(Vol. 2) Chapter 13: Fighting Against A Stolen Mecha
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(On the previous chapter, Professor Port found a new way to demonstrate his students on how he would defeat any kind of Grimms...
Y/N was the candidate for that occasion, which he didn't mind it at all and he was actually agreeing at his idea about using his semblance to copy Grimm's trails...
After his class, Team RWBY, JNPR and Y/N went to Professor Goodwitch's class to make a mocking match between Yang and Y/N...
Alongside their fights, they also brought their bets on the match so everyone can see which one of them would win...
Once the match started, Y/N immediately went after Yang by catching her by surprise...
Not only he went head-to-head against her, but he also studied different fighting styles to defeat Yang, even using her own fighting style against the sun dragon...
The students were cheering up for how exciting the match was as Professor Goodwitch called Y/N as the winner of the mocking match...
As time passes by, Y/N's night is going to be real adventurous...)
-RWBY's Dorm Room-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(After a long day at Beacon Academy, Team RWBY and Y/N took some good rest for tonight's event...
Their event was about an investigation about Roman Torchwick and The White Fang alliance...
As the screen slowly fades turning on, we see Team RWBY wearing different clothes than their usual outfits...)
Blake: *rubs her wrist* "I thought the class would never end..."
Ruby: "Alright girls! May our little investigation begins!"
(She then jumps down from her bed, making Weiss curl onto the bed)
Weiss: "I'll be more glad if you take this seriously"
Yang: "Hey, we got a plan! That's...moderately serious, right?"
Ruby: "So, everyone know their roles?"
Weiss: "You and i are heading to the CCTV Tower to check Schnee Records on recent reports, since i'm in the family, it shouldn't been a problem"
Blake: "The White Fang are having a meeting at the factory as they recruit new members, if i manage to get in, i can see and finally know what their plans are"
Yang: "I have an old friend of mine who lives in the shady parts of Vale that knows almost everything around there, taking information from him shouldn't been too hard"
Ruby: "Ok! We'll meet up with Yang and collect all of we've found, let's do it team!"
Sun: "Yeah!"
(The girls look over the window and they see Sun hanging upside down with his legs crossed as he was hanging from his tail...
His sudden appearance makes the girls step away from the window)
Blake: "Sun?!"
Yang: "How did you get up there?"
Sun: "Oh that's easy, i do this all the time"
Weiss: "You do what?!"
Sun: "I climb trees all the time!" *swings inside the room* "So, finally going after Torchwick guy?"
Blake: *steps forward* "WE are going to investigate this situation...As A Team"
Ruby: "Sorry Sun...We don't want to involve our friends if they don't have to..."
Sun: "Pfft, nonsense! You should totally get your friends involved, that's why i brought Neptune!" *points at the window behind him*
(The girls peek out of the window and they see Neptune on the wall...
He notices them looking at him and gives them a nod)
Neptune: "Sup"
Ruby: "How did YOU get up here?"
Neptune: "I have my ways..." *gets scared* "...Seriously though, can i come in? We're really high right now"
(Yang helps Neptune to get in the room as he thanks her to do that...
Ruby then notices someone was missing)
Ruby: "Wait, Where's Y/N?"
Weiss: "She's right, where is he?"
(And right when their question gets answered, the door opens up and the screen shows Y/N with his new armor...)
(A/N): Ignore the helmet, switch black and gold with white and red, his emblem is on the mini shield on the left side of the armor
(What makes the girls surprised the most, it's about Y/N holding his mask instead of wearing it as they have a full vision of his black raven hair and eyes...)
Y/N: "I heard my name, what is it?"
Sun: "Dude! You look cool!"
Neptune: "I like your hairstyle, it's pretty nice"
Y/N: "Sun? Neptune? You're in this too?"
Sun: "Yup! We're here as extra help if you and girls ever need it"
Y/N: "Appreciate your collaboration"
Neptune: "No problem, that's what friends are for, right?"
(Y/N nods his head and looks over at the girls)
Y/N: "...What?"
Yang: "Mama likes what she sees~"
Y/N: *sighs* "Still haven't used to see me without a mask?"
Blake: *her bow twitches* "W-Well...W-We got used t-to see you with the mask on..."
