Love Struck By Lightning
Special thanks to AgentofDreams989 for inspiring me to do my own recreations! Thank you!
This is a scene recreation of Barry and Iris' Renewal Ceremony from the Season Seven Finale (part two of an absolutely amazing finale, maybe my favorite in the Arrowverse!). It was so heartfelt and sweet, and came on top of all the greatness from the rest of the episode to drop in a beautiful eye watering West-Allen moment (that even included Nora, Bart, and a song!!!) that was so great I knew I wanted to write one of these from the moment I watched it.
The first little bit is technically a deleted scene with Iris and Nora, where the latter gives a heartfelt gift to her mom on her big day, but to me it's so sweet and amazing that I think it should've been left in the episode in the first place. I hope all of you enjoy the recreation of Barry and Iris' Renewal Ceremony! (aka a true wedding for them that isn't about Olicity lol)
West-Allen Apartment,
Iris felt her makeup brush gently glide across her skin as she carefully applied her eyeliner, still wearing her short flowered robe until it was time to get into her special dress. She was eager to try and make everything look as perfect as possible for her and her husband's big day, and if she was being honest with herself, a little bit nervous too.
" I don't care if we're already married, he means everything to me. Like I do to him. And there's nothing we won't do for each other." she thought, as she watched herself apply another stroke onto the right side of her face this time, using the oval shaped mirror on the nightstand she was sitting at to watch her efforts.
As she was doing this though, her eyes suddenly flashed a vibrant glowing green, a searing headache shooting through the West-Allen's mind.
" Not these again." Iris thought as she groaned quietly, her hand quickly jumping to her temple to feel the place the pain was searing through.
A loud, ear splitting noise seemed to fill her head as her vision got blurry, the reporter taking several slow breaths as she waited for the episode to pass.
And then as if on cue, her daughter, Nora, came into the room, the throbbing pain dissipating for the time being.
I need to make sure to keep up those treatments with Deon.
" Hey mom," Nora smiled, as she walked over to her mother.
" Hey, what's up?" Iris smiled back, happy to see her daughter. Something that she had been feeling since the moment that she and her brother had come to 2021.
" So, I was thinking, I know this is more of a casual thing at Grandpa Joe's," Nora started, as she came to a stop next to the mirror that her mom was using.
" Yeah, Barry and I are already married we are just, recommitting to each other." Iris said, as she put on the last touches of her pink lipstick in her dressing mirror, before turning to Nora.
" Right but, even if it is just our Flash family, a little extra future bling couldn't hurt." Nora replied, as she slowly opened the rectangular jewelry box she was holding, to reveal a blue jeweled necklace hanging around a silver chain, its beautiful form resting against a velvet blue piece of foam.
" Wow, it's beautiful." Iris marveled in awe, as she looked at the present that her daughter was presenting her.
" Where did you get it?"
" From you, on my sixteenth birthday." Nora smiled widely, as she happily rolled her head on her shoulders.
" I've had it for like a decade but it's from the future so if you wear it you'll have something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue all at once." she finished happily, with a slight hint of the ramble that she normally carried with her sneaking into her voice, the appreciation and love in Iris' eyes already telling Nora that it was perfect.
You definitely get your big heart from your father, Nora.
" Help me put it on?" Iris asked quietly, as Nora gently placed the necklace around her mother's neck, both of them admiring how it looked on her in the mirror.
" This is so silly. Why am I nervous?" Iris asked herself, feeling an odd sensation of nervousness mixing in with the anticipation that she felt towards getting to have another chance to tell her love of her life how much she loved him.
It's like I said, we're already married. So it's not like anything could go wrong.
" Oh don't worry mom, ceremony's gonna be bitchin." Nora grinned playfully as she leaned in closer to the mirror, raising a short laugh out of both herself and Iris, Iris looking back at her daughter's reflection.
Something tells me that this is going to work out just how we want it to.
West Household,
The childhood home of both of the spouses' big day was covered in small decorations for their event. Green vines covered in bushy leaves and red flowers were hung up delicately all across the living room, accompanied by all of Barry and Iris' closest friends and family as well. Everyone was wearing their nicest clothes that they had (while still keeping it simple like Barry and Iris had asked), and were milling about the open space of the room, talking and taking sips of the nearby wine that had been set out, waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Cisco, the elected marriage officiant for the day, wore a Star Labs logoed draped over his semi-professional looking outfit (aka what he could throw together at the last moment). He stood in his position for the ceremony, in front of the house's large front window, beautiful thin pink vails draped slightly over it behind him, complemented by some of the aforementioned greenery that hung up next to it.
