(Vol. 3) Chapter 22: Expect The Unexpected

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(It would seem to appear you're overworking yourself...perhaps, you should take a break to get your creativity back...)

(A/N): Tell me about it, everyone kept saying that on "Let's get this party started!!!" story about me taking a break

(And i truly agree on their suggestions, how about you take a break after making these two chapter?

That way, you can rewatch the serie, check how you can stay as canon as possible, and then you come back as fresh as ever)

(A/N): Hmm, not a bad idea...

Oh well, i guess i can do that, i can't really argue about my health since i'm not as creative as i used to...

(Fear not, dear author, i can guarantee that many viewers won't mind you taking some break to regain your creativity...


The Forgotten Knight is about to reunite with The Crow and The Schnee...)

-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, the camera shows an happy Weiss running towards the airship...

Ruby and Y/N were following her behind, mostly Ruby went after her while dragging her boyfriend...

The said knight was unfazed since he got used to get dragged by his girlfriend)

Weiss: I can't wait to see my sister!

Ruby: Your sister is an Atlesian soldier?

Y/N: From what it looks like, i think she's more than a normal soldier

Weiss: He's right, she's on higher ranks

(After their small talk, the bullhead lands on the ground as the trio step backwards...

The door opens up and they see Weiss's sister, Winter Schnee, walking down the ramp with two robotic Atlesian soldiers behind her)

Weiss: Winter!

Winter: Weiss, i see you're doing well

Weiss: Why yes!- *ahem* I mean, yes, i'm doing fine here at Beacon

Y/N: Acting formal even with your own sister?

(Winter looks over and she was surprised to see Y/N, knowing Weiss was safe under his wings, she sighs in relief and smiles genuinely at him and her sister)

Winter: It has been a while, Y/N

Y/N: The feeling's mutual

Ruby: Wait! You know her too, Y/N?!

Y/N: Back at Atlas, i was under Winter's commands, but then left the military to wandering around Remnant

Winter: *shocked* General Ironwood was right, you can speak normally now

Y/N: A friend of ours helped me with his special tea, are you alone?

Winter: *holds her hand up* Leave us

(The robots step backwards to make distance from them...

Winter sighs and looks back at Weiss)

Winter: So, how have you been?

Weiss: I've been great, and i actually mean it! I made friends, i have some interesting teachers, and also i have a great team leader! *motions at Ruby*

Winter: I see, so she is Ruby Rose

Ruby: *nervous* H-hi! I-It's nice to m-meet you!

Y/N: Rubes, you're shaking like a leaf

Ruby: I-i know, N/N!

Winter: 'N/N'? Are you two perhaps dating?

Y/N: *rubs his head, blushing under his mask* Heh...Yeah, we are

Winter: How cute... *smiles a little* ...I'm happy to hear you're doing fine

Y/N: Say thanks to Weiss, Rubes and the others...and also Ozpin for finding me

Winter: I presume he somehow heard about you?

Y/N: I am noticable with my armor and stuffs

Weiss: We can talk while we show her our bedrooms!

Y/N: *remembers the bunk beds* ...I'm still trying to find the logic of your bunk beds

Winter: *confused* Bunk...Beds?

Y/N: Weiss

Weiss: I'll show you my bedroom, Y/N is also coming

Y/N: Wha-

(She quickly grabs his arm and drags him towards the academy as Winter follows them with her soldiers, leaving Ruby surprised by her teammate...

She quickly recovers and goes after them to take Y/N back, unknowingly for them, a crow was seen flying down as it approaches to the robotic guards...

The camera was on 1st P.O.V. and it was shown a head flying off the camera, the attacker then calls Winter out)

???: Hey!

Winter: ...

(She looks over her shoulder and sees Qrow Brawen, huntsman and former member of Team STRQ)

Qrow: I'm talking to you, ice queen

(He then tosses one of the dead robots away...

Weiss stomps over while looking at him angrily)

Weiss: Excuse me?! Do you have any idea who you're talking to?!

Qrow: *pats her head* Shhhhhh...Not you... *pushes her aside*

Weiss: Hey!

Qrow: *stares at Winter* ...You.

Winter: Qrow...

(The two of them were having a stare off, Y/N notices another bird looking at the scene...

He somehow felt something off coming from the raven, but he shrugs it off as he looks back at his former mentor and partner in the military)

Y/N: "...Branwen Tribe...Fuck. Raven must've sent his brother" as he thought...

