Chapter 6: Arc's Secret has been Revealed

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(On the last chapter, Team RWBY, JNPR and Y/N were enjoying their lunches as Nora was telling her story with Ren correcting some exaggerated parts...

After a while, Ruby noticed Jaune feeling down about his humiliation on Professor Goodwitch's mocking battle against Cardin...

As the said fellow knight was trying to assure he was fine, they all heard Team CRDL picking up on a 2nd year student from Team CVFY...

Y/N, having enough of this bullshittery, he confronted Cardin and challenged him on 1v1, which the said bully accepted...

After lunch time, the two of them were at the arena as the whole class were watching the fight...

When professor Goodwitch started the match, Cardin got defeated by Y/N with 1% of his aura left, making everyone shock by his performance...

what if a spartan and a knight convince to weak to teach him how to be the strong?...)

-Oobleck's Classroom-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(The camera shows Professor Oobleck dashing left and right as he was teaching the class while being too fast for catching up what he was saying...

Only Phyrra, Blake, Weiss and Y/N managed to keep up most of the parts but soon after, they seemed to have the same problems as everyone)

Oobleck: "Now everyone! Since we're on the topic, what does it call the ability of seeing in the night for faunus?"

(He was also talking so fast that no one understood the question...

Cardin, however, he made a paper ball and tosses it on Jaune's head)

Jaune: "H-Hey!"

Oobleck: "Mr. Arc! Perfect! Now tell me, what does it call the ability of seeing in the night for a faunus?"

Jaune: "O-Oh! Uh...T-The ability i-is called....uhm..."

(He notices Phyrra making hand signs on her eyes as if she was trying to tell him "Night vision"...

Y/N, on the other hand, his eyes turns green to give the hint a lot easier)

Jaune: "O-Oh yeah! Night vision!"

Oobleck: "Excellent!!! That's correct! Nice job, Mr. Arc, you sure paid attention!"

(Phyrra smiles at Y/N who turned his eyes back to normal, but this caused Cardin to growl angrily at them)

Oobleck: "Mr. Winchester! How about you? What makes the difference between a human and a faunus?"

Cardin: *crosses his arms, leans against his seat* "That humans are better than the faunus, obviously"

Phyrra: *raises her hand* "I would like to beg the differ"

Oobleck: "Please continue, Miss Nikos"

Phyrra: "I would like to say faunus are far way more capable of doing many things that we humans can't even do it normally" *looks at Blake* "Would you like to take the stage?"

Blake: "Sure thing, Faunus are able to have higher strength, agility, stamina, strength and like Jaune said, they also have night vision that helps up see in the dark"

Oobleck: *claps his hands* "Such a define answer coming from you two! Really outstanding!"

(Phyrra and Blake sneakily smirk at each other, that makes Cardin even more angry for getting outsmarted by them)

Oobleck: "Now, final question! Miss Schnee, Mr. Y/N, What caused to end The Great War and When did that happen?"

Weiss: "The Great War ended after calling it a truce to all the four kingdoms" *looks at Y/N*

Y/N: "...Many lives were lost, but they also swore to protect Remnant by Grimms, corruption, killers and any evil deeds..."

Oobleck: "So correct! besides the last part was blunt and too straightforward BUT it was correct! Really good job!"

(Weiss smiles at the compliment from her teacher while Y/N's eyes were as dull as usual...)

Oobleck: "Mr. Winchester, i expected more from you but it would seem like you find my lessons rather boring than interesting?"

Cardin: "No sir, i was just-"

Y/N: "-Busy to picking up my friends for bullishness..."

Oobleck: *shakes his head* "Such act must be considered! Thank you for the honesty, Mr. Y/N"

Cardin: *stands up, glares down at Y/N* "You wanna go?! HUH!-"

(A sword went flying right above his shoulder, avoiding him as the sword was stuck on the seat behind him)

Y/N: "Behave."

Oobleck: "Mr. Y/N! Restrain yourself from violence! Mr. Winchester will stay here after class!"

(Jaune was trying not to laugh, Professor Oobleck quickly looks at him)

Oobleck: "Would you like to join with him?"

Jaune: "N-No sir! I was a-actually coughing because i was c-choking on my own saliva!"

Oobleck: "Hmm, Fair enough" *hears the bell ringing* "Class dismissed!"

(Everyone, minus Cardin, were getting up from their seats as they all went out of the class)

Phyrra: *walking with Y/N and Jaune* "I'm so happy that you catch up the answer!"

