(Vol. 2) Chapter 14: ???

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(Greetings, i hope you readers are having a good day/night...

As usual, on the previous chapter, Team RWBY and Y/N were on their way for the investigation between Roman Torchwick and The White Fang...

However, Sun and Neptune also joined as extra hand in case something might happen to the group...

Weiss managed to collect all the records she needed thanks for the call assistant...

Blake and Sun caught Roman stealing an Atlesian Paladin from General Ironwood...

Ruby discovered Penny being a robot/android girl, but she kept it as a secret from everyone...

Yang didn't gather much from Junior, but Y/N managed to make him spill the beans as he brought the Malachite Twins as his teammates...

Once they all did their own objectives, Blake and Sun were chased by Roman controlling the Paladin...

Both teams managed to destroy the paladin, but they lost another battle as Roman's new Henchman, Neo, brought Roman inside an airship...

Y/N's adventure has become more and more interesting...)

-Day Time-
-Interrogation Room-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen shows the room, Ozpin and the Malachite Twins were seen talking to each other...

On the other side of the window, Y/N and Ironwood were looking at the trio from the other room...

After reporting the investigation, Ironwood followed Y/N's instruction and upgraded his security for his Atlesian Android Soldiers)

Ironwood: "It seems you were right about Torchwick and The White Fang..."

Y/N: "Neo's semblance can camouflage in our midst...Always keep your eyes peeled."

Ironwood: "...About our previous discussion with Ozpin-"

Y/N: "Cinder Fall is the third pawn."

Ironwood: "..."

Y/N: "They may have won the battle...But the war has just begun between them and The Forgotten Knight..."

(The general was surprised to see Y/N's character development, from silent but deadly knight to talkative but "scary" knight...

But he smiled at him for changing for the greater good, they then heard a door opening...

They look over and see the twins smiling as well as the headmaster of Beacon Academy)

Ozpin: "Y/N, you will be the leader of Team (Y)MM"

Y/N: *looks at the twins* "Welcome to Beacon*

Malachite Twins: "Thank you for giving us a chance!"

Ironwood: *sighs* "Don't thank me...I do own Y/N one for helping me with my problems"

Y/N: *looks at his scroll* "I'm already late, i'll guide the twins"

Ozpin: "Thanks once again for giving us a real important intelligence"

(The knight nodded his head at the adults as he guided the twins out of the room so they could go to Glynda's class...

The camera stays where Ozpin and Ironwood are staring at each other)

Ironwood: "This is getting serious."

Ozpin: "I'm afraid so..."

Ironwood: "Have you found someone who can help us with the maiden?"

Ozpin: "Yes, i have...However, be more cautious of your surroundings"

Ironwood: *sighs* "You know i can't help it...If Y/N is telling the truth, we may have a massive advantage"

Ozpin: "Which is why i told him everything"

(He walks towards the window as he watches Y/N talking with the twins as they were heading to the arena)

Ozpin: "Mister Y/N was nothing but a miracle from Oum himself to lend us a hand on this problem..." *looks down at his cup* "...Despise his background, he was the only student i am proud to have him as our ally"

Ironwood: *smiles faintly* "...He did learn from the best"

Ozpin: *chuckles amusingly* "He sure did"

(The duo kept staring at Y/N who was taking Melanie and Miltia inside the arena for the class...)

-Scene Change-
-Sparring Room-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(After the mocking battle between Phyrra Nikos and Team CRDL, Glynda was selecting new combatants for the class)

Glynda: "And with that, let's find next combatants for the vytal festival"

Mercury: *raises his hand* "I'll fight"

Glynda: "Mercury Black, correct?"

Mercury: "Yes ma'am"

Glynda: "Alright then, allow me to find your opponent-"

(The door opens as Y/N and The Malachite Twins were walking towards their seats...

Many students were staring at the trio, but the Twins gave everyone the cold shoulder)

Y/N: "Sorry for being late, professor"

Glynda: "Don't worry, i was informed by Professor Ozpin about him holding you and your new teammates"

Mercury: "How about i fight Y/N as a punishment for being late?"

