Chapter 8: Misjudged, Revelation, Drama...

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(On the previous chapter, Team RWBY, JNPR, CRDL and Y/N were sent to Forever Fall's Forest with Professor Goodwitch for collecting tree saps...

During their tasks, Cardin tried to blackmailed Jaune by telling him to throw a jar full of tree sap toward The Forgotten Knight...

Jaune was afraid about his secret being caught by his bully...but he quickly denied his request and throw the jar at Cardin instead...

That made the bully pissed about his changed of mind, however, the scent from the tree sap got caught by a big Ursa Grimm, making Russel, Dove and Sky ran away out of fear...

The group were alerted by their screams, so they splat in two teams to take care of the grimm as the other team call their teacher...

As Y/N, Phyrra, Ruby and Weiss arrived at the scene, they all witnessed Jaune going one-on-one against the Ursa, they were also impressed by his sudden improvement on his fighting stance...

Phyrra tried to help his team leader by using her semblance to pull his shield up, but Jaune anticipated her move by pulling his shield up on his own and decapitate the grimm, instantly killing it...

Jaune threatened Cardin to not hurt or harm his friends ever again, letting him know catching the message from a knight who outstandingly saved him even if he was bullying Jaune...

Weeks passed by, The Vytal Festival is right around the corner...let's find where Team RWBY and Y/N are...)

-Day time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the sun stands tall, Vale is giving lots of positive vibes for the preparation of The Vytal Festival...

The Festival is right around the corner, so the headmaster of Beacon Academy gave everyone a week off to spend their small vacation from school to spend the time for each others...

As the scene changes, the camera shows Team RWBY and Y/N walking down the streets as Weiss was enjoying her walk a bit too much...)

Weiss: "I'm so excited for The Vytal Festival! We're gonna have the ball dance, we're meeting many students from other remnants and we're also going to face them on the colosseum!"

Yang: *whispers* "Is it just me or seeing Weiss this happy makes me feel a bit weird out?"

Ruby: *whispers* "You're not the only one, sis"

Blake: "I actually like walking down here, it's good taking some fresh air from time to time"

Yang: "Guess so, what about you, Y/N?" *looks behind her and notices Y/N isn't with her and her friends* "Y/N???"

Guy: "Everyone! Look!" *points at Y/N* "The Forgotten Knight is here!!!"

(Some people stopped what they were doing and look over where the noise comes from...

Soon after, they all run towards the knight and start to welcoming him by asking for a handshake, picture or even an autograph...

Y/N was a bit overwhelmed by that, but he smiled under the mask as he gives his fans what they want...)

Ruby: *giggles nervously* "I-I guess he's busy"

Yang: *crosses her arms* "Man, i envy him for that"

Girl: "Excuse me!" *Y/N looks at her* "I-I'm a big fan o-of yours, i-is it possible we c-can take a picture together?!"

Y/N: "Approved, no formalities please, call me Y/N"

Girl: *squeals out of excitement* "Thank you so much!!! H-Here!"

(The girl quickly stood next to Y/N, pulls her scroll out and tries to calm down so she could take a clean picture with him...

Noticing her behavior, Y/N gently holds her arm up, making the girl squealing from his sudden touch...later on, she calmed down and took a clean picture...

After taking a look, she jumps up and down out of excitement for taking the picture on the first try...

Unknowingly to them, a certain rose was pouting of jealousy as she saw the girl being that close to him...)

Girl: "Eeeeek!!! It's perfect! Thank you, Y/N!" *hugs him tight*

Y/N: "You're welcome...Stay safe out there"

Girl: *lets him go* "Will do!" *happily skips away*

(Y/N took a deep breath after dealing his last fan, he then gave everyone one last wave before reuniting with team RWBY...

Once he went over to them, _WBY were grinning smugly as Ruby was pouting with her arms crossed, making the knight confused)

Y/N: "What?"

Weiss: *smug* "Oh nothing, just noticing how open you are on your fans"

Yang: *smug* "You should've told us you have a fan base about your status"

Y/N: *rolls his eyes* "I don't care about my reputation, if that makes their day better, then why not"

Blake: *smug* "I think there was another fan who didn't get a chance to take a picture with you"

(Y/N looks behind them and notices Ruby cutely mumbling something under her breath...

He then walks over to her and gently taps her shoulder, making her jump slightly as she looks at him)

Ruby: "Y-Yeah?"

