New Years' Fireworks

This is a recreation of the Casino Heist from The Flash Season 8 episode 6, Impulsive Excessive Disorder.

Need I say more? An episode all about Nora and Bart, their amazing relationship together, with loads of heart and humor, combining with a few sights of familiar faces and versions of our main characters' from even before Season One? (even if Eddie's not my favoritest character, doesn't mean that there's no nostalgia to it)

This episode was an absolute out of the park for me from the moment that I saw its title, and the scenes that it gave us didn't disappoint. Not only did the two of them have amazing chemistry in everything from their sibling banter, to their arguing about their different superheroing styles, but in their heart to hearts too, of which they had two separate ones, this recreation, and then the scene where Bart breaks down about failing as a hero in the forensics lab and Nora follows him to the current time's bedridden Barry, who helps pick him up and tell him how great of a hero she knows he is, and how she'll always be there for him.

These two scenes I feel like also go hand in hand to show that, while it will always be more present that Bart needs his older sister, she needs her little brother just as much as the other way around, and really drives home not only how great of siblings they are to each other, but superhero partners as well.

I hope that maybe one day, they can both be the new Flash together, a team of them if you will.

A line like maybe... We are The Flash? :)

Anyway this was a lonngggggg intro, so I'll let you get into it (and don't be surprised if other scenes from this episode make their way into here at some point).

Now, Run Reader, Run!

The lavishly decorated scene of the Utopia Casino was even further decked out then its normal five star casino self in favor of the New Years celebrations that night.

Fancy sleek black tables that wore the business' logo filled the middle of the room, well dressed people sitting at it as they chatted and shuffled cards with one another. Slot machines and other various gambling and gaming devices and the like spread out along the rest of the space, humming and clicking as people did their best to win.

Waiters and employees milled about as they offered people refreshments and set up rounds of games for their guests, small tips (or bribes) being slid to them inconspicuously as they did so.

Numerous tinsel silver "Happy New Year '' balloons floated gently in the designated corners they were put in, with some garland of the same color hung up periodically as well, looking more like a pearled necklace in design.

A tall Christmas tree wrapped in a few long strands of the same garland finished the decorations of the place, with a large hand clock ticking slowly down the minutes till New Years.

In other words, this casino was not only one ready for the holiday's festivities, but one also full of cash waiting to be taken.

At least that's what the Royal Flush Gang thinks.

A loud crash of glass erupted throughout the lobby area as the front doors were reduced to tiny shards of its former glory, the entire frame of the thing even collapsing to the ground with a loud topple.

The crowds of people inside immediately started screaming as they took cover behind whatever they could find, all of them slowly poking their heads out in the direction of the loud noise, four people dressed in black with face paint that resembled a card's face standing in the former doorway.

" Ladies and gents," The Queen started (aka the leader of the gang), before blowing a party blower, its joyful cries not one that matched the feelings of the large crowd.

" I'd say it's high time we ring in the New Year."

" With a Bang!" echoed a voice throughout the group of people, only the words weren't spoken, as much as forced into their minds, a shrill ringing sound accompanying it as they all grabbed the sides of their heads in pain, all four members of the gang smiling sinisterly as they watched the sight of captives they now held.

" Well, here's the drill folks." The Queen started, holding her arms out to show that she was addressing the whole crowd.

" If you run, call for help, or annoy us, my... ooh, King will pop your skulls with his bare hands." she continued, gesturing to the large, bulking man standing behind her.

" So, please don't make him kill you." she chuckled, before turning back to her crewmates.

" Find the casino vault. Empty it." she instructed the other two members of their gang.

" Done and doner." Jack agreed, sneering evilly.

" And if we run into trouble?" Ace questioned.

" Show them the winning hand." The Queen answered, Ace giving her a sly wink as she and her partner left to go find their soon to be new fortune, the crowd of people still cowering in fear of the two remaining villains holding them captive.

Hopefully not for long.

