Chapter 3: The Initiation
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Welcome back again, dear readers...
On the last chapter, the knight, Y/N, and Ozpin made an agreement to enroll in the academy, his initiation would start tomorrow morning...
During evening, Team RWBY gave him a small tour where the dorms are alongside with Team JNPR, they introduced themselves to the knight as he returned the favor...
After their small interactions, the group called it a day and they all went to sleep...
How will his initiation work? Time to find out...)
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
*beep* *beep* *beep*
(I groaned in frustration and slammed my hand on my scroll, turning the alarm off)
(I hate when i have to wake up this early...but i had to suck it up and deal with it because i have to do the initiation...
After remembering that, i then got up and went to the bathroom for a quick shower...
A few minutes later, i started cleaning my armor piece by piece and put them on after that...
Then i started loading my rifle by putting one each fused dust bullet into the chamber...
I then pick my helmet off the door, staring at it as i still remember the day where they left me...)
*sighs* "...Fuck them..."
(I then proceeded to put it on, holsters "The Musketeer" on my back and started heading to the cafeteria...)
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Only to make the knight realize he doesn't know where the cafeteria is...)
Y/N: "...Damn it..."
Yang: "Having trouble, knight?"
(He turns around and sees Team RWBY and JNPR)
Ruby: "Good morning Y/N!"
Jaune: "Morning man!"
Y/N: "...Morning..."
Phyrra: "Did you get enough sleep?"
(He nods his head, making the spartan girl smile)
Phyrra: "That's good to hear"
Weiss: "Where were you heading?"
Y/N: "...Cafeteria..."
Blake: "But you couldn't find it, right?"
Y/N: *points at RWBY* "...Your fault..."
Yang: "Huh? How is it our fault?!"
Y/N: (–_–"')
Ren: "He's trying to say you girls didn't show him where it is"
Nora: "What are we waiting for?! Let's go then!"
Y/N: "...Take lead..."
(Ruby was the first one to guide Y/N where the cafeteria is as the rest of the group follow her...)
Yang: "A small heads-up, it's normal getting lost here, so try to remember where you need to go"
Y/N: "...Noted..."
(And with that, they all went to the cafeteria as they were talking to each other)
-Scene Change-
(The camera shows the gigantic cafeteria where students are eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner...)
Ruby: "This is the cafeteria!"
Y/N: "...Ridiculous budget..."
Weiss: "It is the most prestigious academy in Vale, i wouldn't be that surprised"
Phyrra: "I second that"
Jaune: *chuckles nervously* "L-Let's just go get our breakfast"
(Y/N nodded his head and went to get his food as both teams follow him doing the same...
After getting their respective breakfasts, they all went for an empty table, sat on their seats and started eating their food)
Ruby: "After this, you're going to do the initiation, right?"
(He nodded his head as he was just eating his food)
Yang: "With that semblance of yours, i'm sure you'll pass it without breaking a sweat"
Jaune: "Speaking of that, do you have to be someone to copy their semblance or you just look at them and your semblance automatically works?"
Y/N: *gulps* "...Latter..."
Phyrra: "Fascinating...your semblance immediately works right after you look at your opponents..."
Ruby: "Wait! What about those claws from yesterday?!"
Y/N: "...Grimms..."
(The whole table just turned their head at the knight as he was drinking his coffee)
Weiss: "Uhm...can you repeat that?"
Y/N: "...Grimm's Ability..."
Ren: "I think he's saying his semblance also works on Grimms...but only their abilities, like claws, wings and etcetera"
(The knight nodded at confirmation of what Ren says, as he was about to finish his food, he heard laughing behind him...
He didn't turn around but they could tell just with his body language, he was demanding what was going on...)
Ruby: "Poor Velvet..."
Jaune: "Tsk, it's too early and yet they keep doing that!"
Nora: "Let's break their legs!"
Ren: "Nora, don't do that"
(Y/N uses his semblance to copy Phyrra's semblance, he then levitated a knife from Blake's stray and sent it flying towards the said bully without looking...
Once the knife get stuck into the bully's hand, he started screaming as he kneeled down while holding his hand)
Bully 2: "Oh fuck! Cardin!"
Bully 1: *groaning in pain* "D-damn it! Who the fuck threw it?!"
