(Vol. 2) Chapter 16: An Interrupted Date
-Narrator's P.O.V.
(Welcome, once again, to "The Forgotten Knight" story, readers...
Here's another recap of Chapter 15...
Ruby was saddened because her faunus teammate, Blake, wouldn't go to the dance...
Yang reassured her half-sister about Blake going to the dance, making Weiss and Y/N skeptical about her methods...
However, Y/N trusted Yang as he went to Vale to collect his order to the blacksmith as he brought The Musketeer with him...
Once he arrived to the shop, the blacksmith showed up with Y/N's order, which it was a new instrumental weapon...
An Acoustic Guitar that can form into a Sword and Shield, similar to Jaune's weapon but its default mode is a guitar...
Impressed by his work, he tried to pay the blacksmith for his hardwork, but he quickly denied his money and handed it over for free...
Y/N was hesitant at first, but he then reluctantly accepted his discount and walked out of the shop...
He then remembered about the dance and his date, Y/N was looking for a suit but no avail...
As Oum sent a miracle to The Forgotten Knight, Y/N saw a clothing shop where they sell suits, such as tuxedo and others...
After being busy for the whole day, Yang and Weiss had officially managed to make the prom room where all the students were enjoying their nights...
No one could tell or know where Y/N was, not even Emerald and Mercury know where he was...
But again, as he was being called, Y/N appeared at the entrance with his well-made suit with a fedora and a cane...
Tonight, The Forgotten Knight is going to take his Beloved Rose to the dance floor...)
-Prom Night-
-Night Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Once the camera turns on, the screen was seen where it was left on the last chapter...
Mercury, Emerald and Yang were still in shock to see Y/N with a suit but without wearing his iconic mask...
The Forgotten Knight tilted his head to the side, confused by their attitude)
Y/N: "...Hello?"
(The trio quickly recover from their status of shocking, Yang immediately smirks slyly at Y/N)
Yang: "Guess you were looking forward to date my little sister, huh~"
Y/N: "...Shut it" *looks at Mercury and Emerald* "Cinder?"
Mercury: "She said she had to wait for her dress to get delivered...The delivery guy was stuck in the traffic"
Emerald: "S-She'll be here b-before the night ends"
(Y/N suspiciously looks at Emerald, who was briefly sweating...
He then shrugged and walked past them as he handed a card on Yang...
Yang's eyes widen up when she saw it was written on the card...
Her reaction made Y/N chuckled while he was heading to the dance floor, admiring Yang's and Weiss's work on the room...
Some students were in awe to see Y/N without his mask, some others were in shock to see him...
He then saw Weiss sitting on a chair, he probably thought she didn't get a date...
Out of his humbleness, he walks over and gently tabs his cane on the floor to get her attention)
Y/N: "...Everything alright, Weiss?"
Weiss: *sighs* "Y/N, i-" *looks up, sees his suit as her face went beet red*
Y/N: 'Why are they acting like that?' "Uhm...Weiss?"
Weiss: *snaps out of her thoughts, quickly shakes her head* "S-Sorry, did you say anything?"
Y/N: "I saw you by yourself on the chair...Are you ok?"
Weiss: "Oh yeah, i'm fine..." *sighs, looks down* "...Just a little down because my date was a bit of a-"
Y/N: "Playboy?"
Weiss: "Exactly..." *looks up at Y/N* "...Where did you get that suit?"
Y/N: *lifts his cane up and holds it over his shoulder* "...A gift from Oum Himself, if i say for myself"
Weiss: *giggles slightly* "Oh hush you"
(Y/N faintly smiles at her, knowing he managed to lighten up her mood...
He then takes a look around the place and he saw lots of stuffs:
Ozpin and Glynda were talking to each other with their drinks on their hands...
Ironwood had his two men guarding Penny as she was happily dancing through the music...
Nora tried to spike the drink but she was stopped by Ren as he dragged his childhood friend away from the drink...
And finally, Jaune and Ruby were awkwardly standing next to each other with their drinks)
Y/N: "Hmm...How about i take you on the dance after Ruby?"
Weiss: *looks at Y/N, surprised* "...What?"
Y/N: "Think of it as a way to grow our friendships, we help each other out, even if we rarely talk or interact"
Weiss: "..." *smiles* "...I suppose we can catch up later on"
Y/N: *nods, tips his fedora* "Enjoy your night, Schnee"
(He then walks away as he was heading towards Ruby and Jaune while leaving Weiss giggling at his manners...
