The Sexy Girl...

Brendon Urie POV...

So before we left Ashley alone in the room. Andy made some spaghetti for her to eat, but after we left I decided to come back in the room to make sure she was okay, and she was asleep.

I wanted to go lay down with her and kiss her lips and sleep in the bed with her.

As I was about to leave she woke up and asked me. "Brendon, Will you take me to the bathroom?"

So then I went over to the desk and grabbed the handcuffs and walked over to her, uncuffed one of her hands then handcuffed it to me and then uncuffed the other hand and helped her walk to the bathroom, I pulled her underwear down for her and she sat down on the toilet.

And she cried as she used it, she started talking to herself about something, that I couldn't hear. "Are you alright Babygirl?"

She looked up at me and said. "No. And why do you care?"

"Because, I do..."

"Please let me go."


"Are you going to kill me?"


"Why not?"

"Because we don't want to."

"Then what do you want?" And as she said that I smirked at her and walked closer to her and touched her face and said in her ear. "Romantic things."

"Please sir... Don't..."

"Sir? Don't? Don't what?"

"Romantic things... Means sex and shit like that doesn't it?"

"You don't want to have sex with me?"

"I'm scared." She said as she was crying.

"Babygirl. Why are you scared?"

"Andy.... And you.... Have me here... And had me handcuffed to a bed... And now I'm handcuffed to you... So please don't hurt me, kill me, or have sex with me..."

"I won't... Hurt or kill you. But you can't possibly ask me not to have sex with you..."

"But why?"

"Because look at yourself..."

"That's the only reason why you even cared about me.... Isn't it?"

"Babygirl... Please don't do this."

"I'm done Brendon." She said as she got up and flushed the toilet, then pulled up her underwear then we went back to the room and I had to handcuff her back to the bed, I sighed then uncuffed her from me and cuffed her back to the bed again... "Sir, Can I ask something?"

"Sure baby." I said as I sat on her belly and I think that I scared her when I was on her.

"What's going to happen to me?" And as she asked that Andy came in and laughed at her question and said to me.

"Brendon! Why the fuck are you in here?" And as he asked that he pushed me off of her and said. "She's mine! I only asked you to friend her just to get her in my house again and in my bed. And it worked so thank you, but you won't be touching her ever again. You understand?" As he said that he got closer to her then he sat on her belly and said. "Oh, baby don't cry about it..." He said as he wiped her tear off of her cheek.

"No, get away from me!" She screamed at him.

"No bitch." He said as calmly as ever.

"Please I'm begging you don't do this to me please."

"Awe that's so cute! But it isn't that easy..."

"What's not?"

"Your mine now. No one is looking for you. No one seems to care."

"Stop it." She screamed as she was crying, and Andy said to me.

"God! Brendon please shut her up!" Andy yelled at me.

"How do you expect me to shut her up?"

"Stick your dick in her mouth." As he said that she stopped screaming and crying and talking all together.

Then he touched her face and said to her. "Thank you For shutting up."

And when he said that she silently started to cry and I kissed her on the lips to get her to not cry, and Andy said. "I said stick your dick in her mouth. Not fucking kiss her..."

"Leave her alone."

"Oh. So you want to act like a hero who will save the damsial in distress?"

"You broke our deal... So yes!"

"Your deal?" She asked me.

And Andy smirked at her and said. "Yes Babygirl, our deal..."

"What was this deal?"

"The deal was about you sexy... It's where Brendon gets to take you to his house for one week every month. But I simply won't allow it... Your mine!"

"She's mine too! In case you have forgotten..."

"You made a deal about me?" She asked us with tears in her eyes.

And Andy smirked at her and she cried more...

"Baby-" She cut me off.

"No. Don't Babygirl me! You lied to me then you have the nerve to treat me like a thing? Like I'm not a person? You both are sick! You Brendon Urie are not what I imagined you to be! Now let me go so I can go cry in peace!" I saw Andy actually uncuffed her and she ran to the closet and shut the closet door, and sat down and cried.

Ashley POV,

So I was really upset and ran into the closet to be alone with my thoughts and process everything that is happening to me.

After I've finally processed everything I got up and walked out of the closet to go and find Brendon, but when I tried to open the door I couldn't for some reason, so I decided to beat on the door to get Brendon's attention.

When he didn't come open the door, I got curious so I walked over to the desk and looked at Andy's computers, I nearly fainted when I saw my house on his computer, I couldn't help it so I screamed. "NO!!!!!!"