The best man and bride's maid, the lovers' resident kids from the future, were standing at their respective places besides him, both of them wearing large smiles of anticipation in such an important moment for their parents.
Bart right behind his father, his light gray tux veering on the edge of silver complementing his white dress shoes, while Nora, wearing a short-sleeved purple top and white shorts, alongside matching open rose heels, stood waiting for their mother.
The groom's navy blue tux was worn over his white dress shirt beneath it, his tan colored dress shoes gently swaying side to side on occasion as he stood, though instead of his usual tendency for nervousness and/or impatience causing it, this time it being nothing but pure joy at what was taking place, and the people that he had with him. His hands were tucked lightly into his pockets as he waited for his partner to meet him, a broad smile already set in across his face at the thought of seeing her again.
He didn't care how many times he saw her smile, or heard her voice, or saw her beautiful body, no matter what she was wearing, he would never not feel his breath taken away by the love of his life.
" If I may direct your attention to the stairs." Cisco started, as he gestured with one outstretched arm to the nearby staircase, everyone's heads turning in suit.
The bride stood at the top of the staircase, everyone taking a moment to take in the stunning sight. She was dressed in a beautiful blush red dress that ran down the length of her legs, two separate mid-length sleeves running from her upper arms down to her wrists, a small line of patterned see through cloth running along them. With a blue jeweled silver necklace hanging delicately around her neck, a gift that she had received earlier that day.
Barry's eyes lit up the moment that he saw his wife, his breath being taken away once more at her beauty, as it always did to him.
Joe gently took his daughter's hand as Iris came down the steps, planting a small kiss on her cheek as she went.
" Thanks daddy." Iris thanked through a quiet chuckle, laughing happily again as she walked gracefully over to her husband, loving smiles set deep across both of their faces as they looked into one another's eyes, taking both of each other's hands in their own.
Her mind was as aswirl with emotions and joy as it had been when they'd first been together, a mixture of emotions that warmed her heart more than anything in the world.
And I realized that everything since the day we met had changed for me forever, giving me the person that I'd love for the rest of my life, when you entered my life.
" Nice entrance." Cisco complemented, approvingly.
" Thank you." Iris answered back as she nodded her head, grinning slightly.
" Now, before we get to the main event, I know you two have asked us all to keep it simple, for this occasion." Cisco started, a chorus of low laughter ringing out from the crowd of their friends and family.
" But one of us couldn't resist adding a little something extra special to the festivities," he continued, as he played with an object in his hands.
" So without further ado, my man." he finished, as he handed the microphone that he had been holding over to Bart, who took it appreciatively.
" Thank you Cisco. Appreciate it." Bart commented, as he stepped out from behind his father and in front of both his parents.
" Mom, Dad, this is for you." he smiled widely, looking between both of them before gently starting into his present to them, his soft and caring voice carrying the words that he spoke with as much meaning and love as Iris and Barry had ever heard, only adding to it that it was their son that was singing them.
Could you be that fine love uhm
That 1949 love uhm
That quiver in your spine love
The summer wine love
Just grab a warm body
And pick up the keys
If you need somebody
Somebody to be
You can't count on timing
Or just wait and see
I'll be that somebody
So settle for me
I'll give you all the affection
You've been craving
And when you're ready
I'll be waiting baby
And I'll give you, I'll give you all the
You've been craving, craving
I'll give you all the affection
Just grab a warm body
And pick up the keys
If you need somebody
Somebody like me
You can't count on timing
Or just wait and see
I'll be that somebody
So darling, if you're ready
To settle
The whole time that their son was singing, Iris and Barry's eyes remained only on him, both of them smiling warmly at his heartfelt performance, stealing only one glance at each other for a brief moment, both of their eyes sparkling with their love for each other, Iris slightly teary eyed, before turning back to his performance, which had captivated the entire audience.
We have the most beautiful kids.
As soon as Bart was finished, a chorus of applause broke from the crowd, everyone applauding the young man's amazing performance, the hero taking a slight bow before taking a few steps back over to his parents, his father catching him before he walked back to his best man's position.
" Bart, that was crash." Barry said to him in a quiet tone, his face still lit by his son's words.
" What?" he asked confusedly, as Bart began to shake his head vigorously.
" No, no, just no." he sighed.
" That's how you say it." Barry protested.
" That's not how I say it, you say it weird." Bart scoffed, Barry grinning lightly as he turned back around to his wife.
" Let's just do the thing again." their son finished, also resuming his spot.
