Chapter 5: Judgement Day for Team CRDL
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(On the previous chapter, Y/N's first day of Beacon Academy didn't go as good as he expected...
He did expect it about Weiss being rude and arrogant to Ruby during Professor Port's classroom...
After the class, he tried to comfort Ruby, which the result wasn't exactly as he predicted due to his lack of speaking...
However, he did confront the heiress and he managed to make her realize her mistake...
In the night, Weiss apologized to Ruby and she claimed she would help the youngest leader to be more responsible and mature...
His first day is over...time for his second day...)
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Glynda's Classroom-
(We now see a mocking battle going on in the arena, the fighters were Cardin and Jaune...
The mocking battle was more like of a beatdown for the blonde knight, he was getting several hits from his opponent's mace...
Glynda was still skeptical about him being in the school but she didn't ask since she entrusts Ozpin's decisions...
As for his friends, Phyrra was the only one who was worried about his team leader...
But for Y/N, his fellow knight, he knew something was off, so he decided to help him after school...)
Cardin: "Heh, you better surrender now before you get humiliated, pretty boy"
Jaune: "Over my dead body-"
(Cardin went for a hard swing across his face, dropping the blonde's aura down to zero as he was on the ground, groaning in pain...)
Glynda: *raises her arm up* "End of the match! The winner is Cardin Winchester!"
(Only his teammates were cheering for Cardin, everyone were either ignore it or felt pity for Jaune...)
Glynda: "I believe this is the end of our mocking session, unless you ended up fighting a grimm and risk to get eaten with your lack of skills"
(Jaune was struggling to get up, Cardin mumbled something under his breath but no one couldn't hear it...)
Glynda: "Now everyone, don't forget about The Vytal Festival is only a few weeks away from now, i suggest you all to practice your skills, semblances and strategies as much as possible, you will be facing all the students from all around remnant"
(The bell starts ringing as the class was over, everyone were getting up from their seats and started heading to the cafeteria...
The camera now switches to the cafeteria where Team RWBY, JNPR and Y/N were all in the same table eating their own respective foods...)
Nora: "So...We were the middle of the night..."
Ren: "It was day"
Nora: "We were surrounded on both sides..."
Ren: "They were beowolves"
Nora: *stands up from her seat* "Dozen of 'em!"
Ren: "There were two of them"
(Yang was listening to Nora's story, Blake, Weiss and Phyrra were eating their foods...
Ruby was staring at Jaune, who was just poking and playing with his food...
Ren kept correcting her childhood friend's story as she kept going on telling her own version of it...
Y/N was silently enjoying his soup, each three spoonful of soup, he stopped eating and started sharpening Jaune's sword...)
Ruby: "Jaune? Are you ok?"
Jaune: *snaps out of his thoughts, looks up* "H-huh?"
Phyrra: "You were quiet for this whole time, are you alright?"
(Jaune notices his friends were looking at him, he quickly assures them he was fine)
Jaune: "O-Oh yeah! I'm fine guys...don't worry about me"
(He gave an awkward smile with a thumb up but everyone didn't buy his lies, then they all hear laughing behind him and they see team CRDL picking up on a bunny faunus named "Velvet Scarlatina")
Y/N: *keeps sharpening his friend's sword* "...You feel bad for yourself..."
Weiss: "What does that mean?"
Y/N: *lifts the sword up, looking at the blade* "...His hatred goes towards himself..."
Phyrra: "It's more like he's been picking on by Cardin..."
Jaune: "W-What? No w-way! Cardin bullying me?"
Y/N: "Knocked your books down...Got you stuck on the door..."
Ruby: "Not to mention he told us about that time Cardin sent you flying in a locker room"
Jaune: "Y-Y/N!?"
(The said knight went back sharpening the blonde's sword before eating his soup again)
Jaune: "Anyway guys, Cardin is picking up on anyone, so don't worry about me, i told you that i'm fine-"
???: "Stop it! It hurts!"
Cardin: "Woah-oh! I told you guys the ears are real!"
Russell: "Ha! What a freak!"
(They all look back at the bullies, this time they see Cardin pulling Velvet's ear as she was wincing in pain from his firm grip...
The worst parts are his teammates are laughing at it as every students around them were just watching, all of them were wishing to help her but they wouldn't dare to piss Cardin off...)
Weiss: "Ugh...such unbelievable sight..."
Phyrra: "I agree, Weiss..."
Yang: "Must be really hard to be a faunus..."
Ruby: "Y/N, what should we do?" *looks besides her, but notices Y/N isn't sitting next to her* "Y/N?"
Y/N: "Hands off the bunny...Winchester..."
(Team RWBY and JNPR see their knight friend was holding Jaune's sword right on Cardin's neck, making him let go of Velvet's ear as he stepped back)
Cardin: "Hey man! Put that down!"
Y/N: " have no rights to tell me anything..."
