Chapter 1: The Forgotten will be remembered
-Narrator's P.O.V-
(Remnant...A world formed by 4 kingdoms: Atlas, Vacuo, Mistral and Vale...
There kingdoms have one single goal in common: Defeating all the Grimms from terrifying all the people...
In this world, there was a discrimination towards faunus, humans are the responsible for causing such things...
White Fang is a rebellious group to fight back against the discriminators...such thing always happen everywhere...
But let's forget about that...
It's time to introduce the team...)
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Beacon Academy-
(The camera shows where a group of 4 girls are currently heading towards the elevator to ride up at the top floor where their headmaster is waiting for them...
Ruby Rose, Daughter of Deceased mother, Summer Rose...
Weiss Schnee, Heiress of Schnee Dust Company, The Middle Child of Willow and Jacques Schnee...
Blake Belladonna: Former White Fang member, Daughter of Ghira and Kali Belladonna...
And Yang Xiao Long: Ruby's Half-sister, Daughter of Taiyang Xiao Long, her Long Lost Mother is Raven Brawen...
Together, they form the team called "Team RWBY")
Ruby: "I wonder why Professor Ozpin calls us all the sudden"
Weiss: *glares at Yang* "What did you do?"
Yang: "Why are you accusing me all the sudden?!"
Weiss: "For some reason, even if we're been here for a week, i can immediately tell you did something that made the teachers mad!"
Blake: *sighs* "Let's just find out why Professor Ozpin is summoning us..."
Ruby: "Yeah! Maybe we already have a mission!"
(The team walked in the elevator as they go up at the top of the academy...
Soon after, the camera switches where Ozpin's office is as the headmaster and his assistant are waiting for them...
After a few seconds, a "Ding!" can be heard as the door automatically opens to reveal Team RWBY)
Ruby: "Good evening Professor Ozpin! Professor Goodwitch!"
(Indeed, The Headmaster of Beacon Academy himself, Ozpin, with his assistant and their combat teacher, Glynda Goodwitch)
Ozpin: "Good evening to you too, Miss Rose"
Weiss: "If Yang did something that made you mad, i want to apologize for her behavior"
Yang: "Hey!"
Ozpin: *chuckles* "It is quite alright, Miss Schnee, rest assure that you four aren't in trouble"
Blake: "Then, why did you call us for?"
Ozpin: *takes a sip of his mug* "I call you girls for a mission-"
Ruby: "YES!!!"
Ozpin: "And it's about bringing an interesting entity here without any harm"
Weiss: "An Entity? Is he a faunus or something?"
Ozpin: "It is best for you all to find out"
Glynda: *taps on her tablet board* "You four will be sent to this location to find this guy and bring him here in one piece"
Yang: "Ooo~ A guy, huh? I wonder if he's a good-looking one~"
Ruby: "S-Sis!" *looks at Ozpin and Glynda* "Don't worry about it, we'll capture that guy and bring him here to you!"
Ozpin: *smiles at her enthusiasm* "I entrust you four for this kind of mission, i suggest you get your weapons and head to that location as soon as possible."
(The girls nodded their heads and quickly ran back in the elevator to get their gear)
Glynda: "...Why didn't you tell them about him, Professor Ozpin?"
Ozpin: "Because he's just a poor young man who is lost after his parents left him...It is our duty to prevent such innocent person to get hurt or hunted by possible enemies...including Her..."
Glynda: *nods her head* "I understand...It was a good reason why you didn't say anything..."
(Ozpin looks down at his scroll, staring at the picture of the forgotten knight captured before he disappears out of the sight...)
-Scene Change-
-Ruby's P.O.V.-
(I can't believe we got sent in a mission! Our first ever mission!!!- Ok! Calm down, Ruby, just do what he told you to do and we can finish it without causing trouble!