Then he came in and saw me standing in front of his computer looking at it and he laughed at me in a creepy stalker kind of way then I was stupid enough to ask. "You really have been watching me?!?!?" Then he started walking towards me and smirked at me then he pinned me up against the wall and said.

"What's it look like baby...?" Then I started to cry and tried to get away from him.

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"Have you been watching me?"

"Ever since my party three years ago, I followed you to the football game."

"If you did that... Then why didn't you try to help me? And be a hero."

"The time wasn't right. That was supposed to happen for a reason Babygirl, so was me killing Dean I had to baby, he was going to make sure that you stayed away from me." He said as he put his hand on my boob and squeezed it and I tried to get him to get away from me, but it wouldn't work!

"Get off of me! Get away from me!"

"Please stop this you are mine!"

"Where's Brendon?" When I asked that his lower half got really close to my lower half of my body, and he smirked at me when he was doing this. "Please Andy, stop this. Your better than this."

"NO!!! Bitch! You are mine!" Then he smirked at me again and touched my legs and he pulled my underwear off of me and pulled me to the bed and threw me down on the bed and handcuffed me to the bed and he took his clothes off and started kissing me on the lips, as he was kissing me he decided to kiss my lips down to my boob, and when he got down to my boob he bit me and said. "Mmmm. How's my little slut?"

"I'm not a slut. But you are scaring me..."

"You are my slut! And I'm sorry I don't mean to scare you Babygirl..."


"If I were you I wouldn't be yelling at me right now." He said as he smirked at me and put his hand on my leg and went up my leg to my vagina.

"Please, I'm begging you. Don't do this to me please." Then he looked at my breast and said.

"I want to bite your boobs again." Then I looked at the person who was coming into the room, and it wasn't who I thought it would be.

"Dean?" I asked faintly, and the person laughed at me and so did Andy. "What's going on Andy?"

"You have to know already sexy."

"Know what?"

"Dean never died. Sweetheart, we set it all up just to get a hold of you... I never imagined that you would fall in love with Dean... I mean for crying out loud, he tried to rape you... When you were at my party... Mmmmm Baby I like you and want you to kiss me sexy."

"Your sick!"

"In case you forgot I am still on top of you. So don't be fucking stupid... Little slut."

"So Dean lied to me? He never loved me?"

"Oh sweetheart, I didn't lie to you. I do love you so much Babygirl. But you see he's my cousin... I had to help him with his plan... But I never once thought that I would start to fall in love with you. At least not until it happened." Dean said as he was walking over to me and kissed me on the lips and I tried to bite him then Andy slapped me and said.

"If you bite anyone it will be me!" Then I started to cry and tried to get out from under him and as I was doing that I had to talk to Dean.

"So I have a question."


"Your body. How did you do that?"

"Do what? Make it look dead and lifeless?"


"I have a twin brother."

"So you killed an inoccent boy?"

"He wasn't inoccent. Listen he is a pedophile he was at my game he was watching you... He was going to get to you... I told him that if he wanted to touch you that he has to help us... But I didn't tell him that he had to die in order to help me..."

"That explains why as he was dying he had touched my boob and squeezed it.... Don't hurt me! Where is Brendon! Please let me know where he is...."

"Why do you care? I mean he did trick you so I could finally see you again."

"Please just tell me."

"Fine I told him to go over to your house." Then he uncuffed me and forced me to get up and look at his computer, I saw Brendon on my couch with Sarah making out.

I tried to look away, but Andy and Dean wouldn't let me, they held my head still and said at the same time. "Watch it! He doesn't love you! He loves her!"

"Please stop. Your hurting my feelings!"

"No! We won't stop until you believe us!"

"Believe you?"



"He doesn't really love you!"

"I don't want to see this! Please let me go." I screamed at them both as I cried.

Then Dean grabbed my head and turned it to his face to look me in the eyes and said. "Babygirl, please don't make us hurt you!"

"Please Dean, let me go...."

"Why are you being like this to me?"

"You made me think you died! So tell me... How do you think I should act towards someone that tricked me into thinking that he died?" I asked him as I was crying harder.

"Baby, let me explain."

"No! You guys are sick! Now let me go!"

"So you don't love me anymore?"

"You just fucking hurt my feelings! So I don't know anymore..."

"No cussing at me... Even though it is hot coming from you...."

"Ok and uh thanks."

"Your so beautiful."


"Welcome sexy."

"Andy, was slapping me part of your plan???"

