Night 2
Night 2: Attack of Boobs
"I still can't believe YOU got hired," Alex says, a little harsher than you appreciate. "You don't know the fine aspects of women's bodies," he ends with a sly chuckle.
"Say again," Jacob cheers as he shoots.
The TING of the white ball echoes in the room as all the balls spread across the table.
"I can't either," you roll around on a comfy red couch, placed near a wall-mounted TV. You can't even see your friends' game, just gauging the game on the sounds and reactions. "But it was interesting."
"Interesting how?" Jacob prodes.
"Just... sitting around, watching the animatronics," a yawn cuts into your sentence. "And... uh... garbage. I still can't believe they just have a key outside..."
"What?" Jacob and Alex stop in place.
"Oh! Shit," you whisper, slapping yourself. You're still tired, probably needing a nap before work tonight. That alone has led you to ALREADY break the contract you signed last night. This is proof you should not be held accountable for your actions.
You roll onto your back, instantly scared by Jacob and Alex's looming figures. "Tell us," the two demand.
"H-Hey!" You roll off the couch and hop away. "Don't get all weirdy weird on me."
The two zoom around either side of the couch, their eagerness hurting your heart. "Listen, I didn't say anything. I'm not supposed to say anything."
"But you already did."
"And we're dying to know."
You huff. "Look... that's not the point. Why do you even need to know? You're gonna break in at night? Then I have to report you!"
"Or you don't see us!"
"No," you shake your head. "No, just play your game," you pass around Alex and head for the door. "Trust me, the place is just freaky at night."
"I like freaky!" Jacob shouts.
"That's not what I MEANT JACOB!" You screech.
You swipe your room card and push open the door, eyes immediately looking forward to your room. You don't pay too much attention to it as it's a passive observation in your peripherals, but your roommate's door is open.
"Taking a nap?" He asks.
"Yeah, I..." You stop mid step the second you enter your room. Taking two steps back, you gander in the room and spot Forrest lying on the bed. "Where is my roommate?"
"I'm the roommate you're looking for," he waves his hand mystically.
"You're the roommate I'm looking for," your voice is almost robotic.
"Very good," he says in a posh accent. "So, how was your night?
"It was interesting," your voice box returns to default. "I swear, sometimes I thought they knew I was watching them," you leaned against his doorframe.
"What? Like, waving or something?"
"No, no... just the way they'd sit. The way they'd move..." You trail off when remembering the night.
Forrest shuffles in his bed, covering his mouth as he coughs. "Well, they are some, uh, uniquely designed mascots. I wouldn't be surprised if they're wired to be seductive. Wait, they move around at night?"
"Oh, crap," you slap yourself twice. "I'm not supposed to say anything."
"It's fine," he waves off. "I'll keep a secret. Better to not be stressed before sleeping."
"Well... yeah, they move around at night. Apparently to keep them nimble. I don't really get it."
"They don't just lube them up or something? I'm sure enough people jerk off to keep the gears moving."
"That..." You sigh. "I don't think I can argue that."
Forrest laughs. "Just go to bed, man. I'll even make you a little lunch."
"Oh, cool," you pep up from hearing that. "Thanks! Yeah, I'll get some sleep!" You push off the doorframe and head to your room. "Just be a little quiet!"
"I'm the quietest person on the planet."
"You don't get an opinion, Name!"
Your car pulls into the parking lot of Freddy's Anime Convention, rolling to a stop just in front of the entrance.
"Thank you," you pleasantly say to the driver before opening the door. "Have a good night."
"You too, kid!" The driver waves, patiently waiting for you to close the door before driving away.
It's 10:45 pm, so you still have a short time before your shift actually starts. But, as you enter, Henry is clearly happy you're here. Nearly the moment you enter the building and take a ganger, Henry makes a b-line out of the office and down the hall.
"It's good to see you again, (Y/N)!" His voice bounces down the narrow hall into the wide-open room. "I was worried you wouldn't come back."
"I'm committed to the week, sir," you do your best to reassure him. "It wasn't bad enough to scare me off. I have to say," you connect with him in the main room, Henry turning around and walking with you back to the security room. "The animatronics moving around was weird. Kinda freaky."
"Did they approach the security room?" Henry raises his brow.
"No, just walking around the main room and those side rooms," you wave your hand as a weak gesture. "They did take notice of the cameras."
You both enter the security room, Henry stopping so you can pass by and take your seat at the desk. You set down the lunch box Forrest prepared for you, along with taking a quick gander at the tablet's location for future reference.
"Well, of course they did!" Henry throws a raised finger in a "matter of fact" way. "Our girls do their best to face every camera when getting their pictures taken! I believe..." His confidence in the answer dwindles slightly. "Like I told you, son, I don't know the wirings of those machines. A little too complicated for me. I still struggle with the pad," he returns to his lighthearted, powerful voice.