Two streaks of lightning, one purple and one yellow, raced into the casino through the back, the two heroes inside of it quickly coming to a stop behind a large pillar about a yard away from the villains, both of them briefly peering around the corner to assess the situation.

They were both suited up in their superhero costumes; XS her purple and white jacket with her yellow XS symbol strapped to her upper chest, and yellow boots alongside her advanced wrist gauntlets, a purple detailed face mask around her eyes; And Impulse his red silver suit with two lines of yellow lightning bolts running down the sides of it, separating the two colors, his feet wearing sneakers in favor of other footgear for the occasion, with a red mask and yellow tinted goggles pulled over his face, his mid-length black hair jutting out of the top of the headpiece.

"Oh, okay." Nora commented quietly, more to herself than anyone, as she saw all of the captives, quickly turning to her brother.

" Remember, you need to get everyone to safety while I find the bomb," she told him, reminding her partner of their plan.

" And make sure that-"

" Let, the heist happen." Bart finished slowly, as he took a deep breath, trying to let the confidence that his sister had instilled in him earlier set in without his impulsive nature taking over.

Which is a lot easier said than done.

" Yeah." Nora confirmed, with a small shake of her head, the small huff of her hurried words giving away the slightest hint of the nervousness she was fighting off inside.

" Stay calm Bart. You got this." she said reassuringly, as she looked him in the eyes, giving him a small nod.

" We got this." Bart corrected, a look of determination and focus setting in across his face as his sister smiled back at him, XS racing off into the depths of the casino, leaving a flash of purple lighting in her wake, while Impulse used his speed to phase himself and disappear from sight.

It's like she said, we're a team.

Two guests anxiously watched the pair of criminals standing guard over them pace back and forth, their fear so strong that they didn't notice the hand that was gently clasped over each of their shoulders, both of the party goers disappearing from sight as they phased out of view.

A moment later, an yellow streak blasted them outside, leaving the pair just as confused as they were grateful to have escaped, Impulse already back inside as he moved towards helping the next person he could.

So far so good.

" Four minutes to midnight." The King told his boss, as both of them paced in front of the doorway, his eyes searching the crowd for the people he thought he'd just seen moments ago.

Another two people suddenly disappeared as Impulse phased them from view, thinking that they were out of view of the criminals' sight, only he had miscalculated how close the King was to the hostages, his head jerking to the side as he stared at the place where he was sure he'd seen a couple cowering before.

That's not good.

" My Queen," The King said quietly, as he took a few steps over to her.

" A couple was sitting right there, being quiet, so I turned my back on them for a minute. Now they're missing." he finished, nodding in the direction of where the vanished people had been.

" Someone's inside here with us." The Queen stated, angrily.

She stormed over to the closest table and roughly grabbed the woman who was hiding behind it by the arms, dragging her out to the front of the crowd, handing her over to The King who held her by the back of the head.

" Whoever you are, show yourself," The Queen telepathically spoke to the crowd.

" Or my King, starts popping heads." she grinned, quiet cries of pain shooting out from everyone as she started applying pressure once more to the inside of their skulls, The King still firmly grasping the struggling woman.

Let's just say this is not crash.

" Bart, I can't find the bomb." Nora said worriedly into the comm, as she continued to frantically look for any signs of the explosive, blasting between rooms as she searched each of them, with no success.

Where is it?!

" The Queen is gonna start killing people, unless I start doing something, right now." Bart answered quietly back, watching the scene play out before him.

Nora raced to a stop in one of the casino's back offices, its curtains waving lightly with the gust of wind she created.

" What? No, no! You have to get everyone to safety." she stressed to her brother, her voice cracking as the feeling of panic filled her chest.

It can't all be going this wrong! We can't screw this up!

" No. Time for plan B." Bart repiled, shifting his feet back and forth once as he got ready for his somewhat impulsive plan.

" Uh, just get the bomb before midnight."

