(Vol. 2) Chapter 11: Atlas Arrival
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(On the previous chapter, Y/N's 2nd semester started alongside Team RWBY and JNPR...
The Forgotten Knight was wandering around Vale for talking with Tukson, a faunus around 30's who used to run a bookstore called "Tukson's Book Trade"...
Unsurprisingly for Y/N, he arrived right before Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai could try to kill him, Y/N sneakily copied the girl's semblance to make the scenario as an illusion to help Tukson escaping from Vale...
After that, the knight left Vale to return back at Beacon Academy, on his way to the cafeteria, he met Sun once again...
Only to find out he was with his teammate that goes by Neptune Vasilias, the trio headed to the cafeteria as they were talking about the dock event...
As they walk inside the cafeteria, they were witnessed one of the most memorable food fight in history between Team RWBY and JNPR...
As the good things happen to them, on the "dark side" of evil deeds, Roman, Emerald, Mercury and Cinder were discussing about moving to the next phase after stealing so many dusts from basically every dust shop...
Unknowingly to the group, Cinder decided to move to the next phase because she was interested in The Forgotten Knight...
Let's see what Y/N is up to, shall we?...)
-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-
(As the sky clears up, we get to see an amazing view of Beacon Academy shining at its majesty...
The screen was showing the view for a while before gradually zooming on the top of the school where Ozpin and Glynda were watching the view from the headmaster's office...
As they were looking down at their students, they hear someone walking to the desk...
Both adults turn around and notices Y/N was the one who reached the office)
Ozpin: *smiles* "Welcome L/N, i must apologize for calling you in the middle of your good time with your friends"
Y/N: "Nothing to worry about...You wanted to see me?"
Glynda: "Actually, the three of us want to see you how you were doing"
(Before Y/N could ask, the elevator opens up and reveals the general of Atlas has arrived...)
Ozpin: *smiles* "James"
Ironwood: "Ozpin! It has been a long time since the last time we met" *sees Glynda* "And Glynda, it's good to see you again"
Glynda: "Oh James" *looks at Ozpin* "I'll wait for L/N outside"
(She then walks past the boys as she goes in the elevator to get on the ground floor)
Ironwood: *chuckles* "She hasn't changed a bit"
Ozpin: "There's another person who would like to see you, James"
Ironwood: "And who could that be-"
Y/N: "General..."
(Ironwood looks beside Ozpin and sees Y/N standing with his arms crossed...
He smiles in relief to see his ex man doing well and standing still)
Ironwood: "Y/N! It has been some time since we've met"
Y/N: "Almost a year, Ozpin spotted me when i was clearing one of White Fang's hideout"
Ironwood: *surprised* "You can speak normally now"
Y/N: "Lie Ren provided me some herbs to heal my throat issue..."
Ozpin: *chuckles amusingly* "As much as i would like to let you both catch up, there is some things we should talk"
Ironwood: "Does Y/N know about-"
Y/N: "Salem is moving her pawns here...She's aiming to take Ozpin down on his own 'castle'..."
(Ironwood was shocked to hear his former man knew about Salem's situations...
Ozpin just kept his stoic expression as he was seeing Atlas's Airships flying above the academy)
Ironwood: "...Did Ozpin tell you everything about this?"
Y/N: "Yes sir."
Ironwood: "So that means you know who the moles are"
Y/N: "White Fang and Torchwick are cooperating, i bet they made a deal with Salem to bring chaos for Grimms..."
Ozpin: "It seems Qrow's intel was solid, Y/N can confirm about the queen's pawns moving here at Beacon"
Ironwood: "If that's the case, you should know why i brought my men"
Ozpin: "With all due respect, i would like to keep your men as far as possible from bringing panic on the people"
Y/N: "Bringing panic means bringing Grimms into Vale since they get attracted by negative emotions..."
Ironwood: *sighs* "...I'll see what i can do, just make sure what you're doing, Ozpin...I don't like the idea to bring our students into this war..."
Ozpin: "Neither do i like that idea as well, don't worry about me..." *looks up at the sky* "...I have some trustful allies who can maintain peace and harmony here at Beacon Academy"
Y/N: *looks at his scroll* "Time for me to go, Ruby wants me to be at the library"
Ozpin: *turns around, smiles apologetically* "You may leave, my apologies to keep you away from them"
Y/N: "It's quite alright, professor...I'll be back after your crow comes back" *looks at Ironwood* "General"
Ironwood: *nods, smiles* "We'll catch up soon enough"
(Y/N smiles under his mask and walks to the elevator to go to the ground floor, leaving the adults by themselves)
-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(I'm walking down the hallway with Professor Goodwitch, from what i've heard, her and Ironwood don't see eye to eye or something...