"Oh, I guess that kinda makes sense. Is there a reason they aren't walking around right now?" You lean forward to swipe the tablet and take a gander. As you expected, all of the animatronics are where they're supposed to be.
"I believe the wandering starts at midnight and resets around six o'clock. Again, my daughter can answer that, when you see her."
You remember that she showed up at the beginning of the day last time, so perhaps that's a recurring thing. She's the one that opens the store up. Maybe even ensure the animatronics are functioning properly.
"It's beyond me too, don't worry."
"Well, I've been here all day so I'm going home. My wife misses me," he pats your back and laughs. "Have a good night, son."
"Yeah, good night, sir. Have a safe drive home!"
You roll your shoulders and think of what to do.
"Oh!" You hear Henry's distant voice. "Please take out the garbage! And I saw you brought a lunch. If you forget to, you're allowed to order food. Just don't let them in!"
"Got it! Thank you!" You shout back.
Seconds later, you hear the door close... and you are alone. But that's not so bad. With plenty of time to accomplish everything, you decide to peek at whatever Forrest made you. Zipping open the lunch bag, you see two containers with cooked and spiced mini potatoes alongside a steak. In between them is a hot pack, which, after touching it, you can confirm is quite hot. Of course, there's some utensils for you. After that, you zip it back up and put it beside the desk.
"Well, thanks Forrest. Not sure why steak, though. I'm not even a big fan of-"
"Blasphemer..." A whisper dances through the building.
"Huh?" You scratch your head. "That was weird. Well," you pull out your phone and check out YouTube. "Let's see what happens tonight."
You swipe through videos while snatching the tablet, leaning back, kicking your feet up, and resting the tablet on your thigh. You keep it stationed on the STAGE, making sure that if any of the three animatronics move, you'll notice.
Like before, the first hour goes by without a hitch. So much so that you forget to throw out the garbage as you were asked. It isn't until you set your phone down for a drink that you even remember the garbage. Quickly checking the time, it's 12:37 am.
"Have they moved yet?" You take a quick look at the STAGE and... they're all there. It's a relief for you, so you check on Foxy and Mangle, both still hidden behind their curtains. "Will they react to me if they see me now? Well, I said I'd do it and I can already smell it," you waft before your face.
Pushing off the chair, you walk towards the left door where the garbage is sitting. You lift the bag up, being a little harder than you expected.
"Whoa, okay, the heck was tossed out?" You limp your way out down the hallway and towards the main room. Right as you pass by Pirate Cove, the curtains shake and a very seductive giggle leaks out. You instinctively hop away and drop the garbage, your heart racing from this surprise sound. You're honestly unsure if your heart is pounding from being scared or how womanly the sound was.
"Uh... don't do that!" You say back, slowly creeping forward, grabbing the garbage, and running towards the door.
The main trio's eyes follow you while you run out, but that's something you don't notice in the scramble. You exit the building, pushing the door closed with your back and taking a deep breath.
"That... was an experience," you slap your cheeks, one at a time with your free hand, then push off the door. "I shouldn't be outside for too long."
You make your way around the restaurant, enjoying the small reprieve of the stuffy building. From the smell alone you know there are some sweaty people who come here. At least, you hope that's sweat. You've seen some of the stains and you pray they aren't questionable ones.
You circle around the entire building to the dumpster at the back, with both arms, throw the massive black bag in with the others.
"There you go, you're with your friends now."
A familiar, ghost-like voice speaks to you. "Say it's a trashy grooooooup. Make the puuuuun. I'm not there so you have toooooooooooo."
"You're ruuuuuining iiiiit."
"Huh..." You look to the treeline. "That's weird," you ignore it and head right back for the front door.
"What an iiiiidio- I mean smaaaaaaart guuuuuy."
Not having a one-hundred ton bag to drag, you make it back to the front door and try to open it, but to no avail.
"Oh, right," you pull the poster back and wiggle the loose brick out. There, a dull key sits for just such an occasion. You pull it out, unlock the door, then put everything back as it was so nobody coming tomorrow could see there's a potential way in or compromise the security of the building.
You push open the door and let it close behind you, hearing a click to indicate it has locked itself. While gingerly walking back to your office you take a look-see at the stage to make sure none of them are
"Bonnie's gone. Ooooh no, Bonnie's gone... where- gggh," you shiver in place when you finally notice the tall, blue, purposefully attractive animatronic bunny girl leaning against the far room's door frame. Her playful eyes are locked onto you, a confident smile plastered on her face. You didn't even know these machinations could make such realistic expressions.
"Uh..." You take a very subtle step, trying not to move too fast. You have no idea what this thing is programmed to do to you, and you'd rather not get in trouble by messing with them. "Stay? Go back to the stage?" You questionably command.
