(Vol. 2) Chapter 17: Mountain Glenn, Part 1
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Hello once again, readers...Our author seems to be more motivated and creative than usual, i must say, i do find this job really entertaining...
As for tradition...
On the last chapter, Y/N kept his word and took Ruby out of their promised date on the dance...
However, their dance was interrupted by Cinder trying to get to hack into CCTV for possible invasion...
After Y/N lightened up Weiss's mood by dancing with her once, he went outside to stop Cinder, and so much to his surprise, Ruby had thought the same thing...
The duo arrived at CCTV Tower and managed to stop Cinder from hacking the communication system...
Later on, Ironwood arrived and took care of the rest while he sent the duo back at the dance...
But then...
The Forgotten Knight and The Red Riding Hood had confessed their feelings to each other...
How would their friends take the news after their talk with Ozpin?...)
-Ozpin's Office-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the screen turns on, the camera shows the tower where Professor Ozpin's office is...
Once it zooms in, it shows Ironwood, Glynda and Ozpin waiting for Y/N and Ruby to arrive...
After a few seconds, the elevator opens up and the called out students, Ruby was sheepishly smiling while Y/N was on his usual armor outfit)
Ruby: "Sorry for being late, Professor Ozpin, someone must've played with the buttons"
Y/N: "By someone, she meant herself"
Ruby: *looks up at Y/N, pouts* "Hey!"
Ozpin: *chuckles amusingly* "It's quite alright, Miss Rose, i promise you both that you're not in trouble"
Ruby: "We're not?"
Ironwood: "I requested Ozpin to call you both here"
(The general walks closer to the newly couple...
Ruby was a bit nervous but Y/N stood besides her to calm her down)
Ironwood: "Your action from yesterday night, it was nothing more but like a true licensed huntress would do." *smiles faintly* "You don't wait for the news, you take action and stop anything that cause harm anyone, that's what makes a real huntsmen/huntresses"
Ruby: *amazed, flustered* "W-wow...T-thanks General Ironwood"
Ozpin: *looks at Y/N* "I presume you were also there"
Y/N: "Yes sir."
Glynda: "Do you have any descriptions about this woman in question?"
Ruby: "I couldn't see her face because it was covered by a mask, but she was using the same semblance she used on us when Torchwick got away from you..."
Y/N: "Her attire was infused-clothes kind of attire, preventing it to get burned to ashes from her semblance"
Ozpin: "Really interesting..."
Ironwood: "Has she spoken to any of you?"
Ruby: "She-"
Y/N: "No sir."
Glynda: "Was this woman somehow similar to you both?"
Ruby: "No ma'am."
Y/N: "No ma'am."
(The Headmaster of Beacon Academy knew The Forgotten Knight knows more than Ruby, so he just kept looking at the duo...)
Ironwood: *cups his chin* "At least we got some description..."
(Y/N recalls his sudden message from Torchwick about Mountain Grimm and the attempt to bring Chaos at Vale...)
Y/N: "...Sorry for lying about her not speaking, i've actually heard her saying something big will happen at Mountain Grimm"
Ruby: "Did she???"
Glynda: "But you mentioned-"
Ozpin: "Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Rose, Mister Y/N"
Y/N: "No problem, sir."
Ruby: "Sorry if we didn't get more information"
Ozpin: "Fret not, Miss Rose, any small details are really useful for us all...however, i would like to keep Mister Y/N for a little longer while you're dismissed"
Ruby: "Oh, sure professor!" *looks at Y/N* "I'll be waiting with my team"
Y/N: *nods* "Got it"
Ruby: "Hehehe, i love you!"
(Ironwood and Glynda were shocked to see Ruby tipping toes up to kiss Y/N on the side of his mask...
Y/N smiles slightly under his mask as he watches his girlfriend going inside the elevator as she goes to her dorm...
The knight looks back at the adults as he was confused by Ironwood's and Glynda's expressions)
Y/N: "...What?"
Ozpin: *smiles* "They're just surprised about you and Miss Rose ending up being together"
Glynda: "Forgive me for asking this personal question, but...When did you and Miss Rose get together?"
Y/N: "Yesterday night, after our fight against Cinder."
(The two adults were surprised to hear who the suspect was...
Ozpin was simply smiling as he took a sip of his cup)
Ironwood: "But you said-"
Y/N: "Ruby may be too young, but she's actually smart because, thanks to her, i know what she's up to."
Ozpin: "Do tell, we're all ears"
(Y/N carefully takes his mask off, walks over to the desk and places his mask on Ozpin's desk...
Ironwood was seen smiling amusingly to see his ex knight opening up to them...