Maybe it's something related to Salem looking for Ozpin...I don't know, i feel like Ozpin is still hiding something from us)
Glynda: "And for conclusions, that is why you must have, at least, one partner who can help you in the battlefield"
Glynda: "I understand your doubts but if you find in a situation where you're completely surrounded, you'll end up getting killed..."
"That's...a good point..."
Glynda: *sighs* "...However, your semblance does give you an ability to make clones out of your own aura"
"Doppelganger is my semblance"
Glynda: "If i may add, your semblance is one of the most powerful and useful semblance i've ever seen, especially the way you handled the situation at your initiation"
(Guess she's slowly opening up to me, despise being a teenager risking his lives fighting against a group of faunus that turned into evil side thanks to Adam...)
"Just got lucky, that's all..." *looks at my scroll* "Time for me to go, where's the library again?"
Glynda: *looks at her tablet* "Just turn back where we walked and turn on the left, it's the opposite side of the cafeteria"
"Thanks Professor Goodwitch, see you around"
(I then turned around and walk away from her as i'm starting to head toward to the library)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(The camera changes scenario and location of where Team RWBY and JNPR are right now)
(A/N): Stop at 1:10 before the piece hits Jaune's head, then play it again at 1:50
(As the girls were playing their game, a piece of their boardgame was flying towards Jaune...
Before it could hit him, a hand suddenly shows on the screen as it catches the piece of the girls' boardgame)
Jaune: "T-Thanks ma-" *sees Y/N* "Y/N!"
Phyrra: *looks up and sees Y/N* "Hello Y/N!~"
Y/N: "Hi guys" *looks at Nora* "and rest well"
(Nora just mumbled in her dreams as she was sleeping with a page of a book over her head)
Y/N: "Guess only Phyrra and Ren are actually reading books"
Jaune: "I-I mean, c-comics are also books, right?"
Y/N: "Except they have more pictures than words"
Phyrra: *looks at the comic* "I hate to admit, but this comic is actually interesting to read"
Jaune: "Even Phyrra thinks that way!"
Y/N: "Next time we train, we work on your Aura"
(Jaune slumps on the table on defeat to convince Y/N to let him read the comic...
Before the forgotten knight could say another word, he heard Weiss crying about something)
Weiss: *tears comically fall down her face* "I hate this game of emotions we play!"
Ruby: *appears on Weiss's lap, hugs her while crying* "Be strong, Weiss, we'll get through this together"
Weiss: *hugs back* "Shut up, don't touch me!"
Y/N: *walks over to them* "Did you fall on Yang's trap card?"
(The girls, minus Blake, look up and notices Y/N standing with a piece of their boardgame on his hand)
Ruby: "Y/N!" *uses her semblance to dash over and hugs him*
Y/N: *hugs back* "Hey Ruby, what's wrong?"
"Y-Yang is bullying me a-and Weiss on this game!"
Y/N: *looks at Yang* "So you did use your trap card on Weiss"
Yang: "Hey! It's all fair play when you play your cards right!"
(Y/N walks over to Blake's side of the table, letting Ruby hugging him like a Koala)
Y/N: "Blake, can i have your cards?"
Blake: *snaps out of her thoughts* "H-Huh? O-Oh hi Y/N, here"
(She hands her cards over to him, which he accepted it and looks at his hand)
Y/N: *places his card on the table* "Recon, Vacuo's troops get their chances to invade your kingdom during their occupation on Atlas"
Yang: *shocked* "WHAT?!" *quickly plays her defensive card* "This card allows me to prevent your sudden invasion on my kingdom!"
Y/N: *plays another card* "Distraught, my spies gave their locations of possible raids before sacrificing themselves"
Yang: "I-If you play that card, t-tha means-"
Y/N: "Game" *pulls his final card* "Set" *draws it on the table, making the girls gasp at his final move* "And Match..."
Yang: *drops her remaining cards* "N-No..."
Y/N: "Vacuo has successfully conquered Vale while they were distracted occupying Atlas"
(Yang slumps over the table with her tears comically fall down her face)
Yang: *crying* "I can't believe my kingdom fell into their own trap!"
Ruby/Weiss: "Woah...So cool!"
Blake: "How did you know how you play this game?"
Y/N: "Back at Mistral, got taught and won most of the matches"
Yang: *looks up at Y/N, smirks* "I want a rematch! On the sparring room!"
Y/N: "What are we betting?"
Yang: "If you win, i'll allow you to take Ruby on a date!"
(Ruby's face went beet red as she squeals out of shock hiding behind Blake...
Weiss was looking at Yang as if she's out of her mind...
Y/N, on the other hand, was blushing hard under his mask, luckily for him, no one could see it)
Y/N: "...What?"
Yang: "Think of it as a way to get to know my little sister"
Y/N: "And you're okay with that?"