Once he arrived at the table, he poured a drink of his own and joins with the duo by standing next to Ruby)
Jaune: "Guess i'm not the only one who is awkwardly socialist in this kind of party"
Ruby: "Eeyup"
Y/N: "Cheers guys, i'll drink to that"
(The duo jumps at his sudden appearance...
What shocked them the most was, Y/N wasn't wearing his mask but his eyes are Red)
Ruby: "Y-Y-Y/N?!"
Jaune: "D-Dude!?"
Y/N: *holds his cup up* "Evening, guys"
Jaune: "You look awesome! Were you busy for that?!"
Y/N: "Affirm, Enjoying the night?"
Jaune: *chuckles nervously* "Not really, but Yang and Weiss did a good job though"
(Ruby was staring at Y/N with a blush on her face, admiring his looks and suit...
The knights caught her being quiet and they tried to snap her out of daydreaming)
Y/N: "...Ruby?"
Ruby: *quickly shakes her head* "Y-Yes!"
Jaune: "You good? You were spacing out"
Ruby: "O-Oh, i-it's nothing!"
Y/N: "If you say so..." *looks at Jaune* "...No date?"
Jaune: *shakes his head* "Not really...I was thinking about inviting Weiss, but i had a second thought and i gave up"
Ruby: "Woahhh...Really?"
Jaune: "Yeah...It still hurts, but like Y/N said, i will find a girl, i just need to keep looking"
Y/N: "Good job, but also flash news, Weiss came here by herself"
(Jaune was about to drink but as soon as he heard Y/N, he immediately stopped and looks at him)
Jaune: "What?!"
Ruby: "Did Weiss told you why?"
Y/N: "Apparently Neptune is a playboy, flirt with any girls he could find"
(The trio heard giggling, only the two of them look over and notice Neptune talking with two random girls, making Y/N proving his point...
However, The Forgotten Knight looked up and saw Phyrra looking down at the dance with a sad look...
Before Jaune could take a step, Y/N stopped him with his cane)
Y/N: *still looking up at Phyrra* "How about i talk with Neptune while you comfort your teammate?"
(Jaune was confused, but he looks up where Y/N was looking and sees Phyrra walking away)
Jaune: "...You're right, i'll see what i can do with her"
Ruby: "What about me?"
(Y/N takes his fedora off and places it on Ruby's head)
Y/N: "Wait for our date until i deal with Neptune, alright?"
Ruby: *blushes* "O-Ok"
(Y/N and Jaune started walking away from Ruby as Jaune heads upstairs to talk with Phyrra while Y/N follows Neptune as he was heading to the balcony)
-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(After following the playboy, i saw him leaning forward at the balcony as he was looking up at the shattered moon
I have to admit...At first, i thought he was cool, but after i learned the truth, i felt angry but also bad cuz he kinda lied to us...)
*uses my cane to tap loudly on the floor* "Neptune"
Neptune: *turns around, surprised* "Yoooo, Y/N? Is that you?"
"Yeah, why are you up here?"
Neptune: "Oh y'know, some parties aren't my thing"
"Weird...Last time i checked, i saw you talking with two random girls"
Neptune: "U-Uhm"
*holds my cane over my shoulder like a baseball bat* "Tell me...Why are you keep acting cool if you don't like the dance?"
Neptune: "..."
(Never judge a book by its cover...If he had a reason to do that, i may or may not believe him-)
Neptune: *sighs* "You got me..." *rubs his head* "The thing is...i can't dance..."
(...m8 U w0t?)
"...Can you repeat that again?"
Neptune: "I-I can't dance...T-That's why i ditched Weiss, don't get me wrong! She's nice and all, but..."
"...You were afraid to embarrass yourself infront of her, right?"
Neptune: "Y-Yeah..."
(Not everyone can be perfect, not even myself...)
"...I understand you"
Neptune: *surprised* "Really?"
*leans against the balcony* "...Not everyone is perfect...We hide some stuffs to keep us becoming for what we are..." *looks up at the tower* "...Especially me..."
Neptune: *leans back forwards on the balcony, looking at Y/N* "What is your secret?..."
"...Being a monster..."
(As soon as i said those words, i immediately remember my parents's words before they left me only Oum knows where...
A mistake of a child...
A failed next generation...
A monster with dangerous power...
...If they are alive, Oum helps us all to hold my wraith...)