Russell: "I get it now! He's protecting this freak!"
Cardin: "Is that so? Well that means he's just weak then"
Y/N: "...Learn your place, peasant..."
(He then swung the sword down, leaving a slice mark on his chestplate...
Everyone gasped by this, but Cardin got angry about it)
Cardin: "You little-"
Y/N: "Enough."
(He tosses Jaune's sword away, his eyes turns red as his mask was forming into a deathstalker mask...
Making team CRDL shocked in surprised, they now see the tail popping out of his back as a pair of claws were morphing on his forearms plates...
Cardin stepped back in fear as his teammates did the same...)
Y/N: "If faunus are freaks...Then, i am the monster created by Oum himself."
(He then grabs Cardin by his neck, lifting him up in the air as he was gasping for air)
Y/N: "...Mock battle...1v1... Professor Goodwitch's class..."
Cardin: *gasping, coughing* "D-D-Deal..."
(Y/N tosses him a few meters away from him, his teammates went around him and rushed towards their leader)
Russell: "Bro, you ok?"
Cardin: "Y-Yeah..." *glares up at Y/N* "You're going to pay-"
*swoosh* *thud*
(A knife went flying right next to his face, leaving a cut on his cheek as the knife was stuck on the ground next to his bandaged hand from two days ago...
Y/N used his tail to throw the knife, he took it from the bunny faunus, who was in shocked to witness such things...)
Y/N: "Begone."
(Without any second thoughts, Team CRDL ran away with their tails in-between their legs...
Y/N took a deep breath, his mask and eyes went back to normal and his tail and claws disappeared right after that...)
Y/N: *looks at Velvet* "...Are you alright?"
Velvet: *nods a little* "Y-Yeah...M-my ear stings though..."
(Y/N gently grabs her ear, making the bunny jump slightly from his contact with her ear, but soon she felt relieved and relaxed when he was gently rubbing where she got hurt...)
Y/N: ""
Velvet: *blushes* "I-I'm Velvet..."
Y/N: *nods* "...You're safe now...They're done for..."
(He then picked Jaune's sword up and headed back to his seat with his friends...
They were looking at him in disbelief when they heard his threatened voice to Cardin...)
Y/N: *starts cleaning the sword* "...What"
Nora: "How did you go from here to over there without making any noises?!"
Y/N: "Blake's semblance..."
Yang: "Your semblance is way too overpowered dude"
Weiss: "What would happen if you use your semblance for a long time?"
Y/N: "...Drained aura... that's what would happen"
Ren: "Really can you do that?"
Y/N: "...Practice..."
(He went back to eat his soup, letting everyone know he couldn't speak anytime soon...
Jaune then stood up and walked away from his friends, but he could leave...)
Y/N: "...Jaune..."
Jaune: *stops, looks at Y/N* "Y-Yeah?"
Y/N: "...We all have a weak spot...Use it for your advantage to improve yourself..."
(Y/N stood up and handed over his sword back to its owner)
Y/N: "...We're all friends...Don't neglect our proposal for helping you..."
Jaune: "...Got it...Thanks Y/N"
(Jaune sheathes his sword and walks away, feeling a little better since he knew he could trust Y/N's words...
The said knight went back to his seat to eat his soup again...)
Blake: "...Y/N"
Y/N: "..."
Blake: "...What do you think about faunus?"
(Both teams look at their friend, a bit surprised to bring such subject)
Yang: "I mean, we did hear some news about you saving faunus"
Weiss: "What is exactly your thoughts about them though?"
Y/N: "...Better than you humans..."
(They all are shocked to hear his responds to Blake's and Weiss' questions...)
Nora: "Oh! Oh! Is it about their ability to see the night?!"
Y/N: "...One of many reason why..."
Ren: "I wonder you went hostile to Cardin and his team"
Yang: "Hold up, you mentioned earlier about faunus being better than us, why didn't count yourself with us too?"
Y/N: "...I'm no human nor am i a faunus..." *puts his spoon down, looks over at them as his left eye was red* "I'm nothing but a monster, ready to slaughter to thus who dared to piss me off..."
(His eye turns back to normal again as he went back eating his soup...
Both teams were really surprised how protective is towards faunus or any victims of bullies in general...)
Nora: "Can you break that prick's legs?!"
Ren: "Nora, don't encourage him"
Y/N: "...Depends..."
(He finishes his soup by drinking the last drops directly from his bowl and after that, he cleans his mask with a tissue and stands up)
Y/N: "...It's time..."
(He then proceeded to head back to Glynda's classroom, leaving his friends finishing their foods before they follow after their knight friend...
After breaktime, the camera shows Glynda's classroom once again, this time, the atmosphere is a little thicker than usual...)
Glynda: "Alright, for finishing our class, we can still do one more mocking match, any volunteers?"
Cardin: *raises him arm* "I'll go again"
Glynda: "Very good, Mister Winchester, who will be your opponent?"