(His thoughts was cut off when he heard metal clashing sound, he looks over and sees the fight between Qrow and Winter)

(Before Winter lands her final attack, a black feather was seen flying through the concrete Infront of the fighters...

They quickly look up and notices Y/N with his Doppelganger alongside with his Nevermore's Trail)

Qrow: *chuckles* You sure know how to stop a good fight, Y/N

Y/N: ... *flies back down, standing in-between him and Winter* Branwen...

Qrow: I know that eyes expressions, i'm just a regular huntsman now...

Winter: Wait, Y/N? Do you know that old man?

Y/N: This 'Old man' is Qrow, my former mentor... *looks back at Qrow* ...and Winter used to be my partner back at Atlas Military...

Ironwood: Schnee!

(She flinches and looks over her shoulder as she notices Ironwood...

Y/N turns his Semblance off as his wings retreats into his back while his mask forms into a normal one)

Winter: General Ironwood, Sir!

Y/N: Go easy on her. She may attacked first, but Qrow started the whole thing.

Qrow: Jeez kid, throwing me under the bus, huh

Ironwood: Is that true? *looks at Winter*

Winter: Yes sir. *looks down ashamedly* ...I apologize for my actions..

Ironwood: *walks over to Qrow* And you, What are you doing here?

Qrow: I could ask you the same thing.

Ironwood: ...i-

Ozpin: Now now.

(Everyone turn around and see the headmaster of Beacon Academy with his assistant, Ozpin and Glynda)

Ozpin: I'm sure we all can still watch some interesting fight like this back at Amity Colosseum...with some popcorn

Glynda: Away from here, everyone, we'll clean up this mess

(The crowd quickly disbands as Ruby quickly calls her uncle while hugging his arm...

Weiss was talking with Winter and asks her if she was alright...

Y/N sighed deeply and pinches the bridge of his mask as he should've expected from his mentor and partner to cause a fight)

Ozpin: Qrow was right about one thing *Y/N looks at him* You sure know how to stop a fight

Y/N: Not my first rodeo...

Ozpin: About our meeting-

Y/N: Call them in. We share a common enemy.

Ozpin: *smiles* Understood

(He then walks away with Glynda fixing the hole with her semblance on the background...

Ruby immediately calls Y/N out while talking with her uncle, making the knight faintly flinch out of fear)

Ruby: Oh! N/N and i are dating!

Qrow: N/N? You mean Y/N?

Ruby: Yup! *smiles excitedly*

Qrow: *glares at Y/N* Is that true, kid.

Y/N: "I'm so dead!" U-uhm...Yes

Ozpin: Qrow *he looks at him* A word, please?

Ruby: *whispers* You're in trouble, uncle Qrow

Qrow: Well, i did cause a scene with Winter

Ozpin: Y/N, you too if you would

Y/N: Yessir

(Ruby quickly runs over and kisses Y/N on the side of his mask, making the knight smiling under his mask...

Weiss was pouting jealously, but she hugs him before pulling away quickly with a big blush on her face...

Y/N was also blushing under his mask, he then decided to gently pat Weiss's head and walks with Qrow alongside Ozpin and the other adults)

[You Have 1 Message(s)]

The witch knows about
the Branwen Tribe.

I'll hit you up with
more info


Y/N: "Heh~ Let's keep playing with her~" as he thought...

(He smirks under his mask as he follows the adults, leaving his girlfriend and Weiss behind...

The raven from earlier flew away since she knew she was spotted by Y/N, so she retreats...)

-Scene Change-
-Ozpin's Office-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-

(I'm currently in the office with Ironwood, Winter

Ozpin, Qrow and Glynda were on the elevator since it can only carry 4 people

Which i find it weird, but i'm not a constructor, so maybe it has its limit

However...my so-called "mom and dad" are also in the office...

I can tell they are desperately trying to make me forgive them, but i won't budge...They wanted me dead, so that just happened.

Before they could even speak to me, i saw the elevator opening as Ozpin, Glynda and Qrow were walking out of it)

Winter: What were you thinking, Qrow?!

Ironwood: If you were one of my men, i would have you shot!

Qrow: If I was one of your men, i'd shoot myself *pulls out his flask*

Glynda: While i wouldn't condone his behavior, retaliating like you did *crosses her arms, stares at Winter* certainly didn't help the situation

Winter: *points her arm at Qrow* He was drunk!

