(Vol. 2) Chapter 10: Food War
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Welcome to the 2nd season of "The Forgotten Knight", a new fresh start with new threats, new allies but same old faces...
However, the recap of Vol. 1 is like a standard recap...
Ozpin scouted and spotted The Forgotten Knight and sent Team RWBY to secure him if he was harmed by White Fang...
After that day, Y/N opened up with Team RWBY and JNPR, he was also respectful and polite to his teachers...
During his stays, he faced White Fang, Roman Torchwick and Grimms, which the latter was for his Initiation...
As for the rest of the recap, he also met new faces like Velvet and Sun, Penny on the other hand, he knew her since both of them are Atlasian like Weiss...
Let's jump right into the Beginning of Vol. 2...)
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the sun was shining at the city of Vale, the screen slowly moves down to the shop where Ruby's adventures started...
The shopkeeper was re-opening his shop after the failed robbery from Roman Torchwick...
As he was finishing setting the banner above the door, he heard someone calling him)
???: "Excuse me, sir!"
(The old man climbs down the stairs and looks at the dark-skinned girl who was the one who called him earlier...)
Emerald: "I'm sorry for interrupting your job, sir, but..." *shows him a piece of paper with an address on it* "...Do you know where i can find this address?"
(He then takes a look of the paper, immediately knows where the address is...
After giving her the instructions, she waves at him with both of her hands, as she was walking away, she heard her partner calling her out)
???: "I knew you were lost"
Emerald: *walks over to him with lien on her hand* "Mercury, i will literally pay you to keep your mouth shut"
Mercury: "Those aren't yours"
Emerald: "It could be yours if you take them now"
Mercury: "Hmm..." *shakes his head* "...No deal"
(Emerald frowns as she fails to blackmail his partner, but nonetheless she puts stolen lien in her pocket as the two of them started walking down the street)
Emerald: *disgusted* "Ugh...these people are so full of happiness and joy..."
Mercury: "But they're easy to pickpocket, no one would even know if their money gets stolen or not"
Emerald: *rolls her eyes* "As if you even manage to steal someone"
Mercury: *acts like a victim* "Oh no~ You're Emerald, please don't pickpocket me!~"
(She glares at him as Mercury notices it and smirks for succeeding to annoy his partner)
Emerald: *sighs* "Let's just go before we get spotted..."
Mercury: "The sooner, the better"
(With that, both of them manages to arrive at their destinations...
The shop in question was named "Tukson's Book Trade"...
As the duo were looking around, Emerald walks towards the front desk and presses the bell)
???: "Just a moment!"
(Soon after, the door opens as a faunus was walking backwards with a pile of books on his arms)
Tukson: "Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun..." *sets the pile on ground, turns around and sees Emerald and Mercury* "...How may i help you?"
Mercury: *checking up some books* "Just lookin around"
Emerald: *walks closer and leans on the desk* "Actually, do you have any copies of The Thief and The Butcher?"
Tukson: "Yes, we do"
Emerald: *smiles* "Great!"
Tukson: "Would you like a copy of it?"
Emerald: "Oh no, i was just wondering"
(He then notices Mercury closing books really loud, making him suspect about the duo teenagers...)
Emerald: "Hmm...Oh! How about Violet's Garden in paperback? Do you have those?"
Mercury: *finds it* "He actually got it, it has hardback too"
Emerald: "Ooo, options are nice~"
Mercury: *shrugs* "No pictures though, that sucks" *closes the book, looks at Tukson* "Do you have any comic books?"
Tukson: "Near the front, shouldn't be that hard to find"
Emerald: "Oh! I have another book in mind!" *smirks* "What about...Third Crusade..."
(The faunus hesitates for a minute, after noticing what they're up to, he decided to play along)
Tukson: "I...don't believe we carry that book in particular..."
Mercury: *closes another book* "Oh?"
Emerald: "Tell me, what was the name of this store?"
Tukson: "Tukson's Book Trade..."
Emerald: "Aaand...You're Tukson, right?"
Tukson: "...That's correct"
Emerald: *gets serious* "So you're the one who came up with that catchphrase?"
Tukson: "Yes"
Mercury: "What was the catchphrase again?"
Tukson: "Home to every book under the sun..."
Emerald: "So you're telling me that you have all of those books but not the Third Crusade?"
Tukson: "It's just a catchphrase, i don't actually own all the copies of any books..."
Mercury: "That's called False Advertising!"
Emerald: *stares at Tukson* "You shouldn't make a promise that you can't keep, Tukson..."
(Before Mercury could close the store, someone walks in with a small bag of lien as the figure walks past Mercury and Emerald...
