(Vol. 3) Chapter 20: The Vytal Tournament
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Would you look at that...This story has reached Volume 3, isn't it amazing how many readers are viewing The Forgotten Knight?)
(A/N): Tell me about it! However, i wanna change my writing a bit
(May i ask why you're changing your writing?)
(A/N): I just want to test it out, also readers, let me know if you want me to keep the old writing or this new one
I was thinking to not add " when the characters are talking
Normal: talk
Hello: whisper
DAMN: shout/scream/yell
"mind": thoughts
*bang*: action
'mayday!': scroll/radio
How does that sound?
(I believe it's a good way to read the story, i dare say)
(A/N): and also, no more recap of each chapters, i made you a new script, each volume, you'll be the classic recap
(I see...This is really interesting, very well Author, i will follow this script and see how it goes)
(A/N): Alright! Now...Let's jump into the story, shall we?!
(We shall...After all...
The Forgotten Knight has his destiny signed up by Oum Himself...)
-Amity Colosseum-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Amity Colosseum...The Biggest Floating Arena ever made...
The only place where all the students from all around Remnants are being brought there for The Vytal Tournament...
So many people were cheering and wishing their respective teams as the match was already on...
A really nice and peaceful day like this, everyone would think nothing bad will happen...
For now...Let's see what Team (Y)MMN is up to)
-Scene Change-
-Inside The Arena-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(My team and i are currently watching my girlfriend's team against the opposite team, i think they're from Mistral or Vacuo, but they were good going head-to-head against the girls
Melanie and Miltia are eating popcorn as they were watching the match
Neo was recording the whole fight while she was sitting on my lap
Why is she sitting on my lap? Dunno, ever since Roman turned himself in and i took custody over Neo, she's been really clingy on me, like a little sister being clingy to her big brother
I didn't complain though, as long as she's happy, that's what matters
I then concentrate back at the match as the audience were cheering from the fight)
Oobleck: And that's the end of the match! Team RWBY from Beacon has been qualified for the duo match!
Port: Sadly, Team ABRN from Haven couldn't make it, but i'll be damned if this wasn't one of the best fight i've seen so far!
Oobleck: Well said, Professor Port! Now i believe it's time for a break: Next Up! Team JNPR vs Team BRNZ!
(I wonder what kind of game Jaune has planned, oh well...time to find out when their turn is up
My team and i were walking out of the colosseum to meet up with my girlfriend and her team
Still can't believe i'm dating Ruby, but it was worth it to wait! I kinda own Cinder for this, keyword: kinda
Anyway, once we arrived at the food stall, i got tackled by Ruby while her sister was laughing and Blake was just smiling at us)
Weiss: It took you some time to get here
Y/N: Oh bite me Weiss, it's not my fault if Neo was on my legs
Ruby: Did you see how good we did?!
Y/N: *chuckles* i saw it, you did a good job
(I then proceed to give her a head pat
God she's so cute when she smiles, if there's a way to die out of cuteness, Ruby will be the cause of my death)
Weiss: *rolls her eyes, smiles* Alright you two, let's go eat before we leave you both alone
Yang: Woah-oh, since when Weiss is being sarcastic?
Weiss: Hey! I do have sense of humor
Y/N: She's not wrong though
Malachite Twins: You girls were so awesome!
Yang: Thanks girls, now let's go eat before we starve to death
Y/N: If Emerald doesn't try to steal my girl's wallet
(Emerald yelps out of surprise as everyone look at her
The dark skinned thief was giggling nervously as she handed Ruby's wallet back at her)
Emerald: Hehe, you got me Y/N
Y/N: Nice try Emerald
Ruby: You and Yang are made for making pranks
Emerald: *giggles* I know, by the way, you girls were killing it! I honestly thought you couldn't make it
Weiss: Hmph, they were decent but not on our level
Y/N: Once a Schnee, Always a Schnee
Yang: Well said Strikes
Emerald: Strikes?
Y/N: Don't even bother, Yang came up with a nickname
Yang: Say Emmy, wanna join with us to eat some food?