Yang: *giggles* "I know you're not one of those perverts who tries to take advantage of a poor little girl"
Ruby: "Hey! I'm not little, i'm growing up! I drink milk to help me growing up!"
Y/N: 'So innocent...' "And what if you win?"
Yang: "If i win, you'll have to do whatever i say for a day, no complaining!"
Y/N: "...Add some lien in the bet and you have a deal"
Yang: "5,000 lien, how about that?"
Y/N: "Deal, we'll fight on Saturday"
Yang: *smirks* "Ooo~ It's a date then~"
Ruby: "Hey!!!"
(Blake just sighed and looked down at the boardgame, she was slightly impressed to see how Y/N easily won against Yang...
After that, Sun and Neptune can be seen walking in the library)
Sun: "Sup losers!"
Y/N: *looks over as Ruby gets off him* "Sun, Neptune"
Neptune: "Yo Y/N, isn't the library supposed to be a quiet place?"
Ren: "Thank you!"
Nora: *suddenly wakes up* "Pancakes!"
Yang: "Sun, who's that guy next to you?"
Sun: "He's Neptune, one of my good friends and teammate"
Neptune: "Nice to meet you all"
(He then sees Weiss looking at him, he proceeds to walk over to her)
Neptune: "And i never got a chance to know your name, Snow Angel~"
Weiss: "O-Oh, i-i'm Weiss"
Jaune: *on the background* "Are you serious?!"
Y/N: *on the background* "You'll find a girl that loves you, trust me"
Sun: *looks at the table* "Never get you to be a girl who plays boardgame"
Blake: "Well...I didn't play, Y/N took my place and won by playing 3 cards"
Neptune: "Bro, that's so cool!"
Y/N: "Mistral taught me this game, helps me with strategizing plans outside Grimms Herd"
Blake: "...Anyway, i'm gonna go, see you guys later"
(She then stands up from her seat and walks out of the library...
Everyone could tell Blake wasn't herself, Team RW_Y and Y/N thought the same plan to talk with her)
Nora: *shrugs* "Women"
Y/N: "Says the one who eats pancakes more than an Ursa"
Nora: "Excuse you!" *puts her hands on her hips* "My body is all natural"
Y/N: 'Tell that to your childhood friend' "Jaune, Phyrra, don't forget your training"
Jaune/Phyrra: "Got it man!"/"I understand!"
Y/N: *looks at Ruby and her teammates* "Let's go"
(The girls nodded their head and follow their knight friend out of the library to find Blake)
-Scene Change-
-RWBY's Dorm Room-
(Blake was seen on her bed reading one of her books, trying to get out of Roman's alliance with the White Fang...
Unfortunately, it didn't help her a bit, as she sighed, the door opens up...
The cat faunus look up and sees her teammates and Y/N walking in)
Yang: "I still can't believe i've lost to you, Striker!"
Y/N: "Again, Mistral had that game and they taught me how to play"
Ruby: *giggles* "Yang's just mad cuz you beat her"
(As they were distracted, Blake tried to take that opportunity to get out of the room...
But unluckily for her, the heiress caught her in the act and stopped her by calling her teammate while pointing at Blake)
Weiss: "Stop."
Blake: "..."
Weiss: "Lately you've been quiet, anti-social and moody"
Yang: "Uh...Have you met Blake?"
Weiss: "Which i get, is kind of your "thing", but you've been doing it more than usual, which quite frankly, is unacceptable..."
(Y/N was seen walking past Blake and leans against the door, preventing the faunus to walk away)
Weiss: "You made a promise to me...to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong...So, Blake Belladonna!" *does a flip and points dramatically down at Blake* "What! Is! Wrong?!"
(The Forgotten Knight picks Weiss up from the chair with ease, making her squeal out of surprise...
After setting her down, he then places the chair back into its place, dusting his hands off of him)
Blake: "..." *sighs* "I just...I-I don't understand how everyone can be so calm"
Ruby: "...You're still thinking about Torchwick?"
Blake: "Torchwick, The White Fang, All of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!"
Yang: "Ozpin told us to not worry, between the police and the Huntsmen, i'm sure they can handle it"
Y/N: "Keep in mind that i am also involved with the cops, they allowed me to proceed with caution..."
Blake: "Well, i'm not! They don't know the White Fang like i do!"
Y/N: "..."
Weiss: "Alright, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves and fighting for freedom, i'm sure the four of you think you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells"
Ruby: *confused* "Uh...who?"
Y/N: "Bad people, that's what she was trying to say"
Weiss: "But let me be the voice of reason...We're students, we're not ready to handle this sort of situation"
(This statement makes Y/N cough to get attention to the team, making Weiss realize she was wrong)
Weiss: "I mean, except for Y/N"
Ruby: "Well, yeah, but-"
Weiss: "We're not ready!"
