Her New Life...
Brendon ate then fed me, and after we were done he made me do the dishes and then he kissed me on the lips and took me back downstairs to the basement and laid me down.
"Brendon wait. Please don't make me do this."
"What? You don't want to have my baby?"
"It's not that it's just that I am still a little too young to have a kid... And scared..."
"Scared? Why are you scared to be a mom?"
"My mom left me and that caused my dad to leave me and I moved in with my cousin and then all this happen... And I'm scared that I'd be a bad mother...."
He looked down at me and said. "Oh baby I didn't know that..."
"It's alright, I guess..."
He asked softly in my ear. "Sweetheart, should I stop? Or what?"
"Your actually giving me a choice?"
"Yeah only time ever though."
"Alright. Then... Just hold me and tell me about how much you love me..." Then he laughed at that and said.
"Sweetie, if I did that it would turn into something else. Would you be upset if it did?"
"I loved you... Now I am afraid to love you."
"Why's that sweetie?"
"Because, I feel like you lied to me just to get me to fall in love with you so I'd do exactly what you say. And it hurts. I truly believed that you loved me..." I said as I started to cry and he looked at me in the eyes and wiped my tears away as he said.
"Babe, I'm sorry and no, I didn't lie to you. I do love you so much Babygirl. Please don't cry. It hurts me seeing you sad..."
"Don't hurt me then please."
"Baby everything will be fine. I won't hurt you if you don't fight with me alright baby?"
"Okay..." Then he held me in his arms and his chin was on my head.
"Sweetheart? Do you know how beautiful you are?"
I couldn't help but laugh. "Me? Beautiful? Yeah right, All I am to you is a sex slave, A toy, Something that you play with when your bored or drunk..."
"Babydoll stop thinking like that! You are so beautiful! Why else would I have sex with you?"
"Thank you for saying that I am beautiful."
"Your so welcome sexy."
"Please...." Then I stopped talking when I saw the door open and someone said.
"Brendon honey, I'm home.... Do we still need to talk to her?"
Then he looked down towards me and I lifted my head up off of his chest. "Talk to me? About what?"
"Your crying. It's annoying to her. And I hate to see you cry."
"Well I'm sorry but, crying is a normal thing for people!" I screamed at them.
"Not the way you do it. You cry all the time. That's not normal..."
"Okay. Fine I'm sorry. I'm just scared that's all."
"Don't be afraid my babydoll There's no need to be afraid of me anymore." Brendon said as he put his hand on my face.
"Can I have my phone when your gone so I can text you?"
"Yes, baby. Here." He gave me my phone, and I laid my head back onto his chest and he started to pet me again.
"Are you petting me? I'm not an animal. Please stop petting me."
"I'm only doing this because I am trying to calm you down."
"Okay, well I'm calmed down."
"Please don't go get drunk. You mainly have sex with me when you are drunk for some reason...." Then I looked him in the eyes and said. "I need you by me and holding me telling me that you love me.... Not things like come here little slut.... Or get your ass over here slut.... It hurts me to hear you calling me a slut.... nevermind It's too late to change anything.... Do what you want with me... I'm done fighting...."
"Babe.... I don't like making you sad..."
"I don't care anymore."
"I already told you! You fucking have to care! Your life will suck if you didn't care about it at all."
"My life? My life!?! My life already sucks!"
"Because we kidnapped you? Or why?"
"My parents didn't want me! So I had to move in with my cousin and his girlfriend! I already told you Brendon!"
"I'm sorry."
"Yes?" I put my mouth right next to his ear and said. "I think that I still love you. Even though you did hurt me..." Then I kissed his cheek and I looked at him and I saw the smile that had formed on his face when I kissed him.
He hugged me tightly and said. "I'm glad... But, also sad because I don't want to hurt you baby." Then his phone started to ring, so he had to let go and answer the phone.
As he was on the phone with a friend, since I was still laying on him I could hear the whole conversation.