Glynda: "Hmm...I guess that's fair" *looks up at Y/N* "Do you accept his request?"

Y/N: "Challenge Accepted"

Glynda: "If you would, head to your locker room and get ready"

(He then walks past team RWBY, he gave a fistpump to Yang, a slight nod at Weiss and a head pat for Ruby, which she simply smiled at him...

Once he looked at Blake, he knew something was off on her, he noted himself mentally to talk with her...

After a while, Y/N was seen walking towards the arena as Mercury's and his Aura were displayed on the screen above them)

Mercury: *looks at Y/N* "No hard feelings"

Y/N: "...May the best one wins"

Glynda: *notices Y/N is unarmed* "Mister Y/N, where is your weapon?"

Y/N: "It got broken and so is my other sword..."

Glynda: "I'm sorry to hear that...I'm afraid you must fight without relying on your weapon"

Y/N: "I have no problem with that"

Glynda: "In that case, are both combatants ready?"

Mercury/Y/N: "Ready"

Glynda: *holds her arm up* "Then let the match begin!"

(Mercury quickly rushes over to Y/N and throws an axe kick on his head...

The knight blocks his attack as he spins him upside down to give a sidekick of his own on Mercury's back...

He did take damage from that kick, but quickly recovers as Mercury shot a round from his leg, making the knight do a flip to land on his knee...

Y/N looks up at Mercury and notices he doesn't feel tired whenever he uses his legs...

Already having an idea, he stood up and activates his semblance as his mask forms into an Ursa mask...

Once his eyes turn red, he charges the same spin dash he performance against Roman's stolen Paladin...

As he was going for the attack, Mercury steps aside to dodge Y/N's strike, but Y/N stretches out and claws Mercury's chest as his Aura flickers before going down to 90%...

Mercury mentally cursed at himself for getting outmatched for a second, he then does a capoeria move as he shot three rounds on each spin...

Y/N deflected all three shots with his claws, and as he was finding an opening, he realized his legs are prothesis legs...

He then switches his trails while his mask was forming into a Beowolf mask as ears and tail are popping out...

Y/N also changes his fighting style and swiftly gives kicks of his own at Mercury, making the "student" getting outfight by his own fighting style...

As if it wasn't enough, Y/N did a capoeria move with a combo similar to this)

(A/N): The spinning dash part is also Y/N's attack, the capoeria and combo scene is from 4:12 to 4:20

(With the final kick, making Mercury lay flat on the ground, Y/N starts spinning to deliver a double axe punch on Mercury's back...

His Aura flickers as it went down to 70%, while he bounces from Y/N's attack, the said knight does a 180 roundhouse heel kick to make him spin and finishes the combo with a slide sidekick on his stomach, sending him flying against the wall as he falls forward on the ground...

Mercury's Aura was 45% while Y/N's Aura was slowly draining due to overusing his semblance...

As they notice Mercury struggling to get up, Y/N deactivates his semblance as takes a deep breath to "recharge" his own Aura)

Glynda: "Are both combatants still able to fight?"

Y/N: *slightly panting* "Yes ma'am..."

Glynda: "Mister Black?"

Mercury: *coughs* "I-i forfeit...D-didn't calculated his s-semblance..."

Glynda: *nods* "In that case" *holds her arm up* "Y/N wins the match by forfeit!"

(The students starts cheering at the Forgotten Knight, Ruby was also cheering, but she was swinging a flag with Y/N's emblem on it...

That causes the knight to smile behind his mask and instinctly goes check on Mercury)

Y/N: "You broken?.."

Mercury: *sits up, groaning* "N-nah, i'm good"

Y/N: "Good match, you did good"

(He holds his hand out for helping Mercury stand up, he gives a friendly smile and took his hand as Y/N helps him getting up)

Mercury: *chuckles* "Next time, i'll win the match fair and square"

Y/N: "Good luck with that..." *leans forward to his ear, whispers* "...Because your bionic legs won't save you next time."

