Night 5
Night 5: Revenge of the Tiddies
You stare at your phone – more specifically, your group chat – in slight disappointment. You've messaged your friends and, despite being 2pm now, none of them have woken up. You even got up a little early to hang out with them. But now you're showered, dressed, and alone. Well, not completely alone since Forrest and PikaName are still around. It's just unlike them, especially Quentin, to be so unresponsive. They're on their phones for one reason or another, and there's no way that nobody hasn't checked your three messages.
You sigh, finally putting your phone away and rolling out of your bed.
"Hey, Forrest," you walk out of your room and lean against his doorframe.
He's typing away on his laptop, acknowledging your presence with a weak, "Uh huh?" while his fingers speedily move from key to key. Name is sitting on your roommate's shoulder, occasionally pointing at whatever he typed with a little comment on his own. Sometimes Forrest nods, deleting what he just wrote, while others he brushes off, which makes the little chin chilla smack his head.
"What're you doing?"
"Manipulating poor souls how I see fit," he chuckles.
"Pika," Name rubs his fingers together.
"Or maybe," he looks over at you with a goofy smile. "I'm weaving the very words you're speaking."
"You're... dumb."
"Huh, not on my A-game today," he remarks. "Well, whatcha need, buckaroo."
You cross your arms and readjust. "Have you heard from my friends today? They come by when I was sleeping?"
Forrest shakes his head. "Nah, nobody has visited. Well, there was this one fairy but... hey, listen, don't worry about it."
"Piiii," Name face palms.
"Your chin chilla doesn't seem very amused."
"Dude, come on," Forrest shakes his head. "He's clearly a dog."
You turn around and walk away. "I'm never talking to you again."
"H-Hey, wait!" He starts laughing. "I'm easy to talk to! I'm fun! I'm hip!"
"How old are you?" You look over your shoulder.
"I could believe it."
"So," he leans back and stretches his arms out. "How was work?"
"It was..." You pause. "Different. I think I'm getting the hang of it."
"Hang of furry robots trying to smother you in love? I know this little thing got quite accustomed," he lightly rubs Name's head. The Pikadog's first reaction is to push away, but seconds into the affection he relaxes. Truly, there is nothing that can defeat headpats. "But he also told me what's going on during the nights."
"Seriously, how do you communicate with him?"
"It's complicated," Forrest brushes off. "You know, if they're actually assaulting you so much, why not bring it up to your boss? There's cameras, right?"
"Well, yeah but..."
"But?" Forrest repeats, now rubbing the Pikachu's belly as it rolls from left to right on its back.
"I... didn't think of that. Actually, I could figure out where all that dust came from," the cogs in your mind start turning.
"Can you access the cameras?"
"I... uh..." You rub your chin. "I actually don't know."
"Wow, you don't know much about your job, huh?" He ends with a snicker.
"Hey! It's my first week!"
Forrest gets out of his chair, leaving poor doggo Name as a drooling, happy mess. "Well," he stretches his neck. "Maybe just try to be a little smarter or something. Hey, if they catch you why not just say you're gay."
"What?" You lean forward in disbelief.
"Hey, consent is important," he raises a finger. "Unless... you don't consider it important?" He ends with a suggestive smirk.
"I won't let you twist my words. You know that isn't what I meant."
"I know, I know," he chuckles. "I'm just teasing."
"Teasing, huh? Then why haven't you changed clothes? Like, ever. You've been wearing the same thing all week."
Forrest scoffs as if this question is a mere ant before his star. "I'll have you know that I wash my clothes every day."
"Every day?" You doubtfully smile.
"Every day," he confidently nods.
"Seems like a lot of work. Why not just, you know, be normal and have different clothes?"
"I do have a lot of white t-shirts!" He counters.
"Ooooh," you wiggle your fingers. "What a guy."
"Pika!" Name, who somehow got beside you, is nodding with your points.
"Hey! Don't side with him!"
"Why are you bringing up Project's Present right now? You know what? I'll lock you in the basement again!"
"You locked your pet in a basement?" You ask, concerned.
"Bah, bah, bah," Forrest approaches, waving his hands. "Just get out of here, I need to thoroughly chat with this little NUGGET," he kicks the Pikachu, yeeting him out of frame only for a bright beam to erupt from his direction.