"When you said that Dean was supposed to be your first?"


"No. But it actually made me mad."

"Please let go of my arms it's hurting me."

"Fine. But no running away. You understand?"


"Good girl." Andy said as he kissed me.

"Let me go home?"

"No..." Then I kicked him in the balls and then tried to kick Dean but he was too fast and grabbed my leg.

"Let my leg go!" Then he smirked at me and said.

"Now why on earth would I ever let your leg go after you kicked my cousin?"

Then I looked behind me and he had already got back up and, Andy smirked at me and said. "Oh, little bitch you shouldn't of done that."

"Let me go then!"

"No! You are not going anywhere! Except for back to the bed..." Then I started to cry and tried to get my leg out of Dean's hands.

Then I did and I picked something up and threw it at them and started to run away. "Bitch don't you dare!"

Andy screamed at me, and then he said to Dean. "Go get her!" Then they both start running after me and I got to the front door but, no matter what I couldn't open it I think I was shaking too much.

Andy and Dean started slowly surrounding me, I was trapped.

They were treating me like they were lions and I was their prey.... And the closer they got the more scared I was. "Why the fuck can't I open the damn door?!?!" I screamed at myself and they laughed at me.

Dean got right behind me and said in my ear. "Mmmm. How I missed this ass of yours..."

"Dean stop it! I will escape!"

"Shut up bitch!" He said as he pushed me closer to the door and then said. "Good luck trying to get away from us.."

After he said that he held me against the door while he was trying to take his pants and boxers off then as I feel his skin against my skin I realize what he is doing. "Dean, no please don't! I am so sorry for kicking your cousin and for throwing something at you... Please just don't!"

"Shut up and stop that you are pissing me off! Now fucking take this like a good little girl and not fight me!"

"Please don't..." I said as I started to cry and tried to get out from in between him and the door.

"Bitch! Don't cry! Remember you love the feeling of me inside of you..."

"I used to."

"No! You still do! And I will prove it to you..."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Right now?"


"Fuck this ass of yours." As he said that he slapped my ass and squeezed it and then he moved his arms around my body and said in my ear. "Then fuck Your vagina. Then make you take a shower then lay in bed with you until you fall asleep."



"Your friend made me go on a date with him and he tried to rape me..."

"All that shows is that you are too hot for your own good..." He said as he started kissing the back of my neck and then he starts softly going inside then after an hour or so he starts going further inside me and harder everytime.

"Dean? Stop. Pl-" he didn't let me finish talking and instead of that he taped my mouth shut then pulled my hair as he started thrusting behind me and I couldn't stop myself from this point on, I started to try and moan but I couldn't because the tape and then I felt kisses go down the back of my neck.

After a while or so I heard him start laughing at me then said. "And here I thought that you said that you didn't like the feeling of me inside of you baby."

"Hm hmm hmm hmmmm."

"What baby?" He said as he pulled the tape off of my lips and I cried and said.

"I said I didn't really know."

"Oh ok well anyways you make me so hard baby..."

"Um... Ok."

"Sh... Let's go have sex... Oh how I missed you baby."

"Whatever." I said as I ran to the couch and laid down and cried... Then he came over and sat on the coffee table and said... "Baby? What's wrong? Didn't you miss me too?"

"Did I?" I sat up and looked him in the eyes and said. "Of course, I missed you. Everytime I thought about you I nearly tried to kill myself... Because I missed you so much Dean."

"Now, I feel bad..."

"Sh... Dean you don't have to feel bad."

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because I should die..."

"Don't fucking say that ever again!" He screamed at me as he got up and pinned me down to the couch and laid down on top of me and kissed me on the lips and said. "Do you remember what I told you that day?"

"When you kidnapped me?"


"I asked you why you saved me I think.... And you said something I don't know what really..."

"Baby, I said that the world would be a really bad place without you here..."

"Dean. Thanks but... Please get off of me."

"No! I need to feel your body against mine...."

"For how long?" And why?"

"I don't know. And because I have been away from you for a long time and I'm scared that I'm starting to forget how your body feels."

"Is that even possible?"

"I might be a bit over dramatic right now but shush..."

"So... How come you never had any more parties Andy?"

"I don't know."

"Ok... So Dean after you have sex with me can we go over to my house so I can get everything I need..."

"Maybe baby."

"Cool. Uh De-" he cut me off again and kissed me on the lips and said... "Baby please just shut up and enjoy alright....?"

