~ 4 ~
Third PoV:
While that in the castle of the king of mythic beast were in panic situation, the king's son and his close butler disappeared, and the search complete his two weeks with no hints to where they went, there many thoughts that the mythic hunters catch them but with no proof the monsters and humans king deny that, they can't force their servants to collect information from that kingdom cause this will break the peace rule and will start a third war.
The vampire king hit his desk on his office hardly that made a huge crack on it, but he doesn't care, his little and only son disappear how he will live with himself if anything bad happen to him.
Then one of the castle servants enter the office and said after bowing " my lord, one of the far west village people said he saw two skeletons kids enter the forbidden forest there, he can't follow them so send what he knows immediately to us ", the king sat on his chair relief a little then said firmly " tell Vida to come here ", the servant bowing again and left.
The king know thinking how to enter that forest he doesn't has any idea if there something live there, his thoughts cut by entering his best friend and ex-lover Vida a goat monster and a pure blood vampire with stronger magic of life like she the life herself.
Vida hug the king when he stands up from his chair said softly " Death I heard they found them, is it true? ", Death hug her back and said " yes, they enter the far west forbidden forest, we will take trip to there, the west village take a long 3 to 4 days if we go now ", they separate from the hug and Vida nods to Death and tell him she will be ready in 10 minutes.
His servant make everything ready for him and Vida, but they stopped by the pure vampires council, they begin till Death that a stupid idea to leave the kingdom to go to the far west village, that place is for the punished people or the poorest one and the un-pure blood vampire, not for the king and his best friend and his royal servants, Death give them angry glared and said angry " another bullshit talk and one of you will become my snack now ".
They shut up knowing how powerful Death is, they bow in apologize for their actions and hope for him a nice trip, in the trip Death still worried that will be a lie to bring him there, his dark area become thick and powerful.
Vida notice that and put her paw on his shoulder using some little of her magic to calm him down, it's not good for his magic to become uncontrolled, his magic area will kill immediately anyone had a normal magic or state around him, Death calm and little relax, he has to wait until they arrive to the village to know if that right or not.
The servant who drive the cart that pulled by two beast horse, said " my lord, I can if let me of course reduce the time to reach that village to 12 hours, you can with miss. Vida resting until we arrive cause the sun will come up in 10 minutes ", Death know what his servant mean, using the teleport magic will be a good, but they can't use it for the long distances, so his servant will use it for like he said, Death said calmly " good thinking Wexr, you can do it, we will be in your care ", Death trust Wexr so much, that he will rest like he said with Vida beside him, until the reach the village.
~ Time Skip to 5 p.m. ~
In the huge woody house in the middle of the forest, the sun still up but with the huge trees surrounding the house barely the sun-light come in so the little vampires is fine to woke up now. The Dad was in the kitchen made some breakfast to his children and the little skeleton dragon who wake up early and ask about his brother with some insult in it.
The Dad shushed gently the skele-dragon when he want say a bad word " dear Edge, you know the rule here, I know your brother it's okay with that but I have a small kids here, and you don't want them to repeat such bad word like that in front me .. are you? ", Edge shook his head with apologize to the Dad knowing that he had nothing with the lazy shit liar that he had it as big brother.
Diego and Marx were behind the house cutting some wood for the fire, the winter was so close, and their number increased than the last time so the house had to be warmly so no one will be sick, Crystal with Karen helping their Dad and put the plates on the table and they put three more plates for Goth, Palette and Edge the new ones.
Ramon and Zack with the fairies' twins play with them or read for them in the living room, the breakfast was ready, Zack called Diego and Marx, their Dad say he will go to check on the new guest while that they can start eating, he left the kitchen and went to upstairs.
Marx began to speak and said calmly " so what about the new ones? ", Crystal and Ramon look at Diego who growled at this " why me ", then he tell Marx almost everything, skip the cut part and his talk with their Dad, but Marx did not mind it, " Goth the vampire and Palette the skele-monster, they really young to be send here, for something to related with Dad, until they woke up I'll know " Marx thoughts, he was overprotected type that he will not let anyone get close from his family member with not knowing what they want.
Some side talks between Ramon and Zack, Crystal teasing Diego, Karen helping Edge to let him finish all his plate and the twins asking Marx with puppy eyes if they can eat some sweets before their Dad come down.
