Night 3
Night 3: The Phantom Melons
Sleeping isn't easy this time around. One would think it has something to do with the knocking on your door every thirty minutes – your friends wanting to hang out or ask questions about your new occupation. But your mind, your dreams, all revolve around that night at Freddy's Anime Convention. Lots of people probably have dreams about it, dreams that're probably similar to what you experienced. The animatronic girls chase after them, giggling, hoping to get some up close and personal time. They have no idea how terrifying that really is. Maybe you're just overreacting. Maybe they really just saw you as a customer and wanted to entertain you, but there was something in their eyes, their deceitful eyes, that told you there was something more to it.
You just can't shake the feeling that there was something more behind... everything. Maybe you did just freak out, read into it a bit too much, but you need to keep a sharper eye out for those animatronics, and not the same way everyone else does. So, you toss and turn in your bed, never sleeping for more than an hour at a time. In total, you get about six hours of sleep, which isn't the worst. But your body feels like you've only slept for three. In time, you end up just lying in bed with your eyes closed, ears honing in on every little sound as if it was hooked up to a speaker beside your head.
With an annoyed groan, you throw your blanket off of you and roll out of bed. You grab some clean clothes and open your door, eyes already locked on the free bathroom. However, Forrest's cooking in the kitchen slides into your nostrils and lightens the mood. He turns around, showing off a large pot cooking on an induction plate. His pet Monkeychu is on the counter with a chefs hat and moustache, holding a packet of spice.
"It... helps you cook?"
"He's hungry."
"Pika!" It nods.
"I... um, well thanks for the food last night. Did the monkey help you make that too?"
"A monkey? This thing?" He flicks his head towards Name. "It's mole rat, silly."
"What? But you sai-"
"You want more tonight?" He completely cuts you off.
You approach the bathroom, taking a deep breath as you contemplate.
"Yessssssssssssssssss," and you step inside the bathroom, closing it behind you.
"Hm... he seems happy," Forrest smiles, turning back to his pot and stirring. "Name, use chili spice!"
"Chuuuuuuuu," Name pours the spice in on command.
"Super effective. Hehehehe... we're so funny."
Even after refreshing yourself with a shower, you just sit in your room and waste away what hours you have before your next shift. You make sure to keep your door closed so when your friends knock and Forrest answers, he can reliably make an excuse why you can't come out. But it also makes him a little worried about you.
"Alright, you duck," Forrest leans back against your door.
"What the?" You roll away from him, getting on your knees to be eye-to-eye. "I didn't even hear the door open!"
"I teleported," he says with a joking undertone. "Anyway, what's wrong? You're not depressed, at least I don't think so. It needs to be at least a consistent two weeks and... whatever," he shakes his head, pushing off the door and standing at the side of your bed. "What's wrong?"
"Just... work stuff."
"Girls freaking you out?" He chuckles, though your reaction warrants seriousness. "Oh, is that why?"
"They just... they came after me."
"I want to make jokes so badly, you have no idea," he shuffles in place. "Oh, can get robot girls after you but not real ones. Actually, do... nevermind," he waves his hand. "You're feeling nervous or something? Alright," he looks over to the door while opening it. "Name, come here!"
Chefchu, who's stirring the pot, sets the wooden spoon to the side and makes a long jump off the counter and onto Forrest's open palm. He moves his hand towards you, presenting Name.
"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!" His voice boombs with the presence of pure power.
"Just put him in a backpack or something until your shift starts," he speaks normally again. "He's a reliable little guy," Name crosses his arms and nods, agreeing with his owner's sentiments. "And smarter than he looks." The sharp gaze of a Pikachu beams through the blonde's eyes, but he's relatively unfazed. "He'll at least give you a sense of companionship. Just let him tag along, see if it helps."
"Uh... I..." You look at the Pikachu, hands on his hips and determined to help. You shrug, not having anything to lose. "I guess so," you hold out your hand for it to jump on.
