Running Home to You

For my first West-Allen recreation, I knew that there was no way that I couldn't start with Barry's proposal (well, the second one) from the episode Duet where Barry proposes to Iris. Special thank you to AgentofDreams989, whose absolutely amazing Arrowverse recreations inspired me to create some of my own. Thank you so much!

If you love West-Allen, or even if you love the heart behind The Flash, then you probably love this scene. When I think of sweet moments in the Arrowverse (especially romantic ones), this one is right up at the top. I mean, Barry literally wrote a whole new song to propose to her with! It was really heartwarming to get to recreate this touching, loving, and eye watering moment, along with getting to add some afterwards stuff (with a little bit of humor to it) that had my own touch of heart between these two. Anyways, sorry for a ramble, you probably want to get to reading (and listening if you want to play the music in the background while you read)! Hope you all enjoy, and always come running home in a Flash (sweet pun!).

Barry watched as Iris flipped the lights on in the dark apartment, which casted their faint glow across the place, although most of it still remained cloaked in the night's darkness.

He gently closed the door as he followed her inside, Iris holding her folded coat in her arms.

" You didn't change anything when I moved in with Cisco," Barry commented, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he looked around at what used to be his home only a few days prior.

" I, um, couldn't bring myself to do it." Iris said, a faint smile on her face, Barry letting out a quiet laugh.

" You know, we've been through a lot these last three years, but, um, getting stuck in a musical?" Iris laughed, her hands placed on her hips jovially.

" Music Mesiter, said that, you know, it could've been anything, that I created that world because..." Barry started.

" You were watching them. Because of us." Iris finished thoughtfully, a tinge of sadness in her voice about their past fight, a half smile on Barry's face as he lightly nodded his head.

" My mom used to always say that musicals have the power to make everything better." Barry explained fondly.

" Did it work?" Iris asked, a slight sigh finishing her sentence.

" Um..." Barry said, clearing his throat as he grabbed his phone from his coat's pocket, a look of confusion coming to Iris as she watched him.

Once he had it in his hand, he pressed play on the song that he had pulled up, its gentle piano music starting to play as he placed it on the table, a small smile adding itself onto Iris' expression as she shook her head slightly, letting out a quiet laugh as she looked at him.

As Barry took in the look of the beautiful woman standing across from him, the love of his life, a happy smile spreading across his face, he began to sing.

" Can't say how the days will unfold,

Can't change what the future may hold

But, I want you in it

Every hour, every minute."

He sang, both of them staring into each other's loving eyes from across the small distance, as Barry slowly walked over to her.

" This world can race by far too fast

Hard to see while it's all flying past

But, it's clear now,

When you're standing here now.

I am meant to be wherever you are next to me."

He continued as he stopped next to her, the moonlight shining in from the night through the window illuminating their faces in its silver glow, Iris smiling warmly as she slightly cocked her head.

" All I want to do

Is come running home to you

Come running home to you

And all my life I promise to

Keep running home to you

Keep running home

To you."

Barry gently took Iris' hands and wrapped them over his shoulders as they got close, the two of them swaying slowly together as he sang, Iris smiling lovingly as she listened to his beautiful words. He then took her hand and led her over to the bay window, the two of them sitting down on the moonlit covered cushions, their faces still illuminated in its light.

" And I could see it

Right from the start

Right from the start

That you would be

Be my light in the dark

Light in the dark

Oh, you gave me no other choice

But to love you."

" All I want to do," he sang, wearing a wide smile as he brushed his hand gently across Iris' right cheek.

" Is come running home to you

Come running home to you

And all my life I promise to

Keep running home to you." he continued, a twinkle in his eyes as he once again ran his hand lovingly across her face, brushing some of her hair behind her ear, Iris looking back at him with sparkling eyes as his words touched her heart.

" Keep running home

Home to you."

" Can't say how the days will unfold

Can't change what the future may hold." Barry sang, as he reached into his other pocket and carefully pulled a small object out of it, as he stood up, Iris slowly clasping both her hands over her mouth in shock as she saw the ring that he was holding.

" But, I want you in it

Every hour, every minute."

Barry finished, as he got down on one knee and held the ring out to her, both of their loving eyes meeting each other as Iris still sat with her mouth covered.

" Iris West, will you marry me?" Barry asked, a large and caring smile covering his face.

" Yes," Iris breathed softly, both her and Barry breaking out into a wide smile.

" Yes!" she repeated happily, holding her hand out as Barry gently slipped the ring onto her finger, which they admired for a brief moment.

Both of them quickly stood up and embraced each other lovingly, wrapping their arms around one another as they held each other close, cherishing one of the best moments of their lives with one another, and the first day of the rest of their lives, that they would spend, together.

The Next Day at Star Labs...