The duo were surprised to notice him, as for Tukson, he was actually happy to see his former regular customer)
Tukson: "The Forgotten Knight! Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade: Home to every book under the son"
Y/N: *notices the boxes* "...Moving?"
Tukson: "Sadly yes...I'm going to Vacuo, you know, business and stuffs"
Y/N: "That's unfortunate..." *puts the bag on the desk* "...Still manage to get my order? The books we talked about?"
Tukson: *knows what he's talking about* "Yes, i can, wait here"
(He then walks back in the storage room as the doors close behind him...
After he went there, Emerald and Mercury were staring at the forgotten knight, Mercury was confused while Emerald was trying to come up with a plan to kill the witness)
Emerald: "Wait a minute...He said you're The Forgotten Knight?"
Y/N: *looks down at his scroll* "Pleasure to meet you, fan of mine?"
Mercury: "We're new here, Mistral Academy actually"
Y/N: "Interesting..." *sends a message to his friend and puts his scroll away*
Emerald: "How's that interesting to you?"
Y/N: "Headmaster Leonhard and i go way back...Still drinking coffee?"
Emerald: "Well...Not exactly, he does drink but not as often as he used to"
Y/N: "Good to hear it..."
(The duo exchanges a look to each others, thinking about what they should do to him...
Before anyone could do anything, Tukson came back from the room and places a bag with "books" in it)
Tukson: "Sorry for keeping you wait, it was in the middle of the boxes"
Y/N: "No worries..." *wraps the bag on his back* "...Keep the change"
Tukson: *smiles sadly* "How kind of you...you'll be missed when i leave"
Y/N: "We'll still keep in touch, after all..." *adjusts his mask* "...the forgotten will remember his allies, enemies and friends"
(Emerald took a minute to realize they just met the main target they were supposed to met him at the Academy...
Mercury notices her attitude changing up, so he secretly gets ready to attack, but before he could even move...)
Y/N: "I wouldn't dare to attack me, Mercury..."
(The grey teenager freezes in shock as the knight immediately knows his name...
Emerald was also shocked he wasn't under effect of her semblance)
Y/N: "Emerald is your name, isn't it?"
Emerald: "...Who are you?"
Y/N: "...The one who slays evil deeds from the existence..."
(He then snaps his fingers, making Tukson and the whole store vanishing out of nowhere...
Y/N was the last one to vanish into thin air, making the duo frozen out ot shock...
Little thing they know, Y/N immediately copied Emerald's semblance and make the whole scenario with Tukson like an illusion...
Tukson was seen walking towards the ship with a few of cops helping and protecting him)
Emerald: "W-What?!?!"
Mercury: "Did you cover their escape?!"
Emerald: "No!? I didn't do that!!!"
Mercury: "Fuck! She's gonna be pissed if she knows this!"
Emerald: "Let's just go! We can explain everything to her!"
(Mercury agreed at her suggestions as the duo quickly leaves the shop to head towards their hideouts...
As they were seen running away, Y/N was spotted around the corner of the alleyway as he was watching the duo running like there's no tomorrow...)
Y/N: 'Nice try, you two won't be able to lure me into your schemes...' as he thought...
(He then proceeded to walk back to the airfield for the next bullhead to take him back at Beacon Academy...)
-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(After managing to help Tukson sneaking out of the shop to get on the ship, i was walking down the courtyard as some students were saying hi to me...
It's been almost a year since i got enrolled in this school, it was actually a good choice to accept Ozpin's deal...
Not only i have friends that i think of them as family, but i also have some crazy shit happened to me with them...
I even managed to befriended with Team CVFY, Velvet was really adorable when she used to be shy around me...
As i was walking alone, i saw Sun with a blue haired guy, seems like the two of them are friends)
(I then started jogging over to them, they turn their head and saw me coming, Sun was the first one to greet me)
Sun: "Dude! Wassup!" *fistpumps him* "How ya doin?"
"Just got here, had to grab something from Vale"
???: "Is he the knight you were talking about?"
Sun: "Yeah! This guy is the one who can copy any semblance! He copied mine when we were at the fight!"
"Words travel fast..." *looks at ???* "Y/N, what's yours?"
Neptune: "I'm Neptune, nice to meet ya man"
Sun: "Hey, we were heading to the cafeteria, wanna join with us?"
"Sure, i was about to head there anyway"
(The three of us started to walk to the cafeteria, in the mean time, we were talking about what Sun, Blake and i did back at the docks...)
"You really need to know how to keep things quiet"
Sun: "I know, but can you blame me?! What you did back there was sick!"
