ChApTeR tWo: FiRsT cLaSs

Discord woke up nice and early, as usual.

She looked over at a scroll and picked it up. Enchant this scroll to tell me whatever I wish, when I ask it a question it writes the answer, and when I say "Mrrm" to it, it goes back to normal, she thought.

"Do my clawmates have a crush on me?" She whispered to it, trying to be silent; the others were still asleep.

The blank scroll now had words being etched onto it in a spidery font: "Yes, they all love you," The scroll read.

"Mrrm," Discord whispered to it hastily; the others were waking up.

Tumbleweed was first. He groaned and stretched awake, eyeing Discord.

She looked away quickly and Frosty woke up next. His shiny scales glinted in the dark cave.




The gong sounded. The others all woke up.

Discord settled her scales on a red black combination with her RainWing ruff being bright red.

Her seven clawmates all awoke to her SparkleFaceMajesty's words: "I'm gonna go to the Prey Centre and eat."

"Can I come with you?" Frosty the snow - [NO] asked. 

"Sure," Discord said, as she swept out of the room.

Everyone who was along the corridor swooned when she walked passed. The females all whispered about her intoxicating beauty. Frosty came up behind her, snout pushed in the air, expression full of pride because he was Queen Perfect's Dancing Monkey of Showy-Offiness.

Her other clawmates gathered their stuff for the class and followed scales (i couldnt say suit, that wouldnt work and CAN SOMEONE PLZ KILL MEE)

Discord swept into the Prey centre, and instantly silence fell. Even the cows stopped mooing, the chickens stopped screeching and the goats stopped fRICKING TRYING TO GIVE EVERYONE EAR CANCER.

She stretched her long black NightWing scattered star-scale wings and killed a sheep so silently and elegantly aND ALL THAT OTHER SHET that everyone gasped.

No one could make the art of killing look so beautiful.

Frosty killed a goat and sat next to Discord and ate his g0aT.

The gong rang once more and everyone filed out of the prey centre, Frosty and Discord coming last.

The first class was History with Webs yAyAy\\.

Frosty led Discord to the class and everyone g00gLed at HeRRoYaLHiGhNeSs when she walked in.

Acting cool [Ha see what I did there I'm so good at jokes], they both sat down at the back and listened as Webs droned on about something or other, it wasn't important.

All Frosty could think of was:

Does she like me? Am I in love? HA, can you believe it, an IceWing in love with such an abomination as an ALLWING? Well, n0B0dY can deny her aMaZiNgNeSs, BeUaTy, and pErFeCtNeSs, so I better claim her as mine now. But h0W? Hmmm.... 0H, I kn0w! I'll be like every single IceWing in history and lie about how she's my girlfriend! 'Good IDEA, Frosty.' 'You're a GENIUS, Frosty!' [- Said nobody ever xD *ducks to avoid frying pan* I HAS THE POWER TO ERASE YOU FROM EXISTANCE, FROSTY! DON'T FORGET THAT! I HAD THE POWER TO CREATE YOU AND I HAVE THE SAME POWER TO DESTROY YOU!]

Meanwhile, her w0rShiPfuLLneSS was thinking this:

Does Frosty like me? I hope he does. I think I love him. I hope he likes me. Wew! Don't lose confidence, Discord. You are the best! Everyone loves you, and you t0TaLLy won't horribly abuse that fact!

S0rry if this trollfic sucks so far, I'm trying to make it as... trollficky... as I can. xD but it's been hard to focus lately, because one of my closest friends has left and she might not come back. Anyways, have a good day, pepsi colas! ^~^

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