Snapping out of my excitement, we were arrived at the location, the pilot dropped us in a rooftop of a building a few meters away from the location)
Pilot: "Alright girls, good luck, i'll circle around and come back once you get that guy"
"Got it! We'll bring him alive!"
(The pilot nodded at us and flies back up in the sky, leaving us on the rooftop ready to get in action)
Weiss: *looks at her scroll* "Our information says this "knight" is planning to attack the hideout, a few meters away from here..."
Yang: "What kind of hideout is it though?"
Blake: "Guess we have to find out"
"Let's go then! This way!"
(I then started springing and jumping from rooftops to another to get closer to the location as the girls are following me)
-Switch Camera-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Team RWBY were now closer to the hideout, they noticed the environment is a hangar from S.D.C.'s property but there was the White Fang Insignia marked on the side of the wall...)
Weiss: *scoffs* "Hmph...Of course it would be them..."
Yang: "Yeesh, so cold coming from you, Ice Queen"
Weiss: "Shut it, you dolt!"
Ruby: "G-Girls! They could hear us!"
Blake: "She's right, let's keep it quiet and wait-"
W.F. 1: "Hey! Stop Right There!!!"
(The girls get startled and quickly look over, noticing the knight appeared right infront of the guards, making them surprised)
W.F. 2: "This is a restricted area! Turn around and walk away!"
???: "..."
W.F. 1: "Are you deaf?! We said, Leave!"
(The knight ignored his demands, instead he started getting closer to them...
They draw their weapons at the knight, as for the girls, they were ready to interfere if the guards start attacking their target...
All of the sudden, he blurs away from everyone's sight, the guards immediately started to look around)
W.F. 1: "What the?!"
W.F. 2: "Where is he-"
(A gunshot can be heard and echoed throughout the environment...
The guard felt a bit cold, he then looked at his partner and he was shocked to see him being frozen in place)
W.F. 1: *points his gun around* "Show yoursel-"
(Another gunshot was heard, this time it was a different one, once the bullet collides the guard's chestplate, he was pushed away by force and got knocked out by the impact from flying against the wall...
The knight was being seen now, he was standing infront of the knocked out guard, he kneeled down and tied him up so he won't escape...
As he was standing up, the hangar door started lifting up as multiple white fang grunts were showing, alongside with a White Fang Lieutenant carrying a chainsaw)
W.F. 3: "You're done for, you filthy human!"
Lieutenant: "You better surrender and we might let you live...if you don't try anything stupid"
???: "..."
(He then switched his rifle into the sword mode and points it at their lieutenant)
Lieutenant: "Oh? Are you challenging me into a duel, knight?"
???: *nods*
Lieutenant: "Hah! You're finished!"
(The giant turns his chainsaw on and rushed over to the knight, the said knight parried his attack with his sword)
Lieutenant: "Hngh, You're strong, i'll give you that"
???: "..."
(He then blurred away like before, reappears behind him and gives a roundhouse high kick on his head, making his groans in pain and stunned...
Taking this opportunity to his advance, he switches his sword back to rifle mode, put a fused electric dust bullet in it and shoots at the lieutenant, tasing him up...
To finish him off, he rushes over, jumps up and dropkicks him right into his chest, making him falling on the ground, knocked out and paralyzed from the gunshot...)
W.F. 3: "It was rigged from the start! Let's end him boys!"
(An explosion was heard, everyone, except the knight, looked over and see their comrades sending flying all over the place)
Ruby: "Sorry! We're not letting you all hurting him!"
W.F. 4: "Damn it! We have huntresses here, let's get them!"
(All the white fang grunts split in two different teams to attack both Team RWBY and the knight...
Yang was fighting her way through the grunts with her gauntlets "Ember Cecila", punching and knocking the grunts with explosions...
Weiss was elegantly dodging all their attack, she then did a somersault flip, landed on her feet and stabbed her Rapier "Myrtenaster" into the ground as she used her semblance to summon multiple glyphs, sending multiple ice pieces towards the grunts, knocking them out one by one...