Ruby: *blurry shakes her arms up and down* "B-B-But that d-doesn't mean y-you're ugly, y-you look uh-"
Weiss: *cups her chin, smirks sultry* "Handsome~"
(Weiss realizes what she said as her face turns red, she quickly dusts her skirt off as Yang was giving a dirty look at her...
Ruby was a bit relieved that Weiss said the word instead of her)
Y/N: *smiles faintly* "...Thanks, i appreciate the honesty" *puts his mask on*
Ruby: *quickly shakes her head* "A-Alright! Now that we're more than we expected, i'll say we split up in teams!" *looks at Y/N* "Y/N?"
Y/N: "Sun and Blake can go to the meeting, You and Weiss already have your roles, Yang, Neptune and i are going to visit an old friend of hers"
Weiss: "Actually, how about you and Neptune coming with me while Ruby goes with Yang? They are technically sisters, right?"
Y/N: "The place Yang's friend lives is a shady one, i know that street as well...As for Neptune, why bringing him?"
Weiss: "He can provide security in case someone tries to stop me, that could work, right?"
Ruby: "..." *snorts* "Nahhhh"
Weiss: *gets dragged by Ruby* "B-but! But!..."
Y/N: *looks at Blake and Sun* "You two better head over there, don't know if you two will miss the meeting or something"
Blake: *nods* "We'll meet up with you three after we collected what we got"
Sun: "Good luck guys!"
(Both faunus jump through the window as they immediately head towards the meeting...
As the screen shows outside the academy, Yang, Neptune and Y/N were seen walking towards Yang's motorcycle named "Bumblebee")
Neptune: *whistles* "Nice ride"
Yang: "Thanks, i made this baby by myself"
Y/N: "You're talented, it looks awesome"
(Yang's cheeks reddens up from his compliment but quickly shuts him up as she giggles)
Yang: "Oh quiet you" *realizes something* "Wait, if Neptune hops on my baby, how are you going to follow us?"
(Instead of talking, Y/N's eyes turns red as his mask forms into a Nevermore mask...
He then spreads his wings coming out of his back, making Neptune surprised)
Neptune: "You can copy Grimm's trails?! That's sick, man!"
Y/N: "Thanks, we should go now"
Yang: "Try to keep up with us"
(Y/N nods his head as he flies up in the sky...
Yang and Neptune hop on the bike as the blue-haired boy carefully wraps his arms around her...
She then turns her Bumblebee on and starts driving down the road as Y/N follows behind them by flying in the sky)
-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(This is the place where Junior runs his club...
Yang sure knows how to make acquaintance with him, i'll give her that
As i see Yang parking her bike infront of the nightclub, i fly down as i deactivate my semblance, making my wings retreat back into my back as my mask forms back to normal)
Yang: "Alright Neptune, we're here"
Neptune: *dizzy* "Cool~" *shakes his head* "Where are we exactly?"
Yang: "At the place where my friend lives!"
(Like people would say: Press X to Doubt.
She then slams the door open as we follow her behind)
Yang: "Guess who's back!~"
Junior: "Wait! Don't shoot"
(The guns immediately lower down as Junior Xiong makes his way towards Yang)
Junior: "Blondie! You're back, why?"
Yang: "Because you still own me one!"
(She walks over and then drags him by the back of his shirt as his men are making ways for Yang to walk through)
Neptune: "Oh she sure is strong"
"You have no clue"
(Both me and Neptune turn our heads to our right and they see Malachite Twins staring at us, but mostly at me)
Neptune: "Sup girls~"
Malachite Twins: *turns their head* "Hmph, whatever"
"Melanie? Miltia?"
Malachite Twins: *looks at Y/N* "Y/N!"
(The twins push Neptune away as they hug me, kissing me both sides of my mask)
Melanie: "We're happy to see you"
Miltia: "Why are you here with that blondie?"
"We're investigating some stuffs and we would like to talk about it with you and Junior"
Melanie: "Sure, we'll do anything to redeem our criminal lives"
Miltia: "We also would like to join you as part of your team at Beacon Academy"
"...We can talk that later, sounds fair?"
Malachite Twins: "Fair, let's go then, Y/N"
(The twins take me to the bar stand as Neptune follows us while we all catch up with Yang and Junior...
The owner of the club finally notices me with his bodyguards)
Junior: "Y-Y/N?!"
Yang: "Hol' up, you four know each other???"
"I saved the twins from some random drunken man who tried to sexual harassing the twins"
Yang: "Huh, the more you know"
"What about you? How do you know them?"