" Hey everyone." Iris said happily, as both her and Barry walked into the Cortex, both of them imbued with a happy demeanor and permanent large smiles as they looked at one another.

Cisco, Catlin, Julian, and Joe were all talking to one another when they entered, before they turned to speak to them.

" You two sure seem happy," Cisco commented wearily, remembering that they had been barely on speaking terms yesterday.

" Which is a good thing." Caitlin reassured.

" I mean, a sad Allen is like watching a sad puppy." Julian remarked.

" It kinda is," Iris grinned, as she was still looking at Barry.

" It's not that bad," Barry protested, playfully.

" Bar, I watched you grow up, and I can firmly say I agree." laughed Joe.

" Okay, I guess it could be seen that way." Barry conceded, causing Iris to giggle as she wrapped her arm closely around his, pulling the two of them together as she rested her head on his shoulder, both of them wearing the most genuine happy and loving wide smiles that any of the others had seen, as they continued to look at one another.

" Uh," Cisco said quietly, as he cleared his throat, getting the two lovers' attention.

" Is there something that we're missing here?" he asked confusedly.

" Because, I really think there is."

" Yes, last I checked you two couldn't stand being around each other." Julian added.

" Or, you around Allen, Iris..."

" Well..." Iris led excitedly, still pulled close to Barry's chest, giggling slightly as she held out her hand for all of them to see, just as she had done once before.

" Your ring?" Caitlin gasped, as she took in the sight.

" Does that mean?"

" Yep, we're engaged again." Iris beamed, Barry smiling widely as well.

" That's amazing!" Caitlin cried.

" Yes!!! So you're moving out, right?" Cisco exclaimed, a little bit too quickly, as a small look of hurt came to Barry's face.

" It's not that I don't love you staying with me, I do! I just don't love rooming with ice cream eating, sad couch potato Barry." he explained.

" Cisco!" Caitlin scolded, lightly smacking him across the back of the head.

" Hey!" Cisco cried, rubbing the spot.

" It's okay Caitlin, he's not lying." Barry admitted, thinking back to what his life had been like yesterday, before everything had changed.

" But thankfully, that's not going to be how I am anymore," he added lovingly, as he looked down at his soon to be wife.

" Great job Allen, you managed to somehow get engaged, break off the engagement, and then reinstate said engagement, in all of a matter of a month." Julian remarked.

" Impressive." he stated, his tone sounding much more friendly and happy than it normally did.

" Yeah, it'll definitely be a story for us to tell," Iris giggled.

" Well, maybe not all of it," Barry laughed.

" I'm sorry, who was the one who fake proposed to me?" Iris smirked.

" The same one that gave you your real one last night." Barry grinned.

" I guess you're right." Iris smiled, before the two of them kissed one another.

" Well, at least this won't be something we have to get used to," Cisco commented, lazily putting his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his seat.

" Since you two have acted like this since the moment that you got together."

" Well, maybe not the moment," Iris giggled, Barry's mind jumping to the rather... secretive way that he treated their relationship in the beginning, despite everyone already knowing about it.

" But every moment since." she said affectionately, as they once again got lost in each other's eyes.

" Meh, business as usual." Julian shrugged, as he went back to his work, causing a fit of laughter throughout the room.

" Ahem," Joe said roughly, clearing his throat as he quieted the room, all eyes turning to him.

" May I speak to Barry for a moment?" he asked, his somewhat glaring eyes locked onto his adopted son.

Cisco, Catlin, and Julain all looked to him as if he'd just gotten in trouble with the principal of a school, or more accurately, his father, Iris doing the same, only with a little bit more worry.

Barry nervously walked towards Joe, feeling his hands slip out of Iris' as he left.

And dramatic as it sounded, he didn't ever want to leave her side.

To always feel her hand in his, to have her by his side.

The two of them entered the Hallway of Feelings (Cisco's affectionate name for the main hallway of Star Labs where the team always had its best heart to heart moments), both stopping about halfway through to face each other.

Joe stood with his arms crossed and a small scowl on his face as he glared at Barry, making it clear that he was not happy.

What did I do that made him so angry? Was it proposing to Iris? I thought that he was okay with that?

" Um... Joe?" Barry asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable as he stared him down.

" Did I... do something?"

" ..."

" Was it proposing to Iris? I thought that you were okay with that..." he stuttered, feeling his body get really tense as Joe continued to stand there, silently.

" Do you remember what I told you last time?" Joe said suddenly, startling Barry.

" Um, last time. You said..."

" I told you, that it was tradition in my family to have the man who wants to marry your daughter ask for her father's permission first, that I had told you that multiple times before, and how much it hurt that you forgot." he stated, frustratedly.

" Oh..." Barry said quietly, feeling like he was shrinking as he watched his father figure fume.