Neptune: "Why would they think of you that way?"
"My semblance..." *looks at Neptune* "Look, just talk to Weiss and say you're sorry, restart your friendship with her"
Neptune: "...You're right, i'll fix this up, but...promise you won't laugh if you see me dancing?"
"Cross my heart, hope to die and i'll stick a cupcake right in my eye"
Neptune: *chuckles* "Cool, thanks man"
(I faintly smile at him as we share a fistpump
I then watch him walking back inside the dance
For me, i took a minute to look up at the shattered moon and then walk back inside the place)
-Dance Floor-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the screen switches place again, the camera shows Blake and Yang dancing on the floor...
Sun and Neptune were talking as the blue-haired boy confessed something to his friend...
Jaune was with his teammates as they all were sharing their memories...
Penny was happily clapping her hands as she saw Ruby and Y/N dancing on the floor...
The Malachite Twins were also dancing besides Y/N and Ruby as the four of them were flawlessly following the beat of the song...
After a while, the twins swiftly dances away from them to have their own moments)
Y/N: "Not bad for a beginner"
Ruby: *giggles* "You did give me some tips before dancing, thanks again"
Y/N: "No worries Ruby, anything for you"
(The little red riding hood blushes whenever she thinks about her moments with Y/N...
The moment where they investigate about Roman and the White Fang...
The moment when she was fangirling on Y/N's cool moves...
The moment where she enjoyed getting headpat by Y/N...
But most importantly...
The very most important moment where they first met...)
Y/N: "...I recall our first meeting, which it was you and your team getting sent by Ozpin"
Ruby: "H-hehehe...We didn't mean to be that strict.."
Y/N: "Don't worry...now we're all friends, alongside with team JNPR"
Ruby: *giggles* "I remember we shook them by revealing your semblance"
Y/N: *chuckles dryly* "...True"
(For the first time, Ruby was the only one who saw Y/N genuinely smiling, it was a really faint smile but she saw it nonetheless...
Y/N notices her stare as the music was still heard in the background...
As the music ended, the duo gently separated from each other as Ruby cutely curtseys with shyness while Y/N took his fedora off and bowed at her...
The audience were cheering for their performance, soon after, Weiss was seen walking over as she timidly taps Ruby's shoulder)
Ruby: *looks at Weiss* "Oh Weiss! What's up?"
Weiss: "May i steal him for one dance?"
Ruby: "Sure! He's yours"
(Once the music starts once again but with more elegant feeling, Weiss and Y/N started dancing like a prince and a princess on their night dance...
The audience were in awe to see them dancing so gracefully and so elegantly...)
Weiss: "I didn't know you were a dancer"
Y/N: "Quick learner...i always observe before taking actions"
(He then looks up at the window and notices a figure jumping from roof to another as if they were going somewhere...
Getting suspicious, he uses the timing to end the dance with Weiss with a bow as he took his fedora off, the heiress answered his gesture with a curtsey...
He soon went to the table where he left his cane and grabbed it before heading outside, out of his surprise, Ruby was also outside and she has her Crescent Rose on her back)
Y/N: "Ruby?"
Ruby: *turns around and sees Y/N* "Oh, hi Y/N!"
Y/N: "Let me guess, you saw a figure outside too?"
Ruby: *nods* "Mhm, i was going after it, you were thinking the same thing?"
Y/N: "More like you need back up"
Ruby: "Good! Let's go!
(And with that students use their semblance to dash over the CCTV Tower to stop whoever is going there)
-Scene Change-
-CCTV Tower-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(Roman's intel was solid...
Cinder is aiming to cut the comms off so no one could help Beacon Academy for possible ambush...
Time to play my cards now, Cinder~)
*sees knocked out guards* "...Guess they were going here"
Ruby: "Let's stop them then!"
"...Reach me at the top of the building"
(I pull my mask out of my jacket and put it on as it forms into a Nevermore mask
I felt my wings coming out of my back and fly up to reach faster than the elevator
Once i reached the floor, i saw Cinder finishing moving the guards
We arrived earlier than she thought, but i was dumb because i'll make a scene with the window...
...Wait, if i remember correctly, i have met a phantom grimm before, but where did i met it?
...Agh, whatever, they already know who i am
After giving a second thought, i immediately flew through the window, retreat my wings into my back as my mask forms into a normal one
I saw Cinder quickly getting away from the main computer since i arrived behind her back)
*looks at the computer* "...Hacking into CCTV Tower to cut the comms off, huh..."