"Pfft, easy," Forrest smugly remarks. "Now, go on," he pushes you out of the room. "Find your friends or something."
"Wait, but I-"
You're thrown out of the room and the door locks. You sigh, "What a dick head."
You sit in the cafeteria, alone, eating some rather delicious food. You can't deny how great the cooks are at their jobs, along with being quite talkative. Maybe a little too talkative at times. Still, it gave you a temporary distraction from everything. You went by all your friends' rooms and the two times someone answered the door it led to the same result.
"Haven't seen them since last night," you whisper. "Where did they even go? Huh?" You notice, out of your peripherals, Charlotte coming out of the cafeteria with some food. From your keen observation, you're not the only one who's got your eyes on her. It's something you thought of back when you saw her in the rain but barely saw in practice. She's a beautiful woman with desirable physical traits, so it's no shocker that people oogle over her. You can only assume she knows what she's doing. She's an intelligent woman, but that doesn't mean she's overly wise. You're just giving her the benefit of the doubt.
Unfortunately, her eyes lock on yours, making it obvious you were staring. You blush and hastily take a "normal" eating stance, but your cover is already blown. Fortunately, she's not mad. Charlotte makes her way to you, stopping at the head of your booth.
"Mind if I sit with you?"
"Uh... sure?" You answer with a fry hanging out of your mouth. "You, uh... are here?"
Charlotte laughs. "I'm pretty sure I am," she takes a seat, setting her food down. "I have a few people around to attest for me," she rolls her head towards the room, implying all the people who watched her.
"Ah, you noticed. I was wondering."
"Of course I did. You know that weird sense you have when someone is watching you?"
"Yeah, I know what you mean."
"I'm really good at it. Happens a lot," she rolls her eyes thinking about it. "It's like I have a spider sense. Or, what did the movie call it? I have Charlotte tingles!"
"Please don't do this," your head drops against the table and you moan.
"But I'm not a spider, I can't have spider sense," she's clearly taking pleasure in this pestering. "I didn't think it would bother you so much."
"It bothers me," Forrest replies, swiping one of your fries.
"GAH!" You screech, nearly rolling off the booth. "When did... you're on the inside? WHEN!"
"People are staring, (Y/N)," Forrest says with a gaze that labels you crazy. "Maybe you're just not very attentive."
"He wasn't here, right?" You frantically turn to Charlotte.
"Wha- Forrest..." You look back over and there's nobody. "How did..."
"(Y/N), are you okay? You just kinda stared for a bit? I thought we were having a fun conversation," she pouts a bit.
"We were!" You adamantly say. "I just... uh... guess I'm a little distracted. I can't get a hold of my friends."
Charlotte's gaze breaks from yours for a moment. "Alex and them, right?"
"Yeah! Have you seen them?"
"Not today!" She resets to her usual self. "So, our break is almost done! You think..."
"You didn't have to drop me off, Charlotte," you say while opening a car door.
"Well, I got a new car and I wanted to drive around," she wiggles in place. "I think daddy should still be there. Tell him I'm eating the last of the ice cream!"
"Heh, alright," you smile and nod while she drives away. "Okay," you turn to the building and take a deep breath. "Another night. Just a few more. I can do this."
Rallying yourself, you march forward and enter the building. Henry is immediately in view, seemingly giving the place a once over with his eyes. That eventually brings him around to you, which puts a smile on his face.
"(Y/N), fantastic to see you. Truly sorry I have not seen you recently. Has, um, has the power change been okay?" His tone seems more anxious than anything.
"I haven't reset the building yet, so I'd say it's okay. Little tight."
"That's how we do things here," he claps, a big goofy smile. "Glad you're finding it okay. I've been checking the cameras-"
"Oh, cool. I was actually going to ask about that. What was with the dust? Did you see it?"
Henry's voice slowly becomes confused. "Dust?"
"Yeah... there was weird dust in the main room. I had to clean it up."
"I..." He rubs his hands together, licking his lips while keeping a relatively happy face. "There was nothing on the cameras, son."
"Oh... huh... wait, you didn't see me climb through the window?"
"You what?"