Jaune: *blushes faintly* "H-Heh, i got t-that thanks to Y/N"

Y/N: "...Glad i was helpful"

Phyrra: "As for Cardin, that would teach him some matters"

Jaune: "Heh...yeah" *looks at Y/N* "Say uh...can we talk, like in private at the balcony?"

Y/N: "...When?"

Jaune: "Tonight, is that okay for you?"

Y/N: "...Approved"

Jaune: "Thanks man, anyway, let's go to the cafeteria, i'm starving"

Phyrra: *giggles* "We do need something to eat after the class"

Jaune: "How can you guys understand Professor Oobleck?"

Y/N: "...Ruby's speed"

Phyrra: "She does tend to speak rather faster than normal"

Jaune: "I guess so"

(The trio headed to the cafeteria, grabbing their own food to eat with their friends on their table...)

-Y/N's P.O.V.-

(I was heading to the rooftop, i wonder what he wants from me...

Anyways, i walk up to the rooftop and closes the door behind me, noticing Jaune waiting for me)

Jaune: "Oh hey! Thanks for coming man"


Jaune: "N-No! I'm just uh..." *sighs* "...Remember when you said i shouldn't neglect your help?" *he nods his head* "Well...there is something i haven't told anyone about it...not even my teammates"

"What...kind of secret?..."

Jaune: *rubs his head* "...U-uhm...I-I..."

(Is he trying to confess? No, he's still trying to flirt with Weiss...)

Jaune: *sighs* "...I don't belong here..."


Jaune: "I-I don't belong here, i cheated my way here! I-I wasn't even supposed to be here!"

"Why are you saying that?..."

Jaune: "Because it's true! I lied and cheated the test! I did that because i wanted to be like my ancestors!"

(So that's why his fighting skills was sloppy and he just happened to unlock his aura...)

"...Why are you telling ME instead of them?"

Jaune: "...Because as a fellow knight, i always wanted to be like ancestors, as i mentioned earlier...but i also wanted to be like you"


Jaune: "Look...I'm not saying i don't want any helps from Phyrra or from my teammates...i want your help because i know you have something they don't have..."

(Huh, who would've thought a dense knight can see through me but not catching Weiss' idea...)

"...Tomorrow, after Glynda's class trip to the Emerald Forest"

Jaune: *shocked* "...Does that mean-"

"I'll teach you some stuffs...Go sleep, i'll see you tomorrow"

Jaune: *smiles* "Got it! Thanks bro!"

(He runs up to me and hugs me, i smiled under my mask and pat his back...

He then let go of me and went back inside the dorm...)

"...I know you were listening..."

(I look up at the sky, staring at the stars as i know Cardin was listening underneath me)

"...You dare to blackmail my friend...Death will not be the one who answer your door."

(I then walked back inside the dorms and heading to my room...

As i was about to walk in, i heard someone calling me...)

???: "Yo! Going to sleep early?"

(I look to my right and saw Yang with her pajama outfit)

"Forever Fall's trip"

Yang: "Yeah, i heard it, Rubes wanted me to tell you if it's ok to hang out in our dorm"


Yang: *smirks* "I didn't know you were into that~"

(Oum bless me that I'm wearing the mask or she would've seen my face went beet red)

"...I'm not a pervert"

Yang: *giggles* "I know you're not, so?"

*sighs* "Lead the way"

(She then walk back to her dorm as i follow after her...

I guess it wouldn't hurt to get to know them..)

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(The camera shows Team RWBY's dorm room... was needless to say Y/N was worried about their safety about their beds)

Ruby: "So? What do you think?"

Y/N: "...How can you climb up there?"

Weiss: "You're thinking about our safety, weren't you?"

(He just nodded his head, not even daring to say a word)

Ruby: "But it is cool, isn't it?!"

Blake: "It does give us a lot of spaces"

Yang: "Damn right, we also have our own TV!"

(Y/N was staring at Ruby's bed, he has so many questions about it)

Y/N: "..."

Ruby: *smiles smugly* "Are you jealous?"

Y/N: "...I'm just shocked it can still hung up"

Yang: "She's very light, so it shouldn't be a problem"

Y/N: "...Noted" *looks at the girls* "What now?"

Ruby: "Oh! Oh! How about we watch the TV?"

Weiss: "Is it just a way to get to know to each other?"