Glynda: He's Always drunk!

(And i thought we teens were bad, i notice them looking at Qrow who was drinking his flask

He seems to notice their stares, he just shrugged it off as i facepalm while sighing)

Y/N: ...For Oum's sake, Qrow...you're proving their points

Qrow: At least you kept in touch and warned about the situation

Y/N: Yeah...*looks at M/N and F/N*...i do...

M/N: W-what's wrong, sweetie?

Y/N: First. Do not call me that. Second of all, you two know something about the Amity Colosseum

F/N: How would you know tha-

Y/N: You tricked your own son in the alleyway. Remember my semblance is a mix of yours.

F/N: ...

Qrow: Damn kid...You got left by them?

Y/N: ...

Ozpin: Now, now...We can put aside our personal problems while we need to discuss about something more serious *looks at Qrow* ...Why are you here?

Ironwood: You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark in the field!

Qrow: *puts his flask away* I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy

Winter: *glares at Qrow* General.

Qrow: Whatever...

Y/N: I told Qrow to get here

(Time for me to speak the truth...Especially infront of my so-called "parents")

Ironwood: You called him?

Winter: Why would you do that?

Y/N: General Ironwood and Ozpin already knew who the enemies are, keep in mind Torchwick is now my ally.

Ironwood: *remembers the interrogation* ...I guess we got outsmarted by a child

Ozpin: This 'child' meets more than the eye, and i wouldn't been more happier to have him at our side

Ironwood: Qrow, look-

Qrow: Communication's a two way street, pal *takes out his scroll* You see this? *points at the button* That's the send button

Winter: They had reasons to assume you'd been compromised

Qrow: *looks at Winter while putting his scroll away* And i had my reason to assume you don't need to be here *looks at everyone as he points at Winter* Seriously, who invited her?

Ironwood: ...Schnee, we'll discuss this incident back in the ship

Winter: *surprised* B-But general-

Y/N: Winter... *she looks at him* ...I'll explain after the meeting.

Winter: *reluctant* ...A-Alright

(Trust me Winter...I will explain only the small parts...

You're not ready to face this...not yet...

We all watched her leaving the office, Qrow teasingly winks at Winter while she scoffed at him as she took the elevator to go to the ground floor

I'll be honest...How come she's bigger than Weiss???)

-Scene Change-
-Ozpin's Office-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the camera was showing the whole room, the adults and L/N family were starting talking about "The Queen's Plan"...)

Ironwood: Go on

Qrow: Your little infiltrator isn't just a pawn... *turns around, grabs his flask again* ...They're the one responsible for Autumn's condition *drinks his flask*

Glynda/M/N: What?!

F/N: Do you know their name?!

Qrow: *looks at Y/N* Kid?

Y/N: Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black and Cinder Fall...Also the responsible of taking small portion of Fall Maiden's Power...

(Everyone in the room were shocked to see The Forgotten Knight knowing about fall maiden underneath the school...

M/N and F/N were worries for their son to get involved into this war of theirs, but before Y/N could talk, Qrow cuts him off immediately)

Qrow: Despise what the world thinks, we're not just teachers or generals or headmasters...The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies, we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about.

(He then walks closer to Ironwood, getting infront of him as he glares at him)

Qrow: It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So you tell me James, when you brought your army in Vale, did you think you were being discreet or did you just not give a damn?

(Ironwood and the others were quiet, Y/N was steadily getting ready if Qrow starts another fight...

But luckily, Ironwood responds to Qrow's question about being discreet or not)

Ironwood: Discreet wasn't working...

(He places his scroll on the desk, soon after, a hologram of Beacon Academy with his ships were appearing in the middle of the room...

Y/N looks over at it as he was curious about his ex-general's airships)

Ironwood: *walks over to the hologram* I'm here because this is what was necessary

Qrow: *points at Ozpin, glaring at Ironwood* You're here because Ozpin wanted you here! He made you part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's infront of us!

Ironwood: And i am grateful

Qrow: Oh well, you've got a real funny way of showing it

Y/N: Qrow. Enough.

(He looks at Y/N, a little impressed to hear him saying to shut up...

Qrow notices the look of Y/N's eyes, he then sighed and drank his flask again)

Qrow: ...Forgot you used to be with him and Winter

Y/N: And also i left because i didn't trust him when he realized who the real threat is. The reason why i'm still here, was because Ozpin entrusted my reputation as The Forgotten Knight when i was after the White Fang.