"W-Well the key was on the table so I had to climb in," you frantically explain, knowing it sounds ridiculous.
"Son, did you fall asleep?" He says with a weak chuckle. "I check the cameras every morning and you were in the office all night."
Silence engulfs the room as you both digest the information you've been given. You're the one so speak up first.
"Oh... I... guess it was a dream."
"Maybe," Henry slowly nods, still thinking. "Maybe I'll look into that. Have a good night, son," he walks towards the door, patting your shoulder while passing by.
And so, you're left alone in this place yet again.
"Weird, huh?" Forrest whistles.
"BAZZLE-" You jump forward and turn, seeing the casual blonde with his hands in his pockets and a perplexed visage.
"You okay?"
"What're you doing here? How long have you been here? Where'd you even come from?"
"Over there," he points towards the bathroom hall.
"You... came in the window?"
"What? No, that's dumb," he rolls on his heel to take a gander at the animatronics. "Hm... well, we're gonna have a fun night!" He looks over his shoulder and smiles.
"WE aren't doing anything! You have to go! Don't you have to take care of your dog?"
"Uuuuuh," Forrest turns his head away and smiles. "He's fine."
A stained, rotting cellar door resides within a withering forest. Once, twice, three times something slams against it but to no avail.
"Yeah... fine," Forrest nods in assurance. "Which means," he turns around, eyes closed, smile wide, and puts his hands on his hips. "I'm your problem now. Well," he gives up the little façade and checks out the girls again. "Probably their problem."
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh," you throw yourself back while releasing all frustrations. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine," you hunch forward, completely unamused. "Come on, then."
"Hey, glad to be aboard," he salutes with a smile.
"Your presence at this point insults me."
"Heh, now you sound like Name."
You turn around and, before even taking a step, Forrest is already at the security room door.
"Hey, neat place. Weird drawings."
You look back where he was before and... he's not there. You shake your head, not bothering to comprehend someone who's general dialect is nonsensical.
You saunter down the hallway and finally reach it, spotting Forrest messing around with the security tablet.
"What're you doing?"
"Just messing with it. Here," he tosses it to you.
It's unexpected, so you smack it in the air, fumble, and eventually pull it into your chest. "You could've broke that!"
"Don't worry about it," Forrest stretches. "Well, when do we get assaulted by the furries?"
You sigh. "They usually move around 12."
"Alright, then," Forrest hops in place. "Do whatever ritual you doooooo before work."
"Throw out the trash," you gesture to the garbage bag in the corner.
"Want me to do that?"
"Uh... sure," you shrug, moving to the chair and taking a seat. "If you're tagging along you might as well do that. Be quick, though. The girls could move at any time."
Forrest picks up the big black bag and heads out the left door. As soon as he passes the window, he's suddenly approaching from the other side.
"When did-"
"Garbage is gone," he says, empty handed.
"Right..." You sigh.
12:26 am
Forrest whistles a little tune away, leaning against the right door beside the door button, covering that side entirely.
"Well, well, you brought even more to play with," Freddy's familiar voice taunts.
"Huh, nice voice," Forrest remarks.
"More?" The only thing that caught your attention. "Does she mean your pet?"
"He did happily get smothered," the blonde replies. "His words, not mine," he ends in a shrug.
"That's the only other thing I've brought in..." You start thinking. "I guess..."
Forrest's eyes sharpen as he slams the button, the door closing to then be followed by a THUNK. You're caught off guard, eyes glued to the window where Freddy spins into view.
"Now, now, you're an observant one," she seductively rests her chin on her hand and eyes the jacketed man.
He looks over his shoulder with a smirk. "You've been ganging up on my friend all week. It's nice to even the odds a bit, no? Besides, if you can barely handle him alone then we're a bit too much for you, honey," he ends with a wink.
"Oh, I like you. We'll be sure to try a little harder tonight, then."
"You do that," he looks away while Freddy frolics away.
You stare at him in disbelief before finally blurting out, "What was that?"
"Oh, what?" His voice softer now.
"Your whole... interaction!"
