Chapter 4: First Day of Beacon Academy
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(On the previous chapter, the knight's day started with a bad note...
He was enjoying the company of Team RWBY and JNPR, they guided Y/N where the cafeteria was so they all could eat together...
Doing so, their conversations was ruined by a team of bullies called "Team CRDL"...
Mainly Cardin was bullying a bunny faunus that goes by Velvet Scarlatina, 2nd year student of Beacon Academy...
Despise the bullish and discrimination, Y/N injured Cardin by sticking a knife through his hand...
Using his negative emotions towards Grimm for his initiation, he managed to accomplish the task he was given by Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch...
After the ceremony for accepting in the academy, the group went to celebrate for his test passed...
May his first day begins...)
-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(The sun was rising up at the sky, birds were singing and flying around the school...
The camera shows Y/N's room, we now see the said knight sleeping on his bed...
After a few seconds later, his alarm goes off at 6:00 AM...
Y/N literally slapped his alarm away from the desk, making it stop ringing...
He took a whole minute before he was fully awake, he then proceeded to take a quick shower and started getting ready for his first day of school...)
Y/N: "...Tight..."
(He wasn't wearing his armor fully...only his forearms and the whole lower armor was on, his torso and upper arms were exposed to show the uniform...
Satisfied by loosening up his tie, he took a deep breath, put his mask on and started heading to his first class...
It took him a while to analyze the whole school but he managed to remember where his classes are...
Right now, the camera shows inside the classroom where Professor Port is waiting for his students to appear...)
Y/N: *opens the door and walks inside the classroom*
Port: "Ah! You must be the newest student! I'm Professor Port, it is a pleasure to meet you"
Y/N: "...Same here..."
Port: "I was told by Professor Ozpin about your lack of socialization, but it doesn't matter! Your skills should be recognized all around the remnants!"
Y/N: "...Thanks..."
Port: "Oh don't be like that, now come! Take your seat while some of us are still waiting for the rest!"
(The knight nodded his head and went to take his seat as he waits for the others to show up...)
[1 hour later]
(The door slammed opened right before the bell started ringing)
Port: "Team RWBY and JNPR! You all are arrived right before the bell rang"
Ruby: "S-Sorry professor Port! W-We won't get late again!"
Port: "It's quite alright Miss Rose, you all take your seat now, the class is about to start!"
(Both teams headed to their respective seats, Blake's seat was next to Y/N's)
Y/N: "...Morning..."
Blake: "Morning Y/N"
Yang: "Yo dude, how did you sleep?"
Y/N: "...Good..."
Weiss: "Let's talk later, class is starting now"
(A/N): (Updated) This will be permanently fix the Port's boring lesson
Port: Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!
(Everyone wasn't buying his overconfidence.)
Port: Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses... *gives Yang a wink, which she groans uncomfortably at* Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!
Port: That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy...
(His words fade into the background and a series of "blah"s when Weiss notices Ruby is very focused on penciling the paper in front of her.)
Port: ...Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me...
(The speech evolves into more "blah"s as Ruby chuckles at her creation and shows it to her teammates: a ball-with-limbs-and-a-head drawing of the teacher with stink lines coming from him and "Professor Poop" written underneath. Ruby blows a quick raspberry. Blake and Yang laugh, but Weiss looks annoyed.)
Port: Ah-heh-hem!
(he waits until he has their attention again, but Y/N quickly shake that off.)
Y/N: "...Continue."
Port: "Why of course! Where was i... Oh yes! As i was saying: In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!"
(The teacher takes a bow as Weiss slowly gets more and more frustrated with Ruby's antics.)
Port: The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honorable!
(Ruby is balancing an apple on a book with her pencil held only by her finger while making a silly face.)
Port: A true Huntsman must be dependable!
(Ruby is not-so-subtly picking her nose, much to Weiss' building anger...
Unknowingly for the class, except for Y/N, Professor Port steps aside to reveal a giant cage with a pair of red glowing eyes within the shadow.)
Y/N: "...Boarbatusk..."
Port: "That is correct, Sir Y/N! You truly are a talented huntsman to recognize such thing from distance! Now, who would like to show the class how to defeat such grimm?"
(Both Y/N and Weiss raise their hands, the heiress was showing an angered expression while the knight's eyes were as dull as usual...)
Port: "We have two volunteers! Which one of you would like to go first?"
Y/N: "...I go..."
Weiss: "I can second that"
Port: "Splendid! Y/N, please step forward!"
(Y/N took his jacket off, folded it to place it on his desk and then headed towards the cage)
Port: "Are you not bringing your weapon?"
(Y/N's eyes were piercing through the Boarbatusk's eyes as if he's staring into its soul...
Soon after, his eyes turns red as his mask forms into a Deathstalker mask...
Activating his semblance, deathstalker's tail and claws were appearing on him...)
Port: "My my! What an interesting semblance you possess! Are you ready?"
Y/N: "...Confirm..."
Port: "Then may the fight begins!"
(He then proceeded to break the lock, letting the grimm immediately getting out of the cage as it charges towards Y/N...
The said knight quickly rolled out of the way before the grimm could hit him, he then already thought of a plan...
He uses Ruby's semblance to dash around the Boarbatusk to make him levitate, he then copied Blake's semblance to summon shadow clones to slash multiple claw attacks on the grimm...
Once it was weakened up, he lifted his arm up as Weiss' glyph appears behind it, making it standing on its own two feet...
He rushed over and uses the sting of his tail to pierce through its chest, aiming directly for its heart to kill it instantly...
After killing it, the Boarbatusk turns into dust, leaving the whole classroom in shock state...