"Ok." Then he started to fuck me, as we were fucking I couldn't help but stare at his shirtless body, those toned abs against my belly, he smirked at me then kissed me on the lips and bit my bottom lip when he let go and said.

"Mmmm baby. You still like my body. Don't ya?" And as he said that Brendon came in with his hand in his wife's hand and I pushed Dean off of me and as I saw his hand I started to tear up so I got up and ran upstairs to the bathroom and locked myself in the bathroom alone and got in the shower and turned it on and sat down and cried.

Brendon POV,

So my wife and I are going back to Andy's house but, I soon find out that she is on the couch getting fucked by the man who is supposed to be dead.

And I guess she saw Sarah and I holding hands because she pushed Dean off of her and ran back upstairs to cry.

So I let go of Sarah's hand and ran after her, I saw her run into the bathroom I heard her start crying. "Sweetheart, come on let me explain!"

"No! There's no need to. You love her and that's that..."

"But sweetie."


"Let me in baby!"

"Fine!" She screamed at me as she was crying then opened the door and walked back to the shower and sat down on shower floor.

I walked in and then shut the door behind me then locked it to make sure no one interrupt us.

I didn't want my clothes to get wet so I took them off of me and once I was naked I walked over to her and kissed her lips and said. "Babygirl, why did you run back upstairs when you saw me?"

"I'm naked...."

"That's a lie. You didn't run because you were naked. Please tell me the truth baby..."

"Fine... I was fucking jealous... There happy now?"

"Jealous? Of what?"

"I saw you both on my couch. Doing what we were doing yesterday."


"Yeah. And it hurt because I was falling for you. Then they forced me to keep watching. Then I kicked Andy and tried to do the same to Dean but he grabbed my leg and then I somehow managed to get away from them then they ran after me and I couldn't seem to stop shaking long enough to open the door then Dean fucked my ass then he said something to me and I ran to the couch and laid down and cried. And I told him how I had wanted to die and he told me to never say that again. Then he started to fuck me again..." She said really fast.

"Oh... Baby... I don't think that he actually loved you if he made you think he died...."

"I love you so much, but you love her... Not me..." She said with tears in her eyes...

"I love you both baby. Don't make me choose between y'all. Please."

"Whatever you say."

"Ok... So do you want to go back downstairs?"

"Why do you act like you care about me?"

"Like I said before, it's not a act.... I really do care about you..."

"I don't care anymore." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Babygirl, stop crying. And you need to care."


"Because, life would suck if you spent the rest of your life being sad and not caring about anything ever again."

Then I helped her up and then she looked at my body then hers and then she pushed me up against the shower wall and she started to kiss me on the lips and said. "Please. You are the only guy here that hasn't got to yet. It's your turn Brendon."

Then I smiled and said. "Baby no. I know that you don't really want me to have sex with you. And my wife is here...."

"Just do it! You will at some point in time! So why not now?"

"Baby calm down. And no! In case you have forgotten I am not allowed to touch you."


"Yeah so lets go." Then I put my clothes back on and said. "Babygirl, turn off the water and let's go."

Then she did as I told her, we left the bathroom and went downstairs and I walked over to my wife again and she tried not to cry. "I'll be back y'all. I promise you that I will." She said as she ran outside to her house and got some clothes and put them on.

She had actually came back over and Dean smiled at her and said. "Now that's my girl." When he said that he slapped her ass causing her to jump.

It pissed me off that he pretended to be dead and hurt her feelings...

He doesn't love her! I do.... Andy... Says he loves her... But have you seen the way he treats her??? I love her so much...

"Dean, please don't slap my ass..."

"Ok... So did you bring your bikini's?"

"Yes why?"

"Wanna go swimming?"

"So... Does Macy know that you faked your own death?"

"No! And she's not going to. Got it baby?" He said as he put his hand around her neck.

I butted in and pulled his hand away from her neck. "You Bastered! She was just asking! She wasn't going to tell her..."

"Anyways, if I did she wouldn't of believed me. Because everytime I tried to kill myself I saw you.."

"Awe! And I'm sorry about the neck thing..."

"Sure you are!" I said to him as she had went to the bathroom to change into her bikini.

"I'm back..." Then next thing I know is that Dean went over to her and kissed her lips and told her.

"Get on your knees."

"But why?"

"Because, I told you to."

"Don't be that way to her!"