(Team RWBY and JNPR were shocked and impressed by the knight's action...
Shocked to see him stopping Cardin Winchester and his teammates...
Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark...
Team CRDL, known as the bullies towards faunus...)
Jaune: "T-That was impressive but also s-scary..."
Ruby: "A-At least he stopped him!"
Y/N: "...Pathetic..."
Phyrra: "I don't follow you, Y/N?"
Y/N: "...Name..."
Weiss: "Team CRDL, the one you injured was their team leader, Cardin Winchester..."
Y/N: "...Weak..."
(He then finished his food and drink, stood up and picks his weapon up)
Y/N: "...Later..."
(With that, he started walk away, passing through team CRDL)
Yang: "Guess his mood was ruined..."
Phyrra: "I don't blame him...Cardin was immediately bullying a faunus at this hour of time..."
Jaune: *sighs* "There's nothing we can do about it, if we interfere, we get ourselves in trouble..."
Weiss: "For once, i agree with him, let karma hit them instead"
(Blake was quiet, she felt happy that he protected a fellow faunus...but she was a little scared if they find her secrets, they might hate her)
Ruby: "Blake?"
Blake: *snaps out of her thoughts* "...What?"
Ren: "You were quiet when Yang tried to call you"
Yang: "Yeah, you ok girl?"
Blake: "I'm fine...just relieved he stopped him before he could hurt that faunus..."
Nora: "I wanted him to aim for his legs though..."
Ren: *sighs* "Nora"
Ruby: "How about we watch Y/N's initiation? I'm sure professor Ozpin with transmitted live on our scrolls!"
Yang: "Now that's a hype mood right there sis!"
(Both team agree to enjoy their food as they decided to watch Y/N's initiation)
-Scene Change-
-Emerald Forest-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(Cardin Winchester huh...that guy and his lackeys are done for...
Putting that thought aside, i was heading to the cliff where Ozpin and Goodwitch were waiting for me)
Ozpin: "Good morning, Mister Y/N, i hope you had a good sleep"
Y/N: *nods in confirmation*
Glynda: "Your objective for the initiation is finding a piece of one relic inside the Emerald Forest" *shows him the relic on her tablet scroll*
Ozpin: "Your mission is retrieving that relic and bringing it here back at the top of the cliff, be aware...this forest is well-known for being hosted by multiple grimms, please be cautious on your way back"
(I nodded my head, check my armor if they're tightly attached on me)
Ozpin: "Now step onto the metal panel infront of you"
(I did what he says, knowing i was about to get launched, i slightly bent my knees, readying up for the launch)
Ozpin: *smiles* "I wish you nothing but best luck"
(After saying that, i was launched into the air)
-3rd P.O.V.-
(The two professors were watching the knight flying as Glynda looks back at her scroll, turning all the screens on at the cafeteria as the transmission was now live)
Glynda: "Do you think he will use his semblance?"
Ozpin: *takes a sip of his mug* "I believe he will...after all..." *looks at the forest* "...the knight meets more than the eye"
(Glynda nodded her head and went back looking at her scroll as she was watching Y/N going down into the forest...
The camera switches to Y/N's position, he was descending from his fall, to prevent to get crashed into the ground, his eyes turn red as his mask switches form into a Boarbatusk...
He then proceeded to curl into a ball, using the momentum to rolling in the air as he flew down through multiple trees to softening his landing...
Thanks to Boarbatusk's ability, he didn't feel any pain, he just rolled onto the ground and then kips-up with The Musketeer on his hand...)
Y/N: "...Clear..."
(His eyes turn back to normal as his mask also switches its form back to normal...
Back at the cafeteria, everyone were impressed by this, two certain teams noticed his eyes went red when he curled into a ball...)
Ruby: "His mask did the same thing yesterday!"
Jaune: "What form was it last time?"
Yang: "It was an Ursa mask, now that was Boarbatusk mask"
Nora: "That's sick!"
(The camera switches back to Emerald Forest, the knight was just walking with the musketeer on his hand)
Y/N: 'North, South, East and West...Moss grows on north the temple is...' as he thought
(He looks at his ride side, he then headed over where he looked at as he switched his rifle into his sword mode...
