Sleepless Nights Brought By Memories...

Caitlin's Personal Observation:

It took some time and convincing, but I was able to convince everyone that Barry should stay at my apartment for a while after the events that took place the other night. Cisco was the only one who knew about me and Barry dating, but it still surprised him none-the-less as well as the others when I suggested it.

Weirdly, Iris seemed okay with it, and every encouraged it with a smile. It was almost as if she knew about what was going on between me and Barry, but we didn't mind. Me and Barry said that I should be the one to keep an eye on him because I would be able to keep an eye on him and make sure that he was safe and that he could talk to me if things were worrying him.

Naturally I was still worried about Barry, as was Killer Frost too, though thankfully nobody knew about her being involved in helping Barry, but I managed to keep my poker face up on the whole situation...or at least enough so that nobody would be suspicious.

Currently I was helping Barry move some of his stuff into my apartment, with a little help from Joe, who had taken the day off to help, and from Barry himself, even if he didn't say too much and both me and Joe insisted that he take things easy. Naturally Barry didn't listen much as he wanted to help, and to be honest I couldn't blame him: I would be the same if I moved into Barry's place or Joe's place.

"You sure you'll be okay looking after Barry, Caitlin?" Joe whispered to me when Barry was in the bathroom freshening up a bit. His idea, not mine, I don't mind how he is.

I slowly nodded, but with a smile on my face. "I'm sure, Joe. Given everything he's gone through lately, not just us...well, I want to help him however I can." Joe nodded at my response, and smiled a bit too, before whispering to me: "Don't tell Barry, but most of the time whenever he speaks about you or spoke about you...I was secretly rooting for him to ask you out. I mean, even a blind person could see you two have pun intended."

I got what he meant, because both me and Barry were, and technically still were, scientists, so Joe had unintentionally made a science joke. Still, I ended up laughing a bit, even if I was blushing a lot inwardly...if only the others knew...

Joe nodded his head, seemingly pleased with the answer, and soon we finished setting things up just as Barry came out of the bathroom...though I will admit that I am worried since he spent a lot of time in there, and I don't think he did that in there.

Joe pulled Barry into a hug, carefully since he didn't know what may cause Barry to react in pain, and Barry responded with a hug of his own. When the two parted from the hug, Joe looked between the two of us and said as he was about to leave "You two need anything then you give me or Cisco a call, okay?" We both nodded and I smiled to Joe.

"Thanks for helping with the move, Joe." I said, and he waved it off with a chuckle. "Nah don't worry about it." He soon took his leave after we all said our goodbyes to each other, and that left Barry and myself alone in the apartment. I took a deep breath and looked over to him. "Sooo...what now?" I asked, and Barry rubbed the back of his head slowly as if trying to think.

"Honestly...I'm not sure..." was all he said. I slowly walked over to him, a little concerned. "You okay? You look tired." Barry simply rubbed his eyes tiredly a little after I asked my question, which only concerned me a little more. He then stumbled a bit and fell back against the wall, trying to keep balance! I tried to help him stand properly.

"Are you okay!?" I asked, my worry now evident, but he slowly nodded at that. "I'm fine...just...very tired...I think something's wrong speed." he responded, and despite his attempt to make me feel better, he failed. But I knew there wasn't anyway that I could do tonight about it, at least not since the others were at home or out at the time.

I led Barry over to the bed and gently helped him onto it, since he seemed like he could collapse at any moment on his own, and I helped him get comfy in the bed as well. "You get some sleep. I'll get Cisco to help me check on you tomorrow, okay?" I instructed, genuinely concerned for Barry's well-being right now, even if I sounded like a nagging girlfriend right now...which, I sort of am now, I suppose.

Barry just nodded slowly as he tried to get comfortable into the bed. I was about to get up to get him something for him to drink, in case he ever woke up during the night...but he gently grabbed my hand with the hand that was closest to me, and what he said next, regardless of how soft his tone was, both brought up old yet pleasant memories, and even melted my heart.