" There is no plan B!" Nora shouted back, complete panic starting to take over her body as she frantically looked all around her for any ideas.

" Bart! Bart!" she cried, as she looked at the clock, knowing that however long they had until the explosives went off, their time was waning by the seconds.

" No, no, no!" raced through her head, before she blasted off towards the next room to check, leaving a few papers shuffling from the last gust as they floated around the ticking clock, which already read 11:58.

The King's hands were firmly pressed against both sides of his hostage's head, who cried out in pain as he slowly continued to apply an increasing amount of pressure with them, fruitlessly grasping his muscular arms as if she could somehow pull them off.

" Last chance." The Queen told the crowd, her patience for the wannabe hero in their mists waning fast.

The King now held the woman off the ground by the sides of her head, holding her up for everyone to see as he got ready to deal the finishing blow.


Here goes everything!

" Wait, wait!" Bart cried out as he popped up from behind a nearby desk, holding his hands out in surrender, now wearing a black employee suit along with its matching yellow tie.

Good thing it was just lying back here. Guess the manager's off partying somewhere too.

" Stop! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa," he cried, waving his hands side to side for them to stop, as The King placed the woman back on the ground, though not removing his palms from her head as he continued to press them against her.

" Wait, okay. Let's all just-" he continued, as he quickly ran out in front of them.

" Relax. No need to lose our heads." he said, laughing uneasily as he pointed to the large man, who's unamused expression told him that he needed to speak faster.

Ok, not the time for jokes.

" I am, the casino manager, obviously," Bart started, as he chanced a quick glance at the golden name tag pinned to his tux.

" Isaac is my name, and you caught me." he laughed shortly, as he clapped his hands gently together.

" I am the one that was helping the customers escape. But I'm not doing that anymore. I'm not going to do that anymore." Bart stressed to them, feeling a small bead of sweat drip down his brow as he looked at the hostage, who was still trapped in The King's hold.

I can't use my powers now or else I'll disrupt the whole timeline again.

" Um, however, since dead people aren't great for business, how about I just look away... you guys just take the money, and leave?" the fake manager offered, making hand gestures to emphasize each of his words, before turning around and holding his hands up in surrender like he had when he'd first shown up.

" Too late." The Queen stated, Bart wincing at her words.

Oh no.

" Now, tell me," The Queen continued, Bart turning around carefully as she stepped towards him.

" What kind of casino manager risks his neck on minimum wage?"

The superhero kind.

" One who's a really great employee?" Bart answered, hopingly.

" Ohh, or you're a cop? Hm?" she smirked knowingly, Bart's face falling fast as he realized the direction their conversation was heading in.

This is not going well.

" Let's see what's inside that beautiful mind of yours." The Queen grinned, as she made a pulling motion with her hand, a loud, shrill ring blaring through the young man's mind, Bart shutting his eyes tightly as he felt his thoughts all swirl around in his head before being torn from him.

" No, no, no, no. We gotta fix the timeline and get back to the future-" echoed his thoughts, as they reached the telepathic meta.

" Timeline... future..." continued his thoughts, as he strained to block them from The Queen's grasp.

" Wait," the Queen said confusedly, as she listened to his thoughts.

" You're from the future?"

Bart opened his eyes as he looked at the cowering woman across from him, still shaking in fear as the large man held his hands pressed against her skull.

I have to do this, they need me.

Bart shut his eyes tightly once more as he willed his mind to start thinking about something else, the only other thing that he had been able to think about all day alongside all of the mistakes and damage that seemed to follow his and his sister's attempts to fix their mistakes. Someone that he'd been thinking about since he'd first met her earlier that day.

She's so cute!

Please let her not have a boyfriend!

Avery, you're my future.

My future.

My future...

" Ohh... hahaha!" The Queen laughed, Bart gasping as he took in a breath of fresh air, the weighing storm of The Queen's powers lifting off of him as she pulled out of his mind.

" That future." she smiled, mockingly, Bart just happy to have fooled her, for the time at least.

