Night 6
Night 6: Return of the Night Guard
At this point you're just laying in bed, wasting the last hour away before you have to call a car. Spending time with Forrest last night proved a lot of things, one of which being that maybe you're not in such danger as you thought before. You thought the animatronics were these teasing, evil creatures but, really, they seem to joke, make mistakes, and almost have a personality similar to any other person. Their entire intimidation factor has fallen flat over the past two days.
But that's not the only thing that's on your mind. Your friends still haven't gotten back to you at all, or have even returned to the dorms. You've asked their roommates along with the receptionists of the building. Maybe they all went back home? It's concerning nonetheless. On top of that, there's the confusion over the security tapes. Apparently, everything you've gone through hasn't been captured at all. It's all just standard, possibly looped footage. But you have no idea who's doing it. You, Charlotte and Forrest checked it before you left and it was standard footage that certainly wasn't what happened. Granted, having to watch his little dance routine again might've given you a headache. But, to his credit, the lighthearted night was exactly what you needed.
Only two nights left and it's clear both Forrest and his pet are willing to help you through them. Yet there's something that wants you to prove that you don't need these oddities of mankind to go through a night at Freddy's. You may even debate that all the shit you've gone through over the days have somewhat dulled you to what the girls may try to say or do.
"Hey, bucko, you want some food for tonight?"
"I'm alright, thanks."
"So," Forrest says, leaning over the foot of your bed.
"Yeah?" You raise a brow, seemingly uncaring for his sudden intrusion.
"You want to take this one on by yourself?"
"I... yeah. How did you know?"
Forrest rubs under his nose, seemingly proud of himself. "Lucky guess. But I get it."
"Both of you could come by for the last day. That'll probably be the hardest."
"Pika!" Name pops up beside the bed.
"Exactly, you pupper."
"My man, I get you're not the smartest, but I thought you'd know a dolphin when you saw one."
"Ah, you're right," you snicker, giving Pikaphin a head rub. "Sorry, little guy."
"Chuuuu," he coos.
"And if I get into big trouble, I'll give you a call," you look back at Forrest. "You always seem to be where you're needed anyway."
"Hey!" He points at you, frowning. "Stop being so aware of my shenanigans. They're mine."
"Then stop using them so much around me," you say back with a confident smile.
"That... that is fair," he lowers his hand. "Alright then, I'll leave you alone. Good luck. Name might stay with you."
"That's fine," you say, keeping up the snuggles. "It's like having a dog or cat."
"But a dolphin!"
"Yeah, dolphin," you softly respond while lying back on your bed. To nobody's surprise, as soon as the conversation is over, Forrest and Name have disappeared from the room and can be heard in the common area.
Just two more days...
You enter Freddy's Anime Convention, nearly bumping into Henry on his way out.
"Oh, (Y/N)," he tips his hat. "Good to see you. I was hoping to catch you before leaving."
"But you were leaving," you point out with a chuckle.
"I planned to stick around for a few more minutes. Anyway, after talking with you about the cameras I gave them a quick check a few minutes ago. They've been as accurate as my memory, maybe a little better," he jokingly says. "So I just wanted to let you know. I don't disbelieve you, son, but things don't line up with what you're saying."
"So it's just night shift..."
"I wish I had better news for you. Nothing terrible is happening, right? You're the only one who's ever stayed this long."
"Uh..." You stare into his eyes, seeing a man who's honestly just trying to do what's best for his employees. Maybe you're just a terrible judge of character, but he's not a bad guy. "No, it's been fine. Animatronics get a little close to the security room."
"Oh, that's good," he says like a massive weight floats off him. "Well, good luck tonight. Remember, if anything goes terribly wrong then call me," he reassures while walking towards his car.
"Of course, sir," you reaffirm with a thumbs up. "Have a good night."
You enter the building and take a deep breath. "Right, you're not getting me!" Your declaration goes through the whole building.