"Fine. Go get in the pool babe. Me and Brendon here will meet you there later... Andy watch her... Make sure that she doesn't drown! Like she nearly did at your stupid party three years ago." Then Andy and her went outside and left me alone with Dean and my wife. "Will you go watch Andy watching her? I need to talk to him alone."

I gulped looking at Dean. "Alone?"

"Yes, alone."

"But why?"

"You'll find out." Then he turned to my wife and said. "Now please go now and watch him and make sure he doesn't hurt her..."

"Okay." Then she went outside and I was a bit confused..



"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"It's about, Ash... She is mine... You understand? So don't come around here and hugging, kissing, pressing your body against hers ever again you got me? If you do any of the stuff that I said not to then I'll have to kill you, Got that!"

"Hold on there... You don't own her! And she loves me!"

"I fucking do to own her! She's mine! I will kill you if you try to take her away from me! In fact... If my cousin doesn't stop bossing me around I'll kill him and keep her for myself! Mmnn, what I can only do to her then..."

"Your gross!"

"Shut up little Bastered! She is mine and that's final!"

"Fine. Can we just go outside now?"

"Sure..." Then we go outside in the backyard... And she was by the pool with Andy.

Andy was kissing her and trying to dry fuck her and then Dean kicked him off of her and he fell in the pool, luckily for him he didn't hit anything.

"Dean! What was that for!?!?"

"She's mine now! Just mine! Not ours... Mine! Got it?"

"Too bad! She's either ours or mine... Not yours bitch! Why do you think that I had you pretend to be dead!"

"Because she wouldn't of cared if it was you!" Then to get away from the fight she jumped into the pool and swimmed to the other side of the pool and accidentally hit her head and when she came up she was crying and holding onto her head.

And I helped her out of the pool and said. "Guys! Stop fighting long enough to help the person that you are fighting over!"

"Let's take her to the hospital!" Dean said as he ran over to her and picked her up and took her to my tour bus.

Dean, Andy, me, Ashley, and Sarah all were in the tour bus and my driver drove as fast as he could and we got there.

And apparently Macy was on her contact list if she had got hurt so they called her and her eyes went wide when she saw Dean. "Brother? I thought you died?"

"No. I only let people think that..."

"I knew that the body was our Kevin but no one believed me, so I decided to let it go. But then she started saying that you were going to her house every time she tried to kill herself I knew that she thought that it was your ghost, Wow.... Wait how'd she react?"

"Shut up Macy! Why are you even here? I know that ever since I first started pretending to be dead you stopped being her friend, all you ever did was use the girl! Now leave!"

Then she came in and walked over to her and kissed her lips and said. "Babe? How are you doing?"

"Babe? Since when do you call any- oh my god!!! Your dating her! Aren't you? Macy! Answer me!"

"What's it to ya? You pretended to be dead. And yes I am. So what?"

"That explains why you two were kissing each other on her bed." Andy said.

"And you. My dear stupid cousin.... You not only spyed on my girlfriend... But you also fucking kidnapped her! And for what? To fucking rape her!"

"You took my girlfriend though! And does dad know?"

"Of course not! And you died remember?"

"So! And you do know that I kissed her on the lips so many times... And had my dick inside that beautiful mouth of hers?"

"So you sick bastered! She loves me more!"

"Your a fucking girl! You can't possibly give her pleasure... Like I can!"

"I can..."

"Whatever.... She's mine! So y'all are breaking up...."

"No! You can't make her!"

"Stay here let me talk to her first..."


"Brendon I mean alone..."

"Okay..." Then he walked into the room by himself.

Dean POV,

So I go into her hospital room. Last time I was here with her, was when I kidnapped her back then she was nearly dying, because I was stupid and brought her with me to meet my drug dealer. Now, she's here, because of me and Andy fighting with each other about her and to not hear it she jumped into the pool and swam to the other side of the pool and accidentally hit her head on the pool wall.

"God, I'm sorry! Why...? Why now? God... Please don't take her from me.. I love her! I know what I did was wrong... I should have never pretended to be dead... Please I'm begging you don't take her from me God!"

Then she all of a sudden woke up.

"Thank you God."

"Dean?" She faintly asked me as she was rubbing her head.

"Yes baby."

"Were you just talking to God?"


"So.... Let me guess.... You know about me and your sister?"

"Yes... Can I just ask why her?"

"Don't tell her this.... But she reminded me of you..."

"Awe so cute! So you were just using her so you could feel better?"

"I guess you could say that."

"So you do love me more than her right?"


"Then break up with her... Baby."