"Cait...? Could you stay with me until I fall asleep...?" I remembered where I had heard that before, even if the memory was fuzzy a little: and that was because I had been the one who said that to Barry a couple of years ago when we were looking for Peck-a-boo, and when me and Barry went out on an unofficial "date" then as of my best memories with Barry. I couldn't help but smile at the reminder of the memory, and the slight irony of our rolls reversed.

"Of course, Barry." I said, and I sat next to him, similar to how he did that for me not that many years ago, gently brushing a hand along his hair and face as I helped him fall to sleep. It did take some time for him to fall to sleep, but fall asleep he did, and even asleep he looked adorable.

As he slept, I gently began to stand, though I don't know how long I waited after his eyes fully closed before I got up - 10, maybe 20 minutes perhaps - and I then gently kissed him on the top of his head before leaving him to sleep.

As the night went on, I found it a little difficult to sleep in between worrying about Barry, and because I was just struggling in general to get to sleep. There was one other factor that was preventing me from sleeping properly, and that was my icy alter ego, Killer Frost.

Ever since I'd found Barry in the state he'd been in the other night: Killer Frost had been...surprisingly less 'Kill everyone who gets in my way!', yet remained very snarky and sassy. Less so with Barry, though definitely still sassy. Maybe she knew something I didn't about Barry's state...though, given our recent history, I'm a little skeptical to believe anything she says just yet...

I wasn't sure whether to trust her or not, but I suppose time will tell. Especially if this Savitar ever shows his metal face again.

That was something that I was also rather concerned about: now granted it hasn't been that long since Savitar got out of the Speed Force Prison, trapping Wally in there in the process, and...and stabbing Barry in the shoulder...but weirdly, this supposed "God of Speed" hasn't made an appearance since that night, and the worst part is that I'm not entirely certain on if that is a good thing or a bad thing...

I'm not sure how long it was before I fell asleep, and I'm even less certain on what time it was when I did fall asleep, but eventually I did fall into what I hoped would be a dreamless sleep...but boy was I wrong...

End of pov.

As Caitlin slept on her couch, entering what she thought and hoped was a dreamless sleep, the reality of the sleep soon became clear: soon she entered what could only be described as an empty void of the mind between the brain and the memories it held. Caitlin could not even begin to fathom how this was possible, and a part of her felt like she didn't want to start thinking how this was possible either. It simply was, for all intents and purposes.

"Hello, Caity..."

Caitlin immediately recognized that voice as soon as the words began, and with good reason: the voice was so familiar and so similar to her own, yet also so different and, in its own way, so foreign that it may as well belong to another person entirely. In fact if you asked somebody else, they would say that the voice did belong to someone else, not her.

It was the voice of her icy alter ego, Killer Frost!

Caitlin turned at hearing the voice, seeing an almost ice-cold reflection of herself, in all of Killer Frost's icy beauty. Beauty that Caitlin shared, even if she herself would probably deny it. Though the good doctor was surprised to see that Frost was less stoic and serious as she had normally been, and wore a more devilishly teasing smirk similar to the one that Earth 2's Killer Frost had worn and used to deceive Cait into trusting her Earth 2's doppelganger.

"Killer Frost..." Cait said, remaining cautious...though she wasn't able to hide the slight fear in her stance at seeing Killer Frost.

It appeared, though, that Frost had noticed this too, as she rolled her eyes in slight amusement at the reaction she had gotten, almost as if she had been expecting that reaction from, in her words, her 'goody two-shoes alter ego'. Though it appeared as though the reaction didn't bothering the icy meta-human at all.

"So distrusting of me...I'm almost hurt! Almost..." she said in her icy tone, slowly pacing from side-to-side as she spoke. "You've not exactly given me much reason to be less distrusting of you!" Caitlin countered back, earning an amused laugh from Frost very briefly, before the latter person stopped pacing as she looked to Cait.