Emerald: I would love to join, but...my teammates are... *looks at Mercury* ...not that good at socializing
(We all look at Mercury as he was sniffing inside of a boot
I don't buy that shit, Cinder is somewhere plotting something already, better report to Ozpin whenever i have a chance)
Y/N: Neo, spy on them without getting caught
(I see her nodding her head in confirmation, now i have more eyes since she managed to turn some White Fang members on my side
I'm not gonna ask how she did that, but i'll take all the chances i can get)
Y/N: Maybe next time, make sure you help your teammates with their social skills
Emerald: Will do, sorry again guys
Ruby: Don't worry! We'll see you guys around!
(Without any warning, Ruby grabs my arm and starts pulling me towards a ramen stall
I guess we're eating ramen then, i honestly haven't eaten ramen for a while)
-Scene Change-
-Ramen Stall-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(The camera now shows team RWBY and (Y)MMN sitting on their seats, except for Ruby and Y/N since they're sitting next to each other...
Yang, Blake and the Malachite Twins were smiling at the couple as they were happy for them to be together...
Neo was simply smiling because she gets free food from Y/N, especially her favorite ice cream...
Weiss, on the other hand, she was jealous of them but also angry because she didn't get her chance to confess to Y/N)
Yang: Hey Chef! I want the usual!
Y/N: Usua-
(Before he could finish his sentence, a big bowl of ramen was seen sliding infront of Yang)
Ruby: Ooo! I want the same but make it big for both of us!
(Another bowl of ramen was seen sliding infront of the couple...
Y/N's face was beet red when he realized he's sharing the noodle with Ruby)
Weiss: Can i get a medium size? Also i prefer my noodles to be-
(A third bowl of ramen was seen sliding infront of Weiss but it was the same as the others)
Weiss: O-oh...well, o-ok then
(Blake gives a nod to the chef, who nodded back at her before he rushes inside and cooks her ramen...
A few seconds later, a bowl of ramen was seen sliding infront Blake...
What makes her excited, was because she has a big fish inside her bowl...
As for Malachite Twins and Neo, the three of them get served by the shopkeeper as they get the same bowl as Yang's)
Weiss: *pulls out her credit card* Here
Yang: Wait, you're paying for us?
Y/N: Not gonna happen
(He copies Phyrra's semblance to get Weiss's credit card back to her...
He then pulls out his own money and hands it over to the shopkeeper)
Y/N: It's on me, take it or leave it
Yang: Damn Strikes, you get paid when you work with the cops?
Y/N: They knew my files, so they offered me a part-time job and now i'm The Forgotten Knight
Ruby: You know you didn't have to
Blake: But he could!
Y/N: Babe, you four did an excellent job, you deserve to get spoiled for a little bit, so enjoy your food
(He grabs his chopsticks, lifts his mask up and starts eating his noodles...
Team RWBY were blushing for getting praised by Y/N and they all went to eat their respective ramen)
Ruby: Mmm~ Sho good!~
Yang: Well said sis! This ramen is banging!
Weiss: For once, i agree, it is delicious
(Blake was seen with her face plants into the ramen as she was eating the fish as well...
That makes everyone chuckling at her way to eat since they knew she's a cat faunus)
Y/N: "That moan Ruby just made a few seconds ago, i felt like she was su- NO, BACK OFF! SHE'S TOO INNOCENT!" as he thought...
Phyrra: "Hello again!~"
(Team RW_Y and (Y)MMN look over and greets at their friends)
Malachite Twins: Hi guys!
Nora: Sup everybody! Hi Strikey!
Y/N: You too, Nora?
Jaune: Nora did say you two went for a sparring match and beat her
Y/N: Or was it the fact i always attack first?
Ren: That's also the reason
Y/N: *rolls his eyes* Fine, i'll let you call me that
Phyrra: *giggles* Would you mind if we join as well?
Yang: Not at all! The more the merrier
Y/N: I don't recall saying eating before the fight is good for you
Phyrra: Well, it does help you keeping the strength you need, doesn't it?
Y/N: ... *shrugs* Suit yourself
(Team JNPR are now seen sitting on their seats as they order their foods...
The camera switches place where Mercury and Emerald are seen walking around the park, looking concerned about their plan slowly falling down)
Mercury: This isn't good...Y/N is way too unpredictable...