"Well, well, such a big boy we have here," she teases, sending shivers down your spine.
They talk? What the fuck? They can actually fucking talk? Who programmed that? When did they get- can they all do that?
"Y-Y-Y-Yeah... big... yeah... uh..."
"You wanna play with me?" She stands straight, taking one step towards you.
"I-I, uh... I'm working... right now. So, you know... uh..."
"Let's play. Come here!" She opens her arms and runs forward, breasts swinging with each step.
"T-That doesn't work!" You point and shout, quickly dashing towards the hallway. "You're coming here! You said I had to come there!"
"I like when they play hard to get," she giggles, her steps somehow light considering her metal body. She's also a lot faster than you thought, having almost caught up to you in such a short timespan.
Seeing the door so close, you dive forward, spinning so you land on your back and slam your foot against the door button. The thick metal closes, cutting the blue bunny off from your grounded form. You use the same foot to hit the lights, bearing witness to Bonnie as she presses her massive mounds against the glass, kissing it.
"Looks like you're a bottom, huh? I like that. We're going to have a lot of fun with you."
With a final wink, she prances away and leaves you to panic. Without a second thought, you hastily scramble to your feet and lock down the other door, securing yourself in the room for the rest of the night.
"Breathe, breathe, (Y/N)," you pat your stomach, feeling a massive knot in your chest. Your heart running a mile a minute isn't helping either. You have no idea what it would've done to you if it caught you, and that thought honestly terrifies you. Not only that, but its voice... its voice is so amazing that everything is worse. The look, the voice, it's all meant to lure people in. Is this really just part of their nighttime routine? Are more of them going to chase you? Chica has moved already, Foxy has made noise, but Mangle and Freddy have yet to do anything.
In a small attempt to calm yourself down, you slowly get to your feet, body still shaking out of fear, and make your way to the desk. Putting your hands on the chair's arms and slowly sitting yourself down, your breathing finally coming down a little bit. Your jittery hands grab the tablet so you can check the cameras. As you thought, Bonnie is in the PARTY ROOM, seemingly extremely proud of herself. She stops in place, balancing on one foot, and looks over her shoulder at the camera.
"Nnnnhdbshb," you click away immediately to the STAGE, only to see that Chica's gone too. "Oh... oh no... Chica wasn't in the main room. Where's Chica?" You check the two storage rooms – nothing. You check PIRATE'S COVE and, for the first time, see Foxy peering out of the curtain, squeezing her pirate treasures together just for you. "Mmmmmmmmm... I don't wanna be a furry. Please don't maaaake me one," you whine, using this bit of comedy to calm yourself. "Okay... Chica... where's Chica?"
You check both hallways, nothing. TOILETS? Nothing. At this point you begin to panic. The only places left are right outside the doors. You don't even dare turn on the lights to check if it's at the window, pressing up against it and watching you like you're a freshly made pastry that could satisfy a craving. Instead, you click on the cameras just outside the doors... and there Chica is. She's looking up at the camera, seemingly waiting for you to notice.
"GAH! You..."
She heard your reaction, signalling you've seen her. The laughter she lets out is easily heard through the door, making you even more spastic. If not for the doors keeping you safe, you have no idea what could happen.
And so, with the women's laughter filling the building, you're left on a breaking point just waiting for the night to end...
And so, you stayed hiding in the office all night. Thanks to the food you were given, you managed to survive without being famished. But you definitely were craving water. It's not until you see Charlotte enter the building that you finally run to the right door, opening it up and sprinting towards the girl.
"C-Charlotte!" You scream.
"Oh! (Y/N)! Are... you okay?" She raises her brow, seeing your panicked sprint.
"They came after me!" You slide to a halt and point towards the on-stage animatronics. "Bonnie! She chased me!"
"And nothing happened?"
"Of course not! I shut the door all night!"
"Oh, I forgot father fixed that up. Well," Charlotte gives you a hug, which you return. You're definitely put at ease by her warm embrace. "You don't have to worry," she whispers. "I promise, they're not programmed to harm you."
"Then... then why did she come after me?"
"Well," Charlotte releases you and crosses her arms. "They're programmed to please the audience. So... theeeey want to please you?" She shrugs.
"Oh... but that..."
"Hey, you're an employee. You're not supposed to touch our merchandise," she jokes. "But if you're seriously so worried, just keep the doors shut all night. They can't break through them."
"Yeah..." You continuously nod. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry, I guess I just really freaked out."
"Apparently, yeah," she keeps her smile wide to keep yourself calm. "Head home, (Y/N), get some sleep."
"You're right, you're right," you repeat. "Okay, see you later, Charlotte."
"You'll see me before your shift. I'm watching the store tonight," she says, waving as you leave.
You look back at her one last time as you pass through the door. That moment, you notice Foxy's eyes on you, giving you one last wink before the door closes.
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