" Yeah, well... Love is grand." she said, though with no sincerity.

" Fine. Sit down." she stated aggravatedly, through slightly clenched teeth.

Bart gulped hard as he slowly took a few steps back from the pair of criminals, The King throwing the woman harshly back towards the other hostages, Bart quickly rushing to her to make sure that she was ok.

Ok... ok, that worked.

" Success Mona." Jack stated, as he and his partner returned from the Casino's vaults with large bags stuffed with cash.

Mona quickly jerked around to face him, a disapproving expression on her face as she glared at him.

" I mean, my Queen." he corrected, as he bowed slightly with his head, before taking his place next to The King.

" Ten million dollars worth too." Ace chuckled evilly, following close behind Jack.

" Well then we're done here." The Queen said to the rest of her gang, Bart's head quickly jerking up as he heard that they were about to leave.

I can't let them go yet!

" Wait!" he cried hurriedly as he ran over to them, desperate to try and stop the villains from leaving.

" My King, my dear, drop the cop." The Queen instructed, gesturing towards him with a slight head nod, being done with the "Casino Manager's" games.

I did not think this through.

" Drop? You're- Hey wait a minute-" Bart started, though barely getting out a word before The King landed a large uppercut to his right arm, screams erupting out of the crowd of terrified people as he sent the young man soaring through the air and through a table stacked with various gaming and electronic pieces, which broke and sparked as he crashed through them, rolling off of the counter and across the carpeted floor as he clutched his now broken arm.

Agh! Definitely, definitely, did not think that through. Ow.

" Oh, if you wanna survive, don't follow us. Just sit down. Stay put. Enjoy the fireworks! All of them. All of them!" The Queen laughed as they addressed the rest of the crowd, before turning and heading out the door with the rest of her gang, escaping with their prize just in time to see the New Years fireworks they'd set up just for the occasion.

At least everyone here's safe, for another minute anyway.

Bart panted heavily as he felt his body groan with pain, holding his right arm closely to his chest as it throbbed steadily.

" Sis," he panted into his comm, as he brushed some of his hair out of his face, still lying on the ground where he'd been thrown.

" The RFG's M.I.A."

A burst of purple lighting illuminated the dark walls of some of the Casino's lowest level maintenance areas, as XS came speeding to a stop, the hero breathing quickly, looking all around her frantically as she searched for the explosives that were close to going off.

Where is it?! Where is it?!

" What's up with the bomb search?" Bart asked through the comm, after getting no response, Nora sharply turning her head as she heard a quiet beeping noise off to the right of her.

There you are!

" It's almost midnight."

" Bart, I found the bomb." Nora answered, her voice high pitched as she worriedly looked down at the disk shaped explosive in her hands.

" It's counting down to midnight."

" But, one thermal charge couldn't level this whole building." she added quickly, watching as the timer continued to tick down towards zero.

" Before she left, The Queen said, enjoy the fireworks- all of them. Ah," Bart told her, his pain from his wounded arm clear even through the comms.

" Oh schrap. There's more than one bomb!" Nora exclaimed, panic starting to fill every ounce of her body.

" But we only have like thirty seconds!" she cried, her pounding heart filling her ears as she felt her hands start to shake.

How are we going to stop a whole building's worth of bombs in less than thrity seconds!?!

" Well King knocked the hell out of me and broke my arm, and I need, like, three minutes to speed-heal. I can't get everyone out in time." Bart stated.

" But we don't even have one minute!" Nora cried, her eyes glued to the red lit numbers before her.

I can't do this!

" It's okay, Sis. You got this. You can find the rest of them." Bart said, calmly.

" But it took me forever to find this one!" Nora exclaimed panickedly, her shaking hands doing their best to hold the explosive.

I'm gonna get everyone killed because I couldn't go fast enough! I couldn't be good enough to be a hero!

" Sis!" Bart shouted, stopping his sister from continuing her downward spiral.