"Perhaps. But, what can I say? I like being a 'bad girl'!" Frost responded, putting emphasis on the words 'bad girl'. Caitlin did not respond to that, and soon her icy alter-egos smirk began to shift into a serious expression a bit before she continued to speak.

"You can relax, Caity. I'm not here to cause trouble...not that I could anyway being constrained to your mind...our mind..." "Then why bring me here?" Caitlin asked, her guard slightly lowering a bit. Then, what looked like memories began to appear all around the two of them in either brief flashes, or remained for a while. Memories that Caitlin both remembered, and some that she hadn't even been away of...

One of the memories surprised her: the first kiss between Frost and Barry during the time that Cait had lost control of Frost, and not too long after Wally had gained his speed through Doctor Alchemy...or more specifically, Savitar himself...

To say that Caitlin was shocked to see this, and what was occurring at the same time as the kiss with Barry's body going a deadly icy blue, would be a major understatement! Granted, she had been aware of the kiss Frost had given Barry when the two of them admitted their feelings towards Barry; but Caitlin had not been aware of anything that Frost had done when the latter had taken control and had gone on a rampage to find Dr. Alchemy.

"Surprised? Well, so was Barry when I did that. And I don't think little Cisco noticed either before he blasted me across the street." Frost commented with a smirk, reminiscing on the memory with fondness and a bit of regret, something that Cait managed to pick up when she managed to pull herself away from the memory.

"You sound like you regret what happened." Caitlin said, more as a vocal observation to see what reaction she would get...what she got as a response was something she hadn't expected.

"I suppose I do in a way...Not being the 'being bad' part, oh god no! That part I loved...but I guess doing that to our new boyfriend and nearly killing him? That I do." Frosts voice and body language shifted as she spoke, depending on what she said: going surprisingly soft a little in regards to nearly killing Barry, yet returning to being sassy and less-than remorseful when it came to her on the 'being bad' part of the conversation.

But before Caitlin could ask for more clarification on the matter, more memories soon began to appear...but these ones did not belong to either of them...they belonged to Barry!

"W-Why...Why are Barry's memories here!?" Caitlin asked as the memories continued to flood the two sides of the same coin, if you'll pardon the terms use her. However when she glanced over at Killer Frost, she seemed as puzzled and confused as the good doctor was.

Some of the memories were old ones and were merely fleeting by as quickly as the wind blows on a stormy night. But others, far more recent ones involving Caitlin, Cisco and Barry, or a combination of the three, often stayed longer...but it was the more tragic of the memories that hit hard with Caitlin and Frost:

Memories involving the many tragedies in Barry's life, from his mothers and fathers respective deaths at the hands of Reverse Flash and Zoom, to the numerous deaths that he had been forced to witness and that involved said speedsters: from Eddie Thawne, to numerous people of both Earth 2 and Earth 1 by the hands of Zoom...and then to the events of both Flashpoint and afterwards, all seen through the eyes of the speedster that Caitlin and Frost cared for!

But, both soon noticed something else as the memories eventually began to give way to something else...something that seemed brought Caitlin close to tears, and that shook up the cold-heart of Killer Frost: Barry, in the Time Vault, during the days after he had freed Wally yet before Caitlin had found Barry on the day that things between the two changed forever...and it seemed like Barry was either in a state of losing his mind and screaming for help...or just completely broke as he fell to the ground...

Caitlin's Personal Observation:

"This is what Barry went through...? All on his own...?" I said, being unable to force myself to look away from what I was seeing. Barry had gone through all of this whilst also dealing with the injuries that I saw he had when I found him in the Time Vault...all because he blamed himself for every bad thing that had happened since Flashpoint...

"Even the strongest of heroes can break when push comes to shove...when everything feels like it's crumbling apart because of an action that they believe to be their own fault..." I heard Killer Frost say as I glanced over to her, being incredibly serious when she spoke...and what was scary was that, to some degree, she was actually making sense in this case...