"I... I... I... Can't..."

"And why's that?"

"Because when you were gone.... She was.... The only one that stayed with me..."


"Please... I love you."

"Then tell my sister..."

"You... Tell her please... I can't hurt her..."

"Fine... But kiss me first."

"Okay." Then she kissed me on the lips and hugged me and said. "Don't ever pretend to be dead ever again please."

"I love you so much Babygirl. I won't ever hurt you like that ever again baby." Then my sister ran into the room and hugs her and said.

"Babe? Are you alright did Andy or my dumbass of a brother hurt you? Babe, if they did I will kill them both!"

"No! No killing anyone!"

"Okay fine. But you took the fun out of punishing them...."

"They didn't... It was an accident."

"Okay babe."

"Um sister can we go talk and catch up on everything?"

"Sure. I guess." Then she turned to Ashley and said. "Love ya baby."

Then we left and went to the hospital's cafeteria. "She told me that you stayed by her side when I was "dead" so I am so happy that you were..."

Then she looked at me weird and said. "Do you even really care?"

"Of course I care stupid little bitch!"

"Then why'd you pretend to be dead?"

"I had to or Andy was going to kidnap her..."

"He did kidnap her."

"I was following her around to keep her safe and out of danger...."

"What good you did then... Because four weeks after you "died" your best friend John took her out on a date and he forced her to drink some beer or something like that then took her to his house and he raped her repeatedly over and over again all night long, I only know that because I followed them and stayed outside I watched it happen! I was about to call the police but... Kevin came up behind me and said that if I did he'd come after me.... So I had to go home... Then in the morning at school she wore the same clothes as yesterday and she tried to keep her distance from John ever since that... But he kept pulling her closer to him so... She decided to never leave her house ever again."

"That is why she never left. And according to her she kept seeing guys outside her house watching and waiting for her to come out..."

"I didn't even know that he would do that..... Can you just go back to being her friend? Please."

"She needs me. Brother..."

"I know but not like this... She needs you as a friend...."

"You just want her to be yours again."

"That and she wants you to only be her friend."

"I have to help her stay safe...."

"She's safe with me sister. But I would love for you to go live with me and her, to help me watch her....."


"Alright.... And remind me to pay John a visit."

"Um... About that he's already here... I kinda been living with him... Our mom and dad kicked me out because I wouldn't let it go... That you weren't dead. And John took me in this was like 2 days after she got raped... He won't let me move.... I think that he's afraid that I am going to tell someone."

"Tell him your moving in with Ashley..."

"He won't let me."

"Tell him he has to..."

"No! I can't!"

"You can't what?" Andy said as he came over...

"Wait a minute." I said as I looked at Andy then to my sister... "If your here... Then who's with Ashley?"

"Brendon and Sarah...."


Brendon and Sarah walked in, and said. "Her doctor said that she needed sleep and that no one should be in her room right now..."

"Alright." Then I looked out the window and I saw someone carrying her out of the hospital. "Brendon!"


"Someone has her!" I screamed as I ran after them, as I was getting closer I could tell that it was John holding her. "John fucking let her go!"

"Dean? No it can't be..." Then he turned around and she looks at me like 'help me please' and she had tape on her mouth.

"John... I fucking said... Let her fucking go!"

"But your dead... How are you here alive and well?"

"I have my secrets.... Now let her go!"

"Tell me something.... Do you know about our date?"

"Yes. I also know about the fact that you raped her...!"

"It wasn't rape she asked me for it..." And as soon as he said that I looked pissed at him and she shook her head no.

"Baby you alright?" Then she shook her head no again.

"Bitch don't lie!" John screamed at her.

"Stop it! Let her go!"

"No! She's too fun to play with!"

"Let her go now! Or I'll kill you!"

"Kill me do it you won't." Then he threw her down onto the hard ground.

"Dean he hurt me..."

"Shut up little bitch! You little slutty whore! God, you were so fun that night... All except for the fact that you kept calling me Dean... Damn you made a real good impression on her sexual life...."

"She is mine!"

Then he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up against his body. "Stop it now!" Then he slapped her in the face all because I told him to stop. "Your hurting her!"

"That's kinda the point."

"Bastard!" Then he slapped her in the face again and said.

"You really don't get it. Do you? She will be mine or else something bad will happen to her." Then she bit him on the arm and he let go and she ran to me.

"Go to Brendon baby." Then she ran to Brendon and he started chasing after her saying.

"Come back here bitch!"