Y/N: "Heard your a fan too, wanna take a picture?"

Ruby: *gasps* "Yes!"

(Y/N chuckles slightly and bends slightly down as she pulls her scroll out for taking a selfie...

However, Y/N uses her semblance to quickly pulls his mask up, revealing his face on the camera, and quickly pulls it back down to cover his face again...

After Ruby taking the picture, she notices Y/N revealed his face, making her red went beet red as same color as her cape...

Y/N whispered something in her ear, making the flustered rose nod quickly as she puts her scroll back away)

Yang: "Woah, what was that all about?"

Y/N: "Our secret, good luck finding that out"

Weiss: *giggles* "Please, since when you became this confident?"

Y/N: "Since we started hanging out"

Yang: "I'll say that our first interaction went with a 'Yang', Eh?"

(RWB_ minus Y/N groans out of cringe from her poor pun...)

Y/N: "...Puns? Really?"

Yang: "Oh come on, you have to admit it was a good one"

Y/N: *gently pats her shoulder* "...Keep working on that"

Ruby: "Woah...What happened here?"

(Y/N and Yang were confused until they look where she was looking at...

...the group walk over to the scene and hear the conversation between detectives)

Detective 1: "This is the 3rd time on this week...they robbed all the dusts but they left the money..."

Detective 2: "Yeah...This is getting out of control..."

(Y/N passes through the police tapes as he walks over to the duo)

Detective 1: *sees Y/N* "Hey! This is restricted- Wait, The Forgotten Knight!"

Detective 2: *turns around and sees Y/N* "Oh good day sir, hope we didn't interrupt your day off"

Y/N: "You didn't...what happened?"

Detective 1: *sighs* "Same report from the last couple days...y'know what that is, right?"

Y/N: "Dust..."

Detective 2: "Correct...Like we said, this is the 3rd time in this week, last days were like 3 or 4 times a week as well..."

Detective 1: "Do you think it's Roman Torchwich's plan to steal all the dusts?"

Y/N: "Doubtful...Criminal like him doesn't need this much dust, unless he runs out of one specific dust..."

Detective 2: "He's right partner...I'll say this is White Fang's schemes..."

Detective 1: "I mean, that's a possibility for them stealing dusts"

Y/N: "...I'll investigate this case"

Detective 1: "Are you sure? We don't want to keep you always working on this"

Y/N: "Do not fret...It is my job to find out whose responsible of this mess."

Detective 2: "In that case, we'll allow you to cooperate with this scene, inform us what you have found"

Y/N: "Deal. Good luck."

(He then walks back to team RWBY again, this time he notices the tension got high from Weiss and Blake)

Yang: "Bad timing knight, they're arguing..."

Y/N: "...About White Fang?"

Ruby: "Mhm..."

Weiss: "What do you mean they're just misguides?"

Blake: "Because they are! They've been misguided for what they're doing"

Weiss: "Do you even hear yourself? Those faunus are nothing but bunch of scums and thieves who likes to put disrespect to humans!"

Blake: "That's because they're being misjudged for their trails!"

Y/N: *stands in-between them, pushes them away from each other* "Stop this nonsense fight...We are NOT. Splitting up because of this..."

Ruby: "He's right! Maybe Roman has to do something with this!"

Y/N: "reports said he got stopped when he tried to rob a dust shop where you were in..."

Ruby: *giggles embarrassingly* "I-I mean, it wasn't a big deal"

Yang: "Yeah, i'm sure they'll figure this out and besides, not every faunus are that bad"

Detective 1: "Hey! Get down from that, monkey!"

(As she just jinxed herself, they all look at the scene and they see a monkey faunus hanging upside down as he uses his tail to hang on the light)

Sun: "Oh come on, it was just an one-way trip! It's not a big deal!"

Detective 2: "It is called illegal trespassers!"

Sun: "Puh-lease! I didn't even do anything bad or harmful"

(He then proceeded to eat a banana, after finishing it, he tosses the peel on the detective's head, making him pissed off by his attitude...

Sun chuckles and quickly jumps away as he starts running past through team RWBY and Y/N...

As time slows down, Sun gave a wink at Blake before the time turns back to normal as he was seen running away...

Blake was perplexed by his act, but quickly shakes it off as the detectives called him out)

Y/N: "Never jinx yourself..."