Frost eventually glanced over to me with a serious look on her face, and soon spoke with complete seriousness in her voice.

"I may have hated Barry when I was first woken up from within you, not too long after the events with that wannabe speedster from Flashpoint...but you can believe me now when I say that I don't hate him, Caity. I want what you want: to help Barry...but helping Barry, and stopping 'him' is...complicated..."

I raised my eyebrow to that in confusion. "'Him'? Who's 'him'?" I asked, to which Frost soon pointed, as the image of Barry vanished...and the visage of the self-proclaimed 'God of Speed' himself, Savitar, appeared in its place!

"Savitar...!" Frost nodded slowly. I looked over to Frost, who seemed to have a deadly serious look on her icy-pale face, and asked "Why would stopping him be complicated?"

I didn't get an answer for that...because seconds later, we both heard what sounded like Barry screaming in our shared minds!

"We're out of time...for now..." Frost said, and before I could ask anything else: we were both enveloped in a blinding bright that awoke me from my less-than-helpful sleep and stroll down memory lane. I immediately got up and ran over to Barry immediately upon waking up though, remembering the sound of his screaming moments ago, or what felt like it anyway.

When I reached Barry: he was sitting up holding his chest in pain, with sweat down his brow, and looking like he had seen a ghost of sorts, or something just as terrifying!

I ran over to his side, placing my hands on both his back, and on his hands near his chest, speaking softly to him in order to try and help calm him down. "Shhhh. It's okay Barry! I'm here!" Barry didn't calm down right away, but it appeared that my presence seemed to calm him down enough that he stopped panicking.

We remained sitting silently on the bed, with me cuddling Barry for comfort as he calmed down slowly, and I gently brushed my hands through his hair to calm him down.

"Do you want to talk about it, Barry?" I asked slowly, being cautious in case it set off Barry again. The last thing I want to do is make him feel uncomfortable again. Thankfully, he seemed to be well enough to speak, as he nodded his head slowly and laid his head on my shoulder gently.

"I...I saw them...Mum, Dad...Eddie...Ronnie...Jay...everyone, all in my mind...and I saw everything that they've been put through...that I put them through..."

Hearing him blame himself again for things that were beyond his or any of our control broke me, and I gently pulled Barry closer into me and hugged him as much as I dared to try and calm him down. To show him how much he is loved and how much he means to me and us. He didn't deserve the anguish he and others put him through...he didn't deserve any of it...

"Don't talk like that, Barry! You are not to blame. And I'm sure that if they were here, now, they'd agree with me that you aren't to blame." I kissed him softly on the lips for comfort, before laying my head gently on top of his as I said softly. "You are one of the best people I know on this world Barry...and Central City, the multiverse, the others at S.T.A.R. Labs...and more importantly me...we're all the luckiest people in the world to have someone like you protecting everyone, Barry...

"So don't go blaming yourself for what's happened, or blaming yourself for all of the things that have happened, especially lately...You are an amazing person, Barry...and I honestly don't know what I, or anyone else, would do without you..."

We were silent for a good long while...but eventually, Barry whispered to me as his eyes slowly closed "Thank you Cait..."

It made me feel like butterflies where flying in my heart and stomach when he said that, or called me 'Cait', and soon both me and Barry feel to sleep one-after-the-other within minutes of each other. I don't know what fate had in store, but I promised myself that I would help Barry heal, both physically and mentally, no matter how long it takes...

End of pov.

Author's Side-Note: I'm sorry this took so long, but it was really difficult trying to do this, and I've been working a lot lately on a number of my stories both on Quotev and on Wattpad lately. Still, I hope you liked this chapter, and I will try to get the next chapter done as soon as I am able to. Apart from that, I hope you all have an amazing day, and I hope to see you in the next chapter!

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