"Piiiiika!" It hops on your palm, making you falter for a moment.
"Oh, he's a bit heavier than I thought."
"HA!" Forrest leaves your room. "Told you! Stop eating donuts."
"Piiiiiikaaaa," it responds with a sinister, cruel tone.
"So... you're fine with tagging along?" You ask, finding it ridiculous that you're speaking as if it's a person.
Name turns back to you, much happier than when he's talking with Forrest. "Pi," he nods.
"It's cause of the big boobs!" Forrest shouts from his room. "You saw him when we went there."
Name chuckles, lifting his hand over his mouth as he does so while his cheeks puff.
This all seems utterly ludicrous, but maybe this is just what you need to calm your nerves. This conversation alone has elevated your mood. Hopefully this yellow mole-mouse will make the night easier. It'll at least be less lonely whilst you're locked in the security room.
Being dropped off yet again by a taxi service, you make sure your backpack is secured, now holding both your food and a companion.
"This one will be better... this one WILL be better," you reassure yourself as you walk inside of the building.
Even with your eyes staring straight ahead, your sixth sense kicks in to make you look to your right. Charlotte is there, staring up at the three animatronics in deep thought.
"Uh... hey, Charlotte!" You greet.
The girl snaps out of her trance, turning her whole body towards you while smiling. "(Y/N)! So good to see you again! Feeling okay?"
"As good as I can," you shrug. "Were, uh... you okay? Back there?"
"Oh, don't worry about that," she casually waves off, not in an overdramatic way like you were expecting. "I was just looking into their wiring an hour ago. Was thinking of improvements and I suppose I got lost in it," she smiles in embarrassment. "Since you're here, I think I was staring for over twenty minutes."
"Didn't happen to stop them from coming after me, did you?" You jokingly say, though secretly you'd like to plead it on your hands and knees.
"Can't say I did," Charlotte replies with the same energy, except without the secret begging. "Don't worry, there's nothing in their programming that makes them hurt people. On my life," she places a hand over her heart. "I promise their intention isn't to hurt you."
"Still doesn't help when they're chasing after me."
"Taunting too," you tack on.
"Interesting... that's something I wasn't expecting. I thought they just walked around. Well, just do your best to avoid them. Like I said, if your hand prints are caught all over their bodies daddy will fire you and I will absolutely believe you are a pervert."
"Butts on the mind?" She leans forward, getting into your space. "Maybe you're already gross."
"Hey!" You stand your ground... after stepping back. "But is a common... Eeeh," you sigh. "I'm going to set up," you turn away and head for the hallway.
Charlotte's laugh wraps around you, almost attempting to pull you back to the conversation. "Have a good night, (Y/N)!"
As soon as Name hears the door close and lock itself, he springs out of the backpack, going full sprint the moment he touches the ground. With his prize in sight, he leaps forward like a majestic gazelle, and lands right on Freddy's mommy milkers. He rolls around, cooing at the comfort of such a heavenly place. Truly, no mortal was meant to rustle between these mountains.
You hunch forward, not believing that this mole rat is a real thing.
"You... have to be kidding me. Hey, wait, don't do that! There are cameras! Come on!"
Name looks at you then the lovely creature keeping him warm. He sadly jumps off and waddles towards you, head down the whole time.
"I don't even think you're a real mole rat," you say shaking your head. "Maybe YOU can get chased by them all night."
You and Name reach the security room and take your places – you on the chair and Name sitting on the corner of the desk. He happily looks at all the drawings in the room, noticing the fan made ones are a lot more promiscuous than the ones posted up on the walls. This makes Name very happy. If he has to be locked in this room, and least he has things to look at.
"So, you're... relatively smart, right?" You ask while pulling out the lunch bag and setting it against the desk.
"Pika!" Name turns around and nods.
"So if these things actually are after us... you'll vouch for me?"
"Pi!" He nods again.
You stare at it for a moment before leaning forward and grabbing your head. "I'm actually going crazy. I'm trusting this thing."