Yang: "W-Well-"
Junior: "She was the one who destroyed my club last time! And this time, she broke the door!"
(I sigh at Yang's feisty way to let herself know to them...
I then put a small pouch of lien on the stand, pushing it towards Junior as a repayment for the door)
Junior: "I'm still surprised you're loaded, Forgotten Knight"
"Perks of working with the cops...We need to talk"
Junior: "Blondie already informed me about your little investigation...I will tell everything, but i can't promise anything that goes outside of our small meeting"
"Fair, we just need to know about the current situation about Torchwick..."
Junior: "That carrot-head prick? He suddenly cut the deal once he learned how my men are useless, they even helped him to steal dusts!"
"So you don't know about his alliance with the White Fang..."
Malachite Twins: "I thought they hate humans?"
"Not on that human, apparently..."
Yang: "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Blake, Sun and i theorized someone higher than Torchwick and the White Fang made a deal with both of them..."
Yang: "That would be a good guess"
Junior: "Like i said, after what happened back at Dust Till Dawn, he cut the deal and he's no longer using my men"
"How so?"
Junior: "Because they never came back, that's how"
(Guess they got killed in action...Great...
Poor Junior, even if he's a bad guy, he was just running his business without making any criminal scenes...
...What if...)
Junior: "What now?"
"Would you like working for me?"
(The music suddenly stops as Junior, Yang, Neptune and the twins look at me as if i'm crazy
If they think for a minute, they couldn't argue to have someone keeping their eyes on shady parts of Vale)
Junior: "You want me to work for you?"
"Be our eyes and ears inside the shady parts of Vale, that's all i want you to do"
Junior: "Hmm..." *cups his chin* "...I can do that, but i need someone for the twins"
"Then let them join at Beacon Academy, think of it as a way to redeem your criminal records"
Junior: "Are you really gonna do all of that for us?"
Malachite Twins: "You don't have to do that!"
"I insist, Junior, the twins are going to be fine under my wings, i'm sure you also want to get away from people like Torchwick-"
(Out of sudden, i started coughing badly
Damn it, i went too far with my voice...i didn't even brought the flask, fuck!)
Junior: *brings some tea for Y/N* "Here, this should help you"
*drinks it* "...T-Thanks"
Melanie: "You changed a lot"
Miltia: "You used to talk rarely"
"I have friends...who helped me go through this..."
Junior: "Well, unfortunately for you lot, i have nothing more to say"
Yang: "Oh come on, there must be something you can tell us"
Junior: "I genuinely don't! I already said what you wanted to know and that's all i know!"
Neptune: *peeks over Yang's shoulder* "What do you mean by your men being gone?"
"Dead in ditches...Roman got rid of them for failing to rob Dust Till Dusk..."
Neptune: "O-Oh..."
Junior: "Did you guys invite this idiot?"
Yang/Me: "Ignore him"
Yang: "Do you know anything else that been going on here?"
Junior: "Beside what i've told, not much happened here...just customers coming back and forth"
Neptune: "This is getting nowhere...I'm scared to say that we have to go"
Yang: *sighs* "You got a point-"
(He looks at me as well as the others
Guess i sounded dead serious when i called the owner)
Junior: "What is it?"
"Do you know anything about the White Fang's meeting?"
Junior: "Meeting?..." *cups his chin* "...Hmm..." *remembers something* "Oh yeah! There IS something i know!"
"Go on."
Junior: "Roman managed to steal something big from Atlas Military, rumors said it's sort of a controllable robot"
(A controllable robot...
...Damn it, Ironwood!)
"You know where that robot is?!"
Junior: *jumps slightly* "A-At the factory on the other side from here-"
"5,000 lien as a compensation for your service!" *looks at the twins* "On me!"
Yang: "Hey, wait-"
(I immediately run out of the nightclub with the twins following me behind
Ironwood, next time we see each other again, i will shove The Musketeer up in your ass!)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the door slams open, Y/N and the Malachite Twins were seeing walking out of the club...
Later on, Yang and Neptune also walked out of the club, only to keep up the pace to talk with their friend)
Yang: "Strikes, what was that-"
Y/N: "No time." *turns his scroll on and calls Team RWB_* "Blake! Tell me you found a Mecha stolen by them!"