(That statement leaves Mercury in shock of how he knows about his legs...

Y/N gently pats his shoulder and heads to his locker to change his outfit...

Once he walks out of the room, he reunites with his friends, and as usual, Nora and Ruby quickly hug him tightly as they were fangirling about his moves)

Nora: "You HAVE to teach us how can you do those attack!!"

Ruby: "Yeah! That was so cool!!!"

Phyrra: *smiles* "You really are full of surprises"

Y/N: "Learned new moves from my friends, i own you all one"

Yang: "You're just saying it because i taught you those moves, Strikes"

Y/N: *rolls his eyes* "Whatever" *notices Blake isn't with them* "Blake?"

Jaune: "She's a bit...odd, she looked like she hasn't slept for days..."

Ren: "Should we get worried about her?"

Ruby: "U-uhm-"
Y/N: "Don't be, we got this"

Phyrra: "I hope nothing bad has happened between you five..."

Weiss: "It's not like that, like Y/N said, she's our teammate, we can handle it"

Jaune: "If you say so"

(Y/N looks over and sees Blake walking away from Sun who slumped his shoulder from getting rejected...

Thinking about her current status, he was worried about Blake's mental and physical state)

Ruby: "Y/N?"

Y/N: *snaps out of his thoughts* "What is it?"

Nora: "You were spacing out, something wrong big guy?"

Y/N: *shakes his head* "Nothing serious...Just worried about Blake"

Yang: "We all are...I'll go try talk to her"

Y/N: *nods* "Hope you can talk with her"

Yang: *smiles proudly* "Watch me accomplish this task, Strikes"

(She then walks away to talk with Blake and help her with her current status...

Y/N's scroll goes off as he has a message from an unknown number)

Malachite Twins: "Who is it?"

Y/N: "An unknown contact...You two get to know with the rest, i'll check this out"

(The twins nod their heads and starts walking back inside the school with team JNPR...

Y/N gave a head pat to Ruby and a small hug to Weiss before heading to Vale as he follows the message instructions)

[Y/N's Scroll]

Meet me at Vale.
I'll be waiting,
Forgotten Knight~

Y/N: 'Who is this person...' as he thought...

(Once he puts his scroll away, he goes to a bullhead for flying to Vale)

-Y/N's P.O.V.-

(I landed on Vale and started walking through the city

I also noticed some Atlesian Robot Soldiers walking around to stop some muggers or any criminals

Guess Ironwood followed my instructions about protection

As i took a corner, i saw Neo pouting infront of a window


I walk over and get her attention)


(She looks at me and she jumps away from me)

"I'm not here to fight, i was actually following this instruction"

(I showed her my scroll with the message on it

I saw her smiling as she was clapping while jumping up and down)

"Oh, you're the one i should meet, right?"

Neo: *nods happily*

"Did you find my number just so i could buy some ice cream for you?"

(Neo blushes out of embarrassment and nods her head again)

*sighs, smiles* "Fine, but you have to tell me how you found my number first"

???: "That's because i told the shopkeeper from Dust Till Dawn about your number"

(Neo and i turn our heads and see Roman walking towards us with his cane)


Roman: "No hostility, i'm just here to give you something that you would never expect from me"


Roman: "A secret alliance, of course!"

(Dafuq? He's offering such deal to me??? Has he gone mad to steal all of those dusts???)

Roman: *sighs* "I know...It sounds unbelievable, but trust me, i'm willingly to give you intel if you do a tiny task for me"

"..." *looks at Neo* "...Is this a setup?"

Neo: *shakes her head as "no"*

(...Roman giving intel for a task of his...


...You better explain for this.)


(I then walk inside the ice cream shop and bought 3 different ice creams cones

Once i walk out, i gave Roman and Neo their respective ice creams)

Roman: "Hmm, not bad kid"

Neo: *happily licks her ice cream*

"...Walk with me."