Emerald: He even managed to spot me while i was using my semblance...How does he even do that?
Mercury: Beats me...Without Neo, the three of us are cornered...
Emerald: But we got lucky we found a substitute before the fight, he knew too much after asking too may question
Mercury: ...What should we do with Y/N?
Emerald: Cinder said we should try taking him alive...but if he opposed, we have to kill him
Mercury: *nods* Noted...Now let's go, pretty sure Cinder needs something from us
(Emerald agrees and follows Mercury to head back to their leader...
Unknowingly for them, two hooded figures were seen following the teens by keeping the distance)
-Amity Colosseum-
[Team JNPR vs Team BRNZ]
(The screen now shows Team JNPR and BRNZ standing in the middle of the arena...
Team RWBY and (Y)MMN were cheering for their friends while Melanie was recording everything since Neo was busy eating her ice cream...
Miltia notices two hooded figures sitting above Mercury, Emerald and Cinder...
She then leans forward and whispers at her team leader)
Miltia: Psst, Y/N
Y/N: *leans against his seat* what is it?
Miltia: There are two hooded people in the crowd, they're sitting two rows above the witch and her puppets
(Y/N looks over and notices the figures as Cinder spots him looking at her...
She then gives a flirty wave at him, making the knight winks at her...
Taking a mental note about the two unknown figures, he leans back against the seat)
Y/N: Ozpin might have been involved those two, leave that to me.
Miltia: Understood
(The two of them sit back properly as they look forward, concentrating back at the fight)
Oobleck: Even if their teamwork wasn't that good, Team JNPR manages to advance for the 2v2 match!
Port: I like their spirits! Sadly, it wasn't that exciting, but i'll be damned if this fight was also interesting to watch!
Oobleck: That's true, sometimes we need a little bit of comedy, now we have one more match before the Duo Round! This time, it will be Team (Y)MMN vs Team SLVR!
Ruby: Yes!!! I get to see my baby kicking their butts!!!
Y/N: *rolls his eyes, chuckles* I'm sure they're stronger than they think
Yang: Good luck guys! You too, shortstack!
(Neo playfully blows a berry at her, making the blonde fighter giggling while Team (Y)MMN went to change their outfits...
After a few minutes later, both teams were seen walking towards each other as they stand in the middle of the arena...
Y/N takes a good look at Team SLVR and starts analysing their weapons)
Y/N: "Simin Megistus, Lycan Arcadia, Vella Moisia and Ragora Cinarum...this is interesting..." as he thought...
Simin: May the best team wins
Lycan: *punches his palm* Time to kick some ass!
Malachite Twins: Hope we'll be friends after this match
Vella: W-wow, they're in sync
Ragora: *looks at Neo* Let's have a fair match
(Neo holds her umbrella behind her back as she does a bow infront of Ragora, making the witch looking girl startled by her smirk...
Simin looks at Y/N since he couldn't help but noticing his armor as well as his guitar hanging on his back)
Lycan: Hey Knight! Here to play your defeat with that guitar?
Y/N: *turns his Courtesy Call into Sword and Shield mode* Never judge a book by its cover.
Lycan: *smirks* It's on, Forgotten Knight!
Oobleck: Would you look at that! The Forgotten Knight seems to rely on his new weapon!
Port: He named it: Courtesy Call, such names shall be recognized from its beauty!
Oobleck: What a way to describe his introduction of his new weapon, Professor Port! Now, let's see the biomass!
(Four different slots started spinning on what kind of biomes both teams will get...
The first biomass was a small forest)
Vella: Yes! That's my turf!
Neo: *smirks victoriously as she twirls her umbrella around her hand*
(The second biome was a destroyed street)
Simin: Either me or Lycan can deal with that
Lycan: Hah! The victory is ours!
(The third biome was the same Ice Biomass as from Team RWBY's match)
Ragora: Oh no...I can't handle the cold
Malachite Twins: Same, we hate winter season!
(And the final biome was a beach platform with a sunken ship on it)
Y/N: "This is interesting..." as he thought...
Oobleck: Alright! All four biomes have been selected!
Port: You know the rules, first team manages to defeat the other team gets qualified for the 2nd round!
Oobleck: May the fight begins!