Blake: "And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just gonna sit around and wait for the graduation day!" *waves her arm* "They're out there, somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming, whether we're ready or not!"
Yang/Weiss/Y/N: "..."
Ruby: *takes a deep breath* "Okay...All in favor of becoming the youngest huntresses to single-handedly bring down a corrupt organization conspiring against the kingdom of Vale say "Aye"!"
Yang: *raises her fist up* "Yes!" *points at Blake* "I love it when you're feisty!"
Weiss: *crossing her arms* "Well, i supposed it could be fun"
Ruby: *looks away, frowning* "None of you said "Aye"..."
Y/N: *raises his hand* "Aye"
(Ruby quickly looks at Y/N, her teammates also look at him)
Yang: "You're joining with us?"
Y/N: "Remember what i said, the cops of Vale and i are working as informative, we give each others intel for situation like this"
Weiss: "And i also guess you know some shady streets in Vale?"
Y/N: "Plenty, i know almost everyone back at Vale"
Ruby: "Then the five of us are doing this!"
Blake: *smiles* "Alright then...we're in this together"
Ruby: "Let's hatch a plan!"
Yang: "Yeah!"
(Ruby then gasps of realization, making the others surprised)
Y/N: "What is it?"
Ruby: "I left my board game in the library!"
Weiss: *pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head* "We're doomed"
Y/N: "I'll go with her, you three wait for us"
Yang: "Thanks Y/N"
(Ruby quickly runs out of the room while Y/N simply walk fastly to follow her short friend...
The screen changes when Ruby accidentally run into someone, making the red riding hood fall on the ground)
Ruby: "Ugh...Oh...Sorry, Are you...ok?"
Emerald: "I'm fine...Just watch where you're going"
(The dark-skinned criminal in disguise was holding her hand down to Ruby, which she accepts it)
Ruby: "Oh...Right...Sorry" *gets up with the help of Emerald* "Uh, I'm Ruby...Are you...New?"
(Emerald steps aside as Cinder was seen walking towards Ruby)
Cinder: "Visiting from Haven, actually"
(As they were staring each other, Y/N was seen coming out from Ruby's shadow, meaning he was emerging from the floor, making Emerald and Mercury surprised by his sudden appearance)
Y/N: "Ruby"
Ruby: "Eep!" *turns around* "H-How did you-"
Y/N: "Doppelganger, remember?"
Ruby: "O-Oh, right...B-But look! These guys are for the festival!"
Y/N: *looks at them* "Guess we meet again, Emerald, Mercury"
Mercury: "H-Hey man..."
Ruby: "Wait, you know them?"
Y/N: "Two of them..." *looks at Cinder* "...But not her"
Cinder: "So you are The Forgotten Knight, pleasure to meet you~"
Y/N: "Likewise, Emerald told you about me?"
Cinder: "I heard from some students here and there about your reputation, i must say...you sure know how to attract attention~"
Y/N: "A beautiful milady like you, i like keep everyone safe and feel protected"
(Ruby was pouting out of jealousy when she heard him calling someone beautiful...
Mercury and Emerald were shocked to see Y/N actually flirting back to their boss...
Cinder, on the other hand, she felt her face heating up a little, she didn't expected someone to be on the same level as hers, even if Y/N was wearing a mask)
Ruby: "W-Wait! I just remembered something! For the exchange students, they have their own dormitory"
Mercury: "Guess we just got turned around..."
Ruby: *giggles* "Don't worry, happens all the time"
Y/N: "Your building is just east from here, shouldn't miss it"
Cinder: *snaps out of her thoughts* "Thanks...Maybe we'll see you around" *looks at Y/N* "Especially you~"
Y/N: *smirks under his mask* "Enjoy your stay, hotshot~"
(Cinder giggles at the nickname and walks away with Emerald and Mercury...
Ruby quickly hugs Y/N's arm and starts dragging him to the library to get her board game...
As the screen splits in two, Cinder and Y/N were seen smirking at the camera...
Cinder's "new" plan was making progress while Y/N's mind game just started...
Then soon after, the screen slowly fades into black as footsteps can be heard in the darkness)
(A/N): I had to rewatch the ep to see if i spell the word "ne'er-do-wells" right, turns out that word DOES EXIST AND IT AUTOMATICALLY SHOWS ON MY AUTOCORRECT, WTF?!?!
With that aside, i'm sure you'll asking "Why you said Cinder's new plan"?
The answer is simple, Y/N has a new game setting up, and it already started once he flirted back at Cinder
I'll leave the rest to your imagination on how this ends up
Next chapter? It'll be dedicated for Yang's rematch
And with that, i will leave this chapter and let you all reading it
Hope you guys are enjoying reading this story, i'll see you guys in the next one, bye!!!
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