(I started walking away from the store with Roman and Neo

The way they act...It feels like Roman adopted Neo and taught her how this world works from his perspective...

We live in a society where anyone judges you just for the look...Fucking judgemental people...

We took a corner and notices the coast is clear)

*eating my ice cream* "...Explain"

Roman: "About my offer?" *Y/N nods* "Oh don't worry, i'm not setting you up, i'm more like taking all the chances to escape from the cops, if you know what i mean"

"...Fair, considering you were working with The White Fang..."

Roman: "That is the intel i was willing to share to you" *licks his ice cream* "All i can say is "A Queen made a deal with a Jester" "

(Salem offered him something he would never get...

If i can manage to save people like Roman and Neo, i could take that opportunity to have them by my side)

"...Name the task"

Roman: "Glad you're interested in our deal!" *finishes his ice cream* "Rumors said about the trio trying to sabotage the CCTV Communication Tower during the prom"

"...No one outside of Vale can reach the call because of the tower going offline..."

Roman: "The White Fang are also plotting something about unleashing Grimms"

"How do you know all of that?"

Roman: *chuckles, tips his hat* "Perks of being the most infamous criminal in Vale"

(Who would've thought he would be a double agent on this one...

If Neo is involved, that means she must be with Cinder and her goons as their "teammate")

"...What's the task"

Roman: "Get me something valuable and our little alliance is official"


(I then ate and finished my ice cream by munching it and swallows it

Neo was surprised to see me eating instead of licking the ice cream)

"I rarely eat sweets, so it doesn't hurt from the cold"

Roman: "Huh, interesting" *licks his ice cream*

"If that's all, i'm heading back to Beacon, is Neo coming as well?"

Roman: "No, she's needed for something else, Cinder's order"


(I gave Neo a head pat before running for a bullhead that takes me back to Beacon

If Roman's intel is solid, then i have to find something worth to trade for his intel)

-Scene Change-
-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(Once the forgotten knight has returned to Beacon, he notices the sky was getting dark...

He then heads towards the rooftop to meet up with Phyrra and Jaune, he also notices Jaune's stamina has increased)

Y/N: "I see you improved a lot"

Jaune: "Y/N!"

Phyrra: "Hello again, Y/N!~"

Y/N: "Missed me?"

Jaune: "A little bit, but it's great to see you! Where have you been?"

Y/N: "Vale, someone wanted to see me"

Phyrra: "I see, well, i'm glad you made it back to safety!"

(Y/N chuckles slightly and gently pats Phyrra's shoulder...

He then looks at Jaune and tries to kick him, but the fellow knight instinctively dodges it by moving his head to sideway)

Y/N: "Impressive"

Jaune: *chuckles embarrassingly* "I couldn't gotten better without you and Phyrra"

(Phyrra smiled at him as her cheeks were slightly reddening up...

Y/N notices it as he already guessed the spartan falling in love with a fellow knight)

Y/N: "How about your Aura?"

Jaune: "W-Well, about that...i-i was thinking about switching it w-with some stretches"

Y/N: "Because it's kind of annoying to train your Aura?"

Jaune: "...yes"

Y/N: "That means your Aura has been improved as well"

Phyrra: "I don't follow your logic"

Y/N: "Jaune's Aura has more storage than we think he has...I can tell the way you tried to help him unlock his Aura"

Jaune: "How did you-"
Y/N: "Feedback from Ozpin"

Phyrra: "How would you know that?"

Y/N: "Because Jaune's semblance IS his Aura...The way he kept training and doesn't show any tiredness, that shows his semblance is Transferred Aura"

(That makes the duo shocked out of unexpected news...

Jaune didn't even knew he has his own semblance...

Phyrra didn't believed it until Y/N confirmed his theory)

Phyrra: "Now that you mention it, i did feel my Aura was getting drained when i helped him unlocking his Aura..."

Jaune: *still shocked* "I...have a semblance?"