"I told you to be confident. I don't like the idea of flirting with a humanoid animal robot thing," he taps the door button with his elbow while yawning. "Honestly, kinda kills me a bit inside, but most things respect you a little more when you're not..." He tilts his head, examining you on the chair in the fetal position. "Well," he snickers. "Scared of them."
"So, what, you should back talk a t-rex?"
"Oh fuck no, you run away," he keeps the light hearted nature up. "But these things aren't four stories tall with some nom noms. Well, I guess they DO have nom noms but not the ones I'm talking about. Probably would rather die here than be eaten by a t-rex."
"I don't even know if they'll kill us."
"They didn't kill Name, so who knows," Forrest shrugs. He then leans forward and pulls off his shoe. "By the way," he tosses it at the other button, shutting it off right when Foxy runs into view.
"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww," she whines, turning tail and going back.
"Can you watch the cameras a little more?"
"You... she..." you point to the door then him in rapid succession. "How did you know?"
Forrest walks across the room to retrieve his shoe and open the door. "I'm listening, you boingo," he taps his ears. "But, seriously, pay attention to the cameras," he says while slipping his shoe back on. "Unless you want to be smothered in fluffy pillows?"
"I mean, I do but not theirs."
"Heh, I get ya."
You take a peek at the cameras and all the stage animatronics are gone. Couple that with Foxy already having attacked and you've basically got the whole cast on your butt, save Mangle. And... that Golden Freddy who appeared before. You still have no answer on that one, hell, you have more questions since Charlotte implied there's more than one golden animatronic. But where...
Your eyes slide to one of the rooms, a small supply room that seemingly has no connecting door. After the first night, when the camera didn't work, you never bothered checking it again. You click on the room and, like before the camera is completely static.
Maybe they're in there? But how did it get out? What even was it?
"Hey Fo-"
"Back away you foul blue demon! I am not da ba dee!" He shouts while kicking Bonnie's arm that's stuck under the door.
"But you could da ba die with me!"
"I shall not be tempted by your admittedly entertaining word play!" He continues to stomp. "Back! Back I say!"
The door lifts for just a moment, letting Bonnie retract her hand, then it shuts.
"Why does nobody love me?" She sniffles.
"That sounds like a YOU problem to me!" He shouts, pointing down the hallway. "Now skedaddle!"
Bonnie hops away, leaving you all in peace once more. Forrest huffs, turning around with twitching eyes. "How did you survive on your own? That's three I've taken care of."
"Oh, sorry. Was thinking about something."
"Yeah, great, something that isn't going through the night."
1:11 am
You keep scrolling through the cameras, seeing the girls interact with each other and flash their booty or jiggle their knockers at you every once in a while. But, so far, you've been able to keep them at bay. They've attempted to get in a lot more than prior nights, but Freddy did say they'd ramp it up so, for the worse, she's keeping to her promise. However, the tables seemed to have turned. With you valiantly watching the cameras, Forrest seems to be... dancing.
There's no music playing and, because of his longer hair, you can't tell if he has headphones in or not. There's no wire, but wireless buds are extremely popular nowadays so that's always a possibility. It doesn't help when he hums the lyrics or even mumble sings without a care in the world. He spins on his heel, slamming the other one down to stop while pretending to play the drums. Afterwards, he slides to his knees, whipping his hair back and forth while singing to the heavens above. Well, you can barely hear it so they definitely can't.
"You having fun?"
Forrest stops, smoothly getting on his feet while patting his leg to the tempo. "Oh yeah, I'm great. Come on, why not do a little dance?" He beckons.
"I'm really not..." A faint bit of music starts playing while the lights in the room shift, shining on only you and him.
"(Y/N) are you okay? (Y/N) are you okay? Are you okay, (Y/N)?"
"Oh god..." You moan.
"(Y/N) are you okay? Will you tell me that you're okay?" You slam your head against the desk. "She left a sign on the window," he points to the glass. "That he humped you for a friend-o, (Y/N)."
"Please kill me."
A sudden clapping to his beat erupts from the two sides. You lift up and see Bonnie and Foxy on one side, Chica and Freddy on another being the background voices and beat to his song. The lights are seemingly fixated on them two, flickering with their claps. "What in the-"
"They came into your room, left the cum stains on the carpet."
"OooOoo," the girls sing.
"They what?"