(I then look back up at Cinder and notice her outfit)
(...Why did i imagine Ruby in that outfit?
Great...I'll have a long night in the bathroom...
...But i could tell she was wearing clothed infused with her semblance)
"...Not going to talk?"
Cinder: "..."
*twirls my cane around my fingers* "You know i can already tell who you are, Cinder..."
Cinder: *smirks* "Couldn't wait for me at the dance?~"
"Sorry, my feelings belong to someone else."
Cinder: "What does she have that i don't have?~ Hmm?~"
"Simple. She has the only thing you would never have, even if you beg to your mistress."
(I immediately smirk under my mask as i saw her shocked expression
That's right, Cinder...i know everything...
Every. Single. Thing~)
Cinder: "...H-How-"
"You were adopted by a snobby Atlesian woman who had twins, they ran a family business and she adopted you just so she could use you as a slave..."
Cinder: "..."
*holds the cane on my shoulder like a baseball bat*
"Not only they took you in...They also abused you whenever they had a chance, even if it was a huge humiliation since it was a hotel full of rich people..."
(Thanks for my years back at Atlas, i knew how to stop the hacking system and then immediately destroy the USB she must've put in the computer...
Right at the corner of my eye, i see Cinder faintly shaking
Heh, that's it~ Allow me to show you what REAL Fear is like~)
"However, you found yourself getting attracted by a huntsman's weapon and tried to use it, which he caught you in the act-"
Cinder: "How. Do you know. That?."
"Who knows? Maybe i was there?"
(Now it's time to play the aggressive card~)
"Where was i? Oh yeah! The huntsman part, he saw you how weak and miserable you were, so i presume he volunteered to train you how to stand up by yourself since he saw you getting abused"
(Ren, i own you big time for healing my throat with that herb)
Cinder: "...tsk...They used me for their own pleasure..."
"And yet, you took the life of a man who trained and treated you like a daughter he always wanted, even if it was a short amount of time...)
Cinder: *mumbles* "...shut...up..."
"Oh, i haven't finished yet, you see-"
Cinder: "...shut up..."
"-The fact you killed your adopted family-"
Cinder: *a bit loud* "...Shut up"
"-And the fact you turn your back on that man-"
Cinder: "Shut. Up."
"-My points proves that you are an egomaniac woman who is hunger for power-"
Cinder: "I said-"
"-And a poor woman who'll never gets what she wants."
Cinder: "-Shut up!!!"
(Let us dance with your emotions, Cinder Fall~)
-CCTV Computer Room-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(And right on the cue, Cinder pulls out her bow and starts shooting arrows at The Forgotten Knight...
Y/N sheathes his cane and uses the blade to deflect all of her arrows as he copies Weiss's semblance to summon ice spikes to shoot them at Cinder...
The criminal swiftly dodges all of his attack as she uses her semblance to shoot explosive arrows at Y/N...
He uses Sun's semblance to use them as decoys for the arrows while he goes for the offense...
Cinder splits her bow into dual swords and goes head-to-head against Y/N as the fight gets more intense)
Cinder: "You don't understand the pain i've been through!"
Y/N: "And yet, i grew up with envious and jealousy to any of you..."
Cinder: "Why?!"
Y/N: "You all had family while mine left me for dead..."
(He then copies Blake's semblance to disappear and reappear all the directions to attack Cinder on every sides...
The said criminal was dodging and deflecting some of his attacks, only a few times he manages to hit her...
As the fight was still going, the camera shows the elevator's doors opening up as Ruby Rose was in there with her Crescent Rose...
Once she saw Y/N fighting the figure, she quickly runs out of the elevator and uses her sniper rifle to assist him...
Cinder was getting outmatched, knowing she couldn't stay away all night, she was about to escape but she was called by Mercury through her radio attached on her ear)
Cinder: *radio* "I'm little busy here, make it quick"
Mercury: "Bad news, Ironwood is heading to the tower with his men, you done over there?"
Cinder: "Unfortunately no...The Forgotten Knight is here..."
Emerald: "You HAVE to get out of there! Ironwood and his men are already close to the tower!"
(Not letting her repeating herself, Cinder throws a smoke grenade on the ground, making Ruby taking cover thinking it was a grenade...
As the smoke comes out, Y/N uses one of the student's semblance to see through the smoke and sees Cinder already escaped through the hole he went through...