Y/N: "Try transferring your Aura into mine"

Jaune: "H-how can i do that?"

Y/N: " Like this"

(He grabs Jaune's hand and places it on his shoulder, allowing the fellow knight to use his semblance)

Y/N: "Now, close your eyes and focus on transferring your Aura into mine"

(Jaune nods his head and does as Y/N said...

A light yellow Aura shows up on Jaune's are as he's transferring his Aura onto Y/N as his Aura appears on him...

Phyrra gasps in surprise to see Y/N's point about Jaune's Semblance...

After a few seconds, Jaune retreats his arm away from Y/N as both of their Aura disappear)

Jaune: *opens his eyes* "Woahhh..."

Y/N: "Check your scroll"

(Phyrra instinctively grabs her scroll and checks both of their Aura)

[Jaune's Aura: 100%]

[Y/N's Aura: Restored]

Phyrra: "Impressive! Your Aura has restored back to green!"

Jaune: "So that's my semblance..."

Y/N: "Like i said, you're been improving a lot recently...Keep that up and you'll be a great huntsman like your grandfather"

(Y/N gave a friendly pat on Jaune's back and gives a slight nod at Phyrra before heading back inside the dormitory...

The duo watches him walking away before returning back to their training sessions....

As the screen switches place, Y/N sees Blake walking away with a pissed expression...

He then walks to his room and looks at Ruby, Weiss and Yang)

Y/N: "It didn't work as you expected, right?"

Yang: *sighs* "No...she refuses to take a break from investigating the case..."

Ruby: "We even told her to take a rest just for a day"

Weiss: "But sadly, it didn't work as planned..."

(The Forgotten Knight sighed out of sadness, somehow relating to her current condition...

He walks towards the window and looks up at the sky, trying to think of how he can talk with Blake...

As the screen switches place again, the camera zooms inside a dorm where Cinder, Mercury and Emerald are gathered for intel)

Emerald: *looks at her scroll* "Phyrra Nikos...She's being known as the undefeated spartan here at Beacon"

Mercury: "Her semblance can control metal things, but that doesn't mean she's untouchable"

Cinder: "So far, she hasn't shown any signs of hostility towards any of us, which it's a good thing"

Mercury: "Planning to make them hate us?"

Cinder: *giggles* "Oh no, let's keep playing this way"

Emerald: "Then she'll be on the 'maybe' list..."

(She swipes Phyrra's picture on the left as the file goes on "Maybe" list...

Soon after, Y/N's picture was seen on Emerald's scroll)

Emerald: "And finally...The Forgotten Knight, Y/N L/N..."

Mercury: "That guy is no joke...He may wear a full body armor, but he moves as if he's armorless..."

Cinder: "From what i've heard from Emerald, he made you forfeit in the mocking fight...Is that true?"

Mercury: "Dead serious...He meets more than the eye..." *rubs his neck* "Didn't expected he could those moves..."

Emerald: "It's almost look like he was studying your movement before going all-out against you"

Mercury: "That's another reason...He somehow know about my legs are bionic ones"

(Cinder starts giggling flirtatiously as she looks at Y/N's picture...

Emerald and Mercury were confused by her attitude)

Cinder: "The knight sure is interesting...I wonder what else he can surprise us~"

Mercury: "Let me guess, you're planning to get him on our side?"

Cinder: "You read my mind~ He can be useful for "Her" , if you know what i mean~"

(Both of them knew what she was saying, they nod their head as Emerald taps on Y/N's picture as a X mark appears on it...

The screen slowly fades into pitch blake as a flirtatious giggle can be heard in the darkness)

(A/N): Oh??? Roman being a backstabber??? This is new...

I like to make a small plot twist on this chapter

Since The Malachite Twins are on Y/N's team, would you rather:

Recruiting Neo to prevent Roman's death?


Keep her and Roman as allies but the carrot-head criminal gets his faithful death?

And as always, let me know what you think and i let you readers enjoy this story

Have a good day/night! Bye!!!

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