His eyes went back to normal as his mask was forming back to its original form, his claws and tail retracted back into him, making the knight flinching in pain but he managed to shrug it off)
Port: *clapping his hands* "An extraordinary execution! What a performance! A true experienced huntsman skills right there!"
Y/N: "...Thanks..."
(The knight went back to his seat, put his jacket back on and sits on his seat)
Ruby: "That was really cool!"
Yang: "You sure are a full of surprises"
Y/N: "...Nothing special..."
Weiss: "How can you copy my semblance without my rapier or your sword?"
Y/N: "...Claws..."
Blake: "As long as you have any kind of weapons, you can still manage to copy her semblance"
Ruby: *squeals in excitement* "So cool!!!"
Weiss: "I guess it is my turn now, is it?"
Y/N: "...Good luck..."
Weiss: *smiles proudly* "Thank you"
-After School-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(Well, guess the day wouldn't been gone too well...
What happened earlier? Weiss basically blamed Ruby for telling her how to kill a boarbatusk and Ozpin making a mistake of giving Ruby the leader role...
So i went to comfort Ruby and after that, i'll go confront Weiss...i don't know i can do that but i'll try my best...
I was in the hallway and spotted Ruby, i then ran over to her...)
Ruby: *looks over* "Oh hey Y/N!"
"...You ok?"
Ruby: *frowns* "...Not really...I feel like Weiss is right, what if Ozpin made a mistake?"
"...He wouldn't..."
Ruby: "How? How would you know he didn't make a mistake?"
"...Because he never make one..."
(I could tell she's surprised from my statement...keep talking, Y/N...)
"...He chose you...because he sees your true potential..."
Ruby: "My true potential?"
"Determination...He saw how determined you are..."
Ruby: "B-But-"
"A never ask assistance..."
(I then started coughing but i put my hand on my mouth so i won't infect her...)
Ozpin: "Allow me to clear what Mister Y/N is trying to say to you"
(We look over and see Ozpin walking over to us, i gave him a nod of salutation)
Ozpin: "Why don't you find Miss Schnee and try to talk with her instead?"
Y/N: *coughs again* "...Noted..."
(I gave Ruby a small pat on her head and started heading where Weiss is, hopefully i won't get lost...)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(The camera shows Y/N walking down the hallway, looking for Weiss...
When he spotted the backyard of the school, he saw Weiss looking at the view by herself...
Y/N decided to walk over and standing next to her, letting her know my presence...)
Weiss: "Oh, hi Y/N"
Y/N: "...Bad mood?"
Weiss: *sighs* "I just don't get it..." *looks at Y/N* "Do you agree with me about Ozpin making a mistake?"
(The knight shook his head as a "No" sign)
Weiss: "You too?! Don't you think i should be the leader of this team?!"
Y/N: "...An arrogant leader...takes you straight to death..."
Weiss: *surprised* "...What?"
Y/N: "...You've been spoiled...She proved to be the leader..."
Weiss: "How can you say that? She's just a child"
Y/N: "...We all are here for a reason..."
Weiss: *crosses her arms, staring at Y/N* "And what would that be?"
Y/N: "...Turning our weaknesses into our stronghold..."
Weiss: "..."
Y/N: *coughs* "...She just needed to be guided...and you're her teammate, after all...Teach her how to be more mature...instead of treating her like a child..."
(Weiss was surprised he spoke more than one word...
But she also realized he was right, she can't have everything she wanted like any spoiled brat would do...
During their initiation, Ruby was the one who took the lead of her team about defeating the nevermore...
Realizing her own mistakes, she unfolds her arms and started to look down...)
Weiss: "I-I see...i-i think i get it now..."
Y/N: "...Talk with her later...Work from your mistakes so you won't repeat it again..."
Weiss: *looks up at him, smiles slightly* "I will...Thanks for opening my eyes"
Y/N: *bows with his fist on his chest* "...Take care...Snow princess..."
(He then stood straight back up and left Weiss in shock as her blush started to appear on her face)
Weiss: "...Y-You dolt..."
-RWBY's dorm room-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Inside RWBY's room, Yang and Blake were seen sleeping on their bunk beds...
Ruby was still awake, she had her blanket over her with a small light as she was actually studying...
The blanket were pulled up by Weiss as she peeked under it, making Ruby startled)
Ruby: "W-Weiss! I-I was just-"
Weiss: "Oh quiet you or you'll wake up the rest..." *hands a cup of milk coffee over to her* "...Here, this should help you"
Ruby: *holds it* "T-Thanks Weiss"
Weiss: *sighs* "...I wanted to say sorry for treating like a child...I realized that you just needed some help about being a leader..." *smiles faintly* "...which is why i'm more than happy to help you"
(That statement left Ruby speechless, before Weiss could leave the room, she turned to look back at Ruby again)
Weiss: "And Ruby?"
Ruby: *looks at her* "Hmm?"
Weiss: *smiles* "...I always dreamt to have bunk beds"
(And with that, she left the room, making her leader happy as she went back to study...
Weiss was also smiling, knowing she just did the right thing, but she was noticed by Y/N who was walking by)
Weiss: "Heading to bed now?"
Y/N: "...Truce with Ruby?"
Weiss: *nods* "Yes, thanks again"
Y/N: "...Not a problem"
(He then headed to his room and went to sleep, for Weiss, she took a minute before heading back in her room...
The camera slowly faded to black as she closes the door behind her...)
(A/N): God i'm so fucking tired, making 2 chapters at once isn't a smart choice, but fuck it! see y'all in the next chapter!
P.S. I hate making this small chapter! I need to make them long!
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