neo, can you copy his appearance?

Neo: *nods in confirmation*

Y/N: Then act as Roman got released, the real one stays hidden in the airship to prevent that mole to hijack Ironwood's soldiers...

Roman: *smirks* I like that idea

Y/N: ...Stage 1 is a go. *looks at the mirror* General. Delete his records and open the door for Neo.

(On the other side of the room, Ironwood and a guard was seen watching and listening the whole conversation...

Knowing Y/N's plan is solid, Ironwood nodded at his guard to clear Torchwick's files full of his criminal records...

Back at the interrogation room, Y/N looks back at the duo, smirking under his mask as he knew he was one step ahead of Cinder, Emerald and Mercury...

The screen slowly fades into pitch black as Y/N's chuckles was heard into the darkness)

A/N: Alright! We're getting close of the end of Vol. 3 of "The Forgotten Knight"!

About Phyrra being the selected girl for being the next Fall Maiden, what would you like me to do:

Follow the canon, getting Phyrra killed as Cinder becomes the Fall Maiden?


Have The Forgotten Knight to save the Spartan Girl's life with an ultimate twist?

Let me know which path you want me to take

With that said, i'm gonna leave this chapter and wait for the results, and as always, hope you guys are enjoying this story and i'll see you readers in the next chapter!

Bye and have a good day/night!!!

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