" And then, you got a second chance when you proposed again, but, seemed to forget?" Joe questioned, although it was much more of a statement than anything else.

" Um... yes." Barry squeaked, to which Joe went back to silently staring.

" I'm really sorry Joe," Barry sighed, before being abruptly cut off.

" Ask it." he stated.

" What?" Barry asked confusedly.

" Since you can't remember this beyond the moment that I say it to you, ask it." he stated once again.

" Um, Joe, do I, um, have your permission to marry Iris?" Barry asked nervously, feeling quite small and exposed due to Joe's tone.

His adopted father's face did the quickest transformation that he had ever seen, as it went from brewing with a seething anger, to a wide, loving smile as he began to laugh.

" Of course you can, Barry," Joe laughed, as he pulled Barry into a tight hug, the former's whole body shaking up and down as he laughed.

" I'm just pulling your leg, Bar." he smiled, tears of joy and laughter jumping into his eyes as he placed his hands on his knees, Barry following suite as he realized what was going on.

" Joe!" Barry sighed, letting his own laughter out loudly as he once again hugged him.

" Of course Barry," Joe said once again, only this time more calmly.

" I see how happy you two make each other, and if spending the rest of your lives together is what you want, then I'm all for it." he smiled.

" Thanks Joe, that means a lot," Barry said appreciatively back.

" No problem Barry," Joe replied, giving him a quick pat on the back, still laughing as he walked back towards the Cortex.

" Oh, one more thing," he added, turning back around.

" Don't you dare, hurt my baby girl, or I'm coming for you." he said sternly, pointing his finger at him.

" Of course I wouldn't..." Barry stuttered nervously, before Joe broke out into another laugh.

" Learn to take a joke Bar," Joe sighed, shaking his head in jest, an uneasy smile returning to Barry's face.

" But I'm serious, I will find you." he finished, holding his finger back up, making sure to keep eye contact with Barry until he crossed out of eyesight.

" Phew," Barry sighed, slumping up against the wall, feeling his pounding heart beat against his chest.

" That was... something Joe," he muttered, laughing quietly as he shook his head, taking a few minutes to calm his nerves.

" Okay," he thought aloud.

" Time to get back to my finance'." he smiled, the happiness that had been in his voice returning, as he walked back to the Cortex.

He passed by Joe when he was entering the large room, the latter giving him one last smile/glare as he left, sending a small chill down Barry's spine.

Could he... stop that? Please?

He quickly realized Cisco, Caitlin, and Julian had all left in the time that he had been gone, now only leaving him and Iris alone, the latter looking slightly perplexed.

" Did dad just congratulate you on getting engaged too?" Iris asked, taking a look at where Joe had left.

" Yeah," Barry replied, coughing slightly as he tried to mask his unease over what had happened a minute prior.

" Did he also warn you to not hurt me, or else he'd come get you?" she added, her face still contorted in a confused expression.

" Yeah he did. Wait, he did that to you too?" Barry asked back.

" No." Iris laughed teasingly, smiles jumping to both of their faces.

" Really?" Barry exclaimed with a slight eye roll, feeling the nervousness he'd felt before fade.

" He did congratulate me on the engagement though." Iris smiled, as she played slightly with the ring that rested on her right index finger.

" He just loves us both I guess." Iris sighed, happily.

" I'd bet, especially with how much he scared me earlier," Barry remarked, to which Iris let out a short giggle.

The two of their eyes met once once, as everything fell silent, their love for each other pulsating throughout the Cortex.

And that's when Barry got an idea.

" Hey, do you want to head back to the apartment? You know, just spend today there?" he asked quietly.

" That depends, will you be there?" she replied, a small grin on her face.

" I'd hope. It is our home after all." he said, as both of them smiled warmly at one another.

" Then yes." she answered, Barry gently taking her hand in his before he sped off and out of Star Labs.

Moments later, the two of them arrived back at their home, the apartment's decor still matching the same way that they had both created it, together.

" So, what do you want to do now, finance'," Iris grinned, as the two of them stood closely together, in the middle of the room.

" Well," Barry said, his hands placed delicately on her hips as she put hers around his shoulders.

" I was thinking that we could spend the rest of the day together here, watch some movies, spend time together, be close with my beautiful soon to be wife..." he said, before leaning in for a kiss, their lips touching gently as love shot through both of their bodies, neither of them wanting it to end.

" Do some of that." Barry grinned, Iris giggling in response.

" You know, I think that I'd like that." she smiled happily, Barry doing the same as they looked into each other's beautiful and loving eyes.

" Me too."

They embraced each other once more, their lips meeting again as they pulled each other close, the loving pair happy to be with each other, to have found each other, and to always be with each other, for the rest of their lives.

Because no matter what happened, they would always come running home to each other.

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