Blake: "It's more like us girls getting to know to him than that, Weiss"

Yang: "You all stay, i'll get some snacks!"

(She went to their kitchen side and grabbed some snacks and drinks...

RWB_ and Y/N were sitting on the floor as they were watching TV while talking to each other)

Ruby: "I never knew dusts from your dad's company were that expensive"

Weiss: "Schnee Dust Company has the most refined dusts for my Myrtenaster"

Y/N: "...Also being known how to use glyphs"

Weiss: "Oh please, you're just flattering me"

Blake: *looks at Y/N* "You can also copy her semblance"

Ruby: "That reminds me!" *looks at Y/N with sparkling eyes* "Can you turn into a Beowolf like back at the Initiation!?"

(Y/N's eyes turned red, his mask forms into a beowolf mask and ears and tail were popping out of him...

This just made Ruby squealing out of excitement and started hugging his tail)

Ruby: *snuggles her face into his tail* *muffled* "Is so soft!"

Weiss: *covers her nose with her hand* "...I did not expect you would look quite adorable"

Yang: *walks in* "Yo! I got the snack-" *sees them* "Y/N?! What happened?!"

Y/N: "...Ruby asked me to be like this, i didn't mind it"

Ruby: "Hehehehe"

Yang: "Are those beowolf ears and tail?"

Y/N: *nods*

(Blake shyly puts her hand on his head, gently patting him as his ears twitches slightly)

Yang: "Aww, you look cute, like a puppy"

Y/N: "...Don't get used to it"

Weiss: "Can i also pat you?"

(His tail was wagging left and right as Ruby was playing with it)

Ruby: "How come does your tail feel so soft?!"

Y/N: "No clue"

Blake: 'He looks like he's a faunus, like me...' as she thought...

Weiss: *gently pokes his ear, making it twitch* "Aww, you're so adorable"

Y/N: "...Thanks..."

Yang: "Say Y/N" *he looks at her with Ruby and Weiss snuggling into his tail* "How does your mask work? Like, is it connected with your semblance?"

Y/N: "All natural...No second semblance or whatsoever"

Blake: "Did you make that mask though?"

Y/N: "Affirm..."

Ruby: "How about where you are from?"

Y/N: "...Atlas.."

Weiss: "You're Atlasian like me?!"

Blake: "You seem to be...nicer than the average Atlasian"

Y/N: "...Moved to Mistral before Beacon"

Yang: "That's new" *eats her bag of chips*

Ruby: "Wait, does that mean you used to live by yourself?"

(Y/N replied with a nod as he drank his soda through the mask)

Blake: "Aren't they worried that you're alone?"

Y/N: "...Independence, that's what they taught me.."

(He then started coughing, mentally cursed to himself for not bringing the tea Ren gave him...)

Weiss: "H-Hang on! I'll get some tea instead!"

(She quickly ran to the kitchen, making the tea as R_BY were helping Y/N with his limited talking time...)

Ruby: "Y-You don't have to push yourself!"

Y/N: "...I'm fine...had to talk more eventually..." *coughs*

Yang: "That's also give us another question...why can't you talk normally?"

Y/N: "..."

Ruby: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Personal business..."

Blake: "...Was it involved with Grimms?"

(The knight didn't say anything he went quiet, Weiss came back with a cup of tea)

Weiss: "Here you go, be careful because i just made it"

(He nodded his head, grabs the cup and carefully drinks it as he felt his throat loosening up a bit)

Y/N: *sighs in relief* "...Thanks.."

Ruby: "S-Sorry if we asked the way yoh speak..."

Yang: "Yeah, it was my fault, sorry man..."

Y/N: "Don't be...You will know soon..."

Weiss: "Wait, what happened?"

Blake: "Ruby and Yang were wondering why he was speaking with limited time or whenever his throat starts to tighten or drying up..."

Weiss: "Oh...Did they-"

Y/N: "No ruining moments...curiosity always kill the cat, it's acceptable for them"

Yang: *smiles slightly* "Thanks dude"

Ruby: *hugs his tail* "Yay!"

Weiss: "Let go of him! You already snuggled it for too long!"

(Blake and Y/N were smiling while the five of them continued watching the TV as they went back to talking to each other...

The camera slowly faded into black pitch as laughter can be heard in the darkness...)

(A/N): I LIVEEEEEEEEE!!!! God, my connection was having a lot of issues

Sorry for the long waiting, enjoy this new chapter and i'll make sure to come back with the next one! Peace!!!

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