Before he could walk out of the bush, he immediately stepped backwards as a pair of claws were a few inches away from his chest...)
Y/N: "...Ursa..."
(Guessing it right, two Ursas come out of their hiding spot as they growled at him)
Y/N: "...Lurk..."
(He then disappeared into thin air, making the grimms confused...
The 1st Ursa got decapitated in a blink of an eye, the other one got its feet frozen stuck in place...
Y/N reappears infront of the stuck Ursa, points the musketeer at its head and pulls the trigger...
A fire bullet was ejected, making the stuck Ursa's head exploded into ashes...)
Y/N: "...Two..."
(He started mentally count his grimm kills, after clearing the coast, he hangs the musketeer on his back and started heading to the temple)
Y/N: *sees the temple* "...Check..."
(He then came out of the bush, heading towards the temple and looks at the relic)
Y/N: "...Chess piece..."
(He grabs the white pawn with a red cross on the bottom, he puts it in the pocket but he hears a loud screech from above...)
Y/N: "..."
(He looks up and sees a nevermore flying towards him, the said nevermore started firing its feathers from its wings...
The knight either dodges or deflects its attack whenever the feathers are too close to him...
As a bad luck just struck on him, a deathstalker started appearing by destroying trees infront of him, emitting a screech as loud as nevermore's...)
Y/N: "...Hard way..."
(Already having a plan, he stabbed the musketeer into the ground and took a deep breath with his eyes closed...
His mask turns into a Deathstalker mask as he opened his eyes, revealing they're now red...
He then used Ruby's semblance to dash towards the deathstalker, giving it a double hammer fists onto its head as he leaves a giant crack on the ground...
Using the momentum of striking the big scorpion grimm, he launched himself up as a deathstalker's claws appears on his wrists and the deathstalker's tail coming out from his back...
When he was close to the nevermore, he immediately stabs his tail into its neck, pulling himself towards to the bird and uses his claws to pinch through its eyes as it screeches in pain and agony...
He then jumps away from it with a backflip as his mask was now forming into a nevermore mask, once he retracts his claws and tail, a pair of wings comes out of his back and uses its ability to shoot feathers into the nevermore's body, killing it in the progress...
Pulling a feather out of his own wings, he gives himself a push to fly straight down towards the stunned deathstalker, stabbing it with the feather into its head, killing it as well as he does a flip to land on his feet, staying away from the deathstalker...
Y/N took a deep breath after killing two more grimms, making it 4 kills, his eyes turn back black as his mask forms back to normal...
Knowing where the cliff is, he uses Ruby's semblance once again to dash towards the cliff as he kills some beowolves on the way...
Unknowingly to him, every fights he had was recorded and it was transmitted all around the school...
The students were in shocked by his performance, many thoughts he was very talented, many others thought he was just lucky, but everyone was thinking the same thing...
And that was to not piss him off...
As for Team RWBY and JNPR, they were in awestruck but soon recovered by Ruby squealing in excitement from what she just saw)
Jaune: "Oh my Oum..."
Yang: "You can say that again, man"
Phyrra: "I would like to spar with him whenever he's alright with it"
Ren: "I agree, i also would like to spar with him sometimes"
(Weiss and Blake were quiet, Weiss was literally in shock while Blake was just staring at Y/N as if he's her knight with shiny armor...
Back to Y/N, he was finishing killing the last Ursa who was in the way to reach an abandoned building...)
Y/N: "...Jackpot-"
(A loud howl was heard and echoed throughout the forest, he quickly turned around and sees a group of beowolves showing up with their Alpha)
Y/N: "...Alpha..."
(The alpha beowolf growled at the knight as its group were also growling...
Y/N and the alpha beowolf were having a staring contest, glaring into each other's eyes as the tension slowly rises up...
The knight dropped his weapon on the ground and cracks his knuckles, knowing he was being challenged by the alpha itself...
The said alpha started heading towards the knight, his eyes turn red once again as his mask was forming into a beowolf mask, a pair of beowolf tail and ears come out of him as well as for his claws...
The two of them started growling at each other, letting out their battle cry as their fight begins...
At the cliff, Ozpin and Glynda were watching at the fight, the combat teacher was impressed by the knight's skills, as for Ozpin, he just smiled knowing Y/N will win the fight...)