Neptune: "Your semblance is capable to copy other semblances from your opponents?"
Sun: "Oh right, he still have some trouble to talk normally"
Neptune: "No worries, all good here"
Sun: "Alright, remember to keep our conversation as a secret"
(After he says that, we were standing infront of the door of the cafeteria)
Sun: "They are just right inside, whatever happens, be cool...you're gonna be cool, right?"
Neptune: "Dude"
(The screen moves up from his boots to his face, he was smiling while doing the pose as his teeth shines up for a second)
"...Fair enough, right?"
Sun: "Yup, that's a good point"
(The three of us enter in the cafeteria, as we go in, multiple students were running outside as one of them were screaming "Food Fight!!!")
-3rd P.O.V.-
(A crazy laughter can be heard from the cafeteria, the camera shows who was laughing as the food fight was about to happen between Team RWBY and JNPR)
Sun: "I love these guys"
(Neptune's jacket and face were covered in grape soda, he was looking unpleasant from the mess...
As for Y/N, he had a pie on his mask, which it got his face messed up from the cream...
Later on, Professor Goodwitch walks into the cafeteria and stops the flying tables with her semblance as she uses it to restore the whole cafeteria)
Glynda: "Children, please..." *adjusts her glasses* "...Do not play with your food"
(Everyone were giggling embarrassingly, except for Nora who just burped really loud...
And right on cue, Yang falls down from the ceilings as she crashes onto the ground, knocking some plank woods out)
Ozpin: *puts his hand on her shoulder* "Let them be"
Glynda: *sighs* "They were supposed to be protectors of Beacon, not bunch of kids fooling around"
Ozpin: "And they will be our protectors, for now, let them enjoy the role of being kids having good times" *smiles* "Like Y/N"
(Both adults were looking at Y/N who was cleaning Ruby's face as the rest were cooing and teasing the duo...
The knight just tossed towels at their heads, except to Ruby, Phyrra and Ren, which they thanked him for handing over the towels...)
Y/N: *sighs* "...Who started this fight?"
Weiss: *points at Nora* "She threw a pie on my face!"
Nora: "I didn't mean it! That was supposed to go on Yang's face!"
Yang: "You were targeting me?!"
Y/N: "Girls" *they look at him* "Nora will pay our food tomorrow as her punishment for starting the fight"
Nora: "Aw man!"
Y/N: "However, if you do that, Ren will make you some pancakes with the tree saps we took from Forever Fall Forest"
Nora: "Deal!!!"
Ren: *sighs* "Really?"
Y/N: "I did give you the recipe for making new pancakes"
Ren: "I guess that's fair*
Yang: *dusts herself off* "Where were you, Strikes?"
Y/N: "Again with that nickname?"
(Yang occasionally calls Y/N by a nickname that goes "Striker"...
The reason why, there was those times where the two of them would spar and Y/N was always the first one to strike an attack at her...
Ever since that, she kept calling him "Strikes" as the friendlier version of "Striker")
Yang: "My point still stands about that"
Y/N: *rolls his eyes* "Whatever"
Phyrra: "Like Yang asked earlier, where have you been?"
Y/N: "Got few stuffs for you all"
Jaune: "Did you actually get some gift for us?"
Y/N: "Think as a repayment for our friendship, nothing serious"
Weiss: "How generous of you, but you didn't have to"
Ruby: "Yeah! We're more happier to have you with us!"
Phyrra: *smiles genuinely* "You are a perfect sparring partner whenever i need to improve myself"
Y/N: "More reasons why i did this, but first, you all need to take a shower"
Yang: "Are we that messy?"
Y/N: "From the food? Yes"
Blake: "Why did you say that?"
Y/N: "...Your shirts can be seen through"
(The girls look down at their uniforms as they confirmed what Y/N said...
Phyrra, Ruby, Weiss and surprisingly Nora quickly covers their shirts while blushing...
Blake also covered her shirt, but she wasn't overreacting about it, however, she was blushing hard for dirty thoughts of hers...
Yang, on the other hand, she smirks and teasingly push her breasts together to tease the knight)
Yang: "Heh~ I didn't know you were a pervert~"
Ruby: "Y-Yang!"
Y/N: "Take a shower, meet me at our dorm"
Ruby: "Oki! Oh and Y/N?"
Y/N: "Yes?"
Ruby: *blushes, smiles sweetly* "...Let's do our best on our new year!"
Y/N: *smiles under his mask* "Let's do it then"
(He then gently pats her head and walks out of the cafeteria...