Meanwhile their Dad knocked the room's door calmly, he did not heard answer, so he open the door, find the other boy was awake but trembling terrified in Goth's bed while hug Goth not looking at who enter the room.
A soft and sobbing pleading can heard from Palette when he heard the foots steps coming close to the bed he and Goth on it, he pleading to the stranger behind him to not hurt Goth, he can had him.
The Dad's soul aching at this scene, he wants hug the poor kid tell him he will not do anything to him or his friend, but he knows if he touches him now, everything will be worse so he take some steps back and said gently " oh no dear, I'm not doing anything to you or your friend, do you remember anything before you wake up here? ", Palette felt little relax to hear some gentle voice full of honest, he turn to see who the owner of that voice to see a cloaked little tall and big skeleton with the hood off he can see the white eras with red on the tips and that skele-tail who moved from side to side slowly on the tip a whit with red colored, he notice that the skeleton had a black patch on his right eye that had a scar like claw or something sharp did that, and a kind smile on his face making Palette relaxing more.
Palette now remember that he met a werewolf and vampire then a human girl who kissed him, he begins blushing at this memory, the Dad know that look, he knew the kid remember everything so he talk again softly " my name is Geno and the kids whose bring here with your friend are my children, don't worry Palette you and Goth are save here .. in my forest ", Palette gasp at this, the forbidden forest is private property that weird.
Geno wait for what Palette want to ask or do anything patiently, Palette let go off Goth who woke up looking at Palette then at Geno, he backed when he saw Geno but Palette calm him down tell him that everything is okay that Geno is a good person.
Goth shook his head not believing Palette's word, but when Palette mention that Geno is mythic beast not one of the monsters there, and this his property, Goth calm a bit, then Geno tell him from his place that there some new clothes they can change by them and tell them he will wait out until they finish to go down and meet the rest.
After 10 minutes Goth and Palette left the room wearing some comfort clothes and saw Geno on side of stairs, he offers his hand to Palette when he saw him can't walk in good way, Goth want to help but he was younger than Palette, so he can't handle his weight, so Palette accept with a little hesitation and let Geno pick him up like his weight nothing.
They come down to see everyone in the living room some of them sitting on the couch and the rest on the floor, Geno clear his throat to attracts their attention, they all look at him stop doing what they do, Marx look at the little one who hid behind their Dad in automatic action from all the stares on him, Geno give a low chuckled when he felt Goth's hand grip the back of his cloak little tightly.
He said kindly " now now, stop stare at them, you know it's unpolite to do it, let's begin interduce to them .. okay? ", Goth felt comfortable when they stop and move to become beside Geno, the others begin say their names and when come to Crystal she winked at Palette who embarrass and blushing darkly at that when she said her name and their Dad sigh he knew she ignored their talk before the breakfast about her way to use her magic.
They finish the interduce them self and Goth and Palette do the same then Geno lead the two kids to the kitchen and put Palette on one of the chair and tell softly to Goth to sit while he put for them some food, 5 minutes and front Goth and Palette few plates full of all kind of food and close to Goth some blood bags if he need to drink.
They look at the food hungry, Palette start eating while Goth just stare at it, Geno said softly " is there a problem with food dear? ", Goth shook his head and push the plate away and said lowly " why are you so kind with us?, especially after what happen yesterday ", Geno answer the question while he give Palette some water " oh forget about that Goth, I'm kind because it's part from my personality I can't change it * chuckled a bit * so don't bother about it "
Goth still felt a little sham, after all Geno helped him to recover his magic but he can't help that he remembers how the mythic hunters treat him and Palette before they succeed at running, he felt hand on his skull pat it kindly, and then he felt a soft kiss on it, he blushes and start eating feeling like begin in home again.
Geno felt good when Goth start eating, he sat on the chair cross the table watching the two kids eating, the sun completely gone, and Marx stand up and come close to their Dad to tell him it the time to leave for the training and study on the closet mythic village, he will take Diego, Edge and Ramon with him.
Geno nods and stand up make everything ready for his children little trip, then on the house door saying goodbye and little hug before they leave, Edge was refusing the hug but one look from Marx make him change his mind and accepted immediately then they left all of them wearing a little turn scarf on their wrist, Geno snap his bony fingers making the barrier become weak again and closing the house's door.