Two small hands pull your head up only for you to be slapped.
"PIKA! Pi Pi Pikachu!" He mouths off.
You have no idea what anything means anymore.
All of a sudden the entire building's lights shut right off. Name jumps onto your shoulder, holding onto your head for his life.
"What the hell happened?"
You pat the desk until you find the tablet and try to check the cameras.
"The feed is dead! Crap, crap, crap!" You pull out your phone and turn on the flashlight for any sort of vision. The moment you do, playful laughter echoes through the building, striking fear straight into your heart like a stake.
You turn off the light and freeze up, unsure what to do. The doors are still up, the animatronics can reach you. So... you instantly dial up Henry to get some answers.
You hide underneath the desk, Name dashing from side to side on the lookout for big booby robots. The phone rings... and rings... and rings...
"Hey there, (Y/N). Nice that you're calling me earlier," his voice is a little groggy, but he doesn't sound like you woke him out of deep sleep.
"So, uh, sir," you whisper. "The building's power totally shut down. What do I do?"
"Oh, darn it," you hear him snap. "We've been having power problems today. You have to flip the switch in repair room two. It's the one just out of the east, well, right hallway. There's a power box in the back left corner. Just pull it up and down, the power should come back on."
"Okay, thank you, sir!"
"Oh! Like I said, the power is strange. Try not to use the doors too much. Having them closed apparently drains the power. You can't keep turning the power off and on again. That costs a lot of money, son."
Your life flashes before you when you realize your safety is compromised. If the doors can't stay closed, you're at risk the whole night. But that's better than being trapped in a dark room with absolutely no protection being metal or rubber.
"Hey, rat thing," you whisper. "Can you see in the dark?"
"I... don't know what that means."
You soon feel a fuzzy tail slapping against your hand. At first, you push it away but the continuous contact makes you rethink what's happening.
"You want me to grab it?"
You lightly grab the tail and feel Name start to move. Keeping low to match his height, you follow the small companion around the desk and out the right door. With everything so silent, no fans or humming lights, you can hear the light footsteps of the animatronics. It's surprising, considering they're all made of metal. You'd hope that the steps would be loud, apparent, easy to track, but that's a pipe dream. It also doesn't help that there's multiple girls prancing around the building, so keeping track of any one is impossible.
So, you leave the security room, crossing to the right wall and keeping low. You have no idea if staying low will help, but it's definitely trying harder than just walking normally. That thought is cut off when Name stops moving and rolls over towards the hall. His tail slaps your hand towards the wall while your ears pick up a louder and quicker patters coming close. You roll over so your back hits the wall and you hold your breath.
You're worried that the thunderous beating of your heart will reveal you, but the sound deafening to you while it's not even a factor for the outside world. Hearing the little ticks of her feet pass by, almost sounding like she's cheerily skipping to your room. By this point, your eyes are slightly adjusted to the darkness so you can spot her legs are yellow, meaning it was Chica.
Seeing the big breasted, fellow yellow creature, PikaName scurries away from you and hops on her back.
"What is this? Eager are we?" A voice slightly higher pitched than Bonnie's speaks out.
"Oh, Freddy, look at how adorable it is."
"Piiiiiii," you notice the sounds become muffled.
"And how curious it is," Chica continues, seeming to enjoy the experience of, what you can imagine, the little mole-mouse embezzling robotic tiddy.
That stupid little-
"Can I see it?"
"Me too!"
"We can share him!"
While Chica is the last to speak, the other two voices are different. One is certainly Bonnie, the other may have been Foxy. It reminds you of the giggle you heard from Pirate Cove. With Chica already addressing Freddy, that means all of them except Mangle are in the security room.
He's distracting them. Fine, he's not so stupid.