"Then you ran into the bathroom, you were humped down, it was your doom! You've been hit by," the girls clap. "You've been struck by," clap again. "Some big boobaloobs. Aaaow!" He seemingly pulls a white hat out of his ass and slaps it on, pointing at you with a proud smile.
The animatronics all cheer and run away, for some reason not ganging up on you when they had the chance. Granted, none of what just happened made any sense. The lights are back to normal, at least.
"Come on, you're not having any fun," Forrest takes off his hat.
"You said I had to pay attention!"
"Yeah, well..." He tosses the hat and, somehow, it lands perfectly on your head. "Multitask."
1:58 am
"So, follow along, right?" Forrest pats the desk to steal your attention away from the cameras. "So Adam and Eve were the first two people, right?"
"And then people grew out from there?"
"So we're all technically related if you go really far back. MEANING!" He claps his hands together, looking extremely proud of himself. "Your girlfriend is actually your sister."
You cannot put into words how flabbergasted you are at both what he said and how happy he seems to be after saying it. You calmly stand up, take a deep breath, walking around the desk, and, with all your might, push Forrest completely out of the room and instantly shut the door.
"Hey!" Forrest hops to the window and pouts. "That wasn't very nice."
"Well guess what, maybe I'm now evil."
Forrest gasps, putting his hand on his chest. "The nerve!"
Foxy leaps at Forrest, seeming to tackle him to the ground.
"Oh... crap..." You realize the gravity of what you've done. You just sacrificed his life for a-
"Nope, not me," his voice comes from behind you.
You turn around and see him come in the other door, brushing himself off. "I won't be caught by those cameras being some sort of furry fucker."
"I am so sorry!" You earnestly shout.
"I don't care," he waves off. "We're both fine."
"How did you even make in on that-" You stop when Forrest waves his finger.
"The mystery, young one, let it embrace you."
"I don't like that."
"Too bad."
3:12 am
With constant waves of horny robots, your power is already below 40%. That would cause you concern, normally, but right now there is something else clouding your judgement. Your occasional shuffles, the rumbling in your intestines... some movement has to take place. You knew all that chili would catch up with you.
"Uh... Forrest..."
"Yeah?" He says, keeping his eyes on the cameras while you relax.
"I... have to use the bathroom."
"So use a bottle."
"It's not like that."
"Oh..." He lowers the tablet. "You could still try the bott-"
"Do you really expect me to precision shit in a bottle?"
He starts laughing. "That'd be really funny, but also sad to watch and rancid to smell. Uuuuh..." He taps his crimson chin. "Okay, you'll use the bathroom."
"But they'll catch me!"
"No they won't," he shakes his head confidently. "Cause I'll distract them!"
"You will? But-"
"Hey," he marches over to you and puts his hands on your shoulders, leaning in to have a true one-on-one. "Real homies look out for each other. You gotta drop a dookie, I will assure the payload reaches its destination."
"Strange way to put it."
"It'll be fine," Forrest heads for the right door, beckoning you to follow.
While you're extremely cautious and scared just leaving the room, Forrest seems extremely nonchalant with the idea. It appears to pay off because for whatever reason, the animatronics are gone. He stops at the bathroom hallway, letting you pass by.
"Just do your do my dude, I'll keep'em busy."
Like with the hat, he seemingly pulls a cowbell out of nowhere. You're starting to question how deep those pockets actually are.
"Here, here!" Forrest screams, waving the cowbell to make noise. "Smol little shota boy looking big tiddy oneesans... or chans? Fuck, I don't know. I'm not a weeb. Come on, I'm small and vulnerable! Squeeze my head with your thighs or whatever people are into!" He swings his legs as he moves around the room. "Go already," he sharply whispers at you.
You nod, running towards the bathroom and doing your best to complete your mission.
Meanwhile, the animatronics seem to pop out of everywhere – Foxy out of her cove, Bonnie and Chica out of the two repair rooms, and Freddy from underneath a table.
"There we go," he tosses the cowbell into his pocket.
"Well, boy," Freddy slowly approaches taking one long step after another while caressing herself. "Are you ready for Freddy?"
"I'm not the one you should be asking. After all, you should know that Freddy Got Fingered," he says with a clever snap.