1:11 am
After seeing Foxy walk past the window and hearing no signs of her coming back, you open the left door once again before looking down at your tablet. After so many nights here, you scroll through the camera feeds without getting caught up on any of the girl's shenanigans. Bonnie and Chica are playing patty cake with each other in the main room, Freddy is staring at the camera from the women's restroom, and Mangle is even peeking out of her cove, though she somehow knows you're now watching her and hides once more. Yeah, everything is going as normal as they ca-
"Oh shit!" You're pulled from your thoughts by the sudden and unexpected greeting. In surprise, you end up falling out of your chair while throwing your tablet onto the desk. While wincing from the dull pain from your fall, you look out the door to see a strange, small, and rotund. Much to your annoyance, the newcomer starts to giggle, though it sounds more like a recording of a child's laughter played on repeat.
"Hello." The striped shirt wearing thing says to you again as it moves just a little bit closer.
"Uh, hi?" You give it a confused and annoyed look as you look over the thing more. Judging by the colors, the voice, and the hat with a little propeller at the top along with the unnatural body, you take the wild guess that this thing is probably meant to be a boy, which is odd as ever animatronic here is very much female. You cringe at the idea of Henry wanting to expand into the "shota" side of things, before shaking the idea from your head. Given the little guy hasn't attacked you despite ample opportunity, you figure he's not hostile. While getting up, you notice that he has a single balloon in one hand and a sign that reads "Balloons!" in the other. "Well, "Balloon Boy", how'd you get here?"
Instead of answering, the little animatronic just moves closer to the office before saying, "Hello," again.
"Uh hi, now could-" before you could finish your sentence, the sign holding animatronic starts playing that laugh track again, which has already overstayed its welcome. You cover your ears, as it also seems to be even louder, before realizing that the thing is now constantly moving and is close to entering the office. You reach out to shut the door on the little nuisance's face, but before you can, there's a shout from the end of the hallway that gets Balloon Boy to shut up.
"You!" Judging by the voice followed by the sound of running, its Foxy in the hallway, who soon comes into view when she lunges at the new animatronic and tackles him past the doorway. The annoying animatronic's face doesn't change from its creepy grin, but you could have sworn that the thing looked up at the busty, fox pirate with fear in its eyes as she glared down at the thing before impaling his face with her hook.
"Hey, Foxy found the little pest!" Bonnie's voice could be heard from the other end of the hallway before all of a sudden Freddy appears behind you, moving and ignoring you as she cuts through your office to get to Balloon Boy, who is now being held in the air by his neck by Foxy who, once she sees Freddy, slams the round animatronic on the ground and starts to kick him. Soon after, Freddy and Bonnie join in while Balloon Boy just tries to play his laugh track again.
"No! None of that," Freddy sternly says as she picks him up and throws him against the wall. Soon Chica arrives and the four go from kicking and stomping on him to punching the annoyance.
"Oh jeez," the sudden brutality of the girls shocks you, as you have never seen them this angry. You glance away from the smack down to see Mangle through your window, further back from the others but keeping her distance like usual. "Uh hey, cou-" but before you could finish your sentence, the usually docile fox jumps into the scuffle, landing right on top of the thing before she too joins in on beating up this seemingly harmless, but annoying animatronic. At this point you're trying to avoid getting close to the doorway as you reach over for the door button. Last thing you see before the door shuts is at least one arm of Balloon Boy flying into the air.
After a few minutes of the animatronics just beating the scrap out of the thing, you eventually hear Freddy say, "Alright girls, I think we got him this time," before you see Mangle quickly walk past the window. After that, the other girls follow suit, with Foxy winking at you as she goes by. The last to go is Bonnie, who presses herself against the glass for a little bit in a vain attempt to get you to let her in, but eventually she skulks away, allowing you to open the door and see the robo carnage they have brought.
Scattered all across your end of the hallway was the damaged remains of Balloon Boy. His head looked like the girls used it as a basketball, soccer ball, and volleyball with none of his teeth or even his nose remaining. His body is dented beyond the point of repair and is missing his buttons, which are not shattered on the floor as if they were stepped on. His sign is no longer on its stick, which is broken in two, and his trademarked item nowhere in sight. With the thing's limbs scattered about like this, you almost feel bad, but can't really be given you only knew the thing for a few minutes and it either annoyed or creeped you out the entire time. You do however realize one thing as you stare at the mess.