Qrow: I also was told that you managed to turn Torchwick in jail under your supervision

Y/N: Salem is working with the White Fang, she's using them to ambush this whole place...

Ironwood: And that is why i'm here. *Y/N and Qrow look at him* The people of Vale needed someone to protect them, someone who would act. *steps forward* When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe, and our enemies will feel our strength.

(His last statement made Qrow laugh while M/N and F/N were looking at the general skeptically...

Y/N, on the other hand, he was only on his side because he has Torchwick when he needs to bring the former criminal out of his jail cell)

Qrow: *laughing* You-you think they're scared of your little ships? *walks closer to him* I've been out there and i've seen the things she's made and let me tell you...They Are Fear.

Ozpin: And Fear will bring the Grimm *stands up*

(Everyone look at Ozpin as he was standing tall infront of everybody)

Ozpin: A Guardian is a symbol of comfort. But An Army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's mind: If this is the size of our defences, what is it we're expecting to fight?

(Ironwood was staring at Ozpin as his eyebrows were narrowing when he asked the question...

M/N and F/N knew the answers but never said a word because they didn't want to get Y/N involved...

After a few seconds, Ironwood sighed, walked back to the desk to retrieve his scroll before putting it inside his jacket)

Ironwood: So then, what would you suggest we do?

Ozpin: *looks at Y/N* Mister Y/N?

Y/N: ...You're planning to find your guardian, right?

F/N: Hmm... *cups his chin* ...That way, we could have the upper hand for the next step

M/N: But who would be our guard-

Y/N: I volunteer.

(M/N gasps out of shock as F/N looks at him in disbelief...

Glynda and Ironwood were surprised to see him volunteering himself for this mission...

Qrow and Ozpin were staring at the forgotten knight, the former was smirking because he knew the reason why he volunteered)

Qrow: *chuckles* ...You are The Forgotten Knight for a reason.

Y/N: And that's why i accepted this mission, to clean up the mess

M/N: With thousands of women and children?

Y/N: Theyr safe under my protection

F/N: What if they're going to be hostages?!

Y/N: When you take your gloves off, you get blood on your hands. That's how it works!

(He glares at his own parents while his eyes are turning red, however, he was holding himself back to use his semblance)

M/N: ...T-There's a line where we can't walk across...W-When are you going to draw the line on this?

Y/N: ...

(He takes his mask off and tosses it ontop of Ozpin's desk...

Glynda faintly blushes when she sees Y/N's face for the first time...

He took a deep breath and stares at M/N and F/N)

Y/N: ...You draw the line whenever you need it, 'mother'... *clenches his fist* ...At the end of the day, someone has to make the enemy scared of the dark... *looks up at them* We get dirty, And the world stays clean. That's the mission.

(He feels himself about to cough since he overworked his throat once again...

Before it was too late, he grabbed his own flask from his pouch besides him and drinks Ren's tea with medical herbs in it)

Y/N: ...Between you two or my girlfriend...I'd rather sacrifice myself for my girlfriend... *looks at Ozpin* ...Professor.

Ozpin: *nods* That is all for the meeting, i thank you for your cooperation once again

Y/N: ...Much obliged. *looks at Ironwood* ...Sir.

Ironwood: *smiles slightly* ...Tell Winter she will stay to catch up with you

Y/N: Got it

(He walks past him and goes towards the elevator to head back with his team, friends and girlfriend...

Once the doors are opened, he sensed someone tossing his mask back at him, he didn't turn around, instead, he held his arm backwards and catches it without looking)

Qrow: Treat my niece well, she lost someone really precious to her...don't get added on that list

Y/N: *puts his mask back on* If Oum had wanted 'her'  to live, he would not  have created me.

(With his last statement, he gets in the elevator and goes down, leaving the adults surprised by his character development...

The screen slowly fades into pitch black as the sound of the elevator was filled in the darkness)

(A/N): Two chapters done! Think of it as a redeem for keeping you all waiting

Like i mentioned on the previous chapter, this one and the last one are made at the same day and now they're ready to be on the story at the same time

We're getting close to the biggest fight of RWBY series, let's see how long till that day

For now, hope you all are enjoying this story and i'll see you guys in the next one

Have a good day/night! Bye!!!

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