(Vol. 2) Chapter 12: A Bet before The Night Out
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(On the previous chapter, Blake couldn't help but thinking what Torchwick and the White Fang are plotting...
Even if their semester just started, things are getting more and more unreal for the students...
After talking about that, Ruby suggested to investigate what they are planning secretly from anyone...
Y/N and the girls agreed to help their faunus friend on the investigation...
Before they could do that, Ruby has forgotten her board game at the library, Y/N volunteered to go with her retrieving her game...
Not even running away from their dorm, Young Rose accidentally bumped into Emerald, which she helped Ruby to get up from the ground...
Y/N was with them and see Emerald and Mercury, making the duo a bit nervous, however, he did notice Cinder being with them as well...
Unknowingly to them flirting back and forth, Ruby was secretly jealous to see his crush flirting with another girl...
The duo helped the three lost "students" to get on their dormitory by giving them direction...
The next day, The Forgotten Knight will spar with The Sun Dragon...)
-Port's Classroom-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Yesterday was eventful for the five students, but...today will be a bit normal...
By that, i meant today will be boring for the whole class...
As the screen slowly turns on, Professor Port's voice will be heard about telling one of his stories back at his days...
The camera then moves to the teams and their friend:
Ruby was sleeping behind her book covering her so Port couldn't tell if she's reading or sleeping...
Weiss was listening and taking notes on Port's story...
Blake was also listening but she was reading one of her books from her dorm...
Yang was simply playing with her pen by clicking it over and over again...
Jaune was thinking about how to get Weiss to like him, which it'll never happen...
Nora was drawing funny sketch on her notebook out of boredom...
Phyrra and Ren were listening to Port's story like Weiss and Blake are doing...
Next to Ren, there was Y/N, The Forgotten Knight...
He was doing nothing but playing with his pen by twirling around his fingers)
Port: "And that is how i have defeated a really dangerous Grimm from that village! My teammates did an excellent job to draw him out of the village" *looks up at his students* "Now! Any questions, everyone?"
Weiss: *raises her hand* "I do have one, professor"
Port: "Miss Schnee! What is your question?"
Weiss: "What would've happen if you were fighting a Taijitu Grimm?"
Port: "What an interesting question! But unfortunately, i have to request Mister Y/N to join with me on this small story"
Y/N: "Is it about using me using Taijitu Trails?"
Port: "Only if you're willing to help me demonstrating your friends how i would defeat it!"
(Y/N didn't have any reasons to decline, so he just stood up, walked down on the room and faced his own teacher for his demonstration...
His eyes turns red as his mask changes form into a Taijitu Mask...
Like back at the Dock, Y/N's right side turned black as his mask was emitting venom out of its fangs)
(A/N): Imagine Monokuma from Danganronpa color theme for Y/N's armor
Port: "Now, as you can see, if the Taijitu Grimm dares to circle around me, i would wait for them to expose their weak spots"
(Y/N uses both Blake's and Weiss's semblances to make a gravity clone of himself as his right side were faintly emitting black smoke...
Him and his clone started circling around Professor Port as he draws his Axe/Musketeer weapon...
The whole class are starting to get interested on his new method of demonstration...
Y/N was the first one to rush and strike on his teacher, which he simply deflected his attack with his trusted weapon...
Y/N's clone quickly lands a hit on Port's back, only for him to stumble and use the momentum to swing his axe side on the real Y/N...
The students were in awe to see Y/N acting and also attacking like a real Taijitu Grimm would do, giving Port hard time as he proves his students how difficult it is to fight a grimm alone...
Having a plan, Port quickly draws his musketeer and shoots at Y/N's clone, sending him against the real Y/N from the impact...
The teacher then rushes over to his student to attack him multiple times, doing so, Y/N's aura started flickering from his teacher's skills of being a licensed huntsman...
Port gives his final attack by decapitating Y/N's clone and use the momentum to twirl his weapon as he draws his musketeer side and shoots at Y/N on his chestplate...
Y/N's Aura flickers once again as he falls backwards while his clone were shattered into ashes...
The students started applauding on how impressive his demonstration was)
Port: "And this is how i would defeated a Taijitu Grimm by myself" *looks at Y/N* "Are you alright, Mister Y/N?"
(Y/N coughs and groans in pain for getting easily defeated by his teacher...
He then sits up as he turns his semblance off, making his mask and his whole right side turning back to normal)
Y/N: "Ugh...All good, sir"
Port: "I must say, you were really impressive on how good you imitated the Taijitu Grimm"
Y/N: "Perks of having their trails" *stands up and dusts himself off*
Port: "Hahaha! You sure are going to me a good huntsman!"
Port: "Oh! Our class is over, remember students! Be sure to not get yourself disadvantage by any Grimms, until our next lesson!"
(With his final talk, everyone started to get their stuffs and walk out of the room...