"Oh, I have."
Forrest leans forward, disappointed. "It... was a movie- you know what, whatever," he stands straight, setting his hand on his forehead. He then extends the same hand towards Freddy, which she interprets as an invitation. When she gets close enough, he readies a flick. "With the power flick... begonith, thot."
The simple flick causes a massive influx of pressure that flings Freddy across the room, blowing back all the chairs and tables. Forrest subtly snaps his left fingers, forming a puffy mat that Freddy hits and rolls down. The other animatronics stare in shock, having never seen something so extravagant in their short lives. Freddy shakes her body while getting on her feet, quickly rubbing her head.
"Oooow, what was that?"
Forrest lowers his right arm and grabs one of his earbuds and plops it in his ear, using his other hand to pick a song on his I-Pod. Being distracted, Chica, who's in the repair room where you once hid, runs towards him with arms wide. She needs to nestle his rebellious face in her bountiful boobies.
She reaches him, closing her arms with no hope of his escape. With seemingly no movement, he glides across the ground and passes through the small gap between her fingers.
"H-Hey! I'm desirable!" Chica pouts, swiping again and again but missing every time.
Forrest finally looks back at her, smirking while actually stepping back. She trips over his arm, going right for the ground until he catches her arm. She's jolted around, forced to look at him.
"Now, now, no Debbie downers here."
"Oh thank yo- WAAAH," He spins around and throws her at Bonnie, knocking both on the ground with one move.
"Double depressant is fine though," he affirms with a single nod.
"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Foxy launches herself over the debris.
"That's really obvious," Forrest sighs, hopping to the right.
"W-Wait!" Foxy freaks out, having to contort her voluptuous body to land on her feet. She can't, so she splats chest first on the ground, making a poignant BOING as her breasts spring her up and back on her feet.
"Pfft, physics. Who needs'em?" He playfully shrugs.
"Now, darling, let me give you some love," she licks her lips before coming after Forrest.
Forrest knocks her hand away, then her hook, then hook, hand, hand, hook, it all flows so smoothly. He stares blankly at the horny fox while blocking all her advances with one hand. He smirks, grabbing hold of her hook, stopping her attacks all together as she blushes.
"Holding hands! Even I'm not that lewd," she rubs her cheek.
He pulls his arm back, still holding onto her hook, and forcefully spins her around with such power that she becomes a purple tornado. Forrest then reaches down and squeezes, stopping her completely while holding her tail.
"Gaaaaaah," Foxy gushes, tongue out and blushing.
"Eeew," Forrest shivers, picking Foxy up by the tail, reducing her to mere chibi form. "You go back and you think about what you did!" He throws the smol fox back into her cove, swiping his hand to telekinetically close the curtains.
"He touched my tail... aaaaaahh," everyone can faintly hear.
"I've never seen her make such a face," Bonnie whispers to her girls.
Forrest clears his throat and starts tapping his foot to the beat, gendering at the three huddling, scheming, animatronics.
"Actually, I should," he pushes off the ground, sliding back as if the floor was ice and stops right at the bathroom hallway. He looks to the right where Mangle is, having been watching this entire time. "Hey Mangle."
"Mmmmmmmmm," she turns tail and returns to her cove, as expected.
"Hey, you done in there? I'm dealing with a lot of shit."
"So am I!" You shout back.
"Eh, that's fair," he nods. "I enjoy double entendres."
Forrest raises his finger and with a quick snap, the entire room is reset to its normal state. "Come on ladies, I'm playing hard to get. Isn't that the game you love?"
The three animatronics all stand in a line, eyes locked onto his cocky form. "We do, and it's a game we always win," Freddy smiles. "Now accept our squishy!"
The two groups jump towards each other going over the tables as they get closer and closer. Forrest smirks, redirecting his momentum downwards to stomp on the edge of the table. It violently flips up, smacking the three girls far past Forrest and towards another conjured mat on the wall.
"Why you! We're the hunters here!" Bonnie stomps her feet, acting like a schoolgirl.
"No, yeah, totally," he nods. "Bad hunters. I respect it."
"You're being mean!" The bunny shouts, sprinting forward only to suddenly halt.