(And right on cue, the alarm goes off, letting everyone know the match has now started...
Lycan immediately rushes towards Neo as he pulls his claws out to slash his attack...
As soon as he makes contact, Neo shatters into glass pieces making the brute growl out of frustration for being outplayed...
Vella was immediately found in the forest as she uses her bow and arrow to track Neo down...
Ragora and Y/N were seen flying around the beach biome, Ragora was using her semblance to fly while Y/N was using the Nevermore trails...
Simin and Lycan were seen fighting against the Malachite Twins, the audience were roaring out of excitement to see the twins to be synchronized even in the battlefield)
Oobleck: Team (Y)MMN are playing both passive and aggressive towards Team SLVR, what a sight!
Port: Y/N, one of our honorable student, has been proven his skills, leadership and determination on how to be a true licensed huntsman!
Oobleck: Miss Cinamus seems to have some trouble to fight against Mister Y/N, can she overcome the odds?
(Ragora manages to take Y/N in the ice biome, making the knight stumble when he lands on his feet...
As she figured out of a plan, Ragora immediately picks her weapon up and tries to attack Y/N...
The said knight quickly switches his ability from Nevermore to Taijitu trails, that ability makes half of his armor turning pitch black as he's now a Taijitu Grimm in humanoid form...
She was surprised to see his semblance in action, but quickly recovers by blocking Y/N's attack as her "pet" was taking damage by protecting Ragora from the Knight's venom)
Ragora: *shocked* W-what?!
Y/N: Lurk.
(He then vanished from her sights, making his opponent more shocked...
Y/N then reappears behind her and does this combo to drain her Aura to 50%)
(A/N): Reptile=Y/N Sektor=Ragora
(After his combo, Y/N gives a final attack with a 180 side kick on her stomach, making Ragora flying behind the forest biome...
The audience were cheering loudly at Y/N's flawless combo while Ruby and Nora were fangirling at his new combo)
Oobleck: What an incredible combo from Y/N! Not only he used the iced floor at his advantage, but he also the momentum to keep her up in the air for his attack!
Port: That was really an unbelievable combo from one of the honorable students from Beacon! Y/N never cease to amaze us!
(Simin notices Ragora's Aura was already 50% while Vella has 80% as Lycan's was 85%...
His Aura was the same as Lycan's, so he decided to play passive and switches dusts from ice to fire and starts attacking Miltia while Lycan was fighting against Melanie...
What makes the duo shocked was, the twins somehow still manage to be switch back and forth to lnd their attacks at Simin and Lycan)
Oobleck: Melanie and Miltia Malachite, also known as Malachite Twins, they sure know how to make teamwork look so easy
Port: The elegance, synchrony and seriousness in the field is something that we should take an example
Oobleck: In fact, let's see our Neopolitan is up to
(The screen now shows Neo and Vella going head-to-head in a small area with multiple trees around them...
As a former criminal, Neo uses the environment at her advantage to lend some sneaky attack...
Vella quickly shot a lightning arrow to make the little girl blind temporarily, she then switches her bow into her crossbow to shoot arrows faster...
Y/N quickly switches Neo's place as he was copying Beowolf's trails, that caught Vella by surprise)
Vella: Hold up! What happened to Ragora?!
Y/N: Stunned from my attack. Focus.
(Black smoke was emitting from both of his forearms while his eyes were brighter than usual...
He then copies Simin's semblance as two black flaming blades was forming onto his arms...
Neo somehow recovers from getting shot and quickly joins with Y/N to assist him on the fight)
Port: It seems Miss Moisia is getting cornered by the duo
Oobleck: However, Miss Cinamus is still in the fight but stunned as her Aura is still at 50%
(Neo and Y/N were tag-teaming against Vella since she was having some difficulty to block most of their attack...
Y/N quickly gets out of the way as Neo holds her umbrella behind her back, stares at Vella before doing this to her to drain her Aura through the red zone)
(A/N): Play at 1:03 till 1:12
Oobleck: What a shocking move from Miss Politan! Vella Moisia has been eliminated from the match!
Port: Mister Y/N sure taught that girl some of his tricks! That was an excellent performance, don't you agree, Doctor Oobleck?