Weiss: "Quick! Let's go after that ruffian!"

(Weiss immediately ran where Sun went, Ruby and Yang followed her afterwards...

Y/N notices Blake standing still, so he holds her hand to call her out, making the hidden cat faunus jump faintly)

Y/N: "...Are you alright?..."

Blake: "...Y-Yeah, i-i'm just perplexed about that f-faunus"

Y/N: "We can talk later...I'm here if you want to talk about anything"

(Blake nods her head and started going after her teammates, Y/N was the last one to follow team RWBY after...

As the knight turns around the corner of the street, he saw Team RWBY on the ground alongside with a girl who is just laying down on the ground...)

Weiss: *sits up, rubs her head* "Ugh...That ruffian got away..."

Yang: *sees the girl* "O-Oh crap! Hey, are you ok?"

Penny: *blinks a few times, smiles* "I am doing fine!"

Blake: "Are you not going to stand?"

Penny: "...Of course!"

(She then proceeds to do a kick up to stand up from the ground, making the girls surprised by her agility, except for Y/N who can already tell who she is...)

Y/N: "...Penny?"

Penny: *looks at Y/N, gasps* "Y/N!!!"

(She quickly dashes over the knight and gives his a back cracking bear hug, which he returned the favor with a gentle hug of his own)

Penny: "I am so happy to see you once again! It has been a long time since the last time we have met!"

Y/N: "Same here..." *coughs* "...but you're killing me here..."

(She quickly lets him go as he stumbles a bit to keep himself up)

Penny: "I'm sorry!"

Y/N: "All goo-"

Yang: "You two know each other?"

Penny: "Why yes, we do! We're both from Atlas!"

Y/N: "Ironwood and his right hand woman used to train me, Penny joined later on, i left Atlas for Mistral after knowing each other for 3 months"

Penny: *gasps* "You can talk normally now!?"

Y/N: *shows her a flask of tea* "A friend of mine gave me some healing herbs to make tea with it"

Penny: "That's a really good news!"

Yang: "Uhm, we're gettin' off topic here"

Y/N: "Right" *looks at Penny* "Introduce yourself to the girls"

Penny: "Of course!" *turns around and salutes* "Salutation! My name's Penny! It is so nice to meet you!"

Ruby: *waves at her* "Hi Penny! My name's Ruby!"

Weiss: *curtseys* "I'm Weiss Schnee"

Blake: "I'm Blake"

Yang: "You sure you didn't hit your head hard on the ground?" *gets elbowed by Blake* "Ow, sorry, and i'm Yang"

Penny: "It is so nice to meet you all!"

Weiss: "Didn't you say that earlier?"

Penny: *blinks a few times, smiles* "Yes, i did!"

Y/N: *gently pats Penny's head* "She's...a special girl, don't worry"

Blake: "It's alright"

Weiss: "Sorry for bumping into you earlier, i'll be more careful" *starts walking away*

Ruby: "See you around friend!"

(She then begins to go after Weiss as Yang, Blake and Y/N follow her after, leaving Penny processing what Ruby said...)

Ruby: "She seems to be a nice girl"

Y/N: "She is" *coughs* "But she's strong..."

Yang: "It was a bit weird for me, but she seems to be alright"

Weiss: "For once, i second on what she said"

Penny: *suddenly pops infront of team RWBY* "What did you say about me?"

(Everyone got startled by her sudden appearance, Y/N was actually impressed how fast she is)

Yang: "O-Oh crap! S-Sorry Penny! I-I didn't know you heard m-me-"

Penny: "Not you" *walks past everyone and stares at Ruby* "You"

Ruby: "W-Wha- M-Me? U-uhm-"

Penny: "You called me, 'Friend'...Am i really your friend?"

Ruby: "O-Oh that? U-Uhhh..."

(She looks behind Penny and sees her teammates shaking their heads simultaneously as "no"...

Y/N, on the other hand...)


(A/N): Imagine the mask forming into a cat mask as he does the shrugging meme

Ruby: "Uhm...Yes???"

(After answering her question, _WBY comically fall on the ground with their legs up as Y/N was just squatting while nodding of approval)

Penny: *hugs her* "Oh joy!!! We're actually friends! That means we can talk about girl stuffs, doing manicure and talking about cute boys like Y/N!"

Y/N: *blushes under the mask* "Oi! No description about my face!"