Y/N was stretching his left arm as team RWBY and JNPR were joining with him for their walk on the arena for Glynda's Class)
Ruby: "Now that was interesting way to entertain his students!"
Yang: "Yeah! You did good being the Taijitu Grimm"
Y/N: "I rarely used Taijitu trail, i only use it for sneaking inside buildings"
Jaune: "What trails do you use frequently?"
Y/N: "Beowolf, Nevermore and Boarbatusk"
Nora: "What about Deathstalker?"
Y/N: "Intimidation, if that doesn't work, straight to Cardin's treatment from last semester"
Blake: "I guess that's fair"
Jaune: "Anyone knows who's going to spar on Professor Goodwitch's class?"
Yang: "Me and Strikes are sparring for our bets!"
Y/N: "Which it still surprises me how you convinced her to make this spar match"
Ren: "I didn't catch what the bets are"
Y/N: "If i win, i take Ruby on a date, if i lose, i'll be Yang's servant for a day"
Yang: "Don't forget 5,000 Lien are on the line too!"
Jaune: *notices Ruby* "Ruby, you ok?"
(Ruby squeals out of surprise and looks at everyone...
They were confused on why she was surprised, except for Yang who was smirking)
Yang: "Already imagining having a date with your knight in shiny armor?~"
Ruby: "N-No!"
Weiss: *crosses her arms* "Please, you were daydreaming about that"
Blake: "Says the one who were daydreaming about Y/N"
Weiss: "It's called "Admiration", thank you very much"
Ruby: "Y-Yeah!"
Y/N: "Don't tease her too much..." *puts his hand on her head* "...She's just new with this kind of things"
Yang: *giggles* "True, guess you should say she has "forgotten" how amazing this academy is, eh?"
(Everyone groans at her poor puns, except for Y/N who was perplexed)
Y/N: "...Using my title as a pun?"
Yang: "Was it bad?"
Weiss: "It was horrible"
Blake: "Like she said"
Y/N: *pats Yang's shoulder* "Keep working on that"
(As she sighs, the group arrived at the arena as Glynda was typing something on her tablet)
Glynda: "Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Y/N, you all are late"
Y/N: "Port's demonstration"
Glynda: *sighs* "What Grimm did he brought?"
Phyrra: "Actually, Professor Goodwitch, Professor Port used Y/N as a new method of demonstration on fighting against Grimms"
Glynda: *raises her eyebrow* "Now he's using his students?"
Y/N: "I didn't see any problems"
Glynda: "If that's okay for you, i won't judge" *looks up at the group* "However, your sparring match against miss Xiao Long will still remain"
Yang: *smirks* "Time for my payback!"
Y/N: "Destiny will decide our fate"
(With that, the duo headed towards their locker rooms to gear up for the match...
As the students were sitting on their seats, there were also different students from different academies...
Sun and Neptune were seeing sitting on their seats next to Team JNPR...
Mercury, Emerald and Cinder were also sitting behind Team RWBY...
After a while, Yang and Y/N are walking down at the arena with their gears and weapons)
Yang: *places her hand on her hips* "Did you keep up our scores?"
Y/N: *checks his rifle* "5-5, why?"
Yang: "Winner takes all, then"
Y/N: *sighs* "You break my mask, i will ruin your hair"
Yang: "Fair"
(Both fighters readied their weapons, staring at each other...
Yang was smirking smugly, thinking she could win the tiebreaker...
Y/N's eyes were dull but his eyebrows narrowed faintly, letting everyone know he won't back out)
Glynda: "Are both combatants ready?"
Yang/Y/N: "Ready!/Ready..."
Glynda: *raises her arm up* "Match, Begin!!!"
(Right on cue, Y/N immediately immerge into the ground, leaving the audience, his opponent and the referee in surprise...
He then reappears from behind, Yang counters his swing with her gauntlet by doing a reverse punch on Y/N's Musketeer...
Y/N uses the momentum to throw a roundhouse heel kick, making her blocking his kick, but she got pushed away from the impact...
Yang raises her head up, letting Y/N seeing her smirk as her hair as faintly lightening up...
He immediately knew she just using her semblance to get herself stronger from each attack...
The camera switches from the fighters to the audience, they're slowly getting railed up from the match...
Team RWB_, JNPR, Sun and Neptune noticed their knight friend's fighting style)
Jaune: "Guys, is it just me or Y/N's fighting style is slowly changing up?"
Blake: "He's right...Something is about to happen to them"
Ren: "Do you think he'll use his semblance?"
Ruby: *gasps* "What if Y/N is getting ready for his combo attack like he did to Cardin?!"
Nora: "That'll be awesome!"
(As the camera zooms out, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald were seen in the screen as they were whispering to each other)
Mercury: "He's good, i'll give him that"
Emerald: "What impress me the most, is that he's using The Musketeer with one hand"
Cinder: "We can talk some other time, for now...Let's enjoy our little show~"
(Mercury quietly mumbled about cursing on Y/N getting more interested than him...