Oobleck: Indeed! Miss Politan sure did impressed us by that! But again, she's been trained by Mister Y/N!
(As the commentators kept talking, the camera shows the Malachite Twins retreating into the forest as Neo was seen walking out of it...
She then did the same bow as she did to Vella, this time, she stays like that for second until Y/N walks out of the forest with his Courtesy Call on his hands)
Simin: I guess it's 4 on 2 now...You really know how to fight
Y/N: Likewise...You four know how to keep up with us
Lycan: *pops his claws out* Let's end this fight!
Neo: *smirks as she shatters herself into pieces*
(Y/N took that opportunity to dash towards Simin as he sends him through the abandoned street biome...
The twins jumps back out of the forest while Neo reappears behind Lycan as the three of them are now team-tagging against him...
Simin switches from fire to ice as he summons two ice swords to even the odds against Y/N...
The audience started cheering as loud as they can for watching one of the most intense fight so far...
Ragora finally recovers from Y/N's combo and notices Vella was out of the fight, she then quickly reunites with Lycan to assist him against the twins and the former criminal)
Lycan: You sure took your time!
Ragora: It's not my fault if The Forgotten Knight can make such moves!
(The due were quickly interrupted by Melanie and Miltia as they immediately did this to eliminate Ragora in the progress...
Lycan had enough playing games, so he decided to activate his semblance and charge his attack towards Neo...
Before he could charge his move, he got knocked down by Y/N as he was seen his arm being holding up while the shield comes back at his arm right before he gets slashed by Simin's ice sword)
Simin: Heh...You're quite impressive
Y/N: *smirks under his mask* Then let's make it even.
(The mouth of his mask has a small gravity glyph on it as he holds his main sword as if he was biting on the handle...
He then proceeds to split his shield in half as he shows his shield can also form into two medium sized swords, he then charges his attack, rushes towards Simin and did this to him to get him eliminated)
(A/N): Zoro=Y/N, Boruto=Simin
(Y/N's starts flickering as the screen shows his Aura is now 80%, he then jumps back in the middle of the arena as the girls are dealing with Lycan...
The said brute somehow still manage to give a helluva fight but he was defeated by the Malachite Twins as they were in sync to lend their attacks one at the time...
The alarm goes off as it signals the match was over, making the audience roar of excitement from the fight)
Oobleck: Team SLVR has been defeated by Team (Y)MMN!
Port: Mister Y/N was the MVP of that match! His final attack against Simin Megistus was outside the Remnant!
Oobleck: It sure is! I've never seen anyone pulling such attack like that before! The Forgotten Knight meets more than the eye!
Port: And this ends the first day of The Vytal Tournament!
Oobleck: But fret not, everyone! Tomorrow we're still going with teams match until doubles match are on!
Port: Stay safe and we'll see you tomorrow!
(After saying goodbye, the camera turns off as everyone in the arena started heading back to Beacon Academy while the crowd were heading back to Vale...
The screen now shows Team (Y)MMN walking out of the locker room with their casual clothes, Y/N was immediately get tackled by Ruby and Nora from fangirling over his new attacks...
The group laughed at the trio as they all headed to a bullhead to take them all back to Beacon...
Unknowingly to them, the same hooded figures were seen watching at their "son" walking with his friends...
One of them were tearing up out of happiness while the other was smiling sadly at Y/N...)
???2: H-he has grown up s-so much...
???: ...y-yeah...w-we should show up to him...
???2: *wipes her tears* Y-you're right...
(The two of them took their hoods off as they look at each other)
(A/N): Her eyes are blackish grey
(A/N): His eyes are red
???: *wipes her tears, smiles sadly* ...we will show up soon enough, alright hun?
???2: *nods faintly* O-ok dear...
(The married couple turn around and walk back into the shadows...
The screen slowly fades into pitch black as footsteps can be heard in in the darkness)
Again guys, if you guys like this new writing or the old one, let me know in the comment!
And i know, Lady Maria is from Bloodborne, i just like her fanart, especially the one i used to what Y/N's mother looks like
Team SLVR are just for appearance, they won't show up when the raid happens
Hope you guys liked this chapter, also hope you're enjoying this story
I'll see you guys in the next one! Bye and have a good day/night!!!
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