They're robots, true, but they have true personalities... including fear. That fear can easily be seen prospering in their eyes. Forrest pauses for a moment, noting this sudden timid change to all of them. He turns around, seeing what could stoke the flame of fear. A bunny animatronic, seeming to have resemblance to Bonnie but longer hair, completely ruined ears, small bits of wiring poking out. All this tatter, yet she has the most confident aura to any animatronic you've ever seen.
A shadow casts over Forrest. "So... you finally arrive... SPRINGMOMMY!" He violently points at her, one of his eyes becoming a star.
"I don't want to be here anymore," Bonnie quivers.
The three animatronics sprint into the hallway and to Mangle's Cove, hiding behind the curtains with their shy sister.
"Ara ara, what do we have here?" Springtrap caresses her face. "Such a naughty boy."
"Eeh..." Forrest sighs. "It's a good thing I'm running into you and not him. Well," he hops in place, rolling his shoulders a few times. "I'm more of a loli slayer but I can adapt to a MILF this once."
"I don't believe you know what you're dealing with, young man. You need a mother's touch."
"Hehe, aaah, cheeky one, aren't you," he playfully wags his finger at her. "Well, my friend is taking the biggest dookie of his life and I must protect him," he solemnly declares before marching towards here.
"Ara ara, you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're cumming right to me?"
"I can't fuck the shit out of you without getting closer."
"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like!"
Forrest bends his knees and launches forward, shattering the ground where he once stood. His speed once again messes the whole room up while he reaches Springtrap with a wound up punch. The animatronic catches his hand like nothing, holding him in the air for a few seconds. The poor boy's reality is shattered right there.
"Wait, hold on, this is illegal."
"How old are you?"
"Then nothing about this is illegal," she ends with a hungry smile.
"That's not whaaaaaaaa!"
Springtrap pulls him into a hug where his face is completely enveloped in pure, unrestrained boob. But his entire body seemingly disappears, at least in the eyes of Springtrap.
Forrest shrinks himself to ant size, falling to the ground, running a little bit, and returning to normal. He's breathing heavily, patting his cheeks. "Bad touch. Bad touch. How did she even do that?"
Hidden in the air ducts of the building, PikaName has a little set up with drinks, snacks, and a projector that's giving him a show. His little fingers are glowing as he manipulates Springtrap's stats, including changing her official name to Springmommy. The Beta smiles, knowing the tree shall suffer for putting him down in that cellar.
"Ara ara, you-"
"Don't ara ara me!" He turns around. "I'm no simp for some words!"
"Or are you?" She gestures down to his pants, where a slight bulge has formed.
"It is. I'm going to make sure you cannot resist my advances."
"I see," Forrest looks away, contemplating the situation. "So this is a battle of the blood flow. Very well!" He lifts his hand in the air and snaps, creating a bright, shining gauge along the wall reading, "Forrest's Phallic Flow Phenomenon," modeled like a weiner.
It's already partly filled up, as he's a man of impeccable morality and would not lie about this situation.
"Alright, then, I accept your challenge! I will defeat you before I am at attention!"
"To think a boy would think so highly of himself," Springmommy runs a hand through her faux hair. "I will put you in your place - beneath me!"
The room seemingly expands beyond its normal bounds.
"Man... I never even intended there to be a fight scene," Forrest huffs. "But someone had to go to the bathroom and someone... wait a second!" He smiles, quickly snapping his finger.
Sitting on the toilet, you're swiping through some spicy memes, losing track of time and urgency. That is until your poor anus becomes a faucet for everything that was already on the fast track to evacuation. It's the absolute strangest experience of your life, yet, when the suffering is over, you feel like a brand new man.
"I'm never eating his chili again," you give a thorough wipe and get off the toilet. "I should probably get back." Who knows what torture he's been enduring while you went through a forced bowl movement.
Forrest and Springmommy stare at one another, small bits of scratches all across them. The Phallic Flow Phenomenon has almost filled at this point, yet somehow untouched. The entire room has holes, the carpet is destroyed, the stage is in bits, it's practically unrecognizable at this point.
"Hehe, scene breaks. Truly unbeatable."
"Look at your cute little smile on your face. Do you not see that you're almost mine?"