Ashley's POV...

So... John just tried to kidnap me? Wow... And he also found out that Dean is still alive.

I looked behind me for like a second and he started speeding up so I run away faster than before and literally ran into Brendon and we both fell.

John laughed at me and Brendon because I fell onto him.

Brendon smiled at me and said really quietly. "Why is it that you are so much cuter when your on top of me?"

"I don't know."

"I wonder what it would feel like with you under me." And as he said that he had a piece of my hair and put it behind my ear and was about to kiss me but then Sarah said.

"Excuse me, but get off of him. Please."

"Sorry Sarah.." And as soon as I said that I tried to get up but he pulled me back down on top of him, then he rolled over onto me holding me down to the ground.

"Brendon? What's going on with you? Your kind of scaring me..."

Then he smirked at me and said. "Your mine now. Sweetheart, so stop fighting with me and stop trying to get up."

He was now smiling at me in a very creepy way and had his hands on my cheeks. "Stop it! Your not like this... Please st-"

He put his finger against my lips telling me to shut up, he smiled at me as he said. "Sh... Baby, First you don't know what I am like you see other then my music and my wife you know nothing about me... So sh... And come with me..." I didn't know what to do, all I knew was that a normal person would most likely of been crying right now so I forced myself to cry and he looked at me and smiled. "Baby. I know that those are fake tears." Then he smirked at me and got up.

He picked me up and carried to his bus bridal style, then put tape on my mouth then put some rope around me so tight that it was hurting me.

Then Sarah, Brendon, and I went to California, and I was confused and scared so I couldn't help but cry during the ride.

"God! You cry way too much!" Then I looked at him and tried to say something.

He ripped the tape off of my mouth. "Ow!"

"What were you trying to say?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just scared..."

"Can I tell you something baby?"


"When Andy told me about you. He said that you love my band... Tell me was he right?"

"If I told you. You would rape me."

"I'm going to anyway." He said with a smirk on his face and as he was getting up from his seat. "So just tell me..."

I gulped, then looked down at my feet and answered. "Yes."

"I knew it!" He said, and sat down on my lap and smiled at me as he was playing with my hair and pulled it backwards and then kissed me on my neck and the only thing that I remember is that once he was done he smirked at me and put my hair up in a ponytail and said. "I can't believe that Dean trusted me enough to be alone with you. Now he'll never see you ever again..." Then he started laughing in a very creepy way and next thing I know is that he kissed me and asked. "So are you hungry sweetie?"

"A little bit. Why?"

"Be my pet baby."

"Um... Please don't hurt me!"

"If you don't want to be hurt then you will listen to me baby."

"Yes sir." I said as I was crying and tried to look away from him but, he kept grabbing my face and forcing me to look at his face.

"Good girl."

"Don't! Please don't!" I screamed as I cried and he grabbed me by my hair and forced me to stand. "Come with me my sweet little princess..."

"Let me go! You creep! I hate you!"

"Oh sweetheart don't be that way to me." He said in a creepy yet loving and dreamy way... Omg even when he's creepy he's dreamy? What's wrong with me?

Why does everything that could go wrong seems to always happen to me? First my boyfriend pretends to be dead, then 3 years later I meet Brendon and he ends up helping Andy kidnap me, then he makes me fall in love with him, then Andy and Dean finally tell me that Dean is still alive.

"Please don't hurt me!"

"I won't." Then he took me inside his house and I begged him not to rape me but I'm afraid that, that is what he wants... He wants me to beg him not to rape or hurt me he likes it.

Five months later..

He mainly rapes me when he's drunk, or whenever we're home alone and he's bored.

He likes to play some of his songs as he's raping me, after he finishes he usually kisses me then leaves me alone.

He keeps me in the basement at night, and most of the time during the day he makes me do chores and stuff like that, I used to tell him no and when I did he used to slap me and pull me into the basement and rape me.



"P... P... P... Please-"

"I said sh... That means shut up in the nice way now shut up please." Then I looked down to the floor and cried.

And he just stood there looking at me, I am only allowed wear a bra and underwear, and I was cold afraid to try and grab the cover and lay down because if I did I was sure he'd try to either rape me or lay down with me.

"Sir... I'm cold can I please cover up?"

"Sure... Here." He grabbed the blanket and wrapped me up in it and he smirked at me and said. "Come here sweetheart." As he said that he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him and forced me to lay down by him.

"Brendon, please. I'm scared. Please stop hurting me like you do."