Trying to keep quiet, you shuffle along the ground, keeping as close to the wall as possible so you know when to turn. Lightly tapping the wall every few seconds, you finally feel the corner and turn with it. It isn't a far distance after that in which you reach the door. Still hearing the giggles from your work room, you know standing up won't be so dangerous. So, you cautiously get to your knees and ever so gingerly pull down the handle and open the door, being equally as careful to not make any noise while pushing it. You roll in, quietly shutting the door behind you and letting out a sigh of relief.
"That was the worst thing I've ever experienced. Probably the best thing that little weasel will ever experience too," you say with a forked tongue.
With your eyes mostly adjusted, you're able to get a relative lay of the land. There's extra masks set along wall-hanging shelves, a big white box with a big pink ribbon on top, and finally some anime paraphernalia like posters, small figures, and trading cards. But, most importantly, there's a big breaker box in the back corner, signalling that power is on the horizon.
You jog over to it, open the box open, and do as you were instructed: up and down. With a little struggle to move the rusty switch, the lights flicker on, fans start running, everything is as it should be at Freddy's Anime Convention.
Except it's not. The moment the lights turn on a Freddy sits on the main table. It's fur, unlike the one you know, is completely Golden while the eyes are practically pitch black with small white dots. There's small tears all throughout her body, including the head, and bits of wiring protruding out of some. But she still has a little top hat lopsided on her head. She even has a few black freckles along her face.
As cute as she may be to some, her sudden appearance and curious stare scares the hell out of you. Your body falls back, a small yelp leaving your mouth as you hit the floor and crawl back. But when you open your eyes, looking towards Golden Freddy... she's gone. Nowhere to be seen. Your heart is racing once again, making it more in this night than your past five years. But, looking around the room, hand on your chest, you soon realize you're safe.
However, you're presented with a new problem – you need to get back to your office. If the girls are still there, you're screwed. If they're now skulking the building, getting back is impossible. Plus, from your previous nights, you know animatronics do come inside this room.
"Crap... what do I do?"
The moment you stop speaking, your phone starts ringing. Lucky for you, the phone is on vibrate. You grab your phone and see it's Forrest.
You swipe to accept and frantically speak, "Forrest, I'm in a bad way!"
"Oh... why?"
"I'm stuck! I have no way out!"
"This is very vague, so... uh... perhaps you have a conveniently large cardboard box?"
"I hear it's vital for any stealth mission."
"There's no-" You go to look and lo and behold, in a corner you didn't see is a very large cardboard box. "How did..."
"Whenever stealth is necessary, a cardboard box will be there. Trust me, it's how I escaped my last relationship."
"Have a good night. Don't get humped or... some comfort from a woman. I get that scares you."
The line is cut and the decision to strangle your roommate is cemented. But, for now, you need to worry about survival. For that, you look towards the cardboard box.
"Am I doing this?"
The door opens for a creeping box to shuffle out. You feel ridiculous. This will never work, you're a moving cardboard box. Using some small openings meant for carrying, you peak out and see Bonnie resting on a table, kicking her legs in the air.
So they left Forrest's animal in the room? Or...
You VERY carefully tippy toe around the corner and into the hallway. As you start going down the hallway, you come to a dead stop when, out of the little slit, you see yellow legs slowly step out of the security room. The direction of the legs makes it clear that your box is her target. You close your eyes, clenching your body as you wait for this plan to fall apart.
"Oh, a box. That belongs there," she affirms before walking past.
You don't move for a short time, making sure Chica has left, then resume your trek to the security room. It barely takes any time to return to the room, immediately inciting you to throw the box off and hastily lock both doors. You're aware of the power issue, but you need a moment to breath. Now a little relaxed, you turn around and spot Name, lying on the floor with star eyes, a smile, and a little drool. Clearly, the assault of these animatronics was super effective against the Pikachu, causing him to faint.
"Of course," you huff.
Knowing you can't be locked in forever, you grab the camera tablet and double check that the girls aren't right outside. Once assuring none of them are in either hallway, you open both doors and hide yourself and Name inside the box, along with the tablet, your phone, and the food you were cooked. You're going to be sitting in this box for a while, so you need some food.