Penny: "Oops! Sorry Y/N!"

Yang: *quickly stands up, smirks smugly* "Ehhhh?~ Why hiding your face from us?~"

Y/N: "One day, i will show my face, not today though"

Weiss: "Wait a minute!" *pushes Y/N away* "Have you seen the ruffian running earlier?"

Penny: *tilts her head* "Who?"

Weiss: "The monkey faunus!"

Blake: "Stop calling him that!"

Weiss: *looks at Blake* "Why should i?!"

Blake: "Because he isn't a ruffian! He's just a normal faunus who pull pranks!"

Weiss: "You don't know that! He could probably be a White Fang member! A scum to be more clear!"

Blake: "Ugh! You're the worst!" *walks away*

Weiss: "Excuse me?! You're the one who's making this nonsense!" *goes after her*

Y/N: *sighs* "...Deal with them, Penny and i need to catch up..."

Yang: "G-Got it...sorry if we ruined your day"

Y/N: "Don't worry, there's always a next time"

(Ruby unexpectedly hugs him, making Penny gasp in excitement as Yang and Y/N were surprised by her sudden action)

Ruby: *blushes* "...D-Don't stay out for t-too long..."

Y/N: "..." *smiles under the mask* "...I'll see you before the curfew"

(Ruby just smiled and lets him go, Y/N and Penny waved at the half-siblings as they wave back at them as they see the duo walking away...)

Yang: *smirks* "Does my little sister have a crush on her knight with his shining armor?~"

Ruby: *blushes hard* "W-What?! N-No! I-I just wanted to l-let him know t-to not stay outside for t-to long!"

Yang: *giggles* "Awwww, my little sister has a crush on him~"

Ruby: *pouts, blushing* "Y-Yang!!!"

(Yang just kept giggling at her as Ruby was blushing hard out of embarrassment...)

-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-

(Weiss better calm herself down before she starts being the usual Schnee...

Whatever, Ruby and Yang can handle their cat fight...for now, i'll just hang out with Penny...speaking of her...)

"Penny" *she looks at Y/N* "Aren't you supposed to be in Atlas?"

Penny: "General Ironwood gave me permission to scout Vale in case White Fang are plotting something!"

"Speaking of that..." *points at the robbed shop* "...Report?"

Penny: "It was Roman Torchwick's play, however, he wasn't alone"

"...Talk, on me."

(The two of us started walking down the street as some people were waving at me, i simply return the gesture as Penny did the same but smiling at them as well)

"Torchwick has goons now?"

Penny: "He used to have men from the bartender on the night club here at Vale"

*sighs* "Figures..." *looks at Penny* "...Anything else?"

Penny: "General Ironwood said that i will be the protector of remnants, starting with Vale!"

(Protector of Remnants? Ironwood is Ozpin's ally, maybe i should talk to them whenever i have a chance...)

"I'm sure you'll be an excellent protector"

Penny: "Do you think so?"

"Aye, no doubts"

Penny: *smiles* "Thank you for believing me! I'm sure there are lots of stuffs we should talk about! I cannot wait for that!"


Penny: "But i'm afraid we have to wait for that!"

(Ironwood must've keeping his eyes on her...He's using her as a machine...

What the fuck happened to you when i left Atlas?...)

"Give the general my regards, i have to head back to Beacon"

Penny: *salutes at him* "I hope we will see each other again! Have a safe day!"

(I then saw her skipping away happily as she was humming a happy song...

Not gonna lie, she's cute whenever she takes some time to analyze about being a "normal" girl... heart wasn't beating as hard as before...)


(Just saying her name, i always see her smile whenever i think about her...

I quickly shake my head to calm myself down, luckily i have my mask on...)

*sighs* "...Love..." *looks up at the sky*

(I mean, sure, i do like her...but everytime i think of her as a friend, it makes my heart sting just for thinking about that...

Damn it...Love sure is complicated...anyway, i turned around and started heading towards a free bullhead to fly back at Beacon Academy...)

-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(It was night, the shattered moon was shining up in the sky with lots of stars...

As the camera zooms inside the academy, we see Y/N walking down the hallway to head toward his dorm room...

Before he could get closer, he saw the door slamming opened up and sees Blake running past him with tears on her eyes...)

Y/N: *walks inside the dorm* "What the fuck happened."

Weiss: "We had a ruffian right under our nose! That's what happened!"