Y/N mentally curses to himself for letting her way, he quickly deactivates his semblance and heads towards Ruby who was peeking out of the wall)
Ruby: "Where did she go?"
Y/N: "Escaped. She used the smoke to get away..."
Ruby: "Dang it..."
(Once they heard the elevator opening up again, the duo look over and saw Ironwood walking towards to them)
Ironwood: "Miss Rose, Y/N, what happened here?"
Y/N: "Someone tried to hack into the CCTV system to cut the comms off to prevent Beacon to call for backup."
Ruby: "W-We tried to hold her up, but she got away..."
Ironwood: "I see...Well, let me take care of the rest, your actions were remarkable, my men and i got this under control"
Y/N: "Yes sir."
(He quickly grabs Ruby's hand and takes her into the elevator as they both were heading down to the ground floor...
Unfortunately for them, the elevator was slower than anticipated, so they both were standing next to each other while Y/N was taking his mask off)
Y/N: *coughs a bit* "...Damn it"
Ruby: "A-Are you ok?"
Y/N: "Yeah..." *pulls out a flask out of his jacket* "...Luckily i brought some tea with some herb that Ren provided for me"
(He opens the flask and drinks some of it to heal his throat...
Ruby was staring at Y/N's face as she was admiring his beauty...
He then looks at Ruby since he notices her looking at him, that makes the little red riding hood squeals out of embarrassment and looks down while fidgeting her index fingers...)
Y/N: "...Ruby?"
Ruby: "...Y-Y-Yeah?"
Y/N: *closes his flask and puts it back inside his jacket* "...Have you...been looking for anyone?"
Ruby: *looks back up at Y/N* "W-Why are you asking m-me that?"
Y/N: *blushes faintly, moves his eyes to avoid hers* "...No reasons..."
(Ruby was surprised to see him actually nervous and she also saw his cheeks reddened up...
She then looks away shyly as she kept fidgeting her index fingers)
Ruby: *blushes* "...I-I have s-someone i like..."
Y/N: *blushing* "...What do you like about him?"
Ruby: "H-He was a little scary at first...B-But after our first semester, i-i like h-how nice, humble and r-really cool he is..."
(Y/N looks back at Ruby as she was still looking down shyly...
He didn't say anything, instead he decided to keep listening)
Ruby: "He helped me when i was struggling to be the leader of my team...
He supported me everytime i felt down...
H-he also protected me from getting hurt..."
(Y/N starts recalling all of those moments and he finally realizes Ruby had a crush on him for this whole time...
He didn't want to jump into conclusion, so he kept listening)
Ruby: *smiles slightly* "H-He's one of the best people i've ever met...He always treat me and make sure i was doing alright...H-He was literally my knight in his shiny armor..."
(She started to look up at Y/N as she was ready to confess her feelings...
But The Forgotten Knight just made an unforgettable memory to his Beloved Rose...)
(A/N): Ruby and Y/N with his fedora on his hand
(Ruby's eyes were widely open as she sees her crush kissing her on the lips...
She then melts into the kiss and holds Y/N closer by grabbing on his jacket...
The duo lay their forehead onto each other as they separate from the kiss)
Ruby: *blushing hard* "Y-Y-You a-also like m-m-me?"
Y/N: *blushing* "...Y-yeah..."
Ruby: *smiles shyly* "...S-So, w-we are t-together now?"
Y/N: "..." *smiles genuinely* "...Yes, my little rose"
(Ruby's face went beet red when she sees him smiling for the first time in her life...
She then faints on his arms, making the knight chuckling dryly since he hasn't been used to be happy on his whole life)
Y/N: "...Rest well, my little rose..."
(The screen slowly fades into pitch black as the sound of the elevator going down was heard in the darkness)
(A/N): I felt like this part was rushed, but i hope you're happy that Y/N and Ruby are now together!
As for Weiss, their relationships are still them being friends, simple as that
The Malachite Twins are still on redemption path by going at Beacon Academy
Let me know what other girls you want me to add in this "small" harem
And also, 10K+ VIEWERS/READERS?!?!
That has NEVER happened before!
Thank you so much for reading this story and possibly sharing this!
I honestly don't deserve this much, for those who are new reading this
My deepest apologies for being a lazy ass story!
But again, thank you guys so much for the 10K viewers/readers
Hope you're still enjoying this story and i will see you all in the next chapter, bye and have a good day/night!!!
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