Iris couldn't help but feel herself smile warmly at the two's interaction, adding another layer of warmth to the already flaming love that she felt that day.
A fire that's always kept strong by my family.
" My fellow earthlings," Cisco began, as the Renewal Ceremony continued.
" We are here today to witness the greatest sequel since The Empire Strikes Back," several of the more geekish guests agreeing with his sentiments.
" As Barry and Iris renew their vows, and lend new meaning to the term, relationship goals."
" Now, I understand that you both wrote a little something for each other." he continued, gesturing to the guests of honor.
" Mm-hm." Barry answered, both him and Iris lightly nodding their heads in affirmation.
" If you'd like to share, this is the time." Cisco said, making an open armed gesture for them to start.
" Iris?" Barry asked, prompting her to go first.
Iris cleared her throat as she got ready to deliver the vows that she had been going over all day, yet surprisingly didn't have to try that hard to memorize. Because every word of what she was about to say came straight from her heart, and was something that she always felt when she was with the love of her life.
And when speaking from the heart, there's nothing you can say that's wrong. That's something that Barry's taught me over all these years.
" Barry," she started, her husband shifting slightly as he listened to her words, a warm smile covering his handsome, kind face.
" They say that love is a friendship that has caught on fire, but ours was a friendship that was struck by lightning." she said passionately, Barry's eyes twinkling with happiness as she spoke.
" You and I are our own force of nature. And I promise today... to continue loving you with my whole heart." she finished, smiling lovingly, her voice cracking slightly as a few tears of happiness sparkled in her eyes.
" That was beautiful." Barry complimented softly, still wearing a loving smile of his own.
" Thank you." Iris replied, Cisco gently placing his hand on her arm for a brief moment to say that he agreed.
" Good luck following that." Cisco whispered grinningly.
" Yeah." Barry sighed lightly, their eyes meeting with a love that gave him everything that he knew he'd ever need, her by his side.
" Iris," Barry began, as he gently wiped a tear that was falling down the side of her cheek, his wife thanking him warmly as he did so, a wide, loving, smile still looking across at him as her eyes sparkled with tears.
" Ever since we met, you've been my lightning rod. But now that you're my wife, you are my past, present, and only future. That's why today I promise to continue loving you, now and forever." he spoke lovingly, every word that he said coming from his heart, and the love that he felt towards the love of his life, Iris mouthing the words " I love you." to him as he finished.
" Okay, that was, that was decent. Ten points for Gryffindor." Cisco remarked to Barry, both him and Iris laughing lightly at their friend's humor.
" Now then..." he said, taking a step back from the pair, making another open handed gesture to them.
" Oh, yes." Barry answered after a moment, Iris giggling lightly as he gently took her hands in his.
" Do you, Iris, Bartholomew, take each other to cherish and to love, in good times and bad, for all the days of your life?"
" I do." Iris agreed.
" I do." Barry agreed.
" Again." Iris added.
" Again." Barry repeated, Iris giggling once more, wide smiles on both of the lovers' faces.
" Then by the power invested in me by a last-minute internet web search..." Cisco started, another short laugh coming from the bride.
" I now pronounce you, husband and wife. Again." he finished, a chorus of applause ringing throughout the house, both Nora and Bart smiling the widest out of all of them.
" Am I, am I forgetting something?" Cisco asked, confusedly.
" Yes. The kiss." Iris replied.
" Oh yes." Barry agreed, both him and Iris looking at Cisco expectantly.
" The the the kiss! Yes do the thing." Cisco stuttered as he took another step back, slurring his words as he mind went temporarily blank for words.
As Barry put his hands gently on the sides of Iris' neck and pulled her into a deep, intimate kiss, sparks of soothing orange lightning wrapped themselves in circles all around the two of them, swirling in a calm, peaceful way that in many ways symbolized the pure love that the two felt for one another.
The pair stayed that way for another moment, the lightning still sparking quietly as their lips met, until they pulled out of their embrace slightly, Barry's hands still on his wife's neck as they looked into each other's loving eyes.
" Flashtime huh?" Iris smiled, feeling the same electric warm glow as the orange electricity that encompassed them.
" Can you blame me?" Barry smiled back, his words just as full of love as his heart.
" I want this moment to last forever." he finished lovingly, as he pulled her close once more, the two's lips meeting passionately, everything else but each other fading into the background as they kissed. The field of electricity around them glowing brighter as the two's burning love shone stronger than any other force of nature that existed, because they had the most important thing right in front of them, each other.
And their love was stronger than anything else in the universe.
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