"Wait, I have to clean this up!"
2:24 am
After the first fiasco, the girls haven't been too active. While this is extremely convenient for you and your power reserves, it makes you a little weary of what exactly they've been doing in the meantime. You've only been checking the hallways since, in your experience, that's all that matters. They have to pass through the hallways, save for that Golden one but you haven't seen her in a long time.
So, you scroll through the cameras until you hit the PARTY ROOM where Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy are sitting. Freddy is rubbing her robot temples while the other two are yelling at one another.
"Why would you want to listen to cringy English acting?" Chica shakes her head in disbelief.
"It's not all cringy!" Bonnie rebukes. "Plus, Japanese dubs have some weird voice acting too."
"It's all perfect!"
"How would you know? You don't even speak Japanese!"
"Why don't we just like what we like?" Freddy proposes.
"SHUT UP!" The two yell at their older sister, only digging Freddy deeper into this painful hole.
"Eeeh," Freddy rests her head on her hands.
"What about the pristine memes from Japanese dubs? Ever heard of JoJo?"
"'Let that boy alone!'" Bonnie recites. "That's funny."
"Okay, it is," Chica nods, chuckling a bit. "But still! You're not appreciating the original!"
"I never said that! I just want to watch something in my own language!"
"But it's worse!"
"No it isn't!"
"Yes it is!"
"How do you know it's worse when you can't speak Japanese! You don't know if it's actually good."
"But I just knoooow, Bonnie!"
"Could you also say the dialogue is just cringy in general but you don't recognize it because you don't understand?"
"I can't believe you're here and like dub!"
"Cause I'm not a weeb!"
"Oh now you've done it!"
The two girls stand on the table, pressing their foreheads, and breasts, together as their heated argument reaches its peak. Freddy, on the other hand, just slams her head against the table again and again and again.
3:00 am
You find yourself scrolling through the camera feed yet again, as you just managed to outlast an assault from Bonnie and Chica. Despite how easy it was earlier to find them, you can't seem to locate the blue and yellow dou as you quickly jump from camera feed to camera feed, just finding empty rooms each time. That is, until you land on the main dining room feed.
Within the establishment's main room, you find the place's namesake sitting alone at one of the dining room tables that's halfway to the stage and halfway to the kitchen. On the table rests an official Freddy Fazbear's mug with steam slowly floating up from it and in the brown bear's fuzzy hands she holds a newspaper. Currently the way Freddy is holding the paper, you can't see her face at all and instead get to see what the front page articles are, one being about some missing teenagers and another being about some place called Candy's something or another, but before you can read it all, the black hat Freddy always wears perks up from behind the paper, enough for you to see it now, before the furry animatronic folds the paper over to look at the camera.
"What?" Freddy's typical tone is gone, as she now speaks to you as if she was a regular person who just caught you staring at them, "I'm on my break, dear. You think it's easy trying to manage the other four while also trying to jump your bones? Well it's not, so get back to watching the cameras before one of the others gets you."
As if on cue, you hear the sounds of Foxy running down the hallway towards you, with you barely reacting fast enough to shut the door.
"Ow!" Foxy yelps out in pain as she falls back from the door and onto her butt. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding before hearing Freddy's familiar giggle, though its much more subdued than usual. Looking back at the camera feed, you see Freddy with a coy smirk on her face as she reads her paper and takes a sip of her coffee.
4:33 am
"Man... I'm deadass hungry right now," you mumble.
"Oh daaaaaaaaaaaaarling-"
The two doors slam down, completely cutting off Foxy from entering.
"How can this happen to me? I've made my mistakes..."
"I've got nowhere to run," you blankly reply. "And I don't want you to moan while I'm calling for pizza. I've had that happen to me enough."
You keep the door closed since Foxy hasn't walked by the window yet and you're certainly not dumb enough to just open it back up.
"Hello, this is Unnamed Pizza Joint, how can I help you?"
"Yeah, can I get one large pizza-"
"It's on its way."