"Then no more telling me no." He said as he was playing with my hair and kissed me on the top of my head.

"Please sir... You don't have to be this way to me you could be nice and not rape me."

"Shut up my little girl. Don't forget your mine sweetheart. So stop this just enjoy the fact that you get to have sex with me...."

"What you are doing to me is not sex! It's rape! Your doing it without my consent and not only that but you do it when your drunk! And you punch and slap me."

"Only because you fucking tried to make me stop."

"You even made bruises on my body."

"I'm sorry baby... I never wanted to hurt you."

"I want to believe you but... I've been hurt way too many times to believe that."

"I understand. But I am sorry. I don't even remember hitting you."

"First time you did, it was because I kicked you and got up and tried to run towards the basement door but once I got there someone had shut the door and locked it. And locked me in here alone with you... I thought you cared about me when we first met.... But now... I'm afraid to even be around you... I'm afraid that you might end up killing me."

"I don't want to hurt you baby. Or scare you. Or kill you why on earth would I ever want to kill someone as gorgeous as you?"

I didn't know what to say after that so I just laid there in his arms crying my eyes out and once I realised that I was making his shirt wet because of my tears I sat up and wiped my tears away then said. "I'm sorry Brendon. You probably didn't want to know about any of that... And I am sorry about your shirt..."

"Does it hurt if I touch you on your belly? Because there's a big bruise there..."

"I'm sorry that I fight with you it's just that I am scared...."

"No baby. I should be the one whose apologizing. I should be saying sorry not you. I shouldn't of done that to you... And I am sorry..." Then he kissed me on the lips and said. "I'm going to the bar with my friends. So pray that I don't drink too much and forget everything we just talked about..."

"Wait! Does this mean that I don't get to have any dinner tonight?"

"No it doesn't. You will always be fed my pet."

"Please don't call me a pet."

"Please don't tell me what I can or can't call you my sweet little princess pet."

"Fine call me what you want!" I screamed at him as I started to cry and he looked at me with a crazed look in his eyes and when I saw the look I crawled away from him as fast as I could and got in the corner rocking back and forth trying to get the terrifying thoughts out of my mind. "Brendon please tell me something."

Then he walked over to me and looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Yes babe?"

"What's for dinner? And I do get to eat right? Because I'm hungry."

"Are you sure you can wait until dinner? I mean it's lunchtime right now and you didn't want to eat..."

"It's not that I don't want to eat It's just I feel like you are trying to drug me..."

"Sweetheart, I have you already why would I have to drug you? Oh and plus I don't drug my girls..."

"Are you going to kill me?"

"No, I'm not going to kill you." Then he looked at me and got right in front of me and kissed me on my forehead and said. "Come on babe let me feed you." And once he said that he helped me up and carried me upstairs to eat.

I asked him. "Can you put me down I can walk you know."

He laughed at me and said. "Yes I know I just love carrying you places."

"Oh okay... So... Can I have some food?"

"I'm sorry but you are the person who is going to make my husband some food while I'm gone today."

"No! Don't leave me alone with him! Please He hurts me..."

"I don't care sweetie." Then she left and I am in the kitchen and Brendon is looking straight at me with a smirk on his face.... "So babe, whatcha gonna make me to eat?"

"Uh.... Um.... Fried Bologna.... I mean that is all I know how to make besides eggs..." Then he slowly walks over to me and I start backing up and next thing I know is that he has me right up against the wall and I wanted to cry because of how close he is I'm so scared. "Brendon... Please I'm begging you please don't hurt me...."

He leaned over to kiss me on the lips and moved to my cheek then whispered in my ear. "Sweetheart, put the fried bologna in my eggs okay? Babe. I'm sorry that I scare you but it's a little hot seeing how you react.."

"Alright..." I made the eggs first, then the fried bologna and mixed them together like he asked me to do. Then he smiled at me as I handed him his plate.

Then he kissed me on the lips and said. "Good girl. Your doing so great! You seem like you would be a great mother...." As he said that he had a smirk on his face and he also wrapped his arms around me holding me there close to him.

"A mother? W- w- why are you talking like that?" Then he smirked at me and laughed and said.

"Because sweetheart, you just might end up becoming pregnant at the rate we are going..."

Once he said that I looked him in the eyes for a moment and there was some sort of twinkle in his eyes, not only that but he also had some kind of need for me.

Not sure if I should be happy or just plain scared... Because he has beat me up... But I feel like I could never stop loving him....

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