Glynda, on the other hand, she didn't expect Y/N to look that astonishing)
Y/N: "...Salem is using her and her goons to destroy this place. Including taking down The Fall Maiden."
Ironwood: *shocked* "What?!"
Glynda: *shocked* "H-how-"
Ozpin: "How do you know about Mountain Grimm?"
Y/N: "...Torchwick is playing as a spy for me, him and i made a deal."
Ironwood: "Can he be trusted?"
Y/N: "To be betrayed, you have to be trusted..." *looks at Ironwood* "...You taught me this."
(The general immediately knew what he meant by that...
He just sighed and nodded his head i. confirmation)
Y/N: *looks back at Ozpin* "...I have a request."
Ozpin: *smiles slightly* "...What is it, Forgotten Knight?
-Scene Change-
-RWBY's Dorm Room-
-Ruby's P.O.V.-
(I wonder how long do i have to wait for Y/N...
It's already been an hour since i left him with Professor Ozpin...
Maybe he knows something about that woman since he's being known from the locals)
Yang: "Hey sis~ You're worried about your precious knight?~"
*blushes* "W-what?"
Weiss: "You know, since yesterday night, you and Y/N were acting way too closer than any of us expected"
Blake: "Did something happened between you two?"
*blushing hard* "U-u-uhhhhh..."
(W-what do i do?! Should i tell them?! D-do i have to tell them Y/N and i k-k-kissed?!
Y-Y/N! Where are you?!)
*knock knock*
Yang: "I'll get it"
(I watch Yang walking over to the door and opening it
I peek over and- Oh my Oum! He heard my prayers!!!)
Yang: "Y/N!"
Y/N: "Missed me?"
Weiss: "Mostly Ruby, we were actually wanted to ask you a question"
Y/N: *walks in while Yang closes the door behind him* "Talk"
Blake: "Same question i gave to Ruby, did something happened between the two of you?"
Y/N: *realizes it* "Right, forgot to make the announcement"
Yang: "What announcement?"
Y/N: "Ruby and i are together"
(I yelp out of embarrassment when i felt his hand ontop of my head
I then notice my teammates' shocked expressions)
_WBY: "WHAT?!?!?!"
-Camera Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(After the girls calmed down, they let Y/N and Ruby explained what happened at the CCTV Tower...)
Yang: "So you two confessed each other after the fight against that woman?"
Y/N: "Yes"
Weiss: "...I can't believe this"
Blake: *smiles faintly* "Guess it was bound to happen"
Yang: "Hell yeah! Congrats guys!!!"
(She then gives a big tight hug to Ruby and Y/N...
Ruby was gasping for air while Y/N remain unfazed since it wasn't the first time he's been squeezed like that...
After the hug, Yang lets go of them while Ruby comically falls down with her legs up)
Y/N: *dusts himself off* "Sorry for not saying it sooner"
Weiss: "It's alright..." *crosses her arms, looks away* "...Don't worry about it.."
(Y/N was confused by her sudden mood change, but he doesn't ask since he thought it was about their first missions...)
Y/N: "Anything we should do before we go?"
Yang: "Oh yeah! Dad sent us a package!"
Ruby: "Really?! Let me see it!"
(She uses her semblance to get on her older sister's back as she tries to reach for the letter...
However, Yang opened it and started shaking it until a black tube came out of the package...
The girls and Y/N were looking closely at the tube until it starts to unfold itself up to reveal it was a Corgi)
(The girls gasps out of shock while Y/N's were slightly widening up by this strange physique of science)
Ruby: "ZWEI!!!"
Weiss: "HE SENT A DOG?!"
Blake: "IN A MAIL?!?!"
(Ruby was giggling while hugging Zwei as Y/N gently poking his ear, making it twitch everytime he touches his ear)
Yang: "He does that all the time"
Blake: "Your dad or your dog?"
(Y/N notices her voice was slightly off, he turns around and sees Blake cowering ontop of Ruby's bed)
Y/N: "...Right, Cat faunus"
Blake: "You think so?"
Y/N: "You didn't have problem with me having Beowolf trails?"
Blake: "That's because it's your semblance's doing"
Y/N: "Fair point" *looks at Ruby and Yang* "Dog of yours?"
Ruby: "Yup! We took him as our family member!"
Weiss: "And you're telling me that...little...mut...is going to stay here?" *baby voice* "Oh yes, you are! Yes, you are!"
Blake: "Keep him away from my things"
Y/N: "He sure is cute, no kidding"
Yang: "He's our cute little fur" *sees the letter* "Let's see...Dear Yang and Ruby, hope you'll take care of Zwei while i'm out for a few days, i also provide food for him, from Dad"
(Yang shakes the mail as tons of canned dog food was coming out of a small mail, burying Zwei with those cans while the last one hit on his head)
Yang: "Well, that settles it, come on guys! We don't want to be late for our first scout mission!"