"Hello?" Brendon asked.
"Brendon? Are you still coming? We are here..." Someone asked him, he looked down at me and smiled when I shook my head 'yes' meaning he could go have fun.
"Yes I'm coming. Just let me do something first."
"Okay." He then hung up, and looked at me and said. "You know that if I go... I will come back drunk... Right? And I might call you a slut."
"I told you. I don't care about that anymore, I love you and that's not ever going to change.... Trust me if it hasn't already then it can't."
"Alright then love you too." Then he went outside to his friends and left me alone with Sarah.
"Mrs. Urie?"
"What's wrong with me?"
"What do you mean?" She asked me as she looked at me like she was confused.
"Why do I still love your husband? Even though he hurts me alot?"
"I don't know. I feel bad about making you cook everything so when he's gone at night I'll make dinner okay?"
"Ok. So what's for dinner?"
"Oh my god!"
"That's my favorite thing to eat!"
"Oh you are so cute. Come help me girl."
"So... Tell me what my husband does to you when I'm gone during the day...."
"Talked... Kissed... He told me something...."
"Told you what?"
"Don't lie."
"Fine, he wants me to have his baby." I said quickly and quietly and she looked me in the eyes and she looked mad.
I tried to run away from Sarah because she was chasing me around the house, I ran outside to Brendon and said. "Please don't go Sarah is trying to kill me!" I screamed hiding behind him.
He looked at his friends and said. "I'm sorry, I can't go." After he told them that, he took me inside the house and told Sarah. "Be nice!" Then he turned to me and got right in my face. "And you baby, are in trouble! You went outside in nothing but a bra and underwear and my friends were here..."
"So.... you rather have her kill me then your friends see me?"
"No." Then I ran down the stairs into the basement and started to cry I heard him groan and say. "I need a drink..." And then he left the house and went to get drunk.
Sarah came down and said. "I'm sorry Katherine." And then she gave me some spaghetti.
Once she left and I sat up and ate then went to sleep, around three in the morning I heard the basement door open loudly, as I was half asleep I heard him say. "Wake up little princess... Time to have a little fun..."
I groaned a little and laid flat on my back. "Hi, you wanna have fun with me? Or slap me again?" I said as I was crying and yeah I might of had a little attitude in my words so what!
"Wait when did I slap you?"
"Yesterday, before you left after I went outside to get you to stop your wife from trying to kill me..."
"Oh. Well, be my sweet little princess and let's have some fun. Or I could do it the hard way. But, you won't like that too much..."
"Ok then. Fun time if you apologize slapping me."
"I'm sorry baby." Then he tied me up to the bed and pulled my bra and underwear off and turned on his song Hallelujah.
He smiled at me and said. "God, pretty little princess you are so fucking hot!!!!" Then he smirked at me and said. "Your a saint in this sinner's heart..."
"Your wife will be mad if you keep saying that... Will you just do your fun time thing?"
"Come on baby, I won't let her hurt you." He kissed me and then he laid down on top of me and licked my face.... "My friends asked about you baby."
"I really don't think that you wanted them to know about me.... Did you?"
"Oh... Baby. Please don't make me hurt you."
"Ok..." as he was fucking me really hard I couldn't help but moan.
After he finished he fell asleep on me and in the morning Sarah came in and tried to apologize to me for trying to kill me. "It's alright, I just can't talk right now he's asleep on me and I am afraid to wake him up..."
She walked over to us and woke him up, he must've thought that I had woke him up because he slapped me in the face and said. "Don't wake me up babe..."
I had tears in my eyes and said. "I didn't... She woke you up.."
"Well I'm sorry but, I only slapped you because I thought that you were the one whom tried to wake me."
"Why would I want to wake you? I mean if I wanted to be slapped I would've.... Nevermind."
"No. Now, tell me, You got me interested in what you were going to say..."