"It... I haven't-"
"We know, sir."
The call disconnects and you're honestly unsure of whether you're getting pizza or not. But this week has been packed with crazy nonsense so you're at the tipping point of questioning all reality.
And so, nearly fifteen minutes pass and Foxy seemingly hasn't passed by the window yet. You angrily squint at the window, both in frustration of the animatronic and the fact that you're wasting power. But something is odd now... you can't see out the window. You've always been able to see out the window. Swiftly getting out of your seat, you approach the door and lights button, clicking the latter. An extra set of lights illuminate outside your door, revealing Mangle and Foxy having played half a dozen games of tic-tac-toe.
"Wha- YOU'RE WASTING MY POWER!" Your powerful scream shakes the room.
The two girls, completely forgetting you're there, shriek in fear and run away. You sigh, opening the door and taking a seat.
"What a waste of-" Your phone suddenly starts ringing, the ID being an unknown number. You answer, "Hello?"
"Pizza's there."
"You knew... whatever, thank you."
You hang up the call and get out of your chair, heading out the left hallway door. Chica, who was hiding at the very edge of the hallway, is a little baffled that you just walked out with no care in the world. She slowly tiptoes her way behind you, finally having the prime chance to catch you for herself. Foxy watches from her cove, a wide smile accompanying the thought that they're finally going to catch you.
You reach the door, opening it and seeing... nothing? You smell the pizza, you see the beam of some headlights, but no person.
Your eyes droop down and spot PikaName in a pizza delivery uniform, dapper hat included, of course. He's holding his hand out with a card reader.
Chica, hearing the calls of a Pika, coos in excitement.
"You're back!" She pushes you against the wall to reach her prize.
"Piii- CHU!" The small one yelps, being hoisted up by the yellow girl. "Look who's back!"
"Back again?" Foxy shouts.
"Pika's back! Tell a friend!"
Chica runs towards Pirate Cove with a kidnapped Name, but thankfully she left the pizza. You open the door again, grabbing the pizza and jogging back to the security room. For a mere moment, you lock eyes with the helpless Name. He reaches his little hand out to you, eyes begging for assistance. You turn away, keeping pace to reach the security room. A small ghost leaves Name's mouth as he's smothered by boobs yet again.
5:09 am
You keep in your chair, both doors closed. It may be draining the power to have the doors closed, but the last thing you need is to get caught with food in your mouth. You could choke!
"What's that?" Bonnie asks, breasts prominently pressing against the glass once more, something that you're totally used to.
You give her a brief glance then look back at your phone.
"We serve that!"
"I'm not leaving the room again."
"No fun," Bonnie defeatedly sighs. "You know what we eat?"
"What?" You unenergetically reply, really into the video.
"Usually we like these big meaty sausages that men give us," she ends with a smirk, knowing what she's doing.
"I'm on break. I don't care."
"You don't? I know Mangle only eats the sausages of people she really likes."
You glance to the right window where Mangle is looking in, seeming more curious than lustful, like before. But the moment Bonnie mentions her, Mangle scurries away.
"Ah, Mangle, so shy."
"And respectful," you add.
"So rude!"
"You're interrupting my break."
"Well fine! I'm clearly not wanted!" Bonnie huffs while stomping away.
"Hehe..." You click the next video. "Cats are silly."
5:49 am
This is it, you've failed. The girls have finally managed to coordinate and distract you enough to reach your room. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, they're all there, slowly approaching like hungry animals. You're backed up against the wall, knees weak, palms are sweaty. You have no tricks, you have no back up plan, you're done. You've finally lost.
"You've evaded us for this long..." Freddy coos.
"But now you're ours," Chica smiles.
"Aaaaaall ours," Foxy wiggles her butt.
"Now, lets get him!"
You close your eyes, waiting for the inevitable end when something comes to your mind.
"Just say you're gay or something."
Oh come on...
"I'M GAY!" You holler out. "I'm..." Your eyes slowly open to see the girls have paused. "Really... really gay."
"Oh..." Freddy's completely thrown for a loop. "That would make sense. You haven't fallen for our strategies."