Ruby was smiling and giggling whenever she gets headpat from Y/N, everyone notice that and they were smirking teasingly at the youngest student)
-Scene Change-
-Somewhere else-
(The camera shows Roman Torchwick looking at the plan of his operation about stealing dusts...
As he was trying to understand the rest of the plan, Emerald and Mercury were seen walking inside their hideout)
Roman: *turns around and sees them* "Oh, the kids are back home"
Emerald: "Roman..."
Roman: "Look at us, we're look like a broken family about to break up" *walks over and wraps his arms around their shoulders* "It feels like that's what we meant to be"
Emerald: "Ugh..." *steps away from him* "...Cut that crap, it's really uncomfortable"
Mercury: "She ain't wrong" *gently pushes him away*
Roman: "Oh well, one day, kids like you are going to learn the hard way of life, besides, your boss won't do-"
???: "What exactly i won't do, Roman?"
(A voice was heard, making the ginger haired man shivered when he realizes who it was...
As the platform was going down, the camera shows who cut Roman off as she starts walking over to the group)
Roman: "U-Uhm...I-I was saying you won't do a-anything stupid for this plan?"
Cinder: "That's what more i would like to hear"
Emerald: "Cinder! It's good to see yo-"
(Cinder ignores her as she walks past her heading towards to the criminal)
Cinder: "Speaking of the plan, i presume you have stole all the dust necessary, right?"
(Roman, instead of speaking, he was showing off all the crates containing dust inside on each crates as the camera zooms dramatically out to show more and more crates)
Roman: "I'm sure this should be more enough for our plan because all the stores are running out of dusts"
Cinder: "Oh Roman, i promise you if we follow the plan, you will get everything you always wanted..." *gently places her hand on his cheek* "...you wouldn't dare to have second thoughts about all the hardwork we put into, would you?~"
Roman: "..." *looks away* "...No"
Cinder: "Good..." *moves her hand away, looks at Emerald* "...Where were you this morning?"
Emerald: "We were actually cleaning the mess from that guy, who couldn't even finish his own job"
Mercury: "I was with her for the whole day"
Cinder: "Did i say to stay here instead of going outside?"
Emerald: "I-I know you said that, b-but i thought-"
Cinder: "Next time, don't think...Obey and things will go smoothly, understood?"
Emerald: "...Yes ma'am, it won't happen again"
Mercury: *chuckles* "You forgot the good stuff"
Roman: "What kind of good stuff?"
Mercury: "Y'know the faunus we were after?"
Cinder: "Tukson...What happened to him?"
Mercury: "He got away right under our nose...He didn't disappear, someone helped him out"
Cinder: "And who was this mysterious guy that helped the faunus escape?"
Emerald: "...T-The Forgotten Knight..."
(Roman was surprised to hear Y/N casually helped Tukson to escape with his semblance...
Cinder, on the other hand, she was intrigued by the title of their main target, she didn't have any intel about him)
Cinder: "The Forgotten Knight..." *crosses her arms* "...Does he have a name?"
Roman: "Y/N L/N, son of M/N and F/N L/N, that kid meets more than the eye" *looks at Emerald* "Tell me that you didn't use your semblance"
Mercury: "What if she did?"
Roman: "Beginner's mistake whenever you try to face him off, his semblance is Doppelganger, meaning he can copy everybody's semblance and use them all as his own"
Mercury: "So that's how he managed to sneak Tukson out of the store with his stuffs!"
Cinder: "..."
(Cinder was actually interested of the knight in question, not only his background is full blank, he also manage to get away from the duo by copying Emerald's semblance)
Cinder: "...Mercury" *he looks at her* "Does he enroll in Beacon Academy?"
Mercury: "Probably, heard from the locals about the knight going there...Also we have a problem about our little "school" situation"
Cinder: "What exactly is the problem?"
Emerald: "...H-He knows Leonhard...H-He said they go way back..."
Mercury: "I can tell he somehow know my name and Emerald's"
Cinder: "..." *smiles satisfied* "...That's all i wanted to hear"
(That makes the trio confused of her attitude)
Cinder: "We're continuing our plan" *looks at Roman* "Tell the White Fang to move straight to the next step"
Roman: *confused* "Next step?"
Cinder: "It seems we got caught without even knowing, as i stated earlier..." *Emerald and Mercury stand next to her* "...We're moving to phase 2~"
(After that, the screen slowly fades into black as a flirtatious laughter can be heard in the darkness)
(A/N): My brain can't help but getting burned up from trying to remember the scene!!!
However! This is as close as it gets from the original script!
Now i can rest peacefully, hope y'all enjoy the story and i will see you guys in the next chapter, peace!!!!
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