Blake was using her semblance to escape from their attack as they keep killing her shadow clones, she went on offense mode and unsheathes her "Gambol Shroud" and beat them all with it...
As for Ruby, she was flawlessly fighting the grunts just like she did with Torchwick's men last week, her weapon was "Crescent Rose", she was dropping the grunts one by one, either knocking them out or send them flying into each other...
The nameless knight didn't put so much effort, considering how weak they were, so he wrapped things up and stabs his sword into the ground...
As his eyes were turning red, his mask/helmet was forming into an Ursa grimm mask, he then started growling as a pair of gauntlets was formed from his wrists...
He activates them and three pair of blades from both gauntlets pop out from it, he then rushed over and claw the rest of the white fang grunts as if he was an Ursa itself...
After their respective fights, all the grunts were defeated, the girls were slightly panting from underestimate them, the knight's mask turns back to normal as he started tying all the grunts, leaving them on the ground against each other's backs and pick his sword back from the ground...
He sheathes his sword on his back and leaves a beacon to signaling the location for the police, as he was about to walk away from the hangar...)
Ruby: "Hey! Wait a second!"
(He was stopped by the red riding hood girl, he almost forgot they were there too so he looked over his shoulder as he was analysing them all...)
Ruby: "We mean no harm, we were sent by the headmaster of Beacon Academy to bring you to him!"
Weiss: "So i suggest you would just follow our instructions"
Yang: *cracks her knuckles* "Or we have to take you by force."
(Blake just stared at the nameless knight as he was doing the same thing to her and her teammates...
He noticed her bow twitching a little bit, taking notes from it, he then looked back forward, standing still...)
Weiss: "Uh hello? Did you not hear us?"
Blake: "I think he's waiting..."
Yang: "Waiting for what?"
(And right on cue, the bullhead they were flying on was landing infront of the knight, the door starts opening and sees Ozpin walking down the ramp)
Ozpin: "An excellent job, Team RWBY, not only you managed to find him, but you also prevented him to get hurt by the White Fang"
Yang: "Heh, it was a piece of cake"
Ozpin: "I believe so, Miss Xiao Long" *looks at the knight* "As for you, young man, i would like to personally enroll you into the academy and join classes as one of my students"
(The knight was confused for a second, then it clicks in his mind, the girls were huntresses in training, he was impressed but his eyes were still as dull as usual)
Ozpin: "How about we all head back to my school? I'm sure you have questions about how i figured out about your little operation"
(He nodded his head and headed inside the bullhead, Team RWBY followed him after and Ozpin was the last one to get back in...
The pilot shut the door up and started flying back to Beacon Academy)
Pilot: "I must say, you five put hell of a fight on those grunts, you all did great"
Ruby: "Hehe, oh stop it, we didn't do much"
Yang: *looks at the knight* "Big guy defeated most of the white fang grunts for us~"
???: "..."
Weiss: "I'm starting to believe he's mute, he didn't say a word since we talked to him"
Ruby: "Maybe he's just nervous"
???: "...I can talk..."
(Weiss was the first one to yelp in surprise from hearing his voice)
Yang: "So you do talk"
???: "...Only for a short time..."
Blake: "Trust issues, i guess?"
(He just nodded and went quiet again, Ruby walked over to him and smiled)
Ruby: "You can trust us! I'm Ruby Rose, the leader of Team RWBY, what's your name?"
???: "...Y/N..."
Ruby: "That's a cool name! It suits you with your gear and weapon!"
???: "...Thanks..."
(Ozpin smiled at their small interaction, he then looked out of the window as all of them were being taken back to the academy)
(A/N): You can just ignore this story, it's a test for my mind cuz i'm trying to remember the episodes without rewatching them, that also goes with Highschool DxD story
Oh well, time for me to work my ass on these stories! Wish me luck and i'll see y'all on the next chapter! Bye-Bye!!!
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