Blake: *scroll* "Yes, however-"
Sun: "HELP!!!"
(And right on cue, Blake and Sun were seen getting chased by a Mecha stolen by Roman...
The twins were surprised to see an Atlasian technology here in Vale)
Neptune: "I guess that's them"
Yang: "You don't say, hop in!"
Y/N: "Girls! Grab my arms!"
(Melanie and Miltia did what he says as Yang turns her bike on with Neptune hopping on...
Y/N's mask forms into a Nevermore mask as his eyes turns red, a pair of wings also pops out of his back and peaks up in the sky with the twins hanging on his arms...
As the chase was on, Ruby also joined in by using her semblance to reunite with Weiss on the bridge...
The screen immediately switches place with the rest of the group going after Roman as he was chasing Blake and Sun)
Sun: "How did he steal that from Atlas Military?!?!"
Blake: "Someone must've helped him from the inside!"
Yang: "Neptune! Be useful for once!"
Neptune: "Got it! Keep your bike steady!"
(She did as she keeps the speed while he draws his weapon, he loads it up and starts shooting at the Mecha...
Sun and Blake were relieved their friends are with them, the monkey faunus hops on a truck before using his semblance go make his clones...
Ruby was using her Crescent Rose to find where the others are, but no luck was giving her...
Later on, Y/N drops the twins on a truck as he flies back up, leaving the twins chasing Roman)
Neptune: "It doesn't take any damages!"
Yang: "Strikes! Use your feathers!"
Y/N: "Can't! We're not risking to make casualties!"
Sun: "I got him! Neptune, back me up!"
(Neptune nods his head and jumps on the top of a running car, he then switches his rifle into a spear as he goes to help his teammate...
Y/N kept his eyes on Roman as The Malachite Twins were jumping through cars to keep up with the Mecha's speed)
Y/N: "Ruby! We're heading on your way! If Weiss is there, tell her to get ready to cut him off!"
Ruby: "Got it!"
Yang: "Can you hit him now?!"
Blake: "I can't risk to shoot Sun or Neptune with my gun!"
(As she just jinxed herself, Roman manages to take down Sun and Neptune by sending them off the highway as they fall down)
Y/N: "Sun! Neptune!"
Blake: "Ruby! Can you see us?!"
Ruby: "I do! And i have a clear shot for me and Weiss!"
Y/N: "Do NOT Shoot! Weiss! Drop that Mecha off the highway!"
(Weiss jumps straight down on the highway and uses her rapier to stab into the road turning the concrete into ice, making the Mecha slips and falls off the street...
As Roman was down, Team RWBY, Y/N and The Malachite Twins jump down on the ground as they all get ready to fight Roman)
Y/N: "Damn it! He stole a Paladin from the general!"
Weiss: "What?!"
Ruby: "Who are they?"
Yang: "Replacement for Sun and Neptune"
Y/N: "You girls go! Me and the twins will distract him!"
Ruby: "Freezer Burn!"
(Everyone jump away except for Weiss who made the floor into ice like back at the highway...
As the screen points up, Yang flies straight down as she shatters the floor into tons of pieces, making a fog out of it)
Y/N: "Melanie, Miltia!"
Malachite Twins: "We got it!"
(The twins swiftly dodges the lasers as they attack the paladin, even if it takes small damages...
Y/N switches his Musketeer into its rifle mode and begins to shoot at the paladin as covering fire for the twins...
Blake was seen attacking the robot back and forth after the twins back out...
As Roman predicted Blake's and Weiss's move, he shots his missile on the ground to separate them...
Unfortunately for him, Ruby immediately dashes towards him as she slices her scythe on the paladin, making him stumble while she cocks her Crescent Rose)
Ruby: "Checkmate!"
(Blake and Weiss quickly recovered from the explosion and went straight to slash Roman's paladin...
Weiss manages to destroy one of the lasers, she then does a flip to get away from Roman...
The criminal saw an opportunity to stomp Blake, but she quickly gets pulled away by Weiss's semblance...
He wasted no time and sends some missiles at the duo, only for them to dodge them all by doing some backflips...
As Weiss does a high flip, Roman shots a round from the paladin's arm at her causing to fly away...
Before she hits the ground, Weiss sends her semblance on Blake as she stands on it)
(A/N): 1:00 till 1:10
Y/N: "Blake! Move!"