Yang: "Jeez, Ice Queen, calm down..."

Y/N: "...Discriminating a cat faunus, even if she was trying to hide her trails from getting targeted..." *stares at Weiss* "...You still have the guts to treat her like that?..."

Yang: "W-Woah dude..."

Weiss: "You KNEW about her being a cat faunus?!"

Y/N: "I had my rights to keep my mouth shut..."

Weiss: "What happened to trusting each other?!"

Y/N: "It went south when you started discriminating like your father would do on those poor faunus!!!"

(The girls got startled by his voice, making them recoiled from the tension...)

Y/N: *coughs blood through the mask, wipes it off* "...Blake didn't reveal herself because she felt insecure about her trails...She was afraid she would've been treated like Cardin treating Velvet..."

Ruby: "...Y/N..."

Weiss: "..."

Y/N: "...Until you learned your lesson, i'm not staying here...I'll be sleeping outside at Vale..."

Yang: "Wait! What about Blake?!"

Y/N: "I'll call you when i see her..."

Ruby: *holds his arm* "...Y-Y/N?"

(Weiss was surprised to see Ruby acting nervously, especially with Y/N around...)

Y/N: *looks at Ruby* "What is it?"

Ruby: "If you find Blake...Be sure to keep her safe"

Y/N: *nods, hugs her* "I will, don't worry..."

(Ruby returned the gesture by hugging him back, she was smiling as she enjoys the embrace...

Weiss was taking a minute to processing what was going in, Yang was simply smirking smugly at her little sister...

After the hug, Y/N went outside to find Blake and comfort her from the argument she had against Weiss...

As for Ruby, she closes the door and locks it, once she turns around, she saw Yang smirking)

Ruby: *blushes* "I-I dont have a-a crush o-on him!"

Yang: "I didn't even mention it~"

(Ruby squeaks out of embarrassment and quickly climbs up on her bed with a pillow covering her face, making Yang laughing at her sister's embarrassment...)

-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-

(Oum fucking damn it Weiss! You just redeemed yourself on Ruby, now you just went on Schnee mode on Blake!

That girl, i swear i'll die because of her arrogance and snobbiness...

Anyway, i was at the courtyard near the fountain, i looked around and spotted Blake sitting on the ground hugging her knees as her cat ears trails were showing...

I approached to her, letting her know my appearance and sits down next to her, setting "The Musketeer" on the fountain)


Blake: *looks up at Y/N with teary eyes* "Y-Y/N..."

"I know...You accidentally revealed yourself..."

Blake: "It's just- I-I can't stand her! You heard what she was saying!"

*holds my hands up* "I did hear loud and clear...I'm sorry that you were involved with this..."

Blake: *sniffs, wipes her tears* "...I-I'm going in the c-city..."

"Not daring to come back?"

Blake: "No- It just-" *sighs* "...I need some time, away from Ruby and the others..."

"..." *looks up at the sky* "...Weiss was right about one thing..."

Blake: *looks at Y/N* "What is that?"

"...About trusting each other" *grabs my weapon and holsters it on my back* "You had your rights to keep your faunus trail hidden...give her time to regret mistreating you..."

Blake: "...What about you?"

"Simple" *points at the bullhead behind us* "Going back at Vale, not sleeping with Ruby and the others"

Blake: "...And?"

*sighs* "And also i promised Ruby to keep an eye on you..."

(Speaking of that...I feel someone hearing us, i quickly draw "The Musketeer" on his rifle mode and points it at the tree infront of us)

"Show yourself."

Sun: *pops out of the tree with his hands in the air* "Woah easy dude! I mean no harm!"

"...You're the one we were after"

Sun: "And you are the famous knight! I heard some stories about you!"

"Not too loud...We're heading back at Vale"

Sun: "Mind if i tag along?" *Y/N and Blake look at him* "Come on! I don't really mean harm to any of you and i'm not a criminal"

Blake: "...Let's just go..."

(And with that, we decided to head back at Vale to sleep in a hotel, Sun also joined with us for the trip...

How i know his name? Simple...

I have some contractors who has intel about criminals...)

(A/N): I'm a fucking idiot...i went WAY off the canon series with the dialogue, fuck me...

i NEED to focus on keeping the dialogues as canon as possible!

Oh well, i'll just let you guys know how this chapter looks, in the meantime, have a good day/night, see y'all next time!!!

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