" You got this."

Nora's heart slowed down just a beat as she listened to her brother's words of confidence.

Okay - okay, I have to do this.

" Think, think think." Nora told herself as she thought as hard as she could, a look of realization spreading across her face as her eyes fell upon the large water pipe next to her.

" The heat signature in the water tanks they - they must be masking the bomb's thermal signature." Nora stuttered, as she used her CSI skills.

" There it is. Now do your thing Sis! Get excessive!" Bart called into the comms.

Nora looked down at the explosive in her hand for just a moment as his words set in, before she blasted off through the subfloor's various water tank rooms, purple lightning whipping all over the place as she raced throughout the whole floor, quickly checking every possible place on the large tank as she searched for all of the remaining bombs.

You've got this, just like Bart said. And getting excessive? That's something I can do.

A few seconds later, a purple blur blasted outside of the casino, carrying an arm's load of the explosives, the hero forcing her legs to run as fast as she could as she tried to put as much distance between her and the casino full of people as possible.

" Sis, it's almost midnight." Bart's voice said worriedly through the comm, as he looked up at one of the large clocks in the lobby, its hands now both about to strike twelve.

" I know. I got them. There were five." XS answered, beautiful streams of purple lightning trailing behind her as she continued to race forward.

" You got fifthteen seconds to get rid of them."

" But where?!" XS cried, as she looked around her at all of the passing sights she ran past, seeing no good spot to dispose of the bombs.

" Anywhere!" Bart called hurriedly, his eyes still glued to the large hand clock.

" Where is there just a good place to throw away a bomb?!" Nora thought, before her mind clicked with just the perfect answer.

If I can just get there before exploding. Which would be realllly great.

" Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven." Bart said worriedly as he started counting down the seconds until midnight.

XS raced up the side of a nearby tall building, running straight up its walls and to the roof in seconds, though every one of those was going to count.

" Six. Five. Four."

I'm only going to get one shot at this, so let's make it count!

XS reached the top of the building's roof, her purple electricity sparking all around her as time slowed with her speed, the hero jumping off of the elevated part of the top and doing an upside down spin as she held her arms and the bombs close to her chest.

" Three. Two."

As her whole body was spinning, the purple electricity seemed to glow brighter behind her, leaving a suspended trail of it on the roof and through the air of where she'd been in the last few seconds.

" One!"

Once she was turned in the right direction, XS threw her arms out with all of the strength she had, throwing them high into the air as they went soaring off into the distance, XS doing another full flip midair as she angled her feet downward once more, landing on her yellow boots in a crouched position as she thudded down onto a lower section of the roof, one hand raised in front of her to complete the rather superhero-pose look that had come out of the brilliant and desperate move.

All five bombs simultaneously went off at once in the sky, creating five large clouds of orange explosions, which were quickly joined by the array of fireworks that launched only seconds after, filling the sky with a swarm of colors that masked the fact of the bombs having been anything more than another set of the festivities.

That is the definition of schway!

Nora watched as the seas of colors filled the sky, vibrant flashes of green, blue, and red beautifully coming to life before her as she listened to the crackle of the explosions, feeling like in a way it was a celebration for what both of the two young heroes had just accomplished.

We just did it!

" Great job Sis, you did it." Bart sighed relievedly as he took in a deep breath, happy to have not heard his sister explode into a ball of flames.

" We both did it." Nora corrected him, Bart smiling warmly at her statement.

Maybe I'm not such a screw up after all.

Nora took in another series of short breaths, her heart still beating hard against her chest as it slowly began to return to normal, walking over to the roof's edge and looking out at the beautiful display of fireworks, another series of colorful explosions filling the sky with their breathtaking colors, shining as bright as the two young heroes felt after having fixed their mistakes and saved the day. In every way just as well as their father would've.

If we can do something like this, then nothing's impossible. At least not while we're a team and have each other by our side. But then again, that's kinda life as a whole with a sibling.

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