Cardin: *points at Y/N* "That morphing little freak!*
(Everyone look at the said knight, who literally ignored his insult as he was reading a book)
Glynda: "Mister Y/N, Do you accept his challenge?"
Y/N: *closes his book and lays it on his desk* "...Affirm..."
Glynda: "Then it's settled, both combatants may change their clothes into their combat outfit"
(Both Cardin and Y/N went downstairs and change their clothes...
Cardin was the first one to come out and standing in the arena with his electrified mace on his hand...
A few minutes later, Y/N was finally being seen walking out to the arena, he was wearing his full armored body with his grimm mask on his head...
However...he didn't bring his weapon, "The Musketeer")
Cardin: "Hey freak, where's your weapon?"
Glynda: "Restrain your language." *looks at Y/N* "Where is your weapon, Mister Y/N?"
Y/N: "...No necessarily needed..."
(He then proceeded to unsheathes an infused-dust sword, its mechanism works as same as Weiss' Myrtenaster but instead of a rapier, it's a normal sword...)
Cardin: *snickers* "That's your replacement of your toy gun?"
Y/N: "...Skills always beat luck...peasant..."
(Cardin got angry when he got look down by him, he then gets in position as Y/N was wielding his sword)
Glynda: "Are both combatants ready?"
Cardin: "Yeah!"
Y/N: *nods*
Glynda: "Then..." *pulls her arm up* "...Fight!"
(Cardin immediately runs over to Y/N to swing his mace down to his head, but only to get deflected from the knight by swinging his sword up...
The knight kicks his opponent on his knee, making him dropping down on his good knee, when he tried to swing his sword down, Cardin rolled away away from it to prevent to get hit...
Y/N pulls the trigger as the sword was emitting fire from the blade, he then proceeded to give a couple of swings to shoot fire slash at him...
Unexpected from his attack, Cardin got his multiple times as his aura indicator was dropped down by 75%...)
Cardin: *groans* "H-How can you drop my aura like that?!"
Y/N: "...Take a guess..."
(Cardin notices his eyes were red but his mask didn't form into any grimms faces...
Ruby was the first one to realize what he did to his semblance)
Ruby: *gasps* "That's Yang's semblance he's using!!!"
(That was correct, the knight transferred the bunny faunus' pain into him from his aura, by doing that, he copied Yang's semblance to get himself stronger than before...)
Cardin: "That's cheating! You said you wanted a 1v1!"
Y/N: "...Doppelganger is my semblance..."
(He switches fire dust with ice dust, he then copies both Weiss' and Blake's semblance to make three glyphs as three ice clones were summoned on top of the glyphs...
Each ice knights had their own swords on their hands, they then rushed towards Cardin to brutally hit and slash him...
Every hits he takes, his aura was dropping down until it reaches yellow bar...
Y/N's ice clones take their own position as if they were charging their attacks...
Cardin was struggling to hold his mace up, but he then was quickly attacked by the ice clones as his aura was at 30% as the bar was still yellow...
Y/N switches the ice dust with the wind one and he did this move to finish the "mocking battle"...
(A/N): Play at 1:10 till 1:20
With his final attack, Cardin's aura was dropped almost to 0%, it was left to 1% as the small line was red...)
Glynda: *pulls her arm up* "End of the match! The winner is The Forgotten Knight, Y/N!"
(Everyone started cheering for his victory, Ruby and Nora were fangirling at his final attack...
Y/N then twirled his sword and sheathes back into its sheath, bows slightly infront of everyone and begins to head back to the changing room to put his top uniform back on...
After changing his clothes, he walks out of the changing room, only to get greeted by Ruby and Nora hugging both of his arms...)
Ruby: *has sparkling eyes* "That attack was awesome!!!"
Nora: *also has sparkling eyes* "It was like you just made a combo from a videogame!!!"
Y/N: *smiles under his mask* "...Took me a lot of practice.."
(The rest of the group run over to the trio as they started congratulating him)
Yang: "You killed it back at the arena! That was really cool!"
Weiss: "You sure know how to surprise us, huh?"
Y/N: "...Heh..."
Phyrra: "After school, would you mind teaching me that move? I find it really interesting"
Y/N: "...Sure thing"
Ren: *hands him a small bag of herb* "This herb can be used to make some tea, try using it so you won't get sore throat everytime you stop speaking"
Y/N: "...Thanks Ren"
(And after that, everyone started walking to their next class as they let the rest of the day fly past for itself...
Ren managed to get Nora off his friend's arm...but Ruby wouldn't even loosen up her grip...
They all laugh about it as they all started talking until they reach to their next class as the camera slowly faded to black as we hear laughter from both teams...)
(A/N): And after this chapter, i'll just take a break, probably for a day or two since i made like 3 chapters in one day, like wtf am i doing?
Oh well, hope it was worth for waiting, i'll see you all in the next one!!!
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