"You haven't desired out bodies," Chica adds.
"Wow... we can't do this. It's not right," Bonnie looks to her sisters.
"She's right," Freddy nods, clapping her hands together. "And that means we're not bad at our jobs! He was just gay!"
"WOOHOO!" The four cheer, their small bits of self doubt washing away in a second.
Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy all leave first, chatting about how they're actually irresistible and how the pieces clicked. You don't like that they ACTUALLY find you being gay makes sense... but you get to live. Lose a little, gain a lot.
"We're so sorry for harassing you all this time," Freddy says, leaving the room but standing just outside the door. "We really didn't know. You should've said something."
"Yeah, well," you rub the back of your head. "It's hard to say aloud."
"I completely understand!" Freddy nods. "If you ever need support, we're all..." Her eyes drift down, spotting a growing bulge.
"Hey... where's that coming from? I thought you were gay?"
"What? No," you instinctively reply, but your mind catches up to how stupid that was. "I-I mean I am! Super gay- fuck!" You slap the door button, locking Freddy out.
"Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww, he's not gaaaaaaaaaay!"
"Noooooooooooooooooooooooo," the other three cry out in anguish.
6:32 am
To your surprise, you hear the front door open earlier than expected. You immediately check the cameras and see Charlotte walk in. She's looking around, noting you haven't come to greet her yet. You're about to put the tablet down and shout for her when she starts speaking to herself.
"Finally. Took them long enough."
Her voice is distant, so you didn't capture her full intentions, but the words alone are a little strange. You put the tablet down and carefully walk to the left door, peering out to watch Charlotte. She walks out of sight, towards the stage. You use the tablet to get eyes on her again. She's in front of the stage, her body moving like she was talking to someone. Her voice has to be low, probably a whisper, because you can't hear anything she's saying.
"What is she doing?" You tap your foot, frowning. She acted weird yesterday and now she's here talking to the animatronics? Is that what she was doing the first time you caught her too? You don't want to think badly of your classmate, your friend, but things are looking bad for Charlotte at this point. She's the one who can change the programming... Henry said all they do is walk around to keep their servos loose, but what if they were manipulated to do something else?
You toss the tablet on the table and walk out the door, taking deep breaths to calm yourself.
"Charlotte, you're here early."
"OH" Charlotte jumps and spins around. "(Y/N)? You're... here? Wow, I really wasn't expecting you to last this long."
"Last? How so?"
"Well, people quit, remember?"
"No, they disappear," you correct. "That's what I was told."
"Right... yeah," Charlotte nods. "Well, I'm here so you can go. Don't worry, I won't let daddy know."
"Mm... right. Have a good night, Charlotte," you coldly say, leaving the building.
You stand outside it for a moment, another idea coming into your mind. You saunter away, dialing up Henry in the meantime.
"Son, it's quite early... good thing I'm awake! How can I help ye?"
"Henry, I have a question. Who comes in after I leave?"
"Well, usually I like to be there around eight o'clock."
"So you're the first one?"
"Well... yes."
"Huh..." You smile, shaking your head. You feel... betrayed, in a way. Your heart's heavy, hands shaking. "Just making sure. Have a good day, sir."
"Oh, well, thank you! See you tonight!"
You hang up, everything finally clicking. "Tonight's my last night. But it won't be my last night."
"That was lame," Forrest pats his yawning mouth.
"Huh?" You turn around and see Forrest leaning against the building with Name just beside him, sporting a pair of dark sunglasses. "You're here?"
"I'm everywhere," Forrest pushes off the wall. "See, there's a tree over there, and one in Australia, and one in Russia, I'm everywhere."
"Thank you!" He happily smiles. "So, you figured it out. Sounds like you'll need some back up."
"Figured... wait, you knew?"
"Of course I did," he looks at you like you're silly. "Come on, I've got special eyes. I see these things. Anyway," he reaches you, slapping his hand on your shoulder. "We got this. We're gonna dominate those robo-doms."
"I... yeah," you nod with conviction. "We have to. Then nobody else will fall to them."
"Yeah... like your friends."
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