"No. Please. You'll slap me."Then he smirked at me and said.
"Tell me... Or... Else." Then as he was still smirking at me, I tried really hard not to let him know just how much he scares me, but it didn't work as well as I hoped it would because, it's like he could smell the fear that was on me.
I gulped down my tears away so he wouldn't see me cry, for the fiftieth since I was kidnapped. "Do I have to?" I asked him and he put his hand went around my neck and he smirked at me and said.
"Yes baby." He said, and almost as if he was trying to show me what he'd do he began to squeeze my neck, then whisper in my ear. "Or else...." I couldn't help but cry, because I thought that he was going to kill me. "God! Stop crying baby!"
"Don't hurt me or kill me."
Then he laughed at me in a really harsh way and said in my ear. "Sweetheart, why on earth would I ever want to kill you?"
"I.... I.... I-"
"Sh..." He said as he put his finger against my lips and smirked at me.
"So, honey? Are you going to let her get up so she can make your breakfast?" Sarah asked.
"Sarah sweetie. Leave for a moment please. I need to talk to her...." He said then, leaned his head down to my ear and whispered very quietly and softly. "Aloneeeeee..." As he softly ran his fingers down my body.
I think that he knew just how much one little touch from him could make me go crazy, I'm scared of this man, but yet, I also love him as well. "Sir... Please..."
"Please what babydoll?"
"Your scaring me."
"Why? Wait... My babydoll? Am I scaring you because I'm on you?"
"Yes. Well part of the reason. And why are you calling me babydoll?"
"I don't know, I just like calling you that..."
"Um... Okay?"
"Something wrong?"
"Just thinking...."
"The day you came to my house..."
"What about it?"
"If there was no concert that night why'd you say there- Oh my God! No! You wouldn't...."
"I wouldn't what?"
"You..." I gulped and looked at him.
"You.... You.... You.... Were going to kidnap me then, weren't you?" I asked as I had tears in my eyes.
Brendon POV,
God! My babydoll is so hot! She's all mine, I hate to see her cry, she should never have to worry about Dean or Andy ever again.
"Baby everything will be fine. Yes, I was going to... But you distracted me by being so hot in your red bra and underwear..."
"Get away from me now!" She screamed at me as she was crying and pushed me off of her and once I was off of her she crawled away from me and got in the corner of the room and rocked back and forth then I slowly walk over to her and touched her face and said.
"Babe I'm sorry if I scared you."
I was a bit surprised, when she grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a hug. "Don't."
"Don't? Don't what?"
"Don't say sorry."
"Sh.... Just sit by me." Then I sat down on the ground by her holding onto her.
"I'm cold and naked." Then I looked at her and smirked at her.
"Would you like it if I put my dick inside that beautiful mouth of yours?" Then she looked at me with disgust, then looked away and said.
"Alright. Gosh. I just meant...."
"Meant what? I'm confused and even more scared then I was before..."
"Sh... Just let it go inside..."
"Let what go inside where?" I smirked at her and pointed to my dick then her mouth. She shook her head no, but I want wanted her to suck my dick so I grabbed her by her foot and pulled her over to me and then got on top of her and she just had to bite me. "Don't bite me you bitch!"
"I thought you loved me! But I was wrong!"
"No you are not!"
"Then- Ah!!!!!" Then I shoved my dick inside her beautiful little mouth.
She was laying there on the ground crying and scared, as I was making her suck my dick, I was starting to feel bad about what I'm doing to her, I thought that this would be good for us.
That's mainly why I was doing this, but all it's doing is making her cry, I hate it when I make her cry, I just hate it when I'm the reason she is crying, I wish just once I could do one thing right...
"Baby everything will be fine, I'm almost done alright babe? This will never happen ever again Baby got it...?" Once I came inside her beautiful little mouth, I pulled out then told her. "Swallow the cum. And, please don't hate me for it... I had to try it I didn't want to do it like that..."