Glynda: "In all my years, i've never seen someone or anyone going head-to-head against an alpha is even a fair fight since he dropped his weapon..."
Ozpin: "Y/N is a man of his words and actions...he knew the alpha was seeking for his equal opponent...that beowolf followed his scent and dared him to have a fair fight..."
(Y/N was seen giving a few claw attacks at the alpha, following up with a triple side kicks from bottom to top, hitting its knee, shoulder and head...
The alpha was stunned from the 3rd kick, Y/N uses this opportunity to finish it off by stabbing his right arm through its chest where its heart is...
Back at the cafeteria, everyone gasped at his final attack, they can also see him holding its heart that was still beating...
The knight ends the fight by squeezing the heart into his hand, killing the alpha for good...
The said beowolf was turning into ashes, leaving the knight standing victoriously...he then glared at the group of beowolves...)
Y/N: *holds his arm up, pointing at the forest behind them* "...Begone..."
(With a simple order, the beowolves obeyed his command and they all went back into the forest only Oum knows where they're going now...
After a full minute of rest, Y/N's eyes and mask went back to normal as his claws were retract back into his fingers...
He started coughing slightly because of using his semblance too much, without second thoughts, he uses The Musketeer to either climb or boost himself up by shooting gravity rounds on the ground...
After reaching at the top of the cliff, he holsters his weapon over his back and walks towards Ozpin and Glynda who were waiting for him...)
Ozpin: "I believe your mission has been accomplished"
(Without saying anything, Y/N pulls the pawn piece out of his pocket and hands it over to him...
The headmaster smiles amusingly at the knight as he shakes his hand, making Y/N returning the favor)
Ozpin: "It's time for the ceremony, come with us"
(The knight nodded his head as the three of them are heading back in the academy)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
Everyone was gathered for the ceremony of Y/N's acceptance in the academy, as the students started cheering, Ozpin was seen speaking on the microphone...)
Ozpin: "Y/N L/N, not only you passed the initiation all by yourself, but you also shown your skills, semblance and fights against tremendous enemies...however you had it under control and overcome the odds on turning the table against them..."
(He then presses a button as he was showing his students some videos about...
His quick actions against 2 Ursas
An unforgettable fight about Y/N facing the deathstalker and nevermore
And a fascinating duel between him and the alpha beowolf...
Students and teachers were impressed by it, many were still in shock rewatching the fights...)
Ozpin: "Such skills, determination and remarkable tactics shall not be wasted...which is why you, Y/N L/N, are going to be the first ever solo team!"
(Everyone started cheering at the knight, congratulating him for being the solo team player and being a student like them)
Ozpin: *holds his hand out* "Welcome to the Beacon Academy"
(Y/N shook his hand as a "thank you" sign, he then looks at the crowd and waves his arm slightly before stepping down the stage...
After the ceremony, everyone went back to their own businesses, as Y/N was heading back to his dorm, he was tackled by Ruby who dashed into him, giving him a really tight hug)
Ruby: "Congratulations Y/N! You did amazing at the initiation!"
(He was confused, he wanted to ask how she knows that but her teammates and team JNPR joined them after)
Jaune: "Hey man! That was really cool!"
Yang: "Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch transmitted your initiation live in our school! You were killing it!!!"
Phyrra: "Ren and i was considering about sparring with you sometimes"
Y/N: "...Approved..."
Weiss: "I must say, you were really impressive back there...You used their abilities against their own to finish them by going for their weaknesses"
(Nora and Ruby were hugging Y/N's arms as their eyes were sparkling)
Blake: *smiles faintly* "Sorry about them, they were fangirling non-stop about your fights"
Y/N: "...Understandable..."
Jaune: "It's almost lunch time, you sure were taking your time back there, so how about we all eat and celebrate for his acceptance?"
Ruby: "I'm down with that idea! Let's go!"
(Everyone were chuckling at her childish attitude and they all started heading to the cafeteria to eat lunch...)
(A/N): 3rd chapter is down, now i need to make a scene where he confronts Team
Oh well, i'll figure that out some other time, right now i'll just leave it here
Hope you liked this chapter! See y'all in the next one!!!
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