The hours pass in this box. You're thankful it's as big as it is so your spine won't be a permanent C, but that doesn't mean it's super spacious. The animatronics have passed by, even entering the room a few times, but the box has been absolute camouflage. If you have this for the rest of your time here it'll be a breeze. An uncomfortable breeze, but one nonetheless.
However, the worst scenario has happened. You need to use the bathroom. It's been building since 2am, and it's 4:47 now. You can't hold it any longer, you need to make a move to the bathroom.
Thankfully, Name is awake and ready to help. You've agreed that you'll use the bathroom while he stands guard. How exactly he'll "stand guard" is beyond you, but he'll probably smother himself in their breasts again. Whatever he does, so long as you can relieve yourself and continue to live, you're fine with it.
You both scurry out of the security room and down the hallway, stopping every few steps.
"Pipi pipipi, pipi ka!" Name sings a little tune while crossing into the party room.
You have no idea how none of the animatronics don't notice the box move, even after they see it multiple times while moving through the room and towards the bathrooms. But, through the miracle of god, you reach the bathroom. You lift the box off of you when actually inside, happy to stand up straight for the first time in hours.
"I'll be quick. Just make sure they don't get me."
"Pika!" It salutes you.
On all fours, the animal runs right outside to the hallway, stands on two legs and mutates into a behemoth. His tiny legs, waist, and tail remain the same, but he grows eight feet tall, face becoming chiseled with a dark shadow clouding his eyes, and his arms becoming wider than your body. This buffchu takes his place in front of the bathroom, assuring that none shall pass.
Being in her hallway, Mangle peeks out of her curtains to see what's visiting, and immediately retreats when bearing witness to the glorious form she's sharing space with. Chica, however, isn't afraid. The moment Chica enters the hall, Name adopts a suit that somehow fits around his muscular form, dark sunglasses, and an earpiece. Chica tries to sneak by but Name places a hand on her chest, blocking her.
"ID please," his voice is deep and intimidating.
Chica checks her pockets, or lack thereof, then shrugs at the guard.
"No ID, no entry," he sternly informs.
"Can we work something out?" She pushes her breasts together, shaking.
"Ma'am, I will not be bribed by your well endowed breasts. Please, I have to escort you out."
"Awww," she pouts, not struggling as Name gently escorts her out of the hallway.
Once gone, Name returns to his post and waits for your imperative pee to complete. You peek around the corner, seeing a tiny Pikachu looking up at you.
"Yeah, I peed. Come on, let's get back before any come."
Being boxed in may have its downsides, but you eventually reach 7am alive and well. The girls are back in place, your body needs a massage, and Name is being cramped into yet another tight space. You gently put your backpack on and head for the door when Charlotte arrives.
"Oh, (Y/N)! I'm surprised to see you," she warmly greets with a smile.
"Well, not many people make it this far. They usually run away or something."
"Oh, well, nope. Still here," you reach her by the door, stretching your back and neck. "Little stiff though."
"Because of the animatronics or..?"
"AH! No! Not that stiff!"
"Oh," she chuckles. "I see. Well, I have some things to set up, so if you don't mind," she bows her head before passing by you.
"Oh, Charlotte!" You turn your body to follow her. "Is there a golden version of Freddy?"
Charlotte stops in place, not looking back at you while she devises an answer. "It's... a faulty suit. You saw it?" She turns around, clearly more serious than she usually is.
"It showed up in the repair room," you lazily point over at it. "But then it disappeared. Wait, so it's a real thing?"
"You don't have to worry about that, I promise," Charlotte waves off, nervously laughing. "It's just a faulty suit. Just leave the Golden ones alone."
You nod, slowly backing up to the door. "Oh, okay. Um, have a good day."
"You too!" She waves until you leave the building.
You step out, taking a deep breath of fresh air.
"Wait, ones?"
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