Emerald was hesitant when Cinder took interest on Y/N, but she couldn't deny Y/N is interesting to get to know him better...
As a bullet flies infront of the screen, the camera immediately switches position where Y/N and Yang are going head-to-head on each other...
Yang uses her gauntlets shotguns to shoot explosive rounds at Y/N, which he uses Weiss's semblance to make a wall with a glyph of his own...
He then uses Blake's semblance to appear besides Yang, giving her a side kick on her stomach, pushing her away for a moment...
Without hesitation, Y/N cocks his rifle and starts sending fire slashes towards Yang...
The said girl rolls out of the way from his attack, only to get punched on the face, making her stumble backwards...
After that, Y/N's eyes turn red, drops his weapon and did this combo to drain Yang's Aura to 75%)
(A/N): Play at 1:07 and stop at 1:15, that's your combo and yes, Jann Lee used to be my main fighter
(The students were shocked to see his sudden change of fighting style...
Y/N then changes his stance and quickly attack Yang with this another attack)
(A/N): Play at 1:17 and stop a 1:21
(Yang's Aura was 25% now, Y/N's Aura was draining from 80% to 70% for using his semblance for too long...
Already having the match point, Y/N's fighting stance changes once again and did this final combo to end the match and win the bet)
(A/N): And play at 0:19 and stop at 0:27
(After another combo, Yang was seen flying on the ground with 10% Aura left...
Y/N, on the other hand, has 50% Aura left due to his final move...
The latter deactivates his semblance as he took a deep breath and lets it out as a faint smoke was seen coming through his mask...
The audience quickly roared in excitement to see The Forgotten Knight throwing hands like a professional fighter)
Glynda: *raises her arm up* "Yang Xiao Long is unable to fight! The winner is, Y/N!"
(The said knight walks over to Yang and looks down at her to check if she's ok...
The said girl turned around as she sat up to see Y/N holding his hand out to her)
Yang: "..." *giggles, smirks* "You're full of surprises, Strikes"
Y/N: "I learned from the best...Score settled?"
Yang: "Yup, i accept my loss"
(She then holds on his hand, Y/N pulls her up as Yang stands back on het feet...
The duo shake each other's hands as a sign of respect and sportsmanship, which costs the audience to applause for their impressive performance...
After a few minutes, the duo got refreshed up and walk back to their friends...
Y/N immediately gets tackled by Ruby and Nora as they were fangirling over Y/N's attacks...
Yang alongside with her teammates and friends started laughing at their hyperactive short duo)
Phyrra: *giggles* "You sure did not hold back on Yang, huh"
Y/N: "Match point, winner takes all, as she quoted earlier"
Yang: *smirks, crosses her arms* "And since you won, i allow you to take Ruby on a date~"
(Ruby quickly squeaks out of embarrassment and runs back to hide behind Blake...
Y/N chuckles at her cuteness as he lets Nora hugging his arm like a sloth)
Y/N: "Guess i have to...How about i take you on the prom?"
(The group Ooo'd at his idea while Ruby's face went as red as her cape...
Ruby shyly peeks out of Blake's arm, looks at Y/N and nods her head shyly, letting him know she agrees at his idea)
Y/N: "It's official then"
Weiss: "That was a real smooth move of you, i did not expect that"
Y/N: *rolls his eyes* "Tease me all you want, i know you were gazing at me from time to time whenever i was training with Jaune and Phyrra"
(Now it was Weiss's turn to blush out of embarrassment...
The rest laughs at her as they all start walking out of the arena for lunch time...
However, the camera slowly moves over to Cinder, Mercury and Emerald...
The trio were concerned but also impressed of their target's ability)
Mercury: "Roman wasn't kidding...His semblance sure is something else..."
Emerald: "He even copied the Blondie's semblance for his final attack"
Cinder: "It would appear that our plan isn't going to be as easy as we thought..."
Mercury: "Should we take him out of the list?"
Cinder: "Hmm..." *shakes her head* "...No, i would like to play with him before we kill him~"
Emerald: "But i thought you wanted-"
Cinder: "We changed our original plan, this new plan of mine will work, trust me"
Emerald: "...Yes ma'am"
Mercury: "Let's go to our dorm so you two can talk about Y/N"
(He then starts walking away from the arena, soon after, Cinder and Emerald follow him behind...
As the screen captures Cinder, the woman in question can't help but feeling a bit aroused after seeing Y/N's stamina)
Cinder: 'He sure meets more than the eye...I can't wait to see what else he's hiding from us~' as she thought...
(The screen slowly fades into black as Cinder's flirtatious giggle can be heard in the darkness)
(A/N): 1st time attempting making a fighting chapter, hope it's decent for you all
As i stated on the last chapter, this one is only dedicated on the spar match
The actual chapter will be updated next time
For now, i'll leave this one here and let me know if it was good or bad
Hope y'all are liking this story and i'll see you guys in the ne
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