"That was gross..." She said as she was crying and scared that I was going to do that to her again.
"No it wasn't."
"Yes it was. Brendon. And it hurt..."
"I'm-" she cut me off and said.
"Don't! I don't want to hear any lies from your handsome face ever again! So that means don't tell me you love me ever again! Because I know that you just want sex and a baby from me..." She yelled at me as she was crying.
God I really hate to see her cry. I wish I could have sex with her then somehow make this all better between us.
I mean she really hates me now, at least that's what I think. I also think that she's afraid to love me, but anyways I knocked her out and laid her on the bed and tied her up again and once she woke up.
"What's this weird taste in my mouth?" I laughed at what she just asked me.
"My cum baby. Why does it taste good? Do you want more?"
"Gross! And hell no!"
"Come on. Babe don't be that way. It made daddy feel all good..."
"Don't ever talk to me like that ever again! You hear me you basterd!"
"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa." I said as I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to the bed where she is and sat on her belly. "Don't ever talk to me like that ever again You bitch! I own you now! If you ever talk to me like that ever again, I will punish you!"
"I... I... I... I'm sorry... I.. I.. I.. It's just... Your being mean to me and I don't like it."
"I'm sorry. I don't like it either..."
"When we first met you said that you would never hit me.... Guess what."
"You lied! You hit me a lot of times, so either you lied or I'm not gorgeous anymore."
"Your still gorgeous. And I don't hit you on purpose. When I hit you I'm drunk..."
"Why does my life suck?"
"Sh... Baby. Just lay down and sleep I'll bring you something to eat."
"Um... I actually have no choice but to lay down Brendon, in case you have forgotten I am all tied up."
"Yeah... So be good."
"Untie me!"
"No. Don't yell at me sweetheart!"
"I'm sorry, I- I- I'm just scared and don't want to be like this anymore..."
"Don't want to be like what?"
"I'm not going to hurt you baby."
"I don't believe that."
"If I was going to hurt you baby, I would have already done it and buried you in my backyard babe...."
"You love me! I know you do!"
"Take me somewhere?"
"Your concerts?"
"Mmmm babe," then I touched her face and asked. "Have you ever felt something for someone, that you know that you shouldn't have felt...?" But she either didn't understand my question, or just didn't want to answer. "Nevermind Ash." I said as I was about to get up and leave her down here alone.
"Wait?" Then I looked into her eyes and she seemed to be sad but confused about my question.
"Yes babe?"
"Don't leave me."
"But? You hate me? And you don't want me to leave you? What's wrong baby?"
"I don't hate you! I'm just scared of you. But I don't want to be alone.... The dark scares me a bit...."
"Sh.... Come here..." I said as I untied her and hugged her and then we went upstairs to make her some food and Sarah had already left with her friends and left me alone with her, when I realized this she was in the refrigerator looking for something to eat. "Babe?"
"My wife left us alone again."
"Oh. Cool. And?"
"I wanna have a little fun with you right now."
"Uh... What? But you just got done with having sex with me...."
"Babygirl, your too fun to play with."
"I should have known better than to even answer your Facebook friend request."
"Then tell me why you answered it?"
"I thought it was a fake account for roleplay and stuff like that but then you started talking about your concert and I realized that it really was you..."
"So you rather roleplay with a fake me, then be with the real me forever?"
"It's not that."
"So what is it then?"
"Wait? Did you just say forever?"
"Yes so?"
"So does this mean that I will never get to see my cousin or my friends ever again?" She asked me as she was crying.
"Don't be like that. Dean and Andy wasn't going to let you go see Ryan. Either, right? Or wrong?"
"But don't you want me to like it here with you?"
"Yes, of course I do."
"Then let me see him..."
"How about I bring him here?"
"No, I rather never see him at all then be forced to wear this in front of him..."
"I'd let you wear my clothes."
"I'll text him that you moved to California."
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