(Yang was the first one to leave, Weiss soon after follows Yang before talking to Zwei like a baby as Blake jumps on the desk to get out of the room...
Y/N was getting The Musketeer and his guitar weapon, which he named it, Courtesy Call...
As he was about to walk away, he notices Ruby looking at Zwei as if she has an idea)
Y/N: "...Rubes?"
Ruby: "Hehehe"
-Scene Change-
(After a long time of conversation, Team RWBY and (Y)MM were seen walking...
Ruby's teammates were still surprised to know their leader is dating Y/N...
The Malachite Twins were cooing at the newly couple, making their knight flustered, even if he was wearing his mask)
Weiss: "I still can't believe it..."
Blake: "I agree"
Yang: *crush hugging Ruby* "I'm so happy for you sis! Wait until dad knows about Y/N!"
Ruby: "Y-Yang! Y-you're killing me!"
Melanie: "Hehehe, you two sure look cute"
Miltia: "Right, sis? They're made for each other"
Y/N: *blushes under his mask* "Can it"
(Once they arrived at their destination, they look up at Ozpin and Glynda as The Headmaster of Beacon Academy makes his speech)
(After hearing his speech, every students start applauding at the Headmaster as Glynda warns everyone about to pick which missions they want to pick...
Team RWBY and (Y)MM were looking at the holoboard to see their specific mission)
Blake: "I can't find it"
The Malachite Twins: "Us neither"
Y/N: *finds it* "Found it. Sector, Mountain Grimm."
Ruby: "That's the one we're after"
Yang: "Except it says it's for upperclassmen only"
Weiss: "Such bummer..."
(Y/N looks over his shoulder and sees Ozpin walking towards him and his friends)
Y/N: "Ozpin?"
Ozpin: "Greetings Team RWBY, Team (Y)MM"
Ruby: "Professor Ozpin! Why is this mission on display?"
Weiss: "I thought it wasn't meant for us students"
Ozpin: "Well, to tell the truth, i wanted to display that kind of mission because i wanted to see how a real teamwork should do, but sadly, no one has ever gone through that..."
Y/N: "And that's why we're gather here..."
Ozpin: "Sometimes, whenever we're on a little operation, we should bend some rules"
(He then presses a button as the mission is now saying it's confirmed by Team RWBY and (Y)MM)
Ruby: *smiles* "Thank you, Professor Ozpin"
Ozpin: "Do not thank me, Miss Rose, remember what i said during my speech, do your very best to protect Remnant from any harmful things that could hurt any citizens..."
Ruby: "Yessir!"
Ozpin: *looks at Y/N, smiles* "I wish you nothing but best luck with your new team"
Y/N: *nods* "Thanks Ozpin"
(The Headmaster walks away from the teams as the group start walking out of the school...
As they were walking down the courtyard, they saw Team CVFY walking past everyone with their heads hanging down...
They all run over to them while Y/N and The Malachite Twins were walking)
Ruby: "Velvet!"
Velvet: *looks up and sees RWBY and (Y)MM* "O-Oh, hey girls, h-hi Y/N"
Y/N: "Rumor said your mission should've ended a week ago, why the sudden extension?"
Velvet: "R-right...It just happened to stop lots of Grimms..." *looks up and smiles slightly* "...But i'm sure you all will have it easy since it's a scout mission"
Y/N: "...Velvet"
Velvet: "Y-yes?"
Y/N: "...Here"
(He hands over one of his emblem to her, she looks down at it before looking back up at him)
Velvet: "Why are you giving me this?"
Y/N: "In case you feel bothered, press the right side of that emblem, it has a small instrumental song that helps you ease up from stress"
Velvet: *surprised, smiles genuinely* "Thanks Y/N, i'll save it for later"
(The knight nods his head and let her walk past him as he goes back with his friends...
Only to see them being shocked as they were looking at someone)
Y/N: "What's with your expression?"
Yang: "...look who we have as our teacher"
(Y/N looks where they were looking and sees Doctor Oobleck talking fast enough he couldn't understand him)
Y/N: '...Mountain Grimm, off we go...Fuck you, Oum...' as he thought
(The screen slowly fades into pitch black as Doctor Oobleck's gibberish sound can be heard in the darkness)
(A/N): Part 1 is done
Time to make Part 2
Don't expect me much since i'm currently lazy at the moment
Sorry in advance for this small ass chapter
It might be even smaller than my di-
I mean wut?
Anyway, hope you guys like this chapter and i'll see you in the next one, bye!!!
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