Crystal and Zack will have to go to the magic training in the nearby monsters and humans' village after two hours, but the rest begin teaching and training by their Dad most the time they play, Goth and Palette finish all plates satisfied that their non- exist stomach is full, Geno take the plates to clean them, Goth offering help, but Geno refuse kindly and tell him to go with Palette to knowing more about the others.
Goth sigh defeated and went to living room seeing that human girl close to him make him felt angry, he come beside Palette and pull him away from Crystal and said with sharp eyes " mine " Palette now was blushing darkly looking at the ground, Geno who come now chuckled at the scene and Crystal just shrug and send fly kiss to Goth and Palette before going to her and Karen room.
Goth's anger turns to confuse " why she did that? " Goth thoughts, he sat with Palette on the couch, he did not talk much, most the talk was Palette and the others, when the time up for Zack and Crystal Geno take another cloak a thick one and telling Karen to take care of the rest and tell Goth and Palette they can do anything they want it's their house also.
When he out the house he pick up Crystal and Zack with his strong arms and they grip their dad cloak little tightly knowing what he will do, a dark skele-wings appear on Geon back, he can't teleport that for sure and he can't enter that village in a normal way, so he fly with his two children to one of his friend house that he close that village and his children can enter like they was part of his friend family, Goth was shocked it's his first time to see a skeleton wings and when Geno flap his wings to rise from the ground there no sound, it's amazing and scary in the same time, and with another flap Geno left.
Palette start talk little nervous " hey Karen it's your Dad a werewolf with fly magic ", Goth want to know, they both think that Geno is a werewolf from the tail and the eras but know that not make any sense, Karen chuckled a bit and said simply " oh no Dad is amalgamate the unknowing beast, that he what he told us, do you want me to give a tour in this big house? ", Goth and Palette shocked they never heard about a Amalgamates kind that was new but then Goth said grip Palette arm little tightly " we will not stay, we have to back to our home ", Karen look at them and said calmly " where is your home? ", Goth did not trust to tell her or not, but he did not have another option.
He said, " the vampire king's castle ", Karen gasped and said, " you two from the kingdom, it's so far from here, wait for Dad, you can't go alone the mythic hunters very active on the night ", the fairies twins tag Karen's dress to play with them, she invite Goth and Palette, Palette accept and go with them but Goth refuse and just sat on the couch thinking about his Father.
~ Meanwhile ~
The cart arrive to the village and Death and Vida were awake, Wexr drive them to one of the houses and stop the cart, he get off from the cart and open the door for Death and Vida whose get out and fixing their clothes and start walking, Wexr walk behind them, Death knock the door of the house and few second the door open, " Encre?? ", Death half-yelling from the surprise, front him Encre Fallacy's husband, Encre look at Death surprise as well, he takes step back and let Death, Vida and Wexr enter the house then close the door.
Fallacy was on the armchair reading some book he looks up and put the book on the side table and stand up when he saw Death, they shack hands and Death said " Fallacy what you doing here? ", Fallacy give a dark shackled and said " Death did you forget, I been punish for turning Encre to vampire, they let me choice were I can live with my husband and my son with his lover, so I choice the place I have my own house in it ", Death remember that, it's forbidden to one of the royal family or the pure blood vampire to love or even turn anyone to vampire, Fallacy was the king but he fall in love with the mortal and when that mortal become seriously ill, he turn him to vampire and his son Jasper make his butler Suave, he take his father way and turn him also.
Suave enter the living room and said, " oh lord Death you are here, I'm who give the information about your son and his friend ", Death become front Suave and said " are they on that forest? ", Suave nods and said " yes lord Death, I saw your son with the red scarf and his friend enter the forest there the mythic hunters stop follow them ", " I knew it, that son of b**ch, when I get my hand on him I'll kill him " Death thoughts, he was going out but Fallacy grab him from his cloak make him stop then he let go and said " Death you don't know about that forest, I'll go with you ", Death sigh and said " fine ", he, Fallacy and Vida will go to the forest, while Wexr will stay with Fallacy's family.
Words: 3067, I become so excited ;-;
Author_Gen~ OUT
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