(Y/N's eyes were red and his mask was a boarbatusk mask while he charges his attack on Roman...
Blake quickly jumps away as Y/N waits a little longer so his attack would be strong...
It was needlessly to say, his attack was similar to this)
(A/N): Pretend the CPU is the paladin and Y/N's attack goes back and forth
(After damaging the paladin, Y/N quickly dashes aside as he switches his mask into a beowolf mask...
Finger claws, tail and ears were coming out of the knight and quickly claws the rest of the lasers to make the paladin blind)
Ruby: "Thanks Y/N! Ladybug!"
(Y/N jumps away as Ruby and Blake slashes their weapons on the robot's legs...
On the final attack, both girls manage to cut one of his arms off, making Roman vulnerable for a moment...
After that, Yang jumps on his back and starts blasting her gauntlet onto his back as she makes multiple explosion from each punch...
Having enough, the paladin switches his gunned arm into a normal one and punches Yang through the colony that keeps the highway above them)
Blake: "Yang!!!"
Ruby: "Don't worry, she gets stronger everytime she gets hit...she uses all of that energy against enemies, that's what makes her special"
(As Roman goes for another punch, Yang uses her semblance to block the punch and gives a hard punch of her own, breaking the other arm as the paladin is now armless...
He then kicks her away, sending her flying past her friends)
Ruby: "Bumblebee!"
(Blake throws her weapon at Yang, which she caught and use the momentum to try to swing a punch...
Roman quickly jumps back to avoid to repeat the same mistake)
Ruby: "We have to slow him down!"
Weiss: "And how are we even supposed to do that?!"
Ruby: *has an idea* "Ice Flower!"
(Roman detects something on his radar, he looks over and sees Weiss creating an ice glyph as Ruby shoots through it...
That causes the bullet turning into an ice blast and freezes a part of the paladin in the progress...
Ruby begins to shoot multiple times to slow Roman down, once she's done that, Yang goes for another full swing to destroy the paladin, making Roman get out of the scraps)
Roman: *dusts himself off* "Just got this thing clean*
(Y/N copies Weiss's semblance as he throws a ball of fire at Roman, but surprisingly for everyone, a short girl jumps down infront her partner as she uses her umbrella to block his attack)
Roman: "Ladies, Gentleman, Schnee"
Weiss: "Hey!"
Roman: "Always a pleasure, Neo! If you would"
(The girl named Neo does a taunting bow as she smirks at everyone...
Yang quickly rushes over and goes for another punch, but she fell into Neo's trap as they shatter into pieces...
Y/N was looking up as he saw an airship with Roman and Neo on it, the said girl gives a wink at the forgotten knight as they fly away)
Melanie: "Damn it, they got away"
Miltia: "We didn't much here"
Y/N: "You two did good...That girl used her semblance to get away..."
Yang: "Guess he got a new henchman..."
Weiss: "Well, you can say that girl made our plan...fall apart"
(Ruby snickers at her poor attempted joke whsile the twins groan out of cringe...
Y/N couldn't believe what he just heard, Blake simply turned around and walk away)
Yang: "No, just no"
Weiss: "But you do it!"
Yang: "There's time and place for jokes"
Weiss: "And was that not it?"
Yang: *walks away* "Nope, it wasn't just that good*
Weiss: "At least, i'm trying!" *goes after her and Blake*
Malachite Twins: "Did she actually make a joke?"
Y/N: "...A poor but worth trying joke..."
Ruby: *looks around* "Wait, where are Sun and Neptune?"
Y/N: "They'll be fine somewhere, let's go before we gets spotted"
(The rest follow Weiss, Blake and Yang after the heiress made a horrible pun...
As the screen switches place, Neptune and Sun were seen eating ramen in a small wagon ramen stall)
Neptune: *eating his ramen* "They're gonna be fine, right?"
Sun: *eating his own ramen* "Probably"
(The screen slowly points up at the shattered moon as slurping sound can be heard through the night...)
(A/N): That's right, Melanie and Miltia Malachite aka Malachite Twins are now part of Y/N's team!!!
However, they will not participate for the Vytal Colosseum Tournament, only Y/N will have a special 1-on-1 match.
As for the prom, you have a beautiful rose whose really excited for their night date!
But unfortunately, i have to stop right here
Enjoy this chapter, hope this story is good enough and i'll see you all in the next one, peace!!!
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