"THAT'S JUST WHAT I WANTED YOU TO THINK!" Forrest starts laughing. "You may believe I'm at a disadvantage, but au contraire mon Springmommy, I have reached peak power!"
Forrest shoots his hand in the air whilst a beautiful, holy light peers through the roof. Descending through the light, a ring with a carved S made of diamonds slides onto his middle finger. He lowers his hand over his genitals.
"YOU'VE GRANTED ME FULL SCHWARTZ POWER!" From the ring, a green plasma saber unleashes itself. He figure-eights with it then points at Springmommy. "Congratulations, you played yourself."
"N-No... I won't be defeated like this!"
"You wanted my Schwartz inside you, right? Then let's go!"
The two opponents dash at each other with unprecedented speed, each step shattering the ground beneath them. The collected kinetic energy from their speed will undoubtedly blow up the entire city when clashing, but right now it's all a battle of principle.
Forrest jumps forward, pelvis first as he lifts both hands in the air, grabbing his sword wrist with his free arm and readying to strike. His eyes sharpen, his instincts harden, and finally they-
You come around the corner, seeing Forrest standing on one of the party tables, the three main animatronics on their completely normal stage.
"Oh, hey!" He smiles and waves. "Must've been a turd from hell to take that long. Like, come on."
"Yeah, sorry."
"Well, come on," Forrest hops off the table and heads for the right hallway. "I'll meet you down there."
6:52 am
For some reason, after your little shitscepade, none of the animatronics came after either of you for the rest of the night. So you managed to just relax as if it was a normal job.
"Well," Forrest stretches and howls. "I'll be on my way. Your friend should be here soon, right?"
"Oh, yeah," you rub your eyes, being a lot more tired this night since not much happened. "Thanks for coming with me. It was... interesting. I swear, it's a lot more hectic than tonight."
"I believe you," Forrest chuckles. "Anyway, see you later!" He puts his hands into his pockets and whistles while leaving the room.
You check the cameras, waiting for him to pass by the hallway. He never does.
"I really don't understand at all," you shake your head, leaning back in the chair. "But... maybe I just can't take this so seriously. Yeah... maybe! But..."
You cross your arms and think a little more about your conversation with Henry earlier. It sparks an idea to try and check over the security feed. The tablet is the only way to view the cameras, from what you know, so there must be some way to check their feed.
You click the home button, but it just brings up only two options: Feed and Saved. You click on saved, but a password is immediately required.
"Damn... maybe I can ask Charlotte when she shows up. We'll be able to see if the cameras have saved everything!"
So, with that in mind, you eagerly wait the last few minutes for your friend to arrive. Despite only needing to wait less than ten minutes, this stretch of time feels far longer than the hours you've gone through prior. When you're eagerly awaiting something, time always seems to tick on the slowest. But tick on it does, and Charlotte shows up to the place as curious as ever.
"Hello?" She calls out.
"Charlotte!" You run out of the room with the tablet in hand.
"Oh, you're still here. That's great!" She says with a weak smile. "Just... fantastic! A better word to use."
"You okay?" You say with a chuckle. "Anyway, I have to ask something," you hold the tablet out for her. "Can you see if the cameras recorded everything from tonight?"
Charlotte is shocked at the request, hesitantly taking the tablet. "Why?"
"Because I talked with your dad and he said I was just sitting around all night, which I wasn't. I just wanna see for myself."
Charlotte holds the tablet up in a way that you can't see her do anything. You just associate this with the password being off limits to someone who's just on a contract. With a few taps, swipes, and even more taps, Charlotte holds the tablet out for both of you to see.
"This is the camera feed from tonight. That's what you want?"
"Yeah," you nod, eyes locked on the screen.
The camera's recording is going at 128x speed, but it's still clear enough to realize that this feed is incorrect. This shows you, just you, sitting in the office all night. There's no Forrest, no animatronics, not even you going to the bathroom.
"Easy night, huh?"
"I..." You're clearly in denial about the footage, Charlotte can see that. "Yeah... easy night. I'm gonna go now. Have a good one, Charlotte."
"Yeah," she doesn't smile, she doesn't wave, she just watches